Good evening! I'm Toby Carpenter, former 8th gr. science teacher at KMS and new tech coach for middle schools. I've scheduled my responses so I can watch my daughter's beach volleyball tournament tonight. I will be reading thru the discussion later. #dubMSela
So @sharondechert, you know your Ohio reptiles! @ohiodnr confirmed that the snake in the tree was a black rat snake. He's still on the loose, BTW. #dubMSela
A!: "When research is real, it doesn't feel like research. It feels like geeking out. It feels like learning" (p.116). Anytime we can make that happen = student centered research. #dubMSela
A1 The kids develop the question(s) they are researching. Also, I like the idea that it isn’t just paper pencil from books (what I think of as research). “It isn’t about reading, but it’s about the learning #dubMSela
A1 I like the point that little kids are always "researching." They are innately curious and inquisitive. We have to figure out some ways to keep the spark alive. #dubMSela
Have either of you used the Don Johnston software that the district has? The students either have it loaded on the chromebooks or they can get it loaded on. There are tools for building idea webs and outlines. #dubMSela
I always felt that I didn't have a good idea, and I always felt overwhelmed by all the notecards. As an adult doing academic research, I never used notecards. #dubMSela
A2: Expanding our idea of research helps make it feel more "real." In reality, the scientific method isn't always followed to a T. Sometimes there are jumps and divergences, just like authentic learning. Benefits everyone to bring those experiences into the classroom. #dubMSela
A2 Allows Ss to explore all types of media provided they pay attention to credibility and bias. Many things discussed in reading hadn’t been in my thoughts as ways to research. Probably get more student ownership to the process #dubMSela
A2 An expanded notion of research helps us to tap into student interests and to recognize all the ways of knowing that students come to class with. #dubMSela
The linear process is always what the kids see in print so I can easily understand why you think that way. It is tough sometimes to get the kids to realize it can take many paths #dubMSela
Yes... and with all the info that is all around us every day, it's important to help students sift through and read more critically. I need to keep in mind that we can glean knowledge from photos, paintings, interviews, etc. #dubMSela
The linear process is always what the kids see in print so I can easily understand why you think that way. It is tough sometimes to get the kids to realize it can take many paths #dubMSela
A3 In science, we talk about bias in research and videos, etc on a regular basis. The idea of exposing students to articles, etc that demonstrate bias will be good modeling. I encourage Ss to look at the data, type of website, when it was last updated. #dubMSela
A3 Work through a biased source with students so they can identify things that make the source biased. Hopefully they can carry it over to their own research. #dubMSela
A3: We've read different articles on the same scientific topic, then shared/compared, looking for similarities & differences. The discussion resulted in an analysis of bias. #dubMSela
As a science teacher I have more wiggly room with writing expectations. With many Ss I look for progress through the year and try to celebrate it
with them. #dubMSela
A3 I like starting with print ads, then moving to different sources on the same topic to see where the bias lies. I also like to have Ss read & write short texts from different perspectives (e.g. Write as if you were a colonist; Write as if you were a Native American) #dubMSela
A3: In the beginning of the school year, I do a historical thinking unit. A large part of historical thinking is corroboration. We look at an event and ask Qs like: what do other pieces of evidence say? Are we finding diff versions of the story- why or why not? #dubMSela
A3: cont. What pieces of evidence is most believable. This helps students to start the habit of establishing what is true by comparing sources, and recognize disparities between two accounts #dubMSela
A3 It's interesting to have Ss analyze language in texts, too. For example, the difference between "there was a group of 500 people there" vs "there was a crowd of 500 people there." #dubMSela
This is important! It can be really hard for people (kids and adults) to change their thinking about something they've learned when confronted with opposing evidence... especially if it seems to be a commonly held belief! #dubMSela
I think that is key... when the differences are subtle, it's much more difficult to recognize how an author, etc might be trying to influence our thinking. #dubMSela
A4 When students yell out ideas to a recorder on the board (whole class brainstorming) the quiet kids get left out and never share their ideas. Also have the danger of the class grasping onto one idea and just moving forward with that one. #dubMSela
A4: Love, love, love the ideas outlined in ch. 7 to mix-up brainstorming. @gcouros commented when he spoke at the lit. conf., "The smartest person in the room is the room." Anything that can get thoughts from everyone shared to the group can lead to awesome ideas! #dubMSela
A4 If Ss are given some quiet time to write, they have more time to process what they would like to say. Ss can then share out, and have quiet time at the end to write again. Give them freedom to add on to others' ideas or to add to their own ideas. #dubMSela
A4 I've found that allowing Ss to write before contributing also supports ELLs. They don't feel pressured to say something off the cuff, but they can read what they've written or have a partner read their idea to the group. #dubMSela
A4: Love, love, love the ideas outlined in ch. 7 to mix-up brainstorming. @gcouros commented when he spoke at the lit. conf., "The smartest person in the room is the room." Anything that can get thoughts from everyone shared to the group can lead to awesome ideas! #dubMSela
A5 The 5 step process allows kids to really narrow down their ideas to the best one(s). Not having kids leap ahead from brainstorming to the parts framework, should ensure a practical, usable idea to be chosen by the group. #dubMSela
A5: it's kind of like using a graphic organizer to outline ideas for a writing assignment. Provides a framework that asks kids to think about lots of different ways to approach a problem/question. Teaches critical thinking about a proposed solution. #dubMSela
A5 It seems like the steps would help Ss slow down and think through their ideas... let ideas percolate and reduce impulsive racing to the end to be done. #dubMSela
A4: I like the idea of students brainstorming independently first. Then experimenting w/ group structure where all Ss can share ideas, having breaks built in for individual reflection. I also really like the idea of using multiple visual methods to record ideas. #dubMSela
A5: An important advantage to the 5-step process of choosing an idea is that it creates discussion and debate. Ss need to be capable of collaborating & working together for success. Building off of each other in a productive & respectful way = life skill! #dubMSela
A6 The framework gives Ss a clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished, by whom and when it needs to be done. It really does keep the kids from jumping to a product without thinking it out. Love it #dubMSela
A6: PARTS can provide guidelines/structure without making very specific demands on students. It allows for a lot of flexibility of thinking and customization, but ensures all the PARTS (HA!) are included/addressed. #dubMSela
A6: Roles are more engaging for Ss when each part of the creative process has purpose and meaning. Producing a solution through collective effort gives Ss motivation to find success. (pg. 149) #dubMSela
A6 Seems like the PARTS framework will help Ss stay engaged. As Ss choose roles, they can play to their strengths or select a role that is more challenging for them. #dubMSela
A6: cont. There is a sense of community in accomplishments that are obtained through joint effort and ‘togetherness’- success through and as a community of learners is very meaningful. #dubMSela
Thank you all for joining our chat! As always, you've given me so much to think about! Check the web site later for the archive!
We will see you next week for LAUNCH ch8-9! #dubMSela