This 1st ever EdcampLSC will bring teachers together from the entire Lake Shore community as well as some teachers from surrounding school communities. We are very excited to have a day filled with teacher choice and teacher voice. We hope that the learning and excitement of this day will carry over to classrooms and that EdcampLSC will become an annual event!
#edcampLSC Session 2...supporting a commitment to healthier living through controlling what we bring into our lives and home! #purging chemicals #empowering ourselves
@QuaverMusic we’re learning about your program at #edcampLSC and excited to start using it soon. Where can we score some of those great Quaver Music t-shirts?
Sending warm wishes from the west coast to #edcampLSC! Looking forward to following your learning today. Keep tweeting! Fondly remember where my career as an educator began! @m_drez@LakeShore_MS#Eagles
Using Google Forms to learn what the audience needs in our session. Awesome way to differentiate the presentation for the needs in the session. @meannd77#edcampLSC@LakeShoreCSD