Tonight we’re talking about supporting success in #flipclass. Our main chat will be in #flipclasschat. We use a Q1/A1 format. Please include A’s and the hashtag in your responses to Q’s to keep the chat flowing.
Dan from Wisconsin. I teach HS science and have been flipping along time. Currently reading Grading from the inside out to help lead a district book study. #flipclasschat#flipclass
Lucas from VA, 3 years flipping HS Science, and I just started reading Why Games Make Us Better and how They Can Change the World by Jane McGonigal #flipclass#flipclasschat
A1 for the college physics Ss lots of formative assessments, inclass team challenges. Great conversations and questions lead to better understanding #flipclasschat#flipclass
A1 It depends on the nature of the class. With conceptual sciences, it's often a matter of Ss applying their learning and HOTS. With physics, it's a mix of that and student growth in problem solving skills. #flipclass#flipclasschat
A1b Honestly, I'm never satisfied with my work. I can always do better, make tweaks, improve. But I do look to student interest in sciences, building relationships, getting them to think about future. #flipclasschat#flipclass
A2 For Ss, it's all about relationship-building and one-on-one help. That, and most students love more freedom as it is, which #flipclass can provide. For Ts, being a sounding board for ideas, sharing resources, give some tutorials on creating videos. #flipclasschat
A2: A couple years ago I lead a few in-district "workshops" to introduce people to #flipclass. They seemed interested but I don't think anyone jumped in. #flipclasschat
The first time you try to make a video it will feel like it's taking forever because you want everything to be perfect. It gets way better over time. #flipclass#flipclasschat
Q3 I have a number, but the one that stands out recently is actually collaborative in nature. My vids are followed up by small 80% mastery quizzes for understanding. One S was struggling, a classmate explained it better, she succeeded, they high-fived #flipclasschat#flipclass
A3 I have a number, but the one that stands out recently is actually collaborative in nature. My vids are followed up by small 80% mastery quizzes for understanding. One S was struggling, a classmate explained it better, she succeeded, they high-fived #flipclasschat#flipclass
A4 Always have a backup. For me, I'm always changing and tweaking my methods, but I always keep past videos, notes, quizzes, activities, etc. I feel more confident taking risks when I have a good back up plan in case it all goes south. #flipclasschat#flipclass
A3: I do still get nervous/anxious about trying new things. I want to try out some SBG/Mastery ideas this year and I hope the Ss buy in. I think I need to just worry less and jump in. #flipclass#flipclasschat
Here it is... Q5 when you are ready #flipclass#flipclasschat
Q5 What support can #flipclasschat PLN help with? (Yep, looking for some topics. We have creative minds to brainstorm some ideas. Let’s put them to work.)
A4b I usually share my failures with my Ss as teachable moments. They appreciate transparency and get that I'm trying to help them learn and grow, not just running them through my own cookie-cutter machine and hoping they all pop out with high scores. #flipclasschat#flipclass
4th grade is awesome #flipclass territory as the kids have developed a lot of tech skills, are interested in so much, and as a cross discipline teacher you can weave quite a tapestry #flipclasschat
A5 Right now, I'd say how can we better support teachers considering or even ambivalent about #flipclass#flippedlearning ? Ways to cut down on all the front-loaded prep time, make the process of starting less daunting for those new to it. #flipclasschat
A5: I want to get better at diversifying my in-class activities and using more active learning strategies, but i still have a lot of Ss choose to watch the videos in class so that makes it tough (i give Ss the option of watching at home or in class) #flipclass#flipclasschat
that's a good rule of thumb. knowing your students and class would also be important in deciding between a #flipclass or traditional lesson #flipclasschat
My "prep time" was actually fairly minimal at the beginning because I just used the same exact SMART notebook slides I already had for my classes #flipclass#flipclasschat