If you make stuff, buy stuff, have stuff, use stuff or throw stuff away—you are a part of achieving #SDG12. Join The Wonderment and Jen Williams as we discuss how to achieve #SDG12 together!
Welcome to #SDG12! Please introduce yourself & tag a member of your PLN who is doing a great job introducing production and consumption mindfulness to their students.
Welcome to #SDG12! Please introduce yourself & tag a member of your PLN who is doing a great job introducing production and consumption mindfulness to their students!
Q1: Production and consumption issues are a lot to tackle both locally and globally. What ways can you break them down so students can fully understand? #sdg12@the_wonderment@participate
Q1: Production and consumption issues are a lot to tackle both locally and globally. What ways can you break them down so students can fully understand? #sdg12@the_wonderment@participate
A1: Great Q. Since I teach in Israel, it's hard for Ss to understand the English. First of all, I too need clarification of the terms. What exactly are "production and consumption issues"? I'm totally a TLDR person... #SDG12
A1 School wide initiatives to use our composting & recycling systems. Starts early with the 3 yr olds & follows through HS. Waster greatly reduced and/or reused for art, science, and props. #SDG12
A1. We have partnered with @takeheartafrica to introduce our Ss to Fair Trade items created by artisans- many from recycled items to eliminate waste and use available resources in areas of the world. #SDG12
A1: For students I start with the practical exploration of the waste we create and bridge that learning for small changes right here. They have all the best ideas. #SDG12
A1 cont. Self reflection when studying nutrition, electricity, and water cycles. Tracking power usage at home, snack trash at school, and water used. Seeing the numbers helps Ss see impact of consumption. #SDG12
A1. We’ve been working with librarians in Brazil to enter all recycling and other trash collection points (think cooking oil) into a central data repository so it can power an existing app. Would be great to involve students in that kind of effort. #SDG12
A1 Something as simple as having students place their discarded paper into one bin for the week and having them multiply their waste times the number of classrooms in the school can quickly demonstrate the importance of recycling #sdg12
In reply to
@JenWilliamsEdu, @the_wonderment, @participate
A1 School wide initiatives to use our composting & recycling systems. Starts early with the 3 yr olds & follows through HS. Waster greatly reduced and/or reused for art, science, and props. #SDG12
We connect our thematic units with science and that determines what we will track. Ex- Industrial revolution --> watershed --> water conservation. We partner with the electric co through Powerhouse. #SDG12
Would love to hear your guesses 😂That was actually created by my 8th grade student teaching assistant, Bryant. He is AMAZING! @Buncee@mariearturi#sdg12
In reply to
@JenWilliamsEdu, @participate, @TakeHeartAfrica, @Buncee, @mariearturi
A2 this sch yr our gr 4 team,Ss and Ts collected all recyclables from their homes and turned them into cash to buy tree seedling for our tree planting proj #SDG12
A1. Also Recyclable (https://t.co/Tx7GxCt4hC) is a terrifically fun app that let’s you take a picture of something and then tells you if it is recyclable or not. Also, created by a young person. Gives lots of ways to engage. #SDG12
Some of the HS Ss sorted trash into categories so we could better understand what the school was discarding. I also built a large balance scale so classrooms could compare trash output. #SDG12
A2 There is just too much overproduction. Do we really need all those clothes, shoes, cars, etc. Then we can ask Ss how many raw materials and nonrenewable resources are consumed. #SDG12
A2: We have noticed that there is a real risk for Ss to enter learned helplessness with this issue. Its best to start small and show how their decisions really can make a measurable difference on something like miles driven, trash produced etc. #sdg12
Ask Ss to think about what goes into all the things they make. Then have them find out more about those things. When you get to cobalt in phones, it's heartbreaking. #sdg12
A2: Ask students to bring in a few items each that they use in a normal day/week with the packaging of possible. Then, challenge them to design it with less waste. #SDG12
Some of the compost is used in our school garden with produce cycling back into the cafe while the rest goes out into the community. #SDG12 The youngest learners become our best role models.
A2a: I would also love to point out that middle schoolers are totally intrigued by the concept of tiny houses. So many ways to use this interest for a bridge to learning #SDG12
A2. We discussed "ripple effect" and how movements start small before they sometimes make a large impact. At our school, our Ss concern was the amount of wasted food in the cafeteria. Lots of possible solutions. They will present to admin as proposals. #SDG12
A3 #sdg12 Encourage and invite children to collect tops, lids and other plastic things that come with snacks. Use the items for counting with precision or creating a sculpture/model. Young children seem amazed at what "extra" things we notice in packaging.
A2. We discussed "ripple effect" and how movements start small before they sometimes make a large impact. At our school, our Ss concern was the amount of wasted food in the cafeteria. Lots of possible solutions. They will present to admin as proposals. #SDG12
A2a: I would also love to point out that middle schoolers are totally intrigued by the concept of tiny houses. So many ways to use this interest for a bridge to learning #SDG12
We noticed this exact same thing when we renovated our library and makerspace buses! https://t.co/0YgVvkT8Cr & https://t.co/LtexudZWYF. Middle schoolers did majority of the design work based on sustainability. #SDG12
And figure out which companies/suppliers produce the most waste and design better ways for them to move their products around the earth. New science fair assignments? #SDG12
A colleague of mine (@kaibicknell) facilitated a similar learning experience where Ss researched how far food items traveled to get to their tables. Results were presented through food maps. Amazing! #SDG12
We have noticed some schools in the area experimenting with "sharing tables" for kids that might need or want more food. I like this, but strorage is an issue for many. #sdg12
A3 Watch for changes in the learning environment. Ts noticed many "status" sheets near the printer. Realized Ss are hitting the wrong buttons when using the printer. Crafting troubleshooting doc to put near the printer to reduce waste. #SDG12