#edchat Archive
#Edchat is a hashtag, a movement—it is a weekly organized Twitter discussion of educators and people interested in education that meet virtually from all over the world. #Edchat serves as a conversation thread on Twitter and is also used for organized weekly discussions.
Tuesday January 12, 2016 7:00 PM EST
Every thought+resource shared just now at https://t.co/NSq7rdxQ04 Collaborate on collections with your PLN Collect your faves!
JOIN Topic: What would education look like if we based it on individualized personal learning rather than age-based categorization?
Hi Nancy, I like the idea of a mix of personal progressions and collaborative learning options.
Depends on whether “individualized personal learning” means at own pace or based on interests—or both.
Lots of great learning happens because of collaboration, community, not just individualized efforts.
We would have some very BIG elementary kids!
JOIN Topic: What would education look like if we based it on individualized personal learning rather than age-based categorization?
All are welcome! 2:15 PM Discuss student engagement. Join us!
If it was truly individualized and personal learning, the age wouldn't matter. Of course, neither would having specific classes.
Congrats , Hispanic Fndtn of SV, for big gift from to expand opportunity to higher ed.
I’m on the balanced mix side of this topic. The “don’t know what we don’t know” has to come into play at some point.
Hi Mark, I like the idea of mixing things up in the school so students learn in a variety of constructs.
Seriously, at higher levels, we would teach the student in place of the subject. https://t.co/zilag4vei5
JOIN Topic: What would education look like if we based it on individualized personal learning rather than age-based categorization?
Please join for tonight at 7 Central. Topic: "Student Led Learning & Exploration." All are invited!
Instagram in the Classroom: I joined Instagram awhile ago but personally, or professionally... https://t.co/AktV8EKB6C
I love what Ss can learn in mixed age groups, individualized progressions, same age peers--room for multiple paths.
Exactly. Mixing it up & using a variety of methods works best. https://t.co/E1kFTRUi1E
Hi Mark, I like the idea of mixing things up in the school so students learn in a variety of constructs.
yes... makes so much sense, but so seldom done that way. How are you handling?
Too individualized may look too lonely. Like Twitter without the chats.
All C would achieve at their own pace instead of failing to meet an expectation that we all learn the same https://t.co/ZmjxV58Ier
NOW Topic What would education look like if we based it on individualized personal learning rather than age-based categorization?
What's your thoughts on the recent controversy involving this college professor & her religious views? https://t.co/YUQhq5QHYg
UNDERWAY - What would education look like if we based it on individualized personal learning rather than age-based categorization?
Wondering what all the pieces of a mixed program would look like?
Yes... seems so natural. How'd we get so mixed up?
Most schools don’t provide enough mixed age opportunities. Very powerful.
. Hi Leonie here from Hastings NZ(still on holiday). A.Would be able to tch to Ss needs & levels rather than more generic at times
Agree Tom. Mix is best, but how do we mix it up so that we make best decisions for Ss.
We currently employ a mix where I teach.
Individualizing the learning process would = rolling dates for the end of each academic quarter. The rigid structure would be gone.
1/13 at 2:15 PM All are welcome! Join us! Discuss student engagement.
So, course offering such as Phil101 ????
I agree Nancy. Ss learn so much when they teach and learn from other Ss. Builds community too.
what pieces to have in a mixed program?
It would be wrong for me to say kids would learn everything society wants them to learn if we just let them follow their interests.
Yes but its better than many yrs ago with classes of 40 and rote learning and chalkbds etc
Probably good to offer traditional choices and add designated times for individualized exploration.
Yet some value in beginnings and endings. Again, I vote for a mix of multiple structures depending on ind/context.
adjacent: CBE isn't what many seem to think it is. It's not kids-glued-to-screens-personalization. https://t.co/QcJwJYIv3r
But always coming back to share with others in community.
Tech would have to play an integral part.
And like it or not, society should have a say in education.
Agree and we can't forget that knowledge begets knowledge.
Can anyone explain why is a trending hashtag? What am I missing?
Individual progressions works well w/reading instruction/growth.
I still there would be beginnings and endings, but they could be different for each kid.
Yet collaborative groups works well w/regard to sharing books, building comprehension.
Agreed but there is so much we need to be doing to prepare Ss for THEIR life.
Of course, tech truly gives us more "hands" as educators--better ability to teach all.
I still think there would be beginnings and endings, but they could be different for each kid.
I think both works--some individual, some group.
for sure, so much better.... can definitely see progress...
Shift the whole concept of grades to buildings. Move to new building as achievement grows
Because they teach -> I am optimistic about the future.
So what does the school day look like if we get rid of bells, classes, shared learning experiences.
It seems like we guarantee that some will win and some will lose when time is the constant instead of learning in our system.
. Agree I taught 2 Ss indiv this yr in reading & flew to over1 yr above c/f to grps
PERSONALIZED LEARNING is the antidote to one-size-fits-all education.
That would have to be sensitively configured since we have to define what is progress?
Or perhaps buildings are organized by interest areas rather than grade/mastery.
Full Throttle PLN Power happening here ->
Yes, that's why we have to look at our structures, roles, schedules w/detail.
I keep thinking about shared learning vs individualized learning. There surely is a need for both.
Are PERSONALIZED LEARNING and STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING the same? If not, how do they differ?
Indeed, a tragedy -> Educate all, not some...
Don't know if getting rid of bells & classes also means losing shared learning exp. Exp may not all happen at schl.
I am too! Knowing there are such passionate Ts who lead the prof in diff ways is truly inspiring!! https://t.co/veOkOQcl7m
Because they teach -> I am optimistic about the future.
is there not a need for it to happen in schools too?
Yes, the synergy of a class project is often--learning becomes contagious.
Yet to see a child totally invested in a book of his/her choosing and reading at their own rate is awesome too.
Interesting. Personalized=T led S centered= S led https://t.co/dTkGat4XCx
Are PERSONALIZED LEARNING and STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING the same? If not, how do they differ?
Absolutely! But I think we would see more learning happening in the community than we do presently.
Personalized learning is common option in online schools/programs/courses…how to do it in regular classrooms?
I like idea of menu approach to ed--each child has mixed menu that fulfills needs, interests.
These comic-based writing prompts are perfect for generating enthusiasm in your students https://t.co/Dk23x77Bp7 thanks !
Should instructional pace be driven by short term benchmarks or scaffolding lifelong learning experiences? https://t.co/sgoHhJqhw3
it seems discussions are too often either/or instead of how can we balance the two sides?
and measure growth instead of an arbitrary achievement measure based roughly on students' date of manufacture
I thought if schools said a child needed a tutor then they had to provide the tutor--is that right?
of course, because kids would be able to follow what they are interested in. They do it outside of school now.
Having this conversation now about a blended school...part online part traditional...best of both?
Getting rid of bells can turn a class into a group of Clockwatchers! Hide the clock.
Helpful distinction--thanks.
this reminds me of the cartoon of the animals asked to climb a tree when they aren’t made the same.
I just think school's function in society is more than just a place kids learn at.
. Also set indiv goals wth Ss,update in yrThy hve to strive to b the best thy can b Avrge not gd enough
Join US tonite at 8 ET ! It's time for a co-teacher check-in!
Is it truly "personal" or just "individualized"? More than just freedom of pace/space?
PERSONALIZED LEARNING start by identifying needs, interests, and aspirations of individual students…the design instruction. Correct?
Yet those growth tests have quite a bit of scatter and can be manipulated.
why not... a blend not a choice?
we have been talking about Growth Mindset a lot this year at our school! Awesome resources!
Love that cartoon--so important to keep in mind.
Agree--Lehmann says some great things about that in his book, Building School 2.0
Fill in the blank: I wish they taught _____ at my child's school.
Couldn't agree more. Whenever possible, schools should share space with community organizations.
sorry just joined discussion a little late
I think about Personalized ed like an IEP… S centered reminds me of
Helpful distinction--thanks.
". .build systems & structures. . allow good people of honest intent to do great things together." - Lehmann
my school in '95 got rid of bells, letter grades,classes were determined by teachers in teams, content, how long etc
There is a strong connection between tonight's topic and this morning's topic on student voice. Can you have one without the other?
FOCUSING on personalizing learning—ss/adult relationships, modified assignments and instruction, etc—will lead to regrouping of Ss.
Uni head urges 'open-minded' students - The first female vice chancellor of Oxford University calls on ... https://t.co/mzygCED7dh
I like instructional levels replacing instructional calendars
"...we build places... children can come together to learn.. best ideas we've ever had as a society." -Lehmann
Goal setng should be at least once a month… however I have 700 Ss that I work w/making this V difficult https://t.co/BWAOwmSYau
. Also set indiv goals wth Ss,update in yrThy hve to strive to b the best thy can b Avrge not gd enough
. Yes, not all learn at same rate or level.Celebrate achievements where from to where to now/ where next?
RTI is a good structure when used well to build school outward towards better service.
Not if you're doing it right ;)
There is a strong connection between tonight's topic and this morning's topic on student voice. Can you have one without the other?
So true. Student voice is critical for personalized learning opportunities.
As with most terms in education, personalized learning means many things to many people…makes it difficult for teachers to discuss.
A Great Wind Blows--Giants, Wizards & Elves--Where Do You Stand--Helium Stick--Thumper--Find the Rhythm :)
and guarantee learning before we move on
Yes, we need to thinkin continuums for most things, not either/or.
Crazy idea I wonder if we used elementary schools for ms & hs students to create personalized learning centers
Want to personalize education, the be prepared to reconfigure the operational and educational structure of your school and district.
"Technology doesn’t work on its own. It’s just a tool. You are the ones who harness its power."
. Ran out of of 140. We update goals thru out yr not in a yr or when they achieve & set higher/ diff
topic: What would edu look like if we based it on individualizd personal learning rather than age-based categories?
Q to ~ what is the belief @ teaching to strengths rather than focusing on weaknesses? I have my philosophy but am interested in yours
Student voice and choice are crucial. Students must be able to own their learning
I personalize learning in my SS classroom by talking to my kids about things they are interested in.
Yes… weekly is ideal. But at min 1x a month!
Of course, it is often my learning that is personalized that way. '
I like to think about progression--how does a child move towards becoming the person they want to be.
Brilliant! How can we do that somewhere? Or perhaps, you're already doing it...
What does a child need to succeed, how do we progress towards that.
PERSONALIZED LEARNING often groups students heterogeneously or mixed-ability…but not by age. Have you tried? How’d it work?
The minute I became a sports fan...I was able to relate to the other half of my classes. https://t.co/neP7RXLBj3
I personalize learning in my SS classroom by talking to my kids about things they are interested in.
Interesting question. Is it really either/or? Can’t we teach to strengths yet also address weaknesses? https://t.co/iUgJ3B35iL
Q to ~ what is the belief @ teaching to strengths rather than focusing on weaknesses? I have my philosophy but am interested in yours
perhaps a themed school district based on interests passions student driven using digital tools https://t.co/E0ipBdmWXX
topic: What would edu look like if we based it on individualizd personal learning rather than age-based categories?
Our social competency talks work well with age-similar children since they are often at similar dev. stage
I highly recommend 's book Learning Personalized: https://t.co/SqX1kltcdd for digging deep into what this looks like.
LOVE THIS !! https://t.co/IMU2K6msDw
I like to think about progression--how does a child move towards becoming the person they want to be.
Yet math ed finds children at multiple stages of developing knowledge, skill, concept.
Would one example be using guided reading levels?
New blog post! Teaching Strategies for Effective Reading Comprehension...Online! https://t.co/Vi2sPgxEvo Feedback welcome!
We do this for WIN (What I Need) intervention time. It's tricky to schedule/coordinate, but definitely effective.
Thanks Precious, I'm always thinking about whom a child is becoming, what they love, desire, demonstrate.
Is it possible that maybe there are levels of personalization (a spectrum) instead of just something that you do or don't do?
To personalize learning members of every tier should be willing to take risks. It would make many well-meaning people uncomfortabl
A2: A teacher who reflects will have students who engage in this powerful metacognitive practice as well. https://t.co/dDKMvtBIW3
If Ss focus on strengths &learn thru utilizing those wouldn’t they be more successful challenges https://t.co/DMBCBR9Yit
Interesting question. Is it really either/or? Can’t we teach to strengths yet also address weaknesses? https://t.co/iUgJ3B35iL
Q to ~ what is the belief @ teaching to strengths rather than focusing on weaknesses? I have my philosophy but am interested in yours
Reading instruction definitely profits from moving each child along his/her progression.
Maureen yes and new entrants to the country & high school really have to start at the beginning academically https://t.co/QwTjLuuFnd
Yet math ed finds children at multiple stages of developing knowledge, skill, concept.
Tip: Project scaffolded lessons in TenMarks Teach on the board to work through with students: https://t.co/D8RHb0k5VL
Tip: Project scaffolded lessons in TenMarks Teach on the board to work through with students: https://t.co/ZM18pdIOED
Advice from a Brooklyn teacher who uses writing rhymes to help students explore difficult news topics: https://t.co/WUSkJ8jQIG
Yes and no--our new entrants present in multiple ways and progress in multiple ways too.
A2: Members of this Twitter chat are reflecting now. It allows one to "stew" over gaps in the system or one's teaching practices.
I think maybe there are fewer structures (barriers?) that get in the way at the elementary level
I think about setting up small schools within schools sometimes called "houses" to personalize learning https://t.co/x6Fu65EoEX
Brilliant! How can we do that somewhere? Or perhaps, you're already doing it...
Let's dream ... all good things begin with a dream.
Thought for the day: What is the difference between a teacher "being hard" and having academic rigor?
I think the same is important in math!
Cool... since it's effective, can you do more...then more?
Can't wait to see it. Delighted to see students be part of the State of the Union Address.
Thought for the day: What is the difference between a teacher "being hard" and possessing academic rigor?
I agree--important for Ss to begin a practice of reflection.
Great technique for personalized/project-based learning is layered curriculum/units of study with tiered/scaffolded projects
“Teaching is not a spectator sport. You have to have some skin in the game!"
I agree with this--there's no one size fits all in education.
Why does collaborative work need to be just by gr level. “schools w/in schools are a solution 2 true cooperative lrng
yes elem smaller environment I believe adolescents need that too in many ways for different reasons
Answer this with us right now-What kind of educational experience do you want to provide for your children? https://t.co/CNoz4UVq5g
Terrific. I love that ACRONYM: WIN I think I'll start using that. Thanks.
It is difficult with a high pop of SPED/ESL students who need certain teachers for support.
Update Do School Leaders Really Start With 'Why'? - Schools seem to try to change a lot for a variety o... https://t.co/fJnUVeIHRR
I have always said Tng “ain’t for sissies!” You MUST get messy and not be afraid of organized chaos! https://t.co/P1aktanSd0
“Teaching is not a spectator sport. You have to have some skin in the game!"
How do we get s to watch the ? How about a little bingo?
True. We have some good collaboration w/kindergarten buddies at times. High school/MS Ss visit too.
learning communities foster personalized learning house schools can cross grade level barriers
2011 "We need to teach [kids] that success is not a function of fame or PR, but of hard work and discipline."
WPI is doing amazing work. So proud of this college in my home town.
I want a stylus that draws like a pencil with sensitivity of pressure to change its value and width.
2011 "When a child walks into a classroom, it should be a place of high expectations & high performance."
Bells, credit, semesters, and some of those other traditions can get in the way of a focus on learning
Are sports a sacred cow? Changing school start times to accommodate development might upset certain inst.
Imagine Ss of all ages working together on projects that help them become a global citizen! https://t.co/GnHyEDgyKE
learning communities foster personalized learning house schools can cross grade level barriers
a school design that provided more opportunities to age & grade learning together
2011 "We want to reward good teachers and stop making excuses for bad ones."
We need to let students progress in math w/deep, meaningful experiences.
Right now we're rushing too many children in math--that's not good.
.Yes Martin Luther King had a dream.Ts do 2.My old P sd for us 2 believe."If it is to be its up to me."
Agree, yet I want to make sure Ss get to collaborate w/mixed ability groups too in math.
2011 "If you want to make a difference in the life of our nation; [and]... in the life of a child, become a teacher"
would parents accept or reject this new design? Thoughts?
I agree... Let's focus on the learning and not the calendar
This has something to do with personalized learning, wonderful post by inspiring next generation https://t.co/9vZDbjZfhp
How might we skip well-to-do quintessence in a tangible world?
As I think more, we need to give Ss reading experience with mixed ability groups too.
Every answer by me in this discussion is yes and no, room for many structures.
all students need a plan based on strengths goals passions not age or grade
So true. Key is for learning community to craft best mixed program for Ss
WE have 2 redefine what it means 2 B a learner 2 those who think Ss sit 4 rote memorization of facts https://t.co/iuMFTjeyb4
How might we skip well-to-do quintessence in a tangible world?
Ed. tech is the great equalizer between Ss of mixed ability.
Start there, do what you can, grow forward, revise, refine ->
Yes and no--we can't forget the great advantages of collaboration around similar themes.
Hearing from Susie Wilson supporting Indigenous Literacy#UTASGlobalEdConf
I enjoy being on the team. So rewarding to see their reading growth
IMO schools shouldn't be in the competitive sports game
I agree, as long as we're focused on learning... And the learning/ growth is happening
voice choice and support are components of personalized learning
really appreciated the chat on reflects across so many industries
BUT Ss still need Ts… Ss need 2 know they are loved for who THEY are! Can’t do that w/tech. https://t.co/e0hJBPwXZJ
Ed. tech is the great equalizer between Ss of mixed ability.
.Call a meeting involve Ps & Ss in decisions.Nt jst why bt how when what etc.Involvemnt leads 2 ownershp
Agree--learning is our mission in schools--how do we create/promote awesome learning.
common themes without age or grade barriers we need to do this more
2011 "To compete, higher education must be within the reach of every American."
Bonsai Lab Unveils 3D Printer with Voice Navigation: Bonsai Lab has launched a new 3D printer, the Fab... https://t.co/Q0nsU80olO
No doubt that tonight's chat focused on what's best for Ss from multiple perspectives--Ss need to be center stage in every school.
students need opportunities to be engaged rather that "taught"
. Agree . You have same (similar) word as me for 2016 except mine is Innovate
Should our mission be just lrng or preparing global citizens who are empathetic and able 2 solve big issues https://t.co/Eshb1O3Gxz
Agree--learning is our mission in schools--how do we create/promote awesome learning.
What's best for kids looks different in different situations.
. Yes the saying 'Be the change you want to see." Will read it later
Please let me know what you think… I've been inspired this past week by many events so it is a long one. :) https://t.co/7gKVTk9asZ
. Yes the saying 'Be the change you want to see." Will read it later
Thanks to co-moderators for tonight's Appreciate all who joined in
Im on holiday(summer break in NZ) and all organised for new sch yr so got the time. Will let you know
Excited to discuss inspiring resilience in staff and students. Come join guest moderator in 5 minutes.
Really love this visual of a fixed vs growth mindset!
. Really enjoy this chat but sadly will be in the middle of my sch day whn holidays finish in 2 wks.Away maybe next wk & at sch next
Wow-That was a fast hr!! I managed 2 tweet, cook, eat, & do some dishes while participating 2night. Inspired! Thanks