Welcome!!! I am one of the moderators for the #eduar chat. My #edusistas@bethhill2829@Lindsey_Bohler and I are excited to kick off our first chat of the year! Please introduce yourself!
Good evening, #EduAR PLN! So excited to kick off a new year of connecting for kids! I am one of the #EduSistas and cofounders of the chat, along with @Lindsey_Bohler and @nortnik. We are ready to kick off the first chat of year!
Roman from Ontario, Canada. HS Teacher/Student Success Leader/Agent of Transformation. Great to be back in 2018 with #eduAR tonight and the #EduSistas Let's have a great learning adventure!
A1 You can be involved and participate without being engaged. That is compliance. To be engaged, you need to have enthusiasm, be a leader, have a voice, a say. We need to build on collaboration in the true sense. Be inclusive. Celebrate diversity. #eduAR
A1: I love this question. I think lots of parents are involved, they fund raise, they come to meetings, go through the motions. Just like in the classroom Engagement is about doing something and loving it. I think that is the difference #EduAR
A1 Involvement from parents is often one-sided. Parents get information and they do or come. Engagement is when parents are involved in decisions for the kids and feel like true partners. Empowerment might even be another step up! #eduAR
Oh my goodness,YES! Our Immigration unit is off and running thanks to the most amazing AP ever! Wish I had a video of the whole visit! Just awesome! @stevenhelmick#EduAR
In reply to
@nortnik, @RobertsElemLRSD, @stevenhelmick
A1: Example ➡️INVOLVED in a Twitter chat might be answering the questions w/ your thoughts. ENGAGED in a Twitter chat is connecting w/ others, replying, sharing your ideas, what's worked on your campus, and following new #EduHeroes you come across 🤓 #EduAR
A1) Engagement seems like it would be a full on commitment. Involvement is good and we need it, but to sustain the energy and the connection, one needs engagement as well as involvement. #EduAR
A1 Involvement from parents is often one-sided. Parents get information and they do or come. Engagement is when parents are involved in decisions for the kids and feel like true partners. Empowerment might even be another step up! #eduAR
A1: Involvement means participation but it can be passive or active; Engagement means actively choosing to be present mentally and in whatever is required for active participation #EduAR
A1: Example ➡️INVOLVED in a Twitter chat might be answering the questions w/ your thoughts. ENGAGED in a Twitter chat is connecting w/ others, replying, sharing your ideas, what's worked on your campus, and following new #EduHeroes you come across 🤓 #EduAR
A1 You can be involved and participate without being engaged. That is compliance. To be engaged, you need to have enthusiasm, be a leader, have a voice, a say. We need to build on collaboration in the true sense. Be inclusive. Celebrate diversity. #eduAR
A1: I love this question. I think lots of parents are involved, they fund raise, they come to meetings, go through the motions. Just like in the classroom Engagement is about doing something and loving it. I think that is the difference #EduAR
#eduar A1. Engagement involves greater commitments and ownership. Ex: I can be involved with a person or I can be engaged to a person. The first is surface level but the latter has meaning and a purpose.
Yes. Involvement suggests doing something or going somewhere that people can see, some sort of obligation. Engagement means truly being a part, whether you’re “present” or “helping” or not. #ptchat#EduAr A1
A1 You can be involved and participate without being engaged. That is compliance. To be engaged, you need to have enthusiasm, be a leader, have a voice, a say. We need to build on collaboration in the true sense. Be inclusive. Celebrate diversity. #eduAR
I also think of engaged/empowered parents as learning WITH teachers, students and active in building the optimum culture of learning for everyone. #eduAR
#A2 You have to rethink of how you are getting the information to them. Are you only sending home paper. Try social media, a tweet, text, a facebook, get the information to them the way they are going to receive it #EduAR
A2 Learning and partnership is more than just parents. Entire families and communities are part of the school. We need to foster that help, encouragement, expertise to make learning better for kids, better for the community. We are stronger together. #eduAR
#eduar A1. Engagement involves greater commitments and ownership. Ex: I can be involved with a person or I can be engaged to a person. The first is surface level but the latter has meaning and a purpose.
A2: by using more open, inclusive terminology, we’re removing barriers of who can or should be involved in our S’s education. We want as many ppl as possible to be involved in our S’s education- family AND community #EduAR
A2. Parents today= grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, older siblings...We must open up our world to Families and Communities and not limit to just saying "Parents." #EduAR
A2: At our school a lot of our kids are not living with their parents. So when we address "families" instead of 'parents' then everyone feels included and welcomed. #EduAR
A2 Family and community are more inclusive! We serve so many different kinds of families today. We need each one of them actively engaged in our schools and classrooms! #EduAR
A2: A surprising # of our Ss are living w/ someone other than a "parent" so this change in terminology could make those "guardians" and Ss feel welcome to participate in school activities/functions #eduar
A2 Shifting our lang. from parent to family honors the diversity of a community and is more welcoming. It opens the door to better communication and collaboration. #eduAR
A2: I think the shift from parent to family and community would eliminate some of the fear that some of our parents, grandparents, and guardians have about becoming engaged with the school system. #eduar
A2: Our Ss need many cheerleaders in their lives!! Including family & community support opens the doors to many people feeling welcomed to contribute to the betterment of our Ss & school! #eduAR
A2: Engaging parents and our community immediately impacts our students. They see what trust looks like, what healthy communication looks/sounds like, and allows them to invest in their school, teachers, and the community. It's all interrelated! #EduAR
A1: we may have Ss living with extended families and using these terms helps to ensure that all family members & community feel welcome and respected. #EduAR
A2 Shifting our lang. from parent to family honors the diversity of a community and is more welcoming. It opens the door to better communication and collaboration. #eduAR
#EduAr A2: By changing the terminology, you are more inclusive. Many Ss nowdays come from non-traditional families, even foster care. By using "Family and community" we include whatever home life that child comes from and make their supportive adult feel more welcome!
In reply to
@Lindsey_Bohler, @bethhill2829, @nortnik
A2: “Parent” is very limiting and excludes many of our students’ caregivers. Using the terms Family/Community allow us to be inclusive of all those who are playing key roles in raising and caring for students, whether parents, grandparents, adoptive, foster, etc. #EduAR
A2: There is a send of “belonging” in a family and community. Families and communities have to create strong bonds to survive. These terms deal with the ❤️. #eduAR#ssdpride#warriorscreate#JoinTogetherJanuary
A2 We want to educate, inspire, embrace a broader group - transforming math teaching involves partnership with more than parents - grandparents, neighbors, aunts/uncles, friends, business owners should all be a part of the math community. #eduAR
A2: We must create opportunities for students, families, and school staff to be inclusive, share, and be actively connected within our community. Work together as a community for all! #EduAR#equity
A2. We need to address our community/families- some are Mom and dad or 2 moms or 2 dads or grandparents- they are all apart of our family and we are in this together for our kids! ❤️All about the kids! #eduAR
A2) Not just because families are often not “traditional” parents, but because ideal engagement involves everyone in the child’s universe—their community. #EduAr
A2) IT TAKES A VILLAGE...now there are many "adults" who raise a child, especially in multi-generational households. Eq: What is your definition of a parent in 2018? #EduARhttps://t.co/7J5PUQIpyT
A2: Engaging parents and our community immediately impacts our students. They see what trust looks like, what healthy communication looks/sounds like, and allows them to invest in their school, teachers, and the community. It's all interrelated! #EduAR
A2: Engaging parents and our community immediately impacts our students. They see what trust looks like, what healthy communication looks/sounds like, and allows them to invest in their school, teachers, and the community. It's all interrelated! #EduAR
A2: One way I've tried to be more inclusive is by posting in both English and Spanish on our school social media pages. @Google Translate app has helped tremendously! Lots of great feedback from parents immediately. #EduAR
A2 #EduAR. The more people we have on board for our schools the better they will be supported and better they will succeed. It takes more than just the parents and when they see the community being involved they will want to be more active and supportive as well.
A2: We welcomed our ss back today from winter break! We post an invite our on our SM! I’m always amazed how many parents, family members, & community members show up to support our Ss! Even in the freezing cold today! All it takes is inviting people in! #eduAR
A2: “Parent” is very limiting and excludes many of our students’ caregivers. Using the terms Family/Community allow us to be inclusive of all those who are playing key roles in raising and caring for students, whether parents, grandparents, adoptive, foster, etc. #EduAR
A3 #EduAR You learn by doing! Parents are the same way. Show them ways to interact with students and it will happen more at home! It is giving them the tools to be successful at home
A3. Give time for engagement. Quit Talking. Let the kids show the families what happens at school.
Starting a KID Leadership team to do all the introductions at family nights and talking!!
#eduar A3 connect the dots for parents. Hope them to discover what it is that their children need to know and use the necessary technology or procedures to assist their students and engaging learning.
A3 We need to involve families in school, not just invite them for events. Show them how learning is a community event, how it is fun, and it is beyond worksheets. Seek help, partnership, expertise. Build around food, meals. Create a real community feel. #eduAR
A3: Our most successful family night is game night. We break out the good old fashioned board games, set them up on tables, and then we have giant outdoor games outside. It's about teaching families to engage with their children in realistic ways. #EduAR
A3: Have a game night with board games etc.. where people are interacting. Show how to communicate and interact in a fun way without them even knowing. #EduAR
Let's reconsider giving homework so that families actually have time to engage with each other after a long day of school/work. Family nights model. But, they still need time to converse and implement what they learn. #EduAR
A3: Our most successful family night is game night. We break out the good old fashioned board games, set them up on tables, and then we have giant outdoor games outside. It's about teaching families to engage with their children in realistic ways. #EduAR
A2: Using terminology like family/community (instead of parents) in connection to our students is more inclusive of the array of stakeholders who may be raising or simply involved in a child’s education & also holds all responsible for the education of future generations. #eduar
A3: Our most successful family night is game night. We break out the good old fashioned board games, set them up on tables, and then we have giant outdoor games outside. It's about teaching families to engage with their children in realistic ways. #EduAR
A3: have make and take games/ activities ready to be created during the night. S’s and families can leave with activities to do that help increase student reading time & math conversations. At our recent stem night S’s created slime and a cardboard city with their families #eduAR
A3 We also need to learn to listen to understand and listen to collaborate and make decisions. Eliminate hierarchy, create a real community to build decisions. #eduAR
A3: At our family night, we had students show their guests how we use technology in the classroom and how they can use those same resources at home. #EduAR
A3: I don't know the answer to this. Fine line because some families don't have the time (work and other commitments) I have worked with kids that see their parents in the morning and that is it. Those families might not have the time for home engagement #eduAR
A3: Key Word: model! Model authentic activities that students can take home and that all members of their family can be engaged with, educational or just for fun! #EduAR
Family nights are a great way to make families feel like that can extend learning into the home . It gives us the opportunity to model for them and empower them. #eduar
A3: Why does it have to be a family night at school? Create a lending library of book bags with activities and board games for students to choose and play at home with families. Have families post to a Padlet or @Buncee walk and share/comment on the fun! #EduAR
A3-family nights should be filled with engagement, deep and meaningful activities that Ss and Ps can do together. Ps need to see how we are engaging our Ss so they can build on it at home
A3. Give time for engagement. Quit Talking. Let the kids show the families what happens at school.
Starting a KID Leadership team to do all the introductions at family nights and talking!!
#eduAr A3: In my previous district, I was required to do home visits and show families ways in which they could help the S at home. It was super-enlightening and explained so much! Some of the stories I could tell would break your hearts. Still, every P loves their child.
A2: We welcomed our ss back today from winter break! We post an invite our on our SM! I’m always amazed how many parents, family members, & community members show up to support our Ss! Even in the freezing cold today! All it takes is inviting people in! #eduAR
A3: We strive to make our family nights interactive! We give tasks that require adults & Ss to work together! We share strategies & activities for them to do together at home! #eduAR
Sit down and eat with the students and parents and engage in conversation at the family night - then tell parents to model this at home with their children. #eduAr
A3 We need to involve families in school, not just invite them for events. Show them how learning is a community event, how it is fun, and it is beyond worksheets. Seek help, partnership, expertise. Build around food, meals. Create a real community feel. #eduAR
A3 Blend playing the games with explanations of the skills they are practicing and why. When family members understand the underlying math, they are better able to ask questions to spur math talk as they play the game at home. #EduAR
A3b: Also, a student-led EdCamp that highlights the best ways students learn which gives families a window into how they can become more included in the learning process. #EduAR
A3: Why does it have to be a family night at school? Create a lending library of book bags with activities and board games for students to choose and play at home with families. Have families post to a Padlet or @Buncee walk and share/comment on the fun! #EduAR
A3: Helping families to understand that the most important things they can do to support their child are to play with them, read to them, engage in conversation with them, etc. #EduAR
A3b: Also, a student-led EdCamp that highlights the best ways students learn which gives families a window into how they can become more included in the learning process. #EduAR
A3: Why does it have to be a family night at school? Create a lending library of book bags with activities and board games for students to choose and play at home with families. Have families post to a Padlet or @Buncee walk and share/comment on the fun! #EduAR
A3: We need to use every interaction with families to build them up and make know that they are the wisest, most skilled & important partner(s) in their child’s education - for what they believe is what they will be. #eduar
A3: I was reading an economic theory book that said a child's #1 correlation of student success was the parent's edu level. I really think we should take a hard look inside some lower income schools and focus on helping parents attain academic success too. #outsidethebox#EduAR
To this I say...bring the learning to the family. Get some families together at their place....it doesn't always have to happen at school. Let's be innovative! If you can't bring them to the mountain, bring the mountain to them. #eduAR
A4: language, finances, lack of skills/education, their own learning challenges. You break through them by showing love, compassion and helpfulness. When families see that you love their S’s and aren’t judging them or the family, they open up and the barriers break down #eduAR
Sit down and eat with the students and parents and engage in conversation at the family night - then tell parents to model this at home with their children. #eduAr
A4: we know that our families come in many different forms, multiple jobs, night jobs, no transportation..we need to be multi dimensional...provide lots of opportunities for collaboration #eduar
A4: a huge barrier can be when parents didn’t have a positive school experience themselves. We have to create a consistently warm and inviting environment in order to overcome #eduAr
A2: We welcomed our ss back today from winter break! We post an invite our on our SM! I’m always amazed how many parents, family members, & community members show up to support our Ss! Even in the freezing cold today! All it takes is inviting people in! #eduAR
All too often we try to get families to the schools but why not take the school to them. Let your children showcase their learning in the community. #EduAR
A4 Schedules and transportation can be barriers. Get input from families on how to overcome these obstacles. Let them know that they are important! #EduAR
I know I’ve talked with others on Twitter about student ed camps... can’t remember if any of you are doing it? I’m involved with ParentCamp but would love to incorporate more students. #EduAr
And have families share their stories. Can we visually represent their stories in our schools? They need to be a part of the school story. A school is just a building, we need to create family! #eduAR
A4: Barriers are inevitable. It could be anything from lack of transportation to prior obligations. Maybe we could offer different dates for families to attend or even offer a “bus sign up” for transportation. #EduAR
A4: Work and language are the 2 that come to my mind, I think offering a variety of activities at differing times as well as things they can do at home is one way to try to overcome these obstacles. #EduAR
A4 take the involvement to them. Bad experiences and memories for lots of Ps at the Schoolhouse I’m sure. Host roaming engagement nights that get hosted at diff areas in the comm #EduAR
A4: Gotta say biggest would be time and money. The over-scheduling of kids time outside school leaves less time to engage in school. #EduAR I think we need to show how important this is for the whole community.
A4: Parents had bad experiences at school and don't feel comfortable. I am a child of poverty, I believe the only time my dad went to my school was for my graduation and my mom attended maybe five times. We have to find a way to make people feel welcome and connected! #eduar
A4: Ive worked with some parents who had horrible edu experiences so my work really is to share on SM all the wonderful things we are doing to help build a trusting relationship & help them feel comfortable coming in the building. Language comfort too, for sure. #EduAR
We took our District Reading Road Trip Bus out one night before school started and drove around to our students homes to tell them how excited we were to see them the next week. That was awesome! WE WENT TO THEM! @bethhill2829 Don't we have a picture of that somewhere? #EduAR
A4 School is a teacher's domain, they don't like school, they don't value my opinion, I have nothing to bring to the table, current structures. Answer - no limits, push boundaries, challenge status quo, involve parents, change, then see what happens. INNOVATE! #eduAR
We took our District Reading Road Trip Bus out one night before school started and drove around to our students homes to tell them how excited we were to see them the next week. That was awesome! WE WENT TO THEM! @bethhill2829 Don't we have a picture of that somewhere? #EduAR
A4) One barrier is Ps feel intimidation-never went to a US school, they may had a bad experience as a student, do not understand jargon, etc. So, we must open our doorways (physically and virtually), we must go to them (Apt complex, clubhouse), have a P group/liaison, #EduAR
A4: Lack of invitation, especially in the older grades!Language can be a barrier for our EL students and their parents; work schedules for parents who don’t have 8-5 jobs (or who work multiple jobs) #EduAR
A4: We have a very diverse S population! When we do family nights, we have our ESOL para & secretary available to help translate so all our families receive the same info & feel welcomed! #eduAR
A4-They might still remember the negative situations that they had a school when they went to school. Just need to be positive and let them know we are in the same team. #EduAR
@CentralCabotpK4 is a transparent school. We post on Twitter all the great things going on in our school each day. This makes the parents who can't take off feel engaged in their child's day! They see the learning in progress! #EduAR
A4: Unfortunately several of our parents/guardians had a terrible time in school...we have to find a way to make them feel welcome to attend school activities to make their Ss experience the best that it can be #eduar
Wonderful! One school I worked at had language computer classes and a parent liaison who opened her office at all times for them to come freely and do their online class work. The possibilities are endless! I'd love to do a parent academy one day #EduAR
#EduAR A4 There is a significant difference between culture at school vs home. Undercurrents are different. Yet they have the power to influence each other. To find a golden bridge is the biggest challenge. Acknowledge the goodness in both respectively perhaps?
In reply to
@bethhill2829, @nortnik, @Lindsey_Bohler
A3 We also need to learn to listen to understand and listen to collaborate and make decisions. Eliminate hierarchy, create a real community to build decisions. #eduAR
A4: Sometimes our parents refrain from coming to the school because of experiences they had in school. It’s an uncomfortable environment. This is why we must exhaust ourselves in showcasing the greatness coming out of them. #eduar
A4. Family work schedules- we have used @flipgrid to create our safe family environment as a basis- great to see their family but also their extended family and pets! Kids take pride! Parents get that sense of family too! Then take the step into community;) #EduAR
Q4 #EduAR. Some examples could be Limited family resources, transportation problems, extracurricular activities and/or tension between the parent and the teacher or school. Working around these barriers help the families become more interested and involved.
A5: The S’s role is to be so excited about what’s happening at school that they can’t wait to go home and share about it and then bring their family in to experience it for themselves. Student enthusiasm goes a long way to creating more engagement! #eduar
Yes! Homework often ends up being THE thing that involves families in their child’s education, at the exclusion of everything else. And it becomes more about completing a task than learning together. #EduAr
Let's reconsider giving homework so that families actually have time to engage with each other after a long day of school/work. Family nights model. But, they still need time to converse and implement what they learn. #EduAR
A4 The world is moving at such a fast pace. Our families never stop! They are worn out! Having one more place to go at night can be overwhelming. #eduar
A5: The kids need to be the change agents, the ambassadors for what we are trying to do. If we don't have their buy in we are not going to get the community. #EduAR
I think we also have to think about different times and days that we offer events. Mixing it up and not always doing events on the same day at same time! #eduar
A5: if students are excited about opportunities to engage then parents will be too. If students aren’t excited then they won’t even tell their parents that there is an event #eduAr
A3 We need to involve families in school, not just invite them for events. Show them how learning is a community event, how it is fun, and it is beyond worksheets. Seek help, partnership, expertise. Build around food, meals. Create a real community feel. #eduAR
Kids who are engaged in their learning go home EXCITED and want to talk about school! Parents can't help but what to know more when their kids are eager to share what they're doing in school and so happy :) #EduAR
A5:Not being a classroom tchr, at events I'm usually a greeter. Watching the kids PULL their parents into school never gets old! They want to share everything, so I say...let that be the main focus. Put it on the kids, let them plan/create. Maybe the student council even! #EduAR
A5-Ss should be the main piece in engagement! Ss can share what they know! If community/families see their excitment they are more likely to buy in! #eduar
A5: I think sometimes we forget that they are very capable of communicating our school’s vision and also what they need at home and school. Their voice is so important. Our school’s broadcast is a start for us. They share a lot about happenings at school on it. #EduAR
I use a home/school reflection journal in my classroom. At the end of each day kids write on the left, parents respond on the right and send it back to school the next day. It’s powerful! #eduar
A5; Parents love to see their children in charge. We have "leaderized" all of outr family events. Students are the MC's , students are in charge of the sign in stations. Anything that adults would have to do. We train them to do it! #eduar
A5 The kids are part of the community. We often exclude them as partners during school hours, we can't repeat with family involvement. Have them be learners, contributors, leaders. Use their voice! Create that sense of community/family. #eduAR
A5: Our students are our FUTURE! We need to provide and inspire opportunities immersing them in their community, communicate and connect with other families, and go beyond...think global. #EduAR
Encourage kids to be transparent and share with their parents. The more kids are invested in their education the more likely the parents will want to be a part of it too.#EduAR
Q5 #EduAR. They should be the one that is showing and explaining. They are always happy to spend this time with their family showing them the neat things they are doing. If the students are happy the parents will be too.
A5: we have a Day of Giving where Ss go out into the community and perform random acts of kindness like buying lunch or groceries or taking treats to elderly, first responders etc #EduAR
A5) They are the reason- the glue that binds Ts/Ps.
Have them help plan sessions or family nights. Have them be on the Social Media team at school. Have them call home when they do well. #EduARhttps://t.co/oKSMeCwJLr
A5: Ss are our focus!! It’s opportunities for them to help guide their families in the tasks or activities! We did an escape room st a family night & the collaboration between Ss & adults was priceless!! #eduAR
I think this is key to make our families feel welcome and a part of the community. We must meet them where they are with what they need to feel comfortable. #eduAR
A4: We have a very diverse S population! When we do family nights, we have our ESOL para & secretary available to help translate so all our families receive the same info & feel welcomed! #eduAR
I promote digital citizenship and love when this involves learning among all stakeholders. We all are learning this stuff at the same time, after all! The annual @digcitsummit and its global spinoffs have sought this broad audience. #EduAr
FA: I send weekly updates to all, we want to ensure our parents are aware of all events and happenings. If they don't know they can't be involved. #eduar
A6 Always been about being different. Finding something unique. Even as a teacher, meeting parents at home, a restaurant at various hours, creates partnership. Innovate on current structures of evening presentations. Maybe breakfasts? Sharing ideas, not just listening. #eduAR
Great question @PaulONeill1972 I am about to find out in a couple of weeks when we host Coffee With the Leader Learner. I am going to pose this question to my families. #eduAR
A5 When we involve our children and give them opportunities to lead, we are empowering them and showing them that we believe in them and in their ability to change the world! #eduar
At one of my former schools, we had a spring cleaning day for the school grounds. Everyone brought tools to trim, plant, clean etc. and then we had hot dogs and played games. Great fun for the whole school family! #eduAR
A6: This year we are inviting Save The Bay to bring in live animals for classroom exploration & deeper learning, students will be creating video & digital PSA’s on how to protect our ecosystem, followed by a community beach clean up event. #EduAR#staytuned
A6: I just wrote a blog post about how to connect with families over holiday breaks w/ teacher read-alouds. As admin/specialists you can lead the way, encouraging the school community to participate! Resources included to organize. #EduAR
A6-book Tasting was a great family night! Welcoming kids in various ways is always a great way to show we care and to involve ps and the community! #eduar
A6: Old school had a family night themed around a book we were looking at. Cowboy poetry hosted my me lol But the parents loved the games with the kids and it got people excited. #EduAR
A6: For our Day of Giving (see A5) we partner with several businesses. For example @ChickfilA matches our gift cards that we purchase & kids greet customers, purchase their meals and give them a card suggesting they Pay it Forward. Rewarding Day! #EduAR
A6 We’ve been utilizing @Flipgrid to engage families, inviting them into our classroom conversations! When a child’s parent pops up on the screen to share, the kids just bubble over with joy! #eduar
A6: our recent family STEM night was one of our biggest turnouts- every grade level featured a STEM activity to be worked on by S’s. It was Star Wars themed. I’ve included a pic of each station below. Our pto served pizza dinners beforehand too. #EduAr
A6. We handed out cards to staff thanking them for what they do, went to police and fire dept to deliver snowman soup, donated to Humane society for our furry animals. #EduAR
A6: A couple parents in our district have created a garden project for students, teachers, and families to plant & grow flowers, fruits & vegetables. #EduAR
A6: We started the Pinewood Community Acadmey last year. It affords familes the opportunity to learn about things of interest to them. We ask for input on what they want to experience and we try to make it happen. Ex. financial literacy, Google training, parenting classes #eduAR
A6: We’ve found that the more interactive the tasks, the more engaged families are & willing to return! Our Mad Science Night was a huge success!! We also did an Amazing Race/Escape Room/Crime Stoppers night for our 3-5 families to review FSA... it was EPIC! #eduAR
A6: We did a Pictures for Santa event/fundraiser. For a small price parents could get affordable pictures, cookies, milk, and connecting w/ our school community. I loved it! #EduAR
A6: On inclement weather days, we ask families to share photos of how they are spending the day so that we can share on our school FB page. It is so much fun! #eduAR
A6: Hands-down my most favorite family-student-Community events are done through #geniushour!! Invite them in to learn, share, and inspire each other. We’ve had visitors teach us about scuba diving, GoPro skiing, animal shelters, restaurant owners, and more #EduAR
A6: Invite community members in to be a part of your school events! You’ll be amazed at how many want to help but don’t know how! If they feel welcomed, they could be powerful assets to your school! #eduAR
A6 I’m blown away by the level of engagement @Seesaw is bringing this year! The parents get notifications when their kids post and then magic happens! ❤️❤️❤️#eduAR
A5: we have a Day of Giving where Ss go out into the community and perform random acts of kindness like buying lunch or groceries or taking treats to elderly, first responders etc #EduAR
A6: Biggest success was when we stopped making the family engagement nights focused on test prep help! Engagement skyrocketed when we started making the learning part fun, realistic things they could do at home. #EduAR