#ALedchat Archive
#ALedchat is a weekly chat on Twitter about education topics. It is held each Monday from 9-10pmCST. While the discussion on #ALedchat continues on Twitter well beyond our weekly one-hour chat session, this platform affords us the opportunity to extend, expand and share the conversation with an even greater audience. Educators from across the state of Alabama, and the world, can come here to find encouragement, support, resources, professional growth opportunities and advice, while providing the same to their colleagues.
Monday May 2, 2016 10:00 PM EDT
Please introduce yourself. Tell us who you are, your position, & where you are tweeting from tonight.
Hello - HS SPED/history teacher from Akron, Ohio. Don't know much about WBT but interested in the topic.
Jayme Hall, Haleyville Elementary School, 1st grade teacher
Brian Connell, AP at John Carroll Catholic in Birmingham--excited to be here!
Lee Frix, Health & PE, Haleyville (AL) High School
Elaine Frix-3rd grade teacher at Haleyville Elem. I am so excited to learn with all of you tonight!
Martin Rushano, Math Teacher from Hoover High School
Grayson Lawrence, Assistant Principal, Winterboro High—Talladega County Schools
Holly Sutherland, Principal of Haleyville HS, AL. Co-founder of this chat and . Welcome all!
Glad to have you back Grayson.
Glad you are here Martin!
Jimmy Shaw; Admin co-moderator^4 of
I am excited to be here..looking forward to learning each week!
“: Grayson Lawrence, Assistant Principal, Winterboro High—Talladega County Schools ” glad you're here!
“: Grayson Lawrence, Assistant Principal, Winterboro High—Talladega County Schools ” glad you're here!
Tonight's chat will follow the Q1, A1 format.
“: Brian Connell, AP at John Carroll Catholic in Birmingham--excited to be here!
” Glad you're here!
“: Brian Connell, AP at John Carroll Catholic in Birmingham--excited to be here!
” Glad you're here!
Question 1 coming up in 1 minute...
Jennifer Hogan, Hoover HS AP. Co-founder of this chat and . Join the movement this month!
Q1: The goal of WBT is bell to bell instruction. How can we make this happen?
Hey friend! Hope y'all are joining the movement!!
A1: Strategic Teaching is key for bell to bell instruction. Before, During, After! https://t.co/KsN3sA6bqj
Q1: The goal of WBT is bell to bell instruction. How can we make this happen?
A1:Preparation! Plan,set expectation for Ss w/ clearly defined rules,teach & rehearse CR procedures often so that it runs smoothly
A1: I always do a Bell Ringer, to get the 'juices' flowing. Sometimes a graphic/chart/etc., something for them to see.
A1: Be prepared!! Set expectations high and Ss will rise to them. Teach rules and routines early in year and practice daily.
A1: the key to bell to bell teaching is planning & prep. Being intentional about all that happens in the classroom!
A1: Planning and preparation for engagement keep instruction going bell to bell.
A1: Thoughtful planning and purpose. Each move we make must have a purpose. Plan with the end in mind. Backwards planning
I've always felt the first five minutes of class sets the tone for the period. https://t.co/TweAnsQ338
A1: I always do a Bell Ringer, to get the 'juices' flowing. Sometimes a graphic/chart/etc., something for them to see.
Made it!! Kaitlin from John Carroll in Birmingham, DOT
Welcome! Glad you made it!
I agree but make it link between prior knowledge and new knowledge.
Q2 coming up in one minute.....
A1: Create a narrative arc for each class period--one that offer emotional connection to the content
Q2:The brain has no off switch & is constantly learning either +/- behavior. How can we ensure positive learning is occurring?
I love the idea of backwards planning!!!!
A1: review, new material, engage, create with personalized choices in showing knowledge!!
A1: Begins with planning without students, outline learning targets determine how to assess the targets, & align lessons to them.
I agree about the 1st 5-7 minutes, bell ringers are ALWAYS prior knowledge and 'what is next'.
A2:Positive learning takes place when Ss are constantly engaged & good classroom management strategies are in place.
A2: Make sure positive learning is taking place by keeping students actively engaged.
A2: Positive learning does not always occur the first time. Reflecting and adjusting lead to positive learning outcomes.
A2: Purposeful planning for the engagement piece is crucial! Student voice (PBL) also helps! https://t.co/Jirrozwv2H
Q2:The brain has no off switch & is constantly learning either +/- behavior. How can we ensure positive learning is occurring?
A2:If you believe in growth mindset, then there will be some failures but we learn from them. Purpose is the key. Goal minded
A2: positive relationships equals positive learning
A2: We must utilize Ss whole brain so that there is no time for challenging behaviors. They are actively engaged at all times.
A2: Love the material, love the students, love the process--even if Ss are having bad times in their lives, your class will be a +
A2: I believe as Ts, it's our responsibility to model positive behavior.
A@: Do a "formative assessment" of their learning path. Is it going in the direction you want them to go?
I totally agree. They mimic what they see!
A2: Starts w/ relationships, encouragement & showing Ss you inspect what you expect. Positive experience result they see we care.
you are so right. They sense our negativity like sharks to blood in water.
Question 3 coming up in one minute....
Adjusting from class to class kid to kid is required, what worked 3rd period may not 5th.
Just joining in Leah Epperson, K Teacher HES
Welcome, Leah! Jump right in.
Q3: The longer we talk, the more students we lose. How do we teach without all the teacher talk?
RT I totally agree. They mimic what they see! High schoolers do the same.
Classroom management is key to the learning environment!
A3: Many of my teachers use strategies where kids collaborate and teach each other based on big concepts.
A3: Present short mini lessons & then turn it over to your Ss to teach one another with WBT Teach-Okay. https://t.co/e1pVkFGHDf
A3: I love watching your students take action with "class teach."
A3: Let the students talk...
A3: from the beginning, react positively to student talk--let them know you want them to talk
Exactly! That is what WBT is all about.
A3: I believe in allowing students opportunities to explore and collaborate, then report back their conclusions or answers.
A3: Teach-Okay, Ss are engaged in learning that involves seeing, saying, hearing, doing,& feeling stimulating the whole brain.
A3: Lay the groundwork with the mini lesson and let the kids take over. Guide from the side. Let their natural curiosity take over
A3: When the Ss are talking/teaching they are engaged and taking ownership in their own learning.
AMEN! I totally agree! Classroom management has become and my passion and goal this year!
I absolutely agree! https://t.co/q8s04iW8jn
A3: When the Ss are talking/teaching they are engaged and taking ownership in their own learning.
I like it! Guide from the side!
A3: Focus on skill acquisition rather than knowledge absorption.
A3: PBL..strategic teaching, and small group instruction.
A3:Teach/okay and Turn/Talk are two of my WBT favorites for allowing the Ss to talk and me to listen.
Q4 coming up in one minute....
Not just talk... let them walk, draw, sculpt, sing, rhyme, .. tweet!
This also allows kids to learn to listen!
I loved being pleasantly surprised by their responses.
A3:I ❤️ this Q! Share Ts stories allows Ss to connect but not vehicle for learning. Create safe environ for Ss ability to express
Yes which at first they have a very hard time with learning to do.
Q4:One of the most crucial elements of WBT is preparation. How can we devote sufficient time to plan?
That is the idea with WBT. It involved the whole brain. They are moving, singing, chanting, etc
A4: Efficiency is key in finding time for planning. Finding a great partner helps tremendously too!
A4: Ts should plan ahead for the unexpected and be flexible. Make use of every moment of time you have. Ts should avoid down time.
A4: We are not just teachers b/t hours 7:40-3:15. We must plan, prepare, & perform. "Teaching is a performing art." Harry Berger
RT This also allows kids to learn to listen! Listening, sometimes, seems to be a lost art!
A4: I do not necessarily see WBT as more preparation, it is smarter preparation. Kids can drive instruction more with WBT.
A4: Prioritize curriculum. Stop planning for content that is not as important.
A4: Purposeful planning is the key here..collaborating with colleagues in the planning process helps a great deal.
A4: Time is usually the big ? in any new or different idea. We don't find time, we make time. If it's important you make it happen
I like the word PURPOSEFUL here...
: could not have said it better! 2 WBs are better than 1!
I agree and using open source to learn and use what others have perfected.
AGREED! A plan is not a straight-jacket... It's a map. https://t.co/fQYRHt2na5
A4: I do not necessarily see WBT as more preparation, it is smarter preparation. Kids can drive instruction more with WBT.
Amy Cagle 3rd grade teacher. HES
A4: Knowing your students, their interests, the curriculum...You have to have the right mix. :)
What may be important now, is it important in the long run? That's the ? we have to ask & answer.
A4: Planning = passion for Ss learning... Put together the game plan before game begins... Adjust plan where needed.
Glad you are joining us!!
A4: In preparing for future lessons, reviewing past practices/activities & refine.
Welcome, Amy! Jump right in.
RT A4: Knowing your students, their interests, the curriculum...You have to have the right mix. :) AMEN!!
Thank you for joining us!
A4: planning and preparing all the time, team up with a partner teacher
Q5 coming up in 1 minute...
agree . planing with fellow Ts is a great way to bounce ideas and find ways to make lessons better.
A4: planning time is creative time, and it's creative time is all the time!
A4: Teachers NEVER have enough time. Plan to PLAN! Dedicate time and use it efficiently.
That's why I love you . You and I can bounce ideas off each other.
A4: Focus on desired student outcomes and plan how to get there.
Q5: Do you feel it is necessary to collect data and chart our progress as educators?
A5:We cannot expect to manage our Ss behavior if we can't manage our own.We need to be aware of where we are & where we're headed.
Agreed! Planning with our PLC is critical! https://t.co/rdJ0TDsQr4
agree . planing with fellow Ts is a great way to bounce ideas and find ways to make lessons better.
A5: Yes. Pretty necessary. The data informs what we do next. Charting progress serves to challenge & celebrate Ss/Ts successes..
A5: Must collect data (qualitative or quantitative) to determine whether something is effective or not.
A5: Data leads to our progress as educators.You can't manage Ss behavior if you can't manage your own.Goals!Keep the end in mind.
A:5 maybe more important for Ss to track their own data to participate in learning process
A5: Yes, collecting is the new norm and is here to stay; however, data doesn't always tell the whole story.
RT A5: Yes, collecting is the new norm and is here to stay; however, data doesn't always tell the whole story.
A5: yes- as much as Ed is about ❤️ & passion, need to verify concretely we're doing best for Ss. What/how to collect is hard part
Q6 coming up in one minute.....
Whether it's done in the form of a journal, reflective blog, etc... I'm all for it!
A5: It is more about self reflection as a teacher and keeping us aware of our goals and responsibilities.
Q6:What classroom procedures drive you crazy?
A5: It’s absolutely important to show data, discuss data, and celebrate success,and reflect continuously! https://t.co/t6mbMbj3Ll
Q5: Do you feel it is necessary to collect data and chart our progress as educators?
A5: Data allows us to be strategic. We want to improve on purpose ... not by accident.
YES, perfectly stated! https://t.co/cmhSCBilLL
A5: It is more about self reflection as a teacher and keeping us aware of our goals and responsibilities.
Me too! You can't tell where you are going, without a chart of where you've been- Chris Biffle
A5: Take care in WHAT you track. Ask what is goal & does it show completion. Is it # of failure dreduction, # of A's? What?
A6: I make Ss pass in papers in # order so it's easier to put in gradebook. This helps to save time.Ss line up in # order as well.
With WBT, we are working to track controlling our emotions by controlling tone of voice and CR mgt.
A5 Yes, but data is so much more than a number or a test score! The most important growth can't always be captured by a number.
Earning my MAT Secondary.. Any tips from teachers in inner city schools for reaching and earning the trust of middle/hs Black boys
I pass my papers in this way also. It's a big time saver! Save the time where you can!
Great tip. I knew a T who did that, but never learned Ss names. :-(
A6: Love having procedures in place for the time consuming tasks of a classroom. 'twastetimeoverabrokenpencil
Oh how sad! I do know my students names. LOL! :) Sometimes I bet they wish I didn't.
Thank you! We love what we do and the reasons we do it!
Absolutely! We have a great support system as well. That makes a huge difference.
Everyone should use the Winning the Pencil War. It's a great time saver for those broken pencils!
A6: being so in control as to limit Ss choice of expression of knowledge. Doesn't matter if in form of MC test vs. presentation
A6: Any procedure that takes place while students are unengaged ... because unengaged students drive me crazy.
How you do that varies with your focus for the class at that time.Will tracking failure rates control tome? It might.
not data about students scores, necessarily, but rather where you are as a teacher.
Q7 coming up in 1 minute...
A6:My mom has shared tips w/me on teaching Ss at the beginning of year small things to save time in the end.
I am tracking my progress to ensure that I am being the best that I can be for my students.
I think knowing where you are can help control tone in any situation bc it allows you to plan how to move forward.
A7:Yelling & scolding doesn't work! Involve Ss in orderly fun w/ WBT. One of WBT greatest principals: Don't scold, rehearse.
A7: Love it! The goal isn't to "catch" them, it's to teach them.
A7: model structure and provide structure. Studies show that students prosper in structured classrooms
A7: Absolutely! Good discipline is seamlessly incorporated into teaching
A7: What is why most of use..."this is a teachable moment", discipline is an opportunity to redefine a behavior.
A7: Discipline without relationship promotes rebellion. (I'm sure I read that somewhere.)
RT A7: Absolutely! Good discipline is seamlessly incorporated into teaching Consistent discipline!
A7: Discipline & Character are key factors practiced by many of the "successful" people of this world. Teach them tips 4 success!
A7: I'm late but imagine have great answers for discipline on a large scale.
A7: Teach them! Model for them and rehearse. This is one of WBT greatest ideas/principles.Ss love structure.Ts do too!
A7: good discipline/classroom management can be engaging for all Ss
A7: This quote reminds me of my daughter- she just wants to understand the rules and the why.
Chris Biffle's book had a great quote on yelling at kids...anyone remember it?
A7:Make Ss responsible for their behavior. Ss have a choice on how they behave.
RT Key word:MODEL. Show me, I will remember.
We ALL do! LOL! That is part of us as humans I think!
If yelling worked, then kids from troubled families would be exceedingly polite.
We must look for those teachable moments.
A7: Discipline is not just about consequences when making a bad choice. Discipline is about doing the right things consistently.
I love the CONSISTENTLY part. That is the part I am trying to get my Ss to understand.
A7: The teams I coached were always known as being "disciplined." We were intentional about EVERYTHING.
Final question coming up in one minute....
That is an excellent perspective, plan on borrowing that for future use. https://t.co/OjHbfHfXam
A7: Discipline is not just about consequences when making a bad choice. Discipline is about doing the right things consistently.
Final question:
How will you implement WBT strategies into your classroom?
FA: I use WBT: The Big 7, Class-Yes, Rules, Teach-OK, Scoreboard, Hands & Eyes, Switch, & Mirror.
FA:I plan to implement something new next year such as the practice cards mentioned in the book w/ my most challenging behavior Ss.
I want to use those also!
A7: Discipline is a refocusing and re-prioritizing of our plan. If done right, it's a teaching moment for all.
I encourage everyone to check out the WBT site and to pick up a copy of Chris Biffle's book. There's something there for everyone.
As one of her former players...she isn't stretching the truth one bit. https://t.co/7AHwLftmqQ
A7: The teams I coached were always known as being "disciplined." We were intentional about EVERYTHING.
FA: I use the Super Improver Wall, Class-yes, Rules, TEach-Ok, Scoreboard, Hands & Eyes, Switch, Mirror now!
FA: Lots of free resources for WBT on Teachers Pay Teachers too!
FA: Plan on exploring WBT in greater length over the summer & will explore aligning my current practices. Great Chat this evening!
Thanks for joining our WBT Chat tonight. Thanks for the invitation to be guest moderator. Have a great rest of the week.
Huge thanks to and for leading our chat tonight! Awesome job!
You did a great job! Thank you!
RT Huge thanks to and for leading our chat tonight! Awesome job! I agree!
Thanks to for being a great partner in crime. She truly is a SUPER teacher!
Thank you everyone for joining our chat! We have awesome teachers at HES who are rocking WBT!
Thank you to for asking me to join in on this great experience. I have enjoyed learning w/ all of you. Have a great week!
Great job! Thank you so much for sharing with us tonight!
Thank you! I enjoyed it as usual.
Thank you all for joining us for tonight and each Monday night!
Thank you for being a better partner in crime. You are an AWESOME teacher!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all!!
I enjoyed it! Thanks for inviting me!
Join us again next week when leads us edcamp style!
Here to help if you have any questions.