#aussieED Archive
#aussieED was founded on the belief that all teachers, and students, should have unlimited access to Professional Development, on their own terms, to improve their teaching, their schools and change the lives of the students they encounter. Since then, we have embarked on a mission to reach educators, not only in Australia but, all around the globe. We want to smash the barriers that prevent teachers from easily connecting and learning with each other. To that end, we have developed a regular Ed-chat each Sunday on twitter at #aussieED. The chat allows all teachers, leaders, administrators and all those connected with education to meet on an unbiased platform and discuss the real issues that effect what happens in classrooms everywhere. Our chats are authentic because we are real teachers walking the same walk that so many do everyday.
Sunday May 1, 2016 6:30 AM EDT
Welcome! Introduce yourself, share what you teach. Grade & subjects. Find those who teach the same as you https://t.co/8jq3v0jm3k
Bob, MS Principal from Maine, USA
Good evening - tuning in from Wollongong, NSW
Jack from Geelong. I teach Grade 3/4. I also have an outdoor rec degree and love literacy
Hi all, Stuart from AKL, New Zealand. Year 11 English teacher.
Hi all PS DPrincipal from rural WA
Hi friends! Connie from NY, USA-Currently teach HIgh School Forensic Science-will be full time Instructional Coach next year!
Kati, I teach Spanish (Y12 AB Initio) and French (7 to 10) in Sydney
Cameron from Melbourne, teach Secondary IT, Media, Business and a little Maths.
Elizabeth, maths and science. Hi all.
Maggie here! Year 4 teacher! Happy to be hosting an idea frenzy - hoping you can all take something to use this week!
Evening All, Ben from VIC. 5/6 Teacher and eLearning Leader. Love teaching w/ tech and connecting globally.
Carl from Emerald Victoria (for 6 more days and then in the new house!)
I teach Maths, science and Animal Husbandry
Karen from Sydney. I teach stage three
hey from Cairns. I'm head of Religion, teaching Y10-12 this year. Religion & Ethics, Study of Religion
Hi, Karen from Melbourne. English and Hums teacher, year 8 and also Philosophy.
Très bien! Encore mieux maintenant ;)
Evening Neil from Ngatea, NZ. I don't teach any are specifically, but love Maths
Hi all. Matt from Perth. Teach 6-10 Design (MYP) mostly Food. Bit of innovation! Upper school food, too!
Hi, Lauren here! I'm a year 4 teacher in Sydney, this is my 2nd year teaching and keen to gather some ideas :-)
Did on my phone, but now on tweetdeck on the laptop - much better!
As equal as any of us Lauren!
OMG I love maths too! I have a blog post coming soon about being a passionate maths teacher.
I'll try that again- I'm a voc ed Head Teacher from Wollongong (about an hour Sth of Sydney for our International friends)
best part of using Twitter to connect with other Ts here and around the world
Hi all! Jordan from Echuca, VIC. Yr. 12 Revolutions, 9 Humanities and English
Hi, Lux from Sydney, Assistant Principal, currently teaching kindergarten
hey all, I'm a pre service secondary teacher specialising in home Ec and maths. taking a digital pedagogy course now
By the way, it's 6:30 am on Sunday morning here in Maine, can someone tell me How was the day? What do I have to look forward to?
Nigel from Sydney, Year Six primary teacher, blogger and occasional speaker, keen to learn with
Hi I'm Linda, all rounder primary school teacher. I teach Grade 5/6. Biggest area of interest is ICT
Linda from Sydney, Primary teacher working K-6. Focusing on technology integration this year.
Jon from Perth Hills, Teaching MYP Design - Computing & Innovation 7-9 & some 11-12 IT.
Hey , Eddie here from Sydney. 7-12 maths. Think tonight's topic was pretty much written with me in mind... https://t.co/NaCDEP8QDz
Hi. Kate from Adelaide. Psych T Yr11/12
It's called but what makes it is the fact that we have teachers from ALL over Australia and the world!
Grt - I will need to read as we are reviewing Maths - trying to make it more relevant/authentic for Ss.
Clare, western Sydney secondary science teacher with my first senior biology class
Hi colleagues. Jason from the nation's capital here.
Nicola from Brisbane. Hi all. Work as digital learning coordinator and coach.
Zeina from SYD, my role is a little different this year. I'd like to think I'm developing creative confidence in my Ss in STEAM
That would one very long #
Founded in Australia, networking with the world!
Nice Jamie. Maths, food and digital pedagogy!
Hi all, Roxanne from Melbourne. I 82 3/4s teach in an open plan setting w 4 Ts. Next term implementing PBL classroom from 3-6
Cass from Melbourne maths leader & watcher
Matalaoa from NZ specifically Invercargill Y5/6
Hey , we're a team of teachers and students from Canberra who work on an edtech platform!
Hi Brian here and glad to have found the time to catch up again.
Hi all, Steven from Camden.
Karen from Bowen North Queensland. I teach Year 2. Love tech
Because it's welcoming chat-great discussions-lots of resource sharing-sometimes challenges my thinking! https://t.co/pMDJgbSdXm
It's called but what makes it is the fact that we have teachers from ALL over Australia and the world!
Morning/Evening all. George from Scotland and I am a primary school principal
Q1 Coming up in a few moments check out the PLN who are you not following yet?
Completely agree Connie, nicely said!
Ok I'm here but multi tasking. I'm a year 4 teacher in Sydney but very new at it all
Not sure I'm going to last the distance tonight - had open day today & dosed up on cold & flu tablets :(
Feel free to DM me Clare - we can exchange e-mail - we'll get it all figured out!
Marianne from Sydney. Kindergarten AP focusing on creative open ended tasks
Hey all Dean from Melb - Director of Learning tech & innovation - teach across the creative arts and in science/technology
Hi all. Ivan from the Riverina NSW. I teach English, Religion at a Catholic school. I have a keen interest in tec in schools
Luke from Melbourne here. Teaching 5/6
Hi team, Glenn here from Sydney.
Hey Brian checking in after a weekend in the books. 800 words to go! Excited for tonight's chat.
. It's important 4 my thinking to be challenged sometimes! I like being w/ like minded people but also want to grow
Hi I teach Year 5 and work with students and teachers K-6 integrating technology
Jo from Melb hiya everyone!
Me too from the West! Was a nice day for a swim here.
We need to get in touch! Not sure how we can collab when we start PBL, but would love to try :)
love joining this chat from bottom of NZ great ideas so welcoming & different ideas/ discussions
Loretta, principal of an all girls Catholic high in Canberra. Religious Education, IT & Business Teacher. https://t.co/Kh7oNtAo2S
Welcome! Introduce yourself, share what you teach. Grade & subjects. Find those who teach the same as you https://t.co/8jq3v0jm3k
So we can expect some incoherent tweets Kelly
Hi, Jo Smith from Napier, NZ
Hi all Jo from Melb. Level 4/5 teacher & digital learning leader and coach
We often learn best from those not around us IMO.
Hi Carl! Love when I'm awake for !!
yes! Love a Perth autumn.
Hi! Tania from Adelaide.Year 4
Just like a child often "hears" a message better from someone other than their parents....
Welcome George. I hope your day will be a gem. We had the most beautiful autumn sunny day.
Poor you! I'm nursing someone with man-flu and counting the moments until I catch it 😷 https://t.co/ZS1bOSxK4A
Not sure I'm going to last the distance tonight - had open day today & dosed up on cold & flu tablets :(
Sounds good. We could do a mystery Skype one day soon. Let me get through NAPLAN then we will work it out
Multitasking! Chatting and writing a colab task in google docs for an excursion tomorrow!
Hi Good Morning Spiri from the States, Happy Greek Easter to my Aussie friends Christos Anesti
6:30am - depending on our mutual time changes it can sometimes be 4:30am for me when is chatting!!
Liz here from Field of Mars EEC in Sydney -first timer for aussieEd chat
Scott from Sydney here, History and Legal Studies, yrs 9-12
Great turnout tonight! Carol here, rocking maths in Sydney!
Loreyse DP from Brisbane - 25 yrs of service this year 22 in admin- something new everyday
Oh my goodness, yes! Then we have camp in week 7. Busy term as usual.
6:30 sounds nicer than 4:30
I thought only a man could get Man Flu?
either incoherent or nonexistent!
Hi all - Sally, Y5 teacher, P-6 science teacher, and STEM extension teacher. Trying to Watch as well :p
We have had camp. Term two always has it all
Parts of Speech, essential for English and general comms, very hard to "fancy up" and make cool. A1
Amy. High School English in Sydney, Au. Standard English. English Studies. Junior GAT. https://t.co/sw6yeUam91
Welcome! Introduce yourself, share what you teach. Grade & subjects. Find those who teach the same as you https://t.co/8jq3v0jm3k
Q1 At the beginning of every year student attitude towards maths is usually my first challenge
Hey, Marc from Canberra. Primary Deputy Principal driven by inquiry
C'mon! You can do it all!
A1: I find scale in geography difficult to teach. I have few mathematical skills and hard to explain for me
A1 Analysis skills in Hums and English. So dry, so essential, so reliant of established skills and knowledge.
I'm an early bird anyway Rachel. Love the peace and quiet of the wee hours of the day...
would love you to be my daughter's teacher!
currently up 2 my eyeballs in calculus work. Keen 2 check out your blog. How do you integrate tech in math
it was warm and sunny ☀️ the future is good...
A1 Teaching government in 5/6 has always been another challenge I've experienced in the past
A1) Struggling with Year 10 science because curriculum is too crowded and I feel I ma just ticking off boxes rather than teaching
A1 - Good question. I’d have to say a crowed curriculum. Trying to get through the content but doing it with justice.
fractions! every single class I have ever taught!!
A1 Sometimes the hardest things are when you know the answer well but want to give the students time to get there themselves.
I always struggle to teach the physics section of 7-10 syllabus. If I'm confused how can I expect Ss to understand!
A1 I've always found it challenging to teach things unimportant as if I don't see relevance how will the kids.
A1 - new study design and all that comes with it - new lessons, class work, Ss and Ts resources. Positive is I learn something new
to be honest, what is most challenging is the get my students self-directing their learning. So much unlearning to be done :S
A1-I used to find boring content very challenging to teach. Stuff like Maths lol!!!
A great answer, the more I teach, the deeper and narrower I go. A1
A1 lots last year beginning teacher 😂😂 more how my school does stuff and expectations
Welcome! Introduce yourself, share what you teach. Grade & subjects. Find those who teach the same as you https://t.co/dyQm5D0YL3
Q1. Creative writing as if a student doesn't like it, they can't write it.
I haven't got it yet - when I do, it will just be a cold 😂 https://t.co/RARmGfPtr5
I thought only a man could get Man Flu?
How about things in Aus curr that you don't have resources for. Digital tech springs to mind!
A1 Resilience... Especially with the older Ss, it takes a lot of time to develop self efficacy & openness to learning
A1: Changing a student's ingrained mindset that their parents have reinforced.
I asked our Ss about this. Many said that in Mths they hv to go over & learn a concept over a long period of time 1/2
Also struggling with Animal Husbandry since the rabbits escaped and all I have is 4 chickens and 2 sheep (and 25 students )
A1 As a T maths was always a challenge as a leader teaching Ts is its own challenge
A1: Consistently, patience. I feel it is something that needs to have backing from home front too.
A1. I think the hardest lessons are the ones where I feel no personal conviction or connection to what I'm teaching.
Q1 the days of the week for my kindergarten students! No matter how many times I sing the songs! 😉
A1. Writing, as Year 6 are vastly more developed in style than Year 2. There's often more technical errors for me to identify also
TBH I've found fractions and time the hardest to teach, students seem to either totally get it or not.
if you find Maths a challenge jump online and get my FREE activities - they make it fun, easy and physically active
Imagine how it is in secondary!!! https://t.co/i3k1C0xQKo
A1 Resilience... Especially with the older Ss, it takes a lot of time to develop self efficacy & openness to learning
A1 mindset. It amazes me how quickly students believe they can or cannot do something
Hi, Tam from North QLD. I teach Digital Technologies/Library for P - 6 and run a makerspace.
It depends on the day as a graduate I have days where the best lesson turns bad quickly .
Greatest challenge to date is differentiation for Ss before getting to know them
A1 2 subjects, poles apart. Touch typing-people think they can do it faster. Ethical issues-cause fights https://t.co/vLOYhHo2xb
David, Tenambit PS, 5/6 my class, AP Years 3-6 my responsibility. I love my job, struggle to keep up.
I'm with you on crowded curriculum Very unsatisfying to teach
A1: Challenging - Innovation. Love the complexity it brings. Makes me think about application and leaves me vulnerable.
So true, doing it well vs getting it done, did anyone ever count the hours for the planned curriculum? https://t.co/w2OMxCDPGn
A1) Struggling with Year 10 science because curriculum is too crowded and I feel I ma just ticking off boxes rather than teaching
Teaching Ss & Ts that it is better to try and fail and try again, than to play it safe.
Yes, have to agree, seems still the trend to present it via worksheet. Determined to change this !
A1) Growth Mindset, G&T Ss have such difficulty w/ this, I've been struggling all year
It does take time but worth it. A1
I agree! Sooooo frustrating! https://t.co/H2vwOLvlGq
A1 - Good question. I’d have to say a crowed curriculum. Trying to get through the content but doing it with justice.
I can be very motivated and have great resources but it's still a challenge, particularly when I get a bit flustered!
A1 referencing sources - i find it tedious so hard to get students enthusiastic about it
A1: Child Protection- always tricky when disclosures occur
2/2 But in other curric areas, the learning is much faster. Concepts are learnt quicker.
Maths can be a problem because finding 20 different ways to explain the same thing can be hard
Not having the end in mind makes teaching a challlenge.
A1: interesting question, learners change which makes everything we do particularly difficult
A1 challenging ( but achievable & satisfying) 2 teach kindergarten how 2 use learning intention/success criteria beginning of yr
So true! And if they haven't got it in the past changing the attitude can be the first huge hurdle
I feel the hardest lessons are the chalk and talk session that seem to go on forever.
A1 Teaching students to try when they know stuff is challenging and new. Don't give up and it's ok to make mistakes!
I have only one semester to do Year 10 science in!
A1 there is a course for ss on Stanford online that takes ss 5 lessons about growth mindset & maths, starts the conversation
A1 - Art. I love Art but struggle to give critical feedback whilst still wanting to maintain a positive mindset to creativity!
Sad! But change this and then they can make progress, ay.
A1. Time is my enemy. So hard to fit everything in with our crowded curriculum, to have quality learning not skimming.
I try to do it context as much as possible still a struggle compared to Poetic Devices.
Forgot to label my last tweets as Q1, my bad!
A1 teaching the difference between mean median and mode. Ended up singing a poem to the classes
A1. Teaching abstract things is really challenging.
we decided not to do VALID because of the cost... wish we could though
challenging teaching less outwardly exciting stuff like form/narrative criticism -plugging English gaps too!
How can anyone not love learning new Math skills
my current challenge is the bottom reading group saying that they are dummies
I find time is so abstract too, like children understanding how its relative to the planets just spins them out!
A1 Challenging is having to stop when we are all deeply engaged, but Ss need to go to specialists.
A1. ANYTHING at all when you feel undervalued and unsupported! And proper use of the semi colon.
you need CSUnplugged and csfirst
poetry appreciation is also a challenge
I can only imagine... Teaching Ss how to learn should be the focus, not what to learn... Huge disconnect
A1: I teach online and I love it, but it's not something for everyone. Digi-phobia (my own term) requires nurturing in newcomers
Khan Academy etc has changed everything. Previously just told by T.
A1 anything that doesn't challenge, excite or contain relevance for the stu's
A1 to meet and personalise the learning of 30 Ss in one class!
fully agree and sometimes it's hard to stop and realise I need to go back and visit when there is always something
A1. Kidneys, protein synthesis, action potential & the immune response are the ones I struggle with the most
Oh, breaks my heart when the kids say that
A1 challenge when I'm told I HAVE to do it this way -true story -needless to say I didn't
A1. Not having the end in mind when can make teaching very challenging
OK I'm a Victorian. What's VALID?
A1 - When a teacher is a way and I get an extra to teach HSIE and I stand out in front of the class like a deer in the headlights.
Spelling and grammar. It took time to become confident in myself to deliver it in an engaging way. A1 https://t.co/yyEG7NhKzR
A1 On a whole, teaching persistence through the tough topics and metalanguage
While I am all 4 authentic learning, is there no place for head down and learn?
Yes, and because I am RFF for science, I only have P-6 Ss 40 mins a week, so takes a while to get to know them.
The difficulty personalising/differentiating topic/tasks can be challenging
G'day! Jodie here. Joining late. ECE teacher in QLD now teaching Preservice education students in HE
indeed! once they know that they can indeed learn anything!
Good Morning my friend 😊 How are you? I hope all is well 😊
This is a difficult mindset to shift. They need to find a success that has significance.
A1 writing to infants! My first year with the little ones...mostly its me who needs to adjust.
A1: The ones where I know poor delivery is going to have an impact on outcomes later down the road. Need to think quick on my feet
did it work?? About to teach it haha
A1: Challenge is getting S's to open minds to learning-I have16-18yr olds-been tested to death-think memorization is learning
perhaps Ss are frustrated with how we've structured school?
For core learning, I think there is. Some things the students just have to learn.
it used to be 'ESSA' - essential secondary science assessment' in Yr 8 & 10- basically Science NAPLAN
Mean 'a' = average; median 'd' = middle and mode 'o' = most
Agree, that's why we need to embrace a positive mindset and always let the Ss drive their education
A1: Lessons that are part of the required script and are yawn material for students and teachers - gutting
maybe that is just a personal thing... I love reading but poetry not my thing...
I struggle to support anything that involves lots of writing. I just write and don't know how to teach it
A1 for me a challenge is helping students to transfer what they've learned previously to current work.
And having to stop to allow time for the next topic or subject! https://t.co/yhurmz3Hnz
A1 Challenging is having to stop when we are all deeply engaged, but Ss need to go to specialists.
I didn't I didn't like them... just struggle! But have worked V. hard to find strategies that work!
A1. I find anything I am not familiar with myself difficult to teach
OH NO! 4% battery... silly Rox BRB
fully agree and making it personalised and specific for students sometimes struggle with this when against time
Attempted on my phone. Silly me.
Glad we don't know about it then
Now I have the other end issue with Year 6!
I did on my phone - have now wrestled my way back to the laptop....
Its more.Popular culture is becoming increasingly about "fastest finger first". Waiting is undervalued.
A1. Coding :) I will get there over time. I am sure by next year I will feel much more comfortable.
We are going to finally move on to teh farm next week. So excited (and sick of packing)
I've found that as well but Ss seem to understand time better after being taught fractions.
A1 any abstract concept that involves empathy to others. Expressing our own feelings are hard but understanding others...
A1. Not having the end in mind can make teaching very challenging. Knowing what success looks like.
Shame is it still needed when we have moved a Link Economy all that APA bit is it really adding value? https://t.co/5noPtNBGHi
A1 referencing sources - i find it tedious so hard to get students enthusiastic about it
Great post, does take more scaffolding than most Ts and indeed Ss realise.
I remember being befuddled by that at conasta one year
A1 - life skills! I want to empower students to be resilient and independent but an over crowded curric hinders this at times!
A1 course for ss on Stanford online that takes ss 5 lessons about growth mindset & maths, starts the conversation
yeah it's like hey diddle. yr 9 students thought it was shame but I don't have any shame lol
A dying artform unfortunately, but one we need to continue to work with our Ss
yes especially in boys' school when it's not considered manly!
A1 finding exciting interactive ways to teach outside but stay within the rules of WHS..if only we could all climb the trees
Jumping in late to - I teach MS Drama and Humanities (I&S). Our school uses the IB curric, so follow the MYP. Taught HS back home
Teaching the same subject to different classes and seeing the difference. is the key
Great post, students will find their best learning anywhere now, big challenge for present teachers.
fully agree with you. Just have to roll with it
I tend to find it is "who" I teach not "what" that can present a challenge.
I think they do know how to learn. Have you seen boys play video games? Or watch YouTube to fix a car engine?
A1 Anything I have had no input into the planning & that Ss have had no voice
Such a different experience at times!
Clear and unwavering expectations for student progress for handwriting and presentation helped me pass this issue
Q2 Why is it important this content is still taught? Or what should be taught instead?
A1. Differentiation for all students is difficult with such a wide range of abilities in a class.
I just think they see no purpose in school bc of how we deliver content, school is the last place they seek to learn
where did you find it? I'm the sa e my y6 just hide their heads sometimes with me
I highly recommend watching this free webinar called Characteristics of Effective Feedback (https://t.co/2ECWa3R93i )
Nice point. Wes, often the same material needs to be differentiated.
Yay! Happy for you! Best of luck in your new place! I love your alpaca videos!
her poetry can be a powerful portal for boys - to language & ideas/emotions.
I'm doing that! Come on phone, go faster!
Yes-I have found that using Google helps (I use Classroom) Can give kids instant feedback they can see using COMMENTS
Definitely a challenge, but also exciting to see how different Ss relate to set work
Absolutely! Anything where Ss don't have an open mind and learning mindset is painful to teach
Was talking about this at ! Ts had law of 2 feet.Can we apply that to school?
A1 I find everything challenging because im not just challenging my students but also myself
Teaching religion can be difficult. Some students are culturally Catholic not spiritually Catholic.
you need to join the community for free. It gave very to the point advise on how to make feedback more effective
All kids can and do learn, absolutely. The challenge is getting to learn what we want them to learn! https://t.co/EpGRMJbHHq
I think they do know how to learn. Have you seen boys play video games? Or watch YouTube to fix a car engine?
What! Real me do poetry. I teach my boys Invictus at teh start of the year
A1: formal handwriting and above all; dance! The rest is second nature:)
Teaching students to move away from learned helplessness to a role of empowerment is what I hope to achieve
satisfying but no tingles here lol
The alpaca will be looking in the bedroom windows now
A2 The primary curriculum is agile & begging for integration, pre test Ss, compact curriculum & honour Ss interests when teaching
Yes - I'm presenting about working w/ Ss w/ challenging behaviours. Are you going?
A2. People are most proud of the things that we have had to get in the trench’s for where they had to overcome a major challenge
This question is a double edged sword with a sharp tip. Before we ask that, is the child meeting Maslow's?
ideas I hadn't thought of before Then examples with Giving Effective Feedback to Your Students https://t.co/2ECWa3R93i
absolutely - it is what makes education amazing. No two classes or students are the same
A2: Is it challenging to everyone, or are we just bubble wrapping Ss by avoiding it? Solutions and lateral thinking needed.
Is it that we find it personally challenging to engage with much of it? or the process of it? but if it has real value we need to
A1 trying to engage students in a range of topics, not just the "fun" ones, is the biggest challenge!
Religious concepts are often difficult to teach. Very abstract. Hard to get a handle on them. Need point of access!
A2-If I link back to A1 then I suppose Maths should be taught instead of HSIE. Maths all day makes kids say YAY!
A2) Year 10 science. Needs less in curriculum. Less content in more depth
A2 By finding the right frame of reference and link to real world, the content is relevant. But not for all Ss
Fully agree! Need to motivate and engage them to do so! All s can learn when shown the best way for them https://t.co/kRB0O8OUZO
All kids can and do learn, absolutely. The challenge is getting to learn what we want them to learn! https://t.co/EpGRMJbHHq
I think they do know how to learn. Have you seen boys play video games? Or watch YouTube to fix a car engine?
Yes!! Keep it up https://t.co/61Kbn3Y0PJ
A1 - life skills! I want to empower students to be resilient and independent but an over crowded curric hinders this at times!
well, too much focus on exams and numbers, not on actual learning for the pleasure of it...
A2 - Over crowded curriculum isn’t important. We need to work out the essentials. Focus more on ‘learning' rather than ‘teaching’
It is assessed in HSC so it is important in that respect but after year 10, text appreciation is a focus. https://t.co/Y7RCRUHSGf
Make it authentic-give them an audience-it will make it more purposeful for them.then do mini lessons..
A1: Content for our EST. Why do we care that Ss can write about food as much as they can cook food?
A2 Skills over content any day of the week. Curriculum is what someone else decided you need to know ?
A2. I think importance is interpretative depending on the personal interest of the who's delivering & who's receiving
A2-I actually don't teach content. I teach children instead. We get hung up on content at the expense of learning to learn.
A2. If it feels hard - just break it up with activities. A brain break helps everyone.
A2 mindset should be our foundation. Are we setting students up for success or failure.
Teaching kids it is okay to fail can be a challenge. I often have to lead by example and share my own fails in life
A2. Students need to be exposed to coding. They may not all use it in the future but at least need a basic knowledge.
A2 I'm not sure all of it actually is important & it definitely shouldn't be tested. 4C Skills https://t.co/CDCovbN4ia
a1 - Taught a unit on devising theatre with a social message this yr. Was harder than I thought it would be to get the Ss into it
Q.2 what we as teachers are challenged by may be the strength of our Ss. Mindsets on role of Ts and Ss shifting. Who teaches who?
Integrating storytelling in math helped. Create characters you can build a narrative around.
A2 Growth mindset & enthusiasm for learning should be taught at the very least modelled
A2 We don't know what we don't know. Sure we have tech 2 get the content but we need to know that content exists in the 1st place
Important to who I wonder
A2 Anything that is relative to student will impact their lives. Students may learn the most outside the classroom
A2 - Provide Ss with real examples, encourage them to work towards set goals. Encouragement and Scaffolding each topic is the key
I know - War poetry is good to break this idea too!
The challenge is not the what. For me, it is the schedule built yrs ago for content delivery & Ts. Working to make it S centered.
A2 Challenging concepts must continue to be taught otherwise our job would be way too easy!
We need to teach the content to the point of need. What is authentic assessment saying for the SS
A2b. when Ss have a chal that is out of their reach & begin to grow to achieve = happy. Sch does not = Pleasure lying on a hammock
In some case, without content, there can no student individualisation or expansion. A2
Wow, great response. I would say our Ss first
A2: Inquiry based, real world relevance, high interest, building blocks to self determination - PBL
Awesome suggestion for poetry appreciation, particularly with males https://t.co/fYYM3HhUkB
I know - War poetry is good to break this idea too!
A2 I feel it is not what should be taught instead but rather teaching a topic authentically, too many topics are skimmed over
A2 need to keep teaching writing just too important not to. But it is all about me changing what I'm doing to include my audience
A2: If I were in charge, some kind of practical application of our learning. Show me what you make. Food is for tasting!
hi! Maths and STEM in high school
A2 Depth in which Ss need to know varies on choices for 11-12. Some content can be kept, others scrapped
A2 Challenging problems and questions make the race for real understanding of content exhilarating for teachers and Ss alike
Are you going to have google docs online for Ts to make notes in or have a hashtag to follow??
A2 I nominated a skill; I tend to think that the skills are the hard bit. We could place content in front of kids, but what then?
A2) All Ss, not just G&T should understand intellig. can be developed, Focus on improving, work hard to learn more & get smarter
we call it learning in beta mode & fail means .. F- irst A-ttempt I-n L-earning make multiple attempts expect failure
If it's mandated curriculum then it is required there4 imp. Equally imp 2 tch what is imp/of interest 2 Ss
If something's got to give, it has to be the "what" over the "why" and "how" IMO. A2
If something's got to give, it has to be the "what" over the "why" and "how" IMO. A2
Fab week ahead. Melb Syd then Mental Health Conf then
A2: Certain content suits a specialist, an old argument but instead of poor sport for eg; hire an expert.
I used to read Invictus after a really hard day of hiking. "I am the master of my soul"
A2 Teach our kids to think, research, communicate, collaborate & self-manage
A2 is testing always necessary I wonder. Perhaps giving the Ss more room for creativity to demonstrate their skills and knowledge
Not about content but more what is done 2 it. Ex. applying knowledge to probs, authentic inquiry & issues students find important
I know we shouldn't be, but we are slaves to the clock. We know it's not right but we still do it https://t.co/rLdzmaKWiz
The challenge is not the what. For me, it is the schedule built yrs ago for content delivery & Ts. Working to make it S centered.
A2 We need to first define challenging concepts then differentiate from relevant and meaningful learning or just time-filling!
Q2 Skills. Skills. Skills. Teach a child to fish…and they’ll teach their friends
should it be about what 'we' want them to learn? Ss respond well to negotiating their learning with us
Too much focus on tests (NY-USA)My S's must pass state content tests-T's end up teaching to test. https://t.co/k6VjGylnJT
well, too much focus on exams and numbers, not on actual learning for the pleasure of it...
A1 - Anything I, myself don't feel confident with. I like to do my research!
A2 Only being new 2 teaching I feel all I have tried 2 pass on I consider common sense. That's why it's important
Me too. I'm lucky to have a brave prin who feels the same.
A2 Can we tell a good story for Y what we teach matters, one with insights, ethics, opportunity & student action? D Perkins
A2 - like what said in q1, often not the what (content) but the who (cohort) where the challenge lies
This is where the transdisciplinary approach of the PYP works well.
Completely agree. We now assess purely skills over tasks, more authentic and relevant.
A2 content can be used a a starting point or a springboard for an exciting learning journey!
Absolutely! Anything can be enhanced if delivered through a narrative & IMO
these skills are far more important to ensure students can access content
Preach! https://t.co/j2f0MDkuDX
A2-I actually don't teach content. I teach children instead. We get hung up on content at the expense of learning to learn.
a2 anything that we teach is important at some point but we should always be looking for best practice
Q2-so caught up in the HSC, we forget that not all Ss need to write stories but need to be literate. Text type needs to change
We are also slaves to NAPLAN - we need to teach for relevance and authenticity not a one day/one off test.
A2 Content for the most part will evolve so context is important in the short term for understanding.
A2 Because teaching and learning isn't about walking away when it gets too hard. You have to hang in there with your S's.
There will always be tension w time. A step in the right direction is to invite the S into the planning of the schedule
A2 bring the why before the what so everyone can see why and then decide how.
Need to ensure that students basic skills are imbedded so they can progress and have the basic skills to live life
A2- we have moved away from teaching 'content' 2 teaching 'deep pedagogical content/knowledge'. This has been a significant change
Love this! https://t.co/FiSe9QGTfV
A2-I actually don't teach content. I teach children instead. We get hung up on content at the expense of learning to learn.
Just opened it up-look forward to reading after -thanks for sharing Nigel!
week to go i bet we are all working on getting our kids ready!
A2 challenging content gives us a chance to explicitly model risk taking & growth mindset we are engaging in, as a professional
A2 Focus on teaching capabilities makes the learning of any content achievable
A2 It's not about the content learn the Ss, content will come
Agree with that. Lets base almost everything on one day out of a student's life. Thats a true reflection!
Aus is going down the UK slippery slope. Teaching and learning is all about testing and not much else
well, that takes time to learn too for them. I have tried it quite unsuccessfully, sadly
The final step is "in my classroom, I teach nothing, the students learn everything!"
The final step is "in my classroom, I teach nothing, the students learn everything!"
It's time we unleashed ourselves from the NAPLAN shackles in favour of students actually learning.
Have we though? Registration is still all about box ticking.
Very true https://t.co/SsPRvDYVdn
A2 We need to first define challenging concepts then differentiate from relevant and meaningful learning or just time-filling!
sts don't always know what to do with choices, not used to them
Ss learning needs, interests & authentic desire for learning trumps scope & sequence. That's our prob to manage
This will lead to significant learning https://t.co/QGUg49KTS3
A2- we have moved away from teaching 'content' 2 teaching 'deep pedagogical content/knowledge'. This has been a significant change
Interesting I'm hosting this topic - I've always been a firm believer in I teacher STUDENTS not content
A2 connect to people and the real world. Do Ss often equate content with "I can google that later"?
TRUTH! https://t.co/0FmZdWlzJs
A2-I actually don't teach content. I teach children instead. We get hung up on content at the expense of learning to learn.
So wise! This is exactly why I love
Blackout poetry works wonders Spoken word poetry is effective too, if you choose wisely
Well said! For some tho, it's also the "how", how to approach & deliver concept to Ss to reach Ss
. Aaaand now I'm back on my phone again...
A2 IMO students will long remember how and why they learnt something over what they learnt.
A2 IMO students will long remember how and why they learnt something over what they learnt.
Sometimes I wonder what Australian education would be if we chose our majors in high school - eg. Yr 9-12 arts or science or tech
That can be very restricting! What happens to Ss who don't master those concepts in the allotted time?
I'm Shelley, from Huntsville Texas. I teach photojournalism & Yearbook to middle school students. https://t.co/b00UBWDhSB
Welcome! Introduce yourself, share what you teach. Grade & subjects. Find those who teach the same as you https://t.co/dyQm5D0YL3
A2. One of the biggest issues is transient families. Only 40% of our Ss stay for complete primary yrs. No succession
Q3 What practices and tools help teach or engage students in this challenging content? Be specific. https://t.co/ehbd8Uzgiz
Amen Magdalene!! https://t.co/o5g8qaBbjq
Interesting I'm hosting this topic - I've always been a firm believer in I teacher STUDENTS not content
understanding and knowing where content is requires research skills. Knowing what questions to ask is important
When I was in the CR, it would kill me to stop & change classes when the Ss were really into something. https://t.co/RX5BAzHmri
sts don't always know what to do with choices, not used to them
Exactly!! https://t.co/GXXNBFeLxo
A2 IMO students will long remember how and why they learnt something over what they learnt.
we're not asking them the right questions... Every child has the capacity to own their learning path
totally agree, disgraceful amount of money in edu tied to the findings of an annual and artificial event https://t.co/uuVK90iAdM
It's time we unleashed ourselves from the NAPLAN shackles in favour of students actually learning.
Looking forward to gaining new perspectives after a experience w this summer at Gould.
A3: Hands on, kinaesthetic learning.
A3. Immerse yourself... jump in the pool, don't sit on the sideline... Ss love it when they see you passionate about content
GAFE & Google Classroom is massive for allowing students to differentiate learning, so many paths to destination.
Interesting I'm hosting this topic - I've always been a firm believer in I teach STUDENTS not content
A2 Content is important if it's what Ss individually struggle with. Learning is journey & if I'm connection that can help I will.
what's the difference between 'content' & 'deep pedagogical knowledge'?
A3. Authentic & personally relevant challenges/problems for Ss - overarching motivation 2 lrn more
A3 Teaching coding: moving away from drag and drop to typing code was a game changer for Ss learning to code.
Australian Secondary School Students SAVE Student Debt https://t.co/q97Z2suCDh
Q3 Modelling! Many different types, then compare, contrast and critique the models. Eg gel electrophoresis
A3. MOTIVATION is key! cautions against use of rewards: they can turn play into work & diminish intrinsic motivation
Personally, yes, but there are many still not shifting.
I must admit I teach maths so I teach for content but I use my Mathsnmovement program to teach for enjoyment and life long skills.
A3. I have just started using for 3D design & I love it. Easy to follow projects for teachers & students.
Funny how poetry disguised in other forms engages students so well, rap, spoken word, https://t.co/1vGxMjg8w3
Blackout poetry works wonders Spoken word poetry is effective too, if you choose wisely
A3-Authentic Cooperative Learning can support students to engage in challenging learning experiences.
yes! Just have to integrate it wisely in Religion. English teachers have a more difficult task!
a3 scaffolding, PrBL, flipped learning to allow students to take their time learning & more interaction in classroom
A3 persistence and resilience on the part of the teacher
Great point Loretta, edgames like Kahoot can transform the most boring of learning content.
Q3 Student Agency- providing choice on how and what students will do with the content. Making it authentic and meaningful for them
A3. Have Ss design own questions 4 inquiry - design their own project of Assessment 2 address criteria
NAPLAN strikes fear into teachers/students/parents so until it is abolished, what can be done? :(
The test is a Band-Aid one day rip it off. Are we teaching the skills and problem solving to enrich our ss leaning
A3 Teachers being clear of big picture, thinking routines & opportunities for authentic student agency
A3 Collaboration, problem solving and social skills need to come into everything we teach
A3. Hands on , Student content creation, , , , , real world audience,
Q3 What practices and tools help teach or engage students in this challenging content? Be specific. https://t.co/nyRGxzTIeX
Starts early at elem. Each day share goals as T. Class builds sched w plenty of ind time.
A3 variety, challenge, interest, relevance
I don't think any of my 10 students became Ts because of content! LOl
A3 - Student voice. They need to be part of the learning, & changes need to be made to accommodate their needs.
A3 you have to find a way to evoke emotions so the learning happens and Links to something already a part of their wiring.
Q3- collaboration, teacher enthusiasm, practical elements, well-developed videos, digital technologies https://t.co/8UnhQjQluT
Q3 What practices and tools help teach or engage students in this challenging content? Be specific. https://t.co/ehbd8Uzgiz
yes! Some awesome spoken word!
A3: Apply the learning in another context. Get students to learn with one another. Collaboration is great. Why not for tests?
A3 Inquiry based learning is a valuable tool. If Ss can develop a Q to be solved it provides them with direction to the answer.
yes, so frustrating. Really dislike the changeover times
I think making all of the challenging learning into games is fraught with problems. Life isn’t a game. Change it up.
Yikes! That's a tough issue to tackle!
Surely if the whole movement just didn't do it, the wheels of change might get started?
A3- I've been really focussing on discussing & analysing strategies that children use an identifying hem https://t.co/NmyU4PTiNH
A3 the 3 R's. Realistic, relatable and rewarding experiences
A3 We teach physics through a rollercoaster for visible links in learning as well as creativity
Connectedness with 21st century links, guest speakers surrounding topic, upskilling yourself, S's feedback
A3 Real contexts lead to real learning & remembering that no two people are exactly the same
That's not cool! I feel testing is important in Aus but I am still free to show my flare and be creative teacher for my students
A3) PBL, STEAM, inquiry based, when G&T Ss hit road block, they give up, need to work thru it
A3 How do we know our Ss are truly immersed in deep learning rather than just engaged?
Got a feeling there will be lots of answers for Q3 Ping
I'll be there- always keen to talk flip
A3 context is incredibly important for history, if you are able to show how the content relates to RL it ca pin engage Ss more
A3_) Trying to emphasise the important bits
Agree! Or at the very least learn the principles to design a website that isn't tacky!
Make the content but of a larger challenge based unit or PBL unit where students direct their learning and find the solutions
A3. Find out what gets your Ss excited & use that to your advantage!
A3 - Using videos from my Math Crush helps my kids (and me) get through the Harder Extension 1 topic
A3 Powerful, engaging messages to the stu's that they can do this, get this, learn this. use the power of "you can"
indeed. No need to own a path when it has been traced for you: "do well in the HSC"
A3 not A1 oops
A1 make it interesting, challenging (like a game) and relevant to real life
A3 not A1 oops
A1 make it interesting, challenging (like a game) and relevant to real life
A3 I utilise any opp to get Ss to teach these concepts themselves. We create a lot of podcasts & videos- they become the teacher!
They don't hear the bell and they don't go to the bathroom 100 times!
Finding how to make it relevant to lives our students are and will live & not just because we say it is https://t.co/1meqFw5s6j
A3. Authentic & personally relevant challenges/problems for Ss - overarching motivation 2 lrn more
Ask them, ask them to feed back what they've acquired, in their own words. A3
Ask them, ask them to feed back what they've acquired, in their own words. A3
A3 - Encouragement and build rapport early. Provide opportunities for Ss to engage with the content and other Ss to want to learn
it does. You try but a school year is often not enough time to make so many changes there's resistance 2
A3 A few have been mentioned: Thinking routines; modelling; peer assessment; lots of practice with feedback.
Love this! I want to be an S in your class Joanna!
True engagement does not always mean learning https://t.co/J06tgN3Tk6
A3 How do we know our Ss are truly immersed in deep learning rather than just engaged?
A3: Make my investigations practical. Learn through doing. Show me by applying it elsewhere. Q - "How else could we do that"...
A3 - I make sure there is tonnes of student driven tasks, allowing students to lead and choose their own learning and assessment
A3 When students have a chance to develop creative solutions to real world projects, made possible with GAFE and collaboration
A3 creation and collaboration with other Ss! we've seen this work with fun, short quizzes https://t.co/KlDBeaOYKU
Q3 What practices and tools help teach or engage students in this challenging content? Be specific. https://t.co/ehbd8Uzgiz
A3 reflection has been a key in my classroom. I am amazed at what the Ss share. Guides future learning https://t.co/TKShxlRzOq
A3 Tools used to teach/engage students - Gaining the trust of the students is key. Using the ladder of feedback
that is a great saying! I'll be deff using that one
Q3- Application to real life scenarios or events. Practicality in the real world develops engagement. https://t.co/ZsEfH54q20
Q3 What practices and tools help teach or engage students in this challenging content? Be specific. https://t.co/nyRGxzTIeX
Formative assessment, differentiation using well researched continuums, teach using questioning, allow sts time to investigate.
Oh no! Phone death is immanent!
A3: Choice! Having students make connections and apply knowledge to the real world.
The good thing is that they turn up for school each day. Excl attendance.
Great point. I want our first two HS years to be "one".
This is awesome! Ss must have sticky notes everywhere, great idea
A3 high school kids often love 'little kid' stuff Eg picture books (The Best Beak in Boonoroo Bay for adaptations for Sr biology)
Yes use 's 'PIRATE' philosophy... Passion, Immersion, Rapport, Ask/Analyse, Transform, Enthusiasm!
we don't without feedback/forward & student self reflection, I worry our Ss hide behind screens too much
A3. Teacher/student relationships. If they trust you, they will learn with/from you. Teacher is the biggest factor.
A3 letting the Ss be in charge of what they want to learn!
To battle against compartmentalized Ed we look to bring in cross-curric projects. Multigenre proj, restaurant design, Genius Hr
Ownership by students of their own learning is imperative but also fun, challenging and working together is important
We use problems from nrich & NZMaths to promote a growth mindset & a willingness to have a go at tasks
When they ask me questions I don't know the answer to.
hi I'm Marilyn a global educator sharing the competencies & perspectives of a globally centred curriculum
we are creating superheroes in Yr10 genetics :)
Results matter? The humans taking the test matter! Stress is a part of life. Results are results.
Goals - why; objectives- what + how; product - evidence; cycle
And Kate sews up the whole chat in one tweet :)
A3 Use real life examples - Sure you have to change your routines each year, but the class remains current
A3 Tch's sharing the secrets to learning... challenge brains, being passionate, getting it done. Fail fast and hard, then learn
A3 Engagement through immersion in authentic projects and challenges to develop young leaders and entrepreneurs
Kath Murdoch’s Inquiry Cycle is a great place to start.
would love to "own" students for their whole HS years sometimes
I'm so sorry. Grading A-level exams. Lots of work!
A3 I use connectivist learning theory in my c/room. Team/group based learning that connects Ss with peers, Ts, experts or tech.
Ss need 2 document their learning process. Reflective process. Think, plan, do, reflect cycle...
A3 learning together can be the most powerful learning. Don't always be the expert but guide.
Keep It Real - The more likely the Ss are to use the skill being learnt the more likely they are to want to learn it.
Data doesn't lie. You are where you are. If you are teaching to the test you have missed the point
Prove me wrong! - a fun one to put to students!
I'd like to think they can apply concept easily elsewhere & know when/where it could work
A3 Integration of the content areas is critical to making the learning real, that & giving Ss a voice in their learning.
Love Quote "Don't teach lessons, create an experience"
Same here! And no doubt the Ss feel the same way!
I'm guessing my Ss must be deep learners then!
Nice cycling analogy. You know me well!
Q3 must make clear the immediate usefulness of the content - not how will it help in future but why it matters now.
Dear Sydney based educators-don't miss on July 22 - it's going to be HUGE --> get your tickets now https://t.co/gkVieQrk7K
Dear Sydney based educators-don't miss on July 22 - it's going to be HUGE --> get your tickets now https://t.co/zmoMFpgmfq
Are you using radioactive spider venom?
Sometimes we provide the only stability that S's have in their lives.... Warmth, food, shelter, structure, LOVE....
Have Ss come up with their own assessment based on objectives. Much more inviting!
Student filmmaking in action. Future Film Stars incursions being 21st Century Skills to your school https://t.co/rAedPQpaiK
A3 - I let my students 'Tweet' (write their opinions on their laminated space)and we talk about issues in the world today.
A3: Goal-directed l'ning for basic skills. Everyone has to learn long division, 10-yr-olds love to feel competent.
A3 Big fan of trying to engage Ss on a personal level before getting stuck into content heavy learning EG: https://t.co/Zosoh7E04o
No classes to teach :( DP of a large NSW primary school :)
I also have Ss use a KWHLAC documentation process - ALWAYS
there are lots of ways into poetry; I've found it powerful for students.
Great point. The future application is up to the Ss! Well put.
If Ss didn't have to be there would you be Ting to an empty classroom?
A3 currently using seven steps writing to help out
Blogging! Also opens their audience! Give a wider audience helps students to aim higher
the test will teach itself
My Ss would love that Q. That's their plan on most days!
Yep again. I’ve pulled back a bit this year. Never thought I would say that!
A3: this is so hard! Practices depend on the cohort - matching learning experiences to needs; Resources too, so have loads of both
you have a great point on those 3R's
my brain is flashing ETHICS APPROVAL REQUIRED lol
Could you sell tickets to your lessons?
haha yes, we all love a bit of student-teacher competition!
A3 I am trialing a version of instagram where I photograph the learning & the students hashtag concepts taught & refer to it
A3- This teaches them of the world they live in and helps them to create their own thoughts and opinions, and verbalise them!
Teachers should be passionate about the content. If you think it's boring you students will know and you do them a disservice IMO
Absolutely - authentic audience is a great motivator for engagement & prompt 4 posing deeper Qs
teachers need feedback too
I agree and then get them them and/or their peers to answer their questions. Ts as facilitators.
Q4 Let’s spend the rest of the chat sharing success. Especially teaching challenging topics. https://t.co/jNzpqAcG58
I don't have the exact answer, it's something I always think about when designing learning xps 🙆🏻
Yes! Been working wonders with my Year 1s.
I'm not touching NAPLAN in my year 9 Maths class. Preparing students skews data.
Agreed. I don't think this happens enough
I love teaching questioning. Simple and complex questions are vital to the success of society
A3 - Give Ss the chance to provide feedback to Ts, as Ts we can then tailor our teaching to better help our Ss want to learn
we do 'write your own Q ' in gr 10 Maths
The 3 R's: Relationships, relationships, relationships!!!
like this idea. May borrow it
Student filmmaking in action. Future Film Stars incursions bring 21st Century Skills to your school. https://t.co/rJjdwKrqTw
I like that idea! If we partner with Ss on process they learn valuable dec making & critical analysis skills.
Screens are not necessarily the best creators of learning feedback we are.
And our common future. Ss love it when I just say "What do you think?" Very affirming.
And our common future. Ss love it when I just say "What do you think?" Very affirming.
don't worry you'll get plenty from us
Shameless promotion: looking for a new school? We have a couple of teaching jobs going for Semester 2: https://t.co/oVI0y5By0f
Ss are always excited to share their opinions of experience through Twitter () and blog. Authentic audience
Great idea! https://t.co/Pxcp0EScUZ
A3 I am trialing a version of instagram where I photograph the learning & the students hashtag concepts taught & refer to it
What a neat idea!
A3 I am trialing a version of instagram where I photograph the learning & the students hashtag concepts taught & refer to it
A3 when ss hc an understanding of how our brains work all challenges can come to... let's find the best way, tool to tackle this
120% agree! How can you expect students to be engaged in what you do in the classroom if you're not?!! https://t.co/1ivOl1Ht4o
Teachers should be passionate about the content. If you think it's boring you students will know and you do them a disservice IMO
Having a real audience is too rare, need to include it often not once a year https://t.co/Eg2fyY7iPd
Blogging! Also opens their audience! Give a wider audience helps students to aim higher
A3. I start each session with a yarning circle. Students then seem more than happy to join in & participate.
Hopefully we move to a two-year jnr program with the one teacher.
Give as many opportunities for Ss to teach each other through face to face connections, videos, green screen Etc
A4. My most successful strat is having Ss use a KWHLAC framework 2 guide their own project dev
A3 one thing that I can't live without in class is humour, when Ss enjoy themselves in class, challenging content seems easier
Reduces admin during lesson time and increases learning not busy time.
That is great. I want this to part of their learning journey
A4. 1 Rube Goldberg challenge day with & students
That kinda scares me with your class :)
yep! if I see another Google doc survey instead of a speaking circle or post it note I'll cry... 🙆🏻☺️
Teaching shouldn't be about withholding knowledge but empowering Ss to find it! https://t.co/Q8nYIhp11x
A3 Tch's sharing the secrets to learning... challenge brains, being passionate, getting it done. Fail fast and hard, then learn
Agreed! Real world opportunities also
A4 - The moment Ss "have a lightbulb" moment for the first time, especially in topics that they previously found difficult
as long as the teacher student relationship is genuine and productive to Ss and Teacher
A4 Willingness of students to ask for feedback on tasks, building confidence through rapport
A3: Challenging content > more conversation or team approach rather than individual
sometimes low tech is the best tech. It is the tool that gets the job done most effectively
So true. I took over a class this term. I told them that have as much to learn from the students as they do from me
A4: For me, persuasive writing with Year 3, adding in meat to the paragraphs - such a win this week, finally!
Great idea! Nearly pulled my hair out with teacher-controlled assessment last week with my Year 1s. Time to change!
Great point, that's the key. If Ss' sense lack of authenticity, they'll withdraw asap.
A4 Taking a group of girls to robotics course & hearing them want to take up engineering at uni! 🌟🙌🏻
I always challenge my Ss to cook-offs. I always win. That happens when I am the judge!
Ss who are able to teach each other are more deeply engaged in their learning=higher level of understanding.
Remember: It's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to as for approval...Tee-Hee-Hee!
Yes, the key is communication and honestly, most feedback should be F2F or similar. More meaningful.
Still smiling from this week's multigenre writing kickoff. Ss willing to self direct, learn new genres, & accept new challenges
agree x2 lately I've found myself going for more whole class convos than just Ss working on the Macs
Yep it's important 2 acknowledge we are co-learners & co-travelers down the learning journey
A4 in my job we take Ss https://t.co/IUPRLcr39D hearing students say "this is so much fun!" and "this doesn't feel like school"
A3. My Ss (10-11 y o) understood how something complex works thanks to my explanation and that GIF.
Anyway the kid can shoot venom out of his wrists now. we did him a favour
A4. 2 many of our classes are taking on & mindsets
Interesting Q's tonight I Have been wrestling all weekend with what is my priority when I teach my first class as a PST tomorrow
Coaching and feedback session every Monday on a specific subject to start the week
I agree, those Ts today who see it one-way has little chance with their students IMO long-term.
A4 Love spending 10 mins with S explaining how to improve their work when they want to stretch themselves https://t.co/J7qRjybvty
Q4 Let’s spend the rest of the chat sharing success. Especially teaching challenging topics. https://t.co/jNzpqAcG58
I did that the past 3 years at my old school. Best experience!
A4 when Ss have struggled but want to get quality marks to make themselves and myself proud
I'm really appreciating your tweets tonight! Shackles be gone! https://t.co/qfTb4i6VlK
It's time we unleashed ourselves from the NAPLAN shackles in favour of students actually learning.
A3. Generally simple tools are more helpful than big stuff like GAFE in getting to the complex content.
Also have had huge success with multiplication. They can’t get enough of little S2S interactive games. No tech, just pop sticks!
A2: Challenging, meaningful, authentic content can be taught/learned with skills...provides context for skill development.
Agreed. Unfort we still see that pedagogical approach domin8 classrooms across the nation
A4 I feel I do my best work when turning real events into stimulus for deep learning and encouraging stu's to be active citizens
Teaching drama games to Year 7. We were all out of our comfort zone but had a ball, they have been asking to repeat
Teaching sustainability this week - my online students want to come together for an excursion, all from resources I shared
OK then. Who has good practical activities for Year 8 Geology
Used Padlet a lot recently to get debate going re "dry" topics. Students love the interactions.
Thanks for some great pointers tonight , have to leave the chat, look forward to next week
love it! I have had students create Facebook profiles of Darwin & journal his HMS Beagle journey
Promoting Resilience is an important tool as it helps students to work through pitfalls and challenges that arise
A4 - Not just flipping but knowing when to unflip. Running a year 8 class split into flips & unflips atm which is working well
Q5 How can we teach teachers? Those who are not online? How have you got them on board with newer ways? https://t.co/NI6ts159q5
I also ask the impossible questions, students love attempting answers.
A4 am using a sentence a day writing starter that is allowing Ss more time in structured writing
hi, / Eva STEM teacher primary/ lower secondary now working with r&d on assessment in STEM
rships are @ core of learning, Ss crave social interactions, gains in learning communication skills too
I have 4 chickens, 2 sheep and 25 students. Any idea what to do with them all
It's more important to get Students to think deeply and critically than to 'tick curric boxes' https://t.co/KC9BLu7H66
A4: Humour is a massive one. Ss enjoy the class when they enjoy the teacher. Make it fun, laugh a little. Take a risk!
OK plugged into charger now! This is what you get for attempting on the phone!
'feed forward' - in a learning pod (5/6) each learner talks about their learning, others give ideas
I agree but sometimes struggle with motivating students who 'too often' get put on teaching classmates.
I'm afraid aussie Ed may be going in the exact opposite direction. More testing and accountability measures on thehorizon
Sorry - I'm struggling to keep my eyes open... need to head off... some more Codral before bed... night all
A4 Seeing boys in schools embracing that is heavily informed by deep understandings in .
A4 engaging Ss with resources from the wider community!
A3: Authenticity is key...often if kids can relate, they engage...technology tools can support.
Be yourself! You can't go wrong with that. Good luck! https://t.co/sOmt4F9N6a
Interesting Q's tonight I Have been wrestling all weekend with what is my priority when I teach my first class as a PST tomorrow
A4 challenging maths always a winner actively practised outside & communicated orally
Agree, and IMO an added tool to improve Ss ability to learn https://t.co/269NcCG6GQ
Khan Academy etc has changed everything. Previously just told by T.
Definitely Anthony https://t.co/3WKXEnTazi
Promoting Resilience is an important tool as it helps students to work through pitfalls and challenges that arise
A4 also have a free writing/investigating station in L3 activities for informal writing opportunities
Especially in this fast paced, most parents working kind of generation.
William Shakespeare Webquest was completed by students who completed little to no work Term 1. Independence and technology
a5 get them online. Teachers who aren't online tend to resist change.
Q4 my latest is getting teachers on Twitter to develop a PLN and using Google Apps!
Sounds like an interesting joke. "4 chicken, 2 sheep and 25 students walk into a classroom..." 😆
What do they say... never work with...??
A4. Anything I can turn into a compelling visual. I knew this one was an from the student response https://t.co/WtPwhAyakw
unfortunately there isn't the lesson time to spend 10 mins with a student...
A3- a great provocation 2 start, get inquiring minds fired up, incorporate growth mindset, scaffold & keep expectations high!
I do Romeo and Juliet for protein synthesis - have you seen that?
A5 being present in their classroom, open the door, show them the way
Agree. I've just returned from working in US - we R now more prescriptive than what I saw there
A5 sharing, modelling supporting implementation,allow time for good collaboration and reflection
hi, STEM teacher having lunch out doors(!) and enjoying from Sweden 12'C springtime
A4) Success: Ss are excited for writing, used various tools to showcase our stories not just paper/pencil
Yes! I also remind myself that I'm the only one being paid to be in the classroom!
complained lots about my gut since returning but taking these kids 2 Cambodia was a huge for me! https://t.co/3Pxi4241p4
Entry and exit tix https://t.co/sX5gRzdq50
A3 - Give Ss the chance to provide feedback to Ts, as Ts we can then tailor our teaching to better help our Ss want to learn
A5: Help all Ts to learn to take risks. To fail. To get up again! Show them the 'battle scars' and let them know they'll survive!
so hard when you see them so little
a5 also the best way to get teachers on board is to show them something works in your own class.
A5 just like Ss, you can only help Tchrs learn to learn, unfortunately not all are open to PD beyond compulsory staff meetings
A5) I find that nothing beats a 1 on 1 chat and explanation of something I have done
A4. After maths a S said we had wasted a lesson - he could now do area and perimeter but couldn't 40m ago - more fun less teaching
Also evidence of deep learning in complexity of products of learning
had a grt lesson w/ Ss 'you've just found Historical figure's Phone, what on it?' 3 songs, 3 last msgs and bcgrnd image
Everyone one in the room can become an expert on something. Share the joy !
A4 integrating tech as a transformative tool.
Many Ts see such advances as a massive threat to their control, power and mgmt.
Praise and 'feel good' moments are essential for engagement. Students will work hard if they feel valued, acknowledged and happy.
A4 giving the students the chance to problem solve and work together without interference. Watch THEM delegate and take the lead
A5: anyone interested in an edcamp? I've been tweeting with folks who are very encouraging
A3. Flexibility in meeting each student at their learning strength. Give each student choice. https://t.co/npNWi97skz
Q3 What practices and tools help teach or engage students in this challenging content? Be specific. https://t.co/ehbd8Uzgiz
A5 I'm a trained coach - but find a negative connotation with "coaching" Ts think that means they need help or aren't good enough
If the kids are missing something in their knowledge I always ask what can I improve not the SS
Yes sounds funny until you get past the first 10 minute sand all your ideas are gone
True but why? $$ linked to outcomes is a dangerous way to go...
I like that too! https://t.co/7tIJghVEfw
And our common future. Ss love it when I just say "What do you think?" Very affirming.
not in my current department, but yes there are so many who just don't want to change they are failing their students
extremely difficult to get people to give it a go! How did you persuade them?
Need to share this article from https://t.co/BFd6FY4fkm , speaks to what constrains us and how we could break the habit
Very true.It's important to find relevance to engage students for purposeful learning
Also shared Google Slides enable students to work together to get the dry matter done and quickly.
Q5 work with the T's who are interested and hope their enthusiasm spreads. Create a culture where other T's want to get on board!
thanks again for the chat and the ideas. See you next week. Some work on which to catch up :(
A5 get them online in their lives with thei interests. Get them online with non negotiables. Push the new pedagogy not the tech.
A5: Sharing - staff seeing what others are doing, trying that in their class. You can’t force someone to change though.
A5:When someone compliments me on lesson/activity I always offer 2 share/help them brainstorm,plan&create https://t.co/tJwLbFqqvP
Q5 How can we teach teachers? Those who are not online? How have you got them on board with newer ways? https://t.co/NI6ts159q5
I think they might have said children or animals. Children and Animals just amplifies it
It's a human thing indeed!
A4 have been bashing out the lesson breaks by using GoNoodle https://t.co/tyjm8GUQ9N Ss really love it and I dance along too!
A5: like a virus, show them what works, spread your practice. And when the inspector is on our side, we're sure we can test/try.
doesn't have to be limited to your classroom. Find other ways to connect ur Ss w others who are experts.
Do you run a successful coaching program at your school? Would love to chat & hear how you implemented it
Giving students the 'TIME' to think is crucial... Real deep thinking and problem solving needs time https://t.co/nN47VS5N1C
A5. I need more resources for Digital Technologies. - parts of a computer, how info travels in a network etc
😊 I am with you there. Guess the struggle is the glory.
A5 Be the change, and capture your stories of success. Promote wildly... teachers need role models too! Be that teacher!
A5. I regularly run training for staff at Inservice days. Also offer twilight training & open-door for peer visits
Indeed, I am currently working in the UK and I see Aus starting to mirror a lot of what is happening here.
A5 offer to teach time management or prioritisation skills when they say they don't have time to learn new stuff!
Giving them opportunities & options to make small changes by sharing and watching
A5 invite Ts to "play" with the new tools. Try something new together
It's a slow burn. Modelling and sharing is the best way to show the newer ways
A4 my kindergarten Ss r referring 2 & explaining their Lg intentions, are self-assessing using success criteria 2 gauge progress
A5 plant seeds and watch out for other champions to lead from the floor.
A5 collaborate, share, praise
Actually teh struggle is teh rooster. He scratches everyone
You can only see it at hosted screenings, cost is high, not publicly available yet. Worth seeing. https://t.co/tigdCPoLmk
Do you know where i can purchase a copy of this film? Would love to show it to my staff.
You can choose any play, really. Dna = script. mRNA = photocopy of 1 scene from script distributed to Ss.
A4: Brain breaks! A God-send! Gives my Year 1's time to be active before re-focusing. And it's free!
But we can enthusiastically model the way!
A5: Show them the benefits on online. When they see them (and understand), they will come!
A5. I promote sandbox events w/ colleagues. Sharing what works, enc peers 2 play w/ others app 2 lrn
Looking @ starting communities of practice - not meetings; gatherings based on interests. Come & go as you like
We have one hour per week per class devoted to this. Different depending on your context I know.
A5) I offer resources, share, listen to them if they want to talk, most import. they see what I'm doing, my excitement & want in
that's completely true. Thanks for the input. Just the spark I needed to rethink my practice.! 👍🏻
A5 I find Ts respond well to seeing that other Ts fail, failing in front of a class can be a daunting exp. I try share my failures
Go for and it's no longer social media but ed media and great sharing!
Q5 InstructionalCoaching.Goal setting,modelling,obs&feedback, sharing stories of success. Promoting Learning Culture within staff
Protein = acting the scene out (or watching it if you like Baz Luhrmann)
A5 biggest challenge I have in my teaching team, looking for some help on this one
A4: I try to build challenging curriculum around S voice and choice...we engage together & find meaning. https://t.co/DayArCRYjM
agree, but getting harder to achieve in an already crowded curriculum, sadly
Are we rebelling? Count me in.
At our school we call that positive infiltration!!!
Absolutely and offer our ideas in a nice way. Some still won’t take them, or change. Inevitable.
😆 Just to see all this first hand I gotta make a trip to your place. Sounds so happening!
A5 Connect ECT & PST and encourage them to keep teaching with mentors, peers and practical support in resilience and mindfulness
Go for it LOL! Many Ts see it as like FB, ignorance costs them and their students!
Import 2 focus energy on those who want to change rather than trying 2 drag others along
Ah it's all fun... except the rooster
A5 showing Ts and Ss work for inspiration. Positive learning stories. 1 on 1 can also work; Ts usually don't know how, not won't
A4 it's been hard work using Lg intentions/success criteria from day1 in kindergarten but they're now using 'next step' thinking
A5 I get 2 share with other T's & model in team teaching opportunities
A5: the power of (staffroom) positivity!
We are in the process of creating. Next year I'll be our school's 1st Instructional Coach. Would love to chat! DM
The importance of teacher/Ss relationships has an impact we, as teachers, may never fully know. https://t.co/xGzTdNtJV6
I learned so many life lessons from teachers who simply gave a shit. Never forget a few important things.
ask your Ss to choose between a screen or a circle and see what they say?
Is there any better way for a T to lead? Nice!
Choose whatever play they're doing in English. Kids like it and you can 'borrow' resources from Eng Ts' desks
Totally agree, That's what I liked about the Singapore system, uncomplicated in the early years https://t.co/FmJQNm7BoC
agree, but getting harder to achieve in an already crowded curriculum, sadly
Change in the language is so important. I like the informal approach👍🏼
Show them the positive results and they will change.
If that rooster kept a diary it would make for one heck of a Disney/Pixar script. 😆
unfortunately not but looks awesome!
"where does my food come from" World's biggest bbq? I've got lots, but most are not great for the animals...
Part of the learning and teaching process https://t.co/aeWHmSFzdA
A5 I find Ts respond well to seeing that other Ts fail, failing in front of a class can be a daunting exp. I try share my failures
Excellent, I've done instructional training, still trying to implement. Let's chat!
Those few will be left behind. Best to focus on T's willing to "give it a go" Pretty soon more will want to join!
Patience, at the shoulder coaching, supp & guidance, then patience. Look 4 the small wins bc bigger 1's will follow
Ohhhhhh I love it! Hadn't thought of that! https://t.co/2Ejf9wPZbN
but then there's also epigenetics = the actors choosing how to deliver the line.
unfortunately for some of them it is also laziness or arrogance...
Absolutely. I’ll just smile and wave at them. :)
an action of processing information can be as simple as assigning a # or as complex as doctoral thesis
A5. Collaboration, provide opportunities for team teaching and planning.
Well that's one lesson... Hmmm what next... we now have 0 chickens, 0 sheep, 25 students
Edcamp website to look at first. My work email if you want to go fwd: Justine.poidevin@det.nsw.edu.au https://t.co/7ZAqwfcgVQ
OK Justine you have my attentions. How can we edcamp? I'm keen.
This doesn't always work. Important 2 celebrate others success. Create & spread the ped lrning contagion
This is essential in maths. Our math curriculum is outrageously long and prescriptive. Hence poor outcomes!
A5 I like to couch a new idea into an existing one, to inspire Ss first and have them be the agents of change for tchrs
Absolutely! I've been training all year (while still teaching!) Are you on ?
Support teachers through positive practice and encouragement and not forcing change upon them. A5 https://t.co/pbSCeP5gJi
Q5 How can we teach teachers? Those who are not online? How have you got them on board with newer ways? https://t.co/NI6ts159q5
amen! But at least on FB there are teacher groups e.g. MANSW for Maths teachers
Student testimonials have given me opportunities to expose Ts to new tech in classrooms
Thank you all so much joining and sharing ideas. I hope a lot of you got something new out of tonight's chat
A5: Whenever the answer to the Q "where did you find that" is Twitter. They get a step closer!
Sounds like very little time for embedding and clarification!