#6thchat is used to chat, collaborate, and grow with other sixth grade educators from around the globe. Each session we discuss a topic voted on by #6thchat participants. It's a great way to help grow your PLN and share ideas with others.
Welcome to #6thchat! Please introduce yourself, what you teach and where. I am Kristin and will be moderating tonight's chat. I teach ELA and SS in Lansing, Michigan.
A1. Did a 4-day @responsiveclass workshop and then an un-edtech-conference, @TeachMeetNJ. Home renos have crushed my summer. Still need to get to the beach :(
A1) #6thchat I went to #nErDcampmi & The Capital Area Summit. I read Passionate Readers, Disrupting Thinking, Notice & Note, Hacking Assessment, Mechanically Inclined & Best Year Ever. I was busy. Some were rereads.
A1) I spent a lot of time preparing PD for teachers in my district and the ISD. I led a session at Baker College in Flint about recording Google Slides with Screencastify. #6thchat
A2) I have a few: 1) will be revamping writing workshop to add "making" opportunities & firerstarters 2) going gradeless with the writing workshop 3) commit to #classroombookaday 4) redesigned my classroom space to have more places for Ss to "be", added tiered seating #6thchat
A2) My district is doing a big push on formative assessment and feedback. It's nothing flashy, but I'm convinced it will make a big difference for learning. I'm looking forward to helping many teachers move forward with it. #6thchat
A2) Also, perhaps most important, committing to writing more myself so that I am walking the talk; eager to spend more time on feedback w/writing and less on grading. #6thchat
A2) I also started doing interactive stories last year with some students and I'm looking forward to exploring that in many ways this year. I wrote a blog post about it this week https://t.co/t9aqkSDaLf#6thchat
Been deep in reflection on and reading about teacher language and student engagement. Rough year last year. I needed to not focus on curriculum stuff but something much more fundamental.
A2) I want to strengthen writers workshop & go gradeless in writing, incorporate #classroombookaday, try a few Breakoutedu (is that the right name?) & use the Notice & Note signposts. #6thchat
A3) Talk to your principal or other Ts who will be supportive or who are doing things you are interested in doing. Find folks on twitter or in your district who want to collaborate with you. Sometimes reflecting on your own is also a way to support yourself (a journal) #6thchat
A1. oh! And we are moving to #sbg (standards based grading). So, refamiliarizing myself with 3-6 ELA standards, due to my new role as the basic skills ELA teacher for those grade levels.
You are not alone on the student engagement. We have been focused on that in our school as well. It's one of the reasons why I'm revamping my writer's workshop to include more hands on time. #6thchat
A2: I really want to work w/ our librarian, specialists, and others to build a culture of reading in our school - I brought home @Larryferlazzo ’s Self-Driven Learning as well to re-read and help our 6th graders to feel more like a partner in edu, not just a receiver. #6thchat
A3) I will need support from colleagues & other like-minded people (like I am finding on Twitter). I will refer to the books I have read & I have a few more I want to read. I also have & need the mindset that it won't all be perfect but it will be better. #6thchat
Did the training.
Working on modifying the whole enchilada into taquito-sized chunks, so I can do mini-morning meetings and build a strong, positive community within a community. Working 1:1 with my super as a mentor this year, too. Very excited about this! She's great!
Hahaha....hopefully you have supports, too. We all need them. We have our district #517edtech meetings and that helps to connect Ts w/ tech support folks, too. #6thchat
A4) I plan to reflect on progress. I most likely will use a google doc and/or @padlet to do so depending on the area of innovation I am exploring. I like to capture ideas quickly. Again, tweeting out progress, asking for help or collaborating all help to stay on task. #6thchat
Yes, I'll have to post pics of my room when I go in tomorrow. I have bed risers and stools, regular level desks, and low table with pillows. Also, a relaxing area for reading, writing, etc. #6thchat
A4) When I take on a new project, job #1 is just to be sure I finish. No matter what, finish something. Then see what I, the teacher and the students learned from it. Then make it better next time. #6thchat
A1: I have a new position teaching tech essentials to all of our district's 6th graders. I spent time with our tech consultant creating a curriculum as well as attending and presenting at a tech conference. #6thchat
A3: Gotta get folks on board! I have been watching for ideas! Easy to start with my MS team. I like the idea of “What I’m Reading” signs in Teachers’ windows! #6thchat
A2: I intend to have them create a digital portfolio using Google Sites where they can work through projects at their own pace and then screen shot/link their progress to present to me for a final competency check. #6thchat
Have not read Self-Driven Learning. Thanks for mentioning it. I put it on my TBR list! Sounds like a book that would fit perfectly with my plans! #6thchat
We opened a #STEAM lab at @TES_NJ with the awesome @NJBarbieri running it. Some projects were unexpectedly long. Lots of debriefing on the fly looking to make it better this year. LOVED what out kids learned through his real-world, hands-on labs!
A3: I will use chats like this as well as our tech consultant for support. I'm also going to depend on my students to teach me. We are all in this together. #empowerkids#6thchat
A5) I think it is important to keep returning to the "why" and ensure that you are meeting the needs of the Ss in the class. If something isn't working, what adjustment needs to be made? What specifically isn't working? Perhaps invite a colleague in to observe, etc. #6thchat
This is great. A good reminder to have all stakeholders reflect on lessons, activities, learning environment, etc. Make changes based on feedback and see how it goes. #6thchat
A4) When I take on a new project, job #1 is just to be sure I finish. No matter what, finish something. Then see what I, the teacher and the students learned from it. Then make it better next time. #6thchat
A4: Observation mostly. One standard I need to address more this year is the “Why the author did this/ why did the character do that/ what is the purpose of this in the text?” So maybe some sort of weekly check to go with that! (thinks while she tweets) #6thchat
A5) I plan to reflect & get feedback from Ss. Go back to the books for new ideas when something is not going well or reflect with a colleague. #6thchat
1st thought always: bad planning, or bad execution of a good plan? 2nd thought, can I modify the existing lesson or do I need to scrap it and look for a whole new "in" with the Ss?
3rd, I need kids's feedback.
Then, start moving pieces.
A4: During my curriculum development this summer, we created a map or pacing guide with a timeline. I will check back frequently and cut when needed. #6thchat
A5) As I said, I always try to finish something. But I have no problem adjusting the end product and letting the students see that we salvaged some important lessons. Time is so precious sometimes we just have to move on. #6thchat
A5: I truly turn to my own tribe of educators and ask for their input. Sometimes I'm harder on myself and have huge expectations. I may think it isn't working, but others may see it as a success. #6thchat
A5: I retweeted about Doing Your Own Assignments yesterday. Doing them alongside your Ss is a great way to make sure that they are getting what you thought they would when you invented your great idea! #6thchat
A6) Time. The dreaded clock. My #1 enemy. Ss need time to really work on writing, dig into unfamiliar genres, use their hands to "make" ideas to inspire writing. Need to keep my "Why" in front of me & avoid "doing" something I've always done if it doesn't meet my "why". #6thchat
I have to leave early, #6thchat friends. Was a pleasure! Thank you, as always, @mrskochheiser. Will take a look through the remaining conversation tomorrow morning.
@Seesaw is the best! I also want this to be an automatic process for the Ss when they are writing in their journals or creating on other sites! #6thchat
In reply to
@mrskochheiser, @sflorip, @Seesaw, @Seesaw
A5: I retweeted about Doing Your Own Assignments yesterday. Doing them alongside your Ss is a great way to make sure that they are getting what you thought they would when you invented your great idea! #6thchat
A6) It's a challenge for me sometimes to find a teacher willing to try the really innovative ideas. I understand they're balancing a lot of priorities. #6thchat
A6) One fear is providing appropriate/helpful/guiding feedback to Ss in writing to help them progress & ensuring that I meet often enough with all Ss. #6thchat
A6: My Ss will be taking their CBs home with them. They won't all have wifi. How do we connect those who do not have the $ at home to be connected? #6thchat
A6: Time, yes! I am LOSING 75 minutes of ELA instructional time PER WEEK this year (it is going to Math) and I am going to have to be so much smarter about how I use the time I have. (3 single periods, 2 double periods) #6thchat
A6) To overcome the time portion of the conferences, I plan to keep a list of who to meet with next so I am prepared. Actually going to have them sign up on #padlet. Need to work out the details. #6thchat
A7) Who writes these questions?! Hahaha...okay, I'll play along with my own game. Most enthusiastic about the writing workshop so: Hacking my writing workshop is starting a fire with the kindling of ideas, a match of inspiration and the logs of creativity. #6thchat
A8) We have to do a one word at the beginning of the school year with our staff. Still debating but considering "Intention". This keeps me thinking about the "why". But, I might settle for "why". I have a few days left to decide. Feel free to weigh in my #6thchat PLN.
A8) Action - I'm trying to encourage teachers to take action--make something positive happen. When it gets busy, it's so easy to do things like we did last year. #6thchat
A8: Invigorated! #6thchat (I’ve been “mentoring” my new Ss through their #summerreading via #GoogleClassroom and I am soooo excited to start teaching them in person!)
I hope everyone will join us next week for an inspiring chat with author Ted Dintersmith. Be sure to share with your colleagues too! #6thchat#WhatSchoolCouldBe@dintersmith
I hope everyone will join us next week for an inspiring chat with author Ted Dintersmith. Be sure to share with your colleagues too! #6thchat#WhatSchoolCouldBe@dintersmith
Out of the 80 returning Ss, 66 are currently in the class. We don’t start until after labor day, and they actually have until the following week to complete everything. I think it’s going well! #6thchat