Hi, Andrea Morris from LaVergne High School. I see mostly 11th and 12th grade for government and US History. Favorite color - deep purples. Shout out to all my fellow wolverines! #rcstechchat
A1 Having a growth mindset means that students are learning with the end in mind. Where is that they want to go with their learning? What's the end game? #rcstechchat
A1: It shows that the mind can grow and you can push beyond what you initially think you can achieve, you can always learn more, do more, do better! #rcstechchat
A1-Growth mindset is a belief system in which people can develop their abilities through hard work and determination. I believe I can therefore I can! It is not that I can't do something, I just can't do it YET! #powerofyet#rcstechchat
A1- The idea is that learning is not fixed and teachers should be constantly encouraging students to improve. More the journey than destination. I typically associate it with feedback over grades, corrections, etc. #rcstechchat
A1: growth mindset is about ensuring students know their ability to do something is equal to the work they put into it. You are not born a good math student- you become one #rcstechchat
A1. Way of thinking. Taking away negativity and finding positive -attitude towards learning from mistakes or what you haven’t learned yet. #rcstechchat
A1: The fifth grader beside me just offered: growth mindset means you don’t give up. You keep on going. You try new things #outofthemouthsofbabes#rcstechchat
I also think growth mindset can be HUGE in the art classroom. In elementary especially a lot of students don’t want to try bc they are so worried about failing. do you see that much in high school? #rcstechchat
A2 - fixed is something you know will happen and won't change. growth is making improvements constantly and always moving forward and learning.
A2 A fixed mindset means you already have in your head what you can do. You’re not willing to try and keep trying. A growth mindset means the possibilities are endless!! #rcstechchat
A2 In my opinion "fixed" means you're stuck learning a certain way and you don't leave room to expand. "Growth" allows room for the development of new learning experiences. #rcstechchat
A2 I see it all the time in Sp Ed..the kids who have the growth mindset are pushing..pushing to get out of my room, pushing to do the next thing, pushing to be like their peers..pushing to gain coping/life skills #rcstechchat
A2: A fixed mindset is you were already fixed on what you were doing and what you can do. A growing mine set is I can learn more type of mindset and achieve more if I try. #rcstechchat
A fixed mindset is believing you're stuck where you're at and there's nothing you can do to change that. A growth mindset is believing in the power of YET.
#rcstechchat A2 a FIXED MINDSET is unwilling to accept change.... a GROWTH MINDSET is willing to accept new ideas and push boundaries.... push to get better, smarter, stronger....
A fixed mindset says that you can only do what you are capable of doing now. A Growth mindset says that you are capable of adapting and changing #rcstechchat
A2- Fixed mindset being I cant do it, never will so I give up. Growth mindset being I can't do it now, but I will be able to soon...I just have to work harder to get it. #rcstechchat
A2: I would say that fixed is like being stuck in your ways, being afraid and not willing to make changes and growth is just that, you will continue to grow and learn and try, push for better! #rcstechchat
A2: fixed is feeling like you are at the bottom of that learning pit and giving up. Growth is knowing you can get out of that pit, even when you are at the bottom. The POWER of YET! #rcstechchat
A2: A fixed mindset is when I think I'm not capable of doing something, but a growth mindset is knowing I can do something...just maybe not right now.. #rcstechchat
A2- Fixed means that you are stationary and are satisfied with where you are at. Growth mindset means that you have an open mind and strive towards being the best you can be! #rcstechchat
A2- To me, “fixed” means set in your ways and not allow opportunities to grow. However, “growth” is when you explore and realize the endless possibilities we have in the classroom. #rcstechchat
Definitely. There are so many of my students who just think they can’t draw or do anything creative, and they prove themselves right. They run up against a wall they create themselves. #rcstechchat
A2: when student esp. those who have been historically successful operate from a fixed mindset, they constantly fear being “found out” for not being as smart as they were told they were. They actually lose ground because they avoid risks and new ventures. #rcstechchat
A2- fixed us something you have no control over that is set and growth is something that they have control over if they believe and have a great attitude to get there...#rcstechchat
A2: fixed is more like the thought that were born with certain capabilities and our learning is predestined. Like thinking that I'm not good at writing, so I'll never be. And guess what? It's self-fulfilling. If that's what I think, then that will be my truth. #rcstechchat
Yes! I see that every. single. day! I’m new to teaching art this year - do you have any tried and true advice you give kids to break through that wall? #rcstechchat
#rcstechchat A2: fixed mindset is like saying “I know what I can achieve and I can’t influence it” while growth mindset is “I want to see how far I can go/grow”
#rcstechchat A2: fixed mindset is like saying “I know what I can achieve and I can’t influence it” while growth mindset is “I want to see how far I can go/grow”
Yes! And as teachers we move them to thinking they can when we provide feedback that is purposeful, applicable, and about the task and not the student. #rcstechchat
A3 - I think it is very powerful! It is making you believe that you can do it, but you haven't fully mastered it. You are still learning and growing.
A3 Using it with conviction presupposes future success. Although success might not be guaranteed, the willingness to try ensures the chance is no longer zero. #RCSTechChat
A3 YET is HUGE!! It's a hard word to define for my Sp Ed Class...but they learn it when they want to do something and I say "not yet!" I am teaching them to have patience, anticipation, waiting, then..they get the pay off! #rcstechchat
A3-EXTREMELY powerful! When my students say " I can't..." I make them finish their sentence with "yet". Now that it's February, they don't say "I can't..." much anymore.
A3 I believe yet is understandable by students and adults. It gives hope for achievement and development. I like it and will use it with my work and with students.#rcstechchat
A3: YET changes the attitude of the whole statement. I think its an easy way to show students how they can easily change their thinking….I can’t do this….YET! #rcstechchat
A3: yet means it’s still possible. To me it means I have something to strive for something to work for. For students it means I haven’t given up on them I still believe that they can make it and that they’re just not there yet but will be soon #rcstechchat
Never underestimate the power of hope! Don’t believe me? Just look at the line to by lottery tickets the next time there is a huge jackpot. Hope is a powerful motivator #rcstechchat
In reply to
@mylifeasatechie, @dameeka_mcclish, @smithstrcs
YET is a word that if put at the end of a sentence can inspire students to keep powering through the tough times..."I can't solve this problem...YET!!"
A3: "yet" means everything. It's full of possibility and power and magic. "Yet" means finding the way to make it happen, even when you don't know what that way will look like. #rcstechchat
Never underestimate the power of hope! Don’t believe me? Just look at the line to by lottery tickets the next time there is a huge jackpot. Hope is a powerful motivator #rcstechchat
In reply to
@mylifeasatechie, @dameeka_mcclish, @smithstrcs
Immediate and purposeful feedback in one of the most important things we can give our students. How are they supposed to get where they are going if they don't know where they are? #rcstechchat
In reply to
@Kimberly3Chinn, @treyduke, @TinaArceneaux
A3-yet is a powerful word and can get frustrated learners to a better place -feeling successful now knowing today not yet but tomorrow may have it . #rcstechchat
A3 You still have the positive attitude that you aren't giving up until you conquer the problem. It also shows patience that yet means you have no time limit!
#rcstechchat A3: “yet” puts possibilities back in reach of those who may not feel that they can. It’s hope and personal power and choice all rolled into one.
A3- "Yet"... allows for people to believe in a future they cannot at the time see. For some students this future faith is part of their being, but for others they have to be taught current circumstance doesn't guarantee future outcomes. #rcstechchat
A3: Hearing "YET" makes me want to shout sometime, like in a praise dance lol... just knowing that I may not have it YET or can't do it YET helps me push toward the day I say "I can" or "I do"! #rcstechchat
A3: Hearing "YET" makes me want to shout sometime, like in a praise dance lol... just knowing that I may not have it YET or can't do it YET helps me push toward the day I say "I can" or "I do"! #rcstechchat
A4 yes! I try to Everyday! It helps that i teach about career and education so it’s new to the kids...For myself.... I admit I am set in my ways to a certain extent. That is something I have been working on #rcstechchat
A4- I do it some, but need to do it a lot more. I just came back to teaching after 5 years at home, so I have to have the growth mindset all the time!
A4 I practice growth mindset by believing my students with special needs can do more then they think they can! I try to put them in situations where they can see that they CAN DO IT! #rcstechchat
A4: I do, but i think I could be more intentional in how i use it with my students. Making it part of our everyday art routine. And I could be WAY better at practicing it with myself. Im my worst critic. #rcstechchat
A4 I do not have a classroom but I practice it every time I talk to students... In all of my language I try to use "growth" wording. And with my own children at home. #rcstechchat
#rcstechchat A4....for myself.....what we did yesterday/last week/last month isn't good enough....we must take our feedback, learn, and THEN IMPROVE.... Get better every day.....SHARPEN THE SAW....
A4: I strive to do this with my teachers. Sometimes it means I’m waaaay outside of my comfort zone, but if I’m not willing to do it, I can’t expect them to be. #rcstechchat
A4: sometimes I forget ... but when students are frustrated by their inability to magically get better, I try to use that teachable moment to remind them of their part in the process. #rcstechchat
Yes! In my classroom, we have talked about what it means to have a growth mindset. When the kiddos don't understand something, they've started to say, "I don't know how to do this "yet". It just sets such a different tone (positive) on learning! #rcstechchat
A4: I do, I really have been working on my own growth mindset so that I can be an example of what I am teaching! We speak of growth mindset often and the moment a student says, "I can't do this" I quickly l, say, "YET" #rcstechchat
A4 Yes I do practice growth mindset in the classroom. Often times we lead our kids on a journey but we never tell them where were going. I make it a point to tell them what our end goal is. I expect them tell me how it can be beneficial to their overall learning. #rcstechchat
A4 As for me as a teacher, I am taking on a few new challenges, learning new things and putting myself out there more, making myself more vulnerable..that's a quick way to get to a growth mindset :) #rcstechchat
A4: I do, but i think I could be more intentional in how i use it with my students. Making it part of our everyday art routine. And I could be WAY better at practicing it with myself. Im my worst critic. #rcstechchat
#rcstechchat A4: personally, as a second year teacher I use growth mindset to remind myself I’m still learning (and to see how far I’ve come since last year). 😂
A4- I have a poster on my wall that says "Failure is not the opposite of success, it's a part of it!" I want my students to feel comfortable making mistakes, as long as they learn and get better from it!!
A4- With returning back to work, I definitely need to focus on this more! I am glad that I am here to learn ways to help me be better with this mind set. #rcstechchat
A4-With my after school girls coding club we often deal with things we can't do YET and it is frustrating. We call everything we don't know how to do-debugging. So if something isn't working we just have to "debug" it! We also take frequent brain breaks #rcstechchat
Practicing and modeling having a growth mindset is hard. Not always successful. With writing though, keeping in mind that it’s due not done, can help. So can keeping in mind this isn’t the last piece they’ll write #rcstechchat
A4-Teaching Kindergarten you see a lot of growth. They are still young enough to think they can do anything, so I feel it is present in my classroom. For me, well this twitter chat is definitely new! Ha!
A4: I try to instill the growth mindset in my students, especially the ones who say they can’t draw. I always try to set new goals and try new media...I’m always trying to grow as an artist. I think it’s important for my students to see a teacher/artist. #rcstechchat
A4: I feel like my entire year has been a study in growth mindset. It's scary to start a job when you're not really sure what the job is and how you'll do. I had to come in wiling...to learn, to improve, to take the feedback, to put myself out there...still growing! #rcstechchat
A3:Yet is key to realizing success. I didn't know how to tweet "yet" until today, so the sky is the limit when we embrace the word not yet #rcstechchat
A4- Wow, thought provoking ?. I do believe strongly in quality feedback with chance to improve. I hate "grading" papers because the score can be deflating. For myself- spelling and fractions. I'm constantly working on them. #rcstechchat
I needed you as my art teacher! I did not have a growth mindset as a kid and participated very little in art class due to the fact that I felt I wasn't "Good" at art. #rcstechchat
A4:I practice it even though I haven't called it that. Productive struggle and making it ok to fail was used in my classroom. Learning from mistakes and creating an atmosphere that shows that I, as a teacher, make mistakes and learn from them is vital to my students. #rcstechchat
A4: With students, I like to use it to celebrate the successes. Yes, you only got y% on this CFA, but look at how many points you grew from last time. It empowers students. #rcstechchat
A4: we can do this intentionally when we not only tell kids they can but show them how to get from where they are to where they need to be. We have to balance motivation with a real process and steps to improve. #rcstechchat
A3:Yet is key to realizing success. I didn't know how to tweet "yet" until today, so the sky is the limit when we embrace the word not yet #rcstechchat
A4-With my after school girls coding club we often deal with things we can't do YET and it is frustrating. We call everything we don't know how to do-debugging. So if something isn't working we just have to "debug" it! We also take frequent brain breaks #rcstechchat
#rcstechchat A5 more than anything A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.... this is all about believing in our students, our work and our schools..... we believe them, help them to BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES.....
A5 you can provide opportunities that students find interesting to increase their knowledge. I find projects and let them pick the topic but push away from the set knowledge #DigDeep#rcstechchat
A5 In Sp Ed, I feel like to grow we need to learn from others who are having success with students with disabilities. Teachers need to be inspired to see more options for their students, to push their students to do as much as they are capable of. #rcstechchat
A5 Hmmm ... I'm afraid I will have to ask the teachers for a resource (rolls are switched). My information would probably be a result of Pinterest, etc.#rcstechchat
A5: I like to do chart reviews. And what I mean is I take what the kids knew at the beginning when they first came into the class and then I show them what they know now and how they’re doing. #rcstechchat
A5: Not necessarily a resource, but an acronym... F.A.I.L = First Attempt in Learning . Also, just search the #growthmindset.. So much good info from the Twitter PLN. #rcstechchat
The growth mindset videos on Class Dojo are awesome! My kids loved them and ask to re watch them! I've also found an awesome resource through TPT from "Teach Create Motivate" that is a great tool! #rcstechchat
A5 In Sp Ed, I feel like to grow we need to learn from others who are having success with students with disabilities. Teachers need to be inspired to see more options for their students, to push their students to do as much as they are capable of. #rcstechchat
A5: at my level, students often need more than platitudes and chants. So I try to show them some of Carol Dweck’s research and some on neuroplasticity. I also love to show Angela Duckworth’s TED talk on grit! #rcstechchat
A5 There are many wonderful ideas on line concerning growth mindset. Also many great "power of positive thinking" videos that instill growth mindset.
A5- Teachers have to speak a common, but sometimes uncomfortable language- our edu. experiences were often not based on growth midset. It takes a culture shift to what our students need to know/do. How will they get there? Certainly not with one & done mentalitly. #rcstechchat
A5: I am not sure of where I got the activities from but my coworker shared some with us and I like to use those, they can also be used as homework and students can take them home and share with family or have them help with it. #rcstechchat
A5-Last year, I found an entire bulletin board on TpT for my room & a free growth mindset pennant that my students filled out, colored, and hung around my room. They wrote a goal on the pennant, so at the end of the year, they got to reflect.
A5-Last year, I found an entire bulletin board on TpT for my room & a free growth mindset pennant that my students filled out, colored, and hung around my room. They wrote a goal on the pennant, so at the end of the year, they got to reflect.
A6- Growth Mindset should definitely be taught at school because most kids aren't taught it at home. Some kids don't have someone at home to help them see where they need to be. They need to get it from an adult that they trust and knows love them no matter what. #rcstechchat
A6 Growth Mindset was taught in my home...We learned from everyone's mistakes. Since School is now the new "home" for students, it makes sense to at least include it in daily discussion and life-practice. #rcstechchat
A6 it should be taught at both! Different life experience can flicker or light different growth adventures. Everyone has different ways of looking at things #rcstechchat
#rcstechchat A6 ABSOLUTELY..... we have to get our children to believe in themselves..we have to PUSH THEM TO PUSH THEMSELVES....this gives them motivation
I think it should be taught at school and home. I think it would give people such a different view of themselves and the world around them #rcstechchat
#rcstechchat A6 I think it should be taught at home and at school. Essentially...kids need to know that although they may not have the ability now...they will if they work hard. That belief transcends the classroom.
Yes yes! This is my first year to really talk about it in my classroom. Getting to set goals with the students and then reflect back on and seeing their eyes light up when they've reached a goal is fantastic! #rcstechchat
A6: I think both because school is just an extension of home, the mindset our students have developed outside is school doesn't stop at the classroom door, it comes in with them so collectively we should be instilling a growth mindset in and out of school #rcstechchat
A6-YES! I don't believe that everybody needs to learn it the same way but the concept behind the belief that you can accomplish anything should be promoted and MODELED on a daily basis. I would love some ideas about sharing ideas/strategies with parents! #rcstechchat
A6 Absolutely! In simplest form, it seems to promote a positive attitude. How can we be teacherscounselors/coaches/etc. if we don't push a growth mindset... Sadly there are some in education that don't feel this way...#rcstechchat
A6: yes. whether you want to call it growth mindset or not, its important we teach our students and our own children at home that failure can actually be a good thing! I also think showing kids that we fail too makes a HUGE difference #rcstechchat
A6- IMO a growth mindset is not something you are born with. It is an ideology that is planted at a young age and continuously nurtured by parents/teachers until it becomes second nature.
#rcstechchat - it should be taught in both places. However, in reality, our classrooms/schools may be the only place they get it! We need to be the encourager!
A6: Absolutely! I think "soft" skills like this are just as important and necessary. We can't just assume that people intrinsically know how to think this way. We can't assume our Ss walk around motivating themselves. How often do we do it as adults? #rcstechchat
Definitely! I believe if we model this skill in conjunction with home, it's only a win-win. It is a life skill. What a change we could make in the lives of children! #rcstechchat
A6- I think it should be taught at school and at home. They should always know to never give up and with great support they can be successful. #rcstechchat
A6 I believe it should be taught at school and home. And honestly, some parents could benefit from learning about growth mindset! Anything to help their kids is a plus! #rcstechchat
A6 I feel I have always taught growth mindset, even before the term came up. I believe growth mindset is a major part of becoming a better, stronger person. In everything one should strive to always want to grow and have a never give up attitude!
A6 Yes and yes. Believing that success is achievable should be a pretty broad spectrum message. I have observed that when it is only in one situation it is much less effective. Not an insurmountable obstacle, but an obstacle for sure #RCSTechChat
A6-Yes most definitely at school because a lot of students will not get it at home. We need to build these kids up and let them know they will fail in life, but don't stop! Keep going towards the goal! #rcstechchat
A6- IMO a growth mindset is not something you are born with. It is an ideology that is planted at a young age and continuously nurtured by parents/teachers until it becomes second nature.
A6: as an educator and a mom (a momucator?) I think it has to happen at school AND home. You can’t just turn off a mindset...if you are only using it for part of your day, it’s not a mindset! So, our Ss need constant opportunities at home, too!#rcstechchat
A6: Definitely to both at school & home! One of my pet peeves in teaching math was when parents would say, "I wasn't good at math", in front of the child. In essence telling the student it was ok to not persevere and progress. #rcstechchat#youcandoit
Growth mindset should be taught in all those places but it is necessary in the school setting because students should be asked to try things that will be challenging to them #rcstechchat
A6- In a perfect world the answer would be both, but teachers cannot trust such a foundational and non- negotiable skill be left to chance. All students come from different homes. Our at-risk populations have to have support beyond typical academic curriculum. #rcstechchat
A6: I don’t know if we teach it as much as build it in our students each day by our interactions and responses to their questions, successes, and failures. #rcstechchat
I agree! Sometimes we have to watch our responses and body language back to students. It can often be in what we don't say that sends a message. #rcstechchat
A6: I don’t know if we teach it as much as build it in our students each day by our interactions and responses to their questions, successes, and failures. #rcstechchat
We have to practice what we preach! One of my favorite quotes from Teach Like A Pirate-"If you haven't failed in the classroom lately, you aren't pushing the envelope far enough" @burgessdave#tlap#rcstechchat
A7 honestly mine does a great job about presenting and helping us come up with innovating ways to provide growth of knowledge for our students. @Cing_EdTech rocks! #rcstechchat
A7 by doing what she is already doing ! supporting us, giving us the tools we need and the teaching/feedback as well as introducing new concepts....
A7: Train the teacher first that tech mistakes & failures are ok and to not write off good tech instruction after 1 bad experience. #justkeepswimming#rcstechchat
A7-As an instructional technology coach I would love to help in any way that I can. I want to not only help instill a growth mindset in our students but also our teachers! #rcstechchat
A7: in a perfect world, there would be some software that is easy to use for teachers and students to track data and see how students are improving over time. Do we live in a perfect world, @MrsGorden ?? #rcstechchat
A7 @tcarey98 has helped me with my new-to-me smart board for my students with special needs! This has helped give a voice/opportunity for some of my students who have not been able to participate/communicate..ITs a learning curve for them to use it which = GM! #rcstechchat
A7 - I don't know, but I do know that @Mrs_Tywater is great and will definitely help with anything we need. I'm talking to her all the time about blended learning and finding new things. #rcstechchat
A7-Oh I like this question! I can help teachers by gather resources. By modeling this practice when working with teachers who are reluctant to new technology. #rcstechchat
A7 helping me with my fear of new technology that I could use with my students. Change from fixed ways to new ideas...like this Twitter chat ! #rcstechchat
A7 Learning new technology will test the growth mindset skill. I know it did mine tonight with learning this new method. But I think if this skill can be practiced in a simple manner it can gain strength and become easier to trust that there is light at the end.#rcstechchat
A7- I am new to my building but my tech coach seems amazing. I like the idea of her co-teaching a lesson at the beginning of the year to involve growth mindset! #rcstechchat
A7: I think it would be really cool if there was a way to have digital writing portfolios, even if worn was just pictures or scanned in, that students kept with their RCS account. How powerful would it be to have a digital portfolio from K-12 and be able to reflect? #rcstechchat
A7: in a perfect world, there would be some software that is easy to use for teachers and students to track data and see how students are improving over time. Do we live in a perfect world, @MrsGorden ?? #rcstechchat
I think we have to be models of growth mindset. We need to show that we're always learning and also that we want to learn from both our Ss and our Ts. #rcstechchat
A7- Inst. Tech. can ease the way teachers provide the formative assessment and feedback for students so necessary for growth mindset. Redo, revise, relearn, recover - all important. Let the tech do heavy lifting with data. #rcstechchat
A7: @Tibbstechcoach came to my class to help with quizzlet, my kids were ready to give up because they said they didn't understand it, she stayed and walked around and helped them better understand, they finally got the hang of it and were ready for another try! #rcstechchat
A7 Just having more resources and being more up to date with technology gives more oportunities to help us help students to grow and find new ways to learn.
A7-@Tibbstechcoach is great at providing different tech tools for teachers to grow. And, she was just in my class last week showing my Kinders how to post to their SeeSaw folder! And they rocked it by themselves today! #rcstechchat
A6: I believe that it should be taught in school and at home. At school as teachers we can only do so much we need parents on board and helping as well. #rcstechchat
A7 Your instructional tech coach can help you create opportunities that challenge students to apply their learning with a project or collaborative activity #rcstechchat
YAY! I didn't know they did it today! I am so excited! You really just made my night. Those babies are so sweet. I can't wait to come in there again so they can show me their stuff. #rcstechchat
Final Answer... technology is where I personally need to have growth. So that is why I have attended and will attend more in the future. My students growth mindset needs to flourish and I need to stay updated on how to keep them growing #rcstechchat
A8 Students are creating MLK comic books. I'm not sure of my plan but I plan to have this in my pocket and ready when the opportunity arises. #rcstechchat
I just want to remind you guys to follow each other here on twitter and to follow me and @smithstrcs. We tweet out resources and lesson ideas. This is a great way to grow your PLN. So before you log off tonight click on a few new names and follow them on twitter #rcstechchat
A8- Pushing through behaviors...Proving to them they can trust me, be secure in their abilities I see in them, and instilling the courage they need to try more appropriate behaviors. #rcstechchat
YAY! I didn't know they did it today! I am so excited! You really just made my night. Those babies are so sweet. I can't wait to come in there again so they can show me their stuff. #rcstechchat
A8- I will continue to say to my students that it okay to try and fail! The only thing that is not okay is to not try!
I will start using the word YET in my vocabulary more often!
A8 - I will look up the growth mindset curriculum on class dojo. I already use the program with my kids and it will be great to continue with the growth mindset. Great info tonight! #rcstechchat
A8 I want to make a point to highlight my mistakes and discuss how it’s okay to make mistakes. I want to make sure my students knows that mistakes are okay and help us grow. I want to show them this with my actions and responses to them. #rcstechchat
A:8 at the beginning of the semester I gave them a quiz to see what they knew. We’re coming up on benchmarks so I’m going to show them all the things they’ve learned in a graph chart. #rcstechchat
A8: I will re-visit our vision boards that we made at the beginning of the year and see where they are on meeting those goals and praise them for things achieved and push them toward attacking those not YET achieved #rcstechchat
A8 I want to make a point to highlight my mistakes and discuss how it’s okay to make mistakes. I want to make sure my students knows that mistakes are okay and help us grow. I want to show them this with my actions and responses to them. #rcstechchat
A8-I have a PD on twitter on Thursday and I want to share this chat with them so they can see all of the amazing resources and ideas they can get from twitter to take back to their classrooms. #rcstechchat
My tech tidbit this week will be all about tools for growth mindset. I'm going to put together something for my teachers that either helps them get started or continue the journey. #rcstechchat
A8 I will have them learn the hands on skills over vitals but make them give me more information on what could happen if one or more of our vital skills goes “abnormal”. #rcstechchat
A8-Definitely going to check out class dojo. And, I want to make a sparkly poster of the word YET and explain to my kids why that word is so important!!! #rcstechchat
A8 Just being aware now that I am doing this already will help me modify it for the better. Metacognition ftw. During lessons I will be sure to point out some bonehead mistakes I have made, and yet I still get to teach chemistry. #RCSTechChat
A8 We have many things coming up that will give me an opportunity to promote groe mindset... A career fair, job shadow day, a senior hiring event, TN Promise meeting, etc... Many chances to tell the students that they CAN succeed. #rcstechchat
A8: I plan to give a quick reminder before students write tomorrow that small steps and a little bit of growth is better than no growth at all #rcstechchat
A8: While we are Class Dojo school-wide, we have several new faculty members...I will make sure they know how to access those awesome Dojo mindset videos! #rcstechchat
A8: When writing argumentative essays, remind them that they may not have it YET but that they will. Also, reflecting on behavior goals and processes with my Tier 2 behavior kids. #rcstechchat
My weekly feedback google form asks students to focus on their successes and the places where they might need work. I use it to plan the next week. We’re always looking at where we are to see not just where we need to go, by how to get there #rcstechchat
A8: Just keep revisiting the mindset that when I hit obstacles w/students or teachers that we must push through. I'll look back over all these tweets I've missed that I can learn from, too! #rcstechchat
A8- Continue to challenge with deep questions. Get them thinking and discussing even when there isn't a right answer. Challenge myself to think of things to teach in a way to facilitate the struggle. #rcstechchat
#rcstechchat I'll be Skyping a lesson. I will have them reteach the lesson to their parent and the parents will send me a reply on ClassDojo explaining the lesson taught. Together they will continue teaching each other daily and parents look forward to growing with child.
Don't forget - you MUST fill out this form to receive credit for tonight's #rcstechchat! Hopefully, the form actually works this week ;-p
A8 I will continue to encourage daily, as I alway do for students to put more effort forward than they did the day before if they cannot understand it yet. I will come!
A8: when giving feedback on narrative stories... being mindful of the feedback I give and always asking them to dig deeper and see how they can improve! #rcstechchat
Thank you all for joining us tonight for #rcstechchat! It was amazing! I hope you're leaving with great ideas and are feeling inspired by the power of YET!