#NVedchat Archive
#NVedchat is dedicated to increasing communication and collaboration of education related topics in the State of Nevada. Originally, created by Mr. Snehal Bhakta.
Monday March 7, 2016 11:00 PM EST
Hi everyone!!! Thanks for joining and wanting to learn about blogging!!
Julie Willis here from Summit Cove Elementary I teach ECSE
Hello , Jess McNary here from Keystone, Colorado! I teach 1st grade!
Feel free to introduce yourself, where you are from and what you do!
I am Crystal Miller the principal of Summit Cove. Very excited to learn more about student blogging.
Welcome to . Tonight’s topic is . Turning it over to
Greetings from Breckenridge, CO! So excited to join! Cathy Beck, Assistant Superintendent in Summit County
Blogging is 2 writing what extreme sports r 2 athletics: more free-form,more accident-prone,less formal,more alive.
I'm Kiersten, a digital learning coach from Las Vegas
Laura Rupert here from Summit County Colorado, bringing blogging to all grade levels!
Kyle, social studies teacher, Las Vegas
Love the analogy! So true! https://t.co/cutVZKfFZZ
Blogging is 2 writing what extreme sports r 2 athletics: more free-form,more accident-prone,less formal,more alive.
Emma Arnold I teach Kindergarten at Summit Cove Elementary
and makes for a great Monday night!
Mark Thomas, Digital Learning Coach in Las Vegas. Sitting in Carmax parking lot cuz I don't want to miss I ❤️
Shelly Wasson--Library media specialist at Summit Cove Elementary.
A1: WHY NOT? Put your thoughts and expertise down on "paper" and share it with the world, others will learn from you
Jennifer, Social Studies, currently in Las Vegas headed to CO this summer
It's a great way to encourage kids to write
A2 it's a great way to share with other outside the classroom
Creative connections for kids to share their learning with parents!
Blogging meet so many stds. Often the one overlooked- Oral communication
A1-Not really sure...guess so that anyone can hear what I said if they aren't there?
A1: Blogging lets people know what you are up to!
A1: Gives students a voice and many different avenues to share their learning with a large audience!
Hi , Ana from Reno 5th grade.
A1 Bring authenticity and audience to student work. Give them voice on a greater level! 5 reasons why blog
Very curious to learn more about getting students to love writing across the curriculum through blogging
Hi, I'm Andy. I run our upstart state 1:1 digital learning initiative, Nevada Ready 21 and love all things
A1: allows free form write. Write your thoughts and ideas to share with others
A1: Let kids connect globally with others
Also I think because there are no rules it feels more safe?! https://t.co/ZNp3H6jbBI
A2 it's a great way to share with other outside the classroom
A1 This yr. my Ss blogged their Genius Hour projects and it was a great forum
Sharing is caring. That’s what motivated me to start https://t.co/dlPqSS8d6M
A1: WHY NOT? Put your thoughts and expertise down on "paper" and share it with the world, others will learn from you
This is really a great way to bring parents 'into' the classroom! Thx Julie! https://t.co/lcg6JASrBZ
Creative connections for kids to share their learning with parents!
Colin from Vegas, math teacher and Founder/CEO of
I agree! Students will give more when they feel free to write without judgements!
I really want to but am elbows deep in final action plan writing 😔
Great point Jennifer. writing in free form is so important for all! https://t.co/lVpmkCywUN
A1: allows free form write. Write your thoughts and ideas to share with others
A1: students can speak in their blog and in whatever language they choose. Parents can then be more involved.
A1: Blogging is allowing yourself to be part of the conversation.
Yes & you learn from them-so many great blogs that I've connected to through mine https://t.co/8WX1m2L9X8
A1: WHY NOT? Put your thoughts and expertise down on "paper" and share it with the world, others will learn from you
. very true, the blogs from members alone are amazing
Welcome Andy! https://t.co/4fDwJnVpQh
Hi, I'm Andy. I run our upstart state 1:1 digital learning initiative, Nevada Ready 21 and love all things
Q2: what are the benefits?
I even have grandparents and other family members from afar comment on blogs!
Having no rules is freeing! The sky is the limit! https://t.co/dLjwfqi0S1
A1: students can speak in their blog and in whatever language they choose. Parents can then be more involved.
Funny, I still can't get around to blog personally about education issues, I keep saying next year I'm going to blog to reflect
A1 My kindergartener loves to "tell the whole world what she learned in school."
A2-Easy way to share thoughts and ideas...?
A1: I think blogging could be a great alternative/supplement to interactive note-taking. Anyone using it that way?
A2: The never ending learning that can occur through is the greatest benefit
Why wait? It's never too late to start!
A2 Written expression, practice in writing, creative outlet, FUN!
A2- students can share their writing with people and everyone around the world! Especially family members!
A1 Ss blogging provides authentic audiences beyond their own world-its what they are doing already etc
A2: Even if you are "wrong", at least you are putting down your thoughts, participating with the world, etc.
A2 students sharing, writing practice, reading practice, speaking, listening, family involvement
A2: I also have students who blog in their native language, I translate with Google translate to understand, families understand!
Definitely. You'll always need that at any grade or age.
A2: Growth, I love scrolling to the beginning of S blogs and seeing their oral and written growth online and documented FOREVER!
agree! It addreses many CCSS
Thanks Snehal, jumping in now! https://t.co/8eXRHBqKEO
FYI- guest moderator from CO on tonight about if you want to join in a few minutes...sorry for late notice.
A2 It has improved my Ss confidence greatly. Opened doors for student to share work. And cuts down on my emails home!
Hunter Frutchey | 1st grade SCE | A1- Allowing students to share their work with the world. Feeling their work has purpose.
A2 Endless Possibilities. Give kid's ownership of their work; empower them; build confidence.
great idea-way to provide authentic format to express understanding of text https://t.co/XV3VapJHlY
A1: I think blogging could be a great alternative/supplement to interactive note-taking. Anyone using it that way?
Q3: How can you use blogging in all subjects?
We have at least 3 states chatting about . Any others want to join the fun?
A3: I have yet to use it with Ss, but my personal blog addresses my social studies classes on a regular basis
A2: Develop one's individual voice, sense of worth
A3: Social studies can use it as historical figure journal writing, editorial pieces on controversial topics, so many more!
and kids may feel the same way!
A3 Record your results from a science prjct. Explain a math game/rule. Describe artwork.
A2 authentic audiences mean you get more authentic feedback-you are writing for real world not a class https://t.co/94k8FEpcpL
A3 Still working on fine tuning this at the PreK level. Finding a balance and time. I struggle.
A3-Reading & Writing for blogs can be the foundation of learning no matter what the subject. It's a building block.
Kyle, I love that idea! You could also have students debate on blogs...require students to comment on 3 blogs...
Yes, please. I love to write in general & I'm always looking for role models. Thank you. https://t.co/0MH7qDlE1I
need to chat with on how he's managed 10+ of blogging between teaching, fatherhood, advocacy and book-writing
Very easily could do that!
A3 it just fits every area reading and writing are an integral part of all subjects
A3: Reflect on all subjects, take pictures of work, talk about work, type about work. Ask questions to followers.
A3:Blogging...well,all subjects can/do/could use journals or written response so blogging is just an evolution. (Late arrival!)
A3: If you can learn about it, you can form an opinion and blog about it
A3: math- explain your thinking
Have students explore blogs for different viewpoints around that subject area https://t.co/mH7MpADGSW
Q3: How can you use blogging in all subjects?
A2 blogging benefits: increases motivation, more writing, positive digital footprint, increased collaboration
A3: has anyone used it to globally connect Ss. Would love to create something for my Ss to talk with others around the world
Q4: How can blogging increase student motivation?
Honestly my kids would LOVE this more, they just need so much adult assistance. I need more help with 1-1. Or a clone.
and if you download the chrome extension, called pocket, you can save these for later.
so true! and teaching digital citizenship is HUGE too!
A4: provides choice in how one can express themselves, motivation to write naturally increases, plus the blog view count
A4-I'm actually thinking it could motivate anyone. Allows you to 'download' your thoughts to process & take step back to reflect
I have been playing around with pocket! thanks for sharing!
A4 who doesn't want t to share with an audience? It's always exciting to think about others reading your work!
. Blogging can be writing, video, photo(s), podcast, links, conversation, collaborative place, archive of artwork, reading response
I'm always excited when I see my blog view count over 100 on a post
A4: instead of just a teacher looking at the writing.S are held accountable bc of the new audience.P, friends, family members, etc
A4: blogging allows for student choice and ownership which increases motivation
A3- In Math: Students share and explain their solving strategies for addition/ subtraction to parents. Then parents are informed.
Q4: anytime there is a 'Real" AUDIENCE FOR WORK/PROJECTS motivation is increased (see David Alan November's work)
Love the ownership aspect. Let Ss write about what interests them and see where they go! https://t.co/N9F8jFZ3vS
A2 Endless Possibilities. Give kid's ownership of their work; empower them; build confidence.
A4: sharing your ideas and getting encouragement and feedback from peers is naturally engaging. Especially helpful for introverts
A4 Ss are highly motivated by all things technology! Blogging can extend learning in all subjects.
Don't forget the excitement Ss receive when a T or a classmate responds. Ss feel validated, bonus for T for paperless tasks
A4:As a composition&creative writing teacher I see authentic audience and purpose beyond the classroom as motivators.Blogging fits
A4: I think they are motivated because they know someone else besides me is looking at their work!
The options are so vast. Meets the needs and style of all learners! https://t.co/3mtiEdguTC
. Blogging can be writing, video, photo(s), podcast, links, conversation, collaborative place, archive of artwork, reading response
. We've did reading groups with class in Canada while reading "Bunnicula" - wrote and commented on each others responses.
we could do so much more if we were part of the 1-1 movement in our school district! Can you imagine!
Q5: How can you see yourself using blogs in your classroom?
So True McNary. Students deserve more than a one man show! https://t.co/iG7UpFPfvO
A4: I think they are motivated because they know someone else besides me is looking at their work!
and is having lots of success with
A5: I could take my bellringer beyond the 5-10 min that it usually is and expand the learning/opportunity to write
A3 lets Ss reflect on the process and learning in any subject. If U can explain it in writing U mastered it
. We've shared data from science experiments in each others classes, shared learning about science, social studies, field trips
and for those that struggle with writing, video blog it!
A5 I use it at reflection and to share Ss favorite pics, also using as my TS Gold documentation as of late
A5 From someone who has students blogging every day: https://t.co/G8rNj3rqxA 50 ideas for students writing and blogging on line
A5: I'd like to use is as a book club. I'd also like kids to create class vlogs about what we're leaerning
and for those shy students!
Book club is an awesome idea!
Brian, This is a great idea! How did you find the other classroom to blog with? https://t.co/OPIwjKb4Xt
. We've did reading groups with class in Canada while reading "Bunnicula" - wrote and commented on each others responses.
A5-I would share my thoughts and ideas to the world...just a little scared...not the best writer, but then again that's the point.
. We've "Made their Day" by leaving awesome comments on Kindergarten/1st grade blogs.
. And left comments naming others post as "My Blog Post of the Week!"
A5:I've done some "guest blogging"but haven't launched my own.2016-2017?I'll try! I'll share my recent guest blog when it posts! 😊
that's how I feel but practice makes you better!
. I work with an elem French T that’s has Ss blog with a French class in Belgium. Practice the language
A5 With more fidelity, my preschoolers were so excited when I intro-ed the iPad mini. Challenge is time and only 1-12 This week!
You do the and have the Ss dictate the writing, topic, or media to include? https://t.co/glZd7YJIBw
Honestly my kids would LOVE this more, they just need so much adult assistance. I need more help with 1-1. Or a clone.
Thank you for having us! Follow us and ask us any other questions!!
A5: S use blogs to reflect, recently started typing on there! I have my S help make twitter posts, I want to make it a class job!
Continue the conversation by using the hashtag all week long! See you next Monday @ 8pm PST.
Ss do the blogging, I upload and send to parents, it's finding the time to upload and send to parents that's hard
that's how I've been doing it.
. shameless plug - check out my blog for other posts about blogging and see my book on blogging in the classroom.
great chat & resources, thanks Emma!
. also those of you in northwest Nevada, I work for you. Available to come to your classroom to help set up blog, get you started.
A3- For Reading: Students can reflect on the weekly reading strategies. Show understanding through diff. mediums.
we have blogs for each S set up under the Teacher...automatically uploads to S blogs for parents
thank you!! Have a great Tuesday!
Thanks and for the great info on blogging!!!! You ladies rocked it!
A5 a regular part of sharing and reflection. Let Ss create their own brand/topic for blog and share away. Not dictate content
Thanks and chatters! Enjoyed expanding my PLN and blogging bag!
Everyone from CO...you are always welcome to join us!
Great chat thanks for sharing everyone! Have a good week!
. Also I'll show up with free copy of our book. :)