Welcome to #MTedchat! Our topic tonight is “Unconventional Teaching and Learning” Please take a moment to introduce yourself: name, role, and location.
Your moderator tonight will be @TriSciCurious Be looking for questions coming from her to join the conversation. #MTedchat (It can be helpful to RT ?s)
Q1: Unconventional is defined as “not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.” What is something you BELIEVED when you first started educating that you no longer believe? #MTedchat
A1 That Ss needed to be taught...in reality they need Ts to help facilitate their self-discovery of phenomenon When I realized that it was a game changer #MTedchat
Q1: Unconventional is defined as “not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.” What is something you BELIEVED when you first started educating that you no longer believe? #MTedchat
A1: I generally believed a classroom was a fairly isolated environment. I would have 'my kids' and we would follow the 'curriculum' (though I didn't really know what that meant). I was lucky to find an amazing TEAM that showed me what it SHOULD be like! #mtedchat
Q1: Unconventional is defined as “not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.” What is something you BELIEVED when you first started educating that you no longer believe? #MTedchat
A1: I used to believe students' grades were a true indicator of what they understood. I now believe that their products, goals, reflections, progress, etc are the multi-modal points of understanding. #MTedchat
Q1: Unconventional is defined as “not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.” What is something you BELIEVED when you first started educating that you no longer believe? #MTedchat
A1 I think a big problem was that I didn’t have solid beliefs. I was handed a scripted program for math and a basal for reading and I followed them with fidelity because someone told me to #MTedchat
Q1: Unconventional is defined as “not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.” What is something you BELIEVED when you first started educating that you no longer believe? #MTedchat
Good one. It's almost as if our training implied that if we followed the curriculum, our kids would learn, too. Though, like u, not sure what this looked like #MTedchat
Yes, that for sure. But also, I foolishly didn't realize that other kids had completely different lives and experiences than I did! What an eye-opener! #mtedchat
I had a huge misunderstanding of what 'curriculum' is. I assumed it was the 'program' that was adopted. Standards helped me understand that there is SO much more. Differentiation and curriculum design are key to an effective classroom #mtedchat
I've been teaching for 12 years and ed has evolved dramatically. It changed so much when I was a Ss that I expected change but did not understand the impact until I became a T #MTedchat
In reply to
@BKd204Sci, @MrsKimStout, @AnnBruckerEDU
A1a To continue @cwdexter thought, Ts run the classroom is another misnomer, in reality the classroom is our shared learning space We are all #LifeLongLearners#MTedchat
Q2: Our beliefs change along with our actions. What is something you used to DO in your instructional practice that you no longer do? What did you replace it with? #MTedchat
A1a To continue @cwdexter thought, Ts run the classroom is another misnomer, in reality the classroom is our shared learning space We are all #LifeLongLearners#MTedchat
The great thing about being in a profession is you learn. Our facepalm emojis are evidence of us taking steps to truly understanding what teaching and learning look like (at least presently). #MTedchat
A2 I used to "teach vocabulary" like I learned it... write down a word, look up what it means, and then write THAT meaningless thing down. Kevin Feldman and Anita Archer changed my life by showing me what vocabulary instruction actually looks like. #mtedchat
A2) I no longer have my behavior chart on the wall!!!! I used to assume that my district would provide me with all the things I needed to know. Now, I seek collaboration outside to build upon what my dist provides #MTedchat
Q2: Our beliefs change along with our actions. What is something you used to DO in your instructional practice that you no longer do? What did you replace it with? #MTedchat
A2 I no longer make a unit without student input. We talk about our end goals and they tell me how they want to demonstrate their learning. I also do not have a seating chart or desks! Flexible seating and student voice & choice! #MTedchat
I learned a SIOP method to teaching vocabulary words that I LOVE to sue with my Ss. It gives them 7 exposures to the word in a short time. They USE the word! #MTedchat
A2: I used to believe if it is worth the time to assign it is worth the value of a grade. Now I encourage meaningful feedback on all work, but a grade is not meaningful. Working in 'averages' is not beneficial for measuring growth. #mtedchat
Q2: Our beliefs change along with our actions. What is something you used to DO in your instructional practice that you no longer do? What did you replace it with? #MTedchat
A2: I used to do way more written vocabulary and questions when reading novels. I do student led discussion now. I am blown away by the things these kids have to say! #MTedchat
A2 Answer Ss questions; now I turn them back on my Ss w/"what do you think?" or "How would you explain that?" Drives them batty, but they are getting the hang of the new normal #mtedchat
A2: Sadly, I used to put zeros in for day late missing assignments 😱 and not let kids make them up. My actions changed 180 when I shifted to a self-paced blended classroom where deadlines were non-existent. #MTedchat
A2: I used to teach reading as a whole group. Everyone got the same lesson. I have seen the light, and I break the students into small flexible groups that get the instruction they need to succeed as readers! #MTedchat
A2 This what I love about our profession, it is constantly evolving. Making the shift from teacher directed everything to student led discoveries. #mtedchat
A2 I had some really bad grading practices like taking away points for not having a name on the paper. My grading wasn’t always focused on student learning. Now I implement standards based grading #MTedchat
Yes, grading for sure. I think I would really have to give this some serious thought about how drastic I would/could get to change this if I were in a classroom today. #mtedchat
A2 Answer Ss questions; now I turn them back on my Ss w/"what do you think?" or "How would you explain that?" Drives them batty, but they are getting the hang of the new normal #mtedchat
A2 I used to carry over & use the same lesson plans year after year - thinking "if my kids liked it last year, this year's Ss will too!"...not. #mtedchat
Exactly! If only I could tell that to 22 year old just started teaching Jessi. We often do what was modeled for us though...and that was my reality as a student. #MTedchat
I video my class and re-watch lessons, keeps me mindful of how Ss want to be taught Video yourself or another vet T and show Jessi some evidence #MTedchat
The 4th quarter- this is the time of year that separates the good teacher from the gr8. The gr8 finish strong. The gr8 use the momentum of this 4th quarter to fuel learning (theirs & students) through the summer. The gr8 never let a day go to waste. The gr8 make a difference!
This is a great strategy! I used this daily in my science classroom, and now as a virtual coach. You're right, it does drive them batty, but it's worth it. I believe my 2nd grade son has amazing critical thinking skills because we use this technique at our house. #MTedchat
There is still so much in our system that confines and minimizes change in this area. I truly believe that if we were purely competency based PK - 9, students 10-12 would have a better understanding what grades mean (if we grade responsibly). Prepare for university. #mtedchat
(2/2) In fact, I had a convo w/ a P today about how the number (aka: grade) is not definitive of their child. In fact, it's not meaningful as a stand alone data point. #MTedchat
Oh, believe me I video my practice everyday. I'm currently an instructional coach. I go back and watch calls daily. It's a wonderful practice to grow! #MTedchat
I am currently working on these skills w/ my K Ss. What does this poem make you think about? Why do you think.... I hear some great ideas when I listen! #MTedchat
A2 I had some really bad grading practices like taking away points for not having a name on the paper. My grading wasn’t always focused on student learning. Now I implement standards based grading #MTedchat
Q3: It’s important to allow your practice to evolve. Describe an innovation in your instructional practice that has lead to improvement in students’/faculties learning. #MTedchat
Yes!! As with spelling... List don't make sense when given to a group.. Why practice/test on words already known or above the instructional level of learners? #mtedchat (As adult, I search unknown word meaning, kids can too...)
I almost repllied until I realized you were talking about you...I wish I could go back 30 yrs and start with the knowledge I have now...that would be epic! #MTedchat
Everyone says they do what they do to prepare Ss for the next grade or level... elem grades to get Ss ready for MS. MS assigns HW to get them ready for HS. HS piles on the work to get them ready for college. And college still sees them unprepared. 🤔 #mtedchat
Q3: It’s important to allow your practice to evolve. Describe an innovation in your instructional practice that has lead to improvement in students’/faculties learning. #MTedchat
So hard for them to understand because that's not the way it was when THEY were students. This is a cultural mindset that we have to keep working to change! #mtedchat
A2 when my 90 minute "block" was over, we'd stop and go to the next topic even though my kids were finally in the rhythm. Now. If they're in the flow I let them go. #mtedchat
Yes!! Are you using the interims at all?? The feedback teachers have access to throughout the year (standards-based) is powerful! So much better to build goals off of then raising a grade averaging reading skills and writing skills as one #mtedchat
A3 I began using Ss as Table Captains to develop their leadership It has helped many Ss gain confidence & see what they are able to do...hopefully presenting on that at #NSTA19 in St. Louis #MTedchat
A3: Student led discussions— I love seeing my Ss, who often struggle to put their ideas in writing, discuss and comment on ideas the other Ss haven’t thought of. They swell with pride. Verbalizing also helps them when it’s time to write. #MTedchat
This convo has me thinking about the Ss growth goals I just had to do and discuss. We wrote goal so Ss improvement was measured against self vs the number standard #MTedchat
Feedback that says "I saw you do this. Why did you choose that technique. Have you considered..." and then listening while I talk through how the change/tweak might look in my classroom #MTedchat
A3: In my second year of virtual coaching, I've learned how to build teachers' autonomy with our portfolio tool and to leverage this autonomy to diversify the artifacts and reflections I get from them before and during our coaching calls. #MTedchat
A3 This is the worst-worded statement of the night, but I got so much better at letting my Ss suffer a little! They had such learned helplessness by the time they got to 4th and 5th grade, I had to reteach them that actual learning hurts a little! #mtedchat
The first time I got a high GPA was in my MA program..it felt really excellent and fulfilling. Seriosuly though, I learned the most in my MA program...#MTedchat
In reply to
@AnnBruckerEDU, @AmandaRapstad, @cristama
A3: Flexible seating. I used to be the single row kind of classroom, now it's tables, lap desks, camp chairs, tractor stools, stand up desks, you name it, I probably have it. The kids love learning where they feel comfortable. #MTedchat
Strategies explored, implementation steps and brainstorming, student work samples, video artifacts, pictures, lots and lots of written and videoed reflections. #MTedchat
A3 not necessarily an innovation, but I've capitalized more on the use of "wait time" for responses, and challenging them to discover the answer on their own. I'm always too quick to finish their thinking or giving them the answers. #mtedchat
Yes!! We no longer use MAP or STARS.... We piloted use with the interim and the teachers using it appreciate the data SO much more. You get item analysis that tells exactly where Ss made errors (individually and as a group). #mtedchat
A3 when I stopped asking students to use specific strategies it math, but instead asked students to explain the strategies they used and to compare them to what other students were doing. #mtedchat
But with the special, added caveat that, through questioning, I was still there to help them figure it out. I mean... not evil suffering ;-) They used #growthmindset before it was a "thing" #mtedchat
Last year it was. This year I've built in encouraging structures with my pre-meeting reminders, consistent questions at the beginning of the call, and making sure to add comments or reflections to their portfolios when I've viewed what they've added. This has helped! #MTedchat
I think I realized, after many years, that it just wasn't working. "Teaching" meant that I was caring more about their "learning" than they were, and that seemed (and still seems) so ridiculous to me. #mtedchat
A3: Technology integration for meaningful learning. As a new teacher I used tech to engage through presenting with multi-media. Teaching transformed when I started having students use the tech as tools. Learning rate increased through greater experience with 21st 4Cs. #mtedchat
Q3: It’s important to allow your practice to evolve. Describe an innovation in your instructional practice that has lead to improvement in students’/faculties learning. #MTedchat
Q4: Describe a tool or strategy you use that’s engaging, highly efficient, and not typically found in a classroom/school. Why would you recommend other educators to use it? #MTedchat
Amazingly enough, I am working on this with my kinder students right now!!! We do counting collections (number sense, organization, grouping etc). I explicitly teach diff strategies but then Ss have to use one to show their thinking. #MTedchat
I would be happy to sharescreen with you in a Google Hangout. I could show you quickly what the data and reports look like... You will be shocked at what is available to all teachers. #mtedchat
In reply to
@kelseykimpton, @cwdexter, @St006C, @AnnBruckerEDU
A3 Giving students more control/choice over their learning through things like genius hour and giving several options for ways to demonstrate learning #MTedchat
Thankfully my district just got rid of Tableau reader. It was a data sharing tool that was supposed to help analyze and organize data. Not helpful when it was just raw data. #MTedchat
In reply to
@cristama, @kelseykimpton, @cwdexter, @AnnBruckerEDU
Wow, now there is the question of the night! I think (hope) that everyone's moment of epiphany doesn't have to come out of frustration! Maybe we can teach/support them better from the beginning, as through mentoring programs like @TriSciCurious is doing. #MTedchat
Q1: I used to believe that standards were awful things which hindered learning and achievement. Not anymore, They give focus and clarity to what needs to be learned to be successful. #mtedchat
A4: I don't hear a lot of talk about https://t.co/cCddDe6iBC, but I love its ability to create multiple pathways, allow students to make learning choices, and collect formative data. It might not be the most efficient tool, but it's definitely engaging. #MTedchat
We had someone from OPI come and show us how to use them and all the data available. We’re going to be tied to MAPS a few more years because our school just got a literacy grant that requires it. #MTEdchat
In reply to
@cristama, @kelseykimpton, @St006C, @AnnBruckerEDU
A4: Hmmmm... Integrating the concept of culturally responsive pedagogy into everything we do. It has become the scaffolding of all our initiatives. By knowing the principles of teaching the whole child, you can actually educate the WHOLE CHILD. #mtedchat
Q4: Describe a tool or strategy you use that’s engaging, highly efficient, and not typically found in a classroom/school. Why would you recommend other educators to use it? #MTedchat
Ha! My college professor told me I would never get a job! How wrong he was! Here I am 17 years later, still in Helena, MT, teaching like a boss. #MTedchat
In reply to
@BKd204Sci, @TriSciCurious, @AnnBruckerEDU, @cristama, @AmandaRapstad, @St006C
Q2: I used to give zeros for missing work. No more. Time and scaffolding is given to accomplish the work for it is a part of the "house" we are building. #mtedchat
This was a game-changer for me, as well. I think technology "hit" at a pivotal time in my development as a professional so that I was actually able to use it to do some good. #mtedchat
A4) I would say student choice during math. Short mini lesson, lots of practice with whatever tools they choose. W/ a partner or w/o a partner Their choice #MTedchat
Q4: Describe a tool or strategy you use that’s engaging, highly efficient, and not typically found in a classroom/school. Why would you recommend other educators to use it? #MTedchat
A4: Hmmmm... Integrating the concept of culturally responsive pedagogy into everything we do. It has become the scaffolding of all our initiatives. By knowing the principles of teaching the whole child, you can actually educate the WHOLE CHILD. #mtedchat
Q4: Describe a tool or strategy you use that’s engaging, highly efficient, and not typically found in a classroom/school. Why would you recommend other educators to use it? #MTedchat
A4 More of a philosophy, & its been mentioned tonight. The classroom is not mine, but it is a shared learning space for my Ss & I to learn TOGETHER! #MTedchat
The grant doesn't require it unless your writers wrote it in... The SBAC interims were an option too... Many did write MAP in because they are comfortable with it #mtedchat
In reply to
@cwdexter, @kelseykimpton, @St006C, @AnnBruckerEDU
When I think about the diffusion of innovation, it's important to leverage networks by using early adopters (in thought/practice) to support individuals who are less likely to adopt - to do this we need teachers to identify as teacher leaders, mentors, and coaches #MTedchat
Ha!! My high school guidance counselor looked at me and said “Are you sure you think you are prepared to do a four year college program? I'm afraid you will fail out” #mtedchat
In reply to
@BKd204Sci, @TriSciCurious, @AnnBruckerEDU, @AmandaRapstad, @St006C
Q5: Cognitive engagement is “the quality of students’ psychological engagement in academic tasks, including their interest, ownership, and strategies for learning.” What are some unconventional ways you cognitively engage students? #MTedchathttps://t.co/gl9fnfbdsk
A4 ME. It took a long time to be myself and stop trying to do what I thought I was supposed to do. My classroom included signing, a little (horrifying dancing), using accents, whatever (if you've met me you understand😜). Find your YOU and use it to your advantage! #mtedchat
I learned how to use blended learning tools, @Socrative, @nearpod, @PearDeck, Google Classroom, HyperDocs to put learning tasks and resources in one place and to model how to use the tool for classrooms. #MTedchat
Q3: It’s important to allow your practice to evolve. Describe an innovation in your instructional practice that has lead to improvement in students’/faculties learning. #MTedchat
Gotcha. Did they write any kind of progress monitoring for writing? Vocabulary? Those are the two biggest areas that are not addressed by MAP. Those and the research targets... #mtedchat For math, mastery of problem solving, reasoning
In reply to
@cwdexter, @kelseykimpton, @St006C, @AnnBruckerEDU
When I think about the diffusion of innovation, it's important to leverage networks by using early adopters (in thought/practice) to support individuals who are less likely to adopt - to do this we need teachers to identify as teacher leaders, mentors, and coaches #MTedchat
It especially helped to see that it had powerful use across all content areas. When I realized the text integration made my instruction more efficient and effective, that was transformative. Burned back so much time for students and myself #MTedchat
Honestly, best thing that ever happened to me...made me work & the chip on my shoulder (that is still there) reminded me to keep proving people wrong, I'm not conventional & I'm proud of that #MTedchat
In reply to
@AmandaRapstad, @cristama, @TriSciCurious, @AnnBruckerEDU, @St006C
Did they give you a chance to play around with it out of yourself? Log in to make sure that you had access? There is so much there to manipulate… Overwhelming if you can’t “tinker” #mtedchat
In reply to
@cwdexter, @kelseykimpton, @St006C, @AnnBruckerEDU
A4 giving control of the classroom to my students so they know they have a say in their learning environment. Some of our best classroom practices/learning moments have come from the students #mtedchat
A5: Put the learning in their hands. What questions are you going to ask about this topic? How are you going to demonstrate and assess your understanding? What's your timeline for completing your designed task? #MTedchat
A4 giving control of the classroom to my students so they know they have a say in their learning environment. Some of our best classroom practices/learning moments have come from the students #mtedchat
A5: A goal we have at school is to get students out of building. Place-based instruction helps students take notice of the world around them. Engage in local community, local history, local environment, etc. Expand outward to practice and reinforce content area skills #mtedchat
Q5: Cognitive engagement is “the quality of students’ psychological engagement in academic tasks, including their interest, ownership, and strategies for learning.” What are some unconventional ways you cognitively engage students? #MTedchathttps://t.co/gl9fnfbdsk
Q4: Describe a tool or strategy you use that’s engaging, highly efficient, and not typically found in a classroom/school. Why would you recommend other educators to use it? #MTedchat
A5 Start each day with personal affirmation to your students. I tell them it's going to be a great day. And in case we have a tough day, we'll still try our best - and we'll be here to get each other through it. Belonging. #RelationshipsMatter#mtedchat
I feel one of the biggest error of the last 20 yrs is that Ts often have underestimated the ability of our Ss Give control like @AmandaRapstad said & let them soar! #MTedchat
When I talk to really innovative teachers they often saw biggest hurdle to innovation was their concern students couldn't do the work successfully. You don't know if you don't ask. #mtedchat
I feel one of the biggest error of the last 20 yrs is that Ts often have underestimated the ability of our Ss Give control like @AmandaRapstad said & let them soar! #MTedchat
A6: @Flipgrid! I really want to try this but I don't know anyone who is using it regularly and don't have any idea how to get started with it. Who can help me? #MTedchat
A5 I don’t know if it’s unconventional but getting to know students and valuing who they are as people, not shutting them down when they think differently #mtedchat
This chat has motivated me to blog soon, "Judge Judy or Judge Wapner You are Not!" Topic is about judging ourselves, peers, and more importantly our Ss I'll tag you all when its done #MTedchat
A6: Makerspace. I know I would have loved to explore this in the classroom. Currently have a couple teachers looking to implement... Planning to support both classroom based and a school/community option. Our shop would be perfect. #mtedchat
YES YES YES. You MUST use @seesaw! I so wish my son's teachers had used something like this. It's SO POWERFUL for students as a digital portfolio, but its power as a family communication tool is absolutely unparalleled. #mtedchat
A6 In the process or thinking stages at least of creating self paced math units that students can work through with options for extensions to free me up to work with students individually or in small groups. #MTedchat
A5? We recently tried a goose chase and it had great elements for teamwork, opportunityto demonstrate understanding, and to create. My students loved it. #mtedchat
A6: I need to get my hands on a 3D printer again. I've been supporting a lot of teachers with design projects --- I really want to make some 3D whistles with my kids now. :) #MTedchat