#SAMedchat Archive
#SAMedchat is a an excellent interactive forum that discusses the latest in trends, strategies and issues relating to the exciting world of education and school leadership! Please join us on Thursdays from 7 pm to 8 pm, MST!
Thursday May 4, 2017
9:00 PM EDT
I will post a question every 5 minutes. Then after all questions are completed I will post my answers.
Q2: How does your school offer on the job training to your students? How do you keep track of it?
Q3: How do you provide rigorous learning targets and performance scales?
Q4: How do you celebrate student progress?
Q5: What method do you prefer to have students preview new content?
Q6: How do you help students engage in cognitively complex tasks?
A1: Pre-assessment to disc learner gaps and will use its interventions to meet each Ss right where they are.
A2: Students turn in time sheets they use at their job to show evidence to att. We are looking for a better idea.
A3: 1 unpac stds to ID learning targets, 2 use ID DOK in the stds, and 3 organize targets into a perf scl
A4: Student of the Month, Newspaper, scholarships
A5: Any meth of prev works well. The most import part of this is that ss access prior knowledge and analyze it.
A6: Chunking info SDS build on new info daily. A project that info periodically builds on their DOK as they prog