Join teachers and educationalists for #ukedchat each Thursday between 8-9 pm GMT for Edu chat. Education news, resources, and @UKEdSch website with @UKEdMag
It's 8pm. Welcome to #UKEdChat. The first question will be coming up in a moment.
Remember to use the #hashtag in all of your tweets and answer questions with A1, A2, A3 etc
It's 8pm. Welcome to #UKEdChat. The first question will be coming up in a moment.
Remember to use the #hashtag in all of your tweets and answer questions with A1, A2, A3 etc
#UKEDCHAT A1 I see great variance here. Lots of children encouraged to explore, explain, enquire...but teacher CPD varies...there seems more content to drive forward than journeys to explore
#ukedchat A1 Valuing time to breathe and reflect ...look at the bigger picture and consider how programmes/projects etc support the school community to reach own aims...rather than somebody else's.
#ukedchat a2 Use resources that have some resonance with pupils and offer a further insight into something they know a little about...and now want to find our more!
RT @UKEdSch: It's 8pm. Welcome to #UKEdChat. The first question will be coming up in a moment.
Remember to use the #hashtag in all of your tweets and answer questions with A1, A2, A3 etc
A1: No, they're hierarchical institutions run by a very small leadership team. In most cases, input from children, parents or staff is tokenistic (said the cynic!) #UKEdChat
I think yes to both. Something which I missed in my own schooling (was shy🤨), but skills I have hard won as an adult would have been useful earlier. #ukedchat
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@ukedchat, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox
A4 A staff info sheet with things happening in the week ahead works well at our school and a diary in the staffrm for day to day mesgs. Seeing ppl about important info too #ukedchat
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@ukedchat, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox, @CoachBrightUK, @UnioByHarness
#UKEdChat A3
Absolutely, it's important to be able to communicate properly. Many young people reach 16 and don't have the ability to adapt the way they speak to a different audience other than their mates. This has to come from school and home
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@ukedchat, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox
A2 Chn will discuss things when they feel they are in a safe environment in terms of making mistakes. I've found philosophy type talking sessions encourage all chn to participate #ukedchat
A2 #ukedchat Yes. P4c is brilliant at developing a sense of 'its good to talk' especially where we value appropriate challenges to thinking and encourage curiosity
A2 Chn will discuss things when they feel they are in a safe environment in terms of making mistakes. I've found philosophy type talking sessions encourage all chn to participate #ukedchat
Good point. This should go for emails too. Remembering to say 'hi' and 'thanks' and 'hope you're not too snowed under with marking'. When we're in a rush we can be curt & this can negatively affect future relations #ukedchat
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@CoachBrightUK, @keran77, @ukedchat, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox
Interesting you said 'want' rather than 'need'. Is there a choice about some of the communication we do? Do some people think better of it and not bother? #UKEdChat
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@CoachBrightUK, @keran77, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox, @UnioByHarness
A2 I've also found thinking activities and posing what if questions generate interesting discussions. I get asked questions I've never been asked before. That makes me smile #ukedchat
Interesting you said 'want' rather than 'need'. Is there a choice about some of the communication we do? Do some people think better of it and not bother? #UKEdChat
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@CoachBrightUK, @keran77, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox, @UnioByHarness
No - I think it's very difficult to judge if you have full engagement in staff meetings. People either tend to take them too seriously or not seriously enough #ukedchat
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@ukedchat, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox, @UnioByHarness, @GovernorSchool, @MrLPeachey, @keran77
#ukedchat I think 'staff meetings' (timetables, urgent data, notices etc) should be separate to CPD which should be more innovative, creative and shared...and 'sold' as such
No - I think it's very difficult to judge if you have full engagement in staff meetings. People either tend to take them too seriously or not seriously enough #ukedchat
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@ukedchat, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox, @UnioByHarness, @GovernorSchool, @MrLPeachey, @keran77
A5 We have staff meetings when we need them e.g. updates about subjects, SEF review etc. That seems to work for us as they have a purpose and we are not just meeting because it's timetabled. #ukedchat
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@CoachBrightUK, @ukedchat, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox, @UnioByHarness, @GovernorSchool, @MrLPeachey
Brilliant, at least it had a happy ending! Stress can definitely come out over email, particularly when they've come into work to a sea of unread emails. It's overwhelming and stressful! #ukedchat
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@UnioByHarness, @MrLPeachey, @ukedchat, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox
A5 - yes. Should try to remove all admin matters from them too. If I told you, you have an hour with fifty professionals, to do something worthwhile, what would you plan? Hopefully not reading off powerpoints! #ukedchat
A5. Perhaps depends on size of the meeting and whether it's 2-way? If there's an agenda and a decent speaker, that help toos. Otherwise, staff will say 'I wish he'd just emailed us that PowerPoint!' #ukedchat
A6 Depends on circumstances but usually face-to-face if it's SEN or health related but this depends on availability of outside professionals. #ukedchat
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@ukedchat, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox, @CoachBrightUK, @UnioByHarness, @GovernorSchool, @MrLPeachey
#UKEdChat A7
Where possible, speaking to parents face-to-face is a more effective approach and helps when building trust in both the teacher and the school
In reply to
@ukedchat, @voice21oracy, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox, @UnioByHarness, @GovernorSchool, @MrLPeachey, @keran77
A7 I have a chat with chns parents at the end of most days. We send text mesgs of thanks for parents coming into sch for an event or to remind them about trips. Monthly newsletters that are interesting to read are liked by parents too #ukedchat
In reply to
@ukedchat, @voice21oracy, @VictoriaPendry1, @EnterpriseSBox, @CoachBrightUK, @UnioByHarness, @GovernorSchool, @MrLPeachey
#ukedchat a7 Everyday only effective if it is build on trust, mutual respect, honesty and a visible commitment to other school values
My focus is on facilitating 'conscious conversations' in education that creates an environment where each student feels valued and gives time and focus to encouraging individual potential #UKEdChat