Hi #scitlap! Will be popping in and out while we do our bedtime routine. Favorite part of summer has been welcoming my beautiful new twin nieces! They'll be two weeks old on Monday!
I'm Scott and teach mainly 8th grade phys sci. Best part of summer so far was #USMspark in June and last week making bottle rockets with the family. #scitlap
A1: I just wish students in general would sustain the ability to transfer skills between content areas. It's so important to help them make those connections, but it would be nice to see them take the initiative! #scitlap
A1 Measurement skills comes to mind. I do so many activities during a number of different devices & practical applications but they act in 8th grade like a new concept. #scitlap
I think they have the most trouble knowing where to put the IV and DV and how to make a good title. Those slight math and sci graph differences trip them up! #scitlap
Hiya #scitlap folks! Elena from SF, CA. My favorite part of my summer this year has been learning all I can about the native species in my environment & learning how to best garden to care for local wildlife. Also, “glamping” in Mendocino!
A2: Reflection allows students to see the importance of what they've learned beyond an assessment. It also allows us as teachers to see beyond those assessments and adjust for future lessons. #scitlap
A2 Reflection leads to learning from mistakes and that is what learning is based in. Ss won't do it on their own, you have to model it and build in time to do it. I use a learning journal to facilitate the process. #scitlap
A2: My students do not appreciate "productive struggle" when they are in chemistry class, they are so used to being able to answer questions quickly and correctly. Student reflection gives them a chance to vent their frustrations. #scitlap
A2 1) for me to learn what they got out of lessons, 2) good practice for Ss and prepared them for portfolio reflections 3) important skill for writing college perspective essays & journals to help improve. Example (Korean w/ Eng Subtitles 1:50 https://t.co/1AYpmTTnhA#scitlap
A3 I created a learning journal for Ss to create MP and Unit goals. We periodically reflect on our process. They also reflect after all tests. #scitlap
A3: currently, exit slips and padlet boards, but seriously considering flipgrid and nearpod collaboration and whatever is being used as a replacement for today's meet #scitlap
A2 I think reflection is a good way for students to have time to think about and make connections with what they just learned. I think we should allow students time to reflect individually and then with partners or groups. We need to give them time to let it sink in. #scitlap
A3: Tested out a digital portfolio for a hot minute last year. It didn't work out as we adopted a new curriculum, but I'm planning to reinstate it this year. #scitlap
A2: Reflecting with students after a lesson or a project helps them retain the information, but more importantly, during reflection students can voice their curiosities for further study & open up opportunities for student led learning! #scitlap
A3. My @amplify lessons have personal & group reflections built in, I do a lot of reflection verbally with students to learn how to improve lessons/lab, plan to do more with engineering research notebooks after challenges, I love listening to debriefs #scitlap
I have used Google Sites for portfolios in the past for a comp sci class. Worked well but like anything worthwhile it required lots of frontloading. #scitlap
My students learn that class isn't over when the bell rings, so they are used to turning in exit slips on their way out. Sometimes I will have them keep something out to turn in as they leave. #scitlap
A3: After a unit, I try to provide 3 different types of reflection. Usually there’s a quick oral, “What did you like? What did you learn? Where did you struggle?” as a group. Then a homework assignment to make lists of further questions & then lastly a self-assessment. #scitlap
A4: anonymous stickies in a designated area each day, maybe something with the frayer model after big concepts, engineering research notebooks with accurate design & redesign #scitlap
A4 I want to have Ss try and answer the unit key questions at the beginning of my unit and then at the end of each week. May interleave other units too. #scitlap
I like giving Ss opportunity to reflect in their journals, but want to utilize canvas and Flipgrid more. Just have to plan more because we are not 1:1 #scitlap
A4: I would like to find ways for students to make their reflections more public. Maybe a bulletin board set aside for reflections or a method for kids to list reflections electronically. However, my kids are 10, so that rules our social media. #scitlap
A4: I would like to find ways for students to make their reflections more public. Maybe a bulletin board set aside for reflections or a method for kids to list reflections electronically. However, my kids are 10, so that rules our social media. #scitlap
A5: discuss & get ideas from my team in this skill, how can we work across disciplines?, look for some already made media on reflection that I@can use as base for a mini- presentation, try new ones at least every couple of weeks #scitlap
A5 Organization! I need to sit down and plan out how I will grade, assess, and evaluate the reflections. There needs to be some accountability that Ss are trying to remember what they know. #scitlap
A4: I was able to embed a @Flipgrid into @CK12Foundation eTextbook a while back. I think the new privacy changes broke something. Still meaning to dig deeper. I want to embed these into the chapter note taking sections. #scitlap
A5: Perhaps I need to investigate @Seesaw or delve further into Google Classroom. At the minimum, I should dedicate some wall space or a window to create a set place to publish student reflections, ideas & new questions! #scitlap
That is what I'm leaning toward. I get more writing when I ask for quantity and not quality. I want to have it to use when going over their study skills and effort in learning. #scitlap
A6 I go over specific lab skills all year. Almost in every unit. Using a triple beam balance. Measuring with a graduated cylinder. I also put questions on lab skills on every test. #scitlap
A5 I just need utilize BYOD or allow extra time for online reflections. I would also like to toy around with Google Sites or Canvas as portfolio. #scitlap
A6 I do an iPad "boot camp at beginning of the year then a series of measurement activities w/ peer IU instruction. I teach a few then it spreads. I do assessments as the work. This is where we used liquid chalk last year. I also have SEP kick-offs each trimester #scitlap
CTA #scitlap I'm thinking of some kind of trophy or random award or something for outstanding improvement in reflections! Also mixing up the reflection scaffolds / have Ss design new ones! #scitlap
CTA: new subjects for me this year, but if I plan to involve my Ss greatly. If they can see and talk about the real life applications of what we will be doing, they will remember #scitlap
CTA: Plan ahead and up my game. I actually think reflection is one of the most important things we can give our kids. 2nd only to relationships. #scitlap
It will be in September! We go every other week in the summer. I'm glad you loved it though. Come back!
And if you want to moderate, let me know!!!!!!!! #scitlap
This is my “call to action” because we certainly don’t reflect as often as we could. I need to set aside more time for reflection, more often. #scitlap