On the first Wednesday of each month #MSadminchat will provide MS K12 admins the opportunity to join together for a great discussion on leadership at the school/district level.
#MSadminchat is now live!!! Please introduce yourself!
Welcome! Please tell us your name, job title, school district and a fun fact if you please.
#MSadminchat Tonight's chat will center on "2017 Lessons and 2018 Goals"
Please be sure to respond with #MSadminchat in all replies, please also follow the format of Q1 A1, Q2 A2, etc... for your responses and include #MSadminchat (if not signed in to https://t.co/zzv1Sb7DHg)
A1: My best lesson learned was to continue absorbing the knowledge that comes with each day of leadership. What you learn each day leads to better decision making the next. "The More You Know" #MSadminchat
#msadminchat I would have to say the best lesson learned this year was a reminder of the power of positivity. The changes to our district this year have been great. We did a book study on @JonGordon11 Book the Power of Positive Leadership and our school did the Energy Bus.
Q2: AS Covey notes, "we must sharpen the saw" as it relates to continuous growth. How do you plan to sharpen in 2018? How do you plan to sharpen those around you? #MSadminchat
A1: A leader should be willing to listen and seek input. While you are not going to make everyone happy, we should repsect everyone and seek input. #msadminchat
Debra Burson, Bureau Director for Educator Preparation @MissDeptEd Just listening in! Thanks for everything you do each and everyday for children! #teachmiss#MSadminchat
A2: I am an avid reader, so I plan on reading @E_Sheninger latest book on transforming learning. We are going to start this book with all of our admin. Also, other books on great leaders through time.
A2: sharpening the saw is a constant look into this that work in the school and within the individual leader. Comes w constant reading and conversation about educational processes. I want to empower those around me to get the experience needed to do my job one day #MSadminchat
Q1 A1
I think the most valuable lesson for me in 2017 was to take advantage of the learning opportunities that are all around us through the people we work with and the resources at our fingertips.Goal: Be better every day than the day before. @mikelubelfeld@npolyak
A2: I'm sharpening myself by getting to the "why" of my operations. What's the purpose and what's the end goal? I'm sharpening others by making sure student achievement is at the forefront and not adult comfort. Comfort yields mediocrity! #MSadminchat
A2 #MSadminchat:
I’ll continue reading as much as possible, talk to and observe anyone who will allow, interact with my team continually, participate in PLCs AMAP. Our team has weekly book study and PD meetings, quarterly district data meetings, job embedded PD.
#msadminchat A2: since I already answered in the first question concerning my own sharpening, I want to support those around me even more by being available and listening deeper so I can more effectively serve their needs @npolyak@mlubelfeld
A2: To sharpen, I plan to dive into areas that do not come naturally to me by being a better student of current educational research and networking more with the experts in my professional life. For those around me, I plan to challenge/support them to be their BEST. #MSadminchat
#msadminchat A2--This year I plan to explain expectations to staff more efficiently, then observe the process and follow up to ensure the expectations are met. Grow leaders within our staff more.
A3 this is a challenge as new staff comes on board each year. We are considering a school level mentor program that is sustainable from year to year and helps with specific initiatives but this is still a challenge #MSadminchat
A3: our PLCs are vital in this process. New staff hearing and participating in a "team" atmosphere really gives the new a staff a sense of purpose and learning.
A3: At the district level, we try to ensure our admins are kept abreast on new initiatives, legal decisions, and data usage. We encourage PD attendance. We implement monthly meetings and secure mentors at the school-level. Open comm lines and school visits. #EMCED#MSadminchat
A3: First, we look at the "fit." Does this person "fit" our culture. Then we pair them with allows that can grow their "fit." We are our best resource! #MSadminchat
#msadminchat A3--We have a system where our new staff members receive a mentor teacher, the admin team makes time to offer support to them. This is something that could definitely be expanded.
A3 #MSadminchat:
We have a teacher mentoring program. All new teachers meet monthly for focused PD sessions and sharing time. Leadership team meets for book study, data meetings. We also do observations together and debrief. We want to ensure consistency across district.
A3: We assign a master teacher in our building to each new teacher to serve as a mentor. We also plan days for the new teachers to observe our master teacher's teaching. #msadminchat
A3: Help new teachers by modeling professionalism, passion, presence. Support them by providing quality mentoring opportunities through myself and great teachers. Exhibit the power of positivity for them. Show them why their career choice matters. Show the the way! #MSadminchat
#msadminchat A2--we have to continue to keep the focus on the goal. In Gordon's book he mentions that many marathoners give up when they near the end because they are tired and lose sight of how close they are to the goal.
To truly sharpen the saw, you’ve got to grind some of the old away to expose a new, sharper edge. I plan to move myself and those around me out of our comfort zones to foster new ideas and a renewed drive for excellence. #MSadminchat
To truly sharpen the saw, you’ve got to grind some of the old away to expose a new, sharper edge. I plan to move myself and those around me out of our comfort zones to foster new ideas and a renewed drive for excellence. #MSadminchat
A3 start a mentor program, pair new teachers even new teachers to your district with a seasoned teacher, allow teachers to develop relationships with veteran teachers to offer support and advice #MSadminchat
A3 #MSadminchat: we also have assigned peer observations so that teachers see others. Principals assign these each 9 weeks. Teachers complete form and debrief with principals.
A2: Push more of my staff toward more leadership positions. Allow my staff to be a big part of every decision that is made. Continue to open the leadership team to ALL. #Msadminchat
A3: In addition to our Mentoring Program, grade levels meet weekly. I have found that simply asking “How I can I help?” goes a long way - especially when you are willing to unjam the copy machine for a teacher. 😂
A4: Although it easy to get too focused on the negatives, we have to celebrate the victories, large and small, inside the school and in the community. #MSadminchat
A3: I take teachers to other classrooms with me - even if it is out of the teacher’s subject area. The best way to learn great strategies is to see those strategies being modeled in real time. #Msadminchat
A4 #MSadminchat I believe in measuring culture, sharing the results and making action plans. You can work with a company like @HUMANeX or if you don't have the resources or funds you can create your own version of an instrument and work from there - measure - report - act-report
Active, casual conversation with employees/stakeholders on the vision and change you want to create. People are more likely to open up in casual situations.
A4: You set the tone for the school/district. Display the culture and climate you want and others will follow. Focus on the locus of control! #MSadminchat
Q4 A1
Be positive. Be energetic. Be enthusiastic. Model the culture we want to have. Control the 3 things we can control everyday: attitude, effort, and enthusiasm.
A4: CHOCOLATE! Every PLC meeting or discussion with teachers goes better with chocolate. Seriously. Surprise them with a snack from time to time, especially in afternoon meetings. #Msadminchat
To sharpen, I plan on inviting local administrators to do a face to face admin chat about issues we face in our schools, discuss the solutions and share the successes we’ve had. I enjoy learning from others. #MSadminchat
A4 #MSadminchat:
First step is to reach consensus of desired culture, then be consistent through district. High expectations, accountability, model for ALL. Realize that culture change is a process, not an event. Go to PLC Summit, Model Schools, read Culturize by Jimmy Casas.
A4: Bring more people to the table. Everyone must be invested for long term success. Yet, they must be able to see "why" they should invest their time and effort. We must be able to connect the motivation to the vision. #MSadminchat
Q5: How do you as school/district plan to inform students/parents/community about upcoming changes to MS's accountability model, ranging from (MKAS2) to new graduation requirements? #MSadminchat
#msadminchat A4--conveying a positive message, being supportive of students and teachers....It's all about the culture, keep the culture positive and focus on the goals.
A4: A takeaway to improve a district's climate and culture, is to create positive learning conditions for students, which begins with positive working conditions for staff. #MSadminchat@npolyak@mikelubelfeld
A4 https://t.co/icVF6LVUkd
Jostens Renaissance program is a great way to reward students and encourage a positive culture. You can modify the program to fit your school and goals. #msadminchat#msadminchat
A5: The lack of "absolute" brings some timidness to launch the public campaign but we must push ahead as if it is 100% certainty. Admin team talks with students and parents are imperative. Social media, civic groups, and PTOs/PTAs need to be informed. #MSadminchat
#MSadminchat Q4 Creating student and adult learning environments where it is ok to learn from processes, approaches, and each other. True definition of a PLC that cultivates student learning.
A4 #MSadminchat
Be accessible to your teachers and staff, listen to their concerns, offer support, have those tough conversations when necessary then get right back to school business
#msadminchat A5--from the middle and high school levels we have already held community meetings to discuss the changes to the graduation requirements. Our HS personnel will come to the MS in early spring semester to meet with students on grad options.
Parent meetings. We also encourage our staff to help inform their communities of changes. We will use our social media platforms and our local media. I speak on these events at social functions as well.
Q5 A1
We held a parent night and provided parents with information and handouts about the new grad requirements. We plan to host some small group meetings with parents and students this spring.
A5: I think the key is finding innovative ways to connect with all stakeholders to relay message. Again, they must understand the "why" before they buy into the "how." Individual planning sessions are key and so are OPTIONS! #MSadminchat
#msadminchat A5--we also utilize various forms of social media to communicate with stakeholders. Communication has definitely increased this school year and the positive effects are very evident.
Excited to participate. Booneville is a small rural district in Northeast MS. I love sharing with other administrators so we can see how to get better as a district. I believe that the room is ALWAYS smarter than one person.
#msadminchat A5--We plan to increase dialogue with our MS students in the coming years on graduations paths, options, course offerings and post secondary plans. Last year we had a career day for our 8th grade students in which professionals came to talk about career options.
A5: part 2: The key is reaching those who don't come to your meetings. Those will be the ones you'll be chasing to keep them in school. They've gotta have manageable goals and light at the end of the tunnel #MSadminchat
A5 #MSadminchat: we have already met with current 8th grade parents to inform them of graduation options. Will meet with 6/7 in spring. We have reading nights every other week at elementary schools and make those parents aware of changes at that time. PTO at all schools.
Q6: The #MSLEG has indicated school funding will be a priority in the current session, what is one thing you'd want/request them to know/consider pertaining to future K12 funding? #MSadminchat
A5 #MSadminchat
Parent Meetings, Social Media, possibly attend Rotary meetings or board of alderman meetings to make community leaders aware of the new graduation requirements
#msadminchat A5--At the heart of this is building the relationships. Whether it is within the staff, within the community or within the student population. Build the positive culture...familial in style and the success will be enormous.
A6: Visit. Many. No photos, no predisposed agendas, come in and sit down. Step into a 2nd grade classroom, look a student in the eye, and understand the awesome responsibility to our future we as public school educators have each and every day. #msleg#MSadminchat
A6: Investing on the front end is much more efficient and effective than investing on the back end. You don't have to do much research to find that. How would you rather spend your money? #MSadminchat
We need to have provisions to cover step increases each year. We also need the utmost autonomy with the formula on how we use the funding. Innovators can't innovate with too much regulation.
#msadminchat A6--at the risk of oversimplification...will they give us the funding necessary and allow our local district to expend the funds on educating students without micromanagement from state/fed level.
A5 We plan to have informative meetings for parents in a group setting first, and then on an individual basis prior to developing each incoming 9th grader’s schedule. #MSadminchat
A6: Our #MSLEG need to invest more in Career and Technical Education. Having access to specialized programs will be transformative. Exposure to hands-on, lab-based learning experiences will improve students’ ability to think critically. #MSadminchat@npolyak@mikelubelfeld
#msadminchat A6: just like educators do on a daily basis, keep the main thing the main thing: do what is in the best interest of MS students @mikelubelfeld@npolyak
A6: I agree visit and see how big a responsibility we have. Also, I wish they all realized how important a quality public school is to each community #MSadminchat
A6: My question to them would be, "Are they serious about the success of our public schools/public school children?" The subsequent funding will answer the question. This is especially important at the school choice and voucher debate is ramped up. #MSadminchat
A6 #MSadminchat:
I wish they would truly understand that education is the key to the future instead of just giving it lip service. Investing now will give the greatest returns in the future. Address those not performing and give more freedom to A/B districts.
A6: I would like them ALL to consider how hard our schools work and we believe in our kids and the public school system even if many of them have lost faith #studentsfirst#MSadminchat
Most are serious about the success of getting re-elected. That's why it's vital that our stakeholders trust us more AND that we control the message! #samauri#MSadminchat
A7: I would like to know what everyone is doing with respect to history and the current need to push the high school courses down and then what is everyone planning to do to boost their ACT scores and graduation rates #MSadminchat
A6: Consider that cutting funding is at the point it is going to lead to a decrease in personnel. Many of us are at the point we cannot absorb anymore reduction in teacher units. I understand we are expected to do more with less, but everything has its limits. #MSadminchat
A7: Remediation/Growth at the MS/HS Level...While elem schools are equipped with interventionist, MS/HS are relying/piling on classroom teachers to carry that extra load. At what point do we see this as a need? This is important to address MS/HS teacher burnout. #MSadminchat
A7: How do others plan to deal with the new early release restrictions that are sure to keep more students at school all day? How can this be handled without the addition of more teacher units? #MSadminchat
Thank you so much for participating tonight! Be sure to follow some of the people you met tonight #MSadminchat
See you next time time: February, 7th 8P.
#msadminchat A7: Regardless of the topics for next time, thanks John-Mark for being a #TrendSetter in MS Professional Development by hosting this chat!