#sschat is a network of educators, resources, and ideas that started on Twitter, but has expanded to Facebook, an annual NCSS unconference, and more. Join us to chat asynchronously on Twitter or Facebook, or chat with us live on Mondays from 7-8pm EST.
I'll start the #sschat introductions. I'm Troy. Instructional Tech Dir for HS in Indiana and former MS ELA teacher. Author of Firefly Classrooms which has many ideas of using Reflection with students.
Chris from Bloomington, IN. Teach world history for private online HS. I'll be in and out tonight as making dinner and recovering from vacation to DC and Williamsburg, VA. :) #sschat
Hello there Troy and everyone else in #sschat!
I'm an 8th grade SocSt teacher outside Boston Mass. Just had my last day of classes, but still 4 more days of school.
Ready to reflect!
Many students have big knowledge gaps when it comes to basic facts about #slavery, and in many states, social studies standards related to slavery are very limited cultofpedagogy Tolerance_org https://t.co/Q4ZbNxSfd3#edchat#sschat#history
A1) I think reflection is a key part of learning. Ss need to think about what they learned, how they learned it, and what they'll do with what they learned going forward. #sschat
I've adapted a bunch of AVID strats to social studies. All my stuff is free online at https://t.co/Zx6TRFCpvn. One pager is there among others. #sschat
In reply to
@CoachHolleyT, @MsVenturino, @Ms_A_Yeh, @meagan_e_kelly, @mythsysizer, @apsitnatasha, @TracyPoelzer, @ASMILEwithAnna, @teacher2teacher, @JLenore24, @KarlyMoura
A1 honest reflection is a crucial element of good teaching (probably for any profession) -- it means taking a few steps back to consider the pros, cons, circumstances, long-term results, etc. of our efforts
It's VERY important for both the teacher and student to reflect. The teacher can determine what works/what isn't working and how to remediate with students and the student can reflect on what he/she needs help with or has mastered. #sschat
A1: Reflection is essential in the learning process, to learn from one's mistakes, to see what one would change the next time, and set goals to further the learning process #sschat
Hey #sschat. I stop by even when not moderating. If we are talking about #slavery#history, we have to start by talking about real people and not academic buzzwords
A lot of first timers here tonight for #sschat. If you want to answer a question, just use A (for answer) and question #. For instance "A1: your answer"
If you want to go beyond rote learning, it is so important to reflect to make connections and evaluate! After all, my best ideas always come a couple of hours after they would be most useful. #sschat
A1) The reflection process is equally important for the students and for the educator as we refine our understanding/practice. The lesson closure is essential and tricky to fit in, the same feels true for reflection. Has to be intentional. #sschat
For too long we have had two histories, one white, one black separate and unequal. #Juneteenth is a perfect example. Do you discuss the “other independence day?” https://t.co/xG1Q6tZfDf#sschat
Hey Everybody. This is my first SSChat too! I am a recently returned Peace Corps Volunteer and I am currently in grad school studying to be a social studies teacher. I am excited to be learning from you all! #sschat@melissa_mulieri
To reflect is to carefully look at the process to gauge how much was understood through the learning process. Students need the reflection time to assess their own understanding. #sschat
Hey Everybody. This is my first SSChat too! I am a recently returned Peace Corps Volunteer and I am currently in grad school studying to be a social studies teacher. I am excited to be learning from you all! #sschat@melissa_mulieri
Dan Krutka checking in a few minutes late. A1: John Dewey once said, "We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.” #sschat
A1 for some projects, I don't formally grade the finished product ... I assess the students' written (or oral in some cases) reflection on what they learned
A2: I use a "end of quarter" reflection. It use to be done on paper, but I found using @FlipGrid more helpful and then used the students' reflections as part of parent-teacher conferences, in which the Ps could respond back to their kids' video #sschat
A2 -- after a weeklong Oregon Trail simulation experience (somewhat based on the computer game), students were assessed on their response to 2 big-idea prompts
I got some AMAZINGLY thoughtful responses!
A1 Reflection is an impt way to process many activities, such simulations, field trips, projects, etc. I find it used best in conjunction w/ answering ?s. #sschat
A2- at the end of each period, I like to have students think back on what they have done and what still needs to be done. This starts the reflection process, but I would like to do more. #sschat
This is one area that needs improvement bc there are not always ways for reflection in the curriculum. The WW2 pic project seems to work best in my class since it has Ss think about their perspective on a single photo #sschat
A2) At the end of a standard or unit, I let my kids have "rap battles" using the terms and vocabulary they learned. It's SO cool to see what they come up with and even my lower level learners get really into it. #sschat
A2.2: Students often reflect in a bell ringer or exit ticket. Often wording a Q that forces them to reflect as part of a project, assessment, etc. helps. #sschat
A2. I like giving reflection questions as Bellringers after playing a video or giving Ss a quote. I also use it to help Ss make connections w/ material to their own lives. #sschat
A2: I work w pre-service Ts & everyone leads a discussion. I provide framework & strategies, but they have freedom. After, they get oral feedback from class & share their thoughts. They then write more formal reflection. Reflection is intertwined w/ each step all semester #sschat
A2) Previously shared, but directly applicable. Instead of "project" my 8th grade students completed their "reflection" that connected SS & LA- Civil War and Civil Rights. So pleased with their meaningful display of learning ! #sschat#engsschat
A1 Ken from Western Oregon Univ stopping in for a few minutes before have to pick up daughter & get her to ballet. Reflection is key for intellectual growth & avoiding reactionary mindset. Good to have facilitators to work w/ during reflection #sschat
A2) My Choose Your Own Adventure projects end with reflection based on the rubric. It's amazing how much better the second project turns out as a result. #sschat
As I tell my students "lessons are repeated until they are learned," which is code for "How is what we are talking about connected to something else?" #sschat
A2 the key component of most of my pre-service teacher class activities are the reflection piece. Again, that's work the intellectual growth occurs, the critical analysis of decisions made & repercussions of those decisions #sschat
A3: I try to incorporate reflection into each lesson...asking them what went well, what could be improved, what they could have done differently, etc. #sschat
A3: Reflection is a tough sell for students. I got it done, what was the grade. Did I do the required parts? Getting Ss to look beyond the grade to the effort, the learning & the process is a challenge. One I haven’t yet figured out how to answer. #sschat
A3: You start small and build on it. You have to create the environment where the Ss feel comfortable to reflect and be honest in their reflections, which means learning that in reflecting there is often "no correct answer" & that drives Ss bonkers. #sschat
A3: Modeling it yourself helps. Explain how you came up certain activities, what worked in the past, what you've changed etc. Show them how the sausage is made. Also usually personalized data to show growth/improvement. #sschat
A3: I start each semester by asking students to turn in their own "learner's permit." In short, I ask them, how do you plan to learn this semester? If they struggle, we revisit it. I find that metacognitive approach important. #sschat
A3: Reflection is a tough sell for students. I got it done, what was the grade. Did I do the required parts? Getting Ss to look beyond the grade to the effort, the learning & the process is a challenge. One I haven’t yet figured out how to answer. #sschat
A2: after a government simulation, students complete a guided reflection. It gives them some support in order to learn how to reflect. It is a skill that not all possess without added support built in. #sschat
A3) I think that by holding meaningful discussions and asking in-depth questions can help students reflect on their learning. Also having students keep a journal/log of their progress would help too. #sschat
A3 Make reflection one of the key aspects of every activity that students do. Model it with students by showing them the reflective processes you go through as a teacher #sschat
A3) For middle school students the opportunities for reflection need to be provided/modeled. Using google forms- students gave me feedback @mid point and end of the year. #sschat
A3 Modeling, like many of you already said, for sure. You also need to have an environmnt where Ss feel safe to share feelings. Have a good relationship w Ss so they can trust you. Other Ss need to follow suit. #sschat
For my last project I gave students the chance to make changes after I handed back grades, and they had to write a little about what they missed the first time. Only a handful actually did it (2 weeks before the end of the year) but the responses were ok. #sschat
Should have included @flipping_A_tchr too!
Apologies in advance to the many other awesome social studies teachers that always bring so much value to us via Twitter. Not enough characters! #sschat
This unit has evolved over time, this was the first year incorporating the visual option. Learned a lot but will continue to provide this Ss choice. #sschat
They hate it when there is no clear answer. "Ms. K is this right?" "I don't know, what evidence are you using to support your claim?" #whydontyoujusttellustheanswers#sschat
Self-reflection is powerful. I have worked for years with exceptional learners and many have either struggled or thrived in class depending on how teachers presented content. Self-reflecting on our teaching methods can really help such students succeed! #SSChat@melissa_mulieri
I make them specific to the activity. For our AVID tutorials, for example, it is: "One problem we solved was.... My group helped by... I learned most when... Next time I'll..." #sschat
Great point! I come across that w/ my 6th graders, esp. It throws them off when there is no “correct” reflection answer. I do push them to back up answers w/ examples, which helps give some Ss structure that they need #sschat
A3: I think student reflection is hard but I feel that maybe you get the class going in a discussion if things that went good with an experiment and things that could’ve gone better! #sschat#READ5305
A4: I've found the best way is to prioritize reflection over completion. I would rather make the project due 1 day earlier so students have time to reflect (F2F discussion, exit ticket, written paragraphs, whatever)
A4: I think giving students specific scheduled reflection time is the perfect time to do it as an instructor. Reflection has to be intentional or it will be the first thing cut. I also like to use my commute to reflect on my day as well. #sschat
A4 - It does take time and you must cut content to do more reflection but it is classic depth v breadth. All you have to do is read the student responses to see how valuable it is to them and us. #sschat
A4: I recommend pulling the fire alarm*... it provides everyone the reflection time they need. #sschat
*Dan is not responsible for any bad things that come out of this tweet. ;)
A4. Reflection can be rigorous—it isn’t all fluff or feelings, as some as some Ts think. Combine reflection w/ content or make an essay or project out of a reflection question. #sschat
A4- the past couple of years I have had second block planning, which is perfect for my personal reflection. I always go over the lesson in my mind to see if it needs to be tweaked! As for the students, that’s another story... #sschat
A4: Admittedly, I don't always allow myself time for reflection. Too many times I've said, I should change that for next year. Next year rolls around and oops, forgot what I wanted to change. #sschat
#sschat A4 This is hard for me since it's online and all the curriculum/lessons are already developed (not by me). So I'm limited by the online classes I host and what Ss attend
A4) I teach online now in a self-paced environ for Ss so it's included in all their lessons. When I was teaching f2f, reflection did get left out too often. #sschat
A4: All we have is time. What we choose to do with it reflects what we value. If it's truly a part of the educational process we value, we'll find the time for it. #sschat
Bummed to have to go, but our late dinner just came out of the oven. Looking fwd to catching up on rest of chat. Thanks for hosting @tcockrum and all for your ideas! #sschat
Reflection needs guidance. If it is practiced consistently, students expect to have a voice in how they felt about the learning process. It's a life skill. #sschat
Hey #sschat looking for a new teaching perspective on the Constitution and Amendments? Check out our Periodic Table of the Constitution and Amendments.
A5 It depends on what we're reflecting on. I do like reading through individual reflections to truly get independent thought as opposed to group-think. #sschat
1. Let them think and write about their work. Give them space to do it. In the reflection include group reflection.
2. Talk this out as much as possible as a team when the students are comfortable.
A5- grouping is really helpful for students who struggle, so they can see someone modeling the process. That being said, it’s hard to gauge what students can do if unless they are working individually. #sschat
1st: do the cool deep-thinking thing in class
next: students reflect independently on index card for a few minutes
then: bell rings, you collect cards, maybe read some
tomorrow: return cards, have a class discussion
Sometimes group reflection is not as beneficial because students don't want to hurt feelings or say how it really went because they are afraid of how the group will react. #sschat
A5: I think it depends on what they are reflecting on: individual grades/ performance than that is 100% self; but if a group task, then I can see using a group reflection #sschat
Another great piece of evidence to use to encourage American history & government teachers to apply for the James Madison Memorial Fellowship to pursue additional content certification & graduate degree. These moments just don't exist elsewhere! #sschat#UShistory#AmRev#AmGov
A5: I usually have them do both. But I believe it is important to do self-reflection first before the group shares. Then they have a chance to self-reflection without influence, but then hear others thoughts. #sschat
Reflection needs to be adjusted depending on the unit, project, etc. However, even in group work, reflection should come from the individual and group alike. It provides the teacher with opportunities to see the dynamics of the learning. #sschat
Adding to this: The reason you give them time to think and write before you discuss is it avoids "anchoring" kids around common reflections. They are more creative and thoughtful if they think and write first. #sschat
A4: SS lends itself very well to the process of reflection. Need to build in time for it. T's want to move forward, but it's important to stop every once in a while and have the students think, "how did we get here?" During civil rights, look back to Reconstruction #sschat
A5: I like to use class data in competition between classes. Then have students see how their individual growth plays into the success of the group. #sschat
Yikes! Thank you! I missed #sschat as I forgot about the two hour time difference as I am vacationing in Denver! Hope all have an awesome summer! #sschat Thank you to all you amazing tweeps who inspire me everyday!
In reply to
@Mrneilhistory, @classroomtools, @CHitch94, @flipping_A_tchr, @dankrutka, @MsHolmesTeach, @jcaseydesign, @42ThinkDeep, @jbf1755, @BeschlossDC, @cheffernan75, @DrJHarmon, @JoeSangillo, @mseideman, @skmcdermott, @johnsonmaryj, @MrBarry628
Love the idea of a rap battle. I had my students write raps / poems to summarize material they have learned and truly love what they come up with. #sschat
A6: I love @Flipgrid especially the feature that allows students to respond to each other. I also like using @edpuzzle to have students do audio comments on their own videos. #sschat
A6) I had my students use Flipgrid this semester and once they fot comfortable with it, it worked well. I posed reflection prompts and they responded to them. Their response is only 90 seconds long so it’s not daunting. #sschat
A6: We are integrating 1:1 next year and I'm going to explore using vlogs, podcasting and collaborative docs to allow students to reflect individually so they can look back and hopefully share with others once they are comfortable. #sschat
A6 A simple great tool is Google sheets. Have Ss type out reflections on ONE Google sheet. That way entire class can see ideas. You need 5 minutes at end of discussion. #sschat
Oh yes, and a few years ago I would assign students to write a poem of current events for the past two weeks. We would watch @CNN10 & then rap in the style of @Flocabulary. Love to read their creativity #sschat
In reply to
@jk_coffee, @kyliefronzak, @Flocabulary, @CNN10, @Flocabulary
I am only kind of kidding. Pencil and paper are technological inventions (albeit old ones that we're used to) that position us in a way that can be conducive to personal reflection. Departing from digital tech can be freeing. #sschat
A6 Also, for 5 minutes at end of discussion have students give a compliment to a student who said something meaningful and to say WHY it was meaningful. Public reflection. Awesome for building positive class culture #sschat
Sorry not to have contributed more this evening #sschat. Watching the reports of kids ripped from their families & incarcerated by the government in our name has left me sickened. Perhaps we need to take a moment to reflect on what we as SS Ts can do to make our government STOP!
A7: Dewey and Schon wrote a couple classics on reflection in education if anyone is looking for a book on the topic. What are some other good books on reflection? #sschat
#sschat A7 @TeachingLC resources. https://t.co/foRpOF2yWy. Go to the primary source analysis section. Questions already designed to help students reflect on topics such as political cartoons, oral histories, movies etc.
This conversation is about our own reflection. It is making us all think about how reflection plays into our teaching. Thanks for an engaging learning experience. #sschat
A5: Not that I have done this, but I wonder if a Kagan strategy would work. Allow Ss would reflect individually then share with their group, then the group share out the best reflections, those that would show growth. #sschat
Thanks #sschat peeps for allowing me to moderate this engaging discussion. The hour went by so fast! Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions or want to continue the discussion.