This twitter chat stands for "Wins And Losses Ed Chat" and will be a chat where students reflect on the previous week to celebrate victories and reflect on losses to turn them into victories.
Hi #waledchat! Megan, Digital Skills Teacher & STEM Lab Coordinator, co-founder of #122edchat, Brookfield, IL. Hoping to see @Holtclass back in action tonight!
Hey all! Phil from Northern Virginia! I teach 7th grade US History II and am the founder of #waledchat and Edusations. Coming at you from Tweetdeck, because @LBStrunk and I are in Disney! Glad to have @ScottLewisITC manning the helm!
Good evening #waledchat crew. Steph Dill, elementary SPED T in too hot Colorado - high of 105 today and currently 93. But positve, Saturday is looking like 73!
Hi #waledchat! Annie joining from Bethlehem, PA. I’m a HS math teacher masquerading as an elementary/middle school music and drama teacher for the summer!
Good evening #waledchat.
Walt checking in from Macomb County, MI. Officially completed my 22nd year as a middle school educator today (16th as an administrator).
“Whale” hello there! #waledchat! 🐳 🐋 Splashin’ in a few minutes late!
I’m Wendy Hankins, 2nd grade, HouTX. Love to spread positivity & thoughts via #HeardItFromHankins quotes & my recent blog: ♥️
A1 I tried comics in the classroom this year for the first time. Not only is it something I plan to revisit, but I believe it is something that could be built into my curriculum permanently. #waledchat
#waledchat Adam from Ohio. Math teacher. He's not a teacher but I'd love to see @michaelfranti join us in the chat tonight. For no professional reason......he's just super mellow dude who sings uplifting songs. @trevorhallmusic should come to!
Hi all! Sorry I’m late! I was too busy clicking my little hearts in #Masterychat. I worked up a sweat! Who signed up for refreshments tonight? Sure hope they brought me a chocolate cake!!! Anywho, I teach 6th grade physical science. #waledchat
A1: This year I joined twitter, began writing a blog and even moderated a few chats. All new experiences that I am grateful for and do not regret for a single minute. #waledchat
A1: @_on11 and I tried @Raspberry_Pi with @GetPiTop at #ISTE18. It was pretty frustrating, tbh - but looking forward to doing some more research on it for potential use next year! #waledchat
A1 As far as my teaching, the better Q is when did I do the same thing twice, lol. I always try new things - assuming they make sense for my students - #hyperdocs is my new 'thang' - learned last year, still trying to remix some and make my own. #waledchat
A1: I tried a new tennis drill this week with some ladies and junior players. Worked on judging the ball and being in the right position. It was awesome! #waledchat
For the first time, I have submitted my research proposals to NCTE and ASCD. Luckily, both proposals got accepted this year, so I have the opportunities to speak to fellow educators about my research interests. Very excited. #waledchat
A1. Sounds like a country song!
With EdTech as a focus-EVERYDAY! Trying to find new apps and programs that would help me engage my students more. #waledchat
A1: I’ve tried a lot of new things this year (all the joys of graduating, buying a house, getting a job, and becoming an adult), but one thing I tried for the fun of it was getting on Twitter this year! #waledchat
A1: Last year I ventured into having students create their own memes. It was new for me & them. It turned out way better than what I thought! #waledchat
Hey #waledchat - I'm replumbing a bathroom and will miss tonight - but in 23 minutes we have part 2 of our series on Rethinking Education - tonight is recess and discipline! #edcochat
A1: Discovered Microbits just last week...Ordered 20 for my SS class, can't wait to work with kid to find ways to use them in that setting. Want to give them something unexpected and different to tap into other strengths #waledchat
A1) Almost weekly. Just this today, I asked my #PLN for help for something I know little about. And of course, they pulled out all the stops to help. #waledchat
A1: like @CristinaDajero I started blogging this year. I have only completed a handful yet I have various topics in my head that I would like to write more about. #waledchat
Hi all! Sorry I’m late! I was too busy clicking my little hearts in #Masterychat. I worked up a sweat! Who signed up for refreshments tonight? Sure hope they brought me a chocolate cake!!! Anywho, I teach 6th grade physical science. #waledchat
A2 I learned that directing lessons at student passion (marvel is so huge right now) you get a higher level of engagement and achievement. Using comics in the classroom really promoted the conversations. #waledchat
A1 Sadly, it's been awhile since I tried something completely new. Workwise, I did just start doing some training work with the VDOE. Overwhelming, but exciting. #waledchat
A1: Yo! Andrew - 4th-grade/GATE teacher. A bit late! This is difficult to answer! I would say I tried to practice speaking my Spanish with the office staff! They don’t make me feel embarrassed, and they love teaching me the correct way to say things. #waledchat
A2: It was humbling! The program itself was simple to work with but we still couldn't get things to work out. Taught me what I preach to my Ss - failure is just another step in the learning process. #waledchat
A2 I overcomplicate everything! Found that #hyperdocs actually add time to lessons because they take kids in so many directions. Really looking at which activities are necessary and of quality vs fluff, especially when it applies to tech tools. #waledchat
A1: I tried a bunch of things this second semester. Blogging, blogging with my ss, @flipgrid, chatting on Twitter, @GooseChase, @Screencastify , eating a non chocolate cake 😂going to a dr about a diff joint this time, 😂, #waledchat
A1~a few weeks ago I visited an awesome school @mjperkins2014 & shared an SEL lesson with some fabulous Ss ... 1st time I’ve been out of district sharing this lesson ❤️ ... welcoming school w/awesome staff ~ @CraigCMartin12 Principal & @EvelynCorrea7#waledchat
#waledchat A1: Well....I'll keep my answer in the classroom.
Last weeks of school offering Ss the chance to make an instructional video for next year's Ss as their exam entry ticket.
Like @Hell2Teach I never have the same experience year to year. Ever. If I do ,fire me.
A1: I learned that this drill really helped people become more aware of an incoming tennis ball and really opened up some eyes to where they should really be standing in relationship to the ball. #waledchat
A2 - I learned that I need to keep my day job. I definitely am not great at pictures. Educationally, I learned again the importance of #Teachpos#waledchat
A2: When I participated in my first twitter chat I was extremely overwhelmed by the speed at which it happened & the knowledge at my finger tips. As a moderator, I wanted to ensure that I connected with every single participant bc I wanted to show them I cared. #waledchat
A2. Being a kids requires way more patience that what I give them credit for...either that or it's just a steep learning curve! Apps can be a useful tool to promote positive habits. #waledchat
A1: Today I wrote my first blog in quite sometime. I was a little nervous to share it but I’m glad I took the leap. Learning from our challenges is so important.
A2 Flipgrid: make sure you explain ground rules first! Quick turnaround in learning there. Podcast: I can sound eloquent even if my nerves have me shaking! #waledchat
A2 I learned that it's okay to come to the table feeling completely out of place. I didn't think I had anything of importance to share or bring, but I felt like I held my own. #waledchat
A2- It's so worth the "risk! Each time there is something new I tend to be very tentative and tiptoe in! But once I get that toe wet, I'm ready to take the dive! I'm rarely disappointed! #waledchat
A2: I learned that I really had to be consistent because staff really looked forward to it. I enjoyed seeing the stats and getting feedback each week. I need to go further with it next year. #waledchat
A1/A2 #waledchat
This year I did tries to really use edtech with purpose, @goformative@plickers@edpuzzle@quizizz
The Ss seemed to really get into it. Next year I want to do more to integrate them
A2: I'm learning that through blogging I am gaining myy voice. That came about due to getting onto Twitter chats. As I told @_on11 last week - I am doing so much more out of my comfort zone. It is pretty crazy. #waledchat
I learned—again—that just because technology is used doesn’t mean automatic engagement. My students were ready to go back to the “old way.” #waledchat
A2. We learn by doing, experiencing trials and errors! When we do our reflections upon the situations, it allows us to adjust and make changes to our experiences to perfect them in the classroom! #waledchat
a2 (sneaking in from STL) I think the most imp thing I have recently learned about trying something new is that it doesn't mean what I was doing before was bad bc it was the best thing I knew to do at the time. Besides, Ss brains are changing:
A2: Trying the #EducatorsGrow podcast was scary at first. Frustrating as well and there were plenty of errors (and still are). But it’s awesome to connect and learn with so many educators in using that platform #waledchat
A2 As is usually the case when you try something new, I learned that I needed to look deeper into the function before assigning it to my students. I had to get a good working knowledge of the tool myself. #waledchat
A3 I am trying a whole new curriculum, High School Science. I have no choice, but am definitely looking forward to spreading my wings. I will apply everything that I have learned to this new endeavor.
Honestly, I didn’t think my research topic was going to be impactful in the field of education. So learning from the experience, I gained confidence in knowing that both research topics may create small ripple effect in improving the equity aspect of education. #waledchat
A2: @microbit_edu is so inexpensive & simple, but powerful & dynamic. Excited for the potential & anticipate headaches and failure along the way. #waledchat
A2: I learned to just do it! Don't over analyze, over complicate it, or worry about failing If it works, great If it doesn't, regroup or move on #waledchat
A3 We have a lot of environmentally focused service learning clubs at our many we now work at cross purposes. I’d like to organize us all towards the #SDGS and perhaps towards one common goal for maximum impact/help. #waledchat
A2: I learned to let go of my inhibitions/insecurities. Last summer I gave my first Ed Talk. I was nervous and anxious. However, after giving that, I realized that I actually enjoy sharing ideas and presenting. Actually, I love it! Since then, I've given several PD's. #waledchat
A3: Next year will be a transition year while we build the new STEM lab, but I'm excited to try out Google's Applied Digital Skills curriculum. #waledchat
A3 We have a lot of environmentally focused service learning clubs at our many we now work at cross purposes. I’d like to organize us all towards the #SDGS and perhaps towards one common goal for maximum impact/help. #waledchat
A2: From joining Twitter I found some great resources and met really amazing teachers from all over.
The process of trying something new reminded me what it is like to do well with similar things (other class for Ss or social media for me) but find yourself lost here #waledchat
A2: it took me a long time to get over that it doesn’t have to be perfect. That carried over with my ss. I no longer jump in to fix their problems. I let them problem solve. Not every #rubegoldberg machine has to work. There’s learning regardless. #waledchat
A3: Next year, I would love to integrate Notice&Note Signposts as my wonderful coworkers have already implemented in their classrooms. I am looking forward to the new ways of teaching the close reading method in language arts. Has anyone implemented the signposts?
A3 bringing flipgrid into my PE class; create a grid for each class; each student as a different topic and use it as a platform for a digital movement portfolio #waledchat
I'm going to teach Geometry using inquiry based learning. Lots of firsts in that journey so I'm working like crazy to make sure it's done right. #waledchat
A3 I would like to help lead a book study with teachers! I've enjoyed reading several @dbc_inc books this summer, I want to share the awesomeness with my peers!! #waledchat
A3: My work bff @khoggardGRT & I have discussed doing weekly "calls to action" & having teachers share responses via twitter (like a slow chat question of the week) or through flipgrid. #waledchat
A3 bringing flipgrid into my PE class; create a grid for each class; each student as a different topic and use it as a platform for a digital movement portfolio #waledchat
A2: I learned when you try something new a whole new world of opportunities can happen for both you & your Ss. (This was one of the kids fav part of the year).After connecting w/ @bmilla84, I “met” #PositiveRoleMate@NowakRo who has inspired me even more to #BeKindEdu! #waledchat
A3 - In the class, I want to set up a blog that goes beyond my classroom. Outside of class, it’s about developing PD that’s truly going to help teachers. #waledchat
Q3. One of the things that I want to do is expand creative outlets for kids. We already do a lot of art, theater, debate, & leadership. This year, I want to add music. We had a piano donated, as well as some other instruments. Excited to see what my kids do! #waledchat
A2: I taught AP Lang for the first time last year. As a hard core poetry and lit lover, I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it, but it was SO wonderful. Immediately relevant and EVERYthing's an argument! #waledchat
A3 I would like to put my students in the driver's seat of their education. I feel like I would like to see how far they motivate themselves without me constantly directing them. #waledchat
A3: I’ve been looking at a lot of different choice boards that work for older Ss and for math classes and I’m really excited to find ways to give my Ss more choice and ownership in their learning! #waledchat
#waledchat A3: it's not my role, but I'd like to encourage Ts to take a week offering PD during a couple of their free periods. We have some great untapped resources in our school but always seem to look externally. It's time to shine the spotlight IN!
A2a. I learned that my Ss were too concentrated on rushing to get things done and not trying to really do the project and enjoy it. That's why , I would start small, and let them get the hang of weaving! #waledchat
Love it! Branch out and put yourself out there for others to grow from your knowledge! I'd like to as well but I never know what or where conferences are #waledchat
I know, I have found it helpful when questions are shared ahead of time so then I can really focus on interacting with participants rather than coming up with my answers. #waledchat
A3 I also plan to at least once a month get out of the gym and co-plan and co-teach a lesson with a classroom teacher...bring my ideas from my PLN and reading to the classroom and show my colleagues vs. telling #waledchat
A3 I will giving the W-APT ELL placement test on computers next year instead of the paper version. Nervous about the fact that some of my ELs have never been on a computer before they arrive in my class. It will be interesting. #waledchat
A4 @ERobbPrincipal I'm not working summer school this year to move on some projects. I have two books that need to get written, find publishers, keynote a conference, go to a coding PD, etc. I love teaching, but this is a 12 yr routine that needed to be interrupted #waledchat
A4: I need to improve my routine on follow up with discipline. One, two days are Ss doing and how can I support them more! The same could be said for instructional feedback for Ts and support instructionally. Have to make the time!
A2: using escape the room challenges got all of my students out of their seats and completely engaged. I learned that I had been missing out by not doing them earlier. #waledchat
Simplified Raspberry Pis; Run off block coding; Really dynamic in what they can do...Quick way to bring coding to life with an exterior device...BBC plans to give one to give millions out in the UK, essentially every student in the country! #waledchat
A3: I'm planning on connecting with EVERYONE in the building. It's a new position so it'll be an adjustment for all of us. For the following year, my focus and goal is to build relationships. #waledchat
A3: Something I would like to try next year (something my principal @O_L_Mayers mentioned ar the end of this year) is to help lead a monthly Twitter chat—whether it be based on our book study/theme #TLAP or simply hot topics w/in our school. @KirkElementary#KirkROAR#waledchat
Love following my routine, but yes, blue ocean strategy works by disrupting it. Feeling comfortable with a set teaching methods can be dangerous. I would rather try new ideas and be challenged to innovate. Great quote - @ERobbPrincipal !
My Admin would like more performances, small almost pop up performances. I’m going to schedule a performance in the morning every other week for a small group in the morning. We’re going to be relaxed and flexible and see where it takes us. #waledchat
A3- Next year EVERYTHING will be new! I just became an ITS and am stepping out of the classroom after 27 years! I'm #superexcited but also a bit nervous! I know I'll have lots of questions and really need the support of my PLN! Be prepared! #waledchat
A3: We will be doing TCRWP for the first time next year. I want to try my hand in keeping an authentic journal this summer to show my Ss my writing. #waledchat
A3: trying out #passionprojects, teaching with an awesome admin @m_schoeneberger for a period when she can, and running a #STEAM club. Also redoing my blogs with ss, and improving my parent communication! Whew! #waledchat
A3: Surprisingly, I've never presented specefically for my colleagues/district. I've presented for other districts/conferences. However, this summer I intend to present to my district! Super excited to introduce gamification/GBL to them! #waledchat
Can you present the benefits to this idea to your admin? It's a movement >> #Observeme
We encouraged Ts to get out there by being supportive (providing coverage for 15-20 min while they observed) and it was positively considered during their summative eval.
A3-: I will be using a lot of Project Based Learning next year. This is new for me in the aspect that I've previously done two big PBL units. Next year, I hope to do multiple small units biweekly. #waledchat
A4~ routine could use some tweaking in the “ rush” that occasionally seeps in to get “ it” all done at the expense of loss of precious moments supporting the best part of our calling~ the children ❤️#waledchat
A4. Overcoming my own self-doubt to step out of my comfort zone to do things that seem too wild & crazy...write a book...present at a conference...consider teaching a college class. All things on my bucket list...just need to get out of my own way and do it! #waledchat
A4: Definitely taking a constant step back and always saying “could the students be explaining what I’m up here saying?” I had a QOD every day this year and I almost always went over it myself. Student teaching, I had Ss volunteer to do it. That was so much better!!! #waledchat
Love following my routine, but yes, blue ocean strategy works by disrupting it. Feeling comfortable with a set teaching methods can be dangerous. I would rather try new ideas and be challenged to innovate. Great quote - @ERobbPrincipal !
A3: Now that @Flipgrid is free for educators I really want to try using that with the staff first to get some things moving and then work to do more with the community as well, pulling in twitter too seeing that it is my baby at school. #waledchat
A4: ooOO this was is going straight for the gut! My need for a rigid structure or always having a plan/schedule could stand to be disrupted. I'm sure I'd be better for it. haha! #waledchat
A5 I found that I am not an ordinary teacher. I took for granted the things I do and thought that is just what teachers do. I have a responsibility to myself and students to not only continue what has made me successful, but pushing the bar ever further. #waledchat
A4: Time in office - always questing to break away & spend more time with students and staff. Some days i make it happen, others not so much. #waledchat
A4: ooOO this one is going straight for the gut! My need for a rigid structure or always having a plan/schedule could stand to be disrupted. I'm sure I'd be better for it. haha! #waledchat
A2 I learned that I need to be more intentional when I am prepping for staff. I had a range of learners and there wasn’t enough of me to go around. #waledchat
A4: I am smack dab in the middle of #tlap and I need to redo my first 3 days with the ss. Thinking I’m going to give them play doh and I’m going to try and guess what they are making. I’ll probably guess chocolate cafe every time because well, that’s how I roll. #waledchat
A4: Wow, my schedule is always in flux and my routine gets tossed around. I'd like to see it stay stable for a month. Maybe - I kind of like the controled chaos as well. #waledchat
A5: I learned that I am creative and that I am better at my job than I thought. I questioned myself a lot my first year, but having a PLN to support me has given me a lot confidence. I will use this to walk into next year with vigor and confidence! #waledchat
A5: I learned that I am capable of great things. I grew leaps and bounds in my self-esteem and I'm looking forward to using that, with humility, in my new position. #waledchat
A5: I can make an impact greater than I know by doing the little things each day. There is also so much power in making connections and pushing ourselves to improve our craft #waledchat
I am back. I would like to share that my 6 yr old, designed and threw a impromptu birthday party for one of his stuffed animals. Life truly is grand if you let it be! #waledchat
A5: I can make an impact greater than I know by doing the little things each day. There is also so much power in making connections and pushing ourselves to improve our craft #waledchat
a5 I learned it is possible for me to create a HS math classroom that Ss look forward to coming to. I want to make that more consistently true. #waledchat
I learned to interact with Twitter PLN friends. Every week, I am finding myself conversing with so many talented educators who have shared their success stories as well as helpful tips to stay empowered as a classroom teacher. #waledchat
A5: I've learned that giving up control can be a great thing and lead to more happiness. I plan to continue helping others as much as possible, knowing I don't need to be in the spotlight!
A5 I actually might know what I'm talking about and my ideas aren't crazy. I need to work on my pushback delivery and challenging colleagues mindsets without being abrasive or rude #waledchat
A4- I'm going to focus a lot more on relationships with teachers next year! I want my new peeps to know I truly want to help/support them, no matter what their comfort level! #waledchat
A4: I would like to disrupt my routine by using more small group instruction and less whole group instruction in order to differentiate more effectively. #waledchat
I am back. I would like to share that my 6 yr old, designed and threw a impromptu birthday party for one of his stuffed animals. Life truly is grand if you let it be! #waledchat
I have learned that I and my students can thrive when taking risks in the classroom. Once I gave myself permission to try things I wasn't completely sure would succeed, my students and I enjoyed teaching and learning more :) #waledchat
A4: This year, I worked really hard to be more positive & not allow negativity to bring me or others down. Next year, I will continue with positivity and include the theme of determination. I'm determined to make things happen & ensure that I meet goals that I create #waledchat
#waledchat A5: That I am not bound by my schedule/pacing. While I always try new things, I often PLAN to do so. This year I took many more days to slow down, adjust, and respond more sensitively to what I saw and heard from my Ss.
A4: What part of my routine could be disrupted? The part of my day and routine where the phrase: “How do these kindergarteners code, but I don’t how!!??” pops in my brain. I NEED TO LEARN TO CODE. (I don’t even know what that GIF means—shhh! Don’t tell!)
A5: I learned that I can be a better educator by building my PLN. This was my first year on Twitter and it has been an amazing experience. I will continue to grow and share next year! #waledchat
I have to look through my sample materials for #TCRWP for middle school. Our elementaries use it so it behooves us to at least be familiar with it in middle school. #waledchat
A4: I'll let you know when I have a schedule. One thing I know is that my "Here Comes the Sun" time will be a non-negotiable! #waledchat#ThePepperEffect
A3 I want to try a voluntary Twitter book study with my peers. I know many of my colleagues are just starting to use Twitter and I think it would be a great way to help them dive in. #waledchat
A4- This one hits me hard... It's so hard for me to get started in the morning. My morning work could definitely benefit from some disruption. More innovation and engagement first thing in the morning than quiet seat spiral review. #waledchat
A5: I learned that I need to take risks! Risk taking got me to Twitter, here (i.e., This is my first time in this chat. I thought it was specfic to a subgroup of teachers.), to a successful educational game that I co-created with my students. Take risks, Andrew! #waledchat
A2: I tried a show and tell in my #apush class with something of family importance last year and I enjoyed getting to know my students better. There were some neat family artifacts that students brought #Waledchat
Thank you all for joining in tonight. I have loved reading and commenting on all the posts. What a great discussion. #waledchat. Don't forget to join in next week.
A5: I learned that I am an effective protocol builder in my various leadership roles. I need to use that knowledge to create more effective learning protocols for Ss. #waledchat
A4: This year, I worked really hard to be more positive & not allow negativity to bring me or others down. Next year, I will continue with positivity and include the theme of determination. I'm determined to make things happen & ensure that I meet goals that I create #waledchat
A5 I learned that surrounding myself with positive people really helped to re-energize me. I had a great year thanks to so many wonderful, amazing colleagues and students. #waledchat
A5: the ideas in my head are not as crazy as I feel. I should have found #tlap way sooner because it gives me the confidence to do what I’ve always wanted to do have been held back by trying to be an “adult,” I guess... that taking risks and being me is so much fun! #waledchat
A5- Last year at this time, I was ready for early retirement! I learned that being a willing participant to change is a great thing! I opened up and let myself tyr so many new things! It was the best school year ever! #waledchat