Presentació al claustre "Compartim aprenentatges, transformem l'educació" el primer edcamp del nostre municipi i de la comarca #edcamp#escolaJSiT#education
La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación #ULPGC organiza su II Jornada de Innovación Educativa sobre " #EDCAMP: Atrévete a la Transformación Digital en el Aula” [MARTES 10]
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Whether this is your 1st #Edcamp, or your fiftieth, you’re sure to take away useful strategies, creative ideas, new friends, super swag, and a full belly! #EdCampDuval
📌 Inscriu-te ja a l'#EdCamp del Campus Mundet del 12 d'abril a les 10 hores!
L'acte pretén acollir totes aquelles persones amb inquietuds sobre el món educatiu i amb ganes de compartir.
ℹ️ Més informació a
✅ T'hi esperem!
🤩You're ALL invited to an awesome free day of learning & networking called #EdcampHappyCamper! Free coffee, breakfast, lunch, & 5 hours of 48 different session choices that'll be decided on the spot! Please register 🆓 on our very cool website:
#Edcamp is coming! Edcamps are free, participant-driven PD experiences. The first one is April 21st at Mesa High, 8-12. Refreshments will be provided. Bring your computer and have fun! #FreePD#unconference
iBallz is proud to once again support #EdCampPutnam. We wish you a fun & informative day of #EdCamp'ing! Attendees, colleagues and friends can use code 𝗘𝗗𝗖𝗔𝗠𝗣𝗣𝗨𝗧𝗡𝗔𝗠 for a discount on tablet, laptop and Chromebook cases and accessories at
I showed the #VR model of the future classroom made live with the @blippar App in contrast with the 19th century picture which depicted the wrong use of technology at the local #EdCamp unconference while highlighting the main topics of #GESF
In reply to
@rishmitra, @GESForum, @blippar, @BlipparEDU, @vikaspota, @VarkeyFdn, @TeacherPrize, @GEMSEducation, @blippar
🔮 The fortune teller reveals all...and it looks like you should register for #EdcampHappyCamper - because it’s this Saturday and we need you there! Everything’s better when YOU’RE there! C’mon & join us:
The swag has been collected for edcampers with care,
in anticipation and excitement of seeing you all there.
Bright and early we will rise, to share with you guys
A wonderful #edcamp day AND a prize (or two)!