Hi! Tracey from Ottawa Ontario 🇨🇦 I reread a favourite by Janet Allen (Yellow Brick Roads) and just starting the Book Whisperer by @donalynbooks#formativechat
Hey #formativechat Heather, Seattle, Kinder teacher. I read many books this summer! I loved The Pepper Effect by Sean Gaillard and Wish by Barbara O’Connor
A1: It's all about relationships; these must come first before digging into content. Our staff does this through #ResponsiveClassroom#FirstSixWeeks and both formal & informal assessment data (AIMSweb, DRA, NWEA, conferring, observing, writing, and more) #formativechat
A1: I love to get to know Ss through fun activities:
* Play dough the first day - they make something that represents them and they share it on @Flipgrid
* International Dot Day - Use Quiver and create an AR dot that expresses how they want to make their mark.
#formativechat - Ray, 7th Grade Math Teacher from Rhode Island.
Check out the first episode of the Instant Relevance Podcast (@instantrel)! Denis Sheeran (@MathDenisNJ) and I talk about how to make learning relevant for all students:
A1: I get two weeks this summer to informally play and learn out our whole crew, then I get individual family meetings with the kids in my class. We spend a lot of time in class talking about what we love and playing! #formativechat
A1 I spend the first 2 weeks of school focused on learning about them as people and learners. I do not start my content until the 3rd week. Gotta focus on those relationships!!! #formativechat
A1 My mission first week of school is to find out one thing that’s important to each one of my students and make that connection with them. Find a way to make your students feel welcome! #formativechat
Hi all! Kristen here from PA! I have a few tricks up my sleeve for the first day back for staff on Monday and I’m super excited! One of my goals this year is to do my part to improve morale... and a plea for a plastic guitar has evolved into so much more... 😂😂😂#formativechat
Such great ways for students to be creative and welcomed into your classroom, and I'm sure you learn a lot from observing them through each process #formativechat
A1 I get to know my students by having them respond to questions that I ask them. I usually do this in paper form but this year I am going to use @goformative. #formativechat
A1. This year I’m asking Ss what kind of teacher they want. I realised I often emphasise on what makes a success Ss so I thought I’d flip it the instruction. It’s also incredibly informative for me and enables me to know my students preferred learning instruction #formativechat
#formativechat - A1 - Getting to know them personally takes a lot of time. Ss at the beginning of the year are not forthcoming and are often afraid of what others think. @goformative allows me to give them interest/comfort surveys anonymously to reduce social anxiety.
A1 I spend the first 2 weeks of school focused on learning about them as people and learners. I do not start my content until the 3rd week. Gotta focus on those relationships!!! #formativechat
#formativechat Besides the obvious, I get to know my Ss through 1-to-1 Google doc convos. Prompts like: Tell me about when you've had success in math. Or...struggled. What emotions come to you when you think about math class? Etc...
A1: Put the academic content on hold and interact with the students while building relationships. Mike will take the DOPE personality test, write about the result, and share to their peers #formativechat
A1: I need to do a better job of this as principal. I’m thinking spend more time directly in classrooms. As a teacher I knew all of my student’s names, took pride in it. As a principal of two buildings and 700 students I find it much more difficult. #formativechat
A1: Put the academic content on hold and interact with the students while building relationships. Mine will take the DOPE personality test, write about the result, and share to their peers #formativechat
Great tip for getting to know Ss at the beginning of the school year! Opens a world of learning possibilities and starting points for strong relationships! #formativechat
A1 My mission first week of school is to find out one thing that’s important to each one of my students and make that connection with them. Find a way to make your students feel welcome! #formativechat
A1: The first weeks of school is filled with lots of writing and sharing books. Lots of informal conversations and learning about eachother. Oh, and playdough! #formativechat
#formativechat Way to open up the lines of communication and feedback from the beginning! Showing that vulnerability to them right away is such a good example! Especially when they see you respond in the coming days!
A1. This year I’m asking Ss what kind of teacher they want. I realised I often emphasise on what makes a success Ss so I thought I’d flip it the instruction. It’s also incredibly informative for me and enables me to know my students preferred learning instruction #formativechat
A1: Nice activity is a Change Readiness survey that Ss complete and then reflect upon. They are asked to apply what they’ve learned about themselves to performing successfully in the course. #formativechat
A1-Do activities so we all get to know each other. Spend the few few days planting the seeds for relationships&positive class culture. Greet Ss at door, never sit at desk during class always striking up convo, saying hi, giving eye contact and acknowledging each S. #formativechat
A1: I use independent reading with workshops in my HS ELA class & this is the first year I’m beginning it right away first semester. I’ll be getting to know Ss as they select texts or as I inquire to hook them up with a potential match! #formativechat
A1: I get to know my students by visiting classrooms, chatting in the hallways and outside at recess. Last year we held #studentvoice chats to gather feedback from students #formativechat
I love working his duty on the first day or two, try walking one school line In the morning and the other in the afternoon Just a thought #formativechat
A1- By building a positive culture. Figuring out what students like and dislike by giving them a chance to have a say!
A1. Excited to start the year with growth mindset and teambuilding activities to get to know the group. I want to get to the know the strengths and weaknesses of the class as a whole and each student individually. #formativechat
Ooh awesome! I'd love to hear more about discussing engaging media campaigns. Do your students enter the class with an interest in them or is it something you focus on within the content? #formativechat
A2: It's a blend of formal & informal data including historical data, talking with & getting to know the student, meeting/connecting with the family, work samples, discussions, formal assessment, and observation; collecting & telling a "data story" #formativechat
A2: Insights that I use for Ss
* Multiple Intelligences - what kind of learner are they now?
* Giving options on how to complete an assignment and seeing which types of assessment Ss pick and may struggle with.
* Realizing if the Ss are auditory or visual.
A1 Activities that focus on group movement and group verbal responses. I want to hear their voices, hear their opinions, and see them problem solve together.
A2- I'm all about the WHOLE child. Before I form groups I look at the academics but also how my littles learn, where their strengths are socially, emotionally, and even physically. #formativechat
A2 Have discussions with students, make time to move around classroom and observe, I also use surveys and blog posts to ask Ss for input about learning styles, preferences, #formativechat
A2 I do 3 different learning inventories, 2-3 days on growth mindset and this year I am adding a STEM team challenge to see how they work together. I try and make a lot of spreadsheets at the beginning until I get to know them. #formativechat
Q2: Everything from interests to skills to "what do you actually like to do". All of this information then gets into the planning of the hooks that I will use for delivery. #formativechat
A2: I find that I learn more about my students with informal assessments and conversation. I offer lots of options and see what the kids do with things. #formativechat
#formativechat Pay attention to who are your lateral thinkers are. Which Ss need to hold the marker and play in the sand box. Which are "editors." Give them chances to be successful in their role. Also give them opportunities to try and grow into different roles!
A2: I use a lot of observation as they play: who gets along with who, where kids are at developmentally, which social emotional skills are strengths and which ones we need to teach, what kinds of learning behaviors they know already... and on and on :) #formativechat
A2. I have my lesson/curriculum map. However, differentiation/individualization comes during our writing workshops when I get to work 1-on-1. Ss get feedback and convos that push their writing and thinking forward. #formativechat
A2 I like to do a lesson on learning styles and studying types to see how students gather information but also to help them get a good grasp on how they learn best. #formativechat
A1.Our pupils forget most of what we teach them.They will however remember us their teachers forever.Lets be good and kind to them.A kind word lasts a lifetime and I know #formativechat
#formativechat - A2 - I give a pre-assessment on the first unit of information we learn during the year. I also have data from the STAR assessment, which is a screener we give the first week of school. I also review any IEP or 504 info. Lots of stuff to consider!
A1 I'm planning on a "required" 15 min chat with each student for the first 2 weeks since class time will be inundated with logistics. It's a lot but I'm excited to get to know new Ss #formativechat#goformative
Start by reading those IEPs!
Then, I do a learning inventory...how do you like to learn type of activity. Google form with questions like: When you learn, do you prefer reading the information, watching a video, listening to someone talk about it..etc.
A2: what behavior norms I need to explicitly teach to certain ss or to the whole class, who needs a friend, a model, a job, to be noticed, to be loved a little harder, a pep talk, frequent redirection or directions clarified and restated, etc. #formativechat
I teach math too. Glad you are trying to get to know your students and help them develop a #growthmindset sometimes math is not an easy sell and it's almost impossible if you don't build a relationship with those who fear math #formativechat
A 1: The first two weeks of school set the tone for the entire school year. I enjoy getting acquainted with my students through team building activities, discussions, sharing our writing, and exploring our curriculum and learning objectives. #formativechat
A2: You need to assess what the Ss know and how comfortable they each are with the content. Find ways to tie the content to their interests and 💥 engaging differentiated activities are born. #formativechat
A2: I look for who’s a risk taker and who is more reserved. Who seems over the whole idea of school. Evidence of self-confidence. Who needs friends and who has lots of social capital. #formativechat
A2: I think it so important to father ongoing formative assessments of student work to inform instruction & help differentiate learning opportunities for students. #formativechat
A2. Benchmarks are a start, but I'll be checking out math and number sense as we do Inspirational Math from @joboaler. Also, will be assessing reading and writing through informal assessment in those first few weeks. #formativechat
A2: I think it's important to start small. Build in frequent opportunities to for them to reflect on learning and let them tell you where there at. #formativechat
A2 I gather information from a variety of sources including the language placement assessment that I give my Els, informal conversations, parent interview, and some simple tasks that I give my SS. I then use that info to begin developing activities. #formativechat
A2 part2, I also do a learning styles inventory in the first days of school and walk through the process with the Ss. I love seeing the surprise when what they though is not what is #formativechat
A2: In the first couple weeks use formative surveys or quizzes to get to know your audience and read the room. How do you learn as an #introvert or #extrovert? #formativechat
A 1: The first two weeks of school set the tone for the entire school year. I enjoy getting acquainted with my students through team building activities, discussions, sharing our writing, and exploring our curriculum and learning objectives. #formativechat
Love this! Each child has something they bring to the classroom and it’s great they don’t fit into a pre-set mold. I like them to think outside of the box and show their strengths throughout the year. #formativechat
#formativechat Pay attention to who are your lateral thinkers are. Which Ss need to hold the marker and play in the sand box. Which are "editors." Give them chances to be successful in their role. Also give them opportunities to try and grow into different roles!
A2: Provide enough freedom in assignment design to allow for Ss interest and passion while still meeting the course’s learning standards or objectives. #formativechat
#formativechat It took years, but when I realized and began PRACTICING that the subject of my class is really the Ss....not math......#growthmindset just happened. So did the math, consequently!
A2 I allow Ss to partipcate in activities that will show me how they learn and work best. Of course I utilize any data from MAP, DSA, and PALs as well. I like to let the child have a voice and tell me anything they would like about their academic learning. #formativechat
A college professor always taught us 3=33. The tone and environment you set up for the first 3 weeks will last 33 weeks. Obviously you need to maintain and build on that foundation but the principle is there. #formativechat
Hello! I'm Laurie @mrs_rigg_math from Hendersonville, NC. I'm currently joining the chat from Chicago-O'Hare airport though. One last trip before reality sets in and I'm back at school. #formativechat
A1. This year I’m asking Ss what kind of teacher they want. I realised I often emphasise on what makes a success Ss so I thought I’d flip it the instruction. It’s also incredibly informative for me and enables me to know my students preferred learning instruction #formativechat
I pick them. This year I’m using Kobe Bryant’s Mamba Mentality with my 6s. Past years I’ve used the Nike Greatness Olympic campaign with grade 4 and up. There’s an article I wrote about this in next month’s @ELmagazine if you’re interested! #formativechat
Ooh awesome! I'd love to hear more about discussing engaging media campaigns. Do your students enter the class with an interest in them or is it something you focus on within the content? #formativechat
A2: Great question!!! In order to move the needle...you have to know what motivates your learners! There are a lot of wonderful assessments tools, but believing your learner can learn & showing them them why learning is amazing will unlock their full potential! #formativechat
A 1: Once we all get to know one another as people, members of a school community, readers, writers, and lifelong learners, we can delve into the school year with enthusiasm and trust! #formativechat
A2 During the 1on1 chat, I will try to gather as much informal data as possible, eg learning style, HS science and math experiences, etc. for informal assessment and to aid in differentiating learning and teaching styles #formativechat#goformative
What are your strengths? Are you surprised by any of the scores?
Can you think of a recent situation where you used some of these traits? How can you incorporate these traits and your scores in your performance for this course? What will you plan to do? #formativechat
A1. A lot of my intros to tech tools (@Flipgrid, @Seesaw, @Padlet) involve get to know you activities, so I'll get two birds with one stone. #formativechat
Because I use so much technology that parents are not familiar with, I was thinking of having a tech bootcamp that first week...what do you think? May be a good way to informally get some spy knowledge on my kids!
#formativechat a1 I list a learning intention but there are akways at least 3 I forget. This means ss take ownership of what they are getting from activity. They write them down to really own them
We randomly selected 10 students from grades 4 to 8 and asked them as grade groupings, a series of questions from a online survey they completed to learn more about their opinions, ideas and feedback. #formativechat
A2: Great question!!! In order to move the needle...you have to know what motivates your learners! There are a lot of wonderful assessments tools, but believing your learner can learn & showing them why learning is amazing will unlock their full potential! #formativechat
A3: St need to part of the process from the start; share and discuss data & set goals together, collect data & monitor growth together; they need to see data as valuable in their growth beyond evaluative; st voice,choice & control over the process & their growth #formativechat
#formativechat very broad questions tonight as depends if you have changed school or know pupils from remaining in same school or like me have multi-grade and taught all before
Do it! Our first Parent Info Meeting (we have one a month) is exactly about the tech we use. It has saved us many a headache down the line since then parents know where/how to find things themselves. #formativechat
A3: In order for Ss to understand formative assessment, a conversation between the T and Ss must occur:
* Practice until you get it right.
* Assessments make you better.
* In the grade book, but upgraded. Once they understand that, Ss start to take risks. #formativechat
A1 I ask them if I've had one of their brothers or sisters or how they know me I ask them to look around my room & tell me what they've learned based on how my room is decorated I ask them what we both have in common & what they expect from me as their teacher #formativechat
A college professor always taught us 3=33. The tone and environment you set up for the first 3 weeks will last 33 weeks. Obviously you need to maintain and build on that foundation but the principle is there. #formativechat
A3: I keep assessments as low key and game like as possible...keep that pressure low! We talk about how they are growing and we celebrate together #formativechat
A3 By relating it to real life, how we need to evaluate ourselves and also give feedback to others, important for growth and ongoing progress #formativechat
A3 I typically have students assess and deconstruct exemplars. When they see assessment from the position of assessor it eliminates a lot of the assessment anxiety that can get in the way. #formativechat
A3: Echoing @Lsumpieru. Conversations! Also making sure that Ss understand that formative assessments are not put into the gradebook other than perhaps completion (and even then only after everyone has completed) #formativechat
A3 We have to create a shift in which we measure growth and learning, a culture in which they can improve on the formative grades and grow from the summative. #formativechat
Maslow before Bloom. Every. Single. Day! Slow the kids you believe in them and are invested in them and they will move the Earth for you! #formativechat
#formativechat -A3:It is all about setting up that #growthmindset in your classroom at the beginning of the year. #edChatRI talked all about this last night. Check out the ChirpStory review for great ideas on how to start out the year right: https://t.co/91pFzLJfx0
A3 I think this can be the hardest part. You have to begin teaching your Ss to have a growth mindset. We need to include Ss in the process. Have them set their goals, collect data, and be able to see how they are growing through the year. #formativechat
A3: Separate the assessment from the judgement, which is usually a grade. Extend the formative assessment process until the student identifies when ready for a score. #formativechat
A3. I stress the role practice plays in preparing us (sport practice comparison) for graded assignments. I have Ss reflect every 2 weeks and email their progress home (CC-ing me & any case managers, coaches, etc). It’s a mindset we must constantly practice #formativechat
A3: So important to teach students how to receive & provide feedback to inform next steps. @AlexMuirPS we provide students with prompts to engage in authentic, useful feedback/feedforward #formativechat Also need to give Ss time to act on feedback too.
#formativechat Assessment IS a form of final judgment unless you offer RE-assessment. If we want Ss to see assessment as a step towards growth and learning....we must allow them the opportunity to demonstrate growth and learning.
When you close the gradebook, you close growth.
A3) Plan on making a Bob Ross wall in my room. We'll spend time watching him paint in class and discuss the growth mindset. I'll finish by explaining 2nd chance learning.
A3- By providing time for self reflection! Giving them immediate feedback to help them use it as a guide. DO NOT just provide ss with a letter grade or giving feedback weeks later.
A3 Make formative assessments that don’t count as grades but rather intros to the summative to help kids learn/study. Then let students grade and critique themselves to improve. #formativechat
A3. Moving beyond the traditional assessment and showing that reflection is a huge part of showing learning and the learning itself. Sharing learning in authentic ways boosts the relevance and makes learning more than just a test. #formativechat
Formative assessment, when done reasonably and responsibly, can show us so much about a student. When we know the student, we can apply the most effective pedagogy appropriate to the learning goal. #formativechat
#formativechat Assessment IS a form of final judgment unless you offer RE-assessment. If we want Ss to see assessment as a step towards growth and learning....we must allow them the opportunity to demonstrate growth and learning.
When you close the gradebook, you close growth.
A3: St need to part of the process from the start; share and discuss data & set goals together, collect data & monitor growth together; they need to see data as valuable in their growth beyond evaluative; st voice,choice & control over the process & their growth #formativechat
A3: UDL is not a SpEd or #gened. It’s an ed thing. It is a way to connect every student to the learning exp, & a way at looking at learning that is fully inclusive & promotes success Build Your Inclusive Classroom Through #UDLhttps://t.co/gQShXrOw6U via @EdSurge#formativechat
A3 Students need to understand that assessment is a way for them & the teacher to gauge where they are in the learning process. Reminding both the students & myself that assessment isn't the end line is important to do constantly. Growth mindset for all involved. #formativechat
I ask the kids if they would rather go to the doctor to see what's wrong or have a medical examiner do an autopsy to find out what was wrong. Why not diagnose as you go instead of waiting until the test to figure out what you don't know? #formativechat
A3 I will share with students fixed vs growth mindsets as a convo starter and share Jo Boaler's TedX talk where she said that mistakes actually make the brain fire up more synapses! #formativechat#goformative
A2-How they learn best? What outside factors are there in their lives? What type of personality they have?I tell Ss I might not treat you equally but I will treat you fairly.Once you build a relationship with a S & they trust you,you can have those authentic convos #formativechat
I ask the kids if they would rather go to the doctor to see what's wrong or have a medical examiner do an autopsy to find out what was wrong. Why not diagnose as you go instead of waiting until the test to figure out what you don't know? #formativechat
A3: Students need to realize that feedback is meant to close the gap between current understanding and the intended Learning Goal/Success Criteria #formativechat
A2 I flipped my classroom and before the students began lessons they completed a survey to determine their personal learning needs and to individualize instruction as much as possible I also provided many choices and options using a #UDL approach #formativechat
A3 Having a conversation with students about why we assess and how it doesn't always have to be for a grade. I allow students to make corrections or reassess letting them know I value learning more than a grade. #formativechat
A 2: One of the things I like to do is use @SurveyMonkey to give students the opportunity to share their learning goals, preferences, and pertinent information that will help me differentiate my instruction to help all of my students succeed. #formativechat
We're all guilty from our times as a student, right?? Once we saw a grade, we really didn't read much further. The grade is the unfortunate mic drop. #formativechat
No two classes are exactly alike so important to do this. S get to see you as someone engaged and interested in their learning and not just lets get through this content. #formativechat
As we wrap up this awesome #formativechat, we'd love to give a shout-out to @mhayes611 for doing a fantastic job of guest hosting! Shout-out to everyone for sharing such fantastic ideas! #40CFPLN
#formativechat A2: I use 2 survey forms via a kind of LSI - how do they learn best and under what conditions do they learn best - very insightful even for freshman in HS
In reply to
@goformative, @Rdene915, @KristenSevinsky, @MsHoskinsTech, @Mrs_Rochon, @dbuckedu, @KittyShadman, @WickedEdTech, @acoustimac, @BrandonJHess, @polonerd, @mhayes611
There has to always be an individualized aspect to the plan. We want all of the students pointed in the same direction, but not all staring points and finish lines will be the same. #Formativechat
#formativechat A3: this is something that the shcool I am is trying to tackle: seeing failure as a way to learn.....not a judgement.....sooooo hard. Many Ts are trying diff strats, mine will be to model the design model thinking
In reply to
@goformative, @Rdene915, @KristenSevinsky, @MsHoskinsTech, @Mrs_Rochon, @dbuckedu, @KittyShadman, @WickedEdTech, @acoustimac, @BrandonJHess, @polonerd, @mhayes611
Oftentimes, when Ss see grades, they’re done working. If they’re not being reassessed, & grades are averaged, learning on the first task is finished. Reassessment allows for continual learning, not setting past incomplete understanding in stone.
A3 - Celebrating failure is important. Seeing it as a First Attempt In Learning. Not everything has to be 'graded'. Use the power of #formativeassessment to encourage risk taking and learning process. Use mastery learning #formativechat
A 2: I recognize the importance of being authentic, expressive, and culturally informed in my teaching. All students deserve to feel safe and empowered enough to take academic risks, grow, and feel confident in our learning space. #formativechat
Learning is suppose to be messy. All we have to do is look at little kids in a sandbox or with paint. The joy of learning is messy ... we should not forget that. #formativechat
In reply to
@chris_kittredge, @mhayes611, @NAEmmanuele
Our pupils forget most of what we teach them.They will however remember us their teachers forever.Lets be good and kind to them.A kind word can last a lifetime #formativechat
A 3: Formative assessments can be enjoyable learning experiences for students, if GROWTH is the goal. Students feel less intimidated when they can learn as they go along— especially with writing. Consistent, quality feedback is key. Helps teachers guide instruction.#formativechat
#formativechat So true, I have made an effort to email home when good things happen too, highlighting some of the progress the student made toward success, so fam will hopefully celebrate the whole journey
In reply to
@mhayes611, @goformative, @Rdene915, @KristenSevinsky, @MsHoskinsTech, @Mrs_Rochon, @dbuckedu, @KittyShadman, @WickedEdTech, @acoustimac, @BrandonJHess, @polonerd