Twitter Chats are a great way for you and other educators to collaborate, generate new ideas, and discuss various Edmodo-topics. During Twitter Chats, moderators lead a conversation on Twitter about a specific topic using a pre-determined #hashtag on every tweet, and participants can join in the conversation by responding with that #hashtag.
The amazing Edmodo Support Ambassadors organize a Twitter Chat every first and third Sunday of the month at 8pm Eastern using the hashtag #edmodochat.
Welcome to #EdmodoChat, everyone! @Edmodo team will be moderating the #EdmodoChat with today. So, please make sure to follow Edmodo. Thank you for coming!
For those new to #EdmodoChat, we will be using the Q1, A1, Q2, A2,… format. Consider using to help you keep up! We always like to share @twilhelmus's poster as a reminder of how you can engage!
Hi! I'm a Teacher Advocate at Edmodo and a former middle & high school science & comp sci teacher. Excited for today's #edmodochat about #homework! I had SO much homework during my k~12 years, especially during the International Baccalaureate program in high school
Icebreaker: Edmodo does not assign #homework. But as a fun stat "Nearly 700 million assignments have been submitted online" since the beginning of Edmodo #edmodochat
Icebreaker - I had a reasonable amount of homework starting in 4th grade. I never remember feeling overwhelmed by it during my own school experience. #Edmodochat
A1: I've actually tried the no- #Homework policy in my class. I taught a large pop. of immigrant/refugee youth who worked several jobs after school to support themselves & younger siblings. Can't decide whether no-hwk is the perfect solution, but worth discussing! #edmodochat
A1: A no-homework policy can give kids more time to explore their own interests while reducing stress, but schools will need to enable teachers to cover the material they need to while at school. #Edmodochat
A1 I'm not sure I'm a fan of no homework in schools; I'm more of a fan of having reasonable homework policies. And, I'm a fan of teachers being creative with homework! #Edmodochat
A1cont: But as an ELA teacher we never have enough time in how short our class times have been cut down to for the students to actually finish writing papers #Edmodochat
#Edmodochat A1 I do not agree with a no-homework policy since extra practice activates long term memory , time mgmnt skills and commitment when #hw is purposeful , balanced and adapted to Ss’ needs, levels and interests.
A1. Sure have. I fully support the idea of nothing new for homework. I #flipclass so HW is prep work. Any other HW is only if the Ss need to finish up something they need more time on but already know how to do. #edmodochat
A1: In high school, unless my students are in honors or AP level classes, they are not motivated enough to do homework that "doesn't count". How can we change that?!
There is NEVER enough time in ELA. Some things have to be done outside of classtime, especially if it requires quiet thinking time #edmodochat#myroomisnoisey
A1 I have heard a lot of Ts speaking of a #nohomework policy, and I personally have changed my views this year, not assigning regular HW, rather activities for Ss to extend/provide extra resources #Edmodochat
#edmodochat In the past, I have tried the no-homework policy, but I have found that there are certain things students need to practice at home: multiplication, etc.
A1 I spend more time in class w/stations and doing collab work with Ss so I can facilitate more, if activ not complete, then can work on at home, #edmodochat
#edmodochat A1 I use homework for apply flip class .a small assignment to differentiate and personalize learning .to sure the student listen to the lesson and to measure what he understand .this useful for practical in class
A1 I do believe there is value in homework, but it depends on the purpose of it, a worksheet all Ss do that only regurgitates info, then no, need more authentic application and creativity #edmodochat
A2: #homework has such a bad reputation but it's a valuable opportunity for students to practice skills, deepen interest in a topic, explore additional relevant resources, collab with peers outside of school, & share what they're learning with family members #edmodochat
A2: Homework extends the instructional period beyond the 50 minutes were you get to see the students!. The cons are that it does not allow students any time to be kids #edmodochat@chalsuccess
A2: Giving #students a chance to apply concepts outside of the #classroom environment! If the student did not receive proper instruction in class they will have a hard time at home. #edmodochat#Homework
A1 Always a question by Ss, how many points is this worth, have to shift thinking to the "points" being the learning process, not a product #edmodochat
#edmodochat A2 I have found that when students complete HW assignments they end up knowing the content better, and test scores are better. The cons: I have students that don't ever complete the assignments even when there are consequences. Wonder, how I can change that?
#Edmodochat A2 Pros and cons depend on the quality , quantity , meaningfulness and relation to learning goals that match Ss’ development in relation to their prior knowledge ,accessibility resources, time mngmnt, PLN and levels.
A1 Absolutely agree! Instead of writing that essay and giving it to the sole audience member - teacher - can it be read/shared by the community. If students write an analysis paper, could it be read by parents or business leaders? #edmodochat
A1 I do believe there is value in homework, but it depends on the purpose of it, a worksheet all Ss do that only regurgitates info, then no, need more authentic application and creativity #edmodochat
{edmodo: Please take a second to introduce yourselves, where you’re from, & your role in education. Don't forget to use #EdmodoChat in your tweets!]
{edmodo: ICEBREAKER: After you introduce yourself please let us know did you have homework in Elementary, Middle, High School? #edmodochat]
{edmodo: Icebreaker: Edmodo does not assign #homework. But as a fun stat "Nearly 700 million assignments have been submitted online" since the beginning of Edmodo #edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT MisterHFan: Hi! I'm a Teacher Advocate at Edmodo and a former middle & high school science & comp sci teacher. Excited for today's #edmodochat about #homework! I had SO much homework during my k~12 years, especially during the International Baccalaureate program …
{edmodo: A1: A no-homework policy can give kids more time to explore their own interests while reducing stress, but schools will need to enable teachers to cover the material they need to while at school. #Edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT DanKos3: A1. Sure have. I fully support the idea of nothing new for homework. I #flipclass so HW is prep work. Any other HW is only if the Ss need to finish up something they need more time on but already know how to do. #edmodochat]
If you are an advanced Edmodo user and are interested in becoming an #ECT please take a look at the interest website and form. Facilitated by @KtBkr4
{edmodo: RT Rdene915: edmodo A1 I have heard a lot of Ts speaking of a #nohomework policy, and I personally have changed my views this year, not assigning regular HW, rather activities for Ss to extend/provide extra resources #Edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT Rdene915: A1 I spend more time in class w/stations and doing collab work with Ss so I can facilitate more, if activ not complete, then can work on at home, #edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT Rdene915: A1 I do believe there is value in homework, but it depends on the purpose of it, a worksheet all Ss do that only regurgitates info, then no, need more authentic application and creativity #edmodochat]
A2 One benefit of homework is to involve parents in their kids' education. I like it when teachers assign homework that involves the family through various activities like interviews. #Edmodochat
Yes Heard of NoHwk - But homework depends on grade level; students about to head to college will not be prepared if they have not developed a work ethic and tried tough problems on their own. #Edmodochat
A2 Pros, if it focuses on the development of a critical skill, want Ss to work thru it on own, bring Qs back, cons if it is a drill type practice, no higher level thinking or DOK #edmodochat
If the S already knows material but has to do it anyway, that’s busy work and a waste of time. If the S is not comfortable w/concept, HW not always done or is copied. Pro - it can be prep work for next class (basic info), practice if needed but only if its understood #edmodochat
A2 Homework is inequitable. It is bias towards students with parents who are willing/able to help. Not fair, especially if used as part of a grade. #EdmodoChat
A2: I have my 3rd graders read & pract math facts & I think there can be benefits of games for practice but I would rather they play & spend time with family after working 7 hrs in school than doing busy work or work they need support on & maybe don't have access to #Edmodochat
Yes! This is so much better than worksheets or "projects" that dont involve parents. I can't help w HW of I dont understand the concepts/content #mathconfusing#edmodochat
me too, as a foreign lang T, HW being copied, translators, I shifted to stations and more activ in class, sometimes will give a task to create sentences, we do a weekly blog on @Kidblog more authentic #edmodochat .
A3- I usually give about 45 minutes a night. But I do give Ss the opportunity to get started on it in class if they finish their work. That is a big motivator for them. #EdmodoChat
A3: I provide a choice board and they self-regulate the activities each month. It helps to get parents involved. I think more than an hour is excessive for my Ss. #selfcontainedteacher#lifeskills#sbpdchat#edmodochat
#edmodochat A2 benfits of Homework .to measure the level of understanding of the practical class as feedback to personalize learning and how the second class will cover . I prefere the homework be easy and not take a lot of time .also be as competition or challenges
A3: most days I try to give no #homework except for optional extension activities, but when I do assign home learning, I try to limit it to 10~20 minutes (keeps it manageable for after-school tutors or guardians who have limited ability/time to assist students) #edmodochat
A3: #Homework was a constant occurrence in my class b/c I had a large curriculum to cover and not all the reading, writing, speaking and listening could happen during school hours. #edmodochat#ccss here is just an example of part of scope and sequence
A 2: The Benefits of homework are reinforcing and extending the learning. The Cons as a Spanish teacher I know that not every student has the language support at home, which makes it difficult for the students to complete or grasp the concepts.
#Edmodochat A3 I create flipped learning paths that support integrated learning skills & extend practice. I watch Ss in class, listen to #stuvoice, & consider how much they can do and what best suits their needs. They are continuously scaffolded & their priorities considered.
A3 I make suggestions on activities to practice, post links to @edmodo , upper levels have ongoing assignments to work on, mostly in class. Based on my assessment of class activ #edmodochat
A3 Next year my tentative plan is to assign homework every night for three points for a grade 1 completion 2 on time 3 following directions extra credit will be given for a parent/guardian signature #Edmodochat
A3: I have mine read & practice math facts as well as teach their parents a big concept we have been learning about. I am not a fan of busy work or excess. wksts. Many kids don't get home until 6 pm & are in bed at 8. Doesn't leave much time for being a kid #Edmodochat
A1: yes, I've heard of no-homework policy, but still can't decide whther that could be suitable for all the cllasses. To me every course/class is a new world to discover. In some cases hw's necessary and in other it could lead to demotivation #edmodochat
A3 I gave HW for years, because that is how I was taught, it worked for me, we didn't have the tech, so no translators, but I realized that Ss don't all need the same practice, just because the worksheet or activ is in the book, does not mean that we have to use it #edmodochat
As a HS math teacher, homework is daily. Students need the practice to see if they can do it on their own. If they can't then they need to seek help. #Edmodochat
Homework never checked for correctness, just that they tried every problem. Only thing is I agree it is busy work for those that understand. Unfortunately that's not the majority. #Edmodochat
Jumping in late..A1: Not a fan of traditional HW, but don't want school to set policy...A2:Benefits - Can cultivate learning (independent reading!) Maybe formative - Cons: When used as a grade...A3: Last time in classroom, assigned nightly videos for flipped #edmodochat
High school students have about an hour per week; assigned Monday due Friday to accommodate their jobs/sports/activities. I think this is reasonable. AP students - much more - an hour a day is the College Board recommendation. #Edmodochat
A3 The Homework use as an indicator for understanding and ability to practical the information .and also permit student to make his hobbies and what he like to do #edmodochat
A3 I can relate! I gave homework over Easter break once...notice, I said once. Never did it again. At dinner I was chastised by my cousin, a fellow teacher, who explained that our kids needed a break, too. Yep, point taken. #edmodochat
A3 I gave HW for years, because that is how I was taught, it worked for me, we didn't have the tech, so no translators, but I realized that Ss don't all need the same practice, just because the worksheet or activ is in the book, does not mean that we have to use it #edmodochat
A4- I think it should start as early as K. But it should be something very brief just to get Ss responsible for completing it and bringing it back. #edmodochat
A4: "60 percent of first-graders in public schools spent 90 minutes or more on English instruction each day." But then goes down to make of 50 mins in Secondary?
A4: because a wide variety of activities can be considered #homework, I actually think it should start as early as kindergarten. Hwk should reflect skills that are learned at school & can be as simple as "verbally summarize what you learned for your guardians" #edmodochat
A4: For career and college readiness students need practice working on a schedule outside of the normal school hours. I am not sure what grade it should start but I do know practice makes perfect #Homework#Edmodochat
A3: #Edmodochat#EDUT501AGUDA I only assign large projects to be completed at home and this is after I give them the foundation as well as class time to start on project. This enables the students to have feedback from students & I b4 navigating alone. & Unfinished classwork.
{edmodo: RT msdchemistry: edmodo Yes Heard of NoHwk - But homework depends on grade level; students about to head to college will not be prepared if they have not developed a work ethic and tried tough problems on their own. #Edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT MelissaBalcom: A2 Homework is inequitable. It is bias towards students with parents who are willing/able to help. Not fair, especially if used as part of a grade. #EdmodoChat]
{edmodo: A4: "60 percent of first-graders in public schools spent 90 minutes or more on English instruction each day." But then goes down to make of 50 mins in Secondary?]
Depends on the HW. Littles should play. Recess is already too short. Out of my element with younger Ss. I remember memorizing spelling in 1st grade but not much else. #EdmodoChat
A2: It may help consolidate some knowledge for those SS who may need more help and parents support. Though, we need to be sure hw is really necessary and that our SS may have all- including support they need #edmodochat
I think third grade is a good time to get kids used to homework. If I were still in the classroom, I'd assign a consistent, small amount to get kids acclimated to the concept. #Edmodochat
A4 I think it has value bc isn't it supposed to mirror real world in the sense of tasks, duties for a job, teach Ss how to time manage, productive struggle, prob solve, critical think, create, so Kinder, but not large quantities #edmodochat
#Edmodochat A4 I teach all levels & I have always assigned #hw. My youngest S was 4 & it has been a success story w/ parental involvement. ICT integration allows autonomous & scaffolded practice at early ages for purposeful #hw we know they can do with #stuvoice & choice.
I think third grade is a good time to get kids used to homework. If I were still in the classroom, I'd assign a consistent, small amount to get kids acclimated to the concept. #Edmodochat
A4 HW should help Ss practice some skill, one which they need to develop on their own and then have time in class to work on them more, ask Q, exper diff ways to learn #edmodochat
At @acotopaxi we ask that students read every day in elementary and students are encouraged to work on their personal "inspiration projects" using a design cycle. They showcase celebrating periodically. #Edmodochat#nohomework#homework#childhood
save the date for #edmodocon2018 is scheduled for Tuesday, August 7th! Our annual free, online professional learning event is a great way to learn about best teaching practices and Edmodo. Interested in presenting check out
A4 I think what kind of homework is better to discuss for every stage .my doughter in kg1 and love its homework because it is attractive to her and she enjoy with it .also the grade above that need more practical #edmodochat
A5: #FlippedLearning is a way that the endless hours of HW can have a nightly ending. The practice, struggle and frustration will take place in front of the expert #edmodochat
#Edmodochat A5 Balanced , personalized and quality #hw is the foreparent of flipped learning. ICT integration & timely feedback w/ personalized LP, #stuvoice , metacognition and a failing forward approach can make #hw necessary and valuable.
A5: once students realize home learning portion helps them enjoy/excel at in-class activities & labs, they're more invested in doing #homework, esp if it's in a format they are comfortable with (e.g. watch this short science video or take photos of 3 leaf varieties) #edmodochat
A5 That which has been done outside is saved for in, Ss explore content in diff ways outside and then do the work in class, w/T facilitator. #edmodochat
It becomes basic level information without the need for prior knowledge. It prepares the Ss for greater discovery during class or to get help when needed. It’s why I #flipclass. #edmodochat
A5 some of the activ I used to give for HW, I altered to use as activ in stations, don't give HW other than working on #pbl and also weekly @Kidblog post of choice #edmodochat
A5: I did this, but I would move more towards in-class flipped. Very concerned about the equity gap...Best part of flipped though is building relationships with kids and transforming in class time. What about schools with full flip, building-wide? #edmodochat
A:5 Flipped classrooms useful if students have access and equity. Can be tricky and requires some accommodations students don't normally have at home. Parents are not always the answer. #EdmodoChat#GEN2108
If you want to talk more about homework check out Edmodo's topic page on the subject Where teachers can continue the debate, ask questions, and get ideas. #edmodochat
A6 (1/2): it's hard to put a time cap on what exactly is "too much" #homework but teachers should gauge whether homework has become a source of repetitive stress for students rather than reinforcement of learning. #edmodochat
A5: What about learning everywhere and all the time? Home is not a class, it is home. Learning is learning everywhere. The mind continues to grow and students construct new understanding through engagements. #Edmodochat#acotopaxi#nohomework
#Edmodochat A6 I usu. ask Ss how much they can do and apply DT skills for learning paths allowing variables that may reflect how much they can achieve , enjoy and be aware of. When Ts, Ps, and Ss work together #hw can be a bond and a source of learning for everyone.
A5: Love the idea of flipping the class, but we serve a great deal of students who do not have tech access at home. Maybe looking into ways that will work with something super simple like a phone. #Edmodochat
A6 We should be emphasizing quality over quantity and paying attention to whether students are stressed out or not, particularly at the high school level. #Edmodochat
A5 to have succeeded flipped class .The home work attached with video us very important .it is not homework but aid for teacher to enhance its practical point for every student .it integrate between personalize learning and level of understand #edmodochat
A6: Hmmm...I don't know a ratio or time amount, but if classwork is becoming HW, I'd ask you to reflect on time management and classroom time. If doing HW, it should be intentionally planned. #edmodochat
A6 (2/2): Ts/Ps/Ss should collaborate on solutions & compromises such as forming collaborative #homework groups, open classroom hour after school for hwk club, & using a digital platform such as @Edmodo to allow Ss to help each other & ask Ts questions remotely #edmodochat
A6: Too much #homework is when the student cannot finish it by a reasonable time and it cuts into their sleep, healthy social habits, and mental stability #edmodochat
A6cont: Too much is when Ss are unable to engage during class or find inspiration in learning b/c of overwork. To help this, Ss and Ps can be mindful about how they organize work, & Ts can be mindful of how much and what kind of homework they give. #edmodochat
A6 I will also add that I have a 15 yr old with ADHH and exec functioning issues. He works pretty hard during the school day and wants to get homework done in school. He's worn out by the end of the day. #Edmodochat
A6b. Why are they doing it? Is it massive repetition for the sake of giving hw? Perception of what hw used to be and what it could be are different. Make anything assigned meaningful. #Edmodochat
A6 when Ss spend the majority of their day and night working on school work, that pushes out time for being active, being with family and friends and relaxing, way too much #EdmodoChat
A5 & A6 Our school is 1 to 1 Chromebooks and we have a seminar of thirty minutes at the end of the day, so if homework is not assigned Ss tend to play games #Edmodochat
Yes. When I first heard it, I loved it, but not anymore. Just replaces antoher evil. Have to pick our spots and offer more variety, choice, and personalization. #edmodochat
#edmodochat A6 I switched my due date time from 11:59 PM to 3pm so as to be more equitable to those w/o tech at home & to prevent the late night procrastinaters from losing sleep.
A7 For some great ideas I would ask @ChouinardJahant who has so much knowledge in this area! #teachmindful Ss can set time aside for doing what they want, need to break away #Edmodochat
A6 Too much homework ,when the student can not balance between their hobbies ,interest and homework load .if it is repeated only in one idea so it measure quantity not quality .we want to measure the quality of understanding so professional teacher selective well #edmodochat
{edmodo: RT AVIDMaestra: edmodo A3: #Edmodochat#EDUT501AGUDA I only assign large projects to be completed at home and this is after I give them the foundation as well as class time to start on project. This enables the students to have feedback from students & I b4 navigati…
{edmodo: RT Paoladepereira: edmodo At acotopaxi we ask that students read every day in elementary and students are encouraged to work on their personal "inspiration projects" using a design cycle. They showcase celebrating periodically. #Edmodochat#nohomework#homework#ch…
{edmodo: RT Rdene915: edmodo A4 I think it has value bc isn't it supposed to mirror real world in the sense of tasks, duties for a job, teach Ss how to time manage, productive struggle, prob solve, critical think, create, so Kinder, but not large quantities #edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT divein2edtech: A5: Love the idea of flipping the class, but we serve a great deal of students who do not have tech access at home. Maybe looking into ways that will work with something super simple like a phone. #Edmodochat]
{edmodo: A6cont: Too much is when Ss are unable to engage during class or find inspiration in learning b/c of overwork. To help this, Ss and Ps can be mindful about how they organize work, & Ts can be mindful of how much and what kind of homework they give. #edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT CoachJonCraig: A6: Hmmm...I don't know a ratio or time amount, but if classwork is becoming HW, I'd ask you to reflect on time management and classroom time. If doing HW, it should be intentionally planned. #edmodochat]
A7: an overwhelming amount of #homework is an opportunity for students to practice skills like prioritization, list-making, planning & scheduling, chunking larger tasks, identifying & curbing procrastination, and creating a distraction-free environment #edmodochat
A7: Organization and scheduling! (Including time for leisure.) Students and parents will have to be careful not to "overbook" their own time. #edmodochat
A7: Students need to know how to prioritize, organize, and do not procrastinate. They need to cut down on distractions Learning In The Age Of Digital Distraction
A4: Our opinion: homework should be reading (whatever you want), spending time with your family, practicing mindfulness through relaxation, and imaginary play/creation (of whatever you want) every single day. #EdmodoChat#restorehumanity
#Edmodochat A7 Graphic organizers,sketchnotes, metacognitive notes, collaborative tasks, P2P scaffolding, templates and manipulatives can help esp. If time mgmnt, prior knowledge & resources are considered across the curriculum & in community of practice planning for #wholekids.
A7: Are we really reflecting on why we're assigning HW? Does it have a true purpose or only b/c we think we're supposed to? Is it what @alfiekohn call BGUTI? "Here's some work, because more's coming next year, "Better Get Used To It!" Reflect on your impact! #edmodochat
A6: #EdmodoChat@edmodo Lots of research out there... here is just one article that I referenced in my other post... Is Homework Good for Kids? Here's What the Research Says
A7 Ts need to help Ss how to use class time and school time effectively, using a seminar time or tutoring while in school, and using the resources provided #Edmodochat
What are your thoughts on research papers, essays, and projects? How do they all get finished during the school day? Especially at the secondary level when we are prepping them for college? #Edmodochat
{edmodo: RT KtBkr4: #edmodochat A6 I switched my due date time from 11:59 PM to 3pm so as to be more equitable to those w/o tech at home & to prevent the late night procrastinaters from losing sleep.]
{edmodo: A7: Organization and scheduling! (Including time for leisure.) Students and parents will have to be careful not to "overbook" their own time. #edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT DanKos3: Fight the procrastination! Either do the hard stuff first to get it done or do easy first to crank a bunch out. #Edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT SMBerdaxagar: #Edmodochat A7 Graphic organizers,sketchnotes, metacognitive notes, collaborative tasks, P2P scaffolding, templates and manipulatives can help esp. If time mgmnt, prior knowledge & resources are considered across the curriculum & in community of pra…
{edmodo: RT HumResPro: A4: Our opinion: homework should be reading (whatever you want), spending time with your family, practicing mindfulness through relaxation, and imaginary play/creation (of whatever you want) every single day. #EdmodoChat#resto…]
{edmodo: RT TigerSTEM386: A6: #EdmodoChat edmodo Lots of research out there... here is just one article that I referenced in my other post... Is Homework Good for Kids? Here's What the Research Says]
A8: When I saw a student not being able to handle their classwork and homework I would immediately reach out to their parents after offering up techniques like time management and organization #edmodochat great tools from @BeALearningHero
A8: teachers can consider providing more flexibility with #homework options if students are feeling overwhelmed. Having a choice in the type of activity may help students accomplish the same practice through what's most manageable for them #edmodochat
A8: Ts or counselors can work w/these Ss & their parents to create individual, structured HW plans that let students learn the material while preventing mental fatigue from overwork. Flipped learning can be a part of this. #edmodochat
A8: Assign less homework and/or modify it and/or support them. Our kids are too stressed and kids should not be stressed!! How would we want our own children to be treated? How would WE as ADULTS want to be treated? Kids should not be OVERLY stressed from homework! #EdmodoChat
A7 student in this case must follow and understand the main idea ,not fall in detail when he is very loaded with homework .also using mind map to can review the main idea for different topics in less time #edmodochat
A8 we begin by having the relationships created and letting Ss know that they can come to us with concerns abt HW, that is key. Be open to conversations, help set up schedule/plan, #edmodochat
Stay tuned for next #EdmodoChat is on the 1st & 3rd Sundays monthly @ 5PT/8ET - Next chat is May 6th, 2018. Topic is Capturing Community Stories with @Buncee
Sometimes schools have built-in structures to help students who need more structured study time. For instance, my son's high school has guideded study class after school. If a kid is feeling overwhelmed, maybe something like that would help. #Edmodochat
#Edmodochat A8 Ts should watch and listen to Ss , create surveys with indicators that may show obstacles and devise ways to remove or lessen them. Timely feedback , scaffolding & parental involvement are crucial.
I don't see that as traditional HW. That's learning. Research is learning. Writing in a feedback loop is learning. I would hope there's time in school or digitally to converse and talk with T. I would assume it's not nightly practice nor setting them up for disaster.
A7: Students will benefit from mastering time management and study skills. These skills will be useful in the long run regardless of the task. They will not help lighten the load. #EdmodoChat
{edmodo: A8: Ts or counselors can work w/these Ss & their parents to create individual, structured HW plans that let students learn the material while preventing mental fatigue from overwork. Flipped learning can be a part of this. #edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT MisterHFan: A8: teachers can consider providing more flexibility with #homework options if students are feeling overwhelmed. Having a choice in the type of activity may help students accomplish the same practice through what's most manageable for them #edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT ssseason7: CoachJonCraig alfiekohn What are your thoughts on research papers, essays, and projects? How do they all get finished during the school day? Especially at the secondary level when we are prepping them for college? #Edmodochat]
{edmodo: RT ssseason7: A7: Students need to know how to prioritize, organize, and do not procrastinate. They need to cut down on distractions Learning In The Age Of Digital Distraction]
{edmodo: Stay tuned for next #EdmodoChat is on the 1st & 3rd Sundays monthly @ 5PT/8ET - Next chat is May 6th, 2018. Topic is Capturing Community Stories with Buncee]
{edmodo: RT Rdene915: edmodo A8 we begin by having the relationships created and letting Ss know that they can come to us with concerns abt HW, that is key. Be open to conversations, help set up schedule/plan, #edmodochat]
A8 Teacher ask their students to understand the main idea and how to good practical on it . ask their student to select from home work some questions to cover all topic .that make the student be center of learning process by good selection for question to solve #edmodochat
A8: Take a close look at the homework being assigned. Is the work relevant? Will they learn or just continuing bad practice habits? Can you monitor progresss with fewer questions/problems? #EdmodoChat
to complete an assignment that got graded on it the next day. Reading? Sure. Notetaking? Sure. Prepare for discussion? Sure...If HW is in HS is not reflecting that, it's prepping them for a college I didn't experience. #edmodochat
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