#2ndaryELA Archive
#2ndaryELA is a group of middle and high school English Language Arts teachers looking to share ideas and best practices. We chat every Tuesday night at 8 pm EST using #2ndaryELA. We'd love for you to join us!
Tuesday October 25, 2016
8:00 PM EDT
Welcome to tonight’s chat! Please introduce yourself. Tell what & where you teach. Share your blog link if you have one.
Jennifer from MO, teach future Ts in , presently conducting research on chat community! Love it!
Don't forget: use on responses & replies to others, label your responses w/A1, A2, & follow anyone chatting with us
So excited about this topic tonight in all about
Tom from Huntsville, TX. I teach 9th grade ELA.
Hi, O'neika 7th grade English NYCDOE
I'm Brynn Allison, chat co-host. 8 yrs teaching HS English & reading interventions in Philly. Blog: https://t.co/cyx1WlfdS8
Alecia from metro-Detroit area, Michigan // I teach 7th & 8th grade ELA!
Becky Instructional Coach 5-12 from Iowa! & Co teacher of 10th ELA!
check out our FB group to continue the conversation all week long. 1,800+ members & growing! https://t.co/w6efwWzXkk
Hi! I'm Hillary from Indiana - I teach 8th grade ☺️
Hi! Colleen from Memphis TN. I am coteacher for 8th ELA
Q1: Do you do project based learning (PBL), genius hour, or 20% time in your classroom? What purpose does it serve?
Hello! So glad to be here tonight.
Hi! Jennifer from CA - I teach AVID 8/9, English 8 and Reading. My blog is about teaching and mothering - https://t.co/gPzZEqwbyq
Who are you guys? You post like teachers but sounds like an org. Which is it?
A1: We do not - We *must* use SpringBoard but I am thinking I can convince the "team" to do both - maybe?
What does "coteacher" mean? Do you have a teaching partner & twice the kids? Or is 1 of you a sped teacher?
A1: I do PBL units with my gifted and talented students. I want them to challenge themselves.
A1: I haven't done PBL but interested in learning how others have used it in ELA.
A1 - I tried genius hour last year with my home room class. It was not for a grade but rather for SS growth and enjoyment
It's worth a try! All they can say is no, right?
A1 we're looking into some PBL stuff to challenge higher students. Anyone do FPS?
Are you a primarily G&T teacher? Or do you have ALL Ss?
That's how my son's 8th gr ELA teacher did with his class last yr! LOVED it! He did his on Learned A lot!
I think it is very well organized and intellectual. It can be dry though....
A1 - it was a cool experience to kind of get my feet wet, in a sense. Def think more planning was necessary to set deadlines
I have 1 ENL class, 1 reg, 1 G&T
Cassie from MO! First year teacher at FHS!!
That is awesome! I wish that would have been happening when I was in the reg classroom - almost 10 years ago now!
Q2: How did you get started with this type of learning and how did you introduce it to students?
Ts, plz fill out short survey to share thoughts of chat as PLN https://t.co/gGsoheIAnC Help w/ research! Share exp!
Ts, plz fill out short survey to share thoughts of chat as PLN https://t.co/gGsoheIAnC Help w/ research! Share exp!
That keeps it interesting!
A1: Had some exposure to what PBL is & what it can be but no full PBLs yet. I would say more "dessert" projects than anything.
Great! I've just seen you post a lot and just wondered!
A2: About 10 years ago I created "Investigation Lab" time. I made binders of activities/projects that could be done with any bk.
I'm lucky to have a good partner! We support each other and can include SWD. I love it!
A2 - I had read a blog another T had wrote about doing 20 time with her SS. Thought it wouldn't hurt to try!
A2: lucky that our school has a grade-wide PBL built in.I've noticed how much Ss learn and want to keep building on it.
A2: I started with researching PBL. I jumped right in. Sink or swim. We try the growth mindset approach. Trial and error.
It def was! He created a website to show off his learning. If I get his permission, I'll post it
A2: gauge student interests and turn them into an applicable driving question to get them thinking! Or videos? ...
That sounds like a neat idea. Could students look through binder and pick?
A2: Ea. proj. had a set # of pts. There was a rubric I used for all proj. Ss had to earn 100 pts by end of the qtr
That's what my son's T said as well. Like everything, you reflect & learn each time
Q2: Always found that students were quick to grab hold of the process themselves once introduced. Lots of enthusiasm abt it.
Yes! They chose the project - big ones = big pts.
A2: I haven't done PBL/Genius Hour yet, but this is a great video I'd use to get students interested https://t.co/vtVT28YEq9
Where in MO? I'm in Bolivar, about 30 mi north of Springfield I teach at
A2 - to introduce the project 2 SS I had a slide on board that read "what would you do if I told you to study anything you want?"
A2: Always found that students were quick to grab hold of the process themselves once introduced. Lots of enthusiasm abt it.
Love that "dessert" reference!
Actually that was the beauty part - they could pick what they liked - they just ahd to earn 100 pts by end of qtr.
Are you always willing to step out and try something new? Not all Ts are!
Q3: What PBL units have you done or are you interested in doing?
What an awesome question. I'm wondering what I would choose...
Was this agreed upon by Ts only or brought to you by admin? Just wondering! Sounds great!
A3: Units depend on our SpringBoard....sounds lame, huh? But it could be cool w/ just a little twist of thinking!
Funny! I just referenced to someone else! That's really what you HAVE to have to do this!
Not sure what you mean by "or videos?" Plz clarify
started by Ts, but made grade-wide by Administrators Who initiates does make a difference.
Love that! "Daring" is a great adj for any T who tries something new, & esp by oneself!
A3: Last year we did a Disability Awareness PBL. It ended with a Shark Tank full of prototypes designed to assist with SWDs.
But you are not REALLY alone, right? Not with all your Twitter pals around!
Absoluely! But it's great that you had support from all the right places!
A3: Interested in PBL for poetry unit. Good places to start?
Do it! Ss got SO much out of it. I will say...reflection piece really made it more of a rich edu exp.
Wow! You lone wolves need each other, right? Is this why you are active on Twitter?
A3 - I liked doing the genius hour and allowing the kids to research and tell other SS about their interests and passions
Can I push back a little & ask if this is REALLY if the T is telling everything that is going to be done?
Q4: How do you plan final products that are standards-based and rigorous while still engaging for students?
Gotcha! Now I understand!
You definitely have a point! I guess this was my way of dipping my toe in yrs ago!
A3: I'm interested in one using short stories or around conflict or characterization..anything!
Yes, that's what I thought, but just wanted to see your response! We do have to start somewhere, & usually .....
A4 - students can use research skills to gather information for their projects - citing evidence, MLA formatting, etc
That somewhere is still w/ a little cntrl. Giving total control to Ss from day 1 is unnerving! (& Not very smart)
I need a better balance of control and not so much control :) .
A4 - to keep things engaging, SS can create videos to share their work, post their work to online discussion boards like
A4: With any project, I think choice is key. We all think/learn differently and should have options to exhibit that learning
A4: Backwards design - start with the grading rubric. :)
A4 - SS could create websites to show the process of their project - then share the websites and make connections that way too
Love this! If you hadn't told them anything about this, they prob were taken aback (in a good way)!
A4: Let students have choice over the medium of how they present their final project... Video, website, options are infinite
A4: figure out a way to get some real-life application component with and authentic audience. Final project component up to Ss
Q5: What have been the biggest obstacles? Biggest successes?
I agree! Allowing choice = setting the kids up to surprise you, in a good way 🤓
I know! Me too! That advice is coming from a prime Type A personality (so a little hypocritical)
LOVE this idea! I've heard of admin who did T PD like this...can't remember where I saw it
A5 - I had a SS tell the class about a disease her brother had. Talk about bringing light to a situation & a personal connection
A5: Biggest obstacles: time management and losing interest
Yes! As long as you are mtg Springboard standards, do they care HOW you get there?
A5 - biggest obstacles would be helping SS who feel like they are lost at where to start and overwhelmed by idea of research
A5: There is so much prep tied to differentiation. Although it is worth the time/effort, some Ts are overwhelmed
A5: Biggest successes: when students, parents, teachers, and admin can have fun at the end product presentation
A5: Biggest obstacles- time management, giving up control, losing interest, not knowing all the details :)
When I was tchg 1st gr, I had Ss become T for the day to teach others about their passion. on MUCH smaller scale
I agree - the control thing is hard for me to let go of sometimes 🤓
A5: Seeing students engaged and in control of their learning while making a difference in the classroom and beyond
I agree, some students feel defeated at the get go if they don't know where to start
Absolutely! Sometimes giving choice means assessment is difficult. Solutions?
Thanks for chatting with us tonight. Next week's chat: independent reading. See you on 11/1 at 8pm EST
Time management is huge! Some Ss are done in 1 period, others take three weeks!
I think collaboration with colleagues is crucial. Divide and conquer when it comes to the prep work!
Time management I totally understand! Got to be lots of scaffolding along the way!
But "losing interest?" Why do they lose interest if they choose it?
I think breaking projects into small steps with hard deadlines is helpful for some. Early finishers could help peers
Sooooo true! Is there a simple way? What's the answer?
Love that soln! But you have to have colleagues who are willing! I've been in diff situations & wonderful ones
Hhmm. Good question. Middle schoolers?
I run a workshop approach. Ss are IN in selecting tasks tied to IN goals. This approach allows time
How do you break proj into small steps if everyone is working on something different?
Good pt! I understand....but maybe when they lose interest, you could challenge them to add another/diff element
I always look forward to this time each week to connect with all you folks out there in the Twittersphere!
Thanks for a wonderful chat!
Only a few minutes left until we start chatting about creative writing! Join us!