Katie, science teacher, tweeting from the Chicagoland area. So happy to be co-moderating with the ever-insightful @RoweRikW and @garnet_hillman tonight! #sblchat
Nick, HS ELA T & Dept Chair from Erie, PA. I just got back from our local @NCTE@nwpcte affiliate meet&greet, but I had to join #sblchat, at least for a bit!
We're off! Your #sblchat is ready for you and your insights! I'm Rik, and thrilled to be here with @garnet_hillman and @KatieBudrow to kead us through tonight's chat!
Ken O’Connor, author/consultant, from Toronto, snowboarding in central Florida. High was 88 F today. I’ll try to focus tonight but when my Blue Devils are playing the Tar Heels it will be hard. #sblchat
Ken O’Connor, author/consultant, from Toronto, snowboarding in central Florida. High was 88 F today. I’ll try to focus tonight but when my Blue Devils are playing the Tar Heels it will be hard. #sblchat
A1: I don't want any confusion about what's expected. Although recently, I've been looking for ways to make the standards more open-ended, I still think it's important to define success clearly and consistently. #sblchat
A1: From a project I saw today, it helps them understand the connection between what they are doing and what the end result is..."We are learning about this country b/c..."
A1 Far too often, Ts have relied on using the state standards and showing them to students and decorating their board with them. Guess what: Ss don't care about them! Standards need to be student-friendly and relevant to them or they have no time for them. #sblchat
A1 Far too often, Ts have relied on using the state standards and showing them to students and decorating their board with them. Guess what: Ss don't care about them! Standards need to be student-friendly and relevant to them or they have no time for them. #sblchat
A1: Students can focus their learning & questions better when they know what they are supposed to be learning, rather than just “doing” work to get points. It begins building agency #sblchat
A1 Making sure standards are clear to students also makes sure standards are clear to me. It forces me to unpack and make sure I know exactly what it is they need to do, and then design lesson and assessment to help them get there #sblchat
A1 Making sure standards are clear to students also makes sure standards are clear to me. It forces me to unpack and make sure I know exactly what it is they need to do, and then design lesson and assessment to help them get there #sblchat
It reduces the guessing game of education and allows Ss to focus on developing & demonstrating understanding. I love when Ss now ask me questions on their analyses or transitions or explanations. We’re targeting specific learning, not “is this right?” #sblchat
In that environment, so easy to just make it up! How many administrators care going to be able to reference those standards, or have time to? Just playing a game for compliance. Make it valuable to students or get it out of my way! #sblchat
It reduces the guessing game of education and allows Ss to focus on developing & demonstrating understanding. I love when Ss now ask me questions on their analyses or transitions or explanations. We’re targeting specific learning, not “is this right?” #sblchat
A2 unpack them with the Ss. Put them in terms that the Ss understand. And give some examples of behaviors that are necessary to achieve the standard #sblchat
A2 I love making rubrics with students. Helps everyone understand the standards and paves the way for learning. If you are curious about how we do it, check out https://t.co/5mzZRpOcLO#sblchat
A2: Each of our assignments have learning targets linked to standards with “look-fors” in single-point rubrics. We orally discuss them and I often construct a model/sample. #sblchat
A2 It may seem simple, but we can just ask the Ss if our language is clear. Turn it into a conversation instead of a line on the board or a top of the paper. #sblchat
A2: Standards should be written in student-friendly language. Begin by having Ss assess their prior knowledge. Scaffold by discussing unfamiliar words. #sblchat
A2 It may seem simple, but we can just ask the Ss if our language is clear. Turn it into a conversation instead of a line on the board or a top of the paper. #sblchat
Have Ss break them down and rewrite them in more kid friendly language or do that yourself. Then let them see the assessment next to the standard or proficiency scales to understand what the expectations of learning are. #sblchat
A2: different ways to make the standards clear are to keep connecting the objectives to larger picture and life. Help them make connections and give them voice on what that looks like. #sblchat
Have Ss break them down and rewrite them in more kid friendly language or do that yourself. Then let them see the assessment next to the standard or proficiency scales to understand what the expectations of learning are. #sblchat
A2: Just having the standards above a (4 point) rubric in the documents you give to the Ss helps a lot. Then having them reference them and reflect during the process can step it up a notch
A2 For behavioral expectations, we usually set norms. Also, we focus on behaviors that help or hinder learning in the classroom. We revisit these throughout the year to make sure our reality matches our expectations. #sblchat
I’ve added this to my to-read list! Alternately, I provide the “look-fors” of strong work to provide a benchmark. I haven’t yet played with shared construction. This is why I love this chat—so many options! #sblchat
A2 Behavior has to be taught. We’ve been doing this awhile, but don’t assume the teacher the year before taught the same expectations you have. Don’t get frustrated, get teaching! #sblchat
A2, behavior: my mantra question: is what you're doing now helping you with your goals? Very often the behavior is. If it's not, it's a non-threatening way for them to simply say, "no, not right now." #sblchat
It’s amazing what gets lost in whole-class presentation that a quick personal one-minute conversation can clarify—and without it, some Ss would have sat, confused, silently #sblchat
A2 Behavior has to be taught. We’ve been doing this awhile, but don’t assume the teacher the year before taught the same expectations you have. Don’t get frustrated, get teaching! #sblchat
A2.1: Regularly revisit the standard and have students assess their current level of mastery. To do this, they need to see the proficiency standards for each level of mastery. They will be able to clearly see their growth on the standard. #sblchat
A2 Behavior has to be taught. We’ve been doing this awhile, but don’t assume the teacher the year before taught the same expectations you have. Don’t get frustrated, get teaching! #sblchat
A3-Describing proficiency levels CLEARly enables Learners to agree with us about where they're at and have common language about what that means. Being on the same page really helps when working through challenges. #sblchat
A3: It helps Ss see the process from beginning to end. Yes, you may be at level 2 but its not a diagnosis, but a check in, especially when the level provides some sort of feedback on where to grow. It shows Ss they are able to get to a mastery level if they keep at it. #sblchat
A3: The difference between analog broadcast tv and ultra-high definition. More precise and deliberate, leaving little room for misunderstanding while increasing student comfort level. #sblchat
A3: It can help YOU understand what you are looking for initially. @cultofpedagogy called this "Dogfooding" in a sense. Going through possible products can help you articulate them.
A3:levels of proficiency matters to define the expectation.But, we like to focus on what Ss feel about their work, result and process.I avoid feedback until they've grappled with their own thoughts about it.Expectation is they are defending their thinking and learning. #sblchat
A3: It helps Ss see the process from beginning to end. Yes, you may be at level 2 but its not a diagnosis, but a check in, especially when the level provides some sort of feedback on where to grow. It shows Ss they are able to get to a mastery level if they keep at it. #sblchat
A3 My personal goal is to help Ss get to a point where they're able to describe, articulate their depth of understanding of content. In the mean time, levels/quantifiers/descriptors will do to have some consistency among all stakeholders #sblchat
I intend to focus on the verbs — or level of thinking / cognitive task — each scale requires. But I’m careful to articulate that highest level is the “target”. #sblchat
Its the hardest thing we face, but we have to show them why they need to get to that next level. Sometimes that means forcing them to do it, even when they don't want to. Complacency kills potential. #sblchat
A3 My personal goal is to help Ss get to a point where they're able to describe, articulate their depth of understanding of content. In the mean time, levels/quantifiers/descriptors will do to have some consistency among all stakeholders #sblchat
In ELA, I’m having a harder time since there is variety in style or how a Ss can analyze. So I can articulate the highest level, but specifics for the others get really wordy #sblchat
In ELA, I’m having a harder time since there is variety in style or how a Ss can analyze. So I can articulate the highest level, but specifics for the others get really wordy #sblchat
A3 Important for learners to recognize next level criteria for growth but also critical for course-alike teachers to calibrate their understanding of proficiency when assessing #sblchat
Example, “students can identify key vocab...interpret vocab...construct using vocab...” The cognitive performance becomes more challenging as they progress. #sblchat
In ELA, I’m having a harder time since there is variety in style or how a Ss can analyze. So I can articulate the highest level, but specifics for the others get really wordy #sblchat
A4 Parents need support to understand a change in grading practices. Communicate early and often for a successful transition and be prepared to answer questions. This is different that what they know/experienced so for some it takes time! #sblchat
A4-Since we have fewer posted grades in our Standards-Based Learning environment, Learners and their Parents have the right to know that most of the communication is through feedback and much less is through grades. #sblchat
A4 Parents trust us to help their prize possessions grow as learners and humans. They need to understand our system of showing growth so that they can be partners in the journey. #sblchat
This really important; different is difficult so we have to communicate very clearly and consistently about the why and how it will benefit their children. #sblchat
A4 Parents want their Ss to be successful. They need to know you want the same. This can all be new to them and they need to know we’re on the same team #sblchat
A4 The most common and frequent communication we have with parents is about grades. The precise-ness of SBG allows us to frame the conversation to be only about the learning. #sblchat
A4: parents are stakeholders.All expectations and philosophies should be clear to parents and Ss. Ideally, Ss communicate that clearly and regularly, and we support the Ss perspectives. #sblchat
A4 I also like the idea that Ps/Gs/HS (home supports) can understand the standard/target/objective...with the goal of them diving into the content with their learning to support them at home #sblchat
A4 Parents want their Ss to be successful. They need to know you want the same. This can all be new to them and they need to know we’re on the same team #sblchat
A4 to help parents understand what they think they know - be it reporting achievement xo later to others on same tasks or communicating learning successes and next steps along a personalized learning journey #sblchat
A4 But Todd our most frequent communication shouldn’t be about grades. IMO the summarizing function of computer grading programs should be turned of except for 2 or 3 days each grading period. #sblchat
A4 The most common and frequent communication we have with parents is about grades. The precise-ness of SBG allows us to frame the conversation to be only about the learning. #sblchat
A4: Patents are accustomed to how they were graded. Being clear helps communicate what we are asking Ss to do and how we are reporting learning—and that it’s about learning, not collecting points #sblchat
A4 alignment is also helpful - is exceeding expectations based on widely held expectations based on year of birth? Or personal growth based on schema? Or shocked they did anything😜 #sblchat
Kathryn, I love it when a Parent answers the phone and says, "Mr. Rowe, is this our #GoodCallsHome? Our son/daughter told us you'd be calling!" #sblchat
A5 Utilize all methods of communication to explain the why for the change in grading practices. If the reason for the change is skipped, excuses to stay the same come easily with the how (policies and practices) and what (reporting methods tools). #sblchat
A5-Whether it's a district, a school, or a classroom that transitions to a Standards-Based Learning environment, the purpose of feedback, grades, communication, and reassessing need to be clear to all parties. #sblchat
If that were only true! I am one of only 3 teachers using SBG at my school. The other 2 are in my PLC. I addressed the grading system with parents before school started and only had one parent with an issue. They still forget and ask about grades sometimes. #sblchat
A4 But Todd our most frequent communication shouldn’t be about grades. IMO the summarizing function of computer grading programs should be turned of except for 2 or 3 days each grading period. #sblchat
A4 The most common and frequent communication we have with parents is about grades. The precise-ness of SBG allows us to frame the conversation to be only about the learning. #sblchat
A5: Just need to be upfront about the process. And hopefully its not a cold-turkey, abrupt switch, it will cause way more issues for Ps, Ss, and Ts than intended. Slow transition, one step at a time, sets you up for much more success. #sblchat
A5 As @simonsenek says, start with the why. We want to put the focus on learning, where it belongs. Once everyone understand the why, the what and how follow more easily. #sblchat
A5 Walk the walk, and understand that--like learning--going to SBG is a process. Patience and support are crucial to success, while culture change is vital. #sblchat
A5: great Q. When we transitioned years ago, so many T's did basic math to make a grade fit. SBG is not about grades (IMO); it's about understanding, showing learning targets and ongoing growth and needs. Leaders need to understand this and lead that march. #sblchat
A5 I’ve done newsletters and parent nights but really student led conferences or invites to “model days” have done better jobs showing than just telling #sblchat
Standards based systems can expose inconsistencies that previously went unnoticed. So important to think about this throughout implementation! #sblchat
A6-Since Standards-Based Learning is a huge shift from traditional learning, especially the Parents of our Learners need to be kept in the loop since they are not in the classroom every day with us. #sblchat
A6 When communication about a change to standards based grading isn’t clear, it sets the stage for failed implementation. Explain the purpose of grading, what will change and what will remain the same, and communicate every step of the way. #sblchat
A6 Seeing 'grades', in whatever form they take, as a final report on what a student knows instead of the first reported check-in on mastery level. Also, being too focused on "what grade do you have" and not "where are you in your learning of these targets" #sblchat
A6 Simple...if there is no communication about SBG, it will not work. Ts, Ps, Ss, need to know what it’s all about to give their support and buy-in #sblchat
A6 SBG can be very polarizing if not explained effectively. Always keep the focus on learning and growth and avoid the temptation to translate mastery levels to mythical percentage-based equivalents. #sblchat
A6-Switching to a Standards-Based Learning environment requires consistent communication and sometime requires repeating the goal, why, and purpose. Stay with it. The learning will speak for itself. #sblchat
A6) Parents want to know how the grade translates to the trad scale; Ss want to know what the rubric is and why it is necessary; and Ts need to understand control and redirection because their role will change from sage to facilitator. #sblchat
A6 SBG can be very polarizing if not explained effectively. Always keep the focus on learning and growth and avoid the temptation to translate mastery levels to mythical percentage-based equivalents. #sblchat
A6 worries about “what will the universities say!?” How will I know how my kid doing compared to everyone else? #sblchat
If it wasn’t done to us as learners, why are we doing it now? Are the kids going to miss out on something...or did we...