#TLAP Archive
#TLAP is a weekly chat for educators who embrace author, keynote speaker, and moderator David Burgess' approach of teaching like a pirate. Burgess is author of Teach Like A PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator and co-author of P is for PIRATE: Inspirational ABC’s for Educators.
Monday September 19, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Let's see if I can keep up! Might be a little faster than last week!
Welcome to a special edition of !! 6 pirate hosts are here to take turns steering! We're PUMPED you joined us! So tell who is on board!
Yeah, this was is going to be going mach 7. Buckle up. Stacked crew of moderators tonight in
Avast ye matey's It's Jay from NJ on Talk Like A Pirate Day and I'm ready to walk the plank with all my mates to transform ed
six captains? that's going to be a fun salute! https://t.co/Wc1Sf3t832
Welcome to a special edition of !! 6 pirate hosts are here to take turns steering! We're PUMPED you joined us! So tell who is on board!
so glad I caught the last half of ! TL friends, hop over to the chat now! Amazing people and always great ideas to share!
Ahoy! Ryan from IL, teacher and Manager of Campus Tech and working hard on
My first time I hope I can keep up!
What better way to celebrate than to participate in a chat!
Matt, elem lead learner from IL excited to join in
Hi everyone! Helen from Houston here!
Hi Jay!! I bet you rocked today.
Ahoy crew! Been talkin' like a pirate all day at school - ready to talk school tonight! Lisa, K-6 librarian in PA
Dan Klumper. instructor of social science. Dakota State. I have a crew of future teachers with me tonight.
Ronald Fisher a pirate from Utah, teaching 4th Grade. ready for the combo , , , and am I missing one.
Hello I'm Steven, a Middle School Assistant Principal from Missouri!
Ahoy chat! Julie from FL here, excited for this chat on lol! VP & CoFounder consulting co
Hi,Matt! Glad you're here!
So many of my fav peeps in one place?! Almost too much to handle! Tisha from SO Oregon jumping on board the pirate ship! Ahoy!
Hellooo friends, Spiri from Wentz-ylvania, it's a pirate's life for me tonight... watching my beloved Eagles… https://t.co/5eeqSN8a4R
Excited for on Talk like a Pirate Day! Greg, Northwest IN. Tech coach/PE teacher. Ahoy all!
Hi Tisha, Great to see you!
Michael Matera
Author of
Checking in on this awesome Pirate night!
Excited to be on this adventure tonight.
Kelli, elem math teacher from Texas. Trying to participate AND be mom!
Ellen from Davenport, Iowa. High school business and technology teacher
Talking like a pirate is hard on the voice .... just sayin.... https://t.co/h60Y2mwcs1
Hi Jay!! I bet you rocked today.
Ashlee Elliott here from Creek View Elementary in Alabama!
Part of the mentioned crew. It's a fun ship to be on. (The puns are endless.)
hello, pirates! Michael from columbus, oh - middle school teacher (math, science, lang arts)
Jennifer, 1st grade, Okla. Excited to be here with such an a exciting pirate crew!
Hey , Quinn here from Salt Lake City -- history teacher, author Play Like a Pirate. etc. :)
ELED/SPED major here from Madison, SD!
Ahoy! Jessica here from Regina, SK. Canada and I teach a grade 2/3 split.
Hello Quinn, we need to connect soon. I have some ideas for us…
Joey, 6th grade social studies teacher in Waukesha, WI
Hi everyone! I'm Paul Solarz, a 5th grade teacher from Arlington Heights, Illinois.
and coach of the Golden State Warriors? I bet you never get that one....haha
yes sir! If it's happening now and it's important to people, Use it!
Amy here from Knightdale NC
Arg...it be me, lads and lasses. Wendy, Pirate of the SMSU ship.
Hello! Kim High School Sped T from Lockport IL. Missing my TLAP PLN. Glad to join tonight!
Meredith joining from SW FL
Yeah, Paul is here… Saw him last week at and it was an awesome day of learning.
Michele from NY. Elementary special educator & college professor, educ and psyc. Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Get ready! After and hop on over to extend the night of great inspiration! begins in… https://t.co/s4C7A1OZyg
We're just an hour away from Tonight's topic, building leadership capacity w/ & a cast of many. All are welcome!
And I am co-hosting from OKC tonight! Hi, Jennifer!
great seeing both of you. Sorry we couldn't chat more. It was a busy day.
Nikki from Calgary here; Gr. 11 and 12 Social
1st question is coming from the account of author, at 8:07 CST! Watch for it!!
Steven Helmick - AP - argh...uably one of the best schools around! Happy
Southwest Minn State Uni?....only an hour away from there myself :)
I love all of your ideas. You know that. (also your shirts)
Double duty!! DOn't worry...you got this!
Sean from Chicago area. Love the crew.
Janet from Jerome, ID jumping on board for a few moments!
Question 1 coming up in one minute!
Thanks, Tisha!! https://t.co/wi3XBy0jmG
So many of my fav peeps in one place?! Almost too much to handle! Tisha from SO Oregon jumping on board the pirate ship! Ahoy!
Hi Wendy. Great to see you! Looking forward to seeing you in October.
It's like my favorite show is on one after another.
Hey I'm going to be seeing all of you and the captain in about a month
I just have my guineapig.
I think your the first one to make that comparison. That is how I like to view my Steve Kerr https://t.co/7qOGS3qx1b
chat tonight might break my
Love seeing you here tonight. You know you are one of my favorite people in the world right?
Always great seeing you Michael! Thanks so much for all the great resources on games in the classroom!!!
Joining you all in Minnesota https://t.co/CEbX8rzPAD
Hi Wendy. Great to see you! Looking forward to seeing you in October.
I'm worried about that too Dan!
It will be worth it though.
Ben from Trinity NC. Pre Service Teacher. What what!!
A hoy! Scurvy dogs, Matt from TX. K-5 Art, ready for setting out on the open seas!
I'll put duck stickers all over the EXPLORE. Don't tell
We be fired up about that!!!! 👍🏼🔥🤓
Happy to be here my friend :)
Welcome Matt!
I bet you never get that one.
The "Jenny from the block" riff just went through my mind...I couldn't stop it.
A1: I encourage them following their own passions to create something that they want to teach to others.
Ahoy mateys! Stephanie technology teaching pirate hailing from St. Louis.
A1 I bring in the real world
Welcome Ben -- love seeing preservice Ts building their PLNs!
what a great idea-it's like a Brazilian Steak House-but for knowledge!! 😜
A1: We use GAFE. It is incredible how much we can be creators and collaborators. So easy, too!
A1: I allow students to lead discussion, encourage students to explore and opportunities to create!
Thanks, Michele!! Big day for us here!
Hi Stephanie. Great to see you here!
A1:Continue to give Ss opportunities to teach the class and direct own learning. Running groups, leading circle, teaching lessons
A1: By allowing them to be involved in decisions, like my Ss will find out on Wednesday
Valerie. MS Sped teacher in IL
A1: plenty of positive feeback for when Ss do step up and encourage them to do more of it
Jay, Principal from Merton, WI joining in tonight. Ready to get my learning on!
A1: Ss give input to class must haves & can't stands. These then become the "rules".
Looking forward to seeing you there, Jay!
A1: It all starts with empowering the INDIVIDUAL. Empathy is the greatest key to establishing rapport with your students.
a1: facilitate - lead with questions, have them explore and get messy. Make your class a bounce house - lots of falling but safe!
A1: I step aside and let Ss find their way. When they take charge, confidence, excitement & passion soar
First time at tlap I may just lurk a bit, but hello Alex from Illinois here
I let them bring in their own "real world" then draw teaching examples from it too
A1: When Ts step back, Ss step up as leaders. Don't be afraid to let Ss lead!
A1: Have Ss define what a leader is first. Good vs. bad. "Be the leader you'd want to follow"
A1 I encourage students to not rely on me for every little thing.
I just heard that yesterday, !!! 👏🏼😃 Excited you are coming to MN!!!! https://t.co/69zv32V4l5
Hi Wendy. Great to see you! Looking forward to seeing you in October.
A1: Empowered Ss leave their legacy through challenges and a risk rich environment working together to do the impossible. Legacy Left!
A1 Technology allows us to let our students collaborate and create easily. I try not to get in the way of what they try to accomplish.
Hi Alex! Welcome. Feel free to lurk, but jump in if you feel inspired.
Q1 it starts with giving Ss voice in rules and procedures then it will flow into lessons and become more routine
Teachers, check out tonight! Such great creative resources for student engagement & more!
Have them write and share their problem solving on Padlet. Then they teach their classmates THEIR way of thinking.
Good to see another IL rep here. Where from? I'm in Orland Park
Students own their learning! https://t.co/FkyrEDxjkC
A1 I encourage students to not rely on me for every little thing.
A1: Flip questions back to the Ss to figure out; I can't/won't be the resource for everything
It will be great to finally meet you face to face!
A1:Find what Ss are passionate about and get out of their way and let them run with it and just guide
It's practically the whole premise of my book, Instant Relevance, using today's experiences to teach tomorrows lessons
A1 Learning their strengths and playing to them =key to helping them lead in areas they are confident. Interest surveys = great tool
A1: My classroom economy system- Ss learn how to be leaders of their money & behavior. When Ss own their behavior, learship follows!
Great seeing you here too! peeps in the HOUSE!
A1 Give Ss choice and voice-seating, ways to share info...give them ownership.
A1: empower the individual first- celebrate small bursts of leadership with shy students, encourage and provide constructive feedback
Kelly here from Charleston, my 1st chat.
Risks expand their minds!
A1-As Ts we must model what leadership looks like If we want to have Ss take on leadership roles in our class.
A1: choice! In library, what to research, what resources, how to create something to share
A1 Start small with shy Ss. Encourage leadership in a small group, not whole class
A1: By asking Ss for help and to know what they think. It blows their mind. Empowered.
A1: By meeting a question with another question
Palatine, pretty sure I just talked to you at
So important to build confidence and celebrate the journey https://t.co/OrKc6nyvuu
A1: empower the individual first- celebrate small bursts of leadership with shy students, encourage and provide constructive feedback
A1-I am trying to involve more students in the planning and decision making process for the building
A1: after trying anything new, i have Ss fill out an online survey giving feedback on what went well and what needa improvement
Hi Kelly! We are so glad you are here!!
A1: Sometimes (more often really) my job is to be less helpful. No treasure maps giving too much away. https://t.co/FJvTAz3GR0
I know it's my next book on my list ... I'v e been watching your progress for months now.
Sounds like a good start on hope to see you level up your classroom with and .
I do the same - tried a few ideas out of over the past few weeks - got great feedback!
A1: Allowing students to share their background knowledge with their peers in whole class and small group settings.
always loved that "rule!"
I love helping students take that first leap. They are forever changed.
A1) Provide opportunities for Ss voice to be heard, Ss lead the learning, take ownership, make decisions, find solutions toRW problems
Share the leadership. I know that I'm not always right as the teacher
A1: Trachg Teach students how to ask probing questions about the content in order to deepen there learning.
Question 2 is from author, and hits at 8:14 CST!! Be ready!!
A1: Love how and help empower students by being tech agents!
Why not? It is so empowering and real https://t.co/enzZewOWdf
I love seeing Ts let Ss workout math problems for classmates and explain their steps and ask Qs like the T would!
A1b: find Ss strengths. Don't force them to fit predetermined mold. Be flexible and build them up
Thanks. Can't wait to hear what you think of it!
A1 By letting them design their own experiments they get to choose and lead.
Be the facilitator!! https://t.co/Vm3HpHwtyv
A1:Find what Ss are passionate about and get out of their way and let them run with it and just guide
Love this...and remind Ss that their actions always make a difference and affect something or someone. https://t.co/tnudhQGSWr
A1: Have Ss define what a leader is first. Good vs. bad. "Be the leader you'd want to follow"
exactly what we have been chatting about here at LHS; reading Strengths Based Leadership right now.
It was amazing to see what your Ss created, also seeing Ss pass their knowledge of tech on to others https://t.co/114k4aaAnr
A1 Technology allows us to let our students collaborate and create easily. I try not to get in the way of what they try to accomplish.
A1: Allow more Ss to be creative and explore. Encourage them to not be held back by fear of failure
It's so hard for Ts to let go of that authoritarian role though -- how do we do it? https://t.co/PHcDxpwV9U
Share the leadership. I know that I'm not always right as the teacher
A1: group roles, allow them to be teach small parts of the class like Bellringers, provide choice for them to make decisions
This looks great! Now that is in action!
Hey gang! Matt from ATL joining a tad late. Huzzah y'all! 8th gr US History here
By being willing to try it and then reflect. And then reflect some more. Always reflecting.
How long does last? Am I allowed a bathroom break, teachers?
We have two student reps who attend board meetings and give S feedback and perspective.
I like that -- helping them build their leadership and accountability. https://t.co/lxsZzc4BMm
A1: group roles, allow them to be teach small parts of the class like Bellringers, provide choice for them to make decisions
Ahoy. Finishing me grub is why I'm late.
A1 Gotta jump ship sometime, might as well be now. They take on a variety of roles based on the problem that we are working on
Get Ss thinking more and finding their own solutions! https://t.co/NDBcdEvHPX
A1: By meeting a question with another question
We step aside, it will be their time soon! https://t.co/mFb0xmiAut
It's so hard for Ts to let go of that authoritarian role though -- how do we do it? https://t.co/PHcDxpwV9U
Share the leadership. I know that I'm not always right as the teacher
1 hour, and you're allowed all the breaks and lurking you need :)
A1 Recognize Ss are like the "crew". A pirate needs the support & effort of the crew to move the ship--so does a Teacher w a class
A1: I give guidelines then let them loose to be creative with language and their work. Allows for lots of freedom!
What was Q1 y'all? Sorry I'm late!
A1: Creating a safe environment, encouraging mistakes & using them as learning opportunities. Help relate content to their interests.
Nope, not tonight! Your teacher bladder can make it to 3:00, come on!!!
Arrrr, walking the plank late. I'm Ku, Learning Coach, Argentina
Have to do it in small pieces. Try it once & then take time to reflect and prepare for another run. Observe each other too
A2-I visited classrooms unannounced as our mascot, scared many T and S but ended up with a lot of laughs
A2 will love this one! Ss build an answer to the Q "what is social studies." So much collab and problem solving!
A1:Today we used time travel. Some Ss accidentally went too far & could tell they were ready to teach. So they did!
If you don't the history of this holiday...look it up!! It's a fun story!
A1: opp to create own learning exp thru side quests & cul labs. Choose own adventure in cul 4 gives them opp to craft own learning.
Hey all. Ron, TIS from Houston. just teased everyone abt Pixel.
A2 Had a great inschool field trip. came and all Ss had a maker space experience
A2 Today was so much fun with and a gr 12 scavenger hunt around the school; laughing AND learning! https://t.co/rbtQSidrAW
...well now we need to know what the mascot is. Are there pics? Come on! https://t.co/S6OE7EEloR
A2-I visited classrooms unannounced as our mascot, scared many T and S but ended up with a lot of laughs
A2: I'd say every day has been fun. The first day of school was really amazing as Ts lit it up with fun and amazing
A2: my daughter did 58 math problems tonight for homework on topics she already knew. Does that count?
Students had an Amazing Race challenge and had to run around school collecting clues. Next is re-ena… https://t.co/eGvYyFfQci
A1: Allowing SS voice & choice. Teacher candidates are learning negotiating skills. Future volunteers for that committee. 😜
Don't worry, rarely makes someone walk the plank on their first
A2-Seeing them dive into the Chrome Books and emailing me asking questions. 😝
What you do in your culinary arts class is just off-the-charts amazing, Tisha!
A1: I utilize surveys and student input to help guide curriculum choices
A2: Ss loved building towers for the siege that was coming. story line https://t.co/zMgGmVeCCn They loved the short video…
A2: Ss loved building towers for the siege that was coming. story line https://t.co/r2K7F8wZj9 They loved the short video…
Sorry :( https://t.co/36TSGCOSBU
A2: my daughter did 58 math problems tonight for homework on topics she already knew. Does that count?
A2: The most fun my Ss have had so far this year is completing the gummy bear experiment! Next up: Continuation of passion projects!
A2: In biology Ss always want to do more labs. This year my co-T & I made it our goal to have more collaboration & labs
A2: Ss currently writing hip hop/rap songs to rewrite our school academic philosophy. Using garage band to create beats
a2: one v one (PvP) game of in math - Ss LOVED this format and want to do it all the time now
I keep clicking on posts to stop the stream so I can read and catch up!
A2 Currently having Ss escape a zombie outbreak in our town to learn migration and push/pull factors
Take your phone in...otherwise, no!
A2 The most fun was when the Ss were learning and they didn't know it, because it was a game LAB ,
I'm guessing Actual Presidential Debates will have some goofiness...
A2 has to be our "relaxed dress code" or maybe our teachers dressing like crazy pirates! That's more like it! … https://t.co/oPJ7e3npez
my 6th graders did their first "lab" this week - just making molecules out of play-doh and toothpicks, but still!
A2 Of the classes I've observed, the most fun I've witnessed Ss = 4th Gr class during a ! They were 100% engaged. PUMPED!
A2: Perhaps monastery mode was fun? Or the QR challenge? ? Zombie Apocalypse?
we are the dolphins and I will have to look for a picture
A2) Constitution Day singing! My WHAP crew stole the show singing the Preamble (I almost fell while filming!)
A2: Today(aft my tlap adventure Sat.) we used time travel & learned class cheers. Ss said "I think I'm going to have fun this yr!"
Now we're gearing up for 2nd Cont. Congress with the Ss. Dressing as 56 delegates to declare independence! Huzzah!
A2: given formula for pie crust w/out directions. Had to create something amazing in 45 min...they did! https://t.co/TayQ1BmhJD
Q2 our librarian did a makers space at lunch today and out hs Ss loved it!
A2: They enjoy this warm weather! I try to incorporate a lot of natural elements into my classroom. Going outside is a win win for all
A2 Everyday is the most fun, but to them probably mapping out concepts for their combat robots they are building
Sorry Cap'n, I'll tone it down. Some time. Maybe. Not.
A2: we "visit" different countries and invite parents in for each student's special day to celebrate their family culture
My class celebrates national days. Live Creative Day (w/Legos) and International Dot Day ( ) were the best
A2: What's next you say? The Battle of Agincourt looms in the future...
A2 Eating lunch with 7th/8th grade staff, enjoying recess and eating popsicles together. Celebration assembly. https://t.co/53ZDtOAdvd
A2: cont. I have rap battles using scheduled! And
Yes! Always okay! If they don't think you are crazy...you aren't doing it right!
A1:providing opportunities to share thinking as well as modelling thinking out loud to support confidence and Lang. & Lang. Devlopment
OMG - we're doing properties these next 2 weeks - what can you share? :)
A2: As a student myself I had a lot of fun with a QR challenge around my campus!
A2 my son made a board game to review vocab words for homework
A2: We had a hypnotist last Friday at the homecoming assembly...I'm sure it will be hard to top that. https://t.co/D36m2Dnbtw
A2: When my assistant principal came in and guest conducted our music class. It was a blast! Another AP coming in on Fri!
Anytime you integrate Hamilton is an automatic win, at least for me! https://t.co/myuVAPUF5j
A2: cont. I have rap battles using scheduled! And
This may be my first captaincy. I'm not sure what to do with this.
Sorry Cap'n, I'll tone it down. Some time. Maybe. Not.
Every day is a chance to , , ,and
A2: Helping my wife create digital portfolios with her art Ss. They absolutely love the project!
Yuck!! Ugh! Somebody needs some DBC books in their life!
I'm intrigued! What's this about?!
A2 Getting to know one another during Circle of Power and Respect to start out most classes. Very insightful and informative.
Wait! Teach Like A Pirate is tonight too? Hmmmmm...adding a new column to my Tweetdeck! Monday is hectic.
- I would elect some of my students if I had the choice. :)
As Ts, that is probably our biggest hurdle to growth....letting go of control, but so liberating when we do.
A2: Stealin all ya'll's teaching ideas now. Include pics, please and thank you.
A2 our Ss always seem to enjoy their chemistry labs
A2: We had popsicles on the playground on the first week and the kids had a ball. I did too https://t.co/bjhaXuQLbq
A2: I've added cheesey prizes to my kahoot routine this year and my HS Ss love it
Q2 . The side of room with most points leaves 1st. When a tie score I ask what do we do when it is a tie? whole class yells WEAR IT!
question 3 is from author, and deploys at 8:21! Careful!
Goodness knows I approve both of those things. Like a madman. https://t.co/BaPQPEmohs
My class celebrates national days. Live Creative Day (w/Legos) and International Dot Day ( ) were the best
A2: next unit: ask Ss to define 21st century Red Badge of Courage from their POV. Compare to that of main character Henry Fleming
A2:Walking around and seeing all the engagement our Ts have created for our Ss
A2 Ss have had the most fun in a variety of classes-reason is the same-Ss are respected & engaged in activities that are challenging
I'll give her some. I may have a few around the house :)
A2: Ss still talk about our Life activity from 1st wk w/ decimals, played Order of Ops Bingo today, next fantasy football/bakery proj
This is a great chat to follow! For those who are online right now!!
Time flies when you are pin.
life activity w/ decimals? :) details? :)
A2: Wow. I just asked my son who is in my 5th math/sci class. He said "nothing" pause "everything is fun". I say Lego WeDo w/Scratch
Hello crew. Tracy from MA..late but here!
A2)Ss ask about cancer scar, dress up as Jedi, new lightsaber delivered, tell about Darth Hodgkins battle, intro to growth mindset
Hey!! We are playing a digital breakout edu next week in with and Join us!!
A2: I hand out a tiny trophy to the winning https://t.co/PzxC07qj9j team in class and some take photos with it for bragging rights
Also looking forward to having at school the day of our Second Cont. Congress :)
A2 Today was fun talking like a pirate, but I found Ss were afraid to fail when asked to do some translations.
OOOHHHH!!! You /must/ give us details. Two tasks in one day?! Nice work, Beth.
A2 I think Ss would say indoor recess, the play-doh activity(Got here).T says starting day w/music for 1st ti… https://t.co/Yr8tKPPsjh
A hands-on challenge- and story-based lesson using PE and History standards taught on a ropes course.
Do you have any pics? I'd love to see them...seems like our classrooms could connect on this
I would also elect some of your students if I had the choice. Sight unseen.
Ah yes! Can't wait to try a live event!
I wonder how high my blood pressure is right now? Perhaps my pupils are dilated as well? has me jazzed.
A3: Each unit, I have on optional “Adventure Path” that Ss can choose to go on. High Risk, High reward. They love it.
A2: Writing to children from Bogotá, Colombia! Playing guess what and having short conversations. Playing games and eating chocolate!
What??? How cool is that!!
A3: Build relationships with Ss and then let them take the lead. Create a space that encourages them to take risks!
Gonna live-tweet that like a wild woman!! https://t.co/HMWujlyqlO
Also looking forward to having at school the day of our Second Cont. Congress :)
Will modify for classroom use as well.
Sounds like you've got a lot going on. The kids have got to be loving it. https://t.co/7IZELAKMzo
A2 I think Ss would say indoor recess, the play-doh activity(Got here).T says starting day w/music for 1st ti… https://t.co/Yr8tKPPsjh
A3: We model risk taking for our Ss and allows Ss to make classes fun. Get Ss to try something new with no penalty
A3: skill/attitude/passion/personal development of my 8th graders way more important than content. Want to see them as confident
A2 Just had day 10...most fun so far may have been 'saving Fred' teamwork challenge. Gummy worms and life preservers.
A2:Doing the fewest squares activity from week of inspirational math
I'm in ATL for a conference, gonna spend a day with Matt and Lori!
A2 they say it's Duolingo, but I think it was making photos of themselves look like Agentes Secretos characters--& seeing each other's
A2: Hopefully, when I am student teaching. Working on an Energy: Conservation and Transfer learning progression. It shall rule!
A3) Roaring 20s round table! Ss take the persona of a person of the 20s and we talk social issues from 2016. Must stay in character!
I know, right? And Skyping with 's kids...It's a party. Hoping to connect with more :)
Wow! I bet that is memorable and powerful!
A2 (cont.) They finally let go a little and enjoyed it .If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right! Thanks
A3 Creating a "we can learn from any mistake" culture in the classroom. Encourage risk taking
A3: build a classroom culture where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities + growth mindset is encouraged https://t.co/Hep3QM2NBl
A3:As an admin, you have to be able to take risks and make yourself look silly to put a smile on a kids face and create a hook
A3: Critical thinking is an adventure all in itself. I am all about those Webb's Level 4 questions.
A3: Use a hook like and then let them pick the direction they want to go.
A3: options: straight path, a curvy path and a hilly path, students can choose and challenge themselves!
LOVE her work. Secretly hoping she will want to publish her next book with us one day!
So awesome! 3 of my favs together!
A3: I've posted this before, but as an admin, this is what I say to promote T risk-taking and adventure https://t.co/ydGYfo05ox
A3-we are hoping to embrace a building wide genius hour approach for all K-5 students that will evolve into our innovation hour
A2 I've had the most fun seeing Ss take risks in sharing. their thinking & spreading their brave attitudes wi… https://t.co/z7vSaRezFd
A3 Ss can make documentaries; their choice of topics; only thing is it must be of importance to THEM.
A3 Let Ss know mistakes are part of the journey, give them a safe place to try new things, let them discover and explore!!
a3: double kingdom points (my class XP) if you beat someone on the leader board. Tougher challenge, higher rewards!
A3 To admit that we still like everything in a box (excuse me a game that comes out of the box in ) ,
My 4 year old grandson loves Garage Band. Did a concert for us outside. ✌🏼️😊🎶
Awesome way yo encourage and support teachers trying new things!!
A3: Embarking on gamification soon with The Next Food Network Star. Students will plan that also. Excited.
We used School House Rock and made it our own, they took the ball and rolled with it!
A3B:honestly you have to take a risk sometime, or it leads to the same old boring stuff, try to be relevant and meet Ss where they are
A3: Working on creating flexible seating w/HS Ss. Let them choose seat that meets their needs. The rows have to go!
A2:I am a Link Crew coordinator-our S leaders had 2 days of training w/ us in Aug-had such an awesome time-loved getting to know them!
A3 best sign I've ever seen in a classrooms is "Take a positive risk today." Push Ss to the edge of comfort, then shove!
A2 We held a mini-IPadpalooza during school day with 1 Middle School 4 STUDENTS! They got to choose their sessions & learn new apps.☠
A3: Life is an adventure, sometimes Ss just need to be reminded of that fact. Live life, leave a legacy, and Unlock the mysteries
A1, A2: I learned a lot from your site about First one was Fri Student leadership evident and it was fun!
Agree 10000% Fail faster to succeed sooner...
A3: Adv. & risk taking are always at play. Side quests, mini chall many opp to earn XP & items...always an adventure in culinary!
A3: Work to creat a safe place and encourage in Ss.
Sigh. I miss teaching kids. This collab on always makes me miss it more. On to inspiring the Ts AAarrgghhhhh!
A3: Part choose-your-own adventure, part have fun trying something you've never done in computer science https://t.co/bfVcycLiVF
Lexi Law, North Texas- 5th grade science ... jumping in late sorry just left a science collaborative meeting!
agreed!! Just got my Ben Franklin bifocals and Tricorns re shaped.
Great idea, our awesome science T has brought in bouncy balls and other seating to change environment
A3: You get students to think outside of the box and find ways to get them out of the classroom!
A3: Looking into opportunities outside the classroom that links to the material students are learning inside the classroom.
A3:teach them about growth mindset. We learn from our mistakes. They grow our brain and make us stronger https://t.co/86SeAOi2R1
LOVE schoolhouse rock - and love using music as learning tool!
A3: step back and ask what's best for Ss, bout ourselves. Be willing to have a go even if unsuccessful at first. Growth will come
NICE! Next Friday will be the ULTIMATE Colonial Experience for us :) HUZZAH!!!
is amazing! I try to be better than I was yesterday & that book is an awesome tool to help me out.
a3: side quests on the class lrn mgment system, lots of exploring
A2: today my Ss talked about Alexander Hamilton...they knew the outcome but they loved the suspense getting there! Oh...and play-doh!
A3 . We joke about the Steak Family(misspelling on purpose) Mr. and Ms. Steak. We name their kids and pets. So nonthreatening!
when do y'all start. Your class is always a month ahead of us lol but I love following.
Absolutely! Greenville is a beautiful city to visit. Been trying to get here for years. :)
THIS is what it is all about. Taking small daily steps! https://t.co/GmeS14gK7a
is amazing! I try to be better than I was yesterday & that book is an awesome tool to help me out.
Today we analyzed a song from the Ind Rev and compared to songs about work across time to discus labor v boss
Awesome Michael! Side quests are a great way to add both adventure and risks!
Love this! I just ordered a couple options & can't wait to see where the Ss go with it.
Good evening. Sorry I'm late. Melanie-Assistant Principal-Lover of learning-Texas.
A3 it's all about culture and climate and making failure an option and learning that good things can come from failure
- Looks great. I need to get better at building up my props stash.
we just started 13 colonies and English Exploration.
and when an item happens to drop if a Ss completes it fully, it certainly adds a thrill!
How do you all view the so that you can see it happen live? I use tweet deck. Are there other ways?
A3: My favorite moments of adventure & risk taking = safe moments for Ts & Ss to be free to have voice, fun https://t.co/JO2J62mblM
We are putting the finishing touches on it now! https://t.co/OHvSLowW2v
Q4 is from the at 8:28 and is about the next LAP book... she is doing w/ co-author Wow!!
A3 It's easier to build risk & adventure into the classroom when we're willing to allow Ss to see us taking them.
Showed my college students how to change the language on their FB page to English Pirate. In honor of today! 👍🏼⚓️😊
How excited am I about the soon-to-be-released by & ??? Real EXCITED!! Leadership help is coming!
A4) S/O to our principal for understanding the power of chats like this and having my back. He is a leader, not a boss
A3: I have no clue how many times I told my Ss this year that it's ok to make a mistake! They've been more willing to ask questions!
A4 Honest constructive feedback. Given in a way that will help me improve my practice.
a4: All the Admins at our school have one question @ the end of meetings w/ me. "What do you need from me?"
A4:shared a google doc, guided math template, idea for a math center, kind words, encouragement, and a listening ear!!!
A4: always starts my day off right… Thanks for being a good friend and co-worker!
A4: Simply loved me. That is enough.
A4: admin has supported my desire to grow in a certain direction professionally. Empowering!
Rubber Duckie needs to get out more.
A4: My para has given such inspirational speeches to both our Ss and me. She just makes you want to do more and better.
My bro is chef instructor at Voc./Tech school. Is this something you are designing?
A3: show them that I make mistakes as well! Challenge them, don't let them settle for mediocrity
Just before we start our lesson for the day. I remind them to make the wisest choice for them to sit & whom they sit next too!
Nothing planned at the moment. I pencil that in!
A4: is thinking about letting me go to ITEC, Iowa technology & education connection in October!!!
A4 digging having a partner in Englishy geek things in who shows me cool tools all the time
A3: I try to model risk taking using . Add YET on to every sentence my Ss say. 🙃 ?
A4: Someone was a PIRATE to me! Spread the PIRATE!
A4 my students responded to new adventures that I tried with them like Day, and first GHO, and using new things in
Could someone please retweet Q3.
Amazon & random searching of the internet...it's also crazy what you can do with a shoebox
Just said the same thing. We don't know what we don't know. With constructive feedback comes growth.
A3:I hope to promote them by encouraging Ts to take risks to grow in their own practice. I think as an admin I need to model this too!
Hard to beat those! Ideas, encouragement, and listening! Powerful!
- Yes, from scratch (pardon the pun). Not sure where I am going with it exactly, but that's half the fun.
I think Rubber Duckie has a full travel schedule for the next few months. :)
A4: my amazing team accommodated my busy schedule as a mom so that we could plan together and I wouldn't be left out!
if you are on tweetdeck and have a column for you'll see it all - it just may run REALLY quickly! :)
A4: is thinking about letting me go to ITEC, Iowa Technology & education connection in October!!!
A4: simple heartfelt thank yous from Ss make each day worthwhile!
Come from longline of Greek storytellers, Ss say Our T beat Darth Hodgkins (fixed mindset) & she's gonna train us too!
A4: Brutal feedback. Tell me when I'm boring. Tell me when I didn't notice the group not engaged. https://t.co/XjOVDUEsJo
A4 My first mate (wife) understanding my obsession to do better.
A4 tech T collaborating w/me to T Ss to use tech for creating & sharing.😀
A4-Encouragement turns into motivation. Their words to me made me move forward 10x faster
I appreciate that as well "did you notice that a Ss was counting the ceiling tiles?"
A4 This group constantly supported, even when they didn't know I needed it!
A4 . Teacher friend brought me homemade soup good for two lunches! Shiver me timbers!
So true! Honest, authentic feedback done with kindness and a desire to support should always be appreciated!
A4: on Friday I found out I'll be participating in a big social media contest! Ts all said they'd do anything I needed! True support!
A4) I also work with a great staff member for our department. Collaboratively we conquer!
A4-my entire staff has worked hard to structure our RtI approach without me at the helm, very proud of them
A4 my admin and his little pep talk emails
Welcome does this mean I get to buy another book and learn a new hashtag?
A4. Met with a friend/past principal. She gave me some great coaching advice, since I coach teachers also. https://t.co/uQDkIF8joz
A4: Sometimes stopping to talk or listen is all that is needed. Having a great PLN refreshes me!
A4: I appreciate central office staff stepping up to sub when we were about 4000 short!
A4 It was my Ss who thanked me and gave me solid feedback on a new activity
A4: Seriously - modeled his hooks! I've read about them, but seeing them in action changed everything for me and my Ss!
Wow..just 1? Ok, beginning the has helped me become a better pirate. The ideas flying in our Voxer group are ☠🎉💥!
We can't get better alone. We need people to be honest with us and we need to be honest with them.
chats like these are great resources too!
Missed this somehow Ben -- great reno -- love what the kids will be able to do with that space! … https://t.co/x4TtXeUh8N
A4: Prepped all of the physical materials for new lesson plans.
Coolio! :) Maybe your Ss Tweet us Q's and we answer via Periscope?
Hey!! Have you finished yet, Lexi???
A4 Compliments, I love them from my peers, makes me smile. Also just started an Instagram, when kids like it, my heart skips a beat.
A4) I am so grateful for those willing to give me honest feedback. Grateful for truth and transparency. Professional honesty is HUGE!
A4: admin is pushing me to share what I'm doing in my classroom & what I learned over the summer instead of staying to myself
A4: we had a keynote slam for our conference including a Q&A with a S on what Ts can do to reignite learning https://t.co/xvGtyQxfJc
A4 goes beyond a week but thanks to for introducing me to in the first place!
A4 Seeing your district come together and respond when you challenge them with something new https://t.co/7EMctfcM3g
A4: Complimenting others on the things they do!
Q3: The IGNITE challenges are risky! Teacher candidates are gaining confidence from these adventures. Next IGNITE...Part III of 😃👍🏼
A3 one of my administrators simply gave me her TIME. She listened intently to my ideas & gave me the freedom to try something new.
A4 Positive Post-its from when stopping by our classroom. Love the positive notice & note!
A1 I have my students in small groups and they have to work together as a team.
A4: Not kissing ass....Getting to see a couple years ago gave me the freedom to make school fun
That is always good to do. Share away so that we all can be
A4- I met several of my S's grandparents who offered me so much support in the classroom!
Ha! The hashtag is already in play!! We will shout it from the rooftops when the book is out!
Question 4 is from...me! Hits at 8:35!! It might make you hungry!!
A4: My Ss: they are a treasure trove of ideas for me; they inspire me to "bring it" daily and be the best I can be for them
I also appreciate suggestions with the feedback - just like Ss I need both!
Fight the good fight. Get Ts to make fixed mindset walk the plank! Challenge & take risks.
A4: Set up my room for me as I am running in from another school (I teach at 4 schools). SUCH a relief. SO appreciated.
A4 shared her scavenger hunt plans which are totally awesome; always gives plenty of great feedback
These guys + 19 of their friends are in line for next cool project! My idea of Campaign Race 2016👍 … https://t.co/LwN7ugVdJn
If you believe you should learn something each & every day then get to & for your Monday fix even if you're just a lurker.
A4: fellow TL wrote grant for STEM book/maker kits and included me! Materials just arrived this week - so excited to "play"!
you know I'm ready for it!
Q5 A key tenet: Always pre-heat the grill! How can you build buzz, anticipation, mystery, curiosity for lesso… https://t.co/c6UY5FPm5c
A4: The connections I now have with people like & are what I have :)
Question 5 is from me at 8:35!! Might make you hungry!
A4: my new team, guiding me, helping me - personally and professionally in every way imaginable!
A4: Love that staff dressed up for mismatch day to show our Ss school spirit and earn XP for their SLC. https://t.co/kYGQQisF29
A4) Appreciate friend's honesty, kind words, advice w/my blog, I'm a storyteller, I write from heart, sometimes doesn't translate well
A4 awarded my students with a new monster - they are my pirates in the background - is amazing tool to
A3: bring relevance! One Ss said the exercise meant more because it was for real people.
A4 Well, the Ss showed up today so that's .
A4 an administrator simply gave me her TIME-She listened intently to my ideas & gave me the freedom to try something new & it worked:)
Glad I was able to join you all for awhile. Good night all!
A4 The challenges and empower us with! Of late...particularly Anchors of Appreciation. Def a better ☠!
Better late than never! Amy from Frederick, MD! 7th grade medieval history!
a5: "you won't want to be absent tomorrow... oh and you may want to bring a towel"
Thank you, Jay!! Means the world!
So excited! RT : A4 tech T collaborating w/me to T Ss to use tech for creating & sharing.😀
A4.2: today I told Ss that I'll be in this contest...they were really excited! They motivated me! Ss Rock!!
If you haven't done so already... make sure you take time this week to tell people what you appreciate about them. Powerful!
Q4: "authentic" Native American thank you notes from my students after I visited their classroom & performed … https://t.co/364kw93M8z
Can we just all agree to click follow on each other? A giant network of teachers and their experiences & expertise! Teaching goldmine!
Amy, I loved seeing your post today with the Kapla blocks. Great work and your Ss are amazing.
How exciting that is coming to hang at on Friday! https://t.co/Z2LRiqm8wT
A4 The challenges and empower us with! Of late...particularly Anchors of Appreciation. Def a better ☠!
a5: i played "the song that doesn't end" in math the other day. why? they'll find out in a few days...
Yeah, hungry for that question.
Thank you, Tara! https://t.co/mqcmOTlROB
A4 The challenges and empower us with! Of late...particularly Anchors of Appreciation. Def a better ☠!
A5: today Ss had 10 min to create something they could wear Thurs. to represent 10. We will learn bill of rts. but they are wondering!
Sometimes I look back and think how silly it is that I needed PERMISSION to do that!
A5 I love posting things on Instagram and decorating around my door/ the hallway to get them excited! I always tease something big
Isn't that the REAL treasure?
Also LEGO. Lots and lots of LEGO.
A5: build anticipation by embedding mystery objects in the room to discover
The best kind of admin to have!! 👍🏼👏🏼😊 https://t.co/db7iTZYpkd
A4 an administrator simply gave me her TIME-She listened intently to my ideas & gave me the freedom to try something new & it worked:)
A5: This is close to my heart. Find the Relevance in life and connect it to content every day
Q5:as an admin I encourage staff by sharing great things happening all over the building, using videos, quotes, games like
A5-I'd love to see my T using interest inventories, etc. to plan for lesson planning and instructional delivery
you really have to visit my son's school right now.
Agreed. I didn't get it. I always entertained myself but now I share https://t.co/DrFk8nZ0EO
Sometimes I look back and think how silly it is that I needed PERMISSION to do that!
I LOVE using music as a hook. Ss are learning how certain songs connect to certain types of activities
A5: love using a song that has some connection to the subject but never explain how or why! Ss have to discuss...then teach it!
A2pt2: or they'd say they day we learned about volume - I mean teach like a pirate, right? They completely un… https://t.co/OpEy5TpjfX
A4: My math dept is amazing!Supportive, encouraging, & honest. give me the freedom to teach-not worry abt the other parts of teaching.
this is what it's all about! Love the connections!!
A5 Build anticipation and curiosity by unravelling clues and provocations with each lesson
A4:many of my Ts have greeted me warmly as I have started to visit their rooms.I am new to some of them & have enjoyed their welcome!
A5 Cliffhangers! I love the cliffhangers. And baiting them with teaser info about upcoming lessons
LOVE this, Nili!! https://t.co/dL1KEdKgtH
A4 an administrator simply gave me her TIME-She listened intently to my ideas & gave me the freedom to try something new & it worked:)
A5: bell ringers that introduce the topic use Google Forms on my Google Website, have S read articles and see videos in intro
A5 Spark their interest with a good book, a video clip, intriguing picture...
I missed Q5...Help friends!
A5 Anticipation guides peak S curiosity; also place photo or sentence clues for Ss to solve about the next lesson
A5: get them intrigued w/ a teaser or an activity to spark their curiosity
A5: Share, I share student work, lessons and ideas with my staff gives a great sense of how they can build their own.
A4 Joined w/ colleagues in Science & Math to begin a creative club this week-love to collaborate! https://t.co/fu0MqJW6f8
A5) Time period bridging bell ringers. Introduce new material by discussing what it looks like now, then time warp back!
A5 for HS SS get professionals in the field involved. Mentors come to check in on their work and it really amps them up
A2-I dressed up as a colonist from the lost colony of Roanoke We did activities to lead them to figure out what happened to the colony
A5: create onboarding video, play dramatic music, build anticipation by leaving clues day before. Be passionate...it's contagious.
A5 QR code just sitting on the front screen; a cartoon to make them think and wonder what the connection to content is
what has been your best teaser activity this year? :)
Q5: DRESS UP! I provided a QR code to a video and provided no other info until my lesson later! https://t.co/jdSDKEmpM4
A5 Tell Ss, if you are easily scared, plz do not read this book!
A5: I use Unanswerable Questions to hook em in. Let Google autofill, then run with an idea! https://t.co/6qI9WHGrpB
A4: my best co-pirate has been she has always there to push me to be a better pirate.
Very cool! Way to rock the gear!
A5: Each morning the Ss get greeted by someone (me) wearing a funny hat and a giving a high 5. They come of buses laughing
The movie industry uses trailers. TV uses cliffhangers. Put them on the edge of their seat! Make them desperate to learn!
A4: hugs from students! They fill me with great love and energy!
: Q5: DRESS UP! I provided a QR code to a video and provided no other info until my lesson later! https://t.co/yCQvMVyoRk
A4 love hugs from my tough staff/crew, they know when I'm stressed & know I work hard for them as Instr. AP !… https://t.co/XsXewzjBfU
A4 Ts-peeps embracing Twitter PLNs & beginning their own websites/digital portfolios! My inspiration came from &
Pres debate one day and Talk Like a Pirate the next. Students never know what's next when they walk in door. https://t.co/Bvo8dCnZKx
A5: Make it real with music, costumes, ?s. Make it so fun Ss don't know they're learning & "Take the job serious, but not yourself."
A5: Be just as excited about it as you want your kids to be! EXEMPLIFY that excitement!
A5: and are all about preheating the grill. Today, I let it “slip” about a hidden side quest… Kids went nuts
A5: I post the daily agenda in Google classroom & Ss come to class talking about what we will be doing. Building excitement/curiosity.
Yes!! So important! Create a huge toolbox of hooks...keep them guessing!
A5: Through strategies such as suspense and humour. Use tools that students connect with outside of the classroom.
A4: given me feedback. It means so much to know thoughts of your school team of what you're doing.
A5 Dim the lights & play some music a great way to set the tone. Also, end the day before w/ a suspenseful preview...leave 'em hangin!
If you're not excited to teach it, do you think your students will be excited to learn it? https://t.co/epRH4lcfue
A5: Be just as excited about it as you want your kids to be! EXEMPLIFY that excitement!
Love doing that - I told my Ss that 'an old friend' would be visiting them soon...
A5: love starting w/ activity that relates to point-not obvious at 1st. Today had Ss org bin of crayons to intro Dewey decimal syst!
A5: Love how has helped give hooks to our staff to make us better!
Messed up, forgot Pirate Day was gonna take my copy of 😣
Back to for Q6 at 8:42 on P is for Pirate!!
yes! That's fantastic! When someone believes in you in makes the journey better! https://t.co/lbJJO6CLwt
A4: admin has supported my desire to grow in a certain direction professionally. Empowering!
Delivered big task/app challenges to my Ts today. Thx to Mr. Badura for inspiration!
preheat the grill-still my fav line! A5 w/23 classes I hype up the next lesson A LOT & try to end w/"u don't even know!"
A5: silence also does a lot to gain curiosity...Ss wonder what I'm doing or thinking...makes them start to think about the topic.
A5 I love to decorate outside my room. I love when they walk in kinda scared and excited. Knowing to expect fun in their learning.
A5- I think the more excited you act, the more excited they'll be. I like to relate to life whenever possible!
A5: I'm way late. Start by swerving Ss w/ something unexpected you'll get attention. I do itwhen we talk about taxing colonists.
A5:I whispered in room - need to be serious & careful. I don't want u to get hurt. B4 we walked to time travel location today.
A5: Those hooks make lessons sizzle!! Teaser hook, mystery bag hook. That's Part II in your book, teacher candidates. Coming up soon!
Fastest hour of my life. And one of the most exhilarating. I'LL BE BACK. (deep terminator voice...or pirate voice.)
show enthusiasm, make an outrageous statement, show what seems like a peculiar or interesting statistic, ask a probing ?
A5 dress up, I love dressing up to get their attention. I also use songs and cartoons.
simple, I love that. Get's Ss thinking
Happy day to everyone. Matt from the STL, Mo checking in.
could you explain interest inventories? Im a preservice Tt still learning. :)
starting to do this after reading ! Made a to intro new topic for tomorrow
A5: I use hats...lots and lots of hats to hook kids into anticipating our next activity
TRUTH! Love everything about the classroom when it's done the way! https://t.co/QvNXESqfz2
A5: and are all about preheating the grill. Today, I let it “slip” about a hidden side quest… Kids went nuts
Before you come in my room, we have to hi-five! I can tell a lot about Ss from those hi-fives.
A5 I use short time-lapse demo videos to introduce lessons to students & create excitement for students! https://t.co/KiHrH9H4HQ
Yes!! has TONS of math ideas and Instant Relevance has many, as well!
I call this chat an 'organized chaos'.
A6: For Shark Tank, they will create a new invention. I have actually used some of their inventions. … https://t.co/U5tERY2DAS
A6: In a class, students create all the time with side quests, team challenges, and adventure paths. happening all the time!
Love the sort! https://t.co/7vZK9OVh5g
preheat the grill-still my fav line! A5 w/23 classes I hype up the next lesson A LOT & try to end w/"u don't even know!"
Honored and humbled to be a part of it and in it Dave! Sits on my desk at work!
see also: my classroom :)
A4 This! The ripple effect of pirate influences= mind-blowing! Many Ts and Ss are empowered by you all sparki… https://t.co/w4dcHk3N6O
A6: Our Ss @ get to create a strengths-based profile and personalized learning through
Definitely on my "to-do list! https://t.co/EjaQQiCyIP
If you haven't done so already... make sure you take time this week to tell people what you appreciate about them. Powerful!
A6 - student portfolios w/ passion projects, they will explore new worlds with and they will and
A5: Get students excited by relating to them! Make connections to their worlds like Stangermon Go that had us do day1
A3 I have weekly challenges! Ss love them and never know when they will come up! They get so pumped when they hear challenge music!
A6: that's up to the Ss! I am going to let them decide how to create a project! I tell them what I want...they can design how to show!
I use the phrase "I appreciate you" instead of "I appreciate it" . one word, world of difference
This is completely awesome! Love Shark Tank!!
A5) Nothing like teaching about digestion (intestines) w/panty hose & oatmeal, lots of squishy mushy messy hands :)
WOW! That's a lot of "LAP"! https://t.co/VLWkQpzD1m
A6 - student portfolios w/ passion projects, they will explore new worlds with and they will and
A6) Ss will create their own perspective on the world, and an understanding of why they believe in it.
A5: give Ss an idea where they're heading-taught global history "will the Romans survive their corruption?Tune in next time and see!
A5: be silly, relate to the kids, be as excited as you hope they will be, use music & technology while keeping it meaningful
Ok Pirate Crew. I have to set sail for the bed time for both the little guy and my better half. Have a great night.
A5 I'm pretty much a create what you want for the final product kin-of-guy. Always some amazing products!
a6: Here are the learning targets. How can you show me you mastered them? What will you do?
All this chat makes me want to dress like a colonist tomorrow (Again) just because :)
All this chat makes me want to dress like a colonist tomorrow (Again) just because :)
A6a create videos to teach and retell. A6b No patterns or cookie cutter art...student designed and created.
A6: My students will be challenged to design and develop mobile apps that solve a problem in their world. https://t.co/Vj8PYN7GEU
In charge of we create homecoming, blood drives, hunger drives, and MUCH MORE Hands on, engaging, actual results.
Shame on you for even letting that cross your mind...
Yes! And follow it with I appreciate you because...
A6 Digital museums to explore why genocide happens and how/why some people are bystanders and others stand up to stop it
A5: as Ss are leaving my classroom, I give them some kind of clue to what we will use the next one in class.
A6 we create quilts for our pioneer unit that we give away to charity. THe students design the quilt squares.
A6-working to establish a makerspace for students....excited to see what they are able to create!
A5: I teach 1st grade, the grill is burning the second the my walk in the door😜
Ha!! I would LOVE to see this!! Sounds super fun...in a disgusting way!
I want to hear more about how your Ss are doing w/ piloting w/a few 3rd grade classes soon and they can't wait!
A6: My Ss are creating their own political parties. And defending which would win in an election. https://t.co/SFkdG7jBRQ
A6 our world geo Ss do a food truck PBL and create a fusion food
A6: I (with help of students and other teachers and parents) will create CONFIDENT, ENGAGED, & KIND students.
A6: X2: Create tutorial videos for the lower classes on how to do Microsoft tutorials
And we are honored you contributed!
I love adding "kind" to that list. Very undervalued.
A6 my Ss have created some amazing projects and side quests! Today they built Constantinople https://t.co/GinzQ3eJ8b
A6: Right now my Ss are writing bills based off of the school handbook and we are holding mock House and Senate this week.
even the cookies are legos you can eat.
A5 Allow Ss to lead learning by asking TONS of questions. ❤️ this phase.The promotes mystery, cu… https://t.co/g26UEv0zDq
A6: not entirely sure yet. I'm implementing this year. So far the ideas are room cleaning robots, apps & shark replicas
how fantastic, teachers students AND parents.
Which one will it be John Dickinson, William Penn, John Jay, or Betsy Ross? https://t.co/JsAcdbMWn8
All this chat makes me want to dress like a colonist tomorrow (Again) just because :)
Combat Robots, Some kind of flying device, not sure what it will be yet depends on what we get for the challenge from
Off to bed y'all, 4:00 am running is early! Have a great school week and I will continue to promote the chat to my SST candidates!
Hey !! P is for Pirate came STRAIGHT from a chat we held! You never know when a chat topic might just become a new book...with YOU!
take time to ask students questions to learn about them and interests....could be done individually through convos
play a game together ..design a dance for some lyrics they like ... write ..Sing.. Write... Speak... Write a… https://t.co/1YRcWhwXZV
I do...I am looking at them now
A6 Definitely doing the opposite of the Q right now! Taking in all the amazing ideas instead of sharing!
A6: only 1 thing?! I want my Ss to create all the time! Ss tweet and share learning whenever possible!
Tomorrow I'll share this Clemson duck video w Ss to promote Palmetto Bowl reading challenge https://t.co/GFf4T6Ghh6
A6 We create everyday in class-looking forward to making new trading cards & sharing w/ other schools! https://t.co/yIJgaS0Sk2
Do you need any judges?! ! https://t.co/qWyRdgPREn
A6 our world geo Ss do a food truck PBL and create a fusion food
Crying - needed that today- the reason to 😍 https://t.co/QYgQIfZSoi
A4: my best co-pirate has been she has always there to push me to be a better pirate.
A6 Combat Robots Some kind of flying device, not sure what it will be yet depends on what we get for the challenge from
All these wonderful words tonight could even make a book!
I have about a dozen tabs open to check out at 10:01 :)
A4: our transportation department is bringing elementary students to our campus once a quarter...free of charge!
That's part of the process! Drink it in. You'll share when you're ready! https://t.co/7NLh39XuJy
A6 Definitely doing the opposite of the Q right now! Taking in all the amazing ideas instead of sharing!
A6: I love seeing everything that our Ss create daily on our hashtag!!
lol - me too! Always after this chat!!
A6: This year we have a HS Ss TEDx Organizing Team meaning they create theme, promo videos, breakout stations for the big event.
A6: I would love our Ss to invent something that could help others whether a tech app (like sit with us)a product, or tool.
so true! I tried to have them tweet today, will try again... Advice??
awesome! thanks. That makes sense. The more we know about their interests, the better we can plan to teach.
VIsiting this weekend, she's curious too...will take video and share :)
Q7 is from at 8:49...get ready for a challenge!
A6 Trying to get more Ts using portfolios w/ students - a powerful tool for learning in class and reflection in general.
Fabulous!! https://t.co/hKi7cyKNm5
A6: This year we have a HS Ss TEDx Organizing Team meaning they create theme, promo videos, breakout stations for the big event.
Sometimes at Christmas I like to watch my family open their gifts. I soak in the moment. Your tweet reminded me of that
A6: 1st grade projects are bound to ignite some amazing inventions. Ss create EVERY day when we don't get in the way.
A6: Might try to have my Ss create a PIC timeline of US History for the end of the year. Uncertain...
A6 Integrated ELA/SS culture unit. Ss will create personal narrative after reading one from Afghan POV. Great collab with
Going to have students create a game/quiz based on Dewey Decimal syst. Haven't worked out det yet but that lesson needs some FUN!
Do you ever find you have to delete some punctuation or words just to fit in your ?
do you have a template or can they use whatever medium they're comfortable with?
How to transform my Unit #1 Math Assessment into - I'm up for the challenge with creation in mind - I'll do it
This is cool. My 15yr old daughter is in charge of the TedX Team at her school. It's awesome
A6: Building their own instruments. Composing their own music.
Oh man when did move to Monday's......been out of the game too long! Need to get back chatting with soon! I need new ideas
Leaders must empower teachers to be creators in order for teachers to empower students to be creators https://t.co/b0LFvifswk
I would love to see 1st grade genius hour! I bet you get great stuff! I stay in middle school land though... https://t.co/QCvFeRnFcV
A6: 1st grade projects are bound to ignite some amazing inventions. Ss create EVERY day when we don't get in the way.
I've never seen that explorers site.Looks great!!
a6 Hoping they create a love of life-long learning to share w/ others via games, , research and fun!
I'm on a high. Don't be surprised if teachers across the world are tired tomorrow
When I read of all your ideas, I think, "Dang, there are so many great teachers out there." Wish I could meet all of you.
Ss almost ALWAYS photoshop my face onto something too lol, mostly Effigies & Boston Massacre :)
is still on Wednesdays at 8EST just doing a pirate day on
Fastest hour on Twitter! Be sure to come back!
the DHMO one, fisher price airlines, guinea worm, and oldie Velcro farm are great too!
A6 1 thing Ss will create is their story including their strengths/what they hope to aspire- & will both help!
Absolutely😊 My Ss are using for their portfolios in 1st gr
A7: I'm starting to make my lesson plans interactive so my P isn't bored reading them lol https://t.co/b7kF1mNkiD
Q7 Call to Action: Think of something BLAH that is on your school agenda this week. How will you to TRANS… https://t.co/X1a7XjxTAQ
A7: Maybe I'll wear a costume to our Leadership Meeting so I can entertain the crew
Props, discrepant events & generally being excited about delivering content, be an EDUtainer! https://t.co/nPpWp8vKnX
Q5 A key tenet: Always pre-heat the grill! How can you build buzz, anticipation, mystery, curiosity for lesso… https://t.co/c6UY5FPm5c
it's mearly a flesh wound. come on ...
K. I'm out. Phone is gonna die...plus catching up w .
A7 Keep showing up to my PLNs to learn. Then share, invite, show, help, shock, excite Ss, Ts, and Ps. Just let my inner pirate run!
It's been tremendous help and the Ss absolutely take the responsibility very seriously. Wonderful to watch the development.
A7: OK, I guess I'll dress as a COLONIST on Friday too, since y'all made the comment of making the week less "Blah"
A6: not in classroom, but Ss I work with will be asked what they are doing to make themselves a better learner and how I can help.
From all of the "Like a Pirate" authors...thank you so much for your support! We love our entire pirate community!
I give Ss a list of to use and explain the power of publishing. Once Ss see how it spreads they get more into it
A7: I want to create a teacher library to share resources/books on new strategies like all these books! Share knowledge!
A7: Review day turned into a challenge and XP redemption day to see who earned MasterChef status and was exempt from test!
lol, we only have one Friday to live for, and we have just begun to fight.
Thank you for putting all of your ideas into books! transformed the education community! https://t.co/0sqZIU193c
From all of the "Like a Pirate" authors...thank you so much for your support! We love our entire pirate community!
My 1st yr, S did report about digest sys. It was a commercial. every one came w/ free roll of T.P. I'll never forget that!
ah thank you! I will try that!
Super powerful idea, Adam!
A7: Turning a not so fun worksheet into something hands on and interactive by using manipulatives!!
YES!!!!! Been waiting for Lead Like a Pirate!!!!! 😀⚓️
A7: I'll be dropping some anchors in the next couple of days and making sure my staff gets taken care of
Alright Gang! It's been fun, y'all have a great week and cheers!
A7 All grade level meetings will be celebrations! There's time for nuts and bolts next week. https://t.co/FSV18XUwJC
Q7 Call to Action: Think of something BLAH that is on your school agenda this week. How will you to TRANS… https://t.co/X1a7XjxTAQ
A7: students debate. Law class, just choose a topic TOGETHER and let's debate, research, dress up?, explore!
A7 Continue sharing of ideas. Dept Ts across district looking to build up library of resources/ideas
we have a teacher book club - currently reading The End of HW (old) but would love to do next!!
It's on its way! We are almost finished. Hoping to have it to the editor by the end of the month!
A6: After 5th gr does their welcome videos, they will be make sketchbooks & swap w/ high school art Ss.
From a S today. Once you are a pirate, why can't U stop? B/C you're HOOKED! Thanks and the all of tonight's leaders.
A7 Tweaking intro to contour maps lessons using adventure and possibly treasure. Going to get Ss outside!
Hey!! What is that hidden on that poster??? Hmmmmm.
Where is this Q7 at? Perhaps it walked the plank....
Thank you for the awesome chats tonight! I love my learning community & :o)
A7 math, reading, social studies etc..all can be boring. Help Ss find value, make connections, and discoveries!
Taking off bit early to get the little pirates back to bed. Thanks all!
A7 find a new hands on fun way to teach action verbs.
A7: dressing up on announcements and challenging the campus to tweet about the great things going on at school.
Thanks, Lexi! Check out hashtag too and also leadership challenges on my blog and blog of
Just so many books out there that others know about and should share! It's best for the Ss! https://t.co/IZYgN8VuTz
Super powerful idea, Adam!
Our school does T book clubs. We had 4 books to choose from and we will read and discuss through the year!
It came from me...I'll retweet :)
love your tweets! Glad you joined our crew!
Wow, you've done a lot of multitasking. Were you using Tweetdeck?
A7 Finding stronger connections to Ss' lives to help them think more critically; 4 corners debate to get them moving AND thinking
Goodnight mates. Thank you for all of the lovely wisdom you lent tonight.
A7b reading curriculum can be pretty blah...bring in other great text, activities, integrate other subjects...give it life!!
I'd really like to start one too! Perhaps that'll be my next push! Library idea being discussed on Wednesday at meeting!
I will most definitely have to do that! Thanks for sharing! https://t.co/kCxo5O91io
Thanks, Lexi! Check out hashtag too and also leadership challenges on my blog and blog of
's quick & easy-I'm finishing up a tutorial on how I create the videos, I'll share it w/ you! https://t.co/reFnYKOMV1
Less than 3 weeks until - hope to see some of you folks there!
definitely share titles you put in the library!
A7 well young Ss need to get familiar w/ the keyboard so found this gem & created a keyboard scavenger hunt:) https://t.co/nZgZwFQPZX
A7: hands on vocabulary and interactive word walls! Word work doesn't have to be just definitions!
How did you get Ts involved w/ book club? How did you sell it?
Will definitely see yu there!
thanks for a great chat, ! Have to go pay some attention to my kiddos :) Good night all!
I'll be there presenting a session, Michael! https://t.co/VOZ0MbAMFi
Less than 3 weeks until - hope to see some of you folks there!
will do! If you have ideas, let me know!
A7: By continuing to use tech to engage students and prepare them for 21st century learning.
A7: Heard of edTPA????? That's on the agenda. Any help??? 😬
Thank you guys for my first Tweet chat! I learned so much and you guys are awesome! Thank you!
A7: great challenge what is normally blah, how to make it awesome? Thinking about new teacher meeting need the think more
Once again, thanks for the great chat - Love all the books. Great job
LOOK OUT!!! Can't wait to meet you my blah blah friend!
Had a great tonight! Thank you! My eyes definitely got a workout with how fast the feed was moving!
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day and THANK YOU so much for participating in tonight! We are honored to sail with you!
A7:cannot wait to start meeting with my Ts for goal setting meetings and talking about their interests and passions! Want to support!
Glad I got to jump into and learn from all of you! Thanks
Thanks for some great ideas here! Looking forward to next week!