We’re looking forward to talking about a complicated topic tonight on #ELLCHAT - special education for ELLs (we say DLLs when talking about young children)
We always have a great combination of tweeters and lurkers on #ELLCHAT … and we appreciate both! Feel free to jump in - even if you just put the answer #, and #ELLCHAT and say “I agree” or “I don’t agree”! All are welcome!
A2) ELLS were always under represented in the district I worked in. The CST was reluctant to classify a student whose English was not at exit level. In my years in that district I only had 2-3 Ss who were also in Special Ed. #ELLCHAT
A2 I have found in early childhood programs that BOTH happen - some schools over identify and other way under-identify ELLs for special ed. Lots of reasons - not all good ones :( #ELLCHAT
A2: Our School has a very strong RTi program so I would say no over identification right now. However, I do see the need in understanding more in-depth the difference in EC and language learning learning
A2 I believe ELs are underrepresented in special ed at our school. The common justification seems to be "we can't know if it's a special ed issue or a lang acquisition issue until the student learns more English". But by that time, it may be too late for HS Ss #ellchat
A2) Most districts I work in under identify because they are concerned about 'over identifying'--so they put off the process to 'allow time for ELLs to learn English'. #Ellchat
A2) I find that both are happening across the different districts in CT depending upon low or high incidence districts. This affects the knowledge staff has about ELs and who they have on staff to assist in the decision-making process. #ELLChat.
A2 Other schools tell me they are afraid to “label” a child who doesn’t speak English - even though that might mean a year goes by without needed therapies. For little kids - a year is a LOT to lose! #ELLCHAT
A2) This is just one example: I feel that a barrier that we run into when we talk about classifying students is that if the students have had no formal education in there home country we can’t move forward without “data” (Newcomers). #ELLCHAT
A2: It's very difficult to declassify someone from SPED if we determine that they do not actually have a disability... and declassifying from ESL can't be done until the kids pass the exam. They rarely get their required hours of service if they are classified for both #ellchat
A2) it is very important to have a strong RTI/SRBI process in your school/district with key players (an EL specialist) on the team! This helps avoid over/under identifying #Ellchat
Interesting! I find that ELLs are often classified as SPED when they do NOT have a language disability, and when they DO have a language disability, it is often overlooked because we assume it's part of the language learning process. #ellchat
A2) One reason: Misunderstandings about aspects of second language acquisition, particularly the length of time to develop academic language and also first language attrition. #ELLCHAT
A2) This is just one example: I feel that a barrier that we run into when we talk about classifying students is that if the students have had no formal education in there home country we can’t move forward without “data” (Newcomers). #ELLCHAT
A2: Our department (student success) has a very specific system for IDing stdnts w/ language and/or special needs. I find that teachers tend to overclassify stndts. One goal for our department is to remove the "label" and focus on the learning for all children. #ellchat
A2) This is just one example: I feel that a barrier that we run into when we talk about classifying students is that if the students have had no formal education in there home country we can’t move forward without “data” (Newcomers). #ELLCHAT
hmmmm...this is tricky! I feel like students with interrupted formal education would need a lot of support before we even consider classifying them #ellchat
A2) This is just one example: I feel that a barrier that we run into when we talk about classifying students is that if the students have had no formal education in there home country we can’t move forward without “data” (Newcomers). #ELLCHAT
And we need to determine if this is because they just never learned, or because they have a disability. Hard to make that call when a student is new to an academic environment #ellchat
I've had the same experience. It's been hardest to get special ed services to SLIFE because we don't have the tools to distinguish learning disabilities from gaps in formal ed. I'd love resources/advice on this if anyone has it... #ellchat
A2) This is just one example: I feel that a barrier that we run into when we talk about classifying students is that if the students have had no formal education in there home country we can’t move forward without “data” (Newcomers). #ELLCHAT
A2 This is a great point! Truth is, NO student should be identified for special ed without some kind of input from families - federal law says “multiple measures” must be used - not just test score! #ELLCHAT
A2) This is just one example: I feel that a barrier that we run into when we talk about classifying students is that if the students have had no formal education in there home country we can’t move forward without “data” (Newcomers). #ELLCHAT
This is a tough one, because we need to figure out if there is an actual disability or a lack of exposure to anything other than colloquial language or a regional dialect. #ellchat
hmmmm...this is tricky! I feel like students with interrupted formal education would need a lot of support before we even consider classifying them #ellchat
A2 I agree - this IS a tough one. But, would it really be so bad if ESL & special ed tchrs joined forces to provide intensive supports even if it was later found the child experienced trauma rather than disability? #ELLCHAT
This is a tough one, because we need to figure out if there is an actual disability or a lack of exposure to anything other than colloquial language or a regional dialect. #ellchat
A3) This is a huge issue in my state. It is of utmost importance to show data other than universal screeners/benchmarks that are normed on native English speakers. #ELLchat
A3: Native language assessments. How to find a bilingual evaluator. When to do a bilingual evaluation. When to give more time before classifying as LD, and... #ellchat
A3: Our Student Success dept. consist of SPED, counseling, ELL, and the health office so we are all informed of each child's specific needs, whether it be social / emotional, health, or language. Using these points, we are better able to meet the needs of the students. #ellchat
A3: How to ensure that parents understand what they are consenting to when they agree to SPED services -- especially if ESL services will be reduced so that the child can receive SPED services instead. #ellchat
A2: #ELLCHAT I feel that at times teachers have a hard time separating language struggles with learning ones. We need to get to know our students better so that we really understand their areas of struggle and what might be causing it.
This is classic Lau vs Nichols. We can’t classify a student for Special Education due to lack of exposure. When a Ed Psychologist conducts an evaluation, s/he should reflect that in the report. #ellchat
This would be amazing, but state and local mandates often make this impossible in terms of compliance. It is rare to have a content teacher, a licensed SPED teacher, and a licensed ESL teacher in one room for those who are mandated to receive intensive services in both. #ellchat
A3) Length in EL program, culture, prior experiences, L1 capabilities, LAS Links/WIDA scores and progress in the subtests, vocabulary growth, oral language growth, family interviews, length of time in U.S., exposure to schooling, etc. #ellchat
A3 This is a way of Gathering and Using Language Information Families Share that can be used to prepare a portfolio to share with the IEP team and Special Educators https://t.co/J9Q5KAOSRX#ELLCHAT
A3) Stages, characteristics, and timeframe of SLA, asset-based conversation, acculturation, the value and role of home languages and cultures, sheltered instructional strategies, student growth or lack of demonstrated in local assessments and dynamic assessment ...#ELLCHAT
A3). A piece of advice that is GOLD would be to share the similarities and differences between the native language and English. It’s essential to understand cross-linguistics/connections so that ELLS aren’t being mistaken for “being to low”...#ELLCHAT
2/2 This is actually my biggest gripe with ESL/SPED services. Districts need to find ways to accommodate both simultaneously so that one service does not trump the other. We should offer incentives for dual certs so more teachers can provide SPED/ESL services. #ellchat
A3) The types of language assessments you utilize, the ways in which you interpret them, and how you use that information to inform instructional planning; #ELLCHAT
A3: When I come to our RTi meetings, I try to bring student's @WIDAConsortium scale core comparison report. I also bring ANY personal/academic data history I believe may have hindered student from meeting academic level required #ellchat
A3) We also always make sure we have a bilingual interpreter there as well, who is specialized in these meetings. Parents must be able to ask Qs and be involved #ELLchat
It is illegal to reduce ESL services. Special education laws, language learning laws, and civil rights laws work together to protect the rights of ELL-SWDs. #ellchat
A3) If a students is receiving ESL services, I think the ESL teacher should be very involved in the referral process including early intervention strategies. #ELLCHAT
A3: #ellchat the language progress they've made in previous school years, their language growth and level of support offered. Also, the years in US schools. We need to make sure we provide them with as much information as possible and vice versa.
A3 One thing that ESL tchrs should contribute to the screening, identifying, and IEP planning process is THEIR EXPERTISE! Decisions should not be made without the ESL tchr at the table. Yet in many places this notion is a surprise! :( #ELLCHAT
A3) The types of language assessments you utilize, the ways in which you interpret them, and how you use that information to inform instructional planning; #ELLCHAT
A3) If a students is receiving ESL services, I think the ESL teacher should be very involved in the referral process including early intervention strategies. #ELLCHAT
A3 One thing that ESL tchrs should contribute to the screening, identifying, and IEP planning process is THEIR EXPERTISE! Decisions should not be made without the ESL tchr at the table. Yet in many places this notion is a surprise! :( #ELLCHAT
A3) Yes! From Dear Colleague letter Jan 2015: "To ensure that EL children with disabilities receive services that meet their language & special education needs, it is important for members of the IEP team to include
professionals w training, & preferably expertise...1/2 #ELLchat
A3) ...in second language acquisition and an
understanding of how to differentiate between the student’s limited English proficiency and the student’s disability..." 2/2 https://t.co/mFZ9ZbC0wZ#ELLchat
A4) appropriate interventions should reflect SLA strategies and should look different than strategies done for native English speakers. For example, all phonics/phonemic awareness should be taught in context and with the awareness of language differences including sounds #ELLchat
Absolutely! One challenge we’ve run into is timing - I teach a full day of classes, and often can’t make meetings in person w/o dispersing classes. #ELLCHAT
A4 Article 6 in this collection of research from California answers about early intervention for children who are ELLs/DLLs https://t.co/Lu8h0uXKGN#ELLCHAT#earlyed
A4: As much as strongly agree with academic interventions...IF a language learner is still learning the language, a language intervention should be the priority!
*background knowledge
*Explicit reading foundations
A4) Current data specific to the individual students assets!!! Then go from there! If they haven’t been explicitly taught something in an AUTHENTIC manner we can’t assume that they can’t acquire the objectives/content. #ELLCHAT
Huge predicament! I used to work in BK and know that NYC is tricky. We need to make sure that a least restrictive environment is applied when the IEP is written and work towards a co-teaching model. #ellchat
A4) Agreed--most intervention programs are not made for ELLs, but could be accommodated if made comprehensible. 95% Group has some decent early literacy interventions that show promise with Els #Ellchat
A4: #ELLCHAT whichever intervention fits the student's need. are their struggles due to lack of language or do they have lack of language due to struggles. A lot needs to be taken into consideration to ensure that their language and academic continue to make progress.
A4 and, for goodness sakes, build in explicit, meaningful partnerships with the family to support learning for children who are ELLs in special education #ELLCHAT
A4: I'm brainstorming ways to create academic / age apporpriate interventions for ELLs. One way that I'm doing this is creating WIDA based rubrics to tie with content rubrics so stdnts language can be assessed along with their content knowledge. #ELLchat
A4: As much as strongly agree with academic interventions...IF a language learner is still learning the language, a language intervention should be the priority!
*background knowledge
*Explicit reading foundations
A4) Link to intervention for early literacy and phonological awareness. Uses pictures and some ELL appropriate materials. I've seen growth in targeted ELLs with these materials.https://t.co/UkMy4RJg54#EllChat
YES that's right. Interventions shouldn't be so focused on discrete skills that the child's identity and engagement is lost. #ELLchat Critical thinking, too!
A5 Be a risk taker. Be open to learning from this expert you are teaming with! Have an open mind, and an asset- (not deficit-) based mindset for the collaboration. Don't go I'm with fixed ideas about how things must be.
A5) Great little book @nordmeyerj with some ideas on collaboration between SpEd and ELL (focused on international schools, but ideas work in US, too) "Why LS or EAL is the Wrong Question" https://t.co/kMTDGKPhO7#EllChat
A5: #ELLCHAT Communicate, Communicate, Communicate, and yeah...Communicate! We are working towards the same goal and it's easier to get there if we do it together.
A5) Collaboration and COMMUNICATION! I love getting phone calls from colleagues in regards to language acquisition! We can’t be shy when we have students’ academic lives in our hands #teamwork#ELLCHAT
A5: Respect each other's expertise. ESL professional and Special Ed teacher must work together to make sure students are receiving fair services #ellchat
A5 I think this is one of the most important partnerships in any school - between ESL and special ed tchrs-but if that’s true, why don’t those departments collaborate at teacher preparation colleges? College should model interdisciplinary collab! #ELLCHAT#spedchat#TeacherEdChat
Q5) Keep Ss learning styles ( Judi I know you wrote articles on this subject) and interests in mind when planning lessons. Introduce critical thinking skills and text complexity ( w/ the proper scaffolds) #EllChat
A5 - this is so important! No professional development or fancy planning will be effective without support for adequate staffing and planning time! #ELLCHAT
A5 I think this is one of the most important partnerships in any school - between ESL and special ed tchrs-but if that’s true, why don’t those departments collaborate at teacher preparation colleges? College should model interdisciplinary collab! #ELLCHAT#spedchat#TeacherEdChat
A5: Meet monthly to review students being serviced and students that may need future support. Create a shared document outlining students' needs and the support they're receiving. BE CONSISTENT and communicate! #ellchat#collaboration
Kelly - did you know there’s research showing that “lurkers” are critical to the life and growth of any social media platform? You might not say much here tonight, but you will spread the word to your colleagues because you love what you learned - and that’s AWESOME! #ELLCHAT
A5 I agree! And I think school admin need to help make this happen- carve out time in teachers' schedules, and model and support collaboration #ellchat
A6) Our county has an absolutely amazing team of bilingual interpreters and psychologists , but they’re often stretched thin. More resources for interpreters as well as native language assessments are needed. #ELLCHAT
Co-teaching is awesome -- but I've still had dozens of students who didn't receive all required services. Imagine having a SPED co-teacher in the 4 content areas and still requiring 3 periods of ESL. Does the child go to ELA w/ SPED co-t. or ELA w/ ESL co-t.? #ellchat
In reply to
@LaurenEHarrison, @KarenNemethEdM, @AndreaHonigsfel, @MariaGDove
A6) ALL districts should provide PD to inform all stakeholders on understanding both worlds (ELLS AND SPED) especially when these two worlds meet! #ELLCHAT
A6) Because every child is unique, use guiding questions to build a body of evidence around the whole child; avoid cookie-cutter checklists. Don't use criteria based on Eng speakers. #ELLCHAT
A5) Remember that the most important person in the process is not the special educator or the ESL teacher - It’s the student, and everyone must have their true best interests and needs in mind to create a successful, coordinated plan. #ellchat
A6) Great idea, Lizzeth. I attended a workshop provided by Colorado Dept. of Ed. with my SpEd colleague. We worked as a team throughout the workshop and helped each other understand the jargon and requirements of each area. #Ellchat
A6) ALL districts should provide PD to inform all stakeholders on understanding both worlds (ELLS AND SPED) especially when these two worlds meet! #ELLCHAT
A6) ALL districts should provide PD to inform all stakeholders on understanding both worlds (ELLS AND SPED) especially when these two worlds meet! #ELLCHAT
A6) It's occurred to me that the whole process of identifying ELLs for special ed is a deficit-based process. We need to look at ELLs' assets! #ELLCHAT
a6: #ellchat I think my district is always working hard. Maybe to make sure that SPED TEACH is also knowledgeable in ELL language needs. I think that students fit into so many boxes, we need to really be educated in all of them to better serve all students.
A6) My district does a phenomenal job making sure the process is bilingual from start to finish. Like most districts, we would benefit from more L1 resources to support student learning. & we should learn the linguistic building blocks of our Ss’ languages #ELLCHAT
A6: A very close evaluation in our instruction (TIER I) is core.
If a student is not responding to intervention, is it the student, or the instruction?!?
This, would for sure avoid over/under identification.
I've never met someone with ESL/SPED dual cert because most districts don't incentivize this. I would get a SPED cert. if I didn't have to pay out of pocket for 12 more credits of course work after getting 2 masters degrees and doing an admin program. #ellchat