Every third Tuesday of the month at 10am PT, Microsoft Innovative Educators and expert hosts discuss a monthly changing theme during two #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet sessions for educators. The topic for May 15 will be Inclusive Classrooms and Accessibility.
#MSFTEduChat TweetMeets are an initiative from the Microsoft in Education Marketing Team. Follow us on Twitter: @MicrosoftEDU.
Color them passionate - to say the least! 💖
These are the 15 hosts who are proud and excited to present today's #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet on Inclusive Classrooms and #Accessibility.
Check out their tweets and kindly follow them all: https://t.co/jNOejfgQGB
Hi #MSFTEduChat I am Kelli from the midwestern state of Indiana. I am a Specialists of ASD, Aspergers, SLD, Chrome Accessibility, Accessible Ed Materials & Assistive Tech classroom integration. AND a Passionate learner.
ICE BREAKER! Let us know who you are and...
What does an Inclusive Classroom look like?
Use #MSFTEduChat in your tweets and replies. https://t.co/zrrGPdPUKZ
A: Inclusive classrooms have special needs and general education students learning together. Students not segregated by learning differences. Everyone benefits from accessible tools and learning materials. #MSFTEduChat#inclusion
A1: It's less about what an inclusive classroom looks like and more about what an inclusive classroom IS. Not about the classroom. It's about the foundation of instruction. #AssisitveTech#accessibility#MSFTEduChat
Lớp học hòa nhập là lớp học tất cả các con học sinh có khả năng tiếp cận đến được với nội dung kiến thức và kỹ năng mà giáo viên đưa ra để học sinh có thể hình thành được năng lực
#TweetMeetIT#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU inclusive classroom is a classroom friendly for all students in which every student loves being, studying, sharing, socializing, learning
An inclusive classroom, to me, is an inviting and welcoming space that maintains structure while also incorporating tools that are accessible to all students in order for them to learn and grow in a safe and collaborative environment. #MsftEduChat#MicrosoftEdu#MIEExpert
Hello everyone. My name is Luis and I’m an ELL HS teacher, tech coach, and director from RI. Checking in as I can while attending a meeting. #MSFTEduChat
For me the inclusive classroom is one in which no student is left behind. They all have the ability to succeed and gain support no matter their starting point or needs. #MSFTEduChat
Lớp học hòa nhập là nơi mọi học sinh đều có cơ hội được thể hiện, khám phá và ghi nhận năng lực của bản thân. Đặc biệt là HS gặp khó khăn hoặc khiếm khuyết một phần năng lực học tập.
A1: My Inclusive Classrooms went outside of my classroom walls. We included everyone in our daily learning. We ventured into the community. We brought others in, instead of waiting to be invited out. #MSFTEduChat
A1: Accessibility means accommodating for a task that cannot be successfully completed without the tool or support. Things like text-to-speech and speech-to-text built into everyday devices have been an accessibility game changer for my dyslexic students. #MSFTEduChat
Pracuję w integracji od 8 lat, klasy integracyjne to jedyna możliwość na socjalizację i włączenie osób z różnymi dysfunkcjami do funkcjonowania w społeczeństwie, a dla uczniów bez dysfunkcji to lekcja tolerancji i ludzkiej życzliwości, której teraz bardzo brakuje #MSFTEduChat
A1 #accessibility means reaching out to ALL learners and, when possible, finding ways that ALL learners can use the #a11y tools so they are just seen as tools. #MSFTEduChat
A1 in an inclusive classroom all learners would be accessing the learning this may be through additional aids and support but all would have access to the same opportunities and would be thriving. #msfteduchat
A2. Accessibility means giving all students access to the tools and resources and content used in the classroom. Removing barriers to learning #MSFTEduChat
An inclusive school has created opportunities for all students by having tools, services, and scaffolds to make sure that all students are able to participate in the school's offerings. #MSFTEduChat
A1: My Inclusive Classrooms went outside of my classroom walls. We included everyone in our daily learning. We ventured into the community. We brought others in, instead of waiting to be invited out. #MSFTEduChat
A0 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI lớp học dành cho mọi trẻ em, cả trẻ bình thường và những trẻ có khiếm khuyết,mọi trẻ đều được quan tâm, chấp nhận sự đa dạng, khác biệt để phát huy sự khác biệt ấy của trẻ,dạy học hợp tác, đáp ứng năng lực cá nhân
A1: Accessibility means that students have the means to access themselves in various ways & enables teachers to get to truly know their students on many levels #MSFTEduChat
O1: Określenie potrzeb i możliwości poszczególnych uczniów. Zmiana procesu nauczania nastawiona na indywidualizację, zróżnicowanie metod na potrzeby wszystkich uczniów w klasie zarówno tych zdolnych jak i tych z trudnościami.#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST
Lớp học hòa nhập là nơi mọi học sinh đều có cơ hội được thể hiện, khám phá và ghi nhận năng lực của bản thân. Đặc biệt là HS gặp khó khăn hoặc khiếm khuyết một phần năng lực học tập.
A1: To me, #accessibility means not just thinking about yourself, but considering the needs of others & being smart about the tools you use to teach and access content in the classroom. EVERY child deserves a classroom in which they feel secure & loved. #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI theo em lớp học hòa nhập là giáo viên và học sinh đều gần gũi hòa đồng, thấu hiểu và chia sẻ. Ngoài ra chương trình học phải thực tế và phù hợp với con người lẫn thời đại. #MicrosoftEdu
A1: #TweetMeetIT#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU every contents ,resources, applet, tools for all students , all to learn, to verify, to conjecture, argue, demonstrate, connect, deduce
A1: #Accessibility means ALL individuals have the same starting point. Not the same starting line, but the same starting point. Sometimes that meant stocking breakfast in my class so students could start with breakfast like their counterparts. #MSFTEduChat
An inclusive classroom, to me, is an inviting and welcoming space that maintains structure while also incorporating tools that are accessible to all students in order for them to learn and grow in a safe and collaborative environment. #MsftEduChat#MicrosoftEdu#MIEExpert
An inclusive school has created opportunities for all students by having tools, services, and scaffolds to make sure that all students are able to participate in the school's offerings. #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat A1: #Accessibility means ensuring equity in classrooms such that all students are afforded the ability to reach their full potential. #SEND#SpEDchat
1) It is not just my duty as a teacher to provide all students with right tools. It is their human right for both success and enjoyment in the journey of learning. #MSFTEduChat
Inclusion is not just reserving a seat in the classroom for a student. It's recognizing that the seat may never be used because that student is pacing in the back of the class #spedchat#msfteduchat
A1: The accessibility conversation often gets followed by statements such as "that's cheating"...offering real world examples can help alleviate some of those barriers that are created for our Ss #MSFTEduChat
Our classrooms are all structured around Universal Design for Learning. Supports, reinforcements, and instructional methods are essential for some learners but of benefit to all. #MSFTEduChat
A0 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI lớp học dành cho mọi trẻ em, cả trẻ bình thường và những trẻ có khiếm khuyết,mọi trẻ đều được quan tâm, chấp nhận sự đa dạng, khác biệt để phát huy sự khác biệt ấy của trẻ,dạy học hợp tác, đáp ứng năng lực cá nhân
A2: For @DrawpEDU accessibility means text-to-speech, voice recording tools and the Drawp ELL tool that helps English learners communicate - All with an easy user interface. We’re always looking for new ways to reach students wherever they are. #MSFTEduChat
Inclusive classroom means all s’s are engaged. That can be really tough for teachers - especially when the assignment is reading. I love #immersivereader to keep students at all levels engaged. #MSFTEduChat
a1. Accessibility is about providing a platform for growth, development and achievement, from the pupils with the most profound learning difficulties to the more able and talented, in an environemnt where they enjoy learning and acheivement is celebrated. #MSFTEduChat
Inclusion is not just reserving a seat in the classroom for a student. It's recognizing that the seat may never be used because that student is pacing in the back of the class #spedchat#msfteduchat
Pracuję w integracji od 8 lat, klasy integracyjne to jedyna możliwość na socjalizację i włączenie osób z różnymi dysfunkcjami do funkcjonowania w społeczeństwie, a dla uczniów bez dysfunkcji to lekcja tolerancji i ludzkiej życzliwości, której teraz bardzo brakuje #MSFTEduChat
I want to be as open-minded and informed as possible, so I can be as up-to-date with the latest and greatest #accessiblity features and #adaptivetechnology in order to make learning and tech available to every student (and person) that I meet! #MSFTEduChat
A1 Accessibility means that ALL students have a pathway to the content AND a means to communicate their learning or understanding. It means that all forms of communication and expression are valued. #MSFTEduChat
I love that also. Someone just said to me yesterday "inclusion is not a destination" #MSFTEduChat Creating education outside of 4 walls is so important for life skills in general and keep those expert learners engaged & stay relevant
O1: Zmianê procesu nauczania tak aby uwzglêdniać zróżnicowanie uczniów w klasie, a stosowane metody i formy pracy pozwalały na rzeczywiste rozwijanie potencjału wszystkich uczniów #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST
Q1:prilagođavanje poučavanja individualnim potrebama -diferencijaciju sadržaja i zadataka,procesa učenja i ishoda učenja, potporu učenicima za vrijeme istoga te diferencijaciju okoline za učenje #MSFTEduChat#accessibility
I want to be as open-minded and informed as possible, so I can be as up-to-date with the latest and greatest #accessiblity features and #adaptivetechnology in order to make learning and tech available to every student (and person) that I meet! #MSFTEduChat
A1: Accessibility means a world where things are designed with as many access points as possible, and when people talk about barriers, others respond: What's that? Barriers actually existed? #msfteduchat
Retweeted Brian Pahl, M.Ed. (@EdTechBham):
A1 Accessibility means that ALL students have a pathway to the content AND a means to communicate their learning or understanding. It means that all forms of communication and expression are valued. #MSFTEduChat
Soru 2: Ulaşılabilirlik öğrenenler için işleri nasıl eşit hâle getirmeye nasıl yardım eder?
Question 2: How does accessibility help level the playing field for all learners?
Kapsayıcı Sınıflar ve #Ulaşılabilirlik#MSFTEduChat Türkçe: #TweetMeetTR#TweetMeet#MicrosoftEDU
Obecnie w wielu szkołach nie istnieje. Wiem, że dyrektorzy wypychają dzieci z orzeczeniami do szkół integracyjnych lub nie zapewniają im pomocy. #MSFTEduChat
A1 Accessibility means that ALL students have a pathway to the content AND a means to communicate their learning or understanding. It means that all forms of communication and expression are valued. #MSFTEduChat
I would start by providing training on ways educators can remove barriers to learning in their classrooms including demonstrating the use of accessibility tools #MSFTEduChat
A1: #Accessibility means that learning is manageable for all students - we want them to feel good about themselves! Reinforcing hard work and celebrating successes big and small. #MSFTEduChat
A1 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Tính dễ dàng tiếp cận có ý nghĩa thật sự quan trọng đối với bản thân tôi. Dễ dàng tiếp cận sẽ dẫn đến thay đổi và phát triển khiến cho hoạt động học tập và tham gia các hoạt động học tập của trẻ càng tích cực hơn.
A1 Accessibility means making sure that everyone in school is provided with the means to access their learning. This may mean using technology to support a child with dyslexia through software that reads the text, or helping a child focus through the use of a fidget. #MSFTEduChat
O1: Określenie potrzeb i możliwości poszczególnych uczniów. Zmiana procesu nauczania nastawiona na indywidualizację, zróżnicowanie metod na potrzeby wszystkich uczniów w klasie także tych zdolnych #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST#tweetmeetPL
O1: Zmianê procesu nauczania tak aby uwzglêdniać zróżnicowanie uczniów w klasie, a stosowane metody i formy pracy pozwalały na rzeczywiste rozwijanie potencjału wszystkich uczniów #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST
An essential part of UDL implementation for us is the effective use of assistive technology. Each learning area has a SmartBoard and we have a one to one laptop ratio so that all students have access when needed. #MSFTEduChat
That is a really great point. It’s not about the skills to access academic work, but learning to use tools that will help in many parts of everyday life #MSFTEduChat Today’s #EdTech can be such a crucial part of that! #atchat#ldchat
A1 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Với bản thân em, tinh dễ dàng tiếp cận là việc giáo viên nhìn ra được những khó khăn của từng học sinh và có những cách giải quyết để hỗ trợ từng em phát triển khả năng của mình: https://t.co/xiGOletF3G
"Inclusion is not a destination"... I like that. I often told parents and other teachers that #Inclusion is not a thing, but a #mindset." It's something we do, not something you have. #MSFTEduChat
A1 Accessibility means making sure that everyone in school is provided with the means to access their learning. This may mean using technology to support a child with dyslexia through software that reads the text, or helping a child focus through the use of a fidget. #MSFTEduChat
Seriously my favorite image when talking about inclusion and UDL with other teachers. <3 This. And the one with all the animals attempting to climb the tree. #MSFTEduChat.
A1. Accessibility, to me, means that learning is available to all. Regardless of disability, race, language, location, economic status, learning is accessible to all that want it. #MSFTEduChat
I think that encouraging students to express themselves using different forms of communication provides amazing results at the time of supporting learning #MSFTEduChat
Retweeted Brian Pahl, M.Ed. (@EdTechBham):
A1 Accessibility means that ALL students have a pathway to the content AND a means to communicate their learning or understanding. It means that all forms of communication and expression are valued. #MSFTEduChat
I love the simplicity of this. Being able to defend accommodations in this way makes it more understandable for the ones who believe it's "not fair." #MSFTEduChat
A2. Accessibility is open for everyone not just students who are declared.. Everyone needs a little assistance somewhere, no one is perfect #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert
Perfect example. We have to step back & see what we are accessing. If I were accessing ur ability to see without ur glass, then wearing them WOULD be considered cheating. However, accessing ur ability 2 see printed text, ur glass r the appropriate accommodation #MSFTEduChat
A2: providing accommodations in the past required clunky, laborious software that highlighted students as different, today’ tools are in everyday devices that students like to use, making them equal on technology usage while providing the supports they need. #MSFTEduChat
A1 Huge responsibility on educators to firstly share with/train educators, but secondly to also be WILLING to INVEST time in looking at whats available to help them and they pupils #MSFTEduChat
A2 Accessible content and assistive technology allow all students to have equal access to educational materials. It's best practice for all teachers and specialists. #MSFTEduChat#accessibilty#AssistiveTech
That is amazing. It is so much easier to provide the needed access to the tools for Differentiation and Assistive tech so it’s unfortunate where places are not embracing them. Kuddos to you #MSFTEduChat
Principals of #UDL when implemented don't level the playing field; UDL gives students a variety of ways to "play". It starts with the foundational inclusive design followed by needed "equipment" for individuals that makes the game accessible #msfteduchat#accessibility
A2b: Accessibility provides the supports a student needs to participate with their peers, accessing content and demonstrating knowledge with the tools that use their strengths and account for weaknesses. #MSFTEduChat#atchat#ldchat#edtechchat
I ❤️ that THIS #accessibility feature happens right here on Twitter! I don't speak Polish, but I'm thankful to be able to access a tweet from someone who obviously feels passionately about the same topic as I do! #YayTranslate#msfteduchat
That's the best possible setup! We've found that being able to provide individualized guidance, localized to a student's device, really gives students the freedom and confidence to reach out when they need help. #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat, #Inclusion, #Accessibility#MicrosoftEDU
A2. level the playing field for all learners:
Less or no more time spent than peers just trying to access the info, or to demonstrate knowledge.
A2 This practical article gives 4 Ways Microsoft is Making Learning More Accessible. Great overview for teachers wanting to make their classrooms more inclusive. #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/DNiEPjS5Yp via @cultofpedagogy
Inclusive classroom is where there are students with wide variety of educational needs, teaching is with interactive presentations, with planned lessons and activities which can be used across ability levels of students.
O2: Dla dzieci niepełnosprawnych oznacza to lepsze funkcjonowanie w społeczności szkolnej. My uczymy się relacji z nimi, potrafimy mądrze udzielać pomocy, wspierać, odczytywać ich potrzeby, zachęcić do współpracy #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST#tweetmeetPL
A2. different people see the world in different ways, these all go towards making our knowledge more forward. We need to celebrate our differences and solutions are not always found the same way. #MSFTEduChat
A2. - Accessibility helps level the playing field for all learners by provide an avenue (verbal, written, visual) for all students to approach the content as well as provides an avenue to demonstrate understanding of the content - with all things being equal #MSFTEduChat
Để tạo được sân chơi bình đẳng cho người học, người dạy cần hiểu được nhu cầu, năng lực của người học kết hợp với việc sử dụng đa dạng Phương tiện, công cụ và hoạt động để gặp được nhu cầu đó.
A2 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI để người học có cơ hội đó thì cần giáo viên quan sát, phân tích và tạo các môi trường hoạt động để học sinh có thể dễ dàng phát triển khả năng của bản thân.
I have just started using OneNote, and realised how amazing it is. I had used apps like dragon dictation with children for writing but they weren’t working. We have access to some books on bug club and oxford owl online that children can listen to and read #msfteduchat
Cevap 1: C1: A1: Ulaşılabilirlik; her öğrencinin veya öğrenmek isteyenin öğrenme materyallerine engelsiz bir şekilde ulaşabilmesi veya ulaşabilme yollarının açık olmasıdır.
#MSFTEduChat Türkçe: #TweetMeetTR#TweetMeet#MicrosoftEDU
A2: Leveling the playing field for #accessiblity has less to do with the field and more to do with the beliefs and values of those involved in the game. Our #students work so hard for acceptance, but there's no app for that. #MSFTEduChat
A2: Principals of #UDL don't necessarily level the playing field; UDL gives students a variety of ways to "play" beginning with the inclusive design followed by individualized "equipment" that makes the game accessible #msfteduchat#accessibility#msfteduchat
A2: Ss learn differently, & that is a #FACT. When an educator considers ALL needs of the Ss he/she is educating, it helps the students to learn to their fullest potential. Acceptance & Love are worth exemplifying. #MSFTEDuChat#MicrosoftEdu#MIEExpert
A2 Unfortunately there are brilliant minds that are not developed because of unique learning differences. We must continue to find ways to reach those with learning differences to unlock their potential. It helps the individual and helps our communities. #MSFTEduChat
A2 #accessibility allows everyone to enter the learning at their entry point, to #discover, #question and apply their learning in means that capture their discoveries. #MSFTEduChat
A2: Differentiated instruction allow me to create and provide my students with a ‘menu’ of activities and tools that give them access to the ‘delicious’ treat they need to grow their skills and feed their different needs #MSFTEduChat
A2 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Nội dung phù hợp và công nghệ hỗ trợ cho phép tất cả học sinh có quyền truy cập bình đẳng vào tài liệu giáo dục. Đó là thực hành tốt nhất cho tất cả giáo viên và chuyên gia.
A2 Here's how #accessibility enables @JustinDFTBA a college student with athetoid cerebral palsy to communicate & learn. See how he uses Microsoft tools and his
communication device to promote inclusivity and inspire others to do the same. #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/SuYPKH55iV
A2 This practical article gives 4 Ways Microsoft is Making Learning More Accessible. Great overview for teachers wanting to make their classrooms more inclusive. #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/DNiEPjS5Yp via @cultofpedagogy
A2. Accessibility helps level the playing field by providing a safe place for students to learn, make mistakes, ask questions, try again, to access learning material in a different way. It is a way to make it available to all learning styles. #MSFTEduChat
A2 Accessibility helps level the playing field as it ensures that all children have access to the same materials but in different ways, this ensures that we are enabling all pupils to reach their full potential. #msfteduchat
a2. Example - Assess pupils subject knowledge, one class are able to complete a written task answering questions in @msonenote , another struggle with written work, but have great knowlege. I use @flipgrid to access the knowlegde in class 2! Playingfield now even! #MSFTEduChat
A2: Principals of #UDL don't necessarily level the playing field; UDL gives students a variety of ways to "play" beginning with the inclusive design followed by individualized "equipment" that makes the game accessible #msfteduchat#accessibility#msfteduchat
A2: My quick 2 cents on leveling the playing field with accessibility that won't fit in a tweet ha ha That conversation always brings me to a soapbox #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/H71077oiKB
That’s the part that drives me nuts. The adults who struggle to see the benefits need to get out of the way those that get it. Providing assistive tech and providing necessary remediation can very much go hand in hand. #MsftEduChat
A1: It means the learning environment is well structured and designed so students could be exposed and construct the knowledge with easy access. #msfteduchat
O2: Zmieniamy proces nauczania, sposób "spojrzenia na ucznia", poœwięcamy więcej czasu całej klasie, organizujemy zajęcia wyrównawcze - wszystkie działania powodują zwiększenie efektywności nauczania #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST
A3: co-creation, co-production, co-project #MSFTEduChat all activities in and out the classroom for all in any time=classnotebook! goooo OneNote+learning tools
C2: A2: Ulaşılabilirlik öğrenmeyi kolaylaştırdığı gibi öğrenme tekrarını arttırarak toplumsal bir seviye atlamasına çok büyük faydaları vardır. Harçama maaliyetlerini düşürerek daha fazla eğitim araçlarının sağlanmasını sağlar.
That's very true. Training/professional development should be invested with zero doubt. Fear of not know how to implement or use the AT often IS the barrier #MSFTEduChat
A3. I see accessibility as part of full inclusion. however, in practice there is a lot of understanding and refining in this practice to be seen.
#MSFTEduChat, #Inclusion, #Accessibility#MicrosoftEDU
O2. Samo rozpoznanie i dostosowanie wymagan nie pomoże w wyrownaniu szans. Potrzebne jest wsparcie specjalistow, pedagogow, nauczycieli wspolorganizujacych proces dydaktyczny. Zindywidualizowanie sciezki ksztalcenia itp.
#MSFTEduChat two main tech tools Skype &OneNote
Skype: no need for walls. Even under the tree you have a class. Opportunities& celebrities in class to benefit learners. Borderless, priceless ,visa less,Air ticket less , travel without moving. One Note everything in one.
A2: We all come to the table with different needs, but access and accessibility to learning has really opened up with the availability of technology that is more affordable and designed by people who experiences the barriers first hand. #msfteduchat
A2 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Thay đổi cách nhìn của cộng đồng,bồi dưỡng giáo viên,thiết kế các hoạt động học tập bình đẳng cho tất cả mọi người mà vẫn cá thể hóa phù hợp cho từng học sinh,dùng thiết bị, ứng dụng công nghệ phù hợp hỗ trợ.
That’s why I often teach the student the tools so they can use them as they need to, then other educators can see 1. The benefits 2. They don’t need to know them for a student to use them 3. That they are important! #MSFTEDuChat
A2 #MicrosoftEdu#MSFTEduChat#TweetmeetVI để tạo sân chơi bình đẳng cho tất cả người học phụ thuộc nhiều yếu tố: con người, năng lực, tiền. Quan trọng hơn hết là hệ thống giáo dục, sự chung tay của cộng đồng. @TweetDeck
A3. I see accessibility as part of full inclusion. however, in practice there is a lot of understanding and refining in this practice to be seen.
#MSFTEduChat, #Inclusion, #Accessibility#MicrosoftEDU
A3 Technology providing access to curriculum benefits all and eliminates stigma since everyone using the same tools. We've seen better acceptance of assistive technology using 1:1 devices for students with Office 365 using built in learning supports just like peers. #MSFTEduChat
Thus I am on a mission to impact this through talking to more and more educators about the importance of it, that its truly not hard to provide even the most basic supports with today’s technology #MSFTEDuChat#edtechchat#atchat#ldchat
I agree. I once heard @eyeonaxs say "how can this piece of assistive technology allow a student to tell their story." #MSFTEduChat I adore that statement and makes u easily reflect when considerations are being made for AT accessibility
In reply to
@Lanny_Watkins, @saminjuneau, @eyeonaxs
A3 #MSFTEduChat Technology providing access to curriculum benefits all and eliminates stigma since everyone using the same tools. We've seen better acceptance of assistive technology using 1:1 devices for students with Office 365 using built in learning supports just like peers.
@laurensarawest I couldn’t agree more! Working with a variety of learning levels and needs we need to be creative and innovative to ensure we reach all of our learners. #MSFTEduChat#accessibility
A3 Students with disabilities should be placed in the least restrictive environment and an accessible classroom creates that. Thus, creating an inclusive classroom. #MSFTEduChat
New! Microsoft Learning Tools come to Word and OneNote for Mac, Outlook Desktop, plus improved Edge. (Reading View shown in GIF) https://t.co/5nGIOQpob1
A2 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Thay đổi cách nhìn của cộng đồng,bồi dưỡng giáo viên,thiết kế các hoạt động học tập bình đẳng cho tất cả mọi người mà vẫn cá thể hóa phù hợp cho từng học sinh,dùng thiết bị, ứng dụng công nghệ phù hợp hỗ trợ.
A3 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Hỗ trợ qua lại lẫn nhau,, mọi trẻ đều có cơ hội tiếp cận,được hỗ trợ,tạo điều kiện để tiếp cận giáo dục một cách bình đẳng, được tạo điều kiện để thể hiện mình từ đó trẻ thay đổi, phát triển tích cực hơn
03: dostęp do klas integracyjnych jest dobry, klasy są max 20-osobowe, są to klasy z nauczycielami wspomagającymi, dzieci są ukierunkowywane na pomoc i zrozumienie inności osób z niepełnosprawnością #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST#tweetmeetPL
A3: Today’s accessibility tools make it easier to make the classroom inclusive. The teacher no longer has be the expert on the tool, just accept that the student can use the tools that benefit them #MSFTEduChat#ldchat#atchat#edtechchat
#MSFTEduChat If there is no accessibility to content and people, then there is no inclusion. Inclusion isn’t just about access to materials, but interactions with other students. #Accessibility and #inclusion go hand in hand @TweetMeet
#MSFTEduChat: Something that I will start doing: not to segregate learners according to their physical or mental abilities. Great them as one. So that they get used to each other and share skills and collaborate where possible
A3: A true inclusive classroom, #accessibility becomes 1 of your main focuses. The word "inclusive": all Ss are included. Instruction is meaningful, differentiated, & accessible. Ss can learn @ their own pace, get support, & teach each other along the way. #MSFTEduChat
Herramientas que permiten accesibilidad al contenido educativo permiten que todos los estudiantes tengan las mismas oportunidades a la hora de aprender y puedan participar con sus compañer@s #MSFTEDUChat#Accessibility#MIEExpert
Right. Plus, a student's independent reading level (ability to decode) and their comprehension level are 2 DIFFERENT things. Accommodations allow those struggling decoders to access GRADE LEVEL content to which they need to be #MSFTEduChat
A3: When a classroom is #inclusive, all #students have access. When all students use free #accessibility tools, every class in an Inclusive Classroom. Every space becomes a learning space. The world opens up physically and socially. #MSFTEduChat
A3: Stay right in the classroom and....Dictate, Enlarge, Listen, Record, Rewind, Speak, Translate, Type, Digital Ink, Be Auditory, Be Visual, Use Voice Commands, Use Eye Commands, Spellcheck, Grammar Check, Increase Volume, Change Background Color, resize....ACCESS! #msfteduchat
A3 #MicrosoftEdu#MSFTEduChat sự tương quan là cả hai lớp học này đều chú trọng đến học sinh và phương pháp trong lớp học, hướng về sáng tạo hơn là thành tích. Lớp học không sợ sai. @WeLoveTweetdeck
A3 Inclusive clasrroms use accessibility tools to open door for all students. They have teachers who use and do whatever it takes to provide successful experiences for all students. #msfteduchat
A3: For a learning environment to be inclusive, it naturally follows that it is accessible. But we can have elements of accessibility in self contained environments that lack inclusion. Points back to the foundation upon which we build education. #msfteduchat
woo hoo! congrats to our fearless leaders of this global #MSFTEduCHat you all are so inspiring for us on the #MicrosoftEDU team! @mtholfsen Awesome job, to all our hosts and @OneNoteC
A3: Stay right in the classroom and....Dictate, Enlarge, Listen, Record, Rewind, Speak, Translate, Type, Digital Ink, Be Auditory, Be Visual, Use Voice Commands, Use Eye Commands, Spellcheck, Grammar Check, Increase Volume, Change Background Color, resize....ACCESS! #msfteduchat
woo hoo! congrats to our fearless leaders of this global #MSFTEduCHat you all are so inspiring for us on the #MicrosoftEDU team! @mtholfsen Awesome job, to all our hosts and @OneNoteC
Yes, Lindsey and I would add Universally Designed. #udl#udlchat If we design, from the beginning to make this accessible, and then differentiate as needed, all students win! #msfteduchat
a3. Two areas that are looked at when observing a lesson - 1. Are pupils engaged in the lesson? 2. What learning is taking place/Are the pupils developing? As teachers we have a responsibility to provide an environment condusive to learning/development #MSFTEduChat
A3: Stay right in the classroom and....Dictate, Enlarge, Listen, Record, Rewind, Speak, Translate, Type, Digital Ink, Be Auditory, Be Visual, Use Voice Commands, Use Eye Commands, Spellcheck, Grammar Check, Increase Volume, Change Background Color, resize....ACCESS! #msfteduchat
O3: Powinna być zachowana płynność w maksymalnym włączeniu dzieci i młodzieży z "niepełnosprawnością/dysfunkcjami" do szkół, które umożliwi im naukę w gronie "zdrowych" rówieśników #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST
Awesome blog shared by one of our talented #MSFTEduChat hosts! Great ways and super clear tips on how to make your classroom more inclusive. perfect timing before #GAAD2018#MicrosoftEDU
A3. Tools that support students at the time of accessing learning content help them to fully participate in the learning experience, creating collaborative and creative environments #MSFTEDUChat#Accessibility
Q3. An inclusive edu-journey caters all different needs and abilities by leading all to find their own unique ways to access new knowledge, experiencing learning in multiple ways, leading to both expected and predictable results! That is the magic! #MSFTEduChat
A3. To me Inclusive means that everyone is included. Accessibility means that everyone has access. Everyone has to be given access before they can truly feel included in a classroom. #MSFTEduChat
Used Sway today with a class some created their own without the template and others used templates with the hints that then really helped with their writing. They were all so proud of what they produced.#inclusion#msfteduchat
#MSFTEduChat A4: Classnotebook integrated with other tools as a learning tool but also word, excell sway and power point offer sharing opportunities and skype makes it possible to make more usable and make the class inclusive
Ans 1: give assistive technologies make computers easier to use for everyone – giving teachers the opportunity to provide personalized learning, and students an improved experience and equal opportunity in the classroom.
A4 #OneNote Immersive Reader - eliminates distractions, fonts can be enlarged & spaced , & Ss can hear text read aloud AND it doesn't take hours of training to use - face it, it shouldn't take a CompSci degree to work #accessibility tools. #msfteduchat#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C@GEDSB
A4 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Language Accessibillity + Office 365+ Sky for business. Vì hỗ trợ hiệu quả cho việc thiết kế các hoạt động học tập mang tính hợp tác, các dự án học tập, mở rộng không gian lớp học.
A4. Office Lens is so versatile. We encourage students to put it on their mobile devices and teachers can use it to quickly digitize content. Immersive Reader function lets students read on the go. #MSFTEduChat Video with tips for using it https://t.co/6s27fKm6Gj via @YouTube
Q3. An inclusive edu-journey caters all different needs and abilities by leading all to find their own unique ways to access new knowledge, experiencing learning in multiple ways, leading to both expected and unpredictable results! That is the magic! #MSFTEduChat
a4. This is a very hard question, because today we deal with so many different needs, the tools that are given to us play a major part in each students life to make them more self confident. Its very hard to pick #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert
So @mstranslator is currently blowing my mind on so many awesome levels. Even if just to offer closed captions for students to improve their literacy skills #MSFTEduChat
C2: A2: Ulaşılabilirlik aynı zamanda kapsayıcılığı doğal olarak artırmaktadır. Kapsayıcı olmak ise yine doğal olarak ulaşılabilirlikle doğru olarntılı olduğundan aralarında yakın bir ilişki vardır. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR#TweetMeet#MicrosoftEDU
A4. Personally Spell check read out loud in Microsoft word. As this was the biggest difficulty I face did as a #dyslexic in school was reading Spelling #MSFTEduChat#dyslexia
A4. #OneNote is the most useful as it pulls everything together and allows me to use multimedia to support everyone. Also it has #learningTools and #ImmersiveReader. I can pull the world into one place and let students problem solve in a way that suits them #MSFTEduChat
Gracias por compartir! Unos recursos fantasticos para una clase inclusiva. Me encanta la combinacion de OneNote, Immersive Reader, OfficeLens y Translator #MSFTEDUchat
A4. Immersive Reader not just in OneNote Learning Tools- Test drive Immersive Reader, discover all the MS platforms it is available on and more https://t.co/WZfzT6thvs#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
This is such a great use of @sway . When I train teachers, I often talk about how easy it is to differentiate using this tool! Thanks for sharing, Kate! #MSFTEduChat
Just gotta say: I'm just going through the list and following EVERYONE in this #TweetMeet! So many great ideas and awesome people here today! #msfteduchat
C3: A3: Ulaşılabilirlik aynı zamanda kapsayıcılığı doğal olarak artırmaktadır. Kapsayıcı olmak ise yine doğal olarak ulaşılabilirlikle doğru olarntılı olduğundan aralarında yakın bir ilişki vardır. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR#TweetMeet#MicrosoftEDU
Aplikacja ClassNotebook – aplikacja w Office365 do prowadzenia zajęć w notesie, wspomaganie grafiką, multimediami, dostęp z każdego komputera z dostępem do Internetu, funkcja udostępniania zasobów, #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST#tweetmeetPL
A4 #MSFTEduChat Learning Tools because it offers so many different tools to remedy many issues, translator because it can do what I couldn't otherwise...I don't speak all the languages! Dictation... Most of all, I love that Ss can use all themselves! #accessibility#independence
A4 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Language Accessibillity + Office 365+ Sky for business. Vì hỗ trợ hiệu quả cho việc thiết kế các hoạt động học tập mang tính hợp tác, các dự án học tập, mở rộng không gian lớp học.
A3: Focus on #accessibility in order to create the classroom culture of #inclusivity. Make sure s’s FEEL valued, safe and successful through assitive tech and scaffolding. #MSFTEduChat
A5. vision for a future classroom: 1) Just as every architect learns and applies ADA standards to the built environment, all content creators will know and utilize Universal Design in their course content. #MSFTEduChat, #Inclusion, #Accessibility#MicrosoftEDU
There are too many to mention, Learning Tools is a NO BRAINER, but Office Lens and Microsoft Translate have so many applications of accessibility and are absolute FAVS #msfteduchat
#MSFTEduChat A3. So long as the t & d class has d intent any cr can b made inclusive & #Accessibility with St buddies & teacher providing personalized support
A4 I have just started using OneNote for both myself and pupils. It suits me to be able to draw as well as write as I need to draw mindmaps to help me focus. Taking photos of presentations and annotating over them in OneNote is great. #msfteduchat
A3: The correlation between accessibility and inclusive classrooms is that one must be present for the other. Nearly all of our classrooms are inclusive and ensure they meet students' needs. Accessibility helps students grow and meet their potential. #MSFTEduChat
A4. Immersive Reader not just in OneNote Learning Tools- Test drive Immersive Reader, discover all the MS platforms it is available on and more https://t.co/iJT253XU1G#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
One Note is a great help for all of us !! It cab summerize all activities and subjects so students can freely take use! It is my best!! #msfteduchat#microsoftedu
a4. Currently excited looking at @mstranslator as a tool to assist audio impared pupils to remove the stigma of them being told they have to sit close to the front of the class. Lookinf forward to discussing further with @Mr_ALNCo#MSFTEduChat
A5. part 2 #MSFTEduChat, #Inclusion, #Accessibility#MicrosoftEDU Vendors and educational tech magazines will post on the front end VPATS so that its transparent what products meet accessibility standards
A3: The correlation between accessibility and inclusive classrooms is that one must be present for the other. Nearly all of our classrooms are inclusive and ensure they meet students' needs. Accessibility helps students grow and meet their potential. #MSFTEduChat
Dear #MSFTEduChat friends, I'm so sad that I need to leave early. I have an afternoon meeting and they're all staring at me so we can start! Hahaha! Thanks for being an incredible community & for sharing all your smarts!
A3: OneNote ima sjajan alat koji se zove Immersive reader, koji pomaže učenicima sa disleksijom. Takođe sam saznala za aplikaciju Seeing AI koja je fantastična! Preporuka!!!
A4 #MicrosoftEdu#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI em thường sử dụng Skype và Onenote để tạo lớp học hòa nhập vì có sự cộng hưởng hợp tác, một số hoạt động được thiết kế bằng công cụ này tạo sự thoải mái và thân thiện cho hs. @TweetBeam
They are not finished yet but when they are I will share, they are all about human rights linked to the #SDGs to share with a partner school in Jordan. #MSFTEduChat
Q3 Inkluzivna učionica mora biti mjesto koje omogućuje razvoj učenikove osobnosti
a podrazumijeva potpunu uključenost u ono što se uči i suradnju s drugima #MSFTEduChat@TweetMeet@marepet71
In reply to
@AnicaTrickovic, @TweetMeet, @marepet71
A1: Means everything! Every students is important, all of us are valuable. Accessibility is one of the keys for a great learning environment #MSFTEduChat
A4. The Read Aloud feature has been a bigger asset then orginally thought, it gives students a little more independence #MIEExpert#MSFTEduChat#Accessibility
A4 Did you know you can get picture support for immersive reader? Great not only for students with dyslexia and other reading challenges but English Language Learners #ELL as well. #MSFTEduChat Find out which apps and the details here: https://t.co/eSj6lOeJex
A4: Here's where you can find Drawp for School, a tool that helps all students communicate, collaborate and create - on the Microsoft App Store https://t.co/zF2skyDz91#MSFTEduChat
A4: My favorite tool is the @Microsoft365 Platform. It gives me the flexibility to create for my students, to be creative in my approach, and to provide them with the appropriate levels of access they can build on for their future. #MSFTEduChat
#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat#accessibility#TweeMeetVI Q4: bất kỳ công cụ nào mà học sinh có thể làm việc cộng tác với nhau đều tạo ra môi trường lớp học hòa nhập. onenote, sway là 2 công cụ tôi thích sử dụng nhất, bởi sự linh động trong giao diện.
A3: They are positively correlated. A warm and inclusive classroom will have teachers whom are always accessible, knowledge and technology that are accessible, culturally and social cognitively accessible to all. #MSFTEduChat@MicrosoftEDU
A4 #MicrosoftEdu#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI em thường sử dụng Skype và Onenote để tạo lớp học hòa nhập vì có sự cộng hưởng hợp tác, một số hoạt động được thiết kế bằng công cụ này tạo sự thoải mái và thân thiện cho hs. @TweetBeam
A4 tools for accessibility include immersive reader. Translator seems great for being able to coomnicate with parents and students who don’t have English as their first language. Have shown it to a few teachers who think it’s great #MSFTEduChat
I completely agree! #3Dpaint really beefs up the content and brings to life ideas and inspiration. Students love to use this and show it off to their peers! #MSFTEduChat
Cannot have enough of @OneNoteEDU reading tools and shared notebooks, @SkypeClassroom feeling the world in my class, and #3Dpaint that takes me Students with #dyslexia to a whole new lever of expanding flat 2D into their ‘feel natural’ 3D #brain style! #MFSTEduChat
A4 Did you know you can get picture support for immersive reader? Great not only for students with dyslexia and other reading challenges but English Language Learners #ELL as well. #MSFTEduChat Find out which apps and the details here: https://t.co/eSj6lOeJex
A4: While these tools assist in academic performance...they can play a HUGE part in the modification of BEHAVIORS. So much time spent on those & accommodations can help. I wish that could be heard beyond the accessibility echo chamber I'm sure most of feel we are in #MSFTEduChat
Ponekad to može biti i veliki problem, jer u odeljenjima se mora razviti takva sredina da svi budu uspešni i da mogu sačekati i ohrabriti slabijeg učenika.
In reply to
@sanja_ps, @AnicaTrickovic, @TweetMeet
A5. A classroom built on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) allows technology and tools to be accessible to every learner across the spectrum of abilities and benefits all. #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/yK4djo55jL@CAST_UDL is a great resource for finding out more about UDL
A5 FLEXIBILITY is my vision for the future - layout, seating, environment, instructional design, assignments, but most of all MINDSET. #msfteduchat#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C@GEDSB
This Global #msfteduchat is one of the most amazing things I've done on the #IOT The fact that I can have the ability to have translated and understand what has been tweeted by @SamahAldarweesh in Arabic is #A11y and AMAZING!!!! and other from all over the world! this Rocks!!!
Agree, we are putting Seeing AI on iPod Touch devices and our special ed transition students are using it out in the community to access content they need to read. #MSFTEduChat
Each student learn in a different way, at a different pace and accessibility provides the way to cater the variety of educational needs of students.Translation, picture dictionaries, text-to-speech tools provide support needed to develop along with other students.
Inclusion can also be about bringing the world into the classroom, #Skype in the classroom has enabled children to demonstrate skills and speak in their home language and translate for others. #MSFTEduChat
A5: Quite simply, my vision is that all Ts, Ss, & all others will understand & evaluate the quote: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" - Albert Einstein #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
Q3 Inkluzivna učionica mora biti mjesto koje omogućuje razvoj učenikove osobnosti
a podrazumijeva potpunu uključenost u ono što se uči i suradnju s drugima #MSFTEduChat@TweetMeet@marepet71
In reply to
@AnicaTrickovic, @TweetMeet, @marepet71
A5 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Nâng cao khả năng tập trung, rèn luyện và phát triển kĩ năng làm việc nhóm, cộng tác trong các dự án học tập, nâng cao tinh thần học hỏi, tự học , tự nghiên cứu cho người học
A5 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI
Theo em đó là cách để người học phát huy được tiềm năng của họ mà công nghệ, đặc biệt là các công cụ của Microsoft có thể hỗ trợ được người học: https://t.co/CiBZ0CrnGv
a4. If there anyone else finding it difficult to keep up with all the wonderful developments in #Accessibility coming from @MicrosoftEDU ? And that is not a complaint! I love it! Keep it up! #MSFTEduChat
- minecraft education edition - integrates the class, some can support others, it is possible to create joint projects, the projects are diverse when it comes to the difficulty of performing - Basia i love your opinion #Tweetmeet#MSFTEduChat
A5: A classroom that benefits all kids starts with a school that does that same. By having empowering choices for parents, they can find the right school and classrooms with the right supports+resources for their student(s). #MSFTEduChat
#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat#accessibility#TweeMeetVI A4: bất kỳ công cụ nào mà học sinh có thể làm việc cộng tác với nhau đều tạo ra môi trường lớp học hòa nhập. onenote, sway là 2 công cụ tôi thích sử dụng nhất, bởi sự linh động trong giao diện.
A5: Fewer barriers. fewer walls. More creativity. More perspectives. More questions that lead to newer answers. More problem-solving, and fewer limits on all learners. #MSFTEduChat
A5. Students teaching students and teachers.. Teacher gives a topic and learns something from each different student that she may not know. Student Visions and imagination #Accessibility#MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
A5: Classroom universally designed BEFORE the students even enter the classroom. Comprehensive understanding of accommodations & having a sustainable system as to how to access or create accessible educational materials for students #MSFTEduChat
A1: Nemam mnogo iskustva sa radom po IOP-u ali pokušaću da odgovorim.Pristupačnost se odnosi na primer na mogućnost da slabovidi djaci dobiju tekst sa većim fontom, da disleksični čuju izgovor i ponove reči umesto da pišu. #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat
A5 all pupils have access to the tools (on hand in all classes) and know here to go to find and how to use, so there is no barriers to their learning. Also teachers who see the importance of tech to help pupils fully engage in the learning in their class #MSFTEduCHat
A4 My go to tools are the Immersive Reader including the picture dictionary, Microsoft Translator, and I use OneNote with my Ells because of its visual and audio capabilities. #msfteduchat
أعتقد هنا أن هذه الفكرة تعني أن الدمج في التعليم لا يعني تلقي جميع المتعلمين المستوى ذاته ولكن معرفة احتياجات كل متعلم على حدة وتوفير الدعم المناسب له وبهذه العملية تتطور عملية النمذجة باستفادة الجميع من بعضهم مما يسهم في تطور العملية التعليمية #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetAR
#MSFTEduChat My vision for the future all students no matter age, ability, language, etc. will be able to experience what it’s like to work and collaborate with others. Let’s help them share their brilliance! #Accessibility#inclusion@MicrosoftEDU
A5: Quite simply, my vision is that all Ts, Ss, & all others will understand & evaluate the quote: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" - Albert Einstein #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
A4. Hard time answering this. As I teach my 7th grade students to get MOS certified, the greatest tools are the students that have learned these MS skills and then pass them onto their peers. So is it the MS Tools or the learners that have been created from them? #MSFTEduChat
A5: Would love to see ALL students introduced to the capabilities in today’s technology devices and tools so that even in they are not an “identified” student, they may benefit from using these to support their own strengths and weaknesses #MSFTEduChat
#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat#Accessibility#inclusion A5. Technology which personalizes the learning 2 d ss individual needs will rule so scope 4 VR,AR & courses dat allow u 2 become lifelong learners
Favourite @SkypeClassroom connection this year was with pupils with profound learning difficulties. To see pupils who are unable to verbally communicate engage was amazing! Not ashamed to say I shed a tear! #MSFTEduChat
R1. En mi opinión, nadie debería de tener barreras ⛔ ante el conocimiento 💡 y la tecnología 💻📱 está ayudando a que esta idea pueda ser una realidad.
A5 #MicrosoftEdu#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI theo em lớp học trong tương lai sẽ không có thi cử tạo áp lực, sẽ có không gian cũng như đầy đủ các thiết bị công nghệ để giáo viên và học sinh dễ dàng tiếp thu kiến thức và đáp ứng sự sáng tạo. Học theo ước mơ.
A5 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Tầm nhìn của tôi về lớp học tương lai là một trong những nơi mà công nghệ có thể giúp tạo ra một lớp học dễ tiếp cận và hòa nhập hơn.
A1: Nemam mnogo iskustva sa radom po IOP-u ali pokušaću da odgovorim.Pristupačnost se odnosi na primer na mogućnost da slabovidi djaci dobiju tekst sa većim fontom, da disleksični čuju izgovor i ponove reči umesto da pišu. #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat
O5: Klasa w której będzie mało uczniów, tak aby nauczyciel mógł dotrzeć do wszystkich uczniów i jeszcze pełniej przekazać wiedzę. Klasa która dzięki nowym tech. będzie wyglądała jak super wyposażony park technologiczny #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert#polski#loveZST
a5. Tools that are available 24/7 not just in the walls of the building. Learning shouldn't stop because of a snow day or state test etc.. #Accessibility#MIEExpert#MSFTEduChat
The ability to change the text size, spacing and colour in the learning tools in OneNote really is a game changer for me and some of my pupils #MSFTEduChat
Neurodiversity is now tackled by neuroscientists who connect with innovative educators, tech-experts, Quantum physicists, artists and researchers, transforming education for the 4th industial revolution. It’s the most exciting moment to be a teacher! #MSFTEduChat
a5. Tools that are available 24/7 not just in the walls of the building. Learning shouldn't stop because of a snow day or state test etc.. #Accessibility#MIEExpert#MSFTEduChat
Klasa przyszłości to tylko i wyłącznie klasa integracyjna. W życiu nie wybieramy sobie czy pracuje z nami, je w restauracji, czy mieszka obok nas osoba niepełnosprawna, po prostu jest. Jeśli dzieci nauczą się w szkołach o tych problemach będzie im się łatwiej żyło.
#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat#accessibility#TweeMeetVI A5: định hướng lớp học trong tương lai của tôi giúp cho người học bình đẳng trong tiếp cận và giải quyết vấn đề độc lập mặc dù có thể đang làm việc nhóm. Tức là trao quyền cho người học sự bình đẳng.
C4: A4 [1/2]: Microsoft'un en etkili araçları elbette Ofis Programlarıdır. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote, Paint, Access ve bunlarla etkileşimli olan diğer programlarıdır. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR#TweetMeet#MicrosoftEDU
Such a powerful tool that sadly I don't think is being utilised anywhere near what it should be in the UK. #MIEEXpert 's need to unite and amplify! #MSFTEduChat
أعتقد هنا أن هذه الفكرة تعني أن الدمج في التعليم لا يعني تلقي جميع المتعلمين المستوى ذاته ولكن معرفة احتياجات كل متعلم على حدة وتوفير الدعم المناسب له وبهذه العملية تتطور عملية النمذجة باستفادة الجميع من بعضهم مما يسهم في تطور العملية التعليمية #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetAR
Not to mention the power of Skype Translation for reaching across language barriers with newly arrived parents. We've seen teachers leveraging this technology to deepen the communication at parent-teacher events with new Canadians. Very cool!
A4 have also been looking into teams to mirror my desktop live to a pupil with visual impairment. They can see everything we write on the Board and can live stream an experiment demo also. All within the class or out #MSFTEduChat
A5: A classroom where the students are the center of the learning, a classroom where the students are the one who build their knowledge and we as a teachers give them the tools needed to help them to reach their goals. Individual goals to benefit all of them #MSFTEduChat
A5 A classroom that benefits all learners would see the teacher facilitating learning for all pupils using a range of tools to make it accessible to all, pupils would learn in ways that suited their learning styles and would become creative,inspired,critical thinkers #MSFTEduChat
love the sentiment... less testing, more collaboration, access to all- and the fact that it was translated for me so I could read the tweet! amazing! #msfteduchat
A5 #MicrosoftEdu#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI theo em lớp học trong tương lai sẽ không có thi cử tạo áp lực, sẽ có không gian cũng như đầy đủ các thiết bị công nghệ để giáo viên và học sinh dễ dàng tiếp thu kiến thức và đáp ứng sự sáng tạo. Học theo ước mơ.
Q5: Učionica sa individualnim stilovima učenja,u kojoj nastavnik može učiniti poučavanje što nezaboravnijim, te učenicima pružiti potporu, sigurnu i ugodnu okolinu. #msfteduchat@AnicaTrickovic@teacherka
In reply to
@marepet71, @AnicaTrickovic, @teacherka
A2: Potrebno je osmisliti aktivnosti za svakog djaka prema njegovom načinu učenja - mislim da je problem kako da se nastavnik "klonira" i posveti vreme na času svakom od njih. Rad u malim grupama ili 1na1 je rešenje #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat
A5. #sharktank is an example we should use, people putting their imagination to life, it may not always work or catch on, but we sharing and bringing things to light #MIEExpert#MSFTEduChat
A5: A classroom where the students are the center of the learning, a classroom where the students are the one who build their knowledge and we as a teachers give them the tools needed to help them to reach their goals. Individual goals to benefit all of them #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat Q4: The #LearningTools allows students to access content that is relevant to them and MS Dictate allows them to share their thoughts and ideas freely. The #picturedictionary however is my new fav! Real time visuals to support vocab acquisition! @MicrosoftEDU
A5 #MicrosoftEdu#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI theo em lớp học trong tương lai sẽ không có thi cử tạo áp lực, sẽ có không gian cũng như đầy đủ các thiết bị công nghệ để giáo viên và học sinh dễ dàng tiếp thu kiến thức và đáp ứng sự sáng tạo. Học theo ước mơ.
06. Podnosienie umiejętności uczniów w zakresie takim, jaki przyda im się w przyszłym życiu kierowania swoim dalszym rozwojem, współpracowania z innymi osobami, #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert #polski#loveZST
Need to share lots of videos across all platforms to show what it can do and how it can help. It’s fab in OneNote on iPads which is the device of choice for many schools #MSFTEduChat
A5: A future classroom that could fulfill all learners’ needs, which includes their physiological needs, learning needs, social emotional needs, developmental needs, self actualization needs.. haha this reminds me of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
A6 Practicing inclusivity by design. An excellent source for designing for inclusivity & accessibility is Microsoft Educator's Community learning path: Creating digitally inclusive learning communities. #msfteduchat#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C@GEDSBhttps://t.co/Nnn2Xgrcge
A4 Did you know you can get picture support for immersive reader? Great not only for students with dyslexia and other reading challenges but English Language Learners #ELL as well. #MSFTEduChat Find out which apps and the details here: https://t.co/eSj6lOeJex
A5 We are just starting to see the tip of the iceberg for what is possible in tech to help all learners reach their full potential. I love the tech I see in action today and look forward to what's coming next. #MSFTEduChat
a5. When pupils, no matter of ability or barriers feel happy and excited to engage with learning, communicate and collaborate with peers and teachers because they know that they have access to exactly what they need to fuel a desire to do more and be more! #MSFTEduChat
A5. Future classroom is where I am the facilitator, the students are the teachers. I currently teach MS CCGA and half the time I will work with students on a concept/skill only to have them teach me a new way of doing/using it. So the teacher becomes the learner. #MSFTEduChat
Yes! They will tell you what they need! And some of it will be right in front of you, you just didn't think of a particular use or application. #MSFTEduChat
Show all pupils the learning tools not just the ones I think may need them - let them decide. Also accessibility checker for documents I create #MSFTEduChat
Totally agree Paul. I think that most of the people are not aware of the powerful tool that Immersive Reader is at the time of making content accesible to everyone #MSFTEDUChat
A6 #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI Cải thiện môi trường học tập tốt hơn cho học sinh của lớp bắt đầu từ những việc đơn giản như cho các em trang trí lại lớp học ...để lớp học dần tiến tới là một lớp học hòa nhập và dễ tiếp cận
A6: I'd say even if we don't have an answer NOW...we can set goals with an out of the box way by using something like https://t.co/7tBXSSMvXf We teach goal setting, we can model that as well. Ss love that site BTW. It's free & easy #MSFTEduChat
A6 One first step is to get the word out to educators about easy-to-implement new accessibility tools that are available today. That's another reason why chats like these are important. #MSFTEduChat#Accessiblity
A6 #MicrosoftEdu#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetVI ngày mai sẽ không cho hs học theo sách giáo khoa, mà sẽ cho lớp trải nghiệm và chia sẻ qua video hoặc kết nối, tạo động lực cho hs.
I like it when the technology doesn’t stand out but fits seamlessly into the learning evironment and it’s usage appears the same as any tool, analog or digital.. #MSFTEduchat
#MSFTEduChat A5: I definitely think #AI will play an increasing role in terms of inclusion and supporting all learners. Our pilot with @ThisIsCentury is already demonstrating the powerful learning opportunities that this affords
A5 #MSFTEduChat my inclusive class of the future includes mixed reality to further promote integration, sharing, the opportunity to explore, predict, design and create ..hololens a gogo
A6 One first step is to get the word out to educators about easy-to-implement new accessibility tools that are available today. That's another reason why chats like these are important. #MSFTEduChat#Accessiblity
Involucrar a los estudiantes en esta reflexión me parace una idea fabulosa, haciéndoles partícipes les involucramos y hacemos que el aula sea más inclusiva! Great Idea!!
#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat#accessibility#TweeMeetVI A6: Trong các bài học sẽ cho học sinh làm việc cộng tác nhiều hơn. Khuyến khích các bạn học sinh mà khả năng tiếp thu chậm hơn tham gia trả lời các vấn đề mà bạn ấy đã tự suy nghĩ.
As a contribution to #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet about Inclusive Classrooms and #Accessibility, I gladly share @PaphitisN's outstanding article again, with an accompanying animated GIF.
cc @CliveGibson
"OneNote like you've never seen it before". Nicos Paphitis' mind-blowing Self-Paced Learning Paths with #OneNote is featured in-depth on the Microsoft Education blog:
by @PaphitisN for @MicrosoftEDU
Animated GIF:
A6 Tomorrow, I am training teachers so I will be sharing all the accessibility tools that will support learners with additional needs. Also doing staff training on dyslexia in the evening so will be sharing more tools to make classrooms inclusive. #MSFTEduChat
A6 Make sure ALL my students know all the #accessibility features they have right at their finger tips and let them decide how it is best for them to use it! #MSFTEduChat
A6 Tomorrow, I am training teachers so I will be sharing all the accessibility tools that will support learners with additional needs. Also doing staff training on dyslexia in the evening so will be sharing more tools to make classrooms inclusive. #MSFTEduChat
@Julia_Brannon I've also found it helpful to just show some students where the tools are, and they have been able to learn how and when to use them on their own. #MSFTEduChat
Break the next rule 😆 by making different choices for different students, experiencing different responses, to see the different results. That is how the New is born. ⭐️ #MSFTEduChat
A6 #MSFTEduChat Engage already on the 17th to the EDUDAY in Milan to disclose the opportunities that the office365 tools offer for inclusivity, accessibility, modernity and ease of use as #mieexpert
A6 Tomorrow, I am training teachers so I will be sharing all the accessibility tools that will support learners with additional needs. Also doing staff training on dyslexia in the evening so will be sharing more tools to make classrooms inclusive. #MSFTEduChat
That is so true! We don’t often provide the students the time they need to process or re-engage with information to gain the skills and/or understanding. #MSFTEduChat
Slažem se i sama sam isprobala "running dictation" varijantu gde jedan u grupi piše a ostali redom odlaze do teksta zalepljenog u hodniku gde treba da zapamte deo po deo rečenice i vrate se da mu/joj izdiktiraju. Bilo je baš zabavno #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@marepet71, @sanja_ps, @AnicaTrickovic
a6. Talk to and listen to the kids more. Dont just rely on statements of SEN but invest time in talking to them about what works for them and what doesnt. Even work on a solution together - that would be an exciting journey! #MSFTEduChat
A6 #MSFTEduChat Break the next rule by making different choices for different students, experiencing different responses, to see the different results. That is how the New is born.
a6. Talk to and listen to the kids more. Dont just rely on statements of SEN but invest time in talking to them about what works for them and what doesnt. Even work on a solution together - that would be an exciting journey! #MSFTEduChat
C5: A5: Benim düşüncem, öngörüm veya vizyonum bütün öğrenciler eğitim hayatı bittiğinde aldığı bilgilerin o güne de hazır hâle getirilerek verilmiş olmasıdır. Hem geçmişi, günümüzü bilen hem de geleceğe hazır bir nesil olmasıdır. #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR#TweetMeet#MicrosoftEDU
Our district created a #OneNote called Student Ed Tech notebook with sections on various tools and added one called Helpful Tools with #ImmersiveReader, #OfficeLens, #SeeingAI and are adding more!
In reply to
@ManvDadhood, @MrsHCox, @Julia_Brannon
A6 Tomorrow, I am training teachers so I will be sharing all the accessibility tools that will support learners with additional needs. Also doing staff training on dyslexia in the evening so will be sharing more tools to make classrooms inclusive. #MSFTEduChat
Add our next TweetMeet to your calendar, coming up on June 19th at 10AM PDT/6PM BST. We want to hear your thoughts on Professional Development! https://t.co/VoAJ0AE1kw#MSFTEduChat#TeacherPD
What a great chat 💖. Thank you, participants and fellow #MSFTEduChat hosts. We'll be back Tuesday June 19 with a TweetMeet about To Be Determined #MIEExpert
A6: Even if small steps, we could make it simple & ask the most important question to our studetns that often gets passed by...."So tell me, how do YOU learn best?" #MSFTEduChat
a6: #MSFTEduChat my students and I love to experiment, create, share and transmit our experiences to facilitate at school and also in the real world! and so learning tools for everyone
Ha sido un chat fantástico 💖. Gracias a todos los participantes #TweetMeetES en especial a @vicentgadea y @MissGEnrique y a todos los anfitriones del #MSFTEduChat. Volveremos con un nuevo TweetMeet sobre desarrollo profesional docente el 19 de junio
Add our next TweetMeet to your calendar, coming up on June 19th at 10AM PDT/6PM BST. We want to hear your thoughts on Professional Development! https://t.co/VoAJ0AE1kw#MSFTEduChat#TeacherPD
Add our next TweetMeet to your calendar, coming up on June 19th at 10AM PDT/6PM BST. We want to hear your thoughts on Professional Development! https://t.co/VoAJ0AE1kw#MSFTEduChat#TeacherPD
Slažem se i sama sam isprobala "running dictation" varijantu gde jedan u grupi piše a ostali redom odlaze do teksta zalepljenog u hodniku gde treba da zapamte deo po deo rečenice i vrate se da mu/joj izdiktiraju. Bilo je baš zabavno #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@marepet71, @sanja_ps, @AnicaTrickovic
Ha sido un chat fantástico 💖. Gracias a todos los participantes #TweetMeetES en especial a @vicentgadea y @MissGEnrique y a todos los anfitriones del #MSFTEduChat. Volveremos con un nuevo TweetMeet sobre desarrollo profesional docente el 19 de junio
A6 Make sure ALL my students know all the #accessibility features they have right at their finger tips and let them decide how it is best for them to use it! #MSFTEduChat
C6: A6: Onları çok şaşırtacak bir bilgi vermek için ilk önce o konu hakkında soru sorarak bilgilerini ölçtükten sonra aslında doğrusunun ne olduğunu öğretirdim. Canlıların kan rengi, göz sayısı, kalp sayısı, renkler nedir vs. vs? #MSFTEduChat#TweetMeetTR#TweetMeet#MicrosoftEDU
Some schools are offering permanent edtech playground rooms where they can play and break it all they want. On their own time. Great idea to discuss in next month’s chat! #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat if you want to get in touch with German teachers... this hour we tweet at #edchatde Topic: School Development - common goals - where do we want to go. Question: https://t.co/bk1vx3tJ3c
it was an honour to be part of #MSFTEduChat this evening. Keep the ideas and solutions coming and thank you to every one who participated in so many languages.
A4: Jednog dana kada budemo #Microsoft pokazna škola (wishful thinking) biće moguće da isprobamo sa djacima #OneNote opcije za speech-to-text ili immersive reader #TweetMeetSR#MSFTEduChat
It was a blast connecting with the worldwide TweetMeet Team. Join us next week for our Canadian #MSFTEduChat on Student Entrepreneurship!
Thank you to everyone involved in this month's #MSFTEduChat! It has been a great experience and I have learnt a lot! Going now to go over all the great resources shared
Where has that hour gone!!!!! The #MSFTEduChat goes from strength to strength. Once again thank you to the amazing hosts! Diolch! Lots of ideas....just need one of these to help me gain more time in a day to work on them! lol
Quality education
Equal learning opportunities for all students with usage of different accessibility tools.
Growth of confidence in students.
Enhancement in overall development of students.
A6: It will be from today! I would like to know more of my students’ needs (basic needs, psychological needs, self fulfillment needs) and to build personal and community learning environment to provide accessibility to these needs. #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
Po meni, puno mogu doprinjeti pomoćnici u nastavi i mobilni stručni timovi.Djeca s teškoćama ih rado prihvaćaju i doživljavaju kao prijatelje koji im pomažu u razumijevanju školskih sadržaja, obavljanju zadataka što doprinosi i njihovom
većem uspjehu #MSFTEduChat@AnicaTrickovic
I love this use of a notebook - am working on sharing it out and replicating for teachers in my division. Simple idea, a LOT of set up, but so meaningful and worth it! #MSFTEduChat
Speaking of accessibility, I will be guest moderator for my first chat this evening on #FCPSlearn this evening at 7:00 pm EST discussing differentiation. Please join me if you are able. #MSFTEduChat
Bugünkü programa katılan herkese teşekkür ederim. Bu gece başlayacak olan Ramazan'ın da bütün herkes için hayırlı olmasını yüce Rabbim Allâh (c.c.)'den dilerim.
Thanks for joining and hosting the #msfteduchat today.
Now that we have your brains working, join us today at 3pm PST for our Skype in the Classroom webinar! #MSFTEduChat everyone’s invited! Please share!
Join here: https://t.co/0SvL0xjgja
I can get you in touch with the original designer of that incredible #OneNote Learning Tools sketch, @Mr_ALNCo, as he was a proud host on today's #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet. Maybe he'd be willing to share it without the English text with you. 🎈
In reply to
@annetsmith, @trendmatcher, @Petrabhd, @Mr_ALNCo