Hi #EarlyLang, I’m Dorie from CT. I teach Spanish grades 1-5; classes 25min, 3x/week. I’ll be popping in and out tonight since I’m on mom duty with a kid who’s refusing to sleep 😆
Hi. I'm Kaitlin from Boston. I teach Spanish K-3. Grades K-2 have class 3x/week for 20 minutes, and grade 3 has 3x/week for 30 minutes. Exited for my first #earlylang chat!
I use Informal assessments, allows me to track the ongoing progress of their students regularly and often. So I assess often and what they are learning at the time #earlylang
A1:I use Informal assessments, allows me to track the ongoing progress of their students regularly and often. So I assess often and what they are learning at the time #earlylang
A1 I always use the backwards design method. So I start by asking “what do I want my students to do?” and then build a summative assessment to match that question. #earlylang
A1 I *look* at everything. I'm with @PreKlanguages - I need the formative tracking to help me know what to target. And I do a more formal assessment end of each semester #earlylang
A1 I *look* at everything. I'm with @PreKlanguages - I need the formative tracking to help me know what to target. And I do a more formal assessment end of each semester #earlylang
A1: I really focus on my objectives - can Ss achieve them? And I consider all modes (when applicable - depends on age and proficiency level) #earlylang
Q1 This year one of my professional goals is to refresh my assessment system. I am starting with goals that I share with students when I start the unit and assess their growth. I try to include all 4 abilities #earlylang
A1: My assessments are almost exclusively through informal observation on a regular basis to see if students are succesfully engaging in our learning activiites, with whatever language they may need to do that #earlylang
A1 of course, with my youngest, I assess all oral ability. But we frequently take opportunities to practice letter sounds... in the TL #sneaky#earlylang
A1. I tend to take a long time to assess output--sometimes months in, and focus heavily on interpretive--especially with little contact time #earlylang
A2 @Seesaw tasks like take a photo and describe it orally w a recording (family portrait), and now you can upload a template and have them draw, type, record. It’s been so fun! #EarlyLang
A2: A lot of our tasks are in the form of games to target specific language functions at the lower proficiency levels...guessing games, card games, games with pictures. Some information gap activities. #earlylang
A2 if you are teaching food, set a supermarket in your classroom and make sure each child take a role, seller, buyer, cleaner and manager. everybody have to act out and use “tons” of language , describing and convincing buyers. #earlylang
A2 Use authentic review e.g. of restaurant from https://t.co/ShgDgzq6Vh, ask is the opinion positive or negative and which phrases prove that #earlylang
A3 one big adjustment is in the modes. In grades 1-2 it’s mostly interpretive, but in upper grades after years of input, they’re finally ready for more production. So assessments become more interpersonal and even presentational. #earlylang
A3 I expect a lot more variety in descriptive phrases. And expect more production as @doriecp said. Expect more details to tick off: Tengo + un perro + grande + y café + en mi casa + hoy... etc. #earlylang
A2 if you give your SS a role, pretending real-life situations, they have the opportunity to transfer knowledge from the L1 into L2 with very simple sentences. sometimes works better that using things they don’t really know #earlylang
A3 Agree--early on focus on interpretive, then I'll ask for more describe, compare using personal vocabulary as they get older/more experienced. #earlylang
A3 one big adjustment is in the modes. In grades 1-2 it’s mostly interpretive, but in upper grades after years of input, they’re finally ready for more production. So assessments become more interpersonal and even presentational. #earlylang
A3: I find pictures to be a great way to adjust taks. For example, a card game with emotions for K-1 might just have pictures, but with 2-3 it will have emotions, but also different people/animals so they'll also have to describe the clothes the person is wearing #earlylang
A3 #earlylang ❤️ this question. I start units with different variations go KWL chart. This is an example @Seesaw for 3rd grade ✅ what she knew 😱 vocab. shared by classmates she couldn’t remember, then we build up from there.
A3b: I also make activities like the game Spot it with 4 pictures per page for k-2. We can use these to play bingo as receptive in K, in 1st they go around to find and name/describe their match with other kids, and in 2nd, they keep it hidden and ask ?s to find match #earlylang
A4: My Ss are fortunate to have regular class meetings; in previous settings, w/ fewer meetings, I tried to use assessments that were learning experiences - like mini IPAs. #earlylang
A4 #earlylang it’s a challenge, I rely heavily on technology whenever possible @quizizz is very helpful with reports it generates. With 3-5 @edpuzzle has been a great help.
A4. Time is important. Compared to my middle schoolers, the whole process is slowed down in elementary--a thematic unit can take half the year. #earlylang
A4: My Ss are fortunate to have regular class meetings; in previous settings, w/ fewer meetings, I tried to use assessments that were learning experiences - like mini IPAs. #earlylang
A4 I realize it really affects my writing assessments the most. #earlylang Ss need so much time to produce writing (even in L1) so I have to be realistic about my expectations of what they can produce in 25 min.
that's great. I do one IPA-style assessment end of semester because with 1 hour per week and 16 weeks a semester, they need input more than formal feedback, even #earlylang
A4 I realize it really affects my writing assessments the most. #earlylang Ss need so much time to produce writing (even in L1) so I have to be realistic about my expectations of what they can produce in 25 min.
Yes, I make it a practice to pop into each grade level to see what their writing looks like in English. It really has changed my teaching and my expectations for L2. #earlylang
Hola #earlylang nice to see ya! Just got home from coaching volleyball & getting caught up now! Betsy from Los Angeles, Spanish grades 3-6, 3x 40min per week.
A5 goal is introduction of Spanish language and culture, exposing to thematic units, communicate in basic conversations with simple sentences #earlylang
A5 our district FLES teachers got together and decided on what we thought was an appropriate target. While there wasn’t 100% consensus, everything agreed either NH/IL. Either way, it means we need to target the intermediate range. #earlylang
A5 Like @doriecp we set the goal of the range NH/IL by end of 8th gr--estimated on contact time(I think based on some research by Ben Rifkin--can anyone back me up?) Then tested it out with STAMP test and most are intermediate #earlylang
A5 #earlylang the goal changes with each new group. I’m always reaching for the stars by 5th grade my goal is that they are able to read fluently, carry on a dimple conversation and write a short story. Each group a different result.
A5 Listing standards and can do statements is great for teachers, but not as helpful for parents/families. What is your program's description? #earlylang
Our parents have benefited greatly from learning the level descriptors, and can-dos. I have a lot more buy-in from the families. so, I clearly lay out the goal of NH/IL and intercultural competency #earlylang