#educoach Archive
The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Wednesday June 8, 2016 10:00 PM EDT
I am a for at my own school and based in https://t.co/nFbqZlCaby
Good evening Let’s start by introducing ourselves and sharing a success story from the week!
I’m Shira co-moderator&Director of Portfolio School in NY. My prepping for upcoming PD sessions on Project-Based Learning
Briana Reading Coach from SC. was having a great idea to raise rigor in K-2 math for next year
Jessica, co-moderator here. My would be some good end of year discussions with teachers.
So glad you could join from Welcome!
I'm Kathy a co-moderators of & virtual coach for coaches https://t.co/GlNR6AnVI4 . helping a T get ready 4 summer school
I'm Kathy a co-moderators of & virtual coach for coaches https://t.co/yqJaNYqKOb . helping a T get ready 4 summer school
Hi! I'm Rashida - a division level instructional coach in Fairfax, VA! Success = starting my summer reading 📚🤓❤️
I'm here for a bit in the car still... so not having access to Google doc of qs yet. :)
Ok. Shira and I have it covered!
Yeahhhh!!! What’s on your summer reading list?
I always look forward to the summer reading!
Andy from Newark NY. My was having a kid tell the AP at school today that "He's nice and knows lots of math!"
My relaxing/summer was redecorating my spare room and getting some writing done for book w/ &
A book?! How exciting! My wife is a full-time author and editor. That's hard work
this list is SO long!Some YA, starting with "Wolf Hollow" and professional started with "The Leadership Challenge"
Let’s get started with tonight’s topic: Creating our own summer plans to “sharpen the saw”
Yeah, Kathy! I’m looking forward to summer writing too. Doubt I’ll get to redecorating though.Sounds fun!
Stephen R. Covey stated “Sharpen the Saw” means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have.
that's awesome! I can't wait to read!
Q1 What is your process for personal reflection at the end of this school year?
New here. Teresa in TX moving from classroom to IS/IC with former district
A1: I'm asking what the next layer of coaching is for me. I reflect on Ts I've worked with and T's I want to work with.
Welcome to Teresa. Glad you are here!
Welcome. Glad you found us! We chat each Wed. at 9pm CST. Congrats on new position. peeps are a great PLN!
A1-2: I also ask myself and my Ts what it is I need to stop doing.
Charlie - High School Instructional Coach in Iowa. = 2 books down and mud kitchen built for the kids
A1: I like to collect some type of data to show my impact & reflect on that - what worked? Where might I grow
You built a mud kitchen! I’m impressed.
WOW - busy guy. What books did you read? Do you hire out? I have a list for a contractor, but he injured foot!
A1 +1 asking "what it is I need to stop doing" That's brilliant and wasn't on my list
Great question to ask and reflect upon!
A1: It’s been an eventful year for me; so much change&growth thinking about new ways of reflecting, for now - lots of mindfulness
It's a tough one and hurts but has to be done.
A1: I review my slo and ongoing reflections journal from the year.
A1: was my first in the role, so I tried a lot of new things. End of year was deciding what to keep or build on for next year
A1 I list out accomplishments, challenges and reflect upon. Look at barriers to challenges and start developing solutions.
A1 1st year coach hired in Oct, figuring out how to make next school year "mine"
A1 I reflect on the work I did with each T and think how I could grow these relationships next year.
Q2 What are you doing to celebrate your accomplishments this year?
A1: I love the Traffic Light reflection as well. Makes me mindful of what to continue & start https://t.co/Utxj5kIpbh
Journaling is so impactful; I had been journaling for much of the year; not recently though; great help in reflection
A1: reflected on my last year in classroom, and looking ahead to being student focused in my coaching
A2 Lunch out with my fellow coaches tomorrow. Can't wait!
A2: So often we leave celebrations out! ...hadn't thought about it until the question popped up!
A1: Going back through my calendar making a list of things that went well and things to improve upon
Daring Greatly is on my list. I'll have to look up The Road.
A1 Review data from different sources and identify practices that had the most impact on student learning
I know! So what do you think? How might you celebrate?
What data do folks review? I am a regional coach and in MANY different schools and classrooms
A2: Our entire coach community is having an end of the year lunch (approximately 100 of us), our department is doing a lunch too
A2: I second that. I'm already focused on starting next year. https://t.co/F4BXdoqQda
A2: So often we leave celebrations out! ...hadn't thought about it until the question popped up!
Good evening hope you don't mind a principal from Saskatchewan, Canada jumping in.
A2: I wrote thank you notes to a lot of people that I worked with. Celebrating "us" always feels good
is it bad that a celebration to me is the time to read books I love?!?
Welcome Michelle! So glad you could join tonight!
As coaches we work from teacher's strengths. We need to do the same for ourselves. https://t.co/bzHSD8fZ6X
A2: So often we leave celebrations out! ...hadn't thought about it until the question popped up!
A2:celebrating successful 1:1 Chromebook implementation and accepting an instructional strategist role for next year
A1: I am feeling all over the place since we are still facilitating T PL, I need ideas on organizing my thoughts and goals
It’s great!!!! Self-care is so important; including doing what we love without apology!
A2: making a gratitude list in calendar
A2. Celebrations are probably a weak point for me. Something I definitely need to work on!
+1 Thank you notes. Not on my list. Adding
I'm a regional coach too! We sent survey to the schools and they identified short & long term impact
A2.2 had a great gathering for our coach crew last night. Great night with great people!
Of course not. Learning and growing is part of our role as a coach.
Me too...I always go to what I need to improve on!
well then I've been celebrating for the last hour :)
Hi everyone! Jill, Dir of Teaching & Learning, in Florida popping in
Be right back - pup is wanting to go out.
100!! Wow! What a blessing https://t.co/ixwuRNpcY2
A2: Our entire coach community is having an end of the year lunch (approximately 100 of us), our department is doing a lunch too
Oh no, I totally look forward to it too!
did goal setting with coaches and admin in Saudi Arabia via online facilitation
it's great! We're definitely a community, a family :) Great support system, learning, and professional growth
A2 I think that I with my position I never have a clear end and beginning.. I need to take the time
A2: this year I popped popcorn for all staff and streamed motivational Ted talks, funny youtube vids and did reflection stopnjots
We are always hardest on ourselves as teacher leaders! https://t.co/O6hu1SrYbO
A2. Celebrations are probably a weak point for me. Something I definitely need to work on!
So great to know I'm not alone!
I feel this, too. No "last day of school" anymore
Q3 What is on your list of new/continued things to learn about over the summer to grow as a professional?
I always feel that I'm pushing forward and not celebrating the progress.
A2 Still overwhelmed with so many jobs right now haven't got to the celebrating stage.
Still working to erase the negative connotation working with a coach can bring-tips?
A2 & I celebrated by finishing the Soldier Field 10 mile race in Chicago! We survived!
That sounds amazing! What’s a reflection stopnjot?
A3 Google Level 1 Certification, Peg Smith Math Conversations conference
A3: Guided Math, Effective Tier 1 instruction, and catch up on some Jim Knight
A3: reading crucial conversations and researching how to help with student led parent conferences
Sorry I'm late! Audrey, from SC here!
A3: working with resistant learners and helping Ts see even small steps can make a huge difference
If you can find one superstar teacher to work with do it and word will spread. Ts will be curious-so share.
That's tough. I've been assigned to work with whole bldgs/depts, never a "needs improvement" list of folks
A2. R13 coaches love to celebrate. Our leader gives out High Five awards. One shout out to each coach! https://t.co/1UETV3TxHM
A2 But if self-celebration is good enough for our greatest poet... https://t.co/epyBS8yw6J ... might as well celebrate myself...
A3 I have started gathering my stack of books to read. Spend some time looking at some apps as well.
A3: as a newbie, I'm hoping to focus on the art of conversation with resources from
A3: I'm reading "The Leadership Challenge" by it's great to think ways I can impact Ts and Ss https://t.co/3sFpYRfHOc
Can you make it an honor to be coached; accept 1st those perceived as “best”; show it is not remediation
Love this! Maybe my dept can do "Paper Plate" awards at our July retreat
A3 Many books on list.Currently reading You Are a Badass https://t.co/ZBONjE27Y7 Also recommitting to blogging & growing business.
A3: Hoping to learn a ton as a new EL.Working on standards based grading, PLCs, BYOD. That's the short list :)
Love it! Popcorn and all:) Motivational movie time:)
A3: I'm learning how to podcast. Should be launching it in July/August https://t.co/ywfaPiqsHx
Q3 What is on your list of new/continued things to learn about over the summer to grow as a professional?
A3 Gotta become faster and more efficient at preparing and delivering communications training seminars.
I loved Better Conversations!
Wow, Chris! Hope you’ll share your podcasts with
Ooooh! What will the focus be? Love listening to podcasts on my hour-long commutes
A3 Better Conversations, working on R13 coaching framework and Continuing IC Endorsement Program
A3 re-reading Learn Like a Pirate. Student led classroom is one of my goals.
Ooh! Maybe the can help you!
A3: Building my knowledge of Student Centered Coaching .
Focusing more as a coach for students is one of mine; would love to share ideas with you
Q4 What books are on your to-read list this summer?
A3: The On Purpose Person! Gotta do my tournament annually👍🏼
I sure will. It's pretty intimidating at times but I'm stoked about it
What is your podcast on? Best wishes.
A3 Our MakerHappen coaches are working hard this summer to finish a field guide and workshops for all. Come and
. Learning has all kinds of gears. Everyone needs to learn how to shift.
That sounds great. Want to give them more freedom and responsibility even if it kills me.
A4 Looking for suggestions, particularly on grant writing. Small dept, need to find $$$ to support our work
A4: Guided Math, High Impact Instruction, Student Centered Coaching, No More Reading Instruction without differentiation
A4: Personal - Lucky, One and Only Ivan, The Good Girl, Fish in a Tree, Profess - Read, Write, Lead & Student Centered Coaching
LOL; I’m committed to student led learning teams. It won’t kill us; we got this!
A3 prepping for the Instructional Coach endorsement Program is underway for Summer 2016! Message for info! https://t.co/rhTiOJZMeZ
A3 Better Conversations, working on R13 coaching framework and Continuing IC Endorsement Program
A4 re-read Coaching Matters, going back to basics!
A3 To find ways to help our teachers find their passion about teaching reading and writing! How can I make it exciting?
A4 Just started rereading "Kaddish." Might want to read it w/. What do you think?
A4 School division focus on writing. Want to read The Unstoppable Writing Teacher. Any other suggestions?
A4. Coaching Matters by Killion and Better Conversations by Knight! Can't Wait!
A4 Time to read a really hard book. Enough with the easy stuff.
A4: The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan https://t.co/Ycx2vxPBEv
Q4 What books are on your to-read list this summer?
A4: Jansen, Teaching with Poverty in Mind!
A4: My YA list has about 25 books on it so far 🙈 I'm going to be reading nonstop! Professionally I want to find good IC blogs&save
All on my list! https://t.co/O01MpPJXjd
A4: Guided Math, High Impact Instruction, Student Centered Coaching, No More Reading Instruction without differentiation
anyone focussing on coaching coaching rather than coaching teachers?. Teacher coach each other
Great idea! I am going to make myself do that this year!
A4: Hamilton-mania has hit - I’m reading Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton. Also, Walter Isaacson’s The Innovators
I’m game. I’m reading Walter Isaacson’s The innovators. Food for ?
Q5 How do you rejuvenate yourself over the summer?
I do virtual coaching of coaches. Or do you mean teachers coaching each other?
Thanks! I will check that out.
. Could be! Why don't you suggest it on the FB group...
Yes! I am in a new small school; 5 of us educators - we’ll be coaching each other
we do a little - building capacity of teacher leaders to pause, paraphrase and pose questions
A5: I still work all summer, just less stress and home early for family time, fishing, baseball and reading!
Elena Aguilar has some nice things out. is strong resource https://t.co/PtDXT2EcWu
A4: My YA list has about 25 books on it so far 🙈 I'm going to be reading nonstop! Professionally I want to find good IC blogs&save
A4: The Hopeful Brain: Neuro Relational Repair for Disconnected Children and Youth
A5: Sleep, read mindless books, lay in the sun, and remember all the things I forgot that I enjoy doing.
A5 Recommitting to exercise this summer. Lifting and cardio. Just can't beat with fitbit steps.
A4: Some Guskey and , Originals, World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements
I’m not much of a “suggester” there; I’m a newbie. I am loving the book.
A5: BEACH! If I don't find sand between my toes my summer is incomplete ❤️ I use the time to spend w/my husband and daughters
A5 Coach instead of teaching summer school. Seriously! Summer school is rewarding but exhausting
meant coaches focus getting teachers to coach each other. Increase impact of lone coach https://t.co/UR34Io9q61
I do virtual coaching of coaches. Or do you mean teachers coaching each other?
I think he means teaching teachers how to coach?
A5: Spend time with my kiddies and READ!
A5 Reading, relaxing, spending time with family, getting my home back together and getting pumped up for next year.
Well, I forgot to tell you I have a stress fracture, so I'm on a running/fitbit hiatus. Now's your chance!
I'm 4 out of 4 days this week and everything hurts!
Ahh, to exercise; a goal for me. I have been walking quite a bit; but nothing more than that recently
Oh no. Sorry to hear that.
A5: Reflect throughout the year and the year. Detemine what to keep/change, read, research, & re-tool.
what did you decide to keep
That culture of coaching throughout the school is so important. #
A5: PD across the country. Being a curriculum and history nerd. Facilitating a teacher institute, my fav place .
. Totally OK! Maybe just start a conversation about what's so good about the book and ask if anyone has read it.
A4 Kids Deserve It is on my list.. And I'm rereading Notice and Note... To offer support to my 4th and 5th teams
Yes! on my calendar for 7/20! Can't wait! https://t.co/z1ZKUKVnRJ
A4: Some Guskey and , Originals, World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements
Exactly! Building their capacity! This should be considered much more
I'm doing a 12 week challenge using the BodySpace app - LiveFit with Jamie Eason. Day 3 this week.
Following. I'm still a newbie!
A5: cooking, sleeping, cleaning, reading, parenting, traveling
Q6 What do you do to find balance in your life during the school year & the summer?
I'm running/walking and pulled the 21 day fix videos back out
Parenting! Yes!!! It's an adjustment being together all the time but a good one.
Have you read it? I’m just at the beginning; so much wisdom there on so many levels
We host the Instructional Coach Network once a month.
A6: Yoga! Travel. Family time.
A6: Unless something huge is coming up, I try to really unplug over the weekend. My fault deserves 100% of me
A6 Balance/mindfulness is something I'm really working on. I've been a workaholic too long. Loving the difference in how I feel.
I just spent 5 weeks off road in Switzerland. No planes in 5 weeks First time in 35 years
A6 Force myself to get out of the school and go to the track.
A6: Finding balance by having and keeping routines. Reading, reflecting, and eating out.
I work all summer too; yet, thinking of short summer breaks - even an hour here or there to enjoy
Me too...just enjoy the different pace. Much more time for reflection and thoughtful planning to be proactive.
A6: During school year, I try to leave it at work if it can stay. When I'm home I want to be mom and wife.
Me too. But the summer is a little more flexible, although sometimes more hectic with planning
Q6: Journal, read, massages, trips to see BF who is stationed away
We should do an exercise accountability group!
A6: reading and running did it for me. Now taking up meditation with my stress fracture (and visualizing running!)
So glad! If you try, let me know how it goes.
Great chat! I'll be back to learn and get ready for my first year!
A5 During the school year all of my reading is info. In the summer I take fun fiction days reading either on the porch or beach
A6 I check in with my wife and kids regularly to make sure work isn't taking up too much energy. They help me stay balanced
That is awesome and I am sure they appreciate it!
. Have flipped through it at the bookstore.
those continuous self-reflections and family check ins are key! Family first!
A6: Daily scheduling work/family/leisure. I can be in the moment bc I know I'll get to other things later https://t.co/YdyHo7QtYb
Q6 What do you do to find balance in your life during the school year & the summer?
Q7 What questions do you have for each other as we end another school year?
I like to play silly little internet games like candy crush and Clash of Clans. SHHHHHH. Don't tell.😉
A7: What will be your first move when Ts come back in August or even before?
Routines are huge for me. Summer really messes with that 😂 https://t.co/fiFJo54O3V
A6: Finding balance by having and keeping routines. Reading, reflecting, and eating out.
Me too - Stuck on a level in Candy Crush Soda. Keeps mind active.
A7: What do you want your staff to remember about this year?
A6 I like to play silly games like Candy Crush and Clash of Clans. Shhh. Don't tell.
A7: What are some unique ways to build relationships with leadership team and Ts?
Try to avoid security showing up like at for overcrowding. ;) He never missed a beat though
A7: How do you build a school culture that values coaching?
I am a 12 month AP. It slows down a bit. I try to stay innovative and creative even in the summer .
Agreed. I get a lot accomplished
A7: That was like a mic drop. Everyone wants to hear the answer to this one! 😂 Great question!
All the A7s could be another full chat!
A7 What is your goal for next year? How did you choose it?
Awesome! Something you can continue to build on and grow with experienced and novice teachers. https://t.co/7tfB6aOHe1
all of the progress made towards our vision
what did you succeed at this year that requires you to grow next year? https://t.co/ezUK5cBQhA
A7: What do you want your staff to remember about this year?
Yes; we’re collecting these great questions for future chats
A7 How did you measure your effectiveness? How will you measure next year?
GOOD idea - The questions being asked would make great chat topics.
I've been thinking tonight...how can I quantify my coaching. Great question.
Sister, the struggle is real! Ha!
That sounds awesome! Without relationships, everything fails😔
What productivity tools/ideas are going to try next year?
build relationships by reaching shared goals https://t.co/ZIWyzReG5d
A7: What are some unique ways to build relationships with leadership team and Ts?
Q8 What resonated with you this evening? How will this help you “Sharpen your saw?”
What productivity tools/ideas are you going to try next year?
Not new ones, but to keep using google calendar and evernote...they keep me organized!
A8: Realized I’m not reflecting or celebrating as much as would be helpful.
A8 Celebrating. Journaling.
I agree ...and sometimes shared goal is not met until end of school year. What are ways before this?
Love it! Adding to my drive now.
A8: Definitely celebrating with other coaches!
I'm on East Coast time and getting pretty sleepy 😴 See you all next week! Thanks for a great chat
One of my favorites. Love the coaching cycle model. Has changed me and the perception of coaching
A8 I'm hmstarting bucket journaling
A8: Reminder to celebrate my impact and hard work
What is bucket journaling?
A8: Defining my "wins" and then taking time to celebrate them. https://t.co/veBDwwTZrZ
Q8 What resonated with you this evening? How will this help you “Sharpen your saw?”
Q9 Are there any other future topic ideas you’d like to see discussed in over the summer?
Good night friends. Thanks for letting me jump in.
I want to know what bucket journaling is also. Sounds interesting
Is it like bullet journaling?
Well, then I need to know that one too! ;)
- This is my first chat with you - When are your scheduled chats?
Love Bullet Journaling. I'm in a FB group called Bullet Journal Junkies.
Every Wed 10 PM EST. So glad you joined us. Looking forward to more learning together