This twitter chat stands for "Wins And Losses Ed Chat" and will be a chat where students reflect on the previous week to celebrate victories and reflect on losses to turn them into victories.
Hey #waledchat. Scott from Winchester VA. I am a HS ITC and founder/moderator of #fcpslearn. I actually have a huge sweet tooth. I love raisonettes for movies, Skittles and anything chocolate.
Hello one and all!!! Peter “B-DAWG” Boland, ELA Teacher from Beacon Charter High School for the Arts in Woonsocket, RI... wrapping up the summer!!! #waledchat
Hey #waledchat! This is Michael A. from #122edchat in Chicago tweeting almost live, via TweetDeck. "Me time" tonight. I am #STEM Facilitator to the stars for @SmartLab_tweets from @Simmonsknights1. Fav. sweet is homemade molasses cookies and a tall glass of 2% milk, for the win!
#waledchat Adam. Northeast Ohio. My favorite sweet treat is Yorks and anything Reece's. My role in education is to find the admin offices with Yorks and Reece's......and eat them. All of them. Then go teach math to kids who never liked math before.
Hello everyone! I'm Angie, a 4th grade teacher from Va. I usually have to be in the mood for sweets, but you can never go wrong with chocolate. #waledchat
#waledchat A1: I am excited to at some point doing @passionprojects! Also super excited that @m_schoeneberger will come visit! Also, starting the year as awesomely inspired as I ended it last year!
A1: I am super excited about working with teachers to improve Ss learning. I love the art of teaching and can't wait to see Ts from all different departments bring it. #waledchat
A1: In my building we are focusing on Reading and SEL as our main 2 buckets. I'm excited to see how more focus on SEL changes our T outook on Ss and how our Ss will be better equiped to focus on academics. #waledchat
Hi #waledchat!! Marisa Thompson, Carlsbad, CA, HS ELA, PD Instructor, Blogger/writer, and presenter! And I'm super excited about the postcards I made today to send positive feedback home!
A1: This is my 19th year and the enthusiasm and creative ideas that our science department is developing to connect our Lab to the community and across the curriculum is phenomenal. I have never been this excited to come to school each day! Watch this space...for real! #waledchat
A1: I'm super excited this year to collaborate with even more T's than last year! Also, pumped to work through my #GoogleEI project and stay connected to my #LAX18 family!
#waledchat A1 In about 8 weeks my life mission of inspiring people to #AlwaysBelieve will hit a global audience witht he publication of my 1st book "The Story of Always Believe" This year will be amazing! Hopefully I can start speaking to Ss and Trs about this topic.
A1: I'm super excited to help create a professional learning model for my district that personalizes PD for Ts and impacts student achievement. I'm also excited to continue to grow our community early literacy initiative (birth - 4). #ReadTalkPlayEveryDay#waledchat
A1: honestly I’m just so excited for the students! I miss them in the summer and I can’t wait to see last year’s group plus a whole new group this year. (Also super excited to have a little more confidence going into the year, now that it’s my second time around!) #waledchat
A1b: I’m also incredibly excited to teach my almost redesigned Action Research Seminar to my pre-service teacher grad students. I’m incorporating design thinking and @tseelig’s Innovation Cycle for an experience that will hopefully be epic! #waledchat
A1 I am very excited for Ss to experience flexible seating in a science class, try Genius Hour, loop with a bunch of awesome kids again (and my new Ss too!), and build an amazing community of empowered learners. #waledchat
#waledchat I had probably the best teaching year of my career last year. I'm excited and little nervous about seeing if I can maintain it or make it even better. I have a habit of walking away after feeling like I've peaked. So......hmmm. Is there a new opportunity?
The chance to be in classrooms teaching lessons instead of just watching!
Really enjoying my year so far with the fun interactive bulletin boards I have created around the school. I think I am having more fun than the Ss!
A1 Excited for our theme-inspired PBL Impact Projects! First is teacher-led, then I think class, group, and finally, individual ones! I want students to know they DO have an impact and they can be intentional about it. BGP! And I like my positive feedback postcards #waledchat
A1: I'm super excited to help create a professional learning model for my district that personalizes PD for Ts and impacts student achievement. I'm also excited to continue to grow our community early literacy initiative (birth - 4). #ReadTalkPlayEveryDay#waledchat
A1: I’m really excited to do more blended learning in my classroom! I’m excited to use tech tools to help students master the learning outcomes #waledchat
Good evening #waledchat! I'm Emily from Ottawa, Canada. I am a 2nd year teacher candidate looking forward to my next year of practice teaching in high school! My favourite sweet treat is dark chocolate (but I will take chips over chocolate almost every time!)
A2: The good people of my PLN. Special shout out to @PHausTech who is co-teaching with me over the next few days to help teach my students how to use the various apps! #waledchat@ERobbPrincipal@DrCBishop
A2: My administration has put so much trust and faith in me with this process, and I am so grateful for that support. It's going to be a long year getting things ready, so their positivity has been great! #waledchat
A2: @thomaseb mentored me and really helped me to see what my future could be. @MrPStrunk inspires me daily with how he connects with Ss and creates awesome activities. The list goes on and on and on. My #GoPioneer Ts at Millbrook. You guys Rock!! #waledchat
A1: I’m excited to work with new Ss & Ts. I look forward to collaborating & watching the growth that occurs over a year. I’m excited to try new things and help others achieve their goals #waledchat
A1: I’m also really excited to start a virtual book club with teachers & staff at my school using @Flipgrid! We are using the book Happy Teachers Change the World and really focusing on the social emotional aspect of ourselves and our students #waledchat
A1: I’m excited to continue building excitement for our “new” middle school. The culture was toxic last year but since this is my first year there, I’m looking to build it back up. Week 1 has been good so far! #waledchat
Thanks! So exciting now. Made a wall in my room themed to the book. Some of the stories found in the book are read to my Ss each year on #ReadAcrossAmericaDay#waledchat
A2 - Lots of Twitter chats with amazing educators. Also reading and writing about how to improve. I probably reflected more this summer than the 5 previous ones combined. #waledchat
#waledchat we have a couple of new Ts this year that I'm excited about welcoming to our community. Making new Ts feel welcome is not something we've done well I'm hoping to make a difference there. Perhaps foreshadowing a new role in education for me?
A2: Our Instructional Leadership Team planned out last year to focus on Reading and SEL. Our SEL specialist is now at our building half time instead of 1x a week. We have new staff - we are just really ready to rock our learning T and S wise. #waledchat
A2: I get to be part of a true grade-level teaching team for the first time in years! @bphelps1980, @sbarr12, Jamie McCormick, and Amy France are a true joy and excitement to get to teach with! And admin support has been nothing short of amazing. #waledchat
A2 A former student helped me tonight. He told me how much he's been struggling and that I am the only teacher that accepted him for him...He's in the 10th and I had him in 4th. Broke my heart but also further motivated me to keep growing on my path. #waledchat
A2: My PLN on Twitter has definitely kept me energized throughout the summer, and Pinterest has been full of so many ideas that I can’t wait to try! #waledchat
My Ts are awesome and make it easy to be excited about working with them. I like to think of them like my Ss. I love to see the "lightbulb" moments with them as much as I did when in the classroom. #waledchat
A3: A few days ago, I was nervous about being in a new place and learning the ropes. Now that the kids are in my classroom, I feel so much more relaxed! #waledchat
A2: @Wes_Kieschnick has helped me become a true #BoldSchool teacher! If you’re not following his work you should be! I also love using @nearpod@Flipgrid & the various @GoogleForEdu tools to have students collaborate and independently complete rigorous activities! #waledchat
A3: I am teaming up with 4th and 5th to teach a 15 min. whole group lesson in classrooms daily. I'm not a "classroom" teacher, always been SPED - So keeping 25+ Ss active is a bit scarey. I know I can do it, I'm just used to small groups. #waledchat
A3: Sounds lame, but Drama. We are behind schedule and looking for help in the leadership department. Hoping to tie up loose ends, soon, and start planning the Fall show. I would hate to lose an opportunity to work with our talented team. #waledchat
A3: I believe in being real. I am nervous I am not going to make it through the year without surgery. But how lucky am I that have a job that I love so much that I am doing the math on how I can avoid missing many days? #waledchat
A3: I'm nervous this year about not reaching my collaboration goals and my #GoogleEI project not being as great as I hope... However, the nerves just push me to collaborate and create more!
Teaching a lesson in a classroom that is not mine. I do not have the relationships or rapport built up nearly as much as I do with my own Ss. I am nervous, but also pumped...Did I mention I was nervous?😅
A3: I am teaching 2 new courses this year and they are a lower level than last year so I’m a little nervous about bringing my A game every single day and keeping the focus on the students, instead of getting lost in the sea of prepping and grading #waledchat
A3: I'm nervous to lead PD. As a leader of PD, the pressure is up my game! :) I want to try new things and will likely fail at some - lead by example, right?! #waledchat
A3: Nervous that I'm too excited and want to try to do too much. Have to remember to breathe, take it one day/task/opportunity at a time and take care of relationships and people first. #waledchat
A3: Honestly, though I get it’s not everything, my standardized test scores aren’t where I want them to land. They’re fine, but not stellar. All debate about standardized testing aside, it IS feedback, and it shows I can do better. I want to do better. #waledchat
#waledchat A2 My administrators and counselors @GRHSNews DID AN AMAZING JOB OF INSERVICE THIS YEAR! Impactful and meaningful! #FiredUp for the first day this Monday! My room is getting final touches. #AlwaysBelieve
A2: also everyone who is a member of my PLN group online through Twitter/IG and in person! I’ve grown so much as a professional through twitter chats and just sharing ideas and collaborating with other teachers! #waledchat
A3 I’m a little nervous about my upcoming body scan to see if my cancer is all gone from last year. Nervous always about the first day but that’s always “good nerves”. I’d be concerned if I ever lost those! #waledchat
A3 I'm nervous about biting off more than I can chew... again. But! even if we get through 50% of these new goals, it's 50% more than I've done before!
Also nervous for March... if all the conferences come back with YES, I'm gone each weekend...?
A3: I’m nervous with making sure I am keeping everything relevant and making sure I am teaching every student! Teaching is such a big job and we have such a privedlge to help change our world with what we say, do, teach, etc. #waledchat
A3: a little nervous that a S won’t have their chromebook for a valuable lesson or a lesson that I plan with tech will flop. Either way, #kidsdeserveit and working with my #growthmindset#waledchat
Thank you Stephanie- I have really pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone & to be more confident. This year, I’m determined to not allow self doubt to creep into who I am & want I want to accomplish! #waledchat
In reply to
@StephDill92, @_on11, @MrPStrunk, @aaron_hogan, @renathunderhawk, @Eric_Carlin, @Shapiro_WTHS, @iluveducating, @ChristineBemis2, @khoggardGRT
A3: I haven’t really run any of the ideas I’m super excited about by my admins because I’m not sure that they’ll be supportive. But this year I’m asking forgiveness instead of permission! #waledchat
A4: I just need to trust that I am good enough to do this job. On bad days, I go to my mom. She's been teaching for a long time, and she can talk me off the ledge while understanding what I'm going through. #waledchat
#waledchat Honestly, I'm worried that I'm not as resilient as I once was. How am I going to react if things don't go well this year? I feel like I'm ready for change......and that makes me nervous.....not knowing what might be next.
Too much honesty from a veteran T??
Thanks Annie! This is a worry I have though. I didn't get into this business to be average. I got into it so I could make a positive difference for my kiddos. #waledchat
A3: Living up to the expectations. I push myself to reach the highest bar. I want to make sure that I at least begin a change and hope that it builds more than I hope! #waledchat
A4: I know that @Aunt@jpatter222 and @KalchbrennerELA will be cheering us on from the sidelines, as they prepare for Musical season, but we need a solid person, full time, to run the show for Fall. Slightly nervous but thankful for their friendship. #waledchat
A3 Last year was my toughest year(year 10 overall). I was overwhelmed on multiple fronts & that negativity sapped my confidence. This year is my tenure year in my district so I am obviously nervous about that...but hopeful w/ renewed confidence via an awesome #tlap PLN #waledchat
A2: my AT @MrsMcColeman has been a gem so far and my other inspiration has been my Twitter feed of #scicomm and #sciart for resources to make geography and biology (and other science fields) engaging and accessible. (Now if only I could find some resources in French!) #waledchat
A4 I have the best team and husband that keeps me motivated and lets me sound off, but not dwell in pity. LOL they're my #kickinthepants Crew. #waledchat
A4 @RogerGurganusis is getting a lot of shoutouts tonight but he deserves them. He is like my Yoda to me being Luke. Always challenging me and encouraging me to do better. My wife is my rock and constantly reaffirming I was meant to do this. #waledchat
#waledchat A4 My fears are conquered through exercise and quite time. Walkng the dog, riding a bike, and my favorite, walking 18 holes! Trs NEED ME TIME! If you don't do this, you will #burnout
There’s a young’un in my department who makes blended learning & station rotation look easy... I hate her (that a joke, she’s awesome!!!)... #waledchat
A4: Sometimes I’m afraid to ask for help because I want to show everyone that I’ve got this, but I’m going to really try to collaborate with the other math teachers in the building and lean on them a little more this year!#waledchat
A4 Hoping to work with community, local business, families, etc., to make our student-led PBL impact projects happen! We'll need drivers, for sure! #waledchat
A4: I’m fortunate to have some great mentors, supportive admin, and a PLN full of REAL people (even if I know some of them only virtually). I’m going to stay honest, stay humble, and stay connected. #waledchat
A3: I will be teaching in French (my 2nd language) and teaching gym class. Any tips and tricks on how to teach gym class and not look like a high school student myself?? #waledchat
A4: I know the Ts in building all have my back and will support me through my initial jitters. Most of the Ss know me from the last few years of popping in and out ouf classes, so I have that going also. #waledchat
A4: I can always rely on @PHausTech and @MrPStrunk to inspire new ideas. I am sure there will be many conversations at @JWMSGoCougars as teachers explore and experiment with edtech #waledchat
A4: My admin team brings me up! They definitely check me when I’m too tough on myself. As well, a lot of my Ts know how to bring me up when I’m having a moment! #waledchat
A1. I’m excited for all the frienships and global learning thru #mysterskype we are embarking on!
We had our 1st one today! We were super excited & colored in our 1st state, Missouri! Excited to globally connect, learn & meet friends ❤️ #Waledchat
A5: I want to read Moments by the Heath Brothers... while it might now be explicitly about education many of these types of books usually have some great ideas that are applicable to our work... #waledchat
A4: I’m fortunate to have some great mentors, supportive admin, and a PLN full of REAL people (even if I know some of them only virtually). I’m going to stay honest, stay humble, and stay connected. #waledchat
#waledchat Reading? I'm planning on writing. A book about the elements of great teaching: content master, brain-trainer, and relationship nurturer. Now I just need time to get it done......
A5 - I’m in the process of te-reading 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey. Awesome book that never gets old. Also Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Teens. #waledchat
A3: I’m nervous about learning to say no & being okay with it. I have to learn balance & that it’s better to do fewer things well rather than spreading myself thin & feeling overwhelmed. In order to be able to support others effectively, I have to take care of myself #waledchat
Got to go! If you get a chance, please join @amynicolebettis as she takes the reigns of #teachpos this Sunday night at 7:30 pm EST. Talking about connections in class ❤️ #waledchat
A5: Students at the Center by @benakallick and @allison_zmuda was on my summer reading list and I didn’t get to it... hoping to dedicate some weekend time to reading during the semester! #waledchat
It’s not, because I’m writing it just because I want to/feel called to. I’m not under a publisher or contract. Though if anyone’s interested... 😉 #waledchat