#RuralEdChat Archive
#RuralEdChat is a chat that focuses on the needs of the rural educator. This chat has been revised by Tammy Neil (@MathNeil), John Martin (@edventures) and Natalee Stotz (@nataleestotz).
Tuesday January 26, 2016 8:30 PM EST
Hey there , how are we doing tonight?
Looking forward to the chat from rural maine
Thanks for joining us, Patricia.
. Welcome! I'm waving from over in NH!
Hey, Teri! Great that you could join us tonight for
There are five focal points in the new EdTech Plan. They are Learning, Teaching, Leadership, Assessing & Infrastructure.
We'll take each point in turn starting with Learning in a few minutes.
If you're just tuning in, the plan can be found here https://t.co/aRoL2I70V0 & there's a hastag: Pls also use tonight
I'm in and out tonight. Can't wait to learn more.
A. 1need to find ways to get professional devel to Ts in rural areas
A1: Making sure schools have a solid & speedy network for Ss to access those global resources at school
Hey Tammy! Glad you can join in. :)
A1: I think it means our Rural schools are going to need more tech leaders, both adults and students.
A1 Personalized learning needs to be accepted for professional development of edus so it can translate into classrooms.
My husband is driving us home so I can be here on my phone.
Also more tech in schools communities must buy in with budget for one to one
A1b: It could bring community closer together by engaging local businesses & parents in the initiative.
That's awesome! High five to him from the crew! :)
Yes! It looks like is emphasizing meaningful connections for learning.
Certainly, AFTER we get home.
A1b: I also think it means we have to get message out about importance of Tech in our Rural Communities. So many still shun it.
engagement w real audiences will help our Ss w/motivation
While you're perusing the EdTech Plan, pay particular attention to the recommendations page at the end of each section.
A1 we need reliable access to homes in rural areas hope it reflects that at well like bringing electric in the 1930s
A1b: Agree Tammy, still think it is just for S to play games on and gossip on
And the embedded examples of engaged practices in real living breathing schools are great, too!
. Make sure you check out section 5 on Infrastructure! Hoping there will be funds tied to this & !
Exactly! Equity and access are key. We will have to stay vigilant about this in our communities.
Q2: Do we see a difference between what we do now & what the plan proposes? If so, what? If not, why? https://t.co/xK3LxsjnzJ
A1c: We also need tech leaders that support new ideas not gatekeepers that block everything under guise of "safety".
A2: Difference to me is support for alt. paths for Ss, sometimes is not embraced bc Ts are stuck on everyone doing exact same
A2- we started this year tech really helps because SS are able to research ideas and?? They have no longer waiting
rural ME schools will look very different as school will be S led not T led and have real life learning
A2b: that it calls for support of devices & internet at home for Ss. Sometimes we create our own digital divide w/i districts
A2: For some of us, this is the way we work. For most, this will be a major shift in standard operating procedures.
A2: for Ss w/ learning needs to be able to work at their pace in PBL classrooms. Will this change the look of sped
A2 We will need edu leadership in rural settings to fight criticism patterns of "new fandangled" approaches w/tech.
The pace of innovation doesn't mesh with this.
A2: problem might be that leadership does not have the tech knowledge either
true. this is definitely a factor.
Nice to see that T preparation will be changing it's way of educating S to meet the needs of our "digital natives"
If Ts aren't encouraged to start learning on their own, how can we truly model for our students?
"Do as I say, not as I do" is never an appropriate way to teach anyone anything.
A3: Leaders need to be new cheerleaders for the Ts, Ss and community. Buy in needed. Must create culture of tech. acceptance
A3: seems like leadership of all levels across each state will need to be digitally literate, can't say that is true now
A3: All Edu leaders (top down) should be trying to integrate technology and collaboration into their daily routines.
A3 I think more room will need to be made for teachers to spend some time in classrooms & other time in tech coaching roles
. Agreed. There is still a culture of *I don't need to know that, someone else can* out there that needs to change.
A3: Must allow Ts and Ss to take risks w/ tech and try new things including use of phones; imagine it!
A3: More communication & transparency as far as cost, requirements & benefit to edtech will be needed
MetaQuestion in my mind: How do you see the new EdTech plan aligning with the current & proposed NETS for Ss, Ts, As & Coaches?
A3 Library Media Specialists can/will have big impact if districts haven't cut these positions.
I also think this should be true for ALL leaders in our country. If you don't understand tech, how will you support it?
A3: perception & interpretation vary greatly & impacts integration & what is said vs modeled
. We need more edu partnerships internally! I'll fight for my LMS positions til the end!
agree Tammy, too many in leadership positions all over w/ limited skills
I think it would help support. Pushing more Ts & Admin to use tech effectively & trust in Ss
why is that permitted?? how can we shift thinking to embrace life lrng&tranparency say I need help
If Edu leaders don't support plan, it isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Hope it gets some funding as well.
A3: great way to make Ss feel motivated. Allow them to teach Ts, admin and Ss uses , they can design the lessons
. I'll be curious to see how & the new Tech Plan align. There is supposed to be money tied to these initiatives.
A4: If we're focusing on personalized learning I hope Ts start giving assessment that matters& stop grading COMPLIANCE
need to get away from the old saying of " I didn't have tech and look what I accomplished" %^*
Very true. Too many of us grew up thinking that graduation meant we were through studying.
A4b: ADAPTIVE! Let's stop acting like we have clones sitting in rows in our rooms & respect that they are individuals
Reminds me of 's mantra: Teach them to Learn 2 Love 2 Learn! https://t.co/nSil6xOTxS
Very true. Too many of us grew up thinking that graduation meant we were through studying.
. "Learning, it's not for a lesson, it's for life! - " :)
A4: Affordable, assessable all even those who don't fit the typical school day model, early college for lower costs motiva tool
. I really want to work with you! And . And . And...
! That would be AWESOME :)
Q5: Will this fly without federal funding? If no funds are forthcoming, how will your school adapt? https://t.co/3vVxW17SKJ
A4: think Ts&districts will have to start implementing tech as more than a standalone that is optional https://t.co/l9ja3L1Hyx
A5: Even w/o funds I think our district can work on its equity of tech access w/i the school & supporting PD for Ts
A4: Let's hope assessments are used by Ts for student growth not by Admin for Ts evaluations.
A5: If districts would move to OER & stop paying software licenses they would have more $ for devices or network support
A5: There are families along the river that don't have any internet access. Schools don't have $$ for that kind of support.
A5: Can spend money smarter, agree on OER Teri, also lots grant money out there, can happen have to want it bad enough
A5:rural dist lack tax base/funding to support w/o fed funding&will have to find donor or allocate other fed $ &drop smthg else
. I'm wondering at what point schools take the risk of partnering in consortiums to maximize purchase power?
We've only scratched the surface of the new Natl EdTech Plan. I hope this gives you some insight & keeps you asking questions!
A5Beautiful creative work is happening on shoestring & cut budgets now by innov8ve edus, but this isn't the best way. $$ needed
Definitely, I saw the doc for the first time just hours before , I'm excited to dig into it more
If there's a particular topic that stood out for you tonight that you'd like to dive further into, just let us know!
A5: Feds will demand take money that was allotted for something else, put on tech like they do everything else they ant done
. Thanks Melissa! seeks to serve!
hmmm...interesting thought
Big thank you to for all his hard work behind the scenes getting tonight's organized.
. I'm toying w/ the idea of nomadic teachers who may teach for several schools over the course of a year.
Would be neat, we're struggling w/ not enough encore classes for our growing middle school!