An informal learning community for educators worldwide. Our passion for learning and connected learning experiences help us to improve our teaching practices. #txeduchat features guest moderators every week.
A2) Core values are agreed upon by all stakeholders involved with the mission. We reflect upon them often to ensure they are still relevant for our work. #txeduchat
A4) make it a part of new T training and make it an agenda item a few times a year. Reflect on decisions to ensure they match the stated CV. #txeduchat
A5) ours start with the end product -the people we hope they become. So, our CVs are more written to emotion. Instructional practices vary over time, but relationships never do. #txeduchat
A5) ours start with the end product -the people we hope they become. So, our CVs are more written to emotion. Instructional practices vary over time, but relationships never do. #txeduchat
A7) AFFIRMATION! Listening! I would have said food, but I am trying hard to model healthy living to my staff. My art teacher has us working in a visual journal for stress relief. It’s been awesome working with that this year. #txeduchat