Good evening, #PIAChat and #PersonalizedPD, Mark here, elementary principal in MN. Here for the mash-up! Thrilled the amazing @posickj is leading us tonight!
A1: Personalized PD is PD we "own." I know best what I need to learn to get better. I spent too much time in sessions so a district could check a box. #piachat
A1 Personalized PD involves choice. Offering Ts a chance to learn based on their needs, areas of growth chosen. We need to honor their voice #PIAchat#personalizedPD
A1: Personalized PD - opportunities for choice & voice, opportunities to share your expertise while learning from others, opportunities for steps towards personal goals and collaborative goals #PIAChat#personalizedPD
A1: pd that is tailored to individual needs/goals & obtained in the most efficient form-workshop, Twitter, book study, peer observation, etc. #piachat#PersonalizedPD
A1- learning that challenges, stretches, and pushes me to want more as a leader, educator, and voice for kids. Relevant, impactful, MINE! #PIAChat#personalizedPD
A1. I’m still learning about #personalizedpd but my vision is working w/Ts to assess where they are and then collaboratively Plan Pd connected to their needs - seems it may work for individual and grps of Ts #PIAChat That’s my very basic thoughts
A1: I imagine it could be #PersonalizedPD to meet individual, group, school, needs... about meeting a common goal of the group - not an external mandate #PIAChat
A2: I love to do EDCamp style PD. I also like to give them time to just bounce ideas. We did that at our last meeting and people got a lot of learning done! Need to do more! #PIAchat#personalizedpd
A2: sharing articles, blogs, folks to follow on twitter based on T's needs/interests//EdCamp opportunities, individualized staff prof. goals, allowing staff to identify PD that interests them, #PIAchat
A2) Get input on what staff wants to learn about and go from there. Provide time and resources. It can look many different ways. Which I can now list with #280characters#personalizedPD#PIAchat
A2. Principals can give Ts the time to personalize their PD. Very hard in schools where all time is dictated to us. Must be done. #piachat#personalizedpd
A2) We are joining other districts in January for a large EdCamp style PD day. Teachers get choice in their learning for the day. #PIAChat#personalizedPD
A2 cont: I want to help each teacher reach goals, it's part of my own #personalizedpd It's finding the time around the "must dos" ..but I WILL find it. #PIAchat
A2 Principals need to listen, talk with Ts. Collaborate. Offer support & in-house PD based on needs & what is shared. Find innovative ways to make it happen. #PIAChat#personalizedPD
A2: Collaborate with lead teachers, and teachers with unique ideas to share with teachers. Teachers teaching teachers to teach better Ed Camp style! #PersonalizedPD#PIAChat
A2 Cont': book study group opportunities, supporting staff for coverage to allow them to observe others, using T input to determine focus discussions of S & data mtgs, #PersonalizedPD#PIAchat
A2: By talking to them. During a convo yesterday during teacher grading, I found teacher interested in reducing essay grading time. I offered to show some tools. He accepted. #piachat
A2-tap staff passions, let them loose, ASK! It’s okay to guide & introduce new things, but also we have to give up some control to capture their talents too. #BetterTogether#PIAchat#personalizedPD
A2. Principals must cultivate a culture where Ts want to learn and are willing to take it upon themselves to help guide the learning. #PIAChat#personalizedpd
Was just talking w/ @PrincipalPaul about finding ways for our staff to learn from one another. This is #personalizedpd outside the box thinking #PIAchat
A2: SO MANY WAYS! From book studies 2 giving feedback through @voxer, It all starts with building a relationship with Ts, being present in classrooms & knowing their goals for learning. #piachat#personalizedpd
A2- I’m a fan of EdCamps! We also do something called Lunch in the Lab. Topics change and teachers can come and go based on interest. #personalizedPD#piachat
A2: Full support of passion projects. @JenniferAlbers2 came up w our plan and our Ts have thrived because of it. Their choice=risk-taking=Ss' engagement #piachat#PersonalizedPD
A2b: I didn't tell teacher exactly what he should do - simply offered to share tools that could buy back time. He saw value. That is personalized. #piachat
A2. We have to know our Ts. Only way to do that is to build relationships w/ Ts, visit classrooms, make personal connections...speak to Ss. Don’t guess what they need #PIAChat
A2) Ideas: allow for a #personlizedPD day - staff chooses how they will spend their day learning. Allow a shadowing day. Allow personalized book studies. Provide small group PD. Provide choice in sessions. Give PD points for twitter chats. To name a few. #PIAchat
I know a district that is allowing a comp day if they enter their #personalizedpd hours on a google doc. It can be chats, books, podcasts, trainings or any other method. I LOVE that! #PIAchat
A2: Give opportunities to explore big ideas, collaborate, and create. Then more time to re-create and try it again. Third time's a charm. It's TryLab! #personalizedPD#PIAchat
A2 & A3: I think an important part of #PersonalizedPD is acknowledging that learning doesn't only happen during designated meeting times - trying new things, getting feedback, & trying again is Prof Development! #PIAchat
A3) By engaging in their passions; sharing their new learning; taking risks; being vulnerable; trying, failing, and trying again! #PIAChat#PersonalizedPD
A3: Sharing during informal conversations around where/how/when/what I am learning through books, Podcasts, Twitter, Edcamps, conferences...etc. #PIAchat#personalizedPD
A3) Continual learning ourselves: read, tweet, chat, and share what we learn with others. Model that learning and growing is important. #PIAchat#PersonalizedPD
A3: finding many different in-roads into learning opportunities, sharing my own learning, trying risks & making public mistakes #PIAChat#personalizedPD
A3: I talk w/my teachers abougt my own journey with #INspiredleadership and what it's doing for me. I also talk about my Voxer groups and chats. I encourage them to get connected. #personalizedpd#PIAchat
A3: After teaching session on Twitter and building PLN, I have offered opportunities to convene chats at various venues. They can see my learning, and WE can connect.#piachat
A3 Principals must be learners, model behaviour. If it's important, find ways to make it happen. Learn alongside staff, book reading, one-on-one co-learning. Be in the class. #PIAChat#PersonalizedPD
So important! In fact, I believe a small percentage happens during meeting times. I am lucky that so many of my staff stretch themselves on their own time bc they truly love learning and growing. #PIAchat
A3. Model a lifestyle of constantly learning and not leading as a know it all. We must #BeTheOne that is constantly learning and personalizing our own PD. #personalizedpd#PIAChat
A3- be willing to learn in public. Talk about what you’re learning & how you’re doing it...share. Invite others to the conversations, seek feedback. Listen. Encourage passions. #PersonalizedPD#PIAChat
I think times like data meetings, team times, 1:1 teacher convos, and more can be great learning opportunities - prof. development. I always feel I've learned more when I see the amazing things happening in the classrooms in my school #PersonalizedPD#PIAchat
A3- Poll your Ts and then create PD based on ideas submitted by your teachers. This will allow for relevant and personalized PD sessions. #PIAchat#PersonalizedPD
A3: sometimes its about giving permission - had a T ask if she could embed more play into her room - my response - YES! another worried about failing with a new instructional technique - my response - you learn from those failures! #PersonalizedPD#PIAChat