Math T from OKC, Oklahoma. Dealing with allergies so I may not be on long. Glad tech can allow me to participate in what I love while being under the weather. #sunchat
Susan from the Jersey Shore! After a week of rain and humidity, we've got a sunny weekend. Shout out to our Carolinas friends - hope you are faring well. #sunchat
Tiffany, Instructional Coach and PhD student (with a concentration in Curriculum and Educational Technology) from VA. Always love my #sunchat mornings!
Morning, #sunchat. I'm Brian. I teach middle-school students English in Colorado. Today's topic dovetails nicely w/conversation over last 30+ minutes at #hacklearning about libraries, then & now.
Good morning! My name is Shannon and I am a Kent State University student majoring in Early Childhood Education with a minor in Special Education: Mild/Moderate. It's my first time being in a tweetchat. #sunchat
Good morning, #sunchat!
Karl - basic skills/Title I ELA teacher for 3rd through 6th. Checking in from the Jersey shore. Tired and sun burned, but ready to learn.
I love that a professor in Ohio/Kent State has sent pre-service teachers to twitter for Prof Education and Development! This is the best place to be! #sunchat
Ahhhh, I lived in Glen Gardner for a few years after I first got married. Also Union County, now in Ocean County. We have quite a few Jerseyans on here. #sunchat
My conjecture, #sunchat: Start w/meaningful purpose, then line up resources -- including, perhaps, tech tools -- that can facilitate our pursuit of that goal. Case in point below....
I did BS, MA at Kean and student teaching in Roselle Park and drove through Glen Gardner every day of my life for 15 years haha small world. Great to meet locals on here :) #Sunchat
I am always concerned with the WHY behind tech use. Using it just to use it? What does it add to the curriculum? Popping a kahoot into a lesson plan is not innovation. I highly recommend considering the TPACK framework when considering tech use. #sunchat
Excited to see what our pre-service Ts have to say today- you are coming from a generation that is heavily tech-driven to teach a generation that is even more tech-driven. What does that mean for your crooms? #sunchat
We went to 1:1 for our middle school and 9th grade this year so I am fully embracing it and doing #digitalnotebooks with my freshmen. It has definitely been a learning curve but when the tech works, it's great lol #sunchat
Meaningful tech integration is something I struggle with for sure. Using just to use it doesn’t seem meaningful. And sometimes I get better results from pencil/paper than I do tech from my students #sunchat
Let me back up my earlier statement a bit. I'm not against tech use (like kahoots) that make the teacher's life easier (cause that's really the point behind a kahoot - allows me to assess quickly and collect data), but it's not re-inventing instruction OR learning. #sunchat
Some teachers feel pressure to use tech. Without any training or experience with the tools teachers are ineffective even when they try their hardest. #sunchat
Depends on how it's being used...does the technology do the thinking for the student? If so, it's bad.
Does the technology add to the learning by doing something that cannot be accomplished without its use? Then that may be good use.
Meta comment: Tech, in this particular case of #sunchat right now, is connecting educators from disparate geographic locales, from veterans to pre-service experience & everyone in between, in one ginormous virtual room. Which is potentially quite powerful, don't you think?
This is so true - when I get too excited about new tech I have to be careful to weigh the benefits. Ss are often more engaged with old fashioned paper/pencil, hands-on activities. #sunchat
Pretty sure its somewhere in between. Technology is a tool, nothing more, nothing else. Like any tool is has incredible potential, but it comes down to how it is being integrated. It comes down to the “why”. #sunchat
I use tech (chrome books) to get the 6th graders used to typing their papers, and also to utilize the ease of Google Classroom. We do some research, and I let them experiment with presentations. All are skills they will need. But otherwise, Old School for me. #sunchat
Ours has been pretty smooth as well. Except they aren't allowed to take them home at this point so ... yea that isn't the best. Our network has been slow though even though they upgraded it over the summer. So many little parts to think about. #sunchat
Tech is terrific for variety and engagement. If one method isn't working for students, there are a variety of other methods online. I look at it as two heads are better than one. It is a balance, though. Non technological methods can be just as engaging and fun. #Sunchat
#sunchat hello from Tunisia, this is my first time in this chat I am Monia Mahmoudi computer science teacher in a middle school, I am happy to be with you and learn from you
Such a GREAT point. We've had lots of conversations about the nature of professional development - what it is and what it could be. How a one size fits all model isn't best. We often leave teacher's technological professional development out of these conversations. #sunchat
Some teachers feel pressure to use tech. Without any training or experience with the tools teachers are ineffective even when they try their hardest. #sunchat
Sometimes taking my Ss off the computer - where they measure time-on-task in seconds - helps them slow down, empty out their thoughts, and think through problems more deliberately. #sunchat
Google classroom platform. I created a template on Google Slides for the notebook for Ch 1 so it was a lot of planning ahead but then I pushed that out to Ss and they edit their copy as we go. It is awesome to be able to see their notebooks anytime I want #Sunchat
How you use the technology is definitely important. You have to start with the objective and not the tool. However, I find I can create more interactive and individualized activities with technology that leads to more meaningful experiences for my Ss. #sunchat
Paula from Ky. As a Parent Ambassador I sat in on a sophomore SS class last week with a new teacher. It was a combo of YouTube clips, interactive discussion, a brief worksheet and class project. At one point he pulled out a textbook for a timeline. Use what works.#sunchat
I struggle with the idea that anything that engages a student in a lesson is a good thing (and tech usually does with so many fun engaging sites and apps) - but we must make sure we are using anything in moderation. #sunchat
Okay. I will finally get to the chat. Technology is a tool just like pencil and paper. It can be used well or horribly. We have to learn how to use it well and teach our Ss how to do the same. #sunchat
We must consider why we are using any tool, including technology. But, we have to be ready and willing to use any tool, including technology, if it can work for our Ss. #sunchat
Such a GREAT point. We've had lots of conversations about the nature of professional development - what it is and what it could be. How a one size fits all model isn't best. We often leave teacher's technological professional development out of these conversations. #sunchat
Some teachers feel pressure to use tech. Without any training or experience with the tools teachers are ineffective even when they try their hardest. #sunchat
I am a huge proponent of a marble notebooks and colored pencils, note taking by hand, scribbled pictures, charts and graphs to show information.... but I also love kids who can type and edit on a chromebook. It's how I write, so..... #sunchat
...and, yet, I don't often see it used in such ways when I visit classrooms. There is such POWER in technology. Until we expand our pedagogy and understand how it can be used to enhance curriculum, it's no different than a pencil, piece of chalk, or composition notebook. #sunchat
Meta comment: Tech, in this particular case of #sunchat right now, is connecting educators from disparate geographic locales, from veterans to pre-service experience & everyone in between, in one ginormous virtual room. Which is potentially quite powerful, don't you think?
I think the use of tech in classrooms is beyond helpful when it comes to powerpoints for notes, but I can't stand when it gets used to take stuff like quizzes. I think we rely in it too much. #sunchat
I also like to give Ss choice. Even something simple like writing a paper - some Ss prefer to write by hand, some prefer to go directly to the computer. #sunchat
At #edcamplongmont Saturday, I heard story of student in auto mechanics class who broke 2 school-supplied 1:1 devices: 1 left on ground & crushed under car, other cracked when fell off hood. Why were devices there? Gave info re: what student was trying to repair! #sunchat
I get that. Does this belie the need for better PD? Does it belie the need for Ts to understand that, no matter where you are in your career, you have to be willing to embrace progression? #sunchat
At this point they are required but I am always willing to adjust as we go. I have printed it out for a S with a concussion and another who had login issues. Trial and error at this point. Planning on surveying their thoughts formally after first test #sunchat
I'm finding that technology can help to level the playing field for Ss. I work w/ Ss who struggle with eye reading and written language - the use of technology allows them to shine in ways traditional paper and pencil doesn't allow them to. #sunchat
Hi everyone! My name is Vanesa Huizenga and I am a sophomore at Trinity Christian College. I am studying Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education. This is my first Twitter chat that I'm participating in! #sunchat#troll209
I also like to give Ss choice. Even something simple like writing a paper - some Ss prefer to write by hand, some prefer to go directly to the computer. #sunchat
Our helpful pages for this #sunchat Technology Integration page Technology pages We must find the best ways each students learn. We need to give students more choices in how they learn with/without technology too.
I can see how that can be frustrating. Ours didn’t happen overnight. We had a pilot program, added Chromebook carts, & then started in the 6th grade only. It has taken us about 4 yrs to get to this point. Hopefully, those issues will work themselves out. #sunchat
I think this is an important consideration. How are we using technology to inspire critical thinking and the application of concepts? If we are just using it to retrieve information.... #sunchat
Depends on how it's being used...does the technology do the thinking for the student? If so, it's bad.
Does the technology add to the learning by doing something that cannot be accomplished without its use? Then that may be good use.
Since I started teaching 12 years ago, so much of our curriculum has moved to integrate online components - GoMath, HMH Journeys, ScienceInteractive. And we've added tech-based work - reading responses, writing, presentations, etc. It's tech overload. #sunchat
I'm finding that technology can help to level the playing field for Ss. I work w/ Ss who struggle with eye reading and written language - the use of technology allows them to shine in ways traditional paper and pencil doesn't allow them to. #sunchat
Hi everyone! My name is Vanesa Huizenga and I am a sophomore at Trinity Christian College. I am studying Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education. This is my first Twitter chat! #sunchat#troll209
Pretty sure its somewhere in between. Technology is a tool, nothing more, nothing else. Like any tool is has incredible potential, but it comes down to how it is being integrated. It comes down to the “why”. #sunchat
We are using the word engage and hook a lot. I am always concerned when we use that in relation to tech. We never say those words with other tools. Shouldn’t the hook be more about the content rather than the tool??? Don’t know. Love ideas. #sunchat
With students becoming more adept with technology every passing year, I foresee my classroom intergrating useful and interesting online applications daily. #sunchat
Fair point. Pencils, chalk, composition notebooks had (& still have) their moments. Newer ed tech options are having (& will have) their moment, too.
Does that sound too circumspect? #sunchat
I agree with you. What I’ve heard from some teachers is that new tech is just another thing to learn. Where is the time? I know it’s important to learn but some don’t see value if it changes so quickly to spend time learning #sunchat
I get that. Does this belie the need for better PD? Does it belie the need for Ts to understand that, no matter where you are in your career, you have to be willing to embrace progression? #sunchat
There has to be a balance in the classroom. If paper-pencil or hands-on strategies work, do that! Tech should enhance S learning, expand possibilities for learning, and empower Ss to take charge of their learning. #sunchat
There are other hooks---telling a story, pretending to be a character in a book, doing a carousel activity... If you really think about it, there are hooks everywhere. #sunchat
No, I don’t think it does. I just think everything has a purpose more than a moment. It is important to help people know the purpose and how using it for a purpose helps you be efficient and effective. #sunchat
We need to treat tech like we treat crayons, markers, scissors in K-1 - it's a tool. And it's not the right tool for EVERY problem.
More and more that's the approach I'm taking - something more metacognitive, as someone mentioned earlier. Right tool for right problem. #sunchat
Another word I’ve seen a lot this morning has been “depends”, and I think it applies here. Tech can engage, tech can equalize, but it all depends on how we use it. #sunchat
Sometimes, you'd be surprised :) Had recent experience where tech seemed to sabotage a seemingly competent speller. Wrote about that here: (Then again, it's possible she outsmarted & sabotaged herself.) #sunchat
Because I love stirring the pot: how about use of students' personal devices? I come from the school where we model how to use personal devices responsibly and how to manage screen time. Not ask students to put away devices that we constantly have at our side.... #sunchat
Good morning! I'm Elenisa from South Texas! I work in Instructional Technology and I'm already loving the bits of conversation I'm seeing this morning! Excited to be here with you all! 💕 #sunchat
I'm curious about everyone's thoughts on the use of tech for efficiency. I often hear that as a benefit listed by teachers - is this a good use of tech? #sunchat
@MrsDamianoWH I love my notebooks - and I won't give them up. I've found a way to have paper/pen and tech live harmoniously together. Yes, I've found world peace. *adjusts tiara on head while getting pricked by the rose thorns in the bouquet I'm holding* #sunchat
So true and in all of those things the purpose is driving it. I am wondering if when we use technology as hook we miss the purpose being the driver. Am I off my rocker? Lots of medicine does that :) #sunchat
Students have been using technology since they were very small. They are constantly learning and adapting with technology. I would say that for most students, it is not overwhelming, but a part of their lives. #sunchat
From a students perspective, I think technology can be very beneficial, but only in moderation. I think when used right it can create excitement. #troll209#Sunchat
#sunchat A1: Technology is great but sometimes its the teachers who are more excited to use it when it should be what the students what bc its their learning experience. Also, not all schools have access to technology due to funding. What do you do then?
Although I am still a student and have not had much experience in a classroom yet, I do feel that technology can be very beneficial in a classroom, but that there are still instances where it would be better off to not use it because of how some students respond to it. #sunchat
Excellent question!
They grumble when I say "no Chromebooks". The 'manual' work + "not fast enough" annoys them... to start. Most adapt. Especially since I'll ask them to go back and do more, think more, expand/elaborate.
Like reading, they need to build stamina. #sunchat
LOL! Yes for my 10th grs this year I have them doing a binder, still #interactivenotebook style but a little more flexible. The 9th grs have the 1:1 and we are trying to limit paper usage for budget reasons :-/ #sunchat
For the devices we have, sometimes the student devices work better! An engaged teacher can see if student devices are being used in the lesson or for other purposes. As long as you are paying attention, I think student devices are fine #sunchat
I am discovering they are not more adept which has been really weird. I have a lot of tech (iPad cart, chromebook cart, smart board and graphing calculators with ability to transmit info). Last year my Ss said I was overwhelming them with all the tech #sunchat
I love the way education is evolving and that options are available to fit the way kids learn. It doesn’t have to be all tech anymore like back in the day when it was all paper and pencils. #sunchat
I will say I love how technology keeps my students and me organized. Ultimately, the learning in the classroom is most important, but the efficiency is a wonderful bonus. #sunchat
I agree, Karl! Every program that a school buys into has tech - online texts, practice apps, etc. Hey, let's interact with these kids on a personal level, okay? Why are we okay with letting a tech program always evaluate where the kids are in terms of understanding? #sunchat
Not sure, but it seems to me that we talked about having good hooks for our lessons well before we started using tech. I remember using interactive notebooks & thinking long & hard about hooks and engagement. #sunchat
I still see personal devices as a tool. Adults in the "real world" have them all of the time, so it feels artificial to draw a line and say students can't use them. That being said, boundaries & clear expectations are key! #sunchat
Because I love stirring the pot: how about use of students' personal devices? I come from the school where we model how to use personal devices responsibly and how to manage screen time. Not ask students to put away devices that we constantly have at our side.... #sunchat
The never-ending battle. But I agree, I have my phone on my all the time, wear watch that alerts me to msgs, etc. Ss will never NOT have tech in their future, I would rather teach them to multi-task and complete a task than pretend tech doesn't exist #sunchat
I’ll admit I’m a tech-friendly teacher, but not as much as I’m a student-centered teacher. But I’m increasingly concerned with Ts who dismiss using technology because they aren’t comfortable with it, or because it isn’t what they’ve “always done”. Disturbing attitude #sunchat
When given the choice, most still choose a device. That's the world they are in.
I don't get it. I'm on the computer enough. Less is more in my world. But entering their world? More is more.
I agree with you. What I’ve heard from some teachers is that new tech is just another thing to learn. Where is the time? I know it’s important to learn but some don’t see value if it changes so quickly to spend time learning #sunchat
It's quicker to take them in person, computers can lag or stop working right in the middle of the quiz, sometimes you don't realize when you click on the wrong answer. I just don't understand why we need to do them online when we are taking the class in person. #sunchat
I took a class when we had to set up an Edmodo account and use it as if we were teachers speaking to our class. has anyone else used Edmodo and was it helpful. I thought it was interesting and enjoyed using it but was unsure of the practicality in a mathematics classroom #sunchat
Technology in the classroom is not a magic bullet. The lesson behind it is what matters. But we can’t ignore technology either. It is necessary but not sufficient. #sunchat
And does that efficiency leave you more time to do other important tasks, such as plan good lessons, build relationships, etc? That's where I see the value. But efficiency for efficiency's sake is a slippery slope...faster is not always better. #sunchat
I guess a big ? is how do we get Ts to use tech to truly support the learning. Now that I think about it, it is a ? that applies to paper and pencil as well. Each year I am sadden to hear how much my Ss still just sit and get in most of their classes. #sunchat
I agree. I consider myself a student-centered teacher who leverages technology to meet my Ss needs. I get frustrated by talk of “tried-and-true” and “this has always worked before.” #sunchat
I think it’s all about balance. My students love variety when I teach. I use old and new tech. It’s hard for me to keep up with all of the new apps but I’m not giving up! I would love a tech coach on sight! #sunchat
Interesting, Tiff - school districts seem to make the call on this one. Many are not yet okay with this for liability reasons - how to monitor use, responsibility of the device in school if stolen, etc. This will change, I believe. #sunchat@tiffanytruitt
Because I love stirring the pot: how about use of students' personal devices? I come from the school where we model how to use personal devices responsibly and how to manage screen time. Not ask students to put away devices that we constantly have at our side.... #sunchat
Imagine you are in the midst of a disaster and your inclination is not one of familial safety, but thievery. These are not disadvantaged souls in search of necessities, they are predatory opportunists.
Opportunists who steal...because they can.
It is foreign to me to think of using tech for tech's sake. Start with the content you are trying to deliver & then find ways to present it. I like to ask the students to work with me to develop a fun way to present their growth. I think you & I are on the same page. #sunchat
Online quizzes have been helpful with giving instant feedback to Ss in my opinion. I use #goformative and can type to them WHILE they are taking the quiz even and tell them "Hey slow down and re-read this question. I know you know the answer." #sunchat
One of the biggest q’s we should be asking ourselves with anything that ties to our Ss and our crooms is “Why?”. If we get could get every T to ask that, at minimum, 5 times a day, we’d be better off! #sunchat
Personal devices are a double edged sword. But I agree - we need to help Ss use them effectively & responsibly. Also need to teach them how to protect themselves. #sunchat
I can't get behind the ban. Our job is to prepare students for the real world. Personal devices are a huge part of it. Many of today's discipline issues stem from technology / social media. Talking about it once a year during anti-bullying week isn't helping. #sunchat
I have a mixed stance on personal devices only due to my experience working in an inner city summer camp. Because we had a lot of down time at my camp I used let my students use personal devices till my bosses told me we weren't allowed to have em.
#sunchat A2: Our students have to want to use the technology. The second a student says they dont like it or a student has to share a device we have stopped teaching & decreased their full learning experience. As teachers it is important that its inclusive and we meet all needs
It is. I ask my students to find their favorite app and help me create a way for them to use it to show growth. They are a part of the creative process and enjoy it. #sunchat
We are not in a world of “before”. Many jobs are students will have one day don’t even exist yet or are jobs we haven’t even heard of. Education has to change, too!! #sunchat
Once again, Kevin, you hit the nail on the head - I was just about to tweet something about making sure the WHY is the driving question behind every decision (about tech tools or anything else) we make! #sunchat
One of the biggest q’s we should be asking ourselves with anything that ties to our Ss and our crooms is “Why?”. If we get could get every T to ask that, at minimum, 5 times a day, we’d be better off! #sunchat
I am speaking generally. Believe it or not there are still teachers without home computers and cellphones. I don’t know if any amount of in-school support would be enough when there is no desire to use technology #sunchat
True. Hooks have been around for a while. Unfortunately, I think sometimes it gets forgotten at the secondary level. We think our wonderful lectures are hooks. Since we don’t think about it much, sometimes tech is improperly used as a hook. #sunchat
I hear you, Hannah. Glitchy technology=bane of existence for many of us. One upside I see in e-quizzes, per Aubrey's question: They can help me see patterns of (mis)understanding across group of learners instantly, which then deserve a response. #sunchat
Absolutely. I have so much more time to build better activities and I am much better at building relationships now. My classroom has transformed into an entirely student-centered environment where I float where needed for feedback or to just check in. #sunchat
Ah, yes... the budget reason comes into play - I forgot about that one. When the district dictates how best to teach.... What do we think about that one, folks? #sunchat@MrsDamianoWH
LOL! Yes for my 10th grs this year I have them doing a binder, still #interactivenotebook style but a little more flexible. The 9th grs have the 1:1 and we are trying to limit paper usage for budget reasons :-/ #sunchat
Not overwhelming. Overload. They mean something different to me. Bc they are on it (seemingly) 24/7, doesn't mean it's good to be on it 24/7. In sports, playing for 10 months w/o a break is bad - repetitive use injuries. Why would tech be different? They need variety. #sunchat
Yes! And those jobs will use technology that hasn’t been thought of before which means our Ss need to be comfortable with learning new technology/applications. Our Ss are comfortable with phones and sometimes not much else. #sunchat
Not overwhelming. Overload. They mean something different to me. Bc they are on it (seemingly) 24/7, doesn't mean it's good to be on it 24/7. In sports, playing for 10 months w/o a break is bad - repetitive use injuries. Why would tech be different? They need variety. #sunchat
It is always good to provide a variety of activities---some not tech oriented. Why would you only do one thing? I agree with the sports analogy. Many injuries due to repetitive use. #sunchat
I am so glad it is foreign to you. It is not natural for me either. I am realizing people often just use the tech for tech sake. I do a lot of training and mentoring. Trying to change it. #sunchat
I see your point. In our secondary Ts know they should only "lecture" for max of 15 minutes (mini-lessons). Ss need to be actively engaged if we want them to learn. #sunchat
Not a fan. If it benefits my students to print something rather than do it on their device, I’m going to print it. I’m here for the success of my students—whatever means necessary! #Sunchat
I hear ya, this is my 1st time and i'm confused who's answering which question. Doesn't help i got to write about this chat for a class assignment #sunchat
Pitfall baked into some learning standards, which set targets on static aspects of content knowledge. That mindset becomes a habit, which takes notable effort to overcome. (Plus, standards like those are easier to test & such efficiencies can be hard to surrender.) #sunchat
When I do trainings, I tell people I work to not do a whole group talk for no more than 10 to 20% of the class time. They are shocked and wonder how I do it. #Sunchat
OK, who broke the "purpose" seal?
I saw it as I was scrolling.
Yes. Bottom line: what's our purpose? Then, what tool serves that purpose best?
Sometime the purpose is: slow down; marinade in the moment. Maybe tech isn't right then.
Great discussion this morning everyone! Gotta jet but I leave with this thought- don’t think of it as embracing “change” or “tech”; think of our focus as embracing “need”, what do our Ss need? See everyone next week! #sunchat
A1: Personally I have used a couple teaching tools such as Adobe Spark and Animaker for project purposes and I can see how useful they would be in a classroom, but also how time consuming it can be to use them often. They require a lot of time and effort. #sunchat#troll209
#sunchat A3: White boards, flashcards, & rewriting notes are some old ways that I find more beneficial to me; these are what I know works for me knowing it might not for others. We are so driven on readily available and flexibility, maybe bc of the fast pace lifestyles anymore?
You can fill out the teacher part and just say what you would be willing to pay. You don’t have to fill out the administrator section. On a separate note, wow that is really low. #sunchat
Ts who are new to our school also struggle with this (change is hard), but eventually they see that conferencing with Ss while they work is far more powerful than whole group lectures. #sunchat
We are purposefully using tech in our STEM lab- it has been a great way to use tech in new ways that help transform the lessons. Ex iPad to capture experimental trials in slow motion to analyze- using daily pictures of plants to show the growth in fast motion....etc. #sunchat
Calling all my PBL peeps like @BIEpbl & #pblchat. Please help my Ss with their project by completing this survey: It will only take a few mins. Needing 300 answers so retweet to all your Ts. Thanks a bunch!
YAYmen to that!
Textbooks are like encyclopedias of old - a good starting point to set a foundation, but that isn't the house.
Need to build the rest of that knowledge.
McCartney slams Trump in new song. 💤💤 McCartney slams Trump in old song.
Media dredge celebrities out of the "I loathe Trump" bucket and deluge us with hatred. Keep it up. We didn't listen in 2016. We are deaf to your ploys now.
A2: I think that students want to use technology because it is just a big part of their lives. They are used to it being around so when it’s integrated into their learning they can feel more confident. It also makes students accountable for their learning. #troll209#Sunchat
Nice!!! I hate the beginning of school only because I have to talk more to get them trained. I am just now finally where I talk for less than 8 minutes or less (I have 47 minute class periods). It feels so good. #sunchat
My textbooks are just one source of information ... i create broad questions in which the kids research ... while I am tossing out thinking points they can add to their thoughts or push their thoughts in a new direction. #sunchat
“When you are available, opportunities to be of service present themselves.” As school leaders, we need to make ourselves available to serve. @JonGordon11#TheCarpenter#Leadership#sunchat
SAME! Thank goodness, I can give my voice a rest. I love flipping my classroom as well but my webcam stopped working so I need to find another way lol #sunchat#teacherproblems
“When you are available, opportunities to be of service present themselves.” As school leaders, we need to make ourselves available to serve. @JonGordon11#TheCarpenter#Leadership#sunchat
agreed ... hard balance ... i am a huge tech user, but I cannot spend days teaching kids how to use tech at the expense of my history content. Sometimes I have to scale back tech if it is getting in the way of learning. #sunchat
100% agree. Efficiency is a huge gift of technology. That's why we love our phones - calendar, social media, instant communication (anyone leave vm's anymore?!), emails in our hand (I can't even remember my pw's anymore!) #sunchat
This week I let my students choose an animal family of their interest. 6th graders came in with their Chromebooks to help them with their research. #sunchat
Such a great chat today! Got ideas for topics to discuss? Let @tiffanytruitt, @susankotch or @TheKevinMCline know via direct message! Have a wonderful week, all! Time for that second cup of coffee - you earned it! #sunchat
We use a workshop model too and a lot of PBL. We do very in depth training at first: coaching, modeling, giving feedback, observing other Ts and eventually most of our new Ts get there. #sunchat
At its best, technology provides infinite access to the world of knowledge and other cultures. At its worst, it is an enabler of intellectual laziness. “I’ll google the answer.” The truth lies in how it is used or abused by the individual in search of answers & truth #sunchat
Books aren’t going anywhere. We still read and annotate novels. And, I love reading PD books, personally. However, textbooks where information is dated by the publication date may become like encyclopedias...not as useful as digital counterparts. #sunchat
In reply to
@effortfuleduktr, @carlameyrink, @thnorfar, @MrsDamianoWH
I want to thank everyone who participated in today's #sunchat! As always, I am left with new questions to ponder, and I am forever thankful to be a part of this professional learning network. We're a pretty great team!
#sunchat is a TOUGH chat to jump into. Super fast. :(
Are you using Tweetdeck to help you focus on a single hashtag? It's easier to follow the sidebar conversation threads.
We forget learning is interactive. Reading or listening is just the input part of the cycle. We have to move to people talking and doing something with it. Learning is a process not an event. #sunchat
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@effortfuleduktr, @carlameyrink, @MrsDamianoWH
Awesome! We do something similar also showing them how to navigate the library databases, & use the email feature to share their articles w/ each other or w/ the teacher- I hope they see the benefits of using tech to collect, store, organize and present their findings. #sunchat
But it doesn't have to be can be writing to interact with the material...answering questions, writing responses. "The person doing the talking is doing the learning" is a little short-sided, in my opinion. #sunchat
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@thnorfar, @carlameyrink, @MrsDamianoWH
So do I Susan - I'm not against reading at all. What I don't agree with are hour long lectures and textbooks. There are so many other things to read than a textbook! #sunchat
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@susankotch, @effortfuleduktr, @thnorfar, @MrsDamianoWH
Ahhh yes- but is the answer Google gave you accurate? Great teachable moments on how students need skills to check for credibility and reliability of data.... #sunchat
Have to bolt, #sunchat.
My son had to rewrite the ending of The Great Gatsby. Need to go proof it for him.
Also, my head is swirling from this conversation!
Have an awesome Sunday :)
I do question was in response to the quote "the person doing the talking is doing the learning"...can be a very misleading quote. It sounds good, though, so it is often passed around. #sunchat
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@thnorfar, @susankotch, @carlameyrink, @MrsDamianoWH
Lord, don’t get me started on textbooks. I get they really help new Ts to a certain extent but I so want to do a burn party on them. Too many people make them curriculum. #sunchat
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@HPrestonEdu, @effortfuleduktr, @carlameyrink, @MrsDamianoWH
And I also feel that textbooks are biased. I want Ss to read widely & hear different points of view so that they can critically make up their own mind about things - we need to train them for real life (which doesn't come with a textbook) #sunchat
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@HPrestonEdu, @effortfuleduktr, @thnorfar, @MrsDamianoWH
Engagement is the key to learning, so I take it that engaging in the conversation is what helps us learn. Sitting by quietly is where we miss all the action. #sunchat
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@effortfuleduktr, @thnorfar, @carlameyrink, @MrsDamianoWH
I think it is always nice to get Ss involved in small group purposeful talk before critical writing happens. Writing is very important, but I find that letting my Ss talk allows them to process their thinking in a way that provides more clarity to their writing. #sunchat
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@effortfuleduktr, @thnorfar, @carlameyrink, @MrsDamianoWH
I think when Blake is referencing reading. He is meaning the bad kind like read this section from a textbook and then answer questions. He is not meaning reading circles or using great protocols like say something or 4As. #sunchat
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@carlameyrink, @Maurici10139263, @effortfuleduktr, @MrsDamianoWH