Hey Cardinal Teachers! Welcome to the January #wcedchat! Thanks for joining. Please check in and tell us what and where you teach! (7th grade math at the JH for me) I look forward to sharing all the wonderful ways we are growing as teachers.
A1. I hope to improve in the area of providing effective feedback; also I hope to get a good review of trauma-informed strategies, as I enjoyed the workshop in KC last year. Also, I hope to gain for strategies for using technology as always. #wcedchat
A1 A big professional resolution of mine is to listen to PD-related audiobooks as I travel between buildings. I spend a lot of time in my car, so I might as well be learning while I'm driving! #wcedchat
A1: I want to continue being a life-long learner. My goals for this year include observing other teachers, asking questions, reading more, and not being afraid to take risks. #wcedchat
A1-Prof growth resolutions: Read at least three books this semester, complete at least two observations of other teachers in my dept, and keep taking risks. #wcedchat
A1: Cutting myself a little slack, not being so hard on myself; work on having a healthy work-life balance. My S are important, but my family is important too. I am going to work on remembering and enforcing this. #wcedchat
A1: My professional learning goal for 2019 is to become more confident in all of my content areas so that I can take my students deeper in the learning process. #wcedchat
A1: This year my goal is grow as a leader by serving, mentoring, and continually educating myself through observations, book studies, and PD courses. #wcedchat
A1 Most of my plans deal with making sure I am living a healthy lifestyle mentally, physically, and spiritually. Minding all of the above will always make a difference in what I am able to do professionally. #wcedchat
A1: This might be a little cliche of me, but I will continue to strive to better myself every day. There is not a single aspect of my job that I am close to perfecting, so as long as I am learning, I am growing. #wcedchat
New year resolutions I dont believe in but I always try to do better than I did the year before and this year to learn and grow and be involved in the growth and development of young people #wcedchat
A1) I’m not calling it a resolution because I’m not going to “start to...” I’m going to CONTINUE to...LOVE and FIGHT for my kids and what they need/deserve #wcedchat
As instructors we are or should always seek to learn new ways to teach and reach our students. Knowing our "kids" is key . One way isn't always what works continue to learn, adapt or challenge ourselves as well as our students #wcedchat
A2. The quote almost explains itself; we all need to be lifelong learners. Learning something new that interests us can refresh the mind, and motivate us to continually strive to improve. #wcedchat
A2 It's impossible to expect Ss to develop into self-directed learners if they never see that behavior modeled. Let's make our schools true cultures of learning by being more open with our own PD #wcedchat Let Ss see us learn & hear us discuss it, failures & set backs included
A2: Just like we ask students to take risks and stretch their thinking, teachers must be willing to do the same. A school must be a safe place for teachers to make mistakes so they can grow and learn. Allow teachers to have PD opportunities and collaboration time! #wcedchat
Q2. #wcedchat When I read this quote, it rings true, but in a different perspective. I think about relationships within the building. The building that you work or people you work with have to have positive intentions with each other, support, lifting each other up, and love!
A2: If teachers can't/don't grow, they get left behind in the ever changing world of education. Our district lets us spread our wings and go for it. Love WC. #wcedchat
A2 Having worked for other districts, it is easy to see how the professionalism and drive of the staff bleeds down into the student body. We set the example of what we expect, for better or for worse. #wcedchat
A2 This Teaching Channel article indicates teacher collaboration helps to raise student achievement. It also refers to teaching as a team sport.
Interesting! #wcedchathttps://t.co/ifOForiVEd
A2: Having an attitude that is positive to learning new things to become the best we can for students. Being willing to change for the better good of the school. #wcedchat
A 2 Without good PL teachers will become stagnate and burn out, which will effect student learning and growth. Excited teacher, excited students! Engaged teacher, engaged students! #wcedchat
A2) So true! Students won’t learn and grow if they aren’t in a positive environment the same way teachers won’t work and grow if they aren’t in a positive environment. Supported teachers support kids. #wcedchat
A2: Make it okay and even encouraged to try and fail/succeed in your room. Be authentic with your students about trying new activities and whether they work or not. Sometimes they come up with the best ways to fix their own learning. #wcedchat
A2 Education is an ever changing field. I must continue to learn in order to be the best teacher I can be. Our district provides many opportunities to do this! #wcedchat
A2 I read this quote and think building atmosphere. We all have to work together to help each other find the positives in all situations and support eachother when we need it the most #wcedchat
A2: A culture of professionalism leads by example. Students cannot help but be affected. Also, if teachers are happy where they work, the atmosphere is infectious! #wcedchat
A2 Teaching is a team sport! Positivity and working together are two of the most important aspects of teaching. If you have a disgruntled teacher, more than likely the success of his/her students will suffer #wcedchat
To see about culture, particularly the ways in which young women are affected with regards to modesty and hyper-sexualization, I HIGHLY recommend Wendy Shalit's Reviving Ophelia and Girls Gone Mild. #wcedchat
I like this idea of going deeper with fewer topics rather than trying to hit everything on a surface level. Our Ss will develop more critical thinking skills when they get an opportunity to think deeply about their learning #wcedchat make it more meaningful
A3. Currently reading The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck. It is an older book, but contains great wisdom. We all must strive to use the delay of gratification as an approach to living. #wcedchat
A3-A book I'm re-reading now, though not exactly a "teacher" book, is The 5 Second Rule. Powerful: Trust your gut. ACT. Change. I absolutely recommend it if you feel at all stuck in any way. #wcedchat
A3 I recently finished #ThePowerofMoments by #HeathBrothers Read this book to begin considering the power you possess to engineer impactful moments in the lives of your students #wcedchat We have an immense responsibility to provide meaningful moments for our students
A3 I would strongly recommend "The Gardener and Carpenter" by Dr. Alison Gopnik. She uses neuroscience and human evolution to make the case for a supportive (gardener) parenting/teaching/relationship style instead of a controlling (carpenter) one. #wcedchat
A3: Last year our school did a book study on @mrronclark_ 's book Move Your Bus. I love how it encourages us to be the best for our Ss. I think that when students see us doing OUR best, then they will want to do THEIR best! I would like to read more of his books. #wcedchat
#wcedchat Q 3 IGen by Jean M. Twenge-- IGen population thoughts, beliefs, etc. How to connect and understand 1st generation totally raised on technology
A3 Make It Stick. The book is chock full of research on how to promote teaching for long term memory. I tried it out in one of my classes this fall; not going back! The HS library has a copy, though it is checked out to me right now haha! #wcedchat
A.3. Rosemarked and Greetings From Witness Protection are 2 2019-20 Truman books. I really liked both of them and recommend Junior High teachers and others to read them. #wcedchat
A3: I recently read a book by @ChickfilA@DeeAnnTurner called “It’s my Pleasure” about creating a compelling culture where people want to work. Yes it’s about business, but points can be used across platforms. #wcedchat
A3 My school did a study using Kids Deserve It earlier this year. I have been reading many articles about kids in Trauma - this is a topic that really interests me! #wcedchat
A3: Professionally - Fred Jones - Tools for Teaching. Personally - The Narnia Chronicles, the Five people you meet in Heaven, Heaven is for real, and the Bible for both! #wcedchat
A3) I know it’s not really a “professional growth” book, but my fav professor at Pitt gave this to me as a grad gift. She’s even the author of one of the stories. I tend to learn more from personal stories than people who think they know it all #wcedchat
A4. I enjoyed learning about #eduprotocols from Dr. Edwards, and I used it in a sentence-writing activity in class. Also, I've enjoyed Mr. Dingman's demonstrations on Google and what all you can do there. Very appreciative. #wcedchat
A4 I learn from my brave students, passionate teachers I watch working endlessly to meet student needs, our resourceful instructional coaches, our selfless support staff, and the wise admin team who remind me to consider every angle to find the best solution #wcedchat
A4: I have learned so much from our amazing staff and even from my students themselves! Each ss is unique and brings something different to be discovered. #wcedchat
A4 Shout out to the Innovation Lab team at the HS! It is a highlight of my growth as a professional. Learning from those in the trenches and not afraid of trying something that may or may not work. #wcedchat
A4: I have learned so much from @CoachMarySears (from being her student, then friend, and now coworker!), PBL from @MollyJ_Russell, plus many more I don't have room for #wcedchat
A4: I have learned so much from my fellow SPED staff at the MS! They are an awesome support team and we are always available to help each other out! #wcedchat
Everyone I have worked with in the district, from subbing to now on staff. You all have been amazing! Shout out to WCHS staff...especially, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Worthington, Mrs. Strong, Mr. Leaming. So many I know I forgot but everyday I learn from everyone!#wcedchat
A6: Just like in exercise, variety seems to be the key. Knowing such wonderful colleagues and having a wealth of books and articles out there, there is always something to pique my interest or meet any fresh needs for ideas. #wcedchat
A4: I have learned from every team I have been on ranging from high school English to core teams to instructional coaches team. I would like to learn more from vertical alignmemt teams. #wcedchat
A4 @ThorntonWcr7 is my constant source of inspiration. He always thinks what's best for our kids and pushes me to do my best and try new things. But don't worry, he already knows he's my idol and best friend 😉 #wcedchat
A4 Maxine Carlson, my 1st principal, taught me a lot. Also Dr. Cooper, Dr. Byrd, and Mrs. Bennett, plus all teachers who have been a part of our 3rd grade team! #wcedchat
A 4 I have learned a lot for Nathan Dingman using technology in my classroom, I also learn from Chandra Spence when Im stuck on something using Canvas, she is a great help! #wcedchat
A4: I've learned from LOTS of my colleagues. @cspencewc has become my go-to person with questions about Canvas. @emilyroderique and I are looking into potential collaborations in the future ... #wcedchat#weareClever
A4: Twitter Chats always leave me with ideas from others in the district and #teamclever constantly creates a new learning environment for teachers as well. #wcedchat
A4 I’ve learned something from so many people in this district. I’ve learned from my fellow pod teachers, admin leading or sitting in on meetings, the lunch ladies, my students...If you listen and are observant, you can learn from everybody around you #wcedchat
A4: I have learned so much from @Fancying4th and @CarrieMayes1 these first few years of teaching. They have been a tremendous support for a new teacher! #wcedchat
A1: Instead resolutions, I choose a word for the year. This year, my word is "action." Part of what I want with this word is to do a better job of actually putting ideas into practice, instead of letting them fall into the "someday" files over and over. #wcedchat
A4: I've been able to learn from everyone in my building (shout out to Billie Platner too!). I would love to learn more from the "big kid" school/staff across the street (Hey, Webster teachers!). They get our Ss next. There is so much we can learn from each other. #wcedchat
A4: A teacher I learned a great deal when I taught music was from Jennifer Gozia, retired. She was an awesome P.E. teacher for our district. Her love and passion for her students was evident every single day she was with them. #wcedchat
A4: I absolutely love my position in that I get to work with SO many great people from 5th and 6th grade teachers and SPED peeps. I get to see different classrooms and different styles. #wcedchat
A5: I love reading the articles and discussions from @WeAreTeachers . I love how they are directed to every teacher, at any grade, during any walk of life. #wcedchat
A5. One person I follow on Twitter that does lead me to think, and I do learn from is OCC Assistant Academic Dean, Chad Ragsdale. I really appreciate his input, even though he wouldn't know me from Joe. It shows posting can make an influence. @caragsdale#wcedchat
A4 I’ve learned from so many! My former teachers, those who I’ve worked with, especially Haven Pettit and Kevin Cooper. I could name so many! My students have taught me so much too. #wcedchat
A5: I follow so many people on Instagram that allow me to grow professionally! If you haven't checked out Instagram, Run Now! @MrsDsCorner@EspeciallyEducation#wcedchat
A5: @gcouros has great information and book as well. He spoke at @MSTA State convention a few years ago and was a very engaging speaker. Check him out! #wcedchat
A2: To me, the quote shows how important it is for schools to develop a culture of growth, to not fall into the traps of stagnation and "we've always done it that way," and to support teachers who are ready to take risks based on new professional learning. #wcedchat
I have learned so much from my nephew Andrew Pisechko @AndrewPisechko He sets a goal and sticks to it to achieve it. He gives from the heart & his passion for learning & improving himself and uplifting those around him to do & be better is so encouraging WCHS Alumni #wcedchat
A3: The Artisan Teacher by Mike Rutherfod, The Innovator's Mindset by George Couros, and 17,000 Classroom Visits Can't Be Wrong by James Garver and John Antonetti #wcedchat
A4: I've learned a ton from my CAIII team colleagues, from my department head, and from our great instructional coaches. I also learn from my students constantly. As far as who I want to learn from -- everybody! I love learning. #wcedchat
Collaboration is so important, learning from eachother & remembering you dont always have to know everything. Growing personally & professionally go hand in hand & we can always lean on eachother #wcedchat Thank you everyone for being there for me!
A6: I've learned that it's okay to take risks and to ALWAYS give 100%. This twitter chat reminded me of this TED Talk. Check it out if you've never seen it! #wcedchat
Every kid needs a champion (Rita Pierson | TED Talks Education) https://t.co/bSq8yNuzc7 via @TEDTalks
A4: I think I learn every time I go into a classroom. I am amazed by the great things I see. I learned so much from my days at HST. Great teachers inspire me everyday. #wcedchat
A6 Come in with a plan. As great as vacation is, the semester will always go better when a plan is in place first. AND do not forget to fill out the edchat form this month...very important to remember. #wcedchat
Love learning from #wcedchat! Thank you for joining us and Happy New Year! Want to be counted toward your building's participation goal, please complete this form https://t.co/nmhJFYLxda by 8am Fri. morning. Only one per person please.
A6: I can't wait to go through the answers for Q5 and follow some new people! I also just love the start of a new year and all the optimism and hope it brings. This chat was a great addition to all these positive vibes. Happy New Year! #wcedchat
Wow! It's going to be a wonderful 2019 with the growth and learning @WebbCitySchools teachers are doing. Keep it up! Thanks for joining this month's #wcedchat. Look for the jeans day form coming soon!