#UrbanEdChat Archive
#UrbanEd chat is a twitter chat for educators. Topics relevant to the subject of urban education will be discussed, but all educators are encouraged to join the conversation. The chats will be moderated by Ben and Neil, founders of Engaging Educators and elementary school teachers in Detroit, MI.
Thursday February 4, 2016
8:00 PM EST
Welcome to tonight. Let's start with introductions. Tell us about You, Who, where, and what you teach!
Don't forget to use the hashtag on your tweets tonight.
Question 1 is on its way!
time for some PD! Hello all!
We use the
format for questions and answers on
looking forward to a great chat
A1: Discipline teaches and punishment is punitive. Jails and prisons use punishment.
A1- Unfortunately so many times we use punishment to teach discipline. Do we use punishment to teach academics?
A2: Positive environments gives Ss a model for improving behavior.
A2: Allows them to see, practice, and apply good behavior. Hearing positive words and being surrounded by influential people
A2- A positive environment will encourage Ss to follow positive behavior. In a negative environment Ss follow problem behaviors
Bummer! Still not fully working. Can only see some of the tweets. Will check archive
A3- Without strong relationships in urban schools, chances for academic growth are limited. It's the foundation for learning
A3: Ss will usually listen and respect Ts who have a connection with them.
A3: It allows S's and P's to know you care. S's can accept redirection and get back on track. https://t.co/ScplxnCoq6
A4: I noticed that when I get to know my Ss they are able to be redirected.
A4: I noticed that when I get to know my Ss they are able to be redirected.
Sorry hopping in late to !
A2: positive environment makes Ss want to do better!
A3: There's a story behind those eyes. Knowing they have someone who cares to talk and listen vs yelling and assuming is great!
A3 It builds trust that will last forever.
A3: help give students purpose, helps move extrinsic motif to intrinsic, models the import of creating/sustain relationships
A5: Listening to Ss vs. talking at them. Sharing a small part of you the person not the Ts.
A5: Listening to Ss vs. talking at them. Sharing a small part of you the person not the Ts.
A5. Take time to talk w/Ss. Attend their extra-curricular activities. Intro yourself to their families.
A5 Teach like their life depends on it and involve parents in the learning activities.
A5: talking and LISTENING w/out judgement, providing insight, helping Ss make connections between current and future decisions
Ss have enough people in their life that judge them, unconditional relationships need to be modeled
A6: Don't let Ss pull you into a power struggle because they like it and you will just be frustrated.
A6: not worth getting in a pwr struggle with Ss, the T is the adult and needs to know/demonstrate when it's time to walk away
Yes. The power struggle is real and the student ALWAYS win the moment we entertain the nonsense.
A6: Ss will KO the Ts everytime. If they understand what they're up against from the get go, they will never enter the ring
Yes! I wasn't able to see chat earlier. Now I can see the feed. Like this all afternoon/evening
A7 patience goes a long way in supporting
A7 Pausing to connect and hear how they feel is more important than trying to control Ssbehavior. https://t.co/SyqH6czz1P
A7: some Ss don't know how to filter themselves, once they spit it all out then they can move on, can calmly discuss after
A7: Not just "listening," but actively listening and acknowledging you care about S's feelings. https://t.co/zVikOEg0sC
Checked in very late for this evening, but I will definitely be here earlier in future. Such an important topic
A7+1 Ss want to know we care about how they feel more than how they act.
Catching the end of after a few days of ...brain is on fire in the best possible way.
A7: Listening and acknowledging helps Ss to disengage. Waiting can give the Ss time to calm down.
The situation with the officer and the female Ss could have been avoided had they waited
A7: Breathe, think, & act. Two emotionally high people can cause some damage for the future relationship between that T & S
Totally agree! Let her save face. Remove the other Ss. Time would have helped.
And offer several choices for them to think about in order to help them help themselves
Yes! Breath...think...repeat...repeat..act
I agree. I've given options before and of course they always go with the one that keeps them close to me :-)
A7: Listening is key to building relationships with students. Understanding the emotional temperament of students is important.
...and the emotional temperament of Ts...we deal with so much in our line of work
Hi ! Late, but ready to participate!
Thank you all for a wonderful chat!!! I love chatting with like minds!