The Breakfast Club – #BFC530 – is a 15 minute, 1 question Twitter chat every weekday. We chat in 4 timezones Mon-Fri – 5:30am Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Times. The mission of BFC is to empower participants to make a difference in education by engaging in consistent reflective practice in a supportive community that inspires and challenges one another.
My students are too young. We are not allowed to friend any current student in our system. I do use twitter to connect to the world. Some Ps follow. #bfc530
I have a class snapchat account. They are on it constantly so a good way to connect. Except our school wifi just began to block it this year :/ #bfc530
I have a class snapchat account. They are on it constantly so a good way to connect. Except our school wifi just began to block it this year :/ #bfc530
SM is blocked on all the Ss computers. If I want to look up something on FB, I turn off the WiFi on my phone. I do use Twitter for my class account only #bfc530
You got it! I am one of those field trip phobia Ts. We go, but I try to keep it as controlled as possible. Sounds like a great opportunity for some serious bonding! Have fun! #bfc530
We use SM to promote the library using the media the kids do-Instagram, Twitter, but haven’t figured out how to use their favorite Snapchat yet. #bfc530