#MasteryChat is a weekly chat with a growing family of educators from around the word focused on teaching better and reaching more students. Topics cover an array of challenges and solutions for teachers of all grade levels and subject areas, admins, and support staff.
#MasteryChat occurs every Thursday at 8:00pm eastern.
The chat was created by team at @thegridmethod, but is hosted by guest moderators each week. Our primary moderators are @techieteachott, @raehugart, and @jeffgargas.
It's go time! Introduce yourself to tonight's #masterychat crew! Who are you? Where and what do you teach?
Let's get this party started and explore how we can declare our independence from textbooks!!
Greetings from the land of brats, beer and cheese! Peg Muehlenkamp, assistant director of professional development, ready to collaborate with fantastic #MasteryChat educators!
Hello. My name is Susan, and I am a first year teacher from IL. I also have some exciting news. I will be a regular on the @PonderEducation podcast starting in August. #masterychat
Hello. My name is Susan, and I am a first year teacher from IL. I also have some exciting news. I will be a regular on the @PonderEducation podcast starting in August. #masterychat
It's go time! Introduce yourself to tonight's #masterychat crew! Who are you? Where and what do you teach?
Let's get this party started and explore how we can declare our independence from textbooks!!
Hello. My name is Susan, and I am a first year teacher from IL. I also have some exciting news. I will be a regular on the @PonderEducation podcast starting in August. #masterychat
It's go time! Introduce yourself to tonight's #masterychat crew! Who are you? Where and what do you teach?
Let's get this party started and explore how we can declare our independence from textbooks!!
Hello. My name is Susan, and I am a first year teacher from IL. I also have some exciting news. I will be a regular on the @PonderEducation podcast starting in August. #masterychat
Anna popping in for another #MasteryChat! I'll be a first-year teacher in 5th grade in Iowa City, IA next year. In other news, today I got an email that my classroom is cleaned and ready - I'm so excited to see it! Almost as excited as I am for #MasteryChat ;)
It's go time! Introduce yourself to tonight's #masterychat crew! Who are you? Where and what do you teach?
Let's get this party started and explore how we can declare our independence from textbooks!!
Hi, I’m Eric from Ontario, 🇨🇦! I’m a literacy and numeracy coach headed back to the classroom in the Fall to teach grade 4! I also create educational & PD YouTube videos and teacher resources. Excited to be part of #masterychat tonight! https://t.co/6KGS5nKvuC
I am Tiffany Ott from Northeast Ohio! I love my #masterychat family and can't wait to spend the evening chatting about independence from textbooks with all of you tonight!
Hello #MasteryChat! It's my first visit. I'm an 8th grade SocSt teacher in Massachusetts. Been flipping all direct instruction for 5 years. We use the textbook about 3 times all year, because of colorful maps.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Hello #MasteryChat! It's my first visit. I'm an 8th grade SocSt teacher in Massachusetts. Been flipping all direct instruction for 5 years. We use the textbook about 3 times all year, because of colorful maps.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
A1 They can be both. We really only use the science texts and the students love them. I do hate math texts ever since I was a kid in school. #MasteryChat
Mostly annoying. Can be a great resource for additional problems or very specific diagrams and science ones have labs in them. But they are big, cumbersome things that Ss leave in their locker. There are so many other ways to get content. #MasteryChat#ditchbook
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
A1: I don't think that textbooks are bad but I do believe that following a rigid set of activities that come with textbooks does not help you reach and meet the needs of all students. #MasteryChat
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
A1) Both, I personally don’t use my Reading and Math texts books and create my own materials or lessons based on different things, but I like the nonfiction text for sci and S.S. They are easier for my Ss to understand #DitchBook#masterychat@jmattmiller
A1. Textbook reading in class is boring for Ss in learning; however, trying to utilize skills in groups allows them to teach each other and lead! #masterychat
Hello #MasteryChat! It's my first visit. I'm an 8th grade SocSt teacher in Massachusetts. Been flipping all direct instruction for 5 years. We use the textbook about 3 times all year, because of colorful maps.
Without textbooks, the ways Ss can learn content is limitless and if it’s limitless each student can learn the best for them and thus becoming more successful #MasteryChat
Yes! How much of our society/economy is about sharing resources? Air BNB, Uber, Bike sharing, Car sharing services...Feel that TB companies need to innovate or become Blockbuster, Sear's, Taxis, etc.. #MasteryChat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
#masterychat A1-“That was yesterday
But today life goes on
No more hiding in yesterday
'Cause yesterday's gone, oh” -Foreigner (sorry couldn’t help the musical reference)!
A1b: However, as a SS teacher I love having multiple old textbooks...Great for historiography, trends, etc....Look at how civil rights is written in textbook from 80s, 90s, 50s, 60s etc...Don't toss them all. #masterychat
A2 - My admin provided textbooks but there were no requirements to use them w/ fidelity. I rarely if ever brought them out. I preferred to use my knowledge of content & Ss to create learning experiences while using @thegridmethod. #masterychat#teachbetter
A2 The admin at my last school district purchased curriculum for every subject, but allowed freedom to use them as we deemed appropriate. There was an inaccurate perception from teachers, however, that they had to follow the text with FIDELITY. #masterychat
A2: Since I just switched, I'm not entirely sure of how my new district feels about textbooks. Personally, I use them for some ELA texts, but that's about it. #masterychat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
I agree as well. I still look at our textbooks as a source of literature, just as I do other resources such as @CommonLit and @Newsela. It's all about balance and relevance. #MasteryChat
In reply to
@TinaSciumbata, @batool_attiya, @CommonLit, @Newsela
A2: Our administrators leave it up to us. We are expected to use a variety of engaging resources--whatever we feel is best. Generally, this does not mean the textbook. #masterychat
A2 Most classes still use them, but they are no opposed to other methods. I don't use the textbook we have (10 yrs old), and instead use resources. Next year I will be testing out CK-12 #MasteryChat
A2: I am a new teacher and was given textbooks to start off with. I looked at them and plan on utilizing them to an extent. I want to be student driven and not textbook driven. I plan on using them as a guide but will supplement as needed. #masterychat
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
A2: mixed reviews, many don’t agree with totally ditching the textbook but want to take learning outside the box. My philosophy is that textbook should be used to supplement, not the driver of content #MasteryChat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A2: I’m grateful that my admin team isn’t particular about how I use my textbook. This year I was even offered an opportunity to not use a book at all! #masterychat
A1 Textbooks are like not dynamic. They may have had a purpose years ago but they aren’t updated fast enough for how history has presented itself. #masterychat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A2: They no longer are looking to purchase but rather have us as teachers create the curriculum and experiences. We have been reading Mathematical Mindsets this summer to aid us in this adventure. #MasteryChat
A2: I work with many districts. Fortunately, the majority value standards over textbooks. However, when new standards come out there is a tendency to ask for textbooks because the claim is that teachers need the support, as the standards are so new and overwhelming. #MasteryChat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A2: textbooks are A resource, not THE resource. They are nice for covering a survey of topics, but the wand doesn’t make the wizard and the textbook doesn’t make the teacher. #masterychat@ERobbPrincipal@_on11@megan_hacholski
A2: Our super, @mgehrens has always told us that textbooks don't drive curriculum. I appreciate her for that & that approach. As many have said, they should not drive. #masterychat
A2: My county doesn’t use textbooks. Selected Teachers have created a wonderful curriculum UBD guide for instruction along with several resources. #Masterychat
Yes, very innovative. But there are huge risks in designing a math course. Entire teams miss the boat badly as evidenced by terrible ratings #masterychat
Just had to order new ones. Convinced them to buy 3 classroom sets (90) instead of hundreds. We can share or use the online component. Personal I only hand them out to my online students. #MasteryChat#DitchBook
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
That is a really great idea. Old textbooks do illustrate trends and the prevalent thinking of the time period. When I was a kid I loved to look at the old McGuffey Readers. My mom bought some for us to read--neat to see what school was like way back when. #masterychat
A2 Science texts are incorporated in our reading block. That's the only textbook we use. The district no longer uses anthologies for reading. #masterychat
A2 The District doesn't decide on resources for individual schools, they might have a recommended list. Whether you use them or not is a school/class decision #MasteryChat
My district asks us to use it as a resource and to share it with parents. However, it is all online. No physical textbooks in the classroom. #MasteryChat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A2: Our district spends a lot of money on digital resources and tools and my school in particular doesn’t micromanage our use of textbooks, so having the autonomy and flexibility to meet my kids’ needs the way I professionally see fit is awesome. #MasteryChat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A2: I was on a textbook adoption committee and we all voted to not spend money on them at all! Some companies are starting to development online interactive platforms, but they are cumbersome and not user friendly. With a plethora of better resources, why bother? #masterychat
Q2: Superintendent and others at Central office want us to have books and in this we mean WEBBASED resources. COST is ridiculous. Although they want us to teach to the standards, they think the books may help. #MasteryChat
A2: My district is investing a lot in teacher PD to equip teachers with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to teach with a textbook. Out with textbooks, in with number talks, math conferences, inquiry learning, etc. #masterychat
A2. As an administrator, I support teacher growth. At times, a textbook can serve as a guiding resource 4 novice teacher. However, goal is 4 teacher 2 expand & believe in their growth and creativity to provide lessons outside of box that are based on assessment. #Masterychat
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
#MasteryChat My mentor teacher used them as a suplement. This is how they are recommended to be used in the school i did my practicum at. The other teacher i worked with dislikes text books, he would rather see creativity in lesson planning.
A2: I honestly don't know. A few years back, we were given days to look through and weigh in on the new textbook we wanted from the choices they offered. The district purchased the one that NOBODY voted for (and were vocally against). #MasteryChat
#masterychat For some schools/departments it is easier to maintain vertical curricular coherence with textbook sequences. I understand that. But it eliminates the need for professional educators to discuss the what/why of content. NEVER take that discussion for granted.
A2: My principal semi leaves it up to the grade level Ts. My phylosphy doens't always match that of Ts. Just wish we had more money for good literature books to support our standard and Lucy C - resource. #MasteryChat
A2 New t this yr so not exactly sure! My two student teaching placements were divided on this. If given the choice, I would use them to supplement my lesson planning but rarely in instruction itself. #MasteryChat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A2 - In my classroom it is unique, we use textbooks to guide instruction but since we don't have the same pace as the general curriculum and we do a lot of modifying and differentiating, we are not tied to one book or source. In my case it matches my philosophy #masterychat
A2 Our focus is to ensure that all of our Ts have the flexibility to use instructional resources that support Ss achieving learning goals. They are not limited to using one text - encourages professional autonomy to meet Ss where they are #MasteryChat
A2: Our district recognizes that they are a resource but NOT the “be-all end-all.” We never teach to the test nor the textbook - we observe & make educational decisions based on the observations NOT page #s in a book. It’s important to know the Ss & their needs. #masterychat
A2. (Personal opinion) great for door stop ha. There are too many online resources that are far better. I think if technology is not at a premium for a district they can support the learning process.
A2: As a teacher, I worked for a district that called for "Fidelity to the Core Curriculum", meaning the adopted textbook adoption. Well meaning initiative but did not validate teacher professionalism nor did it account for variability of learners in each class. #MasteryChat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A2: Textbooks are used as a supplemental resource to support instruction. Our teachers’ knowledge, PD opportunities, PLC’ s, and our district curriculum are the driving forces in pushing our kids to the top and engaging them in meaningful learning! #Masterychat
A2- admin sees them as a resource, teachers are asked to evaluate and then adopt new textbooks every 5 years. However, the adoption committee is encourage to look for a book that offers online resources #Masterychat
I emailed my professor about my new 4th grade position a while ago, and she told me a story about a Cinderella lesson she taught that connected Social Studies and English. #masterychat
She told me that she told me that story because real life does not have textbooks, and she did not want me to feel like I had to teach out of one. #masterychat
A2: I can only speak to our elementary school's, but we don't have a lot of traditional textbooks (any?). The district provided resources we distribute to students are largely consumable. Otherwise, we encourage teachers to pull in outside resources, etc. #MasteryChat
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
My classroom climate soared when I switched to an inquiry-based math book well aligned to both CCSS & with a lot of the great ideas I was getting from Twitter. #masterychat
A2: My admin allows teachers to do what they feel is best. Most choose to use the textbook as one of many resources in reading, science, and history. Most math teachers don't use them at all. #MasteryChat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A2: can’t really speak for them, but the vibe I get is that they should not be relied on, definitely are not curriculum, better resources to be used, we need to give Ss the opportunity to use what they will be using in the future. Making a big shift with ksredesign! #MasteryChat
A2: we have been given a great freedom when it comes to using textbooks. We need to teach standards using either the textbooks or other resources like rich literature and project-based learning. #masterychat#edchat#teachbetter
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
Let's do a poll, #masterychat rockstars!
Tell us about the textbook situation at YOUR school! Does your admin provide textbooks? How do they want you to use them? Do you want textbooks?
A2: We are able to be creative with our teaching and go beyond the textbook. We are encouraged to implement PBL and community based projects. #masterychat
A2: My district is investing a lot in teacher PD to equip teachers with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to teach with a textbook. Out with textbooks, in with number talks, math conferences, inquiry learning, etc. #masterychat
A2: We adopted a new ELA curriculum for our district. The teachers led the entire process. We just got out of their way and made sure all district policies and procure ments laws were bring met! #MasteryChat
I am also a genealogist, so I read old books on the histories of counties and families a lot. They are super cool to read because you get to understand the community your ancestors lived in---and sometimes your actual ancestors. #masterychat
Agree, Adam. Teachers who have the opportunity to use a plethora of resources to support S learning have a greater chance to provide Ss with rigorous, applicable learning experiences that will increase their skills toolkit @AdamBrownEDU#MasteryChat
A2: We just bought new books for the WHOLE county and are expected to use them to some degree. Kind of silly when courses have been redefined this year and the books are pretty much obsolete #MasteryChat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A2: I encourage my Ts to think outside the box, take risks, and do what they think Ss need in order to learn. We are not guided by textbooks now but I’m afraid they might be coming. #MasteryChat
That really speaks a lot to our teacher training. At this point (in a ME.d program now) I feel like I could cultivate a solid curriculum sans book - but physics tends to be more pedagogical in the first place (or should be) so i'm sure i'm better off. #MasteryChat
As much as I am not a fan of textbooks, I have been active at the district and state level for textbook adoption and review. It is such an interesting process! #MasteryChat
How do you use your texts, John? What kinds of resources are your favorite?
The few times I DID use a textbook, it was always through the side-bars or extras, rarely the actual text itself. #masterychat
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Let's do a poll, #masterychat rockstars!
Tell us about the textbook situation at YOUR school! Does your admin provide textbooks? How do they want you to use them? Do you want textbooks?
I am not an advocate for constant computer use by any means. How do you feel about teachers creating their own curriculum resources- without the use of a textbook- that are not necessarily online? #masterychat
P.S. Thanks for sharing. :)
#masterychat I'm thankful to have taught integrated math the past 8 years with my own materials, both practice and assessments. That said, I'm not ready to do it yet in AP Stats. And besides, my name is IN the textbook as a contributor...so, there's that. :)
Like any other resource, I would expect that they are aligned to the state standards. In the past there have been textbook committees for textbook adoptions. #masterychat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A3 No textbooks for me! I have always found that I can find or create more valuable materials than anything I have seen in a textbook. There is SO much available online now for no cost at all! #masterychat
A3 - No. Text books assume that every single student is both on level and willing to read with fidelity texts that are usually disengaging and un-motivating for students. I've NEVER heard a student say "I can't wait for CH7 it's a doozy!"...and I doubt I ever will! #masterychat
A2b: Not from my district or admin...but I’ve worked with other admin that feel the textbook is the curriculum and they must get through the entire textbook to show S success. #masterychat
As a history teacher, I enjoy a textbook because it helps me take a wide berth of information and condense it to the basics, which lets me empower my young historians as we dive deeper! #masterychat
A3: I personally would not. But I know that others in the district still prefer them. I think if the decision was made to completely cut them, all Ts would need training, resources, and support. #MasteryChat
Could be a combo print + digital portfolio of each unit's greatest hits / most effective lessons and various artifacts. Like a learning yearbook!
Let's do a poll, #masterychat rockstars!
Tell us about the textbook situation at YOUR school! Does your admin provide textbooks? How do they want you to use them? Do you want textbooks?
A2: Our district admin is open to teacher-leaders having input on purchases. Over the past few years, they have been open to other non-textbook options, e.g., @Newsela. #masterychat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
A3: I utilized the textbook as a teacher (social studies), they can be a concise compilation of maps, charts, graphs, and information. However, I always pulled in outside resources to supplement the textbook. #MasteryChat
A3 If the choice was up to me, I’d use no textbook. There are so many resources out there and guides that are more dynamic. Plus textbooks don’t differentiate enough. #masterychat
A3 I personally like resources that you can change the lexile reading level. I love Britannica because there are 3 reading levels, same content. #MasteryChat
A3: As a new teacher, I know I will use textbooks for a sense of direction, but I would love to teach without a textbook. I would utilize @thegridmethod fully and create learning experiences for my Ss that tie to the standards. #masterychat
A3: use them yes, independently no. So many great ways for Ss to learn in a way that’s best for them, textbooks are not usually the best for most kids but still have value #MasteryChat
#masterychat A3 so many other resources available, Ss should be vetting sources, we should be doing more than relaying information, yes they need some info, but it is a small % of what we should be doing with learning
A3 I would not use textbooks, there are so many ways to provide resources for learning, student created materials are awesome, prefer to access things online that are current and more authentic #masterychat
A3: I'd look to use that money to buy Chromebooks, a strong LMS, & training for teachers to utilized OERs...Less chance of being wasted & many more options. #masterychat
Do you find that the teachers you work with want that support of new textbooks with new standards? Or is that a misconception on the part of the district? #masterychat
A3: Nope, I would not. Physics books tend to be way over the top and confusing (to make up for the lack of hands-on). I would rather use video, demo, interactive/gamified resources and spend my time getting creative than my students bashing their heads on a textbook. #MasteryChat
Let's do a poll, #masterychat rockstars!
Tell us about the textbook situation at YOUR school! Does your admin provide textbooks? How do they want you to use them? Do you want textbooks?
Just to add to this convo... my research findings in college touched briefly on the fact that prof encouraged us to move away from the textbook, and undergrads generally had negative feelings about using textbooks, but then 1st yr ts greatly relied on them. #MasteryChat
A3: I would choose against a textbook. Students and teachers alike need to develop skills in curating a variety of resources, evaluating the credibility of sources, & delineating fact vs fiction in this digital age. #MasteryChat
#masterychat Having gone through the development of my own integrated curriculum (homework and assesments) for a two year math sequence, I don't ever want to go back. But it was/is hard work with many revisions. Be in it for the long haul!
A2: my campus had a whole reading program purchased for us, but never offered a training on how to use them, so they sat in a closet for most of the school year. #MasteryChat
A3: I would still use it as a resource. It condenses a lot of knowledge, and then as the professional with a degree in my content, I can expand and have students delve deeper. Also let’s me tell stories they may have never heard before and teaches source reliability! #masterychat
In reality, the more resources the better! I love feeling like I can give my students anything they need. However, a Textbook is a Resource, not a Curriculum. It can be full of ideas and anecdotes, but the teaching comes from my students and I #MasteryChat#TeachBetter#DitchBook
A3- Absolutely not! In this day and age, there are too many better resources. Having students find answers to their own questions (not those at the end of a chapter.) #masterychat
A2 #masterychat Our district is in favor of an American History test that doesn't have the constitution in it or the Bill of Rights. 😶
Thankfully, our admin didn't require us to use them. They are "a" source. However, it's easy for #socialstudies teachers to find more sources.
A3: I would choose not to use one. I love designing curriculum and I feel as though it’s more authentic when I’m teaching lessons I’ve created. I know the set up and know the progression. Trying to teach someone else’s lesson is difficult for me. #MasteryChat
A3: Depending on the content area and the quality of resource available, yes. BUT...it would be one of many resources students could choose to access. #MasteryChat
A3: If it was entirely up to me, I would choose a book that the students could keep. It would have worksheets and interactive activities in it and the students would write and highlight directly in the book. #masterychat
A3: Occasionally, there will be a short story and biography combination that I like and will have the kids read it in class. Mostly, however, they are bland and boring so I stay away from them. #masterychat
A3: Absolutely not. In preparing our students for the future, they need to be proficient at utilizing and analyzing online resources along with peer collaboration. So that's the kind of classroom environment I would create. #masterychat
A3- Honestly, when I was a completely overwhelmed new T, I was grateful for a math text. My district supported its use with pacing guides & supporting docs. Now, it is our decision whether we use it or not and I rarely do- but it was nice to have the option #MasteryChat
A3: I would not use textbooks. I would want high qaulity, engaging books at all levels that support the various aspects of our curriculm (ELA, math, sci, ss, AMP), manipulatives for math, and consumables and tech for sci/ss. #masterychat
Teachers that are not provided time to find and create resources want a textbook. Those who are given paid time to create would much rather go without a textbook. #MasteryChat
Could be a combo print + digital portfolio of each unit's greatest hits / most effective lessons and various artifacts. Like a learning yearbook!
Wait...They don't want those two documents in the text, because they don't want Ss to see it or they don't want wasted space b/c you can find copies of them anywhere? #masterychat
A2: I encourage my Ts to think outside the box, take risks, and do what they think Ss need in order to learn. We are not guided by textbooks now but I’m afraid they might be coming. #MasteryChat
It was easy - it costs less than buying 450 books and to put money toward the online licensing for resources for 450 kids instead, which was cheaper than 450 books and online access. #Masterychat
A3 No I would choose not to use textbooks. There is not enough exploration, no differentiation, they are frequently out of step with expectations. #MasteryChat
A3: As an ELA tchr, I'd love to have an utd anthology. But, I am happier finding my own things and creating my own lessons. It's fun for me & I can differentiate as needed. #MasteryChat
A3: Textbooks can become outdated rather quickly & replacing often is expensive. More than the price, the best learning happens through doing and participating. They can be useful as a resource but definitely not as the ONLY source of learning. #masterychat
What parts of the textbook do you find most valuable to you? What parts do you consider as unnecessary? How would YOU build the perfect text? #masterychat
A3: In a unique environment now, so this is a bit out of my element. I'd say no. I can have the kids accomplish hands-on activities and research the background using credible source websites or reach out to experts via social media. #masterychat
A3. If it were up to me, I’d use textbooks but I’d select the perfect books that are easy to read and engaging. I think that textbooks are still relevant in education and should not be completely removed from it. #masterychat
Q3 #masterychat There are fast better sources out there. First, I would check w/an extended PLN to see what others have done. Share. Adapt. Share again.
A3: If I was a new teacher I would like to have access , but would decide based o my expertise if I used them #masterychat As a seasoned educator my answer is the same I could decide to use or not to use parts depending on subject matter #masterychat
#MasteryChat I would use them but only as a guide. I would rather think outside the box and be creative in my lesson planning through creating engaging experinces. They can be helpful with building on ideas for planning, not for teaching from though. They dumb down learning.
A3 No, because textbooks can pigeon hole learning and teaching. I remember as a kid, getting frustrated because there were no examples in the math book that went with the questions I had or stories in the readers about me. #masterychat
A3) Tough question. Currently since I’m only teaching math &reading I would say No to teaxtbooks, but if I taught science I feel like I might need in just to use as a resource. I think Ts comfort comes into play when choosing resources. Textbooks can be a safety net #masterychat
Use of outside resources like @Newsela and plentiful materials of sets of books from @Scholastic work well in our classroom ~& then integrating the learning via @Flipgrid for student voice 👍#masterychat
A3: As long as textbooks include resources that are engaging/ current and allow for innovation on teacher's part, I am fine using them. Many textbooks are adding digital components that I feel are very helpful when planning and personalizing learning. #MasteryChat
Love that it was easy for you!
Unfortunately, I know some districts that are not quite so open to the shift. We will get there, though! Sometimes, traditions die hard...
A3: Designing curriculum is one of the aspects of teaching that I enjoy most, but I enjoy it because I'm planning and creating experiences for MY students. A textbook publisher cannot have that same relationship and drive. #MasteryChat
A3 it depends on what I’m teaching, what the book is like, blah blah blah, but for my current course, robotics? Nope that would seem pointless. #masterychat
A3: Earlier in my career, yes; but now I wouldn't. I have been able to gather additional resources and materials that help students more. So thankful for the internet! #masterychat
A3 - Even research-based resources used for direct instruction with fidelity is problematic for addressing individual student needs. I prefer to utilize good textbooks or research-based resources and using them to personalize student learning #masterychat
A3: have some “anchor texts” that I use from the TB, but usually don’t use the physical TB. I print them out or use tech so Ss can annotate. Our curriculum is teacher created and flexible, which I really like. We can use and share a lot of our own resources. #MasteryChat
A3. When I was in the classroom, I stayed away from them. I found no value except looking at the teacher resources it might provide to spark ideas #MasteryChat
A3: I would not use our reading textbook at all, as I think there are more relevant and engaging texts elsewhere. I would keep our history and science books to use as a reference on certain topics as I feel they give a good basic understanding and are well written. #MasteryChat
I think as a T textbook is great for making me the expert. I also find value in the way teacher edition textbooks provide variation in questioning thru lessons.
Excessive details and prolonged reading passages are unnecessary.
Textbooks should be built for Ss! #MasteryChat
And that is where you dive in and discuss historiography and how historical interpretations change. That being said, mine in VA does use that term and so do I teach it as well. #masterychat
A3- With kindles, tablets, and other electronic devices available textbooks provide limited opportunities for engagement, exploration, and thinking outside the book. #Masterychat#thinkoutsidethebook
A3: I would choose not to use textbooks. There are so many online and virtual tools that are far more engaging... Ss and Ts have to simultaneously find and evaluate information... makes for a more rigorous opportunity and learning experience... #MasteryChat
A2: My past administrator, was anti-textbooks. I am moving to a new district, so I am unsure of the admin.'s stand. I do know that textbooks do not trickle down to PreK! #masterychat
It was really hard to set aside 14 yrs of creations to give the pilot a serious go...but we got so much more than I ever hoped out of that. #masterychat
Like your thoughts here, Rachel, on authenticity. Our Ss should be exposed to curriculum materials that provide a link to their current lives. Helps solidify relevance as they continue the learning process @Rdene915#MasteryChat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
It's easy to use the internet for sources and ideas. Sometimes, I'll admit, it's a little overwhelming how much. Tough to focus down on what the goals are. Again, tha'ts why I'd share ideas, alot them & share again. #masterychat
A3: Depending on the resources that the books contain, I might use them for historical maps, charts, or other resources that are pretty set but I want to stay updated on the latest research and discoveries #MasteryChat
#masterychat Probably the biggest pedagogical issue I have with textbooks is that they don't change. It makes it very hard to adjust your teaching with your growth and student interest. A good text 1 year might be not-so-good 3 years later.
A3: If it were entirely up to me, I would not use a textbook. I feel that I can deliver a much more personal, exciting, and engaging program than a textbook. I can also differentiate and modify my teaching in so many ways that a textbook just can’t #masterychat
Thanks for you perspective!
am a big fan of pacing guides, personally, but I find them most effective when they are revisted yearly and collaboratively, rather than the ones you find in the first few pages of the textbook.
What are you doing during your pilot to determine if you like it? How has it supported your plan to provide student innovative way of learning?
So excited to hear about a tool you love using! #MasteryChat
#MasteryChat I would rather collaborate with other teachers and use my #PLN. As a PST text books often become a crutch for me on my pracs as they were a safe option.i learnt to think outside the box more as I continued!
I’ve worked with some math books that have decent resources in them. The problem is when districts invest in huge, expensive books and expect them to be used with the F word (fidelity) #MasteryChat
@Flipgrid felt like the missing glue to bringing a variety of protocols and resources together. It's such an amazing, free tool to use with students. It's one of the good #edtech tools! #MasteryChat
In reply to
@ChristineBemis2, @Newsela, @Scholastic, @Flipgrid, @Flipgrid
A4 - I think a challenge could be not having it as a Teacher Resource. You could have one as a reference and not class sets. By not spending $$$ on textbooks we could save districts literally 1,000's or Millions of $$$ (which could then be used for better resources!) #masterychat
A4 I have rarely used textbooks in my career, so I never really felt the struggle of "The Switch." But, I did struggle, sometimes, to successfully communicate WHY I didn't use textbooks to my colleagues and administration. #masterychat
A3 Very few jobs if any rely only on a book of procedures only...Books should be used as a resource...if funds allow, use them...however...who will be accountable? #masterychat
Q3: I would choose not to use texts since there is so much free online content and great “real” books out there,not to mention U can connect with authors.I would use virtual text for reference kind of like us dinosaurs used the paper copy of the dictionary or encyc. #MasteryChat
Does anyone else remember when a mandatory summer PD was one that taught you how to use the textbook teacher's guide... On page A1 you will find the table of contents. On A2, you will find ?s to ask for this page. Here is a example answer. #masterychat
#MasteryChat A2
Math, science & ELA at our campus get textbooks aligned with TEKS, staff does not use them, heartbreaking to see thousands of $'s headed to the trash. Admin do not care.
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
A3: Started teaching with none and had write-in books this year. They supplement what I do and could never be the whole classroom experience. #masterychat
Expose the plans the left had with the 2'400 pounds of fentanyl which is stated to be able to kill up to 544 million people. What were their plans, to poison our water and food supplies, to mass murder the United states, cornerstone of the world? #Qanonhttps://t.co/P1WWyJ6FpF
A3: No. I don’t use textbooks. I ask the Ss what they want to learn and incorporate these ideas in our weekly PBL units. Through these we integrate all subject areas, SEL, & do things for the community. It’s a blast to watch! #masterychat
A4: biggest challenge is looking different for the teacher across the hall who goes page by page. Needing to prove that learning happens without the text book #masterychat
What do you look for in a textbook? How about a digital resource? What do you find most valuable with those tools? I'd love to hear your thoughts! #masterychat
A4: The most difficult thing for me was having enough time to find the right resource for the right student. I quickly learned to involve Ss in the process: researching, evaluating, selecting resources since you know... those are #ELA skills. #masterychat
A4. Upfront was the consistent challenge to create, adapt, and envision lesson development. However, it helped me improve in a lot of areas #MasteryChat
#masterychat The biggest challenge to not using textbooks is needing to provide Ss with instructional resources when they are absent or need to review an idea. Thankfully, many great educators have put resources on YouTube, etc. Math may be an easy subject for this problem.
A4: Transitioning from a textbook-driven curriculum to a choice curriculum meant moving from an organized boat to swimming, but I kept going in the same direction w/different resources and still met the goal.
A4 My 1st year, I was challenged because that was the year my team decided to ditch the anthology and teach from novels. Well, as a newbie teacher I was told through college how to use the manual to help me the 1st year. LOL luckily I had an amazing team to help. #masterychat
A4: Biggrst challenge I’d foresee is the commitment the T is making to educate. Without a textbook, T must not only do all the lesson planning as with textbooks but also find content and best way(a) to deliver it completely on their own #MasteryChat#commitment#educatorsCAN
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
A4: Giving students different formats for the info. Some Ss get a lot from reading, some get a lot from derivation, some love the hands on. Sans textbook I worry about the "What if" my materials don't work for *some* Ss. #MasteryChat
A4: The most difficult part of going no textbook was ensuring the district would purchase novel sets to replace excerpts from the textbook. The rewards were worth it. Glad I advocated for students. #MasteryChat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
#masterychat A4- I think the challenge or the best part is that it causes you to dive deep into the curriculum and really get to know the material - then you can customize it to you Ss.
A4: I think for many teachers, the textbook becomes the pacing guide & has a wide array of activities/worksheets that accompany it, which teachers can rely upon. Removing it is removing a central piece of the classroom. #masterychat
a4- Finding sources appropriate for your students can be challenging. We do have an online science techbook. Many of those sources are a bit too challenging. I often have to find my own! #masterychat
A4: I didn’t crack open textbook once with my sophomores last year. Hardest part year 1 of no textbook is feeling like you’re starting from scratch crafting a curriculum that works best for your kids. Lots of frontload, but I find it’s way more relevant that way. #MasteryChat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
A3: I don’t think that textbooks are as relevant now with internet searches. I think students should form their own questions and find appropriate resources to get answers. It also creates a more real-world experience where you have to comb through different sources. #MasteryChat
I agree! I love having mine as a resource and appreciate that our math consultants developed it. It actually aligns a few different texts so we can compare a variety of resources. #MasteryChat
A4: I don't feel the need for a text. I would much rather pick and choose what I feel like would be engaging for my students & what they tell me they enjoy. #masterychat
Q3: Absolutely not! As an Elem teacher, I didn’t need textbooks to learn how to teach, I needed to observe, practice, and receive feedback to improve. Same as a principal, I’ve learned by doing. I want my Ss to experience the same. Don’t need a textbook for that. #MasteryChat
In 13 years I have never assigned reading out of a text book and rarely used it in class other than a resource. It took time to develop everything to take the place of the book. I spent a summer developing replacement activities b/c I wanted kids active. #MasteryChat#DitchBook
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
A4: I don’t think I had a challenge since I love never used a textbook but I do think a challenge I have faced recently is how to make my lessons more engaging and inquiry based rather than here is the method now practice it a million times 😕 #MasteryChat
A4: I loved not using textbooks. The Ss loved it too. As long as I was teaching the standards, my admins didn't mind. It was fun looking for things to use in class. I used songs, movies, stories they enjoyed, examples from real life a lot. It was great!!! #masterychat
A4: Challenges:
Making sure we cover all the standards needed.
Potentially can be seen as unorganized.
Might be harder for students to see what they missed if absent. #masterychat
Especially considering that it's predicted that knowledge will soon double every twelve hours, it seems hard to believe that a published textbook will stay relevant long enough to be effective. #MasteryChat
Need a resource of teacher created materials from our district- if someone could put what we have done together a already esp. this year as we shifted to NGSS-new teacher would be set #MasteryChat
A4 #masterychat The first 3 years of my career, I was teaching American Indian Studies. There was no text book. No starting point to build from... & no one else in my large district taught it. I always felt like I had nothing to fall back on.
A4: a teacher with the autonomy to work without a textbook has a greater level of accountability for presenting balanced and quality sources. #masterychat
A4: Biggest challenge I’d foresee is the commitment the T is making to educate. Without a textbook, T must not only do all the lesson planning as with textbooks but also find content and best way(s) to deliver it completely on their own #MasteryChat#commitment#educatorsCAN
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
Good point, Katherine!
I would FAR rather a district pay their teachers to create engaging, community-connected, responsive, and adaptable lessons than have them spend that money on textbooks.
Teachers that are not provided time to find and create resources want a textbook. Those who are given paid time to create would much rather go without a textbook. #MasteryChat
A3: Haven't used textbooks in about 5 years! Too many hands on learning opportunities. Ss learn better when they can watch me and practice while I'm present to answer questions. #masterychat
Q2: its a budget killer. Most textbooks sit in a storage room few get checked out unless it’s a class set. I would love to see digital books loaded onto tablets as needed #masterychat
A4: It would be very difficult for new teachers. It's already overwhelming. Sure you can seek out other resources, like Pinterest, but you have to be careful it's aligned to the state standards & not just something that is "cute". #MasteryChat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
It really is an issue. I get the idea of implementing a strategy or an intervention with fidelity, but it is overused to branch out to nearly everything. #MasteryChat
A4 I had to replace the textbook for direct instruction by "cloning myself" in video form, which has facilitated *much* deeper classroom experiences and *many* more 1:1 conversations with students.
A4: lesson planning will probably take longer without the scaffolding for the teacher that the textbook provides. Maybe this will help make the shift between teacher led instruction and student led instruction. #MasteryChat
A4: We aren't required to use textbooks now and I'm fine with it. I do like to refer back to one though, esp when we do mythology. The stories in our text are fun. #MasteryChat
A4: don’t really find it challenging not using the TB. The district provided many resources &I go out and find stuff that works for what I’m teaching. I don’t think this is a challenge. I am a teacher. I want to make it fun, relevant, and engaging for my Ss. #MasteryChat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
A4: the biggest challange w/ or w/out a TB is the readability of the book, site, etc. Finding ways to enable a lower reader to read the material. Having the right tech/app/time, etc to support the Ss. It is all overwhelming and a need for so many. #MasteryChat
A4: In my 9 years, I have never taught with a textbook. I think a challenge for some Ts would be relinquishing some of the structure teaching from a textbook provides. Allowing your Ss the freedom to create their own questions that may or may not be easily answered. #masterychat
A4 - Change can be hard but it doesn't have to be. Know what you are looking for, look for something reliable, and hone your research and google skills! #masterychat
A4: Textbooks have helped when families didn’t have access to internet & Ss could still read info with a hard copy rather than online versions of an assignment(this is rare today). Since we are working to make lessons more authentic, no one seems to miss textbooks. #masterychat
A4 I haven't handed out a textbook in several years. I had a hard time with how to get the resources to Ss. I created a Google Site, and next year I will be using Schoology to house all my information and links to resources. You have to have a solid way to organize #masterychat
A4 I would imagine having no textbooks for science and social studies to use as a reference would be difficult. It can be challenging finding non-fiction reading materials at the right level. I haven't textbooks in years #MasteryChat
A4: As a new teacher, I think a challenge would be feeling overwhelmed with no sense of guidance. Of course, I have standards, but, this year, I will be teaching math, reading, writing, religion, and social studies which is a lot to think through. #masterychat
A4 Chellenges - when Ss are absent it's harder to make up work (although not so much anymore with Google classroom) On the other hand Ss are much more engaged & try not to miss classes #masterychat
A4: The only challenge I would say is investing a LOT of time gathering information and materials related to topic/content
Collaboration with colleagues can definitely help out
A4) the shift would just be taking the time to create &curate my own resource. Sometimes the time it takes can be worth it but sometimes u run into dead ends or you end up paying out of pocket. Dist should b supplying Ts w/ funds to pay 4 resources they want #masterychat
Any tips for this? I want to do some blended & self-paced learning this year with video resources I create. I am hoping it will give me more time to conference with Ss! #masterychat
A4) it’s be getting buy in from others. Access to technology could be a barrier, but you could always print out for those who don’t have access. #MasteryChat
A4. The biggest objection I would face is the ever-present "that's the way we've always done it" Please teach me how to overcome that objection. Pretty please. #masterychat
A4- My 1st & 2nd graders feel grown up working out of textbooks. Like homework- they've come to associate it with 'real' work and something that older Ss do. We spend a lot of time learning about how our brains stretch by trying, experimenting, playing #MasteryChat
A4 I have always just borrowed whatever seemed worthwhile since they were taking up space in my room. The hardest part is investing the time in making all of your own resources and materials your kids will need, especially for younger kids. #masterychat
A4 #masterychat organization & time... just like everything else! I need to revisit these things this summer. Revise, adapt, include new sources. I've made a lot of QR codes in the past few years. Need to make sure the links still work!
#MasteryChat I don't see the need for text books or as minimum a guide only a Ss said me " Ask us what we want to know and learn." I found that question a game changer on my prac last year.
A4: I use my textbook like other secondary sources. I would just need to spend more time researching areas that I have not always focused on (something I try to do anyway). #masterychat
Hey the more resources the better... but it should not hold me back from creating a different experience for my students! It's a Balance of what my students need - not what the Textbook has. #masterychat
A4: It wasn’t extremely challenging. It can be a bit more time consuming to find the necessary resources for each unit/student, but it is worth it! #masterychat
A4: I agree. I remember when I was just starting out I used the Teacher Edition of the textbook a lot for reference. I only found out later that there were several mistakes in it! #masterychat
A4: Shifting away from the familiar is always tough, even if it is better! If you think about it, many of us have been doing this school thing for 30+ years. The challenge would be lack of control, but shifting an antiquated mindset is amazing. BREAKTHROUGH. #masterychat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
A4b: Moving away from the textbook was not a difficult shift to make. I think this is especially true for English teachers. I love the freedom of choosing our own text and so do the kids. #masterychat
A4~continuous access for a wide range of levels/audience to materials that are relevant, fluid & purchased accordingly ~ district need to support such and budget for them #Masterychat
A3: I would use a textbook as a helpful guide for me. They do help me map out WHAT I teach. In the right moment, and with the use of the right strategies, I would sparingly use them for the students as well, but only if the content of the textbook ENHANCED the lesson #MasteryChat
As a struggling student growing up, I relied on textbooks because I would do the examples. Even, in college, when professors did not use a textbook, I had to borrow one because that was the way I learned, and my grade on my next exam improved. It can be a resource. #masterychat
This happens a lot with tech as well. Ts want their students to dive in and embrace learning but Ts' time is often too overwhelmed to grow with their profession unless someone sets aside time for them. #masterychat.
A4 Maybe the hardest part is knowing you are creating something which could go well... or not. It takes courage and a lot of humor to try things! But if we talk to the students, they get it & appreciate the attempt! #masterychat
Yup. I only use the class set as props for my labs. Textbooks make great ramp lifts and heavy masses! That is about all they are good for anymore. #MasteryChat
A4- the hardest part as a teacher is stepping out of you comfort zone to embrace change and think outside the book, develop your own tools and resources to reach and engage students in a nontraditional method #Masterychat#thinkoutsidethebook
A4: I’ve had no problems leaving the textbooks behind. I can always find current events that tie to my standards and relate to my students. This year I’m ditching the desk and going with all alternative seating. Change it what we should be all about. #MasteryChat
A4) I do not use them. I teach 3 grade levels. I focus on deficits, mostly and expand foundational skills.Then move on to some1 with a stronger grade level skill set. I have never had a full compliment of text books.But if needed I can read the Teacher parts out loud #masterychat
A3: I have found great success using “techbooks” in conjunction with primary and secondary sources. I like the techbooks because they are current and easily updated, however, they are just one part of my classroom curriculum. #MasteryChat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
Most flippers are STEM teachers, but there are plenty of us humanities folks too!
I blog about my progress & lack thereof at https://t.co/zooV91UEqb
The Flipped Learning Network (@flippedlearning) is a great community with an ever-growing website.
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
The biggest hurdle was finding alternate ways to keep my parents informed about extra resources, pacing, and curriculum in my classroom. Keeping a class calendar and open communication helped a lot in this issue. #masterychat
A4: The most difficult part of not using a textbook is gathering quality sources and materials to use that can thoroughly explain a topic of study. I have 3 preps so it can be time consuming, but I just keep adding & adjusting each year. #masterychat
A4 #masterychat organization & time... just like everything else! I need to revisit these things this summer. Revise, adapt, include new sources. I've made a lot of QR codes in the past few years. Need to make sure the links still work!
A5 - Technology is the single greatest tool we have as Ts in terms of providing access to information for ourselves & our learners. It is much more engaging and can allow us to interact, facilitate, & engage our Ss much more than a text book (IF...used properly) #masterychat
A5 The most powerful way tech can help us is not actually w/ any specific piece of tech. I believe it's power is connections. The connections, collaboration, and communication that we do digitally, that was impossible a decade ago, opens up so many possibilities! #masterychat
A2: I think my admin feels the same way I do about textbooks. They can be used as a resource, RARELY, but shouldn’t be used as a curriculum. #masterychat
Q2 Our own philosophies don't always match up with that of district administration. How do administrators in your district feel about textbooks? Does it match your own philosophies? #masterychat
We are fortunate enough to have Chromebooks for every student. It allows us to pull other resources. Many of our textbooks are outdated, and, to my knowledge, there's no plan to replace them. #masterychat
My solution to tech going unused was to create tech Thursdays on my campus. It’s based off of edcamps, but on a smaller scale. Teachers can come together to share how they use certain tech and we can train each other. #masterychat
Let's get rolling with Q1: I love a good five word challenge! How do you feel about textbooks? Good? Bad? A little bit of both?
Using just 5 words (no cheating!), share your thoughts with our awesome #masterychat PLN.
Thanks! We all believe that school should teach the 7C's & 3Rs I assume. So, if any tech (and a book is considered a human development = tech) does that, I'm rooting for it! #masterychat
The biggest hurdle was finding alternate ways to keep my parents informed about extra resources, pacing, and curriculum in my classroom. Keeping a class calendar and open communication helped a lot in this issue. #masterychat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
A4: When we start with a clear learning goal and reaching out to other educators when planning, we can find tons of resources that can help replace a textbook. Software like ActivInspire and canvasLMS can help you organize resources. #MasteryChat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
A5: I am a fan of @nearpod, @goformative, and @flipgrid. I feel like using supplemental resources is crucial because, to me, giving timely feedback is the most important thing. @goformative enables me to do stations and pull students. #masterychat
A4: Teachers need to have a deep understanding of the content they teach, especially developmental process of teaching reading and writing. Major challlenge is providing ongoing support in place of “telling” teachers what and how to teach through textbooks. #masterychat
While I believe this is often true, I disagree that is always the case. If a T inadvertently creates a gap in math, it can have a serious domino effect. #masterychat
A5: Students learn valuable evaluation skills when asked to contribute content and resources to the classroom's literacy collection. A % of the learning happens right there. Why should it all be on educators?
A5: There is so much technology out there! It's up to us to share it with our Ss in order to prepare them for they world that they live in! #masterychat
That is exactly the feeling. (I had no books my first year except handwriting workbooks) I was told to “follow the standards” but it’s hard when you’ve never really used them throughout a full year #Masterychat
A4: The most difficult/challenging thing about shifting to teaching with no textbook was trusting in myself, my abilities, & my content knowledge. But when I positioned myself as a co-learner w/ my Ss, we all became learners together. Shifted in role to a facilitator #masterychat
A4: I feel lucky to work at a site and with a dept that focuses on research and innovation. I have not used a textbook with Ss, and I do not plan to. I have seen that it's often mentioned as a safety net for new teachers, but if anything it just prevents growth. #MasteryChat
A5: I'm using a Google Site with an index of skills that link to video tutorials, online practice, and collaborative activities Ss can access. #masterychat
How true … I was in a self-directed High School for 6 years @bishopcarrollhs and teachers have been doing this for a long time and still are keeping up with all the non traditional approaches to meet the needs of students #masterychat
A4- the hardest part as a teacher is stepping out of you comfort zone to embrace change and think outside the book, develop your own tools and resources to reach and engage students in a nontraditional method #Masterychat#thinkoutsidethebook
A5: Use technology to bring content to student, social studies-travel google earth, math-flipgrid to tell how problems are solved, Lang arts- have Ss create podcasts/YouTube vids to show mastery of content...#TheSkyIsTheLimit#MasteryChat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
You're right, Phil. Your note on doing the research for lesson planning is imperative as we not only plan the WHAT of teaching but connect it to the next step in the instructional process and prepare the HOW of teaching @MrPStrunk#MasteryChat
A4 Parent buy in was difficult for some because they associate school with textbooks. I still offer one for those parents and students who want one. #masterychat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
A5: Referenced this in an earlier answer. We can connect with experts to help mold and shape our learning. There are professionals all around the world, and even in our own communities, that are dying to join the conversation. We just need to welcome them in. #masterychat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
A4: I think the time needed to find and/or create aligned resources could be a challenge the first year. I also think parents may resist or be uncomfortable with the change. Both of these obstacles could be overcome with careful planning and collaboration. #MasteryChat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
#MasteryChat Shifting away from something familiar and safe is difficult. I know at Uni many Lecturers would rather us use peer-reviewed journal articles to show further understanding. I used texts as a supplement for my learning.
A5: Gameify! There aren't many out there, but @TestTubeGames are super informative and fun. But really I think the point should be sharing expert views with tech - @TEDTalks, live chats, video, interactive demo. Same info, much better relay to the student. #masterychat
Yes, this is so true! Even if I make it and use it again next year, I almost always need to make changes to improve it or make it better suited for the new group of Ss. #masterychat
A4: The whole teaching style would need to change, and we'll have to prepare totally new lesson plans. No more "open your books to page..." Yippi! #MasteryChat
Most flippers are STEM teachers, but there are plenty of us humanities folks too!
I blog about my progress & lack thereof at https://t.co/zooV91UEqb
The Flipped Learning Network (@flippedlearning) is a great community with an ever-growing website.
A5: I mostly look for good examples in my textbooks, but educators on Twitter have given me so many ideas that I don't need to rely on the textbook for examples. #masterychat
A5. There is so much content available to curate and deliver via hyperdocs and tools such as @edpuzzle, the text ispretty much outdated at this point. #masterychat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
A5: I think tech can aid us in teachingng students how to find resources for themselves. Something they will most likely need to do later on. It also provides us the ability to connect with them even when they are at home via LMS or email. #MasteryChat
A4 (continued). Role shift to facilitator means I was no longer the “keeper of all knowledge” but the facilitator of learning. Also a challenge, but well worth it! #masterychat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
I do like the QR codes. I've found it easier to challenge students too. I can find leveled texts or differentiated sources and fire them off to students. It can really increase student choice too. #masterychat A4
A5 I LOVE what we accomplish in my room now! I was nervous about tech in an ELA classroom, but I focused on what I wanted tech to do: increase discussion & collaboration! All tech was purchased for this purpose #masterychat Check it out! https://t.co/R8IeWxWclV
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
Q4. Thanks to the Internet, not using textbooks would be not be difficult. With all the advancements in technology, books are not necessary to teach and learn. However, I’d still want students to learn from books somewhat. Should be a mix of books and technology. #masterychat
Our ebooks are guided inquiry with low floor-high ceiling tasks, but the assumption is that Ss will have interleaved retrieval practice in hw which is crucial for retention #masterychat
A5: Google Classroom has begun my launching pad in my class. I use it when I am there and when I have a sub. I can literally load sites, documents, or selected (cough interesting) close reads for the Ss. They'd much rather do that than lug around a textbook. #masterychat
A5 There’s so much tech out there that it’s hard to choose one resource. From books read aloud by authors to LMS systems, there’s so much to choose from. #masterychat
A4: I would be just fine without textbooks. I use them as background reading for my AP kids but only ever use pictures and maps with my 9th graders. The hardest part is compiling the resources so they are easy to find #MasteryChat
Q4 Making changes is rarely easy and you are bound to face some challenges. What challenges would you face if you did not have any textbooks at all? What would be most difficult about that shift? OR if you have already made the shift, what was most difficult?
A4b: Also, I have heard from several individuals that when you don’t use textbooks & worksheets that you don’t teach academics. It’s a mindset change & tough to get others on board. #masterychat
YouTube has great resources like all my #flipclass videos for anatomy and chemistry but they might be unlisted(?). Use different formative tech as well. I use a lot of augmented reality and will add VR into the mix more next year. #MasteryChat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
I modified a lot, but made most of it, I knew what I wanted and nothing ever matched that. I could spend hours searching or just recreate what I wanted in less time. #Masterychat
A4: I love to see when our teachers teach from our district curriculum while also adding their own engaging flare and amazing talents to their lessons! When the curriculum calls for a specific text to be used, this best practice should still apply. #Masterychat
https://t.co/QF7GKqkq4N can research topics on internet and we can also select certain sources for them to read and research. Some schoools use cert. platforms in digital learning and PBL.#masterychat
a3: I would not use them simply because it's not authentic text. I'd rather have the students master a love of reading. No one likes to read text books unless they want to fall asleep...#masterychat
A5) I use engage NY as a resource for math. I don’t follow it exactly but I love the problem sets and multi step problems. I also love using @zearned and embark online to help students understand the problems, get extra practice or a form of self tutoring #masterychat
A5: I love when classrooms connect with other classrooms. Learning about the climate in a different part of the world? Skype with a classroom from there! #MasteryChat
A5. The ease of connecting with others through technology makes it easy to have students teach each other. They have access to so many learning resources and still more to help process the info #masterychat
A3 I've been lucky; the choice to use a textbook or not has always been mine. We have decided to go OER and are developing units we hope to share with everyone! It's a process but leads to great discussions! #masterychat
Indeed! Library, extra hours at school, and using g-suite offline are what we are using. Cable provider put high speed free access in center of town! #MasteryChat
A5: We live in a world that is constantly changing and we now access information in real time from multiple sources why shouldn't our students be able to do the same thing #Masterychat
A51: There is so much info out there and PLNs you can join on Twitter and Facebook. I think @flipping_A_tchr let me know about the Middle School SS teachers Facebook group. It's been a great resource. #masterychat
#masterychat A5: I think it's so important for students to use tech to create, not just consume. If tech is used like a worksheet or a traditional text, it's like typing using only keys in the middle row. The more Ss create, the deeper they learn!
A5~ Teaching&learning shared in a tech rich setting where all stakeholders are contributors in knowledge gaining and sharing which lends itself to the betterment of themselves & our 🌎#MasteryChat
Proper tool usage:
1. Students take ownership and demonstrate mastery
2. The user and the tool do not break
3. Reflection clarifies future use
A5: There is so much out there, from Google Lit Trips to Motion Poems and Blogging opportunities for students. There are resources for collections of poetry, short stories, and online novels. It is a buffet of goodness. #masterychat
A5: Self-proclaimed ed tech nerd here. 🤓 Teaching kids how to find credible information online to enhance their learning, support their research, etc. Just because they use the internet all day doesn’t mean they use it correctly, haha. #masterychat
The math teacher doesn't use a textbook either. She has a notes packet that students can refer to. If they lose it, they are out of luck. She doesn't have any online resources to help. #masterychat
Thanks! We all believe that school should teach the 7C's & 3Rs I assume. So, if any tech (and a book is considered a human development = tech) does that, I'm rooting for it! #masterychat
A5: I was looking through my math textbook, and I do love the digital aspect of it. Technology should be a resource used to guide instruction, and I feel like textbooks should be used the same way. We should be student focused. #masterychat
A5: I use technology to focus on the 4C’s and create a learning experience that will mirror real world experience. Not only are you fostering life long skills with your students, but you will be fostering life long learners. #MasteryChat
A5: oh my goodness so many ways! My favorite way is is collaboration and creation. Students can collaborate and create in ways that they could not with a textbook alone. I like to use @Seesaw in my classroom. #masterychat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
A5 #masterychat When we rely too much on text books, we tend to forget that there are tremendous artifacts & primary sources that our students can engage with and interact with.
What's in our #CHCougars#WWII education learning trunk? We have US & Finish ration books, Naval uniforms, a soldier's field manual, Japanese soldier's journal, German Nazi wings, a Russian soldier's army passport dozens of newspapers and more. Have anything you want to donate?
A3 I've been lucky; the choice to use a textbook or not has always been mine. We have decided to go OER and are developing units we hope to share with everyone! It's a process but leads to great discussions! #masterychat
Will never go back. Covers the 4 Cs and the Engage, Explore, Explain, Create/Apply, Share, Reflect (or something close to that) is the perfect template! #MasteryChat
A5: The possibilities are endless! I love the variety that is at our (and our Ss) fingertips! I like being able to curate tips & resources for the kids on my class site. "Sciumbata's Survival Guide" LOL #MasteryChat
Hey #masterychat! Has anyone tried using digital books? I have a novel I want to teach but I'm an ELA teacher and love pages and covers and that new book (and old book) smell...?
A3 I've been lucky; the choice to use a textbook or not has always been mine. We have decided to go OER and are developing units we hope to share with everyone! It's a process but leads to great discussions! #masterychat
A5: I love using @seesaw for students to share what they know, show how they can read authentically, and fluently, and reach out to a community audience. #masterychat
A4: The challenge is more for ME not having MY traditional way of finding school content information. But, from what I hear, it is not all about me, lol. In other words, the challenge is in stepping out of MY comfort zone to be unselfish for the kids. #MasteryChat
A5: Technology is the way of the 21st Century and an engaging, up to date, fun and powerful way to relate and motivate kids to and through learning! #Masterychat
A5: Our ss love tech and find it highly engaging! @ProdigyGame@GetKahoot and @IXLLearning are a few of my favorites! They were an essential part of our math instruction this year. #MasteryChat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
A5: I am learning SO much from social media PLN. Take advantage of reputable sites and network with amazing educators. #Masterychat One of my favorites this summer has been Jen Serravallo’s writing camp.
#MasteryChat A5 Being able to learn about the culture/geography of a country by collaborating with a class. We were fortunate to visit with 10 different countries this year via Skype, Hangouts and FaceTime. Learning from their peers better than reading a textbook.
A5: Tech offers access and quantity... Ss can access what they need when and how they need it... Ss learn how to evaluate the abundance of resources... Its a win-win #MasteryChat
A5: I created video lessons and truly adopted a blended learning environment almost daily. It was better than reading lessons in a textbook anyway plus Ss (and Ps) had access to it later and could go at their own pace. I even had Ss from other schools find my videos! #masterychat
A5: The databases that my library has are SO useful and keep us updated fairly well. @Newsela has also been invaluable because it's current and scaffolded by reading level! #MasteryChat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
A5: The biggest advantage to digital tools and resources is that they are dynamic and there area myriad of choices for Ts and Ss. I try to find resources and tools that are engaging, accessible and fit with my personal teaching philosophy. #MasteryChat
Nice! I too have tried to share with parents. I now share all videos and tools with them constantly through my website. I strive to be very transparent #MasteryChat
A5 - This year I started using tech to give direct feedback as student's work. Ss are going to use tech, why not use it to communicate and in place of a red pen? #masterychat
A5: 1 example is instead of having Ss read about people’s recollections of an event, why not have them watch actual interviews and listen instead? Don’t read about experiments, do them & research information to learn more. #masterychat
A51: There is so much info out there and PLNs you can join on Twitter and Facebook. I think @flipping_A_tchr let me know about the Middle School SS teachers Facebook group. It's been a great resource. #masterychat
Q6 Districts spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars on textbooks. How could they use that money to help teachers plan engaging, relevant learning experiences for students that don't rely on textbooks?
I LOVE engage NY! Amazing resources with a wide range of questions. I loved finding the challenging work in the curriculum and using it with my advanced learners. #masterychat
A5: Technology connects classrooms to the world. Worked w/ a Science teacher who connected to the local Science Centre via Zoom and facilitated as the Scientist taught the lesson and activity (the Science Centre even donated all the required learning materials)!#masterychat
A5: there are millions of resources and ways to communicate globally and create REAL experiences for Ss. Google alone. Idek how to answer this question, honestly. If you haven’t liberated your Ss from the TB,and you have access to tech, I feel bad for them. 🤷🏽♀️ #MasteryChat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
A5 #masterychat We can do a better job of using technology to aid us in learning. Again, technology should not be the end-all-be-all, rather, another tool.
A5: Technology these days can help you tremendously in delivering lessons, creating interactive content, and and giving students voice using platforms like flipgrid. You can't reach digital learners through textbooks only. #MasteryChat
Q5 You all know I love tech! How could technology help us with declaring our independence from technology? Share a resource, strategy, ideas, or inspiration.
A6 - Using this money for staff development, planning time, tech to enhance instruction are all ways to better spend curriculum dollars. These investments are much longer lasting and allow teachers to improve and #teachbetter which can NEVER go out of date! #masterychat
A6 Pay the Ts to collaborate and create amazing curriculum. With the insane amount of $$$ districts could save by not buying textbooks, they could support curriculum writing by the ppl tasked w/ teaching the children every day. Talk about real and relevant lessons! #masterychat
I did many read alouds. But I did several collaborations with @bmilla84 class in Florida who connected with students from all 50 states. I also went to visit them from Canada to Florida to do some in person learning. #Masterychat
In reply to
@TechieTeachOtt, @Fight4Mizzou, @bmilla84
A5 I have found so many good FREE resources that students like so much more than textbooks.
Britannica, https://t.co/eEMeMWgq9q, Nat Geo, and more. I am always on the hunt for new resources, and so are my Ss. THEY showed me https://t.co/2b9ptxXxNL this year. #masterychat
A5~ @Flipgrid supports student voice & choice ...@google earth for rich discussions on geography, global awareness & connections ....just a few our class has really enjoyed in our learning journey #MasteryChat
Q6 Districts spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars on textbooks. How could they use that money to help teachers plan engaging, relevant learning experiences for students that don't rely on textbooks?
A5: You also need to be careful with technology but the opportunities to allow Ss to be creative are numerous. We’ve done stop motion animation, creating roller coasters, YouTube, etc. #masterychat
Using it properly means the right time, place, the right push, and the specific thing your tool will teach. If you know what your kids need and that thing is in a text book, use it. If not, use something else. #masterychat
Q6 Districts spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars on textbooks. How could they use that money to help teachers plan engaging, relevant learning experiences for students that don't rely on textbooks?
Q6 Districts spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars on textbooks. How could they use that money to help teachers plan engaging, relevant learning experiences for students that don't rely on textbooks?
#MasteryChat I created authentic lesson plans by using YouTube to supplement my teaching, particularly with Science. I would always ask Ss what they knew first. Explore the topic together, complete a play-based task, then cement the learning with a YouTube clip.
A6: That money can be spent on professional development opportunities that can help drive Ts growth and Ss thinking. It can be spent on field trips to make learning real. It can go towards hands-on activities, etc. Textbooks have info that Google can give for free. #MasteryChat
Q6 Districts spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars on textbooks. How could they use that money to help teachers plan engaging, relevant learning experiences for students that don't rely on textbooks?
Q6 Districts spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars on textbooks. How could they use that money to help teachers plan engaging, relevant learning experiences for students that don't rely on textbooks?
A6: I was speaking to @MrWawczak about how I wish classrooms were designed more like edcamps. I also wish PD was run the same way. As a new teacher, I plan on going to conferences and learning how to #teachbetter. #masterychat
A6: Put $ towards tech resources, flexible seating, planning days once a quarter for Ts to work with colleagues and create, fund S led projects that show mastery #MasteryChat#spendwisely