#mschat Archive

A chat that offers middle school teachers a chance to have a collaborative discussion about a different topic each week. Our topics change from week to week, ranging from Common Core State Standards to Character Education. During the chat, participants exchanges ideas and resources. The chat group ranges in size each week from 10 to 50+ participants. Discussion can be general talking about instructional style or process to specific. Recently members of the chat group help each other create lessons.

Thursday May 11, 2017
8:00 PM EDT

  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:00 PM EDT
    8 pm ET Time for #mschat to get rolling
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:00 PM EDT
    Brian, IL Its dinner/chat time...grabbing some tacos...ready for #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:01 PM EDT
    Great to have you all here as we talk about accountability! #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:01 PM EDT
    Must be Taco Thursday... Just finished mine here in MI and ready to chat #mschat
    In reply to @BKd204Sci
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:01 PM EDT
    Glad you could join in tonight Brian #mschat
    In reply to @BKd204Sci
  • PullenHeather May 11 @ 8:01 PM EDT
    #mschat I am Heather and I teach 6th grade science outside of Dallas
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    Thanks for joining in Heather #mschat
    In reply to @PullenHeather
  • vwarren04 May 11 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    Vashunda from Dallas #MSchat #STEMinstitute
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    Good evening Vashunda #mschat
    In reply to @vwarren04
  • Mr_Lisek May 11 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    Ryan in MI - 6/7 Soc. St. - Need to listen to my kindergarten read me a bedtime story and I'll be in the mix. #mschat
  • JoveStickel May 11 @ 8:02 PM EDT
    Jove MS principal from MO thirsting for knowledge #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Let's start with introductions: Todd here 7th grade science teacher and chat organizer #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Enjoy reading time Ryan ... Tweet when you can #mschat
    In reply to @Mr_Lisek
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:03 PM EDT
    Good evening Jove glad you can join in #mschat
    In reply to @JoveStickel
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    An article to warm you brain for tonight https://t.co/GC4fuqHqRm #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:04 PM EDT
    Katie in IN, juggling bedtime duties too. One kid is minecrafting w/Daddy while the other cleans up from soccer. #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    How do we measure school success? https://t.co/iV1a2WcS22 #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    My twins are reading books upstairs as my 13 ear old watches Top Chef with mom ... #mschat
    In reply to @Beyond_the_Desk
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:05 PM EDT
    We will be using the Q1...A1... format with questions coming up in a couple of minutes #mschat
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Colleen, STL, Mo ML Modern Language, just laid the baby down to sleep! #mschat
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Measure success by the energy& excitement of the Ss/Ts/As & whole staff An excited school is a successful school #mschat
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    Jay, principal from Merton, WI joining #mschat tonight.
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:06 PM EDT
    HEY Colleen So glad you made it #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    Q1: Give an example of how you/teachers hold their students accountable? #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    good evening Jay hope all is well #mschat
    In reply to @posickj
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:07 PM EDT
    I try...Carter's schedule makes it difficult #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    A1: Hold students to high expectations, IF the work is worth doing then I make sure they do the work #mschat
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    A1 Don't stop teaching and learning after state testing. Create learning opportunities that keep students engaged and accountable. #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:08 PM EDT
    The pleasures of having kids.... YES (get it) #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    A1 Team has developed student contracts w/Ss input in goals/consequences Crafting together holds both stakeholders accountable #mschat
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    It was a beautiful day and tomorrow is the #TeacherAppreciationWeek PTO finale. It will be awesome! #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    Set high expectations, let Ssknow them ahead of time, give the Ss an idea of where the learning is going how we will get there #mschat
  • PullenHeather May 11 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    #mschat A1 turning in (quality) assignments on time
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    A1: engaging lessons that give students voice and choice; with realistic expectations and deadlines #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:09 PM EDT
    A1: Saw @alicekeeler tweet earlier ss asked if he could just keep the D. She said no, that he had to actually learn. Accountability. #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:10 PM EDT
    I focus on quality: On time to me is when it is done right! (I give it back if it isn't to make it right) #mschat
    In reply to @PullenHeather
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    I agree: ALL my students have to attend study session and take retake if below C #mschat
    In reply to @Beyond_the_Desk, @alicekeeler
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    Yes! Many Ts and Ss are like Testing Sone, we are done. Many of Ss are asking "we are still learning?" Um...YES! #mschat
    In reply to @posickj
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:11 PM EDT
    Yes, making the learning clear and visible lets the students actively participate instead of just being pulled along in our current. #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    Checking in late. Breanne from KY, 7th Grade Math Teacher #mschat
  • PullenHeather May 11 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    #mschat my school district has a well-established atmosphere of high expectations. #STEMinstitute
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    Are we ever done learning in life? Summer is just the education off season! Still need to keep skills sharp! #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80, @posickj
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:12 PM EDT
    I teach 8th gr & we try to put as much ownership on Ss as we can so they are prepared for HS #SelfAccountability is a learned skill #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    Awesome! Our school sometimes struggles as testing season drains many and they struggle to push forward #mschat
    In reply to @PullenHeather
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    A1 I force kids to retake. I don't accept failing and keeping it. We are ALL going to learn, even if it takes multiple tries #mschat
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:13 PM EDT
    This is my first year with 8th graders, many of them have completely checked out. Gotta pull them back...keep to moving. #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @posickj
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    Agreed but I force more... Give back work not completed and tell them to get it done right before test #mschat
    In reply to @breanneg2011
  • flipping_A_tchr May 11 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    How many more school days for your 8th graders? (And how many actual teaching days, not including class trips, ceremonies, etc.?) #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80, @blocht574, @posickj
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    Do you do it in class setting, quiet lunches, before/after school seasons, how do you build in your retakes? #mschat
    In reply to @breanneg2011
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    Similar discussion today but with a different grade level. Team decided they all needed to be on the same page. Focused and ready. #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80, @blocht574
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    Summer for me is like my learning ON season. I read so much! Well, and I read plenty of Janet Evanovich and Dean Koontz 😉 #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @cskiles80, @posickj
  • 4bethany4 May 11 @ 8:14 PM EDT
    A1:Ss set goals for themselves. Create engaging, meaningful learning opportunities. Show Ss importance of high expectations for self #mschat
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    Do you allow them to test before all their work is done?? Contemplating for next year! #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    Ah yes 8th graders... Acting like seniors #mschat Need to figure out the "end of year" rituals to push Ss to learn on own
    In reply to @cskiles80, @posickj
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    They go through a mini senioritis. #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80, @blocht574, @posickj
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    Nope if work isn't done they aren't ready to be assessed! #mschat
    In reply to @breanneg2011
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:15 PM EDT
    Tough gr I had my 1st mid-May day w/motivation yesterday Remind them why each day is important 4 learning I did & today was awesome #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80, @blocht574, @posickj
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    Actual teaching 3, 6 days left in the school year. #mschat
    In reply to @flipping_A_tchr, @blocht574, @posickj
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    All the above! I try to accommodate as best as I can for their retakes. #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    I honestly don't know how many days we have left. Don't like to advertise that because then that becomes the focus. #mschat
    In reply to @flipping_A_tchr, @cskiles80, @blocht574
  • alicekeeler May 11 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    They come around! #mschat check out this research article. https://t.co/0En6GpG75W
    In reply to @Beyond_the_Desk
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:16 PM EDT
    Love this!! What do you do if they never get the work done? #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    Q2: How should schools be held accountable? What metrics? #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    WHOA!! We have 5 weeks left ... June 16 last student day #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80, @flipping_A_tchr, @posickj
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:17 PM EDT
    I'm looking at badging to encourage more/better work. Tried it w/ a unit this year & was very impressed by the student buy in. #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @breanneg2011
  • Mr_Lisek May 11 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    A1: Remind Ss of how far they have come and direct them to the goals they set for themselves at the beginninf of the year. #mschat
  • flipping_A_tchr May 11 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    June 23 #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @cskiles80, @posickj
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    I started using @classcraftgame with one of my 8th grade classes! It was amazing the difference it made #mschat
    In reply to @Beyond_the_Desk, @blocht574, @breanneg2011, @classcraftgame
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:18 PM EDT
    I don't give that much "work" so it gets done. Ps get concerned because no grades are entered (they do it at lunch) #mschat
    In reply to @breanneg2011
  • flipping_A_tchr May 11 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    I don't announce or countdown the numbers either, but it's helpful to know for lesson/unit planning! #mschat
    In reply to @posickj, @cskiles80, @blocht574
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A2 Not sure I have a good answer for this question, but measuring growth through the year is a thought. #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    I don't countdown but another teacher on team does and Ss tell me every day #mschat
    In reply to @flipping_A_tchr, @posickj, @cskiles80
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:19 PM EDT
    A2: set up a culture that the learning does not stop with the test. Push re to have lessons, not just field days and "party's" #mschat
  • AssignmentHelpN May 11 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    #mdeschat #MEMSPAchat #mschat #TNedchat #IRAchat The Ultimate 60 Ways To Use an iPad in the Classroom https://t.co/Du9eR0MYRB
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A2: Culture, Climate, Student after k-12 success, portfolios .... #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:20 PM EDT
    A2: Man, I honestly don't know. I get why we use stand testing. But it's too inflated. #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    That's one I've looked at!! Think 6th graders could handle it? #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80, @blocht574, @breanneg2011, @classcraftgame
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    How should we measure growth? Just academic? or do we need tools for Social, Emotional and Physical growth too? #mschat
    In reply to @posickj
  • cskiles80 May 11 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    Gotta drop out for awhile...pizza in the oven. #mschat
  • perryafinch May 11 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    Agree. Timelines can run counter 2 learning & more 2 compliance. Have 2 teach them 2 value learning. Breeds accountability. #mschat
    • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:10 PM EDT
      I focus on quality: On time to me is when it is done right! (I give it back if it isn't to make it right) #mschat
      In reply to @PullenHeather
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:21 PM EDT
    Anyone else watching the Rockets/Spurs? There sure is a lot of red. #mschat #easilydistracted
  • PullenHeather May 11 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    #mschat A2 individual schools set obtainable goals to reach
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    A2: Need to measure growth of students and teachers: Look at PIES (Physical< Intellectual#mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:22 PM EDT
    So schools decided to be accountable to themselves? I actually like that ALOT! #mschat
    In reply to @PullenHeather
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    I've used @ClassDojo Love the story feature. May have to look into @classcraftgame more. #mschat
    In reply to @cskiles80, @blocht574, @breanneg2011, @classcraftgame, @ClassDojo, @classcraftgame
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:23 PM EDT
    Not just academic growth, but IMHO it's the easiest to measure. Not aware of good social/emotional tools. #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    A2 That is tough There are so many moving parts to measure Is anything a true gauge? #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    But would schools abuse that system? Especially when $$ is attached? #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @PullenHeather
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:24 PM EDT
    I agree: We focus on easy: Often the students that don't grow academically are too busy growing in the social and emotional areas #mschat
    In reply to @posickj
  • perryafinch May 11 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    Me too. RIP ABC countdown. #mschat
    • posickj May 11 @ 8:16 PM EDT
      I honestly don't know how many days we have left. Don't like to advertise that because then that becomes the focus. #mschat
      In reply to @flipping_A_tchr, @cskiles80, @blocht574
  • AbigailMethod May 11 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    Preservice teacher jumping in here! A2:Have more educators in places of authority. They know what goals are achievable and important #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    Is this why schools are accountable? for $$? or should it be for giving students what they need? YES it is tricky #mschat
    In reply to @Beyond_the_Desk, @PullenHeather
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:25 PM EDT
    See, that's where I start to get stuck. There are like 12,000 aspects of school success & no perfect way to quantify it all. #mschat
    In reply to @BKd204Sci
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    A2 I'm not sure there's a perfect answer to this. Schools need to be accountable, but what stakes are fair? #mschat
  • PullenHeather May 11 @ 8:26 PM EDT
    #mschat there are so many factors that affect test scores. Setting goals too high is a recipe for failure #STEMinstitute
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    @breanneg2011 It is a hard question: Here in Michigan some schools have been threatened with closure based on test scores #mschat
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    All data can be spun I like to look at Ss & Ps anecdotal qualitative data Hear their stories to measure school success #mschat
    In reply to @Beyond_the_Desk
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    Do we need test scores? What about portfolios? #mschat
    In reply to @PullenHeather
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    A1: T's hold Ss accountable by having conversations w/ them. Get to know them and motivate to see them at their best #mschat
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    Great for honest schools. Schools lie enough on program reviews. Would they not do the same then? $$ could make the kids lose. :( #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @PullenHeather
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    That's where goes beyond into political systems. As long as govt $$ is attached to "accountability," some will play the system. #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @PullenHeather
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:27 PM EDT
    Glad you are here Rob #mschat
    In reply to @skeeTX
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:28 PM EDT
    Q3: How often should metrics be updated to remain accurate? #mschat
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:28 PM EDT
    Surely there has to be a good balance! I wish they would come in & observe what's happening more. Make it random? #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:29 PM EDT
    A3: Tools and metrics need to be on constant monitoring since students are changing every year #mschat
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:29 PM EDT
    Been awhile! 9 year old's baseball has kept me busy! #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:29 PM EDT
    A3 Often, but then again as soon as data is out it is outdated because we are looking at the past not the present #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:29 PM EDT
    Agreed! More observations can make an accurate assessment #mschat
    In reply to @breanneg2011
  • perryafinch May 11 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    I think all of the above plus extracurriculars and someway of measuring connections w families and community. #mschat
    • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:21 PM EDT
      How should we measure growth? Just academic? or do we need tools for Social, Emotional and Physical growth too? #mschat
      In reply to @posickj
  • luviku May 11 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    The latest The Ratih Wulandari Dj Daily! https://t.co/WfOcdqx2cW Thanks to @MuslimMatters @BungWinar @evylagi #hschat #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    Enjoy the time, this is the first year in 7 that my 13 yr old isn't playing baseball (moved on to track and field) #mschat
    In reply to @skeeTX
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:30 PM EDT
    I even liked when my school was observed & assessed by AdvancEd. Actual educators measured what we were doing. #mschat
    In reply to @breanneg2011, @blocht574
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:31 PM EDT
    A2: as a pk-8 school, we want our Ss to find best fit for high school, provide them w/ skills and tools to be successes long term #mschat
  • JoveStickel May 11 @ 8:31 PM EDT
    A3 Todd I agree with you and the real hard part is remaining vigilant and consistent #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:31 PM EDT
    And it takes so much $$ & time to set those metrics. #mschat
    In reply to @BKd204Sci
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:31 PM EDT
    Agreed: BEST measure is if we use 3 main tools and triangulate student growth #mschat #Scienceteacher
    In reply to @PullenHeather
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:32 PM EDT
    A3 Need to look at these yearly and be honest about the results you see to make changes to be better. #mschat (Hope that makes sense)
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:32 PM EDT
    A3 Often. Ss are changing, research is changing, and there's always something new and better. Metrics should reflect that change #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:32 PM EDT
    AGREED! Schools need to be measured for all the services that are provided to the communities they serve! #mschat
    In reply to @perryafinch
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:32 PM EDT
    • JoveStickel May 11 @ 8:30 PM EDT
      Tests aren't the problem unless they are the only measure or the data isn't timely or relative
      In reply to @blocht574, @PullenHeather
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    My 14 year old runs. Always something! Wouldn't trade it though! #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    I like data to measure Ss growth in science processing, but number data get diluted as you look at a schl or dist #mschat
    In reply to @JoveStickel
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:33 PM EDT
    Shouldn't we measure success by our ability to help shape whole child? #mschat
  • MrDurajWildcats May 11 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    A1: weekly progress monitoring sheets. S's fill out a reflection on confidence and when they plan on meeting w me for help #mschat
  • ItsMrsPenrod May 11 @ 8:34 PM EDT
    @blocht574 totally forgot about #mschat tonight- I'll have to wait until next week to be a first time #mschatter 🤓
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    A3: yes, whatever we measure, there needs to be appropriate tool that stays current #mschat
  • Mr_Lisek May 11 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    A3: That decision needs to be made each year. Evaluate your Ss and make a shift in metrics to meet Ss where they are. #mschat
  • MrDurajWildcats May 11 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    A2: growth. Are s's better today then they were yesterday. STAR testing helps show growth throughout the year #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    or join in now... No tardies 8-9 join in any time come and go as need be #mschat
    In reply to @ItsMrsPenrod
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:35 PM EDT
    Yep. @JoveStickel just won #mschat Give 'em all the Class Dojo points, badges, & Class Craft enchantments. Maybe a Dundie too.
    In reply to @blocht574, @JoveStickel
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    How and what we measure needs to be done with tools that are flexible and monitored #mschat
    In reply to @skeeTX
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    Where Ss are growing thing are working! If Ts see other Ts #BestPractices the growth will spread #mschat
    In reply to @JoveStickel
  • cybraryman1 May 11 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    My Whole Child page https://t.co/eE4aYD3Hsw #mschat #edchat
    • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:33 PM EDT
      Shouldn't we measure success by our ability to help shape whole child? #mschat
  • MrDurajWildcats May 11 @ 8:36 PM EDT
    A3: as awesome as weekly would be, monthly to quarterly is more realistic. Sometimes change takes more than a day or two #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:37 PM EDT
    WOW now that is an idea we have a ClassCraft set up for #mschat Hmmm...
    In reply to @Beyond_the_Desk, @JoveStickel
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    We must hold ourselves accountable too! Are we doing enough and adapting to change as needed? #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    YES!!! #mschat
    • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:37 PM EDT
      WOW now that is an idea we have a ClassCraft set up for #mschat Hmmm...
      In reply to @Beyond_the_Desk, @JoveStickel
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:38 PM EDT
    Ah, YES schools need to hold themselves accountable! Totally agree! #mschat
    In reply to @skeeTX
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    Q4: How can districts be encouraged to collaborate to build success for all? #mschat
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    #ThisIsWhatImTalkingAbout! Better data in the stories of our Ss than in their scores #MaybeSomeday #mschat
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:39 PM EDT
    That's where it starts! We all need to look in the mirror. #mschat
    In reply to @JoveStickel, @blocht574
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A4 We are in the kid business and want them all to be successful so we should have coopetition- cooperation with competition. #mschat
  • JoveStickel May 11 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    A4 I think many do often it's as easy as a chat call or email to start collaborating we all want to learn #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    Mirror is always best place to start #mschat
    In reply to @skeeTX, @JoveStickel
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:40 PM EDT
    Starts w/self From there to team, dept. gr level & bldg #mschat
    In reply to @skeeTX, @JoveStickel, @blocht574
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A4: Edcamps and Unconferences. Get conversations started. Shared PD experiences can benefit all #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A4: Instead of competing w/ each other so a school wins, we need to collaborate so these human beings we're responsible for win. #mschat
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:41 PM EDT
    A4 Find out what they are doing in all the grades so you can help Ss build connections. Provide resources & build community supports #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:42 PM EDT
    Sadly I don't see any district leaders at these events mainly Teachers and engaged building leaders #mschat
    In reply to @skeeTX
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    I agree Competition should be left to the sports fields SCHOOLS need to collaborate in the classrooms #mschat
    In reply to @Beyond_the_Desk
  • 4bethany4 May 11 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A4: Utilize technology so Ts can collaborate at different times and places. Google Hangout, FaceTime, Google Apps, etc. #mschat
  • Mr_Lisek May 11 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    A4: We have partnered with several schools to do walk-throughs and observations in each others schools as part of the STW process. #mschat
  • PullenHeather May 11 @ 8:43 PM EDT
    #mschat A4 work with the child and their parents to create goals for each individual #STEMinstitute
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:44 PM EDT
    I agree with you, Todd. I am often one of only a handful of administrators at EdCamps. #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @skeeTX
  • Mr_Lisek May 11 @ 8:44 PM EDT
    A4.2: This has allowed us to collaborate with each other on grading, programs, and focus on Ss success. #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:44 PM EDT
    Part of why I'm uncertain abt the idea of looking at schools as businesses, that competition will make ed better. I don't think so. #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:45 PM EDT
    Districts seem afraid to collaborate unless a financial incentive in these parts #mschat
    In reply to @posickj, @skeeTX
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:45 PM EDT
    Athletic mentality actually can have a negative impact on schl growth Marginalizes growth as 1st or worst #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @Beyond_the_Desk
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:45 PM EDT
    Connected leaders are there: sadly not many are truly connected like you Jay! #mschat
    In reply to @posickj, @skeeTX
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:46 PM EDT
    Good for you for setting the example. #mschat
    In reply to @posickj, @blocht574, @skeeTX
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    Q5: What should happen to schools when they don't measure up to standard? #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    Twitter has allowed many Ts to collaborate! it is just the gateway point for collaboration but great tool! #mschat
    In reply to @Mr_Lisek
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    Connections promote growth. Disconnections promote stagnant isolation. #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @skeeTX
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A4 Ts need opportunities to meet and share with other Ts in their district. Sometimes we're so separated. I should recognize people! #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A5: They should have to collaborate with a successful district: Exchange teachers and leaders to find success #mschat
  • JoveStickel May 11 @ 8:47 PM EDT
    A4b I think friendly competition in support of each other can be very positive through this we can share our successes #mschat
  • Mr_Lisek May 11 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    Agreed! It's opened up the doors for several opportunities for me to grow myself as an educator. #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    A5: We coach athletes. We coach businesses. Now we coach teachers. Why not coach schools? Support. Grow. Do better together. #mschat
  • AbigailMethod May 11 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    A4: Collaboration starts with relationships. I think we need to encourage deeper relationships among educator across the district #mschat
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    A5 Leadership should partner w/succeeding & growing schl Collaboration & mentoring should be required #mschat
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:48 PM EDT
    A5Just b/c it fails once, doesn't mean they should be done. Give them supports. What if they were experimenting? Punished for that? #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    Agreed. Time is precious, yes, but that is (or could be!) time well spent. #mschat
    In reply to @breanneg2011
  • MrDurajWildcats May 11 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    A5: intervention plan to get them up to standards. Should not punish, but guide to get them to where all schools should be #mschat
  • JoveStickel May 11 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    A5b we must ask the question why don't we measure upis it a trend or a continual issue or just a one time thing #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    Getting going? #mschat is 6 years old... Still growing (one of the oldest twitter chats around)
    In reply to @BKd204Sci, @Mr_Lisek
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:49 PM EDT
    Yes!! #mschat
    In reply to @AbigailMethod
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    A5 Provide support at all levels- students, staff, admin, families- and involve them in the process, too. #mschat
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    A5: accountability should mean looking at the top to the bottom. Make changes if necessary #mschat
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:50 PM EDT
    Meaning for some Twitter & chats like #mschat are reaching new Ts each week That will continue to build
    In reply to @blocht574, @Mr_Lisek
  • PullenHeather May 11 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    #mschat A5 schools and teachers that do not measure up should be provided with tools and support for success
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:51 PM EDT
    True. Trend of failure despite reasonable support, on a reasonable measure, would be different than a temporary stumble. #mschat
    In reply to @JoveStickel
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:52 PM EDT
    Many Ts in my dist are 1st getting going on Social Media The PD affects will be seen over next few years nation wide #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @Mr_Lisek
  • AbigailMethod May 11 @ 8:52 PM EDT
    A5: Let's also make sure we truly understood what caused the issue. Can't have effective solutions without knowing the real problem #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    Agreed need to look at processes in place and see where in the system the changes need to occur #mschat
    In reply to @AbigailMethod
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    The #PayItForward mentality of social media has sent huge PD shockwaves thru classrooms across the country #mschat
    In reply to @blocht574, @Mr_Lisek
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:53 PM EDT
    Last questions coming right up #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    Q6: What are the benefits of local neighborhood schools? What are the benefits of closing them?#mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    I agree. My PLN has grown SO MUCH this school year. Even had colleagues ask me how they can get involved. I love it! #mschat
    In reply to @BKd204Sci, @blocht574, @Mr_Lisek
  • Mr_Lisek May 11 @ 8:54 PM EDT
    A5: Analysis needs to take place and a plan for development implemented. Admin partner with successful school as mentorship. #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    A6: Local schools provide a center for a community to gather, celebrate and educate often define small towns #mschat
  • BKd204Sci May 11 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    A6 The sense of community is so important Brings people together for common goal...Ss growth! Can't close them! #mschat
  • Mr_Lisek May 11 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    A6.1: When local funds are kept in the neighborhood, stakeholders are more invested in the product. Want more success for those Ss. #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    A6: My kids attend a super small neighborhood school. We LOVE it. Every staff person knows them--as actual people--knows us, etc. #mschat
  • JoveStickel May 11 @ 8:55 PM EDT
    A6 I'm from a rural community one district two buildings similar to neighborhood schools I love the real community that is shared #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    A6: Public schools need to be the communities pride and joy (If thinking of closing need to refocus the community) #mschat
  • PullenHeather May 11 @ 8:56 PM EDT
    #mschat A6 local neighborhood schools likely have more parental involvement, thus higher accountability
  • skeeTX May 11 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    A6: ideally, local neighborhood schools build communities as families congregate, network, form lasting relationships. #mschat
  • MrDurajWildcats May 11 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    A6: family. Benefits of closing them: if kids aren't learning and aren't growing #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    A6: I live in a BIG suburb but our small elementary in our neighborhood DEFINES the area is a point of pride #mschat
  • posickj May 11 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    A6 Neighborhood schools can be the hub of the community. They are something we can rally around. #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:57 PM EDT
    A6: As parents & community, we invest. It's not just "the school." It's OUR school. #mschat
  • breanneg2011 May 11 @ 8:58 PM EDT
    They are the best at relationship building. You can know everyone! Sometimes, they don't have access to all the resources others may #mschat
  • blocht574 - Moderator May 11 @ 8:58 PM EDT
    Seems if a school is failing, the community around it is too... Closing solve this problem or make it worse? #mschat
    In reply to @MrDurajWildcats
  • Mr_Lisek May 11 @ 8:59 PM EDT
    A6.2: Closing schools when population dwindles to an unsustainable point takes some pride away, but is necessary. #mschat
  • Beyond_the_Desk May 11 @ 8:59 PM EDT
    Great point. Smaller schools do need to network w/ each other & other organizations to still provide what's needed. #mschat
    In reply to @breanneg2011