#sschat Archive
#sschat is a network of educators, resources, and ideas that started on Twitter, but has expanded to Facebook, an annual NCSS unconference, and more. Join us to chat asynchronously on Twitter or Facebook, or chat with us live on Mondays from 7-8pm EST.
Monday February 1, 2016 7:00 PM EST
Hey ! That 7pm start time is just around the corner!
Happy to be able to join tonight! Feel like it is social studies Christmas between the election heating up and !
Chris from Bloomington, IN which has a global community. Teach world history for online HS affiliated w/ the university.
So excited to be an Education student participating in my first Twitter chat!
Hey Ken! Joanne from Missouri. 7th ancient world and 11th modern global issues.
Hi Jackie from CT; HS SS and library media and peer coach
Oops. Something global? I've been to China!
Participating in my first Education twitter chat for class!
Good evening, ! Cheryl in SW Florida.
hey, Joanne! Thanks for joing!
welcome! glad you're joining! What class?
Hi everyone! Emily from TN. 7th grade world history. Looking forward to connecting :)
Mary from Colorado here. I speak French, German, Italian, and a little Spanish. I've taught in Paris and Munich.
Matt Doran, Social Studies Coord., Columbus, OH... district mission: "...empowered for success as a citizen in a global community."
I forgot to introduce myself. Ken from Western Oregon Univ. Something global = returned peace corps vol
Andy from Charlotte, actually get to make it for the full hour. HS World History. Evening
Joining tonight- I'm the history director. Global facts: taught in Fukushima, Japan for 1 yr & I'm an Irish citizen
Jason from Baltimore. Music therapist & teaching artist. linking global music & social studies edu is my passion. Excited 2b here 4
Something global, I got married in Jamaica, that's about as global as I can get
Hi, I'm Kelly - APUSH & US 2 teacher from NJ
So excited for the hosted by
I've always wanted to teach abroad! Was it a good experience?
Methods and Media for Secondary Teaching, I'm enjoying it so far :)
Hi! I'm Michael from MA. I teach US and World history and I'm going to Bosnia this April Vacation!
No way! Can't wait to hear about your trip!
A1: global perspectives mean developing empathy, asking Q's from wide range of PoV's; like Sam Richards TED: https://t.co/e1tcilA6EV
computer is being super slow, what is our topic?
A1. Comparative contexts in world history, global interconnections, geoliteracy.
A1: It is important for students to be able to see new perspectives other than the single lens they see through everyday
A1 it means trying to teach the stories & perspectives from those around the world, not just what textbook or wikipedia says
teaching global perspectives in social studies
A1) Getting away from seeing things only from our own perspective. Trying to see views of others.
What takes you to Bosnia?
Teaching global perspectives is showing the histories of many nations - not simply looking at history from a European perspective.
A1. As a US teacher, I have to say I fall short when dealing with global perspectives - need to improve for sure!!
I teach in a rural town; lots of Ss haven't traveled out of county, very few out of state. Important to learn different perspectives
A1 understanding other perspectives, seeing world interconnections, critical analytical skills
Dan... philosophy/government teacher. Chicagoland area.
yes! Especially considering that w/ interconnected world. Many will work w/ ppl from other cultures
Absolutely! I taught French in Germany to Iranians after the fall of the shah (and lots of other nationalities, too)!
Just joining - not exactly global but we have visited 48 states with our girls.
A1 definitely important though - getting Ss to see that there's more going on outside of the screen on their phone for sure!
I think that is common for many of us! I know I fall into that trap.
A1: it allows students to explore events and cultures from a different perspective than they normally would
A1 Teaching a global perspective means broadening our students view beyond our shores. We aren't the only ones on this planet.
A1. Teaching multiple viewpoints, not just the "winners". Also, incorporating items from students' backgrounds
A1 Trying to connect current global issues to US and world history and geography at every opportunity.
wow! Sounds so interesting!
what a great experience for the girls!!
A1 means teaching common themes of humanities connected to human condition
A1 how can we incorporate Twitter/Tech to improve students grasp on global perspectives? (guess that's a Q, not A!)
Sorry I'm late! Isabelle from Morgan Hill, CA. 11th gr. US Hist and 12th gr. Am. Govt. My dad grew up in Bolivia until age 30.
A1: S's learn their perspective is one of many and not the only legitimate one; opens dialogue
For a US history course - looking at how other nations discuss US history. History lessons is a great book https://t.co/2AOUmoQ1eU
Yes! Love that line. "not just the winners"
Like seeing lots of global interconnectedness. All about showing patterns throughout history, Ss need to know them, not just details
Great start ! Q2 in 1 minute.
A1. I've always thought it odd that Americans think somehow that victims of global conflicts aren't as important as we are.
I agree with your answer. Opening up the dialogue.
RT A1. Teaching multiple viewpoints, not just the "winners". Also, incorporating items from students' backgrounds
A1: as close as poss- teaching a representative perspective from within a specific culture, w/o appropriation or caricaturization.
Great question! Things like Mystery Skype or connecting w/ classes in other countries via Twitter or blogs could work.
Q2: What are obstacles to teaching with global perspectives? How can you overcome these obstacles? https://t.co/dwC2nE3aT7
David from NJ. Teach US history, World Religions. Jumping in late.
Absolutely! "common themes" = global connection. So important.
I got that book for Christmas. My mom was like, "You are the biggest nerd ever!"
it'd be great to share how we cover a topic and see how they cover it in their country (if at all)
A1: teaching history from perspectives besides our own.
I have that book, too! Great book for teaching mult perspectives!
A1: teach S's to Internet search from other perspectives, find other nations' top level domain
Hi everyone! Ed, 7th grade geography teacher joining a little late.
A2 obstacles are finding sources & perspectives from some of these places, avoiding the "winners" narratives Gotta dig deep to find
unfortunately, that's often true! How do we overcome that?
on Twitter you could have S's follow posts that update about a certain country's current events that you're studying
Isn't that the truth! That leads into time as an obstacle
A2 My 7th graders often lack a lot of background knowledge, yet their curiosity to learn new things makes it so much fun.
Resources! And time always seems to get in the way.
A2 Socialization plays a huge role in students' ability to keep an open mind, thus we must exhibit such openness ourselves
Reading while walking , great topic. Hope to join in later . Kay from NoVa, gr 8
I struggle w/ incorporating current events, we did do a great project using for - that's as global as i got!
A2: sadly, community resistance to the perspectives being considered. Our board rejected a world religions course at the HS
Unforunate! World geography taught w/ a human geography perspective is the best course a kid could take these days.
I bet language is a tough-barrier to break - being able to communicate accordingly
I want to take that class!
A2. Use any primary source with Visible Thinking Circle of Viewpoints to help students w/ perspectives: https://t.co/1d9iqxGohy
definitely, you want it to be authentic, not always easy to find. Time definitely a factor
oh, that's too bad. I taught comparative religions years ago & Ss (& me) found it so rewarding
A2: finding diverse resources that honor and respect specific cultures on their own terms and criteria.
A2: Again, in rural town, getting Ss (& sometimes the public!) not to over-generalize cultures but to see the complexity in each.
A2: First thing my Ss learn: This class is all about people.
A2: Limited knowledge of other cultures/perspectives on the part of our students and ourselves.
Ugh. That's so sad. But agree that community resistance can be big issue.
Yes! Humanizing the curriculum is important to get to this.
A2 Lack of geographic knowledge. And interest. Ss don't get it.
Yes, that kind of learning and insight is vital. The S's are the losers in this situation as they move on in their lives
is a struggle, even in larger areas, most stuck in their own notions of the world & what they see on tv & SM
Jumping in late.... I'm Mrs. Kelly from MD.
A2 Schools cutting SS is obstacle #1. Cutting all but US history is obstacle #2. Using ELA, math, SPED, sci teachers to teach it #3.
As an education student, I find the ideas being presented very enlightening and informative.
It seems like we don't simply need to be discussing how to teach history through a global lens, but other subjects as well.
Yes, me too. https://t.co/AZHDJ2Vqh3
A2: Again, in rural town, getting Ss (& sometimes the public!) not to over-generalize cultures but to see the complexity in each.
It was a sad day when the decision was made. Student interest is high...
We juggle a lot - historic events, current events - throwing in world events can be tough linking all together for the kids
A2: Students need to use more primary sources to stop stereotyping and understand and make strong generalizations
A2. Students can write about events from diff perspectives - diaries, letters to editor, op ed pieces, poetry, political cartoons.
A2: Using literature from different cultures can be a powerful way to teach global perspectives.
A2. Ss background knowledge and limited source material are substantial limitations for me
You said it! Fortunately, there is a big push with groups like & TNGeoAlliance to get more geo back in standards
Yes! so powerful - and visual arts as well!
use to communicate w/ other cultures. Place such as epals, iEARN, Skype in the Classroom
cross-curriculating... which Twitter tells me is not a word but I'm using it!!
What geographers do you consider mandatory reading for teachers?
A2: having to work with bias sources of information
A3: The question contains the answer. Helping middle school Ss see the global perspective when they have very little life exper.
A3 Multiple answers are always correct
It's pretty much impossible to find unbiased sources of info. Have to teach Ss to recognize it & what to do next.
Ah, but such rich opportunities, too! Can S's see their bias? How would someone else see it?
. what stories do you use? Always looking to add titles to my class. Love integrating lit!
Sorry I'm late. Have we defined "global perspective."
A3 Looking at the legacy of imperialism and colonialism in the world today, for sure
We often teach US history in a silo, not taking into account global trends. We need to change that.
A3 Ss should learn how other parts of the world "function" I think they'd enjoy knowing what a 16 yo's day is like in France etc
yes I totally agree! generalizations are a use pitfall when it comes to secondary sources
A3. First, let's learn some geography! Would help Ss understand how/why things happen
A3 social justice, population, environment, mult perspectives, interconnections
Q3key issue- when to be tolerant and intolerant of other culture's moral codes
A3 how the global world has evolved, how we got to this point, potentially where we're headed, make it relevant to Ss future
Teachers are always allowed to invent words... we're smart enough! Take that
And most of the time there are multiple perspectives. Hard part is whose perspectives to share.
This is definitely a growing need.
social justice for sure - do they even understand our system? Great to compare though!!
Yes! I think that's where we need to help Ss learn critical analysis skills
A3: Music is universal, yet very diverse. Ss love music &don't know how in other cultures it is used 4 so much > than entertainment.
A3 Agree! Even without stand alone geo course, teachers can start every history unit with geography intro.
Could be great if you look at sources biased in the direction of all perspectives being considered.
join discussion!! search "" and join in - talking about teaching world perspectives
join discussion!! search "" and join in - talking about teaching world perspectives
One rule in my classroom I try living by (but fail sometimes): Music can't include any English
Love the idea of including music - wanting to teach a "History through Media" course at my school
So very powerful with this generation.
A3 Agreed, but music is a great tool for teaching US history as well!
Absolutely! I tag mystery locations on world map relevant to the unit. Ss need to tell me location and why.
Social studies lenses differ - geographic, economic, historical, psychological, sociological. Am I missing any?
There are some great music curriculum resources thru !
A3 Tolerance and acceptance. Ss must respect the differences and hopefully enjoy them.
especially with the general cultural blindness to new perspectives, social justice is so important!
The biggest obstacle I see is non vertical teaming, integrated subjects and such importance to end of course tests as learning.
That is a great limit to apply inorder to expand Ss learning beyond their music.
can't wait for my unit... LOVE the music from that era, we do cool projects w/ protest songs
Music is such a great hook to get Ss interested but also great lesson source outside of hook.
A3: Gender, religion, family, economics, and social norms and expectations. Geography is key, too.
Yes! It never ceases to amaze me how quickly that is often forgotten
We explored street views on Google maps today to intro Europe. Ss loved it. https://t.co/hwUgP8AdBm
Absolutely! I tag mystery locations on world map relevant to the unit. Ss need to tell me location and why.
Drama and the fine arts also reflect perspectives of time and place, both locally and globally.
Sorry - Chris from IL jumping in late!
Q4: What are methods to teach global perspectives to students who haven't been exposed to much diversity? https://t.co/rDmiiPEGuH
no doubt! music is precognition. it's infectious!
slightly off topic but while we wait for Q4, check out Learning from Lincoln (on ) so excited to read that book!
. Jason has definitely added a ton of songs to my cultures playlist!
just wait till tomorrow's on Russia. It's going to be a hot playlist.
A4 immersion anyway possible - provide media (film, pics, video, music, etc.) - Ss gain exposure and then gain interest
A4 - Video can be quick and easy, but often not engrossing/immersive enough. (Is that one a word?) (Good) Narrative works.
Have you tried Street View with ? Ss love the virtual reality! We traveled to Machu Picchu Thursday!
A4: Primary Sources! Primary Sources! Primary Sources!
RT https://t.co/9cf5tGUJf6 Drama and the fine arts also reflect perspectives of time and place, both locally and globally.
Drama and the fine arts also reflect perspectives of time and place, both locally and globally.
A4 definitely can bring in cultural aspects; food, dress, music. Use lots of sources too, try to find what common citizens do
A4 - Sometimes fun to do picture analysis. Also had a kid using Google Earth to do "research" on a country. Kind of cool.
A4 pictures! A picture or video clip can show a way of doing things that our Ss have never considered!
A3: Intellectual hegemony neoliberal economics development models, local v national v international, global environmental change,
A4 RAFTs or anything that forces students to think from a different perspective
no! But I'd love to!! Details?
I used it for the first time today! So cool to show Ss something in VR.
I think we all do! Hope we share some great resources w/ each other tonight!
A4 - Anyone done film clips from other countries? Thinking about some cool foreign film I've seen. Haven't worked any in yet.
A4: Would showing students real videos of real issues happening around the world today be beneficial to broaden their horizon?
A4 Use a diverse set of sources. Also, change perspectives for event they know. Think globally about American Rev, 9/11, etc
Saw a presentation at NCSS14 about that. If you DM me later, I'll see if I can find my notes.
A4: Skype around the world!
A4 to show different perspectives show playgrounds from around the world or school lunches from around the world. Eye opening
very cool! Want to explore using google cardboard. Any tips?
A4: make it fun, tap Ss innate curiosity. Connect to cultural references they understand.
A4 - I've used the audio version of MAGGIE'S DOOR - narrated by woman with a cool Irish brogue - to help teach Irish famine/immgrtn
A4: MysterySkypes! Using VR & to see Geo (thanks ), Guests with travel experience (thanks )
I wish my colleagues were on tonight! Wonder how they do it!
I can imagine. It was my greatest fear in Cambodia - eating with utensils that I'm not familiar with!
I agree! Primary from all sides are key.
A4 Computer Games like Civ V or Age Of Empires can be a great extra-curricular thing
A4 bring in Returned Peace Corps Volunteers to speak
I think it'd be great to do that w/out giving any heads up - let them watch & react naturally
if you're doing reach out to - she loves it
I've used videos to explore global places and used to connect w classes globally. No resources to connect anymore.
yeah, it's just like many of us with chopsticks, not familiar, so we struggle a bit
I'm ordering a set. Imagine an old school viewfinder that moves in 360.
Do you mean finding GoPro videos on YouTbe, or some other way? Is there some other resource you use?
A4 I think it helps to tell stories about peers in other cultures to show how similar we all are.
I've thought it'd be cool to do a community "suitcase" to send around to others and everyone adds to it. Might be cost prohibitive.
bring in former students who have experienced other cultures
A4 Being open with students and allowing them to ask hard questions to better understand diversity.
A4: Depends on subject being taught, but primary sources, film, literature, mystery skypes...so many possibilities for all ages.
Yes! if a teacher hasn't had the opportunity to travel, bring in someone to spark Ss imagination.
I've used portions of Sundiata: An Epic Tale of Old Mali by D.T. Niane and Night by Elie Wiesel
Global perspective could be things like capital flows and environmental change. Not necessarily cultural
A4) Some museums do traveling artifacts which could be helpful in sparking S interest & taking other perspectives.
A5: Do schools offer General Civics courses? Or Global Studies? Again, tough as a US teacher (or maybe I can just try harder!!)
Amen!! As if USH is the end all or Holy Grail of Soc Studies
A5 - Just finished macroeconomics. Lots of stuff about global trade. Lots of stuff to see macro-level changes over time.
I've shown commercials from other countries.
I've had local exchange Ss share with my students. Always great to meet in person. https://t.co/xloIo8Dnoy
bring in former students who have experienced other cultures
A5 Any curriculum with depth. Ss don't need 100 standards covering 500 years to gain global perspective
Ask your librarian for global resources such as myths from diff cultures.
A5 I think ANY curriculum can use multi-perspectives. It's harder with some, but geo, history, LA, music... https://t.co/dC5ls6r55O
guess it depends on your audience - tap into what Ss are into and work from there
Bad news: I’m missing a fantastic moderated by ! Good news: I’m working on our new website & it’s looking good… :)
Bad news: I’m missing a fantastic moderated by ! Good news: I’m working on our new website & it’s looking good… :)
A5: National Geographic products are sweet.
You know, I've sung the praises of using commercials in other ways, but never thought of using them to talk culture. Nice.
A5 almost any SS topic - econ, world history, comparative politics and religions - try a little in 8th US, but not as easy
haha - I feel like that's all I know! I can't pronounce places around the globe let alone teach them!
what a great idea! I never thought about that. They could analyze for perspectives & media literacy at same time
A4 Inquiry based curriculum: ask big questions; continually revisit these questions; get kids to tolerate ambiguity
With time, resources and patience, any curriculum can include a global lens. gilded age
Hi checking in a little late tonight. I'll try to catch up!
: Hey kids at city council right now. Could use 40 more signatures please sign and rt if you can. https://t.co/Q7KwoOQ6w7
Nice. Always like to hit eleven or twelve standards in one lesson.
my parents attic was FULLLL of them! Wonder if they still have - hands on as opposed to digital is a nice change
A5 A shout-out to the units out of Brown University. GREAT alternative to textbooks when teaching global topics.
There are so many great ones for US History. Need to find more for https://t.co/NLVtlh9CFk
A4) Some museums do traveling artifacts which could be helpful in sparking S interest & taking other perspectives.
Some great (and maybe scary) connections to present day going on there.
A5. World History (not Western Civ).
Totally agree. So many great resources for US but harder to find quality stuff for WH that is accessible.
Have run into this too, especially when you try to go outside of Euro history
A5 And of course Environmental History (See for example: McNeil and McNeil Something new under the Sun
A5 And of course Environmental History (See for example: McNeil and McNeil Something new under the Sun
I love using the ! Students are really engaged in the topics. https://t.co/c1Xvp1oq96
A5 A shout-out to the units out of Brown University. GREAT alternative to textbooks when teaching global topics.
Great stuff tonight! Everybody is making it hard for me to keep up, which is a good thing, I think! Question 6 in 1 minute.
Takes so much time to find sources that Ss can connect to & actually read.
A5 Loved teaching APWH, felt could find/use lots of sources, works to truly show history of world from lots of perspectives
I just find on YouTube. Have to preview 1st but some are phenomenal!
well next up in that I now have it and will try to read it before next year's APUSH class where we cover the Gilded Age
I love using global issues to represent the push/pull theory of migration. There is almost always something relevant to tie in
Q6: Share success stories of teaching from global perspective? What is an instance that didn’t go so well? https://t.co/LQUpXAZ11i
what sort of things have you done in your 8th grade US history class?
Have you heard of this BIG HISTORY vid narrated by Bryan Cranston? Think Crash Course did it too. Related idea.
I am intrigued! Will check out during midterms tomorrow :)
Cool. Plan to make some cool ones as soon as my wife lets me buy one. . .
yes indeed! Thank you YouTube. I also record ads when I travel too.
it's evolved a bit since too!
A6 arguably the best thing I've done in my career was a Walk for Water to show Ss how difficult it is to carry water many miles
A6 Not really global but...we read slave narratives and placed it on a continuum of racial tension
cool! Is this a curriculum you can share w/ us?
A6 Both my classes give me the privilege of teaching global perspective. 7th wrld history Eastern Hem & 11th Modern Global Issues.
A6 - Recently had kids develop a marketing plan based on research on specific country. Assigned country, select product from list.
A6) Have found simulations very helpful in getting Ss to look at events from different perspectives.
A5: I teach US History, so when teaching the Vietnam War I also want students to view the all perspectives. https://t.co/TNorpDUuI1
Greg from Dallas. World Geo and APHG teacher. Been lurking and enjoying the convo
With so much English spoken in former colonies, wouldn't there be lots of sources accessible to Ss?
I'm not a fan of Big History in the David Christian version or the online course. Lacks contingency.
A6: when Ss come to me they have VERY limited knowledge of the locations of places. Makes it difficult to focus on the topic.
Q6 Ha! Took 21 middle schools Ss on sister city exchange to Japan in 2012. Success: both they and I all lived.
we did it as a fundraiser for - but it turned out to be a far great learning experience than i could predict
Ohh, interesting! How did Ss respond?
A6: I work in Balt & have Ss w/o experience outside of 12 blocks get curious and intrigued. They just need it 2b non-threatening
A6 have used Skype & blogs to connect Ss w/ people in Gaza, Suriname, Swaziland, & Malaysia. Very humanizing
A 6 My African History students had to research pop music in Africa after watching Finding Fela
A6 - Kids had to think about what kinds of products would fit needs of people in a country. Marketing plan was sometimes struggle
Success was an my Ss did w a school in DR. Led to lifelong friendships and Ss visits.
I would love to get my kids in a global proj after their exam - what a great idea! Ss can research and pick a project!!
A6 Ha! Took 21 middle schools Ss on sister city exchange to Japan in 2012. Success: both they and I all lived.
And very cool. That's awesome.
A6 Middle East students had to make political cartoons from 1973 from both Palestinian and Israeli perspective.
I can help. Music can help.
it was amazing. This year we will have students from 8 schools participating in it. It helps Ss appreciate
that's so awesome for everybody involved!
Awesome! https://t.co/VaZQiVw2hM
A6 Ha! Took 21 middle schools Ss on sister city exchange to Japan in 2012. Success: both they and I all lived.
A6 World History students tracing commodities paths historically and contemporary.
appreciate how difficult it is to have to lug water for everything.
A6: I've had exchange students bring in their perspective and experience into class discussion.
A6 - Planning a huge and complex final portfolio in May that connects two or more units - bio, econ, physics, astronomy, imm.
Also Big History project is funded by Gates who basically is out to destroy public ed. So, there's that.
Yes but could leave out those not educated in colonial system. Always struggle to get voices of poor, w/o power.
nice! I wish you could share some w/ us!
Last question coming up in 1 minute.
A6: Trying foods from other societies. Ex: Lamingtons on Australia Day.
Oh, well, there's that. Guess I should be a critical reader.
A6: offers some great sources to teach from a global perspective in a variety of classes.
A6: S's doing research about education of indigenous populations in different countries
What types of simulations have you used Chris?
Teaching one section of Global History this year (haven't in a while). What are great books/resources to check out?
What ages is this designed for? Very interested!
Two best were ones I modified for Congress of Vienna and Middle East peace negotiation. Always an adventure. ;)
will do! We usually do a Greatest American debate, but this could be interesting! Will check w/ the boss!
bummer. Next time? Would love to see it.
Kiswahili rap from Kenya and Tanzania (aka Bongo) was great for getting at this perspective
A7 Google Cultural Institute, Google Tour Builder.. Google google google.. oh, and YouTube (there is quality stuff, gotta look!
On a trip to Egypt, one of my students was seated on a plane between two Libyans whose family had been bombed by US. A global educ!
A6 teaching global issues/history is great way to involve immigrant students as well! https://t.co/WixBDiUqGY
A6: I've had exchange students bring in their perspective and experience into class discussion.
A7 I really like searching the or Both contain AMAZING primary sources and are easily searched
A7 - CIA World Factbook, Culture Grams, YouTbe, Google Maps/Earth, anything from the UN.
A7: Pop Stars-Students make dolls of famous Africans using two liter bottles and styrofoam balls. They also write a mock interview
Yes, a lot of available sources from there. Used excerpts from Kaffir Boy w/ Ss in past.
5th-12th grade. I'll be happy to talk to you about my whole program on the phone. jabaker@getsoundsaround.com
Had plans on reading for pleasure after grading but enjoyed participating in tonight - got some more great ideas to implement!
A7 BBC news, Al Jazeera, Newspapers from around the world. for video clips
A7 It is harder to find great world resources than US resources! Can pick apart TCI stuff to find gems. units rock.
A7 & CIA Factbook are 3 go to resources.
A7 or is it 8. Choices has great stuff. Face to Faith is awesome.
A7. I mentioned the Reilly reader Worlds of History earlier. Tignor, Worlds Together Worlds Apart, World that Trade Created
A7 - Recently found a series of easy-read books about 40+ different countries with consistent structure/content. Nice resource.
I missed the first half of the chat, but if this resource was missed, well, it shouldn't be.
A7) News stories from different outlets (outside US). Front Pages is great start.
Had to put the kids down, sorry to miss the end of the chat here.
A7 lots of great print media- 's educational stuff is very good. Kids can access articles well. NY Times Upfront!
your state Geo alliance, , University Outreach Depts.,