#MasteryChat is a weekly chat with a growing family of educators from around the word focused on teaching better and reaching more students. Topics cover an array of challenges and solutions for teachers of all grade levels and subject areas, admins, and support staff.
#MasteryChat occurs every Thursday at 8:00pm eastern.
The chat was created by team at @thegridmethod, but is hosted by guest moderators each week. Our primary moderators are @techieteachott, @raehugart, and @jeffgargas.
Welcome to #MasteryChat yo! I'm Jeff, Principal from NorCal...Chili, not a soup, but chili baby!- Please Fire off an intro and a shout out of your favorite winter soup!
Hi, I’m Chad Ostrowski co-founder of @teachbetterteam, creators of #masterychat! I created and developed #thegridmethod in my classroom to reach ALL students and LOVE continuing to work with my amazing team helping teachers, schools and districts across the country! #masterychat
Welcome to #MasteryChat yo! I'm Jeff, Principal from NorCal...Chili, not a soup, but chili baby!- Please Fire off an intro and a shout out of your favorite winter soup!
Phil from Northern Virginia. I teach 6/7 US History I&II and am the founder of #waledchat (Thurs @ 9pm ET) and #Edusations (https://t.co/tFjvnT6iL0). Not big on soup. Only one I really "like" is broccoli and cheddar but it must be accompanied by a bread bowl. #masterychat
Welcome to #MasteryChat yo! I'm Jeff, Principal from NorCal...Chili, not a soup, but chili baby!- Please Fire off an intro and a shout out of your favorite winter soup!
Welcome to #MasteryChat yo! I'm Jeff, Principal from NorCal...Chili, not a soup, but chili baby!- Please Fire off an intro and a shout out of your favorite winter soup!
I'm Julie Collie a 6th grade teacher from Schaumburg, IL - such an interesting introduction question... My favorite winter soup is chicken barley. #MasteryChat
Welcome to #MasteryChat yo! I'm Jeff, Principal from NorCal...Chili, not a soup, but chili baby!- Please Fire off an intro and a shout out of your favorite winter soup!
What’s up #MasteryChat fam! Jeff from Ohio. I work with @teachbetterteam which allows me to work with amazing educators like YOU every day.
I love the classic, chicken noodle.
Good evening, friends! Alex, 21st Century Teaching and Learning Coordinator in Freeport, Illinois. I don't like soup. Stews and chilis are okay, especially if they have pumpkin. #MasteryChat
Hi there awesome people! Tiffany Ott here from Northeast Ohio. @TeachBetterTeam's Director of Curriculum Development and math teaching super nerd.
Best winter soup? My family's old pea soup recipe- don't knock it till you try it! #masterychat
I'm Culliope from NH, middle school enrichment (square pegs in the round holes of schooling are my peeps) I love French Onion Soup or Miso Soup! #MasteryChat
#masterychat!! This is Kristen from PA. I teach 6th grade science. And my 2 year old would entitle this picture, “Unsupervised awesomeness during the cooking of shephard’s pie instead of complying with mama’s requests to not make a mess.”
Amy V. here, fearless leader of the Foundation for Blended and Online Learning, and spirit behind https://t.co/bbZoDqWmto. We give grants to teachers and scholarships to kids. Former Spanish teacher, high school. Favorite winter soup-- lentil. Mmmmm. #MasteryChat
Hi everyone! Rachel from Janesville, MN, coming at you from a Blizzard Warning! We had a Flexible Learning Day (snow day) today. Glad for warm soup for dinner tonight - we had chicken noodle. :) #MasteryChat
A1 I think we often have an either/or mentality and for people to change it makes it hard with that mindset. Compliance is not all bad, we all have times we must be compliant. We need to just find a better balance between that and authentic learning. BALANCE IS KEY #masterychat
I don't like soup either unless it is thick and a spoon could stand up in it. :) Chili, black bean soup, yum! Brothy bowls of miscelaneous floating foods, no thanks. lol
We had our first day back after 3 snow days today. I love the name “Flexible Learning Day”! Just heard we’re getting another one tomorrow :0 #MasteryChat
A1: #MasteryChat - Many Edu's are afraid of risks, or grit. Comfort, Control, Own Voice are reasons why at times. Hard to break old habits of letting go and giving Ss voice, leadership for many.
A1 - In my experience many T’s are simply doing what they always have or modeling how they were taught themselves. One of the focuses of the #teachbetter mindset is being willing to reflect and change practices for the better and benefit of ALL students #masterychat
A1: I think many teachers are SO tied to data and results that they are stressed. They forgot how to be authentic and have fun. This is stressing kids out and putting value on compliance. #MasteryChat
Tim here coming to you from Canada’s left coast! Happy to be here for a bit with some of my edu heroes. S/o to one of my winter soup faves: butternut squash. #MasteryChat
Hey #MasteryChat! Alicia from NC - Lead Digital Learning & Media Innovation Facilitator at an incredible STEM magnet middle school! Excited to learn with y'all!
I'm not a soup person at all - texture messes with my head.
A1: I think it's the danger of the phrase, "That's the way we've always done it." Pre-service teachers are not always instructed in multiple modes of student-centered learning. #MasteryChat
In the past, school was the ONLY place to gain knowledge. In this internet driven age, knowledge is everywhere - it's what you do with it that makes an impact #masterychat
A1: Deviating from what we experienced as students can be uncomfortable. @jordosh goes into truth in great detail in his book "The New Childhood" #masterychat
A1: #MasteryChat - Many Edu's are afraid of risks, or grit. Comfort, Control, Own Voice are reasons why at times. Hard to break old habits of letting go and giving Ss voice, leadership for many.
Happy to be here! Sporting my new Bluetooth hat and walking in this spectacular new green space just built a year ago in my backyard! #LaMexicana#CDMX#MasteryChat
A1- I think because it is easy to get compliance. Where engagement takes a relationship. However a lot of my teachers do a fantastic job with engaging students!
A1: Too many do not want to let go for fear of the unknown. I think educators by nature like being in control. They see it as a big risk to give up especially in the age of accountability. #masterychat
A1: Compliance is the system most educators have lived in. It is how they were raised, praised, and made it through the system. Hard to break away from your total life experience. #MasteryChat
A1: The pat answer: "That's the way it's always been done." If "the way it's always been done", is no longer working, we need to explore other avenues. We need to teach behavioral expectations just like we teach the academic ones. #masterychat
A1: Too many do not want to let go for fear of the unknown. I think educators by nature like being in control. They see it as a big risk to give up especially in the age of accountability. #masterychat
It’s what they experienced as Ss. That’s how it was and how it should be. Never mind it makes some kids hate certain subjects and/or school in general. Separate behavior from academics, but report both. #MasteryChat
We had four flex days last week due to snow and cold... just got the call that we are at least 2 hours late tomorrow because of the wind and low temps. (High of -2°) Thank goodness for tech to keep the learning going! #masterychat
#MasteryChat A1. We ourselves are in the compliant states of mind... letting go of what you have been doing to start off differently is sometimes a challenge
A1: Compliance is easy. Engagement is hard. Engagement is an investment into supporting student interest and connection to content, not necessarily staring at a worksheet everyday. #masterychat
A1: I think it's because they're teaching the way they were taught, not the way today's students learn. It's scary to change things up & many are fearful of consequences if "it doesn't work" (ie, test scores are bad) #masterychat
A1: Their own idealogies of the way children should act in class and around adults. Their own upbringings get in the way. Not understanding the "new" generation. #masterychat
A1 Some edu's have a hard time letting go of "tradition" or "the way it's always been done." Also, the culture has to support innovation or else compliance rules the roost. #MasteryChat
A1: I know of many teachers who have so many irons in the fire that to have control of something--such as their classroom--is a crucial coping mechanism for them. Truthfully, the opposite would benefit them more. #masterychat
A1: Afraid to fail and not believing that students can do more. Perhaps proving more PD to teachers struggling to let go and maximize students potential. #MasteryChat
I teach, but not in the classroom currently. I support teachers implementing 21st century practices, especially the 4 Cs, inquiry, and PBL. #masterychat
I think part of it is due to classroom management previously being a big deal. Teacher is in control of all students. -The shift to noise, exploration, and teacher becoming a facilitator is a different learning environment and foreign concept to most. #masterychat
A1- I think because it is easy to get compliance. Where engagement takes a relationship. However a lot of my teachers do a fantastic job with engaging students!
A1: As a new teacher trying to get my grasps on classroom management, I admit that I fall into the trap of student compliance due to knowing how my Ss are and adjusting to that. I did an escape room and some fun activities, but I have a chatty group of Ss. #masterychat
A1: Because if everyone is following the rules, then learning is easier and there will be more opportunities for students to do creative projects.
It’s a matter of faith vs fear. Faith and fear can’t exist together. If you don’t have faith in your students, you end up being afraid to take risks #masterychat
A1: I think we have trouble letting go and trusting students on help guide their learning. Educators have a wealth of knowledge of how people learn, but we have a tendency to worry about standing out. Be bold, take risks, encourage innovation.#MasteryChat
Question 1 is up! Come join us over here at #masteryChat and add your voice to the conversation!
Why do we as teachers have such a hard time letting go of compliance in exchange for more freedom?
A1 I think some people see compliant Ss and see good listeners and a great teacher. They see louder classrooms as a lack of behavior management. I definitely do not share that view :) #masterychat
A1: I think we are in a remarkable time in education where we have the opportunities to release more control to students and while we can standardize an experience more, we also can personalize it as well. Our T's and S's are so talented. #masterychat
A1: Fear is what prevents us from spreading our proverbial wings. Trying to control and induce compliance in our students reminds me of this classic! #MasteryChat
A1: I think too often Ts think what works is what works for adults. Comfort. Losing sight of what works for Ss. Compliance looks like everything is “working.” But authentic learning may not be taking place. #MasteryChat
They fear the loss of control, but when you reflect, learn what your kids need, and let go of some control your students soar.
Give them some choice and let them use their voice
A1: #MasteryChat - Many Edu's are afraid of risks, or grit. Comfort, Control, Own Voice are reasons why at times. Hard to break old habits of letting go and giving Ss voice, leadership for many.
A1 I think that they might be afraid to lose control of their classroom. If you spend the time building relationships you can focus less on compliance because you are a community. #masterychat
I think change can be hard for some. Some people are just set in their ways. I think some compliance is good but not total. Healthy balance is key. #masterychat
A1: control. We are all control freaks about the unknown and known. We are held accountable for outcoms. It's so much easier to demand compliance because for many that's how we were raised. Stepping away from total control can be scary.
A1 - If your measure of S success is based on “earning"points, you’re going to see compliance as success. If your measure is growth, you’re going to see engagement. It’s not a conscious choice to say “I’m for compliance” it’s a matter of a limiting tool set (grades). #MasteryChat
A1: Educators still focus on Ss compliance bc they fear the criticism of others. "What will my colleagues or admins think if my kids seem AT ALL out of control?" That and it's often easier to "fix" an issue with punishment... harder to gain a child's cooperation. #masterychat
Another part of this is that many seasoned educators have seen the pendulum swing back and forth so many times, they’d rather stay put until it swings back in their direction #MasteryChat
A1-control is rooted in fear. It might be fear of chaos, impression management, fear of appearing foolish. I feel like a lot of it is based in control and fear. Also, comfort can lull us into complacency. Finally compliance can give structure that some crave. #masterychat
A1 Letting go means letting go of control which is difficult for some educators so they need to:
🌟Keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths🌟
I think change can be hard for some. Some people are just set in their ways. I think some compliance is good but not total. Healthy balance is key. #masterychat
A1-I agree with everyone but I also think that many teachers learned that way themselves& have administrators who expect compliance from teachers (and kids!)When it's not safe for teachers to try new things& possibly fail, it's harder to extend the favor to students! #MasteryChat
A1 Letting go can be hard- like really, really hard- sometimes. We first have to look in the mirror, then find the flaws in our thinking, be willing to change, and know how to change. That's a tall order!
Often, we don't even get past the first step of reflection. #masterychat
A1 in 2019 teachers are burdened with more requirements and less time. The sad reality is that our teachers often feel they won’t be in compliance if they don’t keep their kids in compliance #MasteryChat
A1: I think high stakes testing is to blame for much of it & as educators we know it is much more difficult to "undo" habits- Once Ts get a glimpse of Ss potential when they have a bit of control, they realize the importance of letting go. #MasteryChathttps://t.co/F3OliUiTEv
A1: #MasteryChat - Many Edu's are afraid of risks, or grit. Comfort, Control, Own Voice are reasons why at times. Hard to break old habits of letting go and giving Ss voice, leadership for many.
A1: I think this is due to the status quo. If our leaders don’t continue to grow professionally, then they perpetuate the system in which they taught. That’s where the words, “this is the way we’ve always done it” comes from. #masterychat
A1: some Ts are simply scared to hand the control over to the kids! Some Ts thrive on the power struggle of compliance They haven’t yet seen what happens when kids feel trusted #masterychat
A1: control. We are all control freaks about the unknown and known. We are held accountable for outcoms. It's so much easier to demand compliance because for many that's how we were raised. Stepping away from total control can be scary.
A2 - I think compliance can allow a student to meet “mastery” of content but can limit them when extending beyond to original or creative ideas. Changing the world has never happened due to really high levels of “compliance”. When we break molds is when change occurs!#masterychat
A1: For many teachers, it's hard to let go of student compliance because they themselves are in a position where they must comply, comply, comply. To honor student agency, we must also honor teacher agency. #masterychathttps://t.co/7eSewMQuOp
A1: Focusing on compliance is easy because it is the status quo and because it is measurable. The alternative is engagement, which is messy and challenging and more qualitative than quantitative. #MasteryChat
A1: some Ts are simply scared to hand the control over to the kids! Some Ts thrive on the power struggle of compliance They haven’t yet seen what happens when kids feel trusted #masterychat
A1. I think high stakes testing has run amuck & in order to meet certain time tables, educators focus on S compliance in order to ensure the school receives a good grade on the test. Creativity is not aligned with the test. #MasteryChat
A1) I think it’s about fear of failure more than anything. Changing the focus from compliance means being willing to embrace a little chaos (and authentic learning means you better be ready to embrace a little chaos!). #masterychat
A1: I think high stakes testing is to blame for much of it & as educators we know it is much more difficult to "undo" habits- Once Ts get a glimpse of Ss potential when they have a bit of control, they realize the importance of letting go. #MasteryChathttps://t.co/F3OliUiTEv
A1: #MasteryChat - Many Edu's are afraid of risks, or grit. Comfort, Control, Own Voice are reasons why at times. Hard to break old habits of letting go and giving Ss voice, leadership for many.
A1: I think schools focused on compliance are likely dealing with behavioral problems in counter productive ways, but they think compliance will lead to learning when it’s really engagement that leads to learning.#MasteryChat
I’m guilty of it myself- the thought that if someone walked in my room thinking it was a mad house 😂 I have to remind myself of the engagement and conversations that would never happen if I intervened. #masterychat
A2: I find it improbable that excellence looks the same for all students so full compliance has to be stunting growth for a portion of our students if not all of them... #MasteryChat
A2: For my own 6 year old, compliance isn't happening. If she's sitting still, she's probably not learning. She learns best through movement & has to get wiggles out. I imagine it's that way for MANY of our Ss! #masterychat
A1 - #MasteryChat I think most teachers do want to be able to think outside of the box and to teach outside of the box but this requires extra time and collaboration which is still not available in many settings
A2: #MasteryChat - I believe if a S is so focused on always being quiet, in line, sitting straight, not moving, rules, rules, rules, then there will be a lack of confidence, creativity and growth - Therefore epicness, awesomeness and amazing things will be limited.
A1 in 2019 teachers are burdened with more requirements and less time. The sad reality is that our teachers often feel they won’t be in compliance if they don’t keep their kids in compliance #MasteryChat
A2: I think I need more clarification on what you mean regarding "epicness" and "excellence." Are they still reaching mastery and proficiency in their learning, even though it may be based on compliance? #masterychat
A1. We have created a compliance environment. Evaluation is all about compliance, standardized test test compliance. We need to allow people to take chances. Glad I wasn’t graded the 1st time I rode a bike kinda concept! #MasteryChat
A1 I think that they might be afraid to lose control of their classroom. If you spend the time building relationships you can focus less on compliance because you are a community. #masterychat
A1) Adukts mirror how they were raised. We see how alcoholism & abuse can be repeated behaviors. Controlled children have the opportunity to grow up into controlling teachers. It’s how teaching has been & gets rubber stamped to be repeated. #MasteryChat
A1: Sometimes a hesitancy comes from a place of fear. Fear freezes people and increases resistance. It is 2019, but if could be 2029 and we see the same compliance over letting go if a teacher doesn't feel able to fail forward from her/his compliance. #MasteryChat
A2: I don't believe that you can have total compliance for every student all at the same time. It's not realistic and it's part of human nature. We have to accept of students for who they are, where they are and go from there. #masterychat
I love @Flipgrid for kids to share their learning when we are out of the classroom space together. We also use @Seesaw K-12 to show evidence of learning. #masterychat
In reply to
@FloopEdu, @StantonAlana, @Flipgrid, @Seesaw
A1: Expecting compliance is safer, tidier, & keeps teachers in the drivers' seat. I think they fear handing over the keys to their students, and I can often understand that fear. If an administrator isn't encouraging risk taking, he/she is encouraging compliance. #masterychat
I see too many things getting in the way. Ss thinking about following procedures and rules, rather than learning, thriving and being risk takers. #MasteryChat
We feel that we have to control every minutes of instruction for learning to occur. But what are our beliefs about how people learn best? Control? That leads to the dark side...
A2: I truly believe that part of being excellent is NOT always being compliant, but being able to think critically and deviate from the norm when necessary is a sign of even greater excellence. #MasteryChat
A2 I don’t think compliance is possible all the time. Heck, *im* not even compliant in my job. I’m a grown up. And it’s hard for me some days. Plus the pressure to turn out great and epic and awesome all the time is too much #masterychat
A2: I think many Ss know how to play the game while others are still learning. I think compliance is good, but it does not necessarily push Ss further. Ss need some creative freedom to do their best work and explore what they are passionate about. #masterychat
A2: I think there are some students who can produce great products while being compliant. The question is... Is the greatness they provided their best? #masterychat
A2: When a student spends so much mind-space on compliance and concern over it, their focus is never on learning freely. Creative thinking cannot co-exist.
A1 I think a lot of teachers were or are type a, they need to know what’s going to happen they can predict things, it is a fear of not being prepared #masterychat
A2: To truly foster creative thinking and innovation can we ask for total compliance? We encourage thinking creatively, but just not too creatively. We need to allow students the chance to engage in true debate and to expect them to defend their thinking. #masterychat
A2: I think Ss need an opportunity to explore, make mistakes and learn - if they are simply compliant then they are never questioning the how or the why. I want my Ss to question me (respectfully of course) make me think, make me see things in a different perspective #MasteryChat
A1: Classroom management is focused on control. But we don’t control people, we lead them. So focus less on things like rules & focus more on respect, relationships, responsibility & high expectations. We want students to feel committed not just compliant.
A2: NOPE. Compliance is limited. Compliance prevents inquiry. It restricts the Ss and their learning.
Awesomeness, epicness, and excellence are achieved when we let go! #MasteryChat
A2- definitely not. Not ALL. when you force compliance, it limits students ability to only reach where you want them to reach, not they’re full potential. #masterychat
A1: fear of the unknown. Fear of losing control. Of not having the answers. Of things not turning out the way they should. And the mindset of when things don’t turn out the way they should, ss don’t learn. #masterychat
A2: If we use the word ALL Ss. Then no. Can some - sure I would assume so but we don't want to reach some Ss. There needs to be a balance and variety of ways to reach ALL Ss. #MasteryChat
A2: I think there are some students who can produce great products while being compliant. The question is... Is the greatness they provided their best? #masterychat
A2 - I don’t think so! Unicorns are not meant to wear reigns. Some of those babies gotta sparkle. Also, some have to push boundaries...I call those pingers. I tell them they aren’t meant to lead, but the decision is theirs whether they will inspire light or dark #masterychat
A1 calling it fear or unwillingness to change is a cop out. Yes some of us do it anyway, but teachers are placed in a system that both breeds and rewards control and compliance, and we expect them to be different. #MasteryChat
I would like to push against that idea some. Compliance has been a hallmark of education for well over a century. High-stakes testing for decades. I think compliance comes more from wanting good little factory workers than anything. #masterychat
Question 2 is here! Let's dig into a tough question. It's OK to argue and disagree- just be sure to do so with an open mind and kind words. 😁
Usually excellence comes from going above and beyond, making waves, or trying something new.
Let kids know you embrace uniqueness and you'll see kids acheive more.
A2: Compliance can be defined in a few ways, not all bad. Are the S's ritual compliant, strategically compliant, or truly intellectually engaged? #masterychat
A1: I'm a dad (of 7-year old) and #3rdGrade teacher: I can appreciate the concept of wanting kids, my own and Ss to "obey". While I am all about #Outoftheboxthinking and creative teaching, I believe in balance. #MasteryChat
Q1: Letting go is scary. The tighter we hold to how things were, the more we fear what’s next. It’s so important to give Ts opportunities to see other classrooms where compliance has been transformed. It allows misconceptions to be corrected and gives inspiration. #MasteryChat
A2 - Can all Ss do what I ask and be successful? If I’m asking for the right things! If I ask for perfect performance or perfect box-checking, no. If I ask for effort, growth, and critical thinking? Yes, totally. #MasteryChat
A2: I don’t think working with a total compliance is what’s best for kids. They can ahow their awesomeness so much better when they are given the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in their way in their own time. #masterychat
A2: Depends on the interpretations totally compliant. Nobody is 100% totally compliant all the time. Would never expect something from a S that I wouldn’t do myself! #MasteryChat
A2: I truly believe that part of being excellent is NOT always being compliant, but being able to think critically and deviate from the norm when necessary is a sign of even greater excellence. #MasteryChat
A1 fear. Wrong thinking. Difficulty in measuring (laziness?)
Compliance. Curriculum. Standards. All fall into same bucket
- opppsite from Skills, growth mindset, creativity, inquiry, agency
Learning is a story
A1: There is a fine balance between asking for following classroom agreements, expectations AND compliance -- True engagement is getting authentic learning by letting go by being fully prepared (transitions, questions, exploration) #Masterychat
A2: Not TRUE excellence. They may learn to "play the game" & do well on a narrow task (e.g. standardized tests), but they won't be nearly as empowered as they are when they are taught skills for LIFE and given voice, choice, and ownership. https://t.co/pmUGEDW5dx#masterychat
A1) I think some of it is that people don’t fully believe in their class to follow threw on their own and some of it is the stress teachers are under with testing and Ss understanding #MasteryChat
A2: Education is not a one size fits all type of thing. Compliance only prepares students to regurgitate information, it does not offer them a chance to dig in and explore or master anything. #masterychat
A1: I would imagine it's partly Fear & Familiarity. The entire system is based on conformity. Learning strands... When we measure peoples performance fear can be a consequence. #MasteryChat
I dont want my kids to be compliant all of the time. Compliance does not produce creativity. Ask your students what hill are they willing to die on. #Masterychat
A1 It is important to model risk-taking, to share picture books about risk-taking, and to ensure Ss understand what is a productive struggle and what perseverance means. STEM activities and Number Talks are great ways to share risk-taking. #masterychat
A2) All students can achieve excellence and compliance does not show that. Compliance is a check mark in a bureaucratic spreadsheet. Excellence is born out of taking risks. Mediocrity is an outgrowth of compliance. #MasteryChat
A1: Classroom management is focused on control. But we don’t control people, we lead them. So focus less on things like rules & focus more on respect, relationships, responsibility & high expectations. We want students to feel committed not just compliant.
A2 Some flexibility is key in the classroom. Striving for equity will likely lead a teacher to accepting that some Ss need to color outside the lines. #masterychat
If I understand you correctly, you're saying that too many rules or procedures hinder students' learning? I think it depends on how the classroom culture is set up. A teacher can still insist on organization and kindness within a thriving learning environment. #MasteryChat
A1: I think sometimes there is an overlap of compliance and achievement. Diving deep down and asking "can a student achieve without complying?" is a very eye-opening journey. #masterychat
A2: Most definitely high expectations both academically and behaviorally are key for success. These expectations and the environment they create prime students to strive and create, to be exceptional
A2: Sure they can. But if they only acknowledge awesomeness according to our definition and standards, then I doubt we have lit the fire within them that will continue to burn and take them to higher levels of discovery and performance. #masterychat
A2 - I don’t think so! Unicorns are not meant to wear reigns. Some of those babies gotta sparkle. Also, some have to push boundaries...I call those pingers. I tell them they ARE meant to lead, but the decision is theirs whether they will inspire light or dark #masterychat
Do we really ask all our Kids to grow change and learn? Or do we just ask them to jump through hoops and do what they are told? Because that’s what most teachers experience. #masterychat
A2 whose measure of excellence feel like you are completely compliant then you are living up to someone else’s expectations...what about theirs? #masterychat
A3: At the core of relationship building is culture. Does it foster interaction? Does it value communication? Compliance is made more natural when the environment puts relationships first. #masterychat
A2) if you focus on compliance, the kid who needs to stand up to keep focused automatically looses interest in your room b/c s/he is now more concerned with moving around than in making true progress. #masterychat
The time for flexibility and intervention to meet the needs of each student comes during small group time and one-on-one conversations with the students, in the relationships we build with them and their trust of us and the process. #masterychat
A2: Compliance=doing something because that is what the rules say. I think that to achieve true epicness and awesomeness, it takes a little rule breaking and risktaking. #masterychat
A2 Why do we want compliance from our students
Should education not promote & foster a love of learning - that is intrinsic otherwise if we promote students to be compliant aren't they just "another brick in the wall."
Traditional expectations hold us back
We are expected to control our class while helping them learn specific things
We are often judged by those two factors and are fearful of letting go
We need to change everyone's way of thinking in order for ts to let go
agreed, but some T still feel that waiting for complete quiet, stillness, all doing the same thing and the "Right" thing is best...for who? #MasteryChat
A2: There's not straightforward answer to this question for me becuase it depends on what we are asking students to so. If we are asking them to be innovative and take risks and they comply, they are going to excel! #MasteryChat
A2)'m having a hard time wrapping my head around Q2. I guess it depends on what they're being asked to do?If I expect students to be critical thinkers, fail sometimes, self reflect,& THINK FOR THEMSELVES &could get everyone to comply with doing that we'd be golden! #MasteryChat
A2: No 👎. Students need to engage, think for themselves, come up with different solutions to a problem, and learn different than the way we were taught. They need to ask why. #MasteryChat
A2: Shouldn't be seeking compliance as much as commitment. Much like a child at home or someone on a team. Don't want them to do least necessary, want them to be vested to give their best. takes building those relationships #masterychat
A2: It's critical to remember compliance doesn't always equal student learning.growth. It is our responsibility to monitor Ss understanding and look deeper than the compliant level. #masterychat
A2 Great question. Yes and no. Yes - if the learning environment is thoughtfully and flexibly designed to promote maximal creativity, exploration, improvisation, divergent thinking, collaboration, communication, and design. The best learning happens out of the box. #MasteryChat
A2: Student compliance & their ability to be creative/in control of aspects of education aren't necessarily incompatible. I argue that some compliance is needed. We don't just let kids play with scissors and put glue in their hair bc they think it'll be cool. #masterychat
Complying is simply an act of cooperation... my Ss cooperate every day while being epically awesome with their own voice and confidence in choice ALL WHILE meeting the standards that drive their learning! #EPICeduAwesomeness#MasteryChat
Total compliance? Life always happens. Will say if a student takes longer to do a project than the deadline but still did it, that demonstrates compliance of learning the content standard. #Masterychat
A2 this is a tough one. I feel like taking risks pushes Ss and adults towards greatness. If one was completely compliant those risks don’t happen. #masteryChat
Keep at it and make time to reflect on your beliefs on how people learn best. Each day strive to make one shift to create those conditions for learning happen. It's not easy, but you have a support group here! #MasteryChat
A2: It's critical to remember compliance doesn't always equal student learning/growth... It is our responsibility to monitor Ss understanding and look deeper than the compliance level. #masterychat
A1: It’s possible that Ts can be fearful that if they are not “in control” others may think they are not “teaching” Rhey are scared to hand over control. #Masterychat
A2 The tricky part here is in the definitions of the words. TOTALLY compliant, and EXCELLENCE are the words we must understand. EXCELLENCE, by definition, means going far beyond "doing well in school." TOTALLY compliant is far too rigid. #masterychat
A2: I feel like #awesomeness isn't achieved, completely, without some rebellion. So, in some respect, compliance will hold back true greatness. #MasteryChat
When evaluating for "gifted-ness" I always think, "how bondary-pushing, rule-stretching is this kid?"
A1: It’s possible that Ts can be fearful that if they are not “in control” others may think they are not “teaching” Rhey are scared to hand over control. #Masterychat
That I agree with. A silent classroom does not mean that all students are learning to their potential. Even using The #GridMethod results in a set of rules or organizational procedures that students need to follow within the context of personalized mastery learning. #MasteryChat
A2 This is a tough question. Those that are compliant might not be as reflective or willing to make revisions to go beyond the expectation. I believe settling for completion is just settling not reaching for excellence. #masterychat
A2 - #MasteryChat You almost have to stop and define compliance - for each teacher this may look a little different - what is construed as typical behavioral compliance in my class for example require students to be up and moving around and collaborating with one another
Good point, Brian. The criticism of teachers go far beyond our individual school buildings. The judgement of our career comes from nearly all directions. #masterychat
A2: no way. If we are not allowing Ss to be themselves, how can we expect them to be successful? With so many trauma affected Ss, compliance is the last thing we need to be worried about. Yes, many of them need structure that does not equate to compliance #masterychat
It all depends on what compliance looks like to you
Sometimes organized chaos produces tremendous success while fostering compliance at the same time
Q2: Individuality makes classrooms better. We aren’t factories producing exact replicas. We need to teach respectful noncompliance. How to disagree or push back in a way that enhances learning and broadens perspectives. #MasteryChat
And this is coming from someone who got negative feedback from an administrator about the volume of the classroom as it related to my classroom management. The kids were deep in their learning. #MasteryChat
That I agree with. A silent classroom does not mean that all students are learning to their potential. Even using The #GridMethod results in a set of rules or organizational procedures that students need to follow within the context of personalized mastery learning. #MasteryChat
A2: I think there are some students who can produce great products while being compliant. The question is... Is the greatness they provided their best? #masterychat
A3) I’m not sure compliance is a bad thing when teaching Ss expectations, as we develop and teach those expectations it’s about letting them lead enforce and create the future expectations of the room #MasteryChat
A2 nope. No one can be totally compliant. It’s against human nature.
And I’m not sure what we mean by excellence here? Many of the people who will sit in judgement of our kids see compliance as excellence. #masteryChat
A3: We all have to follow the rules, but compliance can be made more natural if the environment in which it exists cultivates mutual respect, equality, and always puts #StudentsFirst.
A3 I always love presenting research and there isn't much yet on flexible seating. HOWEVER, there is research on STUDENT CHOICE, COMFORT, and PHYSICAL HEALTH. I would show them how those needs can be met with flexible seating. #masterychat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A2: If you meet students where they are and form a partnership with them, then the answer is an absolute yes! You will tape into their passions and strengths to help them how they learn best. #MasteryChat
A1. When we get in stressful situations, like teacher, we revert to what is comfortable. What’s comfortable usually comes from our filters of perception. Sometimes we need someone to coach us and elevate our flexibility, consciousness, and flexibility. #masterychat
I agree with all of this! Compliance flies in the face of the divergent thinking that is valued in the workplace. There is also some compliance that is expected but I believe this will happen organically! #Masterychat
And....much deeper. I still am haunting by the compliance seeking my teachers had growing up...that is all that they wanted...not to KNOW me...#Masterychat
Love this conversation Rae! Wish I could hang, but I am on an adventure with @SFecich to talk LIVE on a Candadian Radio station 😳🤣👊💥 Talk to ya soon my friend ♥️ #masterychat
A2. Yes, I believe they can. If we have a S who for ex. reads a rubic first on a project and notices how it will be graded, and decides to challenge by doing the opposite argument of the assignment due to their critical thinking! #masterychat
#MasteryChat A2 - I think compliance by all leads to lack of innovation and creativity! Coloring outside the lines can sometimes lead a Ss in a great direction
Very true. Compliance could be simply actually turning in the work or complying with the teacher’s request to transition activities or idk, stop eating takis #masterychat
A3 - I'm a huge fan of FS but I’ve found that it’s less about where students are in a room and more about the instructional opportunities they are provided that determine their success. Being open to movement though to meet students needs is always beneficial. #masterychat
A3: #MasteryChat - Have your colleague come in to your class. Let the Ss show them that moving, and grooving is ok. Show the the stand, wiggle, wobble, laying down is all good, just depends on each kid...wait...INDIVIDUALIZED? YES!
A2: I don't believe that there can ever be 100% compliance. All Ss are very different and are going to comply in their own ways in order to achieve their own excellence. Some of the most high-achieving Ss are held back by compliance as it impedes their #awesomeness. #masterychat
You bring up such an awesome point, Michelle.
Sometimes, we aren't compliant as Ts & we DON'T do everything we should. Sometimes, it is absolutely the right decision to NOT be compliant.
Let's all work together to teach our Ss how to navigate that aspect of life. #MasteryChat
A2 I don’t think compliance is possible all the time. Heck, *im* not even compliant in my job. I’m a grown up. And it’s hard for me some days. Plus the pressure to turn out great and epic and awesome all the time is too much #masterychat
A1: I think there are a lot of the educators are stuck on what they grew up on and do not want to change their style because it makes them feel like they are losing their mojo & control in the classroom & being afraid they won’t fully grasp the new technology #masterychat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A2: No. compliance takes ss to where we want them to be. Awesomeness takes them to their personal best- In the amount of awesomeness and the type of awesomeness. #masterychat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A2- nope. They are children not robots. Ss need a chance to try new skills on, generate Q’s, get help, try again-‘round & ‘round. Then there could be “excellence”. Or maybe not. Maybe that particularskill isn’t nest for that Ss #masterychat
A3: We have to show them that quiet rows look like learning, but looks are deceiving. I invite peers to watch my kids learn and ask my kids to prove their learning after. When they see REAL learning happen, my peers ask questions. #MasteryChat
A3: As a new teacher, I had my Ss in rows, but I wanted to make my classroom more 21st century, so I have students in pairs now and have one comfy chair in my classroom. I plan on getting more, but with student loans and other bills, I cannot afford to jump all in. #masterychat
A2) first compliance needs to be defined as well as the purpose and intention set behind students being compliant. Excellence and compliance can co exist. #MasteryChat
A2: I truly believe that part of being excellent is NOT always being compliant, but being able to think critically and deviate from the norm when necessary is a sign of even greater excellence. #MasteryChat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A2 I think it all depends on the students. For some students being compliant is what they are comfortable with. For other students compliance is a learning death wish. It all depends on the students. They are all different. #masterychat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A2b: Sometimes we expect too much. Sometimes too little. And sometimes we miss out on the other ways ss are awesome when we ask for complacency. Let ss be the guide and we can be their cheerleader and guide on the side! #masterychat
I think mutual respect is a powerful classroom management tool. If we can foster that in our class those traditional expectations are still manageable. #Masterychat
A1) It could be the nature of the Ts. If they are not open to new ideas, innovations, and accepting of the culture shift, it’s harder to change practices. #MasteryChat
Thanks for sharing that, Jeff. It's a sad truth that students can pass through our edu system without feeling a connection to any adult who has taught them. Such a poignant comment. #masterychat
A3) I would say be open to letting Ss find a way to work that allows them to do their best work. I struggle with teachers who want Ss to stay seated if they move. Let them stand or pace. #MasteryChat
A2. Compliance usually stems from mandates. True change or learning comes from shifts in identity #Dilts when we start focusing on clarifying and appealing to Ss identity, we will begin to see lasting changes. Same applies to adults. #masterychat
Also in students producing this greatness who are they complying to, who's judgement are they seeking, who's expectations are they meeting..... #MasteryChat
A2b)I totally agree with @JLo22574 and everyone who is asking us to define compliance.We're talking about classroom culture, too. Kids are so amazing how they can travel to different classroom cultures and be successful in all/most of them even when vastly different #MasteryChat
A3 - I assign groups at tables bc we are always doing lab work. I’d say to a rows-front teacher, “Ss should be facing the acting. If the action is you, then you’re doing all the work of their learning.” #MasteryChat
A3. Change is a challenge for all of us. However, a good teacher is one that adapts their craft,their approach each and every year. Take a dive and swim for the horizon. #MasteryChat
A3: I'm the queen of 'foot in my mouth' syndrome about these things - usually I just open right up & say how much I hate desks in rows and columns only to walk into their room and see that very thing. I've found modeling flex seating helpful bc they see it in action. #masterychat
A3: Flexible seating is not going to solve all your problems. It really comes down to your instruction. If there is flexible seating, but the teacher only stands at the front of the room lecturing there is still something wrong. It takes a teacher mindset shift. #MasteryChat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A3: Collaboration is so important. Giving colleagues the opportunity to see collaboration in practice is a powerful lead to tying something outside of the traditional arrangement. Alternative seating mirrors students learning world outside of school.#MasteryChat
A3) Ask them how many meaningful conversations they’ve had with the important people in their lives in a desk and chair in line with other desks and chairs. #masterychat
RT: Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A3 I LOVE flexible seating!! I love when meetings are in my room because it exposes people to it. It’s funny to see what seats adults chose and I hope they feel the comfort of the culture in my room! #masteryChat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A3: Ask them to just try it, in baby steps. That's how I did it. Started with bean bag chairs in my reading center, went to wobble seats for my wiggly kids. Got lap desks for kids who wanted to sit on the floor. Pretty soon my room was transformed! #masterychat
A3: I DO love flexible seating and offer it in my classroom. I have many colleagues who gawk at my yoga balls and tables I encourage students to write on. Best advice: Don’t knock it until you try it. I invite them in to take a seat and see how it feels. #MasteryChat
We are talking like compliance is a negative, but it's generally positive.
How many of you are compliant at work? What would happen if you stopped following the rules (stopped being compliant)?
What would happen in your classroom if students stopped complying?
A3: yes, but is that what we want? I come from a military family and consider myself compliant (husband is now spitting out his food and looking at me like I’m crazy)! #MasteryChat
A3: Although I am still new in my #flexibleseating endeavors, the level of empowerment it provides to Ss when they are able to use their own #studentvoiceandchoice does amazing things for engagement. #masterychat
A3: Flexible seating is not going to solve all your problems. It really comes down to your instruction. If there is flexible seating, but the teacher only stands at the front of the room lecturing there is still something wrong. It takes a teacher mindset shift. #MasteryChat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
What helped me was when someone told me let them pick a spot at an assigned table (I gasped)....I could not imagine.
I grew from there & years later there is no assigned spots. Best thing I ever did!
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A3: Invite him/her to observe my class and see how much fun it can be. When students are happy and engaged, their brains just light up and watch the learning happen. Whatever it takes! #MasteryChat
A1: Complacency. While it certainly isn’t easy, I’ve learned that the more students are able to do independently, the more learning takes place. #MasteryChat
A3: I'm the queen of 'foot in my mouth' syndrome about these things - usually I just open right up & say how much I hate desks in rows and columns only to walk into their room and see that very thing. I've found modeling flex seating helpful bc they see it in action. #masterychat
A3: Let them in. Invite them to observe how it works in your room and offer support. No shaming- let them know you’re a resource and will help. Nothing is without struggle. Work through them together. #MasteryChat
A3a This is a perfect conversation about what is best for kids. Rows might be best for you, but is it best for your group of kids. I have desks set up in tables, but I also allow Ss to stand, use TV trays, and the floor in order to ensure Ss are engaged and learning. #masterychat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
Once, a leader assessing my class asked for a redo because they said they didn't observe me teaching since I wasn't standing at the class offering instructions (we were midway through a PBL task). I was instead bouncing between, questioning, checking in, encouraging. #MasteryChat
A2: We're asking if all Ss can do both of those things! All Ss can't do 1 of those things. Compliance? I'm not sure there's anything other than breathing that 'all' Ss can do. #masterychat
A3. Have you ever tried changing your seating arrangements up a bit? Giving Ss options where to sit? If problems persist, you have the right to move them.#masterychat
Respectfully disagree. I am not at all. I do things that I believe are best for students. And teachers need to as well. Structure, rules...yes. We don't need all to follow like little ducks. #MasteryChat
A3 We all have students that prefer to work standing, laying on the floor and in different environments depending on the activities. These kids need to be able to move to think and create #MasteryChat
Colleague: No. Students could be compliant and sitting there doing no work.
Me: Perhaps. Perhaps that student learns best by soaking but you havent tapped the way they will reach excellence yet.
A3: Ooh! I love this one. I think leading and sharing success without judgement is key. Comfort levels are individualized for Ss and Ts. We have to support Ts where they are. And offer assistance when asked. #masterychat
A3) I would say be open to letting Ss find a way to work that allows them to do their best work. I struggle with teachers who want Ss to stay seated if they move. Let them stand or pace. #MasteryChat
A3: I think I would suggest they start small w/ a few “extras.” A couple of alternative seats to begin with. You don’t inspire change by dissing what they do. That only causes defensiveness & less openness to try new things. Start small. Build comfort & confidence. #Masterychat
Two totally awesome people who know each other and support each other's awesomeness? That is some #masterychat winning tonight, folks.
ps. Hi Kristen. :)
Yes, and they were likely also rewarded for that as preservice teachers and early in their teacher learning. We are taught compliance and then burn out when being compliant means something different every other year #masteryChat
A3) had this convo & I asked her to explain to me how rows and desks translate to real life. She really couldn’t. Movies, stadiums, comedy clubs, restauaranys are all open to sitting to fit your liking. School and court are the only places that demand specificity. #masterychat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A3 Don't force it and risk trust issues, but ask them to observe the class with flexible seating and note student engagement levels (without mentioning the seating arrangement to them). See if they notice a higher degree of learning and engagement! #MasteryChat
A3: YES! #flexibleseating is amazing! I moved to it a year ago! I did away with assigned seats which was step 1. Ss move freely throughout my room and sit where they are comfortable! #masterychat
A3b: However, you can't use #flexibleseating and still be lecturing from the board. The classroom needs to be open to movement. The activities need to be student-centered. #masterychat
I have desks with the chairs attached to them in my classroom. Anyone have any suggestions for how I can start integrating flex seating into my room? Definitely interested!! #masterychat
A3: This is hard to tackle, as each teacher has their own preferences on the arrangement of their classroom. Flexible seating may be something they enact as they become less compliant with time. Don't rush them. #MasteryChat
A2: I think some teachers become stagnant and are hesitant to change due to knowing what works well. As a new teacher trying to figure everything out, I am learning through trial and error. #masterychat
Flexible seating is an awesome opportunity for some kiddos to be engaged at their best. Suggest reciprocal observations, you watch her class, she watches hers with the notion that the best PD is down the hall. Maybe she will see the Magic in action! #masterychat
A3: Offer to help them put their desks in pairs, or offer to setup their room for them. Talk about the success and benefits you experienced with flexible seating, and offer to help them. It doesn't have to be a huge makeover, but some simple changes will work. #masterychat
A2 Essential agreements (collaboratively made & respected) provides foundation for non-compliant behaviors like creativity, innovative thinking, tinkering. #masterychat
We share rooms at my school and have to compromise on table arrangements. It’s a wonderful way to encourage collaborative setting in more stubborn teachers. #MasteryChat
A2: There can be "islands" of excellence in "compliance only" but at the cost of ss owning their learning.I have my "own" pushback that disagreeing & pushing back is noncompliance.I believe if agreements, grp norms est. then itʻs engaged & "compliant" in that sense. #MasteryChat
A3 - Flexible seating is like people getting into cold water: a toe at a time or dive in! If you’ve never done it, it’s hard to wrap your head around. You don’t have to remove every desk, just start with a corner. Procedures can be used to manage. Try it #masterychat
I might ask them to think about how they feel when sitting at a table for hours on a PD day (we've all been there): your back hurts, you are somehow MORE tired—not exactly an environment for thinking & learning.
Kids are people, too.
A2) sometimes students need to start with a focus on compliance until they find their own way. Excellence involved being true to oneself. That could include compliance. #MasteryChat
A3 We all have students that prefer to work standing, laying on the floor and in different environments depending on the activities. These kids need to be able to move to think and create #MasteryChat
A3: It can be done gradually! Don't have to jump from desk/rows to bean bags and couches. Think ways you can purposefully group your students to engage in content and dive deeper into the material. #MasteryChat
A3- #MasteryChat Teachers should be encouraged and Provided time to simply observe each other - this would allow for someone to see how Flexible seating works versus someone feeling as though you were trying to push something on them
We share rooms at my school and have to compromise on table arrangements. It’s a wonderful way to encourage collaborative setting in more stubborn teachers. #MasteryChat
A3) ask Qs & listen!Why do they prefer rows?What are they hoping to accomplish?Is this configuration working for them?In what ways? The seating should foster the desired environment, so if they're open to change, there's probably some reason why.Find out and support! #MasteryChat
A3b Sometimes Ts believe sitting in rows will help with compliance and behavior. This is good time to meet them where they are and ask questions to inspire them to try a different set up. #masterychat
A3 I would have them choose 1 child to try it with. Start small- use a quiet spot on the floor first. See if it works. Honestly I don’t see desks in rows at the elementary level any more. #Masterychat
A3: see if they would want to co teach or observe a lesson in my room so they could see how flexible seating works. You can lead a horse to water and only hope they drink #masterychat
A3: I encourage Ts to try what works for the class they have. The idea that only one grouping should be used is ludicrous to me! Some Ss do better in rows, sometimes groups are great. Now I teach in other Ts rooms, so I have all types of groupings. They're all fine.
A3) I wonder how the Ss might feel if they could choose where to work? Sometimes I work best when I am comfortable. May I help you brainstorm the logistics to make flexible seating work in your room? #masterychat
A3: let them observe & see how it works in your room I have pillows, standing desks, a lowered table 4 bean bags, hokki stools, tables & reg chairs. the Ss move as needed no limits. Sometimes a reminder about expectations might be needed but that is par 4the course #MasteryChat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
It is called flexible seating for a reason. Not all desks-and-chairs-in-rows, but single desks should be available for flexibility. Sometimes kids need space to reflect & process. Some need to remove themselves from what they may consider chaotic. #masterychat
Ahhhhh... Tif you have my heart too ♥️♥️ wish I could stay longer! ♥️😘 love my #masteryChat family and would never leave home without my bro @jeffreykubiak ♥️
In reply to
@TechieTeachOtt, @jeffreykubiak, @jeffreykubiak
A2 On this matter of compliance and its place in education, please check out my post here: Compliance is Not the Mission. #MasteryChathttps://t.co/9GJpYRuGRG
A3b: Offer those teachers who love rows of desks to come and observe your class. Let them see it in action, and then take time to debrief and talk about why you like it and what works for you. Offer suggestions to help them start small. #masterychat
A3: Hey ______, want to try this with me for 2 weeks? I have some flex seating and want to try some strategies next week and I'll show all to you ... and maybe the following week, I can take your desks and you try some strategies too and we can see if 2 or 3 work? #MasteryChat
A3: I was limited to desks and chairs as my furniture, so I told the students that they could arrange the room however they wanted and change as often as desired. It was amazing what my fourth graders would come up with! #MasteryChat
A3 Ss won't be ruined by being comfortable. The goal is for them show growth as people and learners. Most of them can do that in a bean bag chair or a carpet as well as they could in a traditional chair and table/desk arrangement #masterychat
Yes, and they were likely also rewarded for that as preservice teachers and early in their teacher learning. We are taught compliance and then burn out when being compliant means something different every other year #masteryChat
A3b. The only thing I hate about #flexibleseating is having to remind them to return things to where they were so others can find what they are looking for or set up how they want. #masterychat
We need to define compliance. Is it following a bunch of rules and minutiae? Totally out. Is it meeting basic social expectations, like respecting ourselves and each other? Count me in. #MasteryChat
A2: If we define compliance as meeting an expected outcome, that's one thing. But some educators (incl admin!) also expect compliance in the way Ss reach their destinations. Compliance in process doesn't allow anyone, let alone everyone, to be his/her epic best. #masterychat
A3b - the one time I don’t do flexible seating is for collaborative work. You don’t always get to pick your group, sometimes random chance picks your group and you learn to work with them. #MasteryChat
A3) traditional and flexible seating both have their place for differernt reasons. I have seen them both work well and poorly. There is so much that needs to be taken into account while discussing this. #MasteryChat
A2) Sometimes, to reach excellence, Ss should be a little out of compliance. Some of my Ss best is shown when they (respectfully) push back a bit, question, and debate. #MasteryChat
#MasteryChat A3- I’ve done what I call Starbucks style so they don’t have to sit in the same place everyday - I think it is s mindset thing and flexible seating helps open them up to new ideas
A3 Slow & steady wins the race when you are trying to shift another T's thinking. Going right in & telling them they *need* to do flexible seating will be counterproductive. Build a relationship, support in ways they are open to, then gradually they will come around. #masterychat
A3: I think that it is fine for someone to like that. People like and feel comfortable with rules/guidelines/strict parameters. The problem is rigidity. If my coworker is not open to new ideas/is completely inflexible, then I might encourage some yoga. #MasteryChat
Hey #masterychat. I would love to have your vote. You can vote every 24 hours on each device. Just click on my picture and then click the link button. https://t.co/Z1ifM29T1O
A3: Often, I think they're more afraid of the "fun" flexible seating -- it's much easier to sell practical FS... Furniture that can move easily to facilitate different levels of collab/activities. They don't have to go full-couch right away - there's an in between! #masterychat
A3. Clarify your outcomes. If rows support the outcomes, use rows. The big question is what outcome are you looking for. We know that learning is socially constructed. How might rows support that outcome? #masterychat
A1: #MasteryChat - Many Edu's are afraid of risks, or grit. Comfort, Control, Own Voice are reasons why at times. Hard to break old habits of letting go and giving Ss voice, leadership for many.
A3: show the colleague the FS design and explain how it allows more student to student interaction & collaboration during the lessons as well as giving the teacher a wide open view of each section to see how the kiddos can move around the furniture & become creative #masterychat
A3 Come into my classroom & observe how children learn in a flexible & dynamic learning environment:
Open the invitation to observation
Debrief on what was observed
Discuss student engagement
Look at possible actions for change
Support colleagues to move forward
A3: Working in a resource room setting, flexible seating in a must. However all Ss need options to learn how they want. Ss need to stand, sit in bean bags, use petals, sit at tables, ect... #masterychat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
Ah, got it. And $50 isn't much for furniture, especially since classroom furniture has to comply with fire codes and a lot of less expensive stuff at box stores doesn't! #masterychat
A3 Group or flexible seating arrangements build collaboration skills, communication, share the learning, increase equity, and amplify student voice! #MasteryChat
Compliance is a mindset way above and beyond adhering to rules. We can follow guidelines and meet expectations while putting relationships first. #masterychat#shiftthis
A3 Come into my classroom & observe how children learn in a flexible & dynamic learning environment:
Open the invitation to observation
Debrief on what was observed
Discuss student engagement
Look at possible actions for change
Support colleagues to move forward
Compliance is a mindset way above and beyond adhering to rules. We can follow guidelines and meet expectations while putting relationships first. #masterychat#shiftthis
A4. Build a relationship with them and get to know them beyond their learning abilities. Figure out what they love and tap into that! Show them you care and you love them. Ss work hard and try for those they care about. #masterychat
A3c: I had a S who moved 3 different times in a 70 minute class yesterday. When I asked why he said - "I just can't find the right lighting to work today." #MasteryChat
#MASTERYchat A3 remember 2 Ss who showed me "comfortable" is diff for each.... one took 4 lab stools and layed across them ; other hopped up on the lab counter, sat crisscross with keyboard in lab and worked on computer
A2: Absoutely not. Hard no. I'd argue that NO student reaches excellence through compliance -- compliance requires no higher level thinking. It's completing tasks/assignments for someone outside of themselves. It is the opposite of intrinsic motivation. #MasteryChat
Moving around the room is a great way to build relationships with all your students, too, not just the ones that sit in the front row or raise their hands all the time. #MasteryChat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
#MASTERYchat A3 spend 50 mins in those seats with half a dozen other teachers around you. are you comfortable. do you feel at the top of your game? can you think?
A3c. I do notice a lot more socializing than I would like, but when Ss have to sit in rows in every other class, I can see the appeal of being able to talk to your friends for a bit and be comfortable. But they still need to be productive. #masterychat
A4 - By structuring frameworks like #thegridmethod and allowing Ss to have freedom in learning due to “back end” structure and planning, we can have it both ways. This allows T’s to “let go” & keep control . With the right structure we can foster freedom! #masterychat
A4: #MasteryChat. I strongly believe in Ss voice. Like my peeps @RickJetter and @RebeccaCoda profess. Give students voice! We must allow them to help drive what we do...as their world is NOW...not tomorrow. I give you permission to step back, talk less, not worry about quiet...
Saw a tweet about compliance getting a bad rap, when it DOES have benefits. This is definitely true. Seatbelts and vaccines have saved millions, and it is due to compliance. There are times when it is best to break out. But, sometimes it's best to swim with the pack
A4: Show students that you trust them and their understanding of the learning process. Give them the space to prove to you and to themselves that learning will happen given the right mindset and space. #MasteryChat
A4 - I don’t grade HW, I don’t “take off points” for anything, we only report performance on assessments after feedback. You can always resubmit if it fits your learning goals. Make grades about learning, or report without grades, and compliance becomes obsolete. #MasteryChat
Yes, If your lessons are not engaging, you don't have relationships with kids, and expectations, then that comes first.
And some don't need the flexible seating, that's okay too
A3 I had tables and chairs that were thrusted upon me. I gave students choice on whether to use them or find a better place for them to learn. Some chose the hallway because it was quieter. Others wanted to work in groups on the rugs. #MasteryChat
A4) I think it’s all about having Ss inquiry and discussions. Even when my Ss make poor choices it’s about reflecting and coming up with a game plan in order for them to do better next time #MasteryChat
I so agree with this! Hattie has shown us that almost everything we do works. It's just that some things r more effect than others. Let's be helpful and humble; passionate and patient; forward thinking and flexible. #masterychat
We have standing desks, wobble chairs, been bags, carpet squares, hallway seating, cocoon chairs, all to give Ss options. On PD days all the Ts flock to the bean bags. Comfort seating is good for the mind for those that need that. #MasteryChat
A4 - By structuring frameworks like #thegridmethod and allowing Ss to have freedom in learning due to “back end” structure and planning, we can have it both ways. This allows T’s to “let go” & keep control . With the right structure we can foster freedom! #masterychat
A3) We can not just ask teachers about flexible seating. Our actions and resources must align. Teachers must know if they show an interest you will help them acquire the resources for the transition. #ActionsMatter#MasteryChat
It’s about word choice. “I need your time now so we can accomplish X” or “we need to create a place where everyone can work. That means you need to be at a 0 or 1 for your volume” #masterychat#respect
A4: Give students voice and choice! As long as they are meeting the general guidelines of what you’re having them do, they’ll often surprise you with the quality of their work. #MasteryChat
I so agree with this! Hattie has shown us that almost everything we do works. It's just that some things r more effect than others. Let's be helpful and humble; passionate and patient; forward thinking and flexible. #masterychat
A3 It's not the seating. It's the pedagogical practices and opportunities for student voice, choice, ownership in learning. With that in place, doubt you would see many desks in rows. #MasteryChat
A4: Showing students why the subject/content is exciting and complicated. Constantly tell them there is more to learn. Then provide resources students can use to learn on their own
A4: Encourage them to show you what they know in the way that works best for them. Give them the opportunity to be the unique individuals that they are. How I wish this was how teaching was when I was in school! #masterychat
A4: I want Ss to be able to express themselves as much as possible. I had my Ss turn and talk and share out their answers, and it was great to hear because they really did a nice job at being descriptive. We need to give our Ss the chance to shine. #masterychat
A4: Choice. I believe you can reach students in different ways by offering choices. We can all go on holiday, we just don’t need to talk the same car.#MasteryChat
A3 They need to experience it to see that flexible seating encourages critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity! Invite them into my classroom to see the difference -or send some Ss over to share -They know it works! #MasteryChathttps://t.co/EDtf1WOI2O
A3: #MasteryChat - Have your colleague come in to your class. Let the Ss show them that moving, and grooving is ok. Show the the stand, wiggle, wobble, laying down is all good, just depends on each kid...wait...INDIVIDUALIZED? YES!
A4: Let them show what they know in their own way! Some might want to write, draw, create something digitally, engineer or just have a one-on-one chat with you. It’s all about flexibility, choice and individuality! #masterychat
~unwavering belief in them
~lots of ❤️
~tons of second chances, do overs
~laughter for sure ✅
~let them know in actions & words you are in their corner
A4: Find out their strengths and interests. Allow time to explore, share, and show them off. They are a community- a microcosm of what we are- and can do things. Allow them to use their strengths and interests to help the community of learners in class and school. #masterychat
A4: By recognizing their true talents (not always academic), cheering them on & showing them ways they can be successful/what the future can look like for them if they work hard/dedicate their time to their education (a HS diploma isn't always the carrot). #MasteryChat
A4: Again, please explain what you mean by "awesomeness." What a student might think is awesome may not be the same thing the teacher thinks. One way to start would be to know your students well. #MasteryChat
A4: By proving you believe they can be awesome. Build relationships, show them they can trust the process and grow, help them find their "thing" everyone is awesome at something and once they find it they can apply it to other areas #MasteryChat
A3. Show them different classrooms with flexible seating. Give them research to backup how flexible seating improves collaboration and learning. Let them observe a class with flexible seating. #masterychat
What an amazing group of educators-- passionate about giving your all to students, colleagues, and newbies to the chat. Thank you #masterychat! Please join our movement (not selling anything, I promise) to reimagine the #futureofschool together. https://t.co/bbZoDqWmto 🙏🦉
My colleagues and I (5-person team teach #3rdGrade) switch classrooms a couple times a year. We actually experience each others' Ss and room. It's wild and eye-opening. Highly recommend it. #MasteryChat
A4: Give them options and opportunities. They need to explore different things (tech, websites, types of projects) to figure out their passion. We all have things that we ❤️to do or learn about. That freedom to find what’s best for them is what unleashes awesomeness. #MasteryChat
Q4 - project based learning, outcomes that matter, choice! If we're all working towards something important, everyone can do their part without being in lock step! Here are 3 costume designers using their time differently but all towards the same goal. #MasteryChat
A4: We can help Ss reach awesomeness by pointing it their strengths and their abilities. Often, we are the ones who see the awesomeness in our Ss before they do. Let’s help them see it as well. #masterychat
Choice- been employing choice of assessment method in one course to test it out. As long as they demonstrate the criteria for each standard in the unit, students sometimes get choice of assessment. Some Ss want to do notes from a book, others don’t. Choose how. #MasteryChat
A4: By proving you believe they can be awesome. Build relationships, show them they can trust the process and grow, help them find their "thing" everyone is awesome at something and once they find it they can apply it to other areas #MasteryChat
A4: Go beyond ENGAGEMENT and EMPOWER students to take ownership of their own learning. Give them choices how they would like to display their learning. #MasteryChat
A4: By recognizing their true talents (not always academic), cheering them on & showing them ways they can be successful/what the future can look like for them if they work hard/dedicate their time to their education (a HS diploma isn't always the carrot). #MasteryChat
A4: I gave students as much freedom as I could within the constraints of district and state mandates. We also had dedicated time each week to engage in task that built metacognition: tabletop games and puzzles! #MasteryChat
A4: It starts with taking time to get to know your kids (relationships), and finding ways to get them excited about learning, and make it meaningful to them. Be willing to allow them to explore, ask questions, create, and share with others. #masterychat
A4: We can help kids be great without forcing compliance through encouragement, all kinds of patience, and genuine attempts to get to know them as a human being. Usually my "toughest" kids are just struggling to grasp the process of learning Spanish. They're afraid.
A4 #MasteryChat
There's a lot of possibilities with meaningful PBL / inquiry that doesn't have to be threatening and makes curriculum and action pop. Have a look at some ideas and reach out if you need to ideate. https://t.co/KnLrKZDdhM
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
Agreed. Relationships over compliance. Engagement over one size. What is best for ALL? Awesomeness means kids are having fun, engaged, growing and loving school! Not just going through the motions. #Masterychat
A4) Sinply ask them to solve a problem, maybe a simple one, to help them find success and then learn to crave the sensation that follows success! #masterychat
A4: Allowing Ss choice. Providing Ss opportunities for Ss to share their learning in multiple ways. Allowing them to have a voice and making their learning meaningful. #masterychat
A4) talk to them. Learn about them. Give them opportunities to have input. Forgive them. Ask for forgiveness when you mess up. Allow learning to be an open concept. #MasteryChat
A4 Listening. So often compliance is about a unidirectional relationship. Teacher to student- follow the rule or else. When we stop, open the conversation, & listen to our Ss, we can learn from them, empower them to ask ?s and wonder, & guide them towards growth. #masterychat
A4 Open-ended learning activities whenever possible. Divergent thinking > Convergent. More about imagining, connecting, creating than finding the “right” answer. My colleague @Mr_J_Mayer models this well in Math. #MasteryChat
A4: Not forcing Ss to comply is a big piece of what allows them to reach awesomeness! Empowering them w/ lifelong learning skills, giving them opportunities to try, get messy, learn, grow—our so-called imperfections are where the magic happens.#masterychathttps://t.co/oWvWAtT2f2
A4: let Ss be students. Don’t hold them back, explore and experiment. Ask questions until they get their aha moment. Praise them for their successes and challenges. Push perseverance and never saving never. #MasteryChat. Sorry there is no one way.
A4: We got rid of final exams and now do Yesr long Capstone projects. Ungraded, open-ended work that allows students to explore areas of interest and perform presentations at the end of the year. #MasteryChat
Just got done with a Holocaust unit, students chose topic, created teaching materials for peers, presented, and created the test. They will be grading them as well. #MasteryChat
A4: Give them TIME and the space to fail. Deeply meaningful work isn't done in one class period, and often isn't "right" on the first try. Esp. if we don't tell them exactly what to do, adding time constraints can make meaningful work stressful and daunting. #masterychat
A4) Be passionate; believe in our Ss; help our Ss believe in themselves; promote a growth mindset; focus on relationships & community 1st and everything else will follow (it's the most important thing anyway). #MasteryChat
A4: too often we focus on weaknesses such as they do poor in math. Instead we should find their talents: strengths. What they do well gives the value. It leads to success and success leads to confidence. Many lack confidence cause we focus on their weaknesses #masterychat
A4 Don’t give up! Keep giving them those opportunities to find their greatness, embrace their passions and if you have to do it with the door closed I guess close it #MasteryChat
A4. Support them in becoming self directed. For example when giving feedback provide data with a mediative question. Allow students to make their own judgments, observations and inferences about their work. Also emphasize relationships Group dev, process AND tasks. #masterychat
Welcome to #MasteryChat yo! I'm Jeff, Principal from NorCal...Chili, not a soup, but chili baby!- Please Fire off an intro and a shout out of your favorite winter soup!
Get to know your kids, help them be heard. When we do this we gain so much.
This happened a few weeks ago, helped remind me.
A4: By realizing that compliance and greatness do not go hand in hand and engaging Ss by giving them the opportunity to use their voice, make choices and empowering them to do so. When there is too big of a focus on compliance, Ss lose many opportunities to do so. #masterychat
A4: Creating a classroom with a positive, creative, engaging atmosphere. Ss need to have a relationship with the T. Ss need encouragement to explore, so they achieve their goals. Success is about the classroom environment and how Ss are encouraged. #studentvoice#MasteryChat
Great way to put it, Jodi! I see kids at school take up that noncompliance-is-fun challenge every day. These are the kids I want to get to know the most. #masterychat
In reply to
@MilnerJodi, @jeffreykubiak, @btcostello05
A4 - You know where I am headed. If you are in their inner circle, if you have a PhD in each of them, know where their passion is and HOW they are smart, they will trust you enough to be themselves. That masterpiece of being will be even better than compliance. #masterychat
A4 Rubrics that allow for flexibility. And, as I've said many times before, the world language classroom thrives when Ss want to express their own thoughts, tastes and feelings, so "be yourself" is part of our norm. As long as it doesn't inhibit others' learning #masterychat
A4 Believe in their #awesomeness -provide them the opportunities to succeed in their learning-look for the barriers that stop them in achieving their #awesomeness and remove them-be committed to all Ss having access to the learning & do everything that you can
I just wanted to express my gratitude for this group. You are all so passionate, and I always feel supported and uplifted as a new teacher. Thank you so much for embracing me. I appreciate all of you! #masterychat
A4: Get to know them and find their needs and strengths- then validate and value them. Give the tools needed to enhance, even if it looks unique. Build the classroom and school culture that cherishes differences! #MasteryChat
I focused my delivery on the students voice. Give them opportunities to voice what they like and dislike that we did each week. We had conversations about what would work better for them. #masterychat
In reply to
@jeffreykubiak, @RickJetter, @RebeccaCoda
A4 - #MasteryChat I have been making a point to recognize the language that I use when students are not meeting expectations or working to their potential
I personally think there is a level to strictness in the classroom. I have great relationships with my Ss and do creative classroom activities but there also is high expectations in my room for behavior and their role. #masterychat
A4 This is also about building a culture where mistakes are celebrated. Where learning can occur outside the lines. Where it’s safe to take risks. Where students can use Comic Sans (shudder). #masterychat
A4: I always think that empowering them is key. Find out what they're in to and use it as currency. Then they'll be painting the world for you ... or baking cookies for you, like this young superhero. Help them soar; don't do it for them! #masterychat
A4 The easiest way to have students reach awesomeness is to have they be part of the decision making process. When they choose their activities then they are not complying but instead are putting their ideas into action. #masterychat
A4: first you have to get to know your students strengths and weaknesses and then focus on what new techniques learning styles and ideas you can bring to the classroom that allows them to achieve goals together and become more creative while doing so #Awesomeness#masterychat
I just wanted to express my gratitude for this group. You are all so passionate, and I always feel supported and uplifted as a new teacher. Thank you so much for embracing me. I appreciate all of you! #masterychat
A4: I don't allow it. You lose points if you #comply in my room. I want Ss who don't break the mold, but make their own. I tell them what the thing should do, and it's their job to construct the learning that will get them there. #MasteryChat
Thank YOU for hosting such a great chat! I love all the learning and growing that takes place here. @thewrightleader and I had a thought-provoking chat all about grit and letting go of the need to be "perfect." I hope you check it out! #masterychat
If I could have had my way, my would have been chunks of inquiry broken up by lunch, specials, and recess. I had to have a dedicated amount of time for ELA and math, so I did, but I still put as much time for student-driven and student-directed inquiry as possible. #masterychat
And I am grateful for your continued pursuit of better. You are just pushing, pushing, pushing to be better each day for your students. Keep it up, Susan! You are inspiring many others in your journey! #MasteryChat
A4- give them choice. I gave my 4th gr Ss a page of graphic text frames & said to show me what you know about rocks & minerals. It was amazing!! They mastered it-in their individual way. #masterychat
I’m curious if there’s a difference between cultural responsiveness and cultural intelligence. I hear both but aren’t sure if they are same intent #masterychat
A4: Ss need to know they are trusted, heard, safe and ABLE. Leading them thru this discovery is our CALL. This means we create the environment where this is the norm- where they have, voice, choice and assurances that to err & explore is gr8. #Masterychat
A4) Ask yourself what the goal of the assignments is. If students did not meet “your goal” did they do something else that is just as good? Or does the compliance mean standards or benchmarks? #MasteryChat
A5 I have changed drastically over the yrs. One big thing is I have stopped looking for misbehavior and now focus on good behavior. Pointing those out and naming them has changed the environment for the good! #masterychat. Oh and the LEVEL 0 all the time is gone!
Q5: #MasteryChat. What is one area of student compliance that you’ve “let go” a bit on since you started teaching? Why? And what impact did it have? #MasteryChat
Q3: #MasteryChat - If you LOVE flexible seating for Ss - what could you do to help a colleague who is a lover of the O'l desks in rows to perhaps change? Why?
A4) Be honest and cultivate trust each and every day. When this is done students will begin to see within themselves, what you see in them. #MasteryChat
I would tell them it is their education, and it is important to me. Let’s work together to make you better today then yesterday. Better this afternoon then this morning. #masterychat
A5: #MasteryChat - I gave up quickly on "Quiet in line" and waiting for complete silence. Kids need to move, speak, communicate and wiggle. I also got rid of #BehaviorCharts! Ughhhhh. Let's focus on the right behavior. Each Ss have his/her own issue. Talk/Listen - we will know!
A5 - "Letting Go" is where #thegridmethod was born! This shift has completely changed everything I thought I knew about teaching and allowed me to help teachers across the country #teachbetter. The better question: How HASN'tT "letting go improved my teaching! #masterychat
And I am grateful for your continued pursuit of better. You are just pushing, pushing, pushing to be better each day for your students. Keep it up, Susan! You are inspiring many others in your journey! #MasteryChat
A4. By including their interests in your instruction ie. give them choices for assignments & create assignments where there are no right or wrong answers. Create problems were there are numerous solutions which take creativity & thinking outside of the box. #MasteryChat
A4b - I love it when students decide the procedures or norms we will follow. They like "good leaders need good followers and good followers need good leaders." This reminds all of us that everyone shares responsibility for all of our success and we refer to it often. #MasteryChat
Examining what success means for our students and ourselves is not optional. When we stop to really think about what impact our educational structure has on students, perhaps we will realize some of the changes that need to be made. Thanks for sharing, @anangfoncha!
A1. Teachers believe in regulation ( toeing the line) and compliance because they fear chaos. An orderly student who complies is believed to be successful. But😀 one who is more daring, who freely breaks into new grounds may be far more successful. 😇
A4: Smaller class sizes. Something more along the lines of Inquiry model. Hands on. I actually think a rigid approach to a curriclum interferes with this. I'm not battle tested this opinion. Sort of but not entirely. Yet. #masterychat
Our district watched that film a few years ago. Nothing has changed. Stagnant. I am trying to get us going. Small start - in one math class (I teach HS) we implemented projects for the midterm instead of a 2 hour multi-choice test. Ss liked it, Ts like it! #masterychat
In reply to
@JonathanG_Ross, @DanKos3, @DrTonyWagner, @dintersmith
A5 - late work! I used to take points off/give zeros now we just make a plan together. If they’re a kid who always struggles with timely work, a zero isn’t going to motivate them. I focus on breaking down barriers instead of doling out consequences. #MasteryChat
A5: My biggest shift has been moving from a punitive discipline model which attempts to force compliance to a restorative model that promotes understanding and leads to growth. #Masterychat
I just wanted to express my gratitude for this group. You are all so passionate, and I always feel supported and uplifted as a new teacher. Thank you so much for embracing me. I appreciate all of you! #masterychat
Q5: #MasteryChat. What is one area of student compliance that you’ve “let go” a bit on since you started teaching? Why? And what impact did it have? #MasteryChat
And additionally we can have students contribute & participate in the planning of their learning-we can amplify their voices in decision making-then they are really invested in their learning rather than complying-authentic Ss voice in our classrooms as a goal