Global #gtchat Powered by TAGT is a weekly chat on Twitter that takes place on Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT and 5 p.m. PT in the U.S. For one hour, parents, educators, advocates and experts in the field of gifted and talented gather to share resources, links, authentic life experiences and insights about gifted issues.
Welcome to Global Gifted and Talented Chat Powered by the Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented @TXGifted#TAGT ~ Thanks for joining us to chat about “The Highly Distracted Gifted Child” #gtchat
I’m Lisa Conrad ~ moderator, advocate for gifted children, conference presenter, blogger and parent of 2 gifted adults from Pittsburgh, PA. Please take a minute to let us know who you are and from where you’re tweeting! #gtchat
Thanks so much! We're very excited. I haven't run a chat since 2015 when @bleidolf67 and I ran the @TeachThought reflective teacher one. I've missed it. Great to get a gifted chat going in NZ. #gtchat#giftEDnz
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@gtchatmod, @bleidolf67, @TeachThought
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Our first question is coming up; let’s get ready to chat! Please preface your responses with A1 Excited to collaborate and share ideas with you today about highly distracted gifted children. #gtchat
A1 You may not know! ADD/ADHD must be diagnosed by a professional. If you are concerned about your child’s behavior, please seek professional help. #gtchat
A1) I’m not sure about this. It is really hard to separate distractedness/giftedness and twice exceptional ADD/ADHD but gifted - Very interested to learn more on this. #gtchat
A1 Formal assessment of giftedness & ADHD differ in significant ways.
While assessment of giftedness focuses mainly on determination of higher level reasoning abilities, assessment of ADHD examines issues related to distractibility, impulsivity, & processing skills
A1 It always seems to be a degree of dysfunction issue in practice though in theory ADHD is supposed to be a diagnosis of last resort so if giftedness explains it, it can't be ADHD. #gtchat
A1 (cont'd)
While the gifted child may exhibit some of these qualities, as a function of their giftedness, it's often when those qualities get in the way of learning & growth that further assessment should be considered to assess a dual diagnosis of Giftedness and ADHD.
A1 Both giftedness and ADD/ADHD share characteristics, although it’s important to avoid misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis. Gifted students may have ADD/ADHD but be able to compensate for it. #gtchat
That is not true. ADHD is about poor executive functioning, which means hyper focus is characteristic— not just distractability #gtchat this is a HUGE misconception about ADHD
So does that mean that distractability is a characteristic of giftedness or an inhibitor of one’s giftedness? Can distractability be a positive thing? #gtchat
The main disadvantage of “over” organization I see is when it is put in place by the parent & not the child. The child or adolescent has no “ownership” in the process & may grow too reliant on parental intervention & not develop effective organizational tools on their own
A2) Over organization can lead to stifling of creativity and less spontaneity...or at least that is what I tell myself to help justify my desk, computer desktop, google drive, filing cabinets, etc #gtchat
Poor executive functioning, yes... but these students that are not just hyper-focused, but also able to redirect even when it is a task they aren't interested in... #gtchat
A2. It can hinder EF skills, because they are not learned if someone else is organizing and can squash creativity. Can also lead to perfectionism issues. #gtchat
A2 Parents should try to find the ‘middle ground’ when trying to organize their distracted child. Folders can be used but for more generalized subjects; such as, a completed homework folder, to do folder, and parent/teacher communications. #gtchat
A3 The lack of recognition by responsible adults that a GT child can have executive function deficits often exacerbates the situation. These are smart kids who struggle with behavior regulation & exercising cognitive flexibility. #gtchat
A3. The child with help has to learn how to achieve executive functioning skills that work for them. Ex. Alarms, starting stuff out so they don’t forget, notes, routine. What works for one doesn’t not work for all. It has to be what helps the child become independent. #gtchat
If students are bored or find the curriculum too easy, no EF skills have to be developed, especially if they can memorize and regurgitate whatever is needed #gtchat
We are already halfway through our chat! Thank you for sharing so many inspiring thoughts about highly distracted gifted children! Please remember to use the #gtchat hashtag to participate in the conversation. #gtchat
A3 Although identified as GT, they may have trouble beginning tasks, maintaining attention, completing assignments, and unable to assess the feedback on their own behavior. Frustration levels can go through the roof. #gtchat
A3 As the child progresses through school, academic requirements increase at the same time as social interactions take on greater significance. EF difficulties may not resolve themselves until the child reaches their mid-twenties. #gtchat
As parent, I can get really frustrated too and I know my DDs English tchr is frustrated for exactly these reasons! #gtchat So, how do we help the gifted student overcome these blockades?
A4-I suggest that the teacher start by asking the gifted student, in grade 3 & above to come up with their own plan to stay on task and then work together with them, examining the parts of the plan that work & the parts that don’t seem to work for them & revise.
A4 - (cont’d) I believe that it helps the child to gain a better understanding of their own dynamics & figure out strategies that work for them and those that don’t. The teacher can certainly suggest some strategies, but it is critical for the student to have input.
A4 Teachers should consider authentic assessments to chart progress/regression through an ongoing process which takes into account the student’s abilities as well as challenges. Developing positive relationships is a good 1st step. #gtchat
I think you have to do lots of trial and error with strategies...visual prompts to get back on task or having a reward after a significant start to an assignment or discussing what the feedback means #gtchat
Or may even not be evident in highly gifted folks until they are in their 30s and 40s. Parenting often puts people past their coping skills if they haven't needed to learn in school.
Or may even not be evident in highly gifted folks until they are in their 30s and 40s. Parenting often puts people past their coping skills if they haven't needed to learn in school.
A4) I think perfectionism can also lead to the EF indicators at times. So if Ts can help Ss realize that it is ok to make mistakes while learning - it might help Ss to get started on a task. #gtchat
A4 Teachers must ensure that the student is being sufficiently stimulated intellectually either within the classroom with differentiated instruction or through accelerative measures outlined in resources such as A Nation Empowered. #gtchat
A4 Teachers must ensure that the student is being sufficiently stimulated intellectually either within the classroom with differentiated instruction or through accelerative measures outlined in resources such as A Nation Empowered. #gtchat
If a student is disengaged, there’s a good chance that the Tchr should be responsible for finding a way to re-engage. In fact, it seems to be part of the job description. #gtchat
A4 Teachers must ensure that the student is being sufficiently stimulated intellectually either within the classroom with differentiated instruction or through accelerative measures outlined in resources such as A Nation Empowered. #gtchat
A5) Ss need to find a process that works for them...Parents can demonstrate different strategies but ultimately, the Ss needs to be the one to decide what works #gtchat
A5 Parents can make sure that the home environment limits distractions when their child is doing school work. This includes having a quiet workspace free from access to video games or tv. #gtchat
A5. Model good organizational skills. Help to develop ways the child can stay organized by empowering them to develop their own ways. Positive feedback for what works and encourage trying different ways for what doesn’t. Giving them a space to be unorganized. #gtchat
A5 If possible, provide study/work space solely for each child; not in a highly active part of the home such as the dining room table or shared spaces with siblings. #gtchat
A5) Parents can help by talking with their child. Review the day and have conversations to help make a long term plan for setting & achieving goals. Providing a space for studying w/out interruption/distraction is super important. #gtchat
A5 With my kids, what has worked is a combination of doing it for them if was really necessary until they could do it; letting them fail a little when stakes are low, and coaching them about the things not being organized has negative impact on. #gtchat
A5) Parents need to listen to their children too! Listening can do wonders for knowing how to help a child with EF to cope & improve focus while at school. #gtchat
A5 With my kids, what has worked is a combination of doing it for them if was really necessary until they could do it; letting them fail a little when stakes are low, and coaching them about the things not being organized has negative impact on. #gtchat
I wish more teachers of gifted, accelerated classes understood #2e kiddos. Some are fabulous, some don’t get these kids at all. Many teachers & admins still learning phrase ‘2E’ #gtchat It can be exhausting advocating.
Make suggestions, but keep the communication open. If i question my daughter’s way of doing things she explains to me exactly why it works for her. 😉 Sometimes it doesn’t, but it helps me understand her thought process. #gtchat
A6 Organization is a must-need skill and one that parents focus on much to the dismay of their distracted child. Involve the child in the organizing process. Be flexible; not all organizing tools/tips work for every child. #gtchat
Make suggestions, but keep the communication open. If i question my daughter’s way of doing things she explains to me exactly why it works for her. 😉 Sometimes it doesn’t, but it helps me understand her thought process. #gtchat
A6. A planner. And when papers get mashed together, having a time to sort them. Alarms. Teaching my daughter to look at a clock. Estimating how long things take and then realizing the difference in those times. #gtchat
A6) For teens, an academic coach or supports from outside the family may be a lot more effective than parents. If the school offers a learning skills class, take advantage. #gtchat
A6) The Google Gods save me everyday. Not sure what I would do without my google calendar and shared calendars. I have an old school fun notebook for daily to-dos and lists #gtchat
A6) At my school, we are teaching our gifted 5th grade students to create a task list and complete everything on it by the end of the week. They can choose the order but it all needs to be finished. We think it is helping them prepare for middle school & beyond. #gtchat
A6 Parents and teachers working together to implement strategies that take place at home and at school can be highly beneficial to the student in an effort to reduce distractions and get the student back on track. #gtchat
I didn’t need to organize unail I had completed graduate school and had an autistic eldest kid and infant triplets. Until then, I kept everything straight in my head. #gtchat
A3 As the child progresses through school, academic requirements increase at the same time as social interactions take on greater significance. EF difficulties may not resolve themselves until the child reaches their mid-twenties. #gtchat
I recognize this article! Referenced it in my lit. Review for my #dissertation Re: Supplementing Formal Teacher PD with Informal Social Media (ie: #edchats) May have to re-read it w/ a different lens #gtchat
I am reminded that sometimes a lack of organization is a problem for adults but not for the kids. Unless the kids see a reason to organize, they probably won't even if they can. And if they can't and want to, then we need to help them develop skills. #gtchat
Our next chat will be on Thursday September 27th at 8E/7C/6M/5P US & Friday 28th September at Noon NZST/10 AM AEST/1AM UK. Our topic will be “Let’s Talk Advocacy” with guest, Heather Vaughn @msheathervaughn#gtchat