Hi! I'm Courtney! I'm an Assistant Principal at a middle school in Fairbanks, AK!
This is my first time hosting a Twitter Chat, and I'm so excited to talk about Student Ownership!
Are you a newbie like me? Check out this website for tips!
Hi! I'm Courtney! I'm an Assistant Principal at a middle school in Fairbanks, AK!
This is my first time hosting a Twitter Chat, and I'm so excited to talk about Student Ownership!
Are you a newbie like me? Check out this website for tips!
Thanks for hosting #AKedchat@EducateOrr I wrote a blog to help newbies too! https://t.co/IRhsAjkVuz Edchats are such a great resource! :) can’t wait for more educators to join in!
Ready for Q1!
As educators, we can often spend countless hours preparing engaging lessons and activities for our students.
What are you doing for your students that they could be doing themselves?
Hi! I'm Courtney! I'm an Assistant Principal at a middle school in Fairbanks, AK!
This is my first time hosting a Twitter Chat, and I'm so excited to talk about Student Ownership!
Are you a newbie like me? Check out this website for tips!
A1: I, personally, can totally relate to what John Spencer refers to as "The Tourist Teacher." And I would go home EXHAUSTED every day!
Check out his blog for more information!
A different use of the phrase "flipped" classroom: Me to my student, "That experiment you designed last semester was awesome; can I please use it as a hands-on lab option for future students in the course?" Ss as content curators + learning task creators. YES! #KPBSDdistance
That is definitely a different use of that phrase that I much prefer! As we work towards personalized learning for our students, we can often get bogged down with the tech piece. Using the phrase "flipped" as it relates to student ownership is genius! #AKEDCHAT
What’s nice about edchats if you can’t make it at the time, you can always come back and answer later! The hosts always appreciate replies! We might consider an #akedchat slow chat model sometime too!
A1- cleaning up after them!😀I know I spend too much time working through math problems in front of the class instead of letting students explain their thinking #akedchat
Q2: Giving up control in the classroom can be scary!
What are some reasons why we, as adults, may be timid about providing more opportunities for student ownership in our schools?
When I'm observing in classrooms, I often find when students have the opportunity to explain their thinking, they do so in a way the teacher (and I) would've never thought of! Always impressed by how their minds word.
A2: For me, there were many questions that ran through my mind before finally giving up control in my classroom.
Will this create complete chaos? How will I ENSURE they’re actually learning? Can they handle the freedom? Do I have the resources they will need?
A1. Clean up, handing out papers, grading practice work. I’m even having them grade some parts of their assessments. Hard to ignore how u did when u grade it. #AKEDCHAT
I spend time trying to figure out what Makerspace ideas they'll enjoy. It's always a surprise what they like. I should get more student input instead of taking on the responsibility of determining the activities.
@SciSamurai I made an abbreviated sheet of what our standards are and when students were in #makerspace i would interview them on what they were learning. They got really good at articulating it throughout the year :) #akedchat
Q1 eventually I want them to be able to decide how they will demonstrate the standard! Right now we are working on small steps like grading assignments!
Make sure kids have the opportunity to problem solve. Don’t immediately save them. Ask...”what can we do”. Where can we find...who can we ask? #AKEDCHAT
A2: Sometimes, it's about the lack of clarity on the part of the adults and so they are scared to let go. Sometimes, adults don't have or see all of the processes that can be used to support Ss ownership that make it less scary. #akedchat
YES!!! I believe most of our day should be spent asking questions rather than answering them. Those are great stems for others to consider trying out when they feel like saving their students...
A2: one reason is we are afraid of what they’ll do! Another reason is we are required to turn in lesson plans. Another is we have low expectations. #AKEDCHAT
A2. I believe people are timid because it's about control and change. You can't control what students choose AND the likelihood is that it's a complete change from what you've already been doing. #AKEDCHAT
A2: Everything that we do to build our learning communities is about gradual release of control. Ss grow in ownership through practicing the protocols that help them to be independent so that they can be better and better at owning their learning. #akedchat
I see that, too. With a culture of continuous improvement and a growth mindset, failure can be a little less scary. We have a great leader at our school who creates this culture for all of our staff! We are so lucky! @jethrojones#AKEDCHAT
Q2 the adults I work with struggle with relinquishing control sometimes for fear the work won’t be “perfect”! They are caught up in the details and compliance. It’s about the journey too #AKEDCHAT
I got the idea from teachers pay teachers where it translated standards into “I can statements” You have to model it first, I spent some time first narrating what I observed (blogged it too for them to read) and then afterwards I started having them self reflect #akedchat
In truth, this is hard. We know the answers and we want to give them to the students, even if it is not what’s best for them. That productive struggle is key for them to be successful. #AKEDCHAT
It can definitely be scary!! Through the other side of that potential chaos, we've seen so many great things emerge from our students already! #AKEDCHAT
Q3: Sometimes it can even be tough to get KIDS on board with a more student-directed approach.
Why is this? What are some strategies to consider to help students transition?
It’s takes crazy patience and intentional structure and support for #independentlearning. But what a gift being able to problem solve and self regulate #AKEDCHAT
I'd love any resources anyone has that they use for protocols that support more student ownership in the classroom. Sometimes teachers just need a place to start and setting the expectations, processes and procedures seems like a logical choice.
Yes, asking questions is super important. I’ve done a couple observations where I’ve counted how many questions vs. how many declarative statements teachers made. It’s interesting to see the ratio. Spoiler: way more statements than questions. #AKEDCHAT
@DianneGrupp I like to think of it as delegating ;) I’m was always amazed over who was willing to take something on. So important for teachers to give that opportunity! My favorite was a student creating their own @GetKahoot math word problem quiz for their classmates #akedchat
Reflection is powerful! We do one after every module and it’s splice a window into my kids. They know what they need to work on. Don’t need to be told. #AKEDCHAT
Bray and McClaskey's work with their continuums are a great resource. They cover the elements of agency and then support it with the gradual release, if you haven't seen that work yet. #akedchat
A2: I over complicate things sometimes as I try to make sure things are well planned when sometimes it’s best to just let that go, keep it simple, and give students ownership! #akedchat
A3: You have to start w the Ss. The first step begins w a learning vision created by the Ss. 2nd, you build a code of cooperation/social & working norms w Ss so that they see their voice is being heard. With ownership comes an increase in accountability. #akedchat
A3. Kids want the answers told to them. They don't want to have to think, and work to be creative. I have tried several projects to allow students to lead. It is about baby steps and not letting them give up. Easier said than done! #AKEDCHAT
Q3 a less defined path is harder in some ways, requires independence, grit & motivation. Worksheets & apathy are easy. Plus some are intimidated or have anxiety. #AKEDCHAT
Yes. There are questions. Then there are better questions. At times, I have posted thinking questions to remind me that it's also important to ask good questions. #akedchat
In reply to
@jethrojones, @EducateOrr, @SciSamurai
Q4: A common concern with increased student ownership is an increased risk of “failure”.
How can we empower students to turn failure into opportunity?
I like the idea of defined roles at the stations. Just another layer of student ownership as they are working independently or in small groups. #AKEDCHAT
Agreed! It's easier to have someone tell them the answer than to persevere. I just keep coming back to growth mindset as we address hurdles to student ownership. #AKEDCHAT
A4: Students have a hard time dealing with “failures” but are there really failures? It is just a part of the learning journey, and I try so hard to emphasize this! #akedchat
Independence, grit, and motivation are those skills necessary to be successful in everyday life. How cool to think that the learning opportunities we provide in our schools can help shape that! #AKEDCHAT
In math, I won't take a correct equation until students give me the ones that didn't work. They are timid at first but catch on that they learned by figuring out what didn't work. #akedchat
A4: One strategy is to boost the feedback processes that include T to S, but also S to T, S to S, peer group to peer group. Learning becomes about the feedback for learning rather than I "failed" and it's done. #akedchat
Hi there, joining a little late. Yes, I agree - intentionally teaching our students about growth mindset is crucial for them to begin taking ownership. #akedchat
Q4 changing the culture of failure, treat it more the writing process or design thinking, it’s all iterations and a chance for growth. What did we learn from that? #AKEDCHAT
It's hard for them to accept and hard for the adults, too! Including the parent community. It's so important to get everyone on board and OK with the journey. #AKEDCHAT
As an adult, I know I crave feedback! It is a transition, though, for those who are used to getting generic feedback through generic instruction. There are way more opportunities for growth with this type of learning! #AKEDCHAT
Reflection is powerful! We do one after every module and it’s splice a window into my kids. They know what they need to work on. Don’t need to be told. #AKEDCHAT
Q5: Student reflection and ownership go hand-in-hand.
What is the difference and how can we utilize student reflection to support student ownership?
A5: I believe when students take time to REFLECT on what is working (and what is not) and then modify how they are learning and creating, they then find the freedom and take OWNERSHIP in changing their learning path.
A4 I believe it begins with teachers who are supported & encouraged to take risks, admit defeat, & get back up from failure. A teacher at our school beams
frequently when discussing what she's doing in class. She's LOVING the freedom of an OPPORTUNITY to fail..and crushing it!
A3: You have to start w the Ss. The first step begins w a learning vision created by the Ss. 2nd, you build a code of cooperation/social & working norms w Ss so that they see their voice is being heard. With ownership comes an increase in accountability. #akedchat
They have continuums built out on all of the 7 elements of an expert learner. Here is the one on voice. They have two books out, but the 2nd one is better. These come AFTER you build the vision and the code w Ss https://t.co/6z5I0tZqJt#akedchat
Q5 working on different kids of reflecting. In person digital, making them take action on their reflection. Building it into a student led conference. That one of my goals. #AKEDCHAT
Everyone, a twitter chat tip is to use participate learning. You then don't have to write AKEDCHAT with each post and it's easier to follow the chat as a whole. #akedchat
Q5 also want them to email their parents every week a progress report. Haven’t got their yet. Have them doing it for me when I have a sub on @CanvasLMS#AKEDCHAT
I love student portfolios or blogs. Having a forum to showcase what they are proud of and why they are proud of it is so powerful! #akedchat Having a responsive audience helps with the reflection & ownership piece
I feel my students have the greatest buy in- ownership and reflection when they see what they are doing matters -
outside the classroom and in our larger community of learners. #AKedChat
A5: Self-assessment is a form of feedback/reflection. When we provide them with a clear tool, clarity increases so we can then build on ownership. First, it might be to use a tool together like a rubric for the code that they built. We self-assess as a class first. #akedchat
There certainly are many choices when it comes to reflection. Making those thoughts visible is sure helpful as an educator when determining what the next steps are! #AKEDCHAT
A4 I believe it begins with teachers who are supported & encouraged to take risks, admit defeat, & get back up from failure. A teacher at our school beams
frequently when discussing what she's doing in class. She's LOVING the freedom of an OPPORTUNITY to fail..and crushing it!
Everyone, a twitter chat tip is to use participate learning. You then don't have to write AKEDCHAT with each post and it's easier to follow the chat as a whole. #akedchat
Truthfully I had never made the correlation between student ownership & student reflection. Now I see how the two go hand in hand. Lightbulb! #AKedchat