Elementary math chat is a weekly math chat where participants come to discuss best practices, examine student work, explore routines for reasoning and research that guides and supports pedagogy centered on problem and student based learning.
Hello, I'm Katrina, math coach from Charlotte, NC. Haven't started planning for summer yet, just trying to get through the rest of this school year. #elemmathchat
Ann Elise, Math Specialist from NH. Yes, I'm planning my own professional learning for the summer. Going to the Greg Tang Math Plus National Conference in Kansas City! Woo hoo! @gregtangmath#elemmathchat
I got the bright idea to start reworking K math curriculum during the last 3 weeks of school. Motivating, but I have sooo much EOY paperwork to do #ElemMathChat
Louisa from MA. 4th grade teacher. Summer plans include (incredibly) a two week trip to Bolivia with other teachers to explore climate change. #elemmathchat
Desiree Elementary math Coach MI - presenting at and attending Twitter Math Camp, NCTM affiliate Leaders conference, relaxing on the beach #elemmathchat
Okay, while we are waiting for @steve_leinwand How about we have a rose, bud thorn chat #elemmathchat Thinking about this year, what was your rose - the best thing ever? #ElemMathChat
A1. The best thing ever this year was introducing Number Talks to my 3-4 grade teachers. We have seen a lot of growth with our students in those 2 grade levels. Looking forward to extending it to all other grade levels next year. #elemmathchat
We just used the Number Talks book by Sherry Parrish. I took all number talks from this book and then moved into the Fractions book for 4th grade. #elemmathchat
A1 My rose this year was hearing my teachers and paras speak so confidently about the various word problem types for all operations and how they were exploring them with their Ss. #elemmathchat
Another rose for me has been working with @ChandraAHMorrow. She is a huge support and gives me the perfect advice just when I need it. Couldn't do what I do without her. #elemmathchat We all need a great support team.
I’ve been wanting to push into a high school geometry class & do a number talk. Trying to choose something relevant yet still within the #numbertalk structure #elemmathchat
I saw @steve_leinwand speak in October. He emphasized the importance of Ss creating arguments in math so I started doing this with my classes. The learning is profound! #elemmathchat
You too! Love the visual about the math books! Have you explored the new Everything you need for Mathematics coaching? It’s next on my list #elemmathchat
For kids- just learned about “antlers” yesterday where you call out # and kids have to put their hands above their head and represent number with fingers #ElemMathChat
This is maybe an odd question, but those of you who are avid math book readers, when do you physically do the reading? Just trying to get a feel. #elemmathchat
I need help coming up with an idea! I'm looking for my Ss to explore circles, become familiar with vocabulary (chord, radius, diameter, circumference), and understand how the circumference, pi, diameter, and radius are related. #iteachmath#mtbos#elemmathchat
Curious- would you be interested in a a couple of chats focused on early numeracy next year? Wondering if that is too specific for our group? #elemmathchat
A2: Fraction understanding accompanied by unit coordination. really trying to figure out kids thinking. I know progressions but have also recently learned about unit coordination. Trying to make sense. #ElemmathChat
I don't like it as much as the original book. I find the original more user friendly, but there are some great suggestions and there are some number talks provided, but just not as many. #elemmathchat
A2 getting teachers to focus more on purposeful practice for students - games, centers, etc. especially around fluency; less emphasis on workbooks and worksheets #elemmathchat
A2: I would like to have a larger focus on problem solving during the math block. We got off to a good start this year, but there is definitely room for growth in this area. #elemmathchat
A2: we recently formed a K-5 Math Leadership Team. We are branding ourselves and even have a logo. Want to build the year around increasing teacher capacity and digging deeply into productive beliefs #elemmathchat
Marie Brigham - Grade 4 teacher from MA. Spending the summer on the Cape. Will be rethinking EVERYTHING I do. This is a common practice even after 24 years! #elemmathchat
I was definitely a little disappointed by the fraction book because I instantly fell in love with the first. I will revisit it this summer because that is when I do my best reading. I bought it mid year, so it didn't get as much of my attention as the first. #elemmathchat
I recently bought the book an am of course willing to share what I learn but @bkobett is one of the authors so I know her insight into the topic would be invaluable #ElemMathChat
Me too! I try to really keep the rigor going with the problem solving. I have MS and the buy in comes and goes with the hormones I think. Lol! I am looking forward to using @openupresources next year for sustainability! #ElemMathChat
A2 Our RtI support team is going through growing pains. Working to be efficient, communicate clearly, & being supportive w/o overwhelming gen ed Ts #elemmathchat
One rose moment was hosting my own #kidmathchat with fourth graders on Twitter. It was super engaging and really helped me to see their thinking. #elemmathchat
How are you working on this? I did a workshop last summer on co teaching. There were so many tools that are great for thinking and planning as a team in that presentation #ElemMathChat
A3: My Thorn: This school year, I ended up teaching 2 math classes while still trying to coach/facilitate 3 grade levels due to a teacher leaving. While I have enjoyed teaching again, I am struggling to keep up with everything on my plate. #elemmathchat
#elemmathchat It is hard to describe just how frustrating it is to be 1) on a plane running 75 minutes late into Phoenix and 2) to have United wifi go down at 7:45 CT. I am thoroughly embarrassed to have missed the chap this evening.
A3 I feel like this is every year, but my coaching cycles. I feel like they get so interrupted by so many things and/or teachers cancel (for one reason or another) and we never get to reschedule. #elemmathchat
A3: Another thorn...area and perimeter. My 3rd graders have struggled distinguishing between the two of them this year. And now that we are getting closer to end of year testing I'm trying to figure out how to help them understand the difference. Any suggestions? #elemmathchat
You can check it out at #kidmathchat. I had students working in groups of 3 on iPads all logged into Twitter on our classroom account. Each group used a little code so I could tell which tweet belonged to them. My colleague did the same. #elemMathchat
This team is made up of me, the reading specialist, councilor, school psych and an admin. We’ve been adjusting referral forms, scheduling follow up meetings, having a list of specific guiding questions to figure out how we can best support the Ts #elemmathchat
What was challenging about it? What grades? Anyone out there have any great resources to help with measurement? Here is an article I read recently https://t.co/9nX2s7coKW#ElemMathChat
#elemmathchat. Finally on the ground and finally back on-line. Let's reschedule this since I've got all my questions and thoughts on cumulative review ready to go.
I think this is a growing trend in America. My district doesn't even have curriculum coordinator. Coaches are for sports only and our RTI staff have high school diplomas. The war on education is real. :( #ElemMathChat
We can feel like we nailed it, but knowing we can nail it even higher keeps me coming back and the fire burning in my soul! Higher, ever higher! #ElemMathChat
Thorn- trying to find quality assessment programs. There is just so few options compared to reading. It’s been so frustrating battling to get quality data for our Ts #elemmathchat