#dtk12chat Archive
Please join us for a weekly conversation about design thinking in K12 education. We will have a variety of moderators with a wide range and depth of design thinking experiences. Each week, we will connect the dots to the design thinking methodology and how it can and will play a bigger role in today’s K12 educational arena.
Wednesday January 27, 2016 9:00 PM EST
It is time for ! Looking forward to introductions.
It's been way too long since I've jumped into a ! Kelly from St. Louis here - I'm a "rock-solid workhorse" type of leader :)
Hello from melting Brooklyn!
hello friends. Lisa from Pittsburgh here - Head of School + CLO. Strengths = strategic, calm, empathetic, catalyzing.
So happy you can make it tonight Kelly. The lead by example work horse leaders set the tone.
Hi this is James Campbell from Atlanta
Also, you open source, which I love!
Ken Gordon parachuting in from suburban Boston! I'm the kind of leader who hits the ground, ditches the chute, and gets to work.
dang!Jumping in with those tuf, say something good about yourself, kinda Qs.;)
Is it melting?! Can you leave the house? haha
So happy you can make it tonight Kara.
Hi Christy joining in from Philly suburbs
Hi James. Nice to see you tonight.
Hey Peeps Mary n the ATL Special shoutout to Co-Lead Mod 2night Lead by Example, Collaboration, Nudges, & Connections
Q1: What are some hesitations teachers & administrators have about using dt in the classroom? https://t.co/rgGvyddPRZ
I will say some things for you - you give others credit, share, and offer provocations!
they did a great job clearing but it's been so warm the sidewalk is like a dirty slurpee mess
I'm detail-oriented leader - want to know big picture & little details before I start but working on my bias toward action ;-)
Ela from Boston - I think I lead from behind, helping folks form a collective vision and shine in their best way to reach it.
A1: some folks that aren't sure how to infuse/integrate think DT is a "post-it" exercise w/out realizing it's much more.
So pleased you can make it tonight Russ.
A1: I think many perceive the language/vocab of DT as an obstacle. I like using visible thinking stems to slowly intro Ss & Ts
A1: letting go of control
So true https://t.co/kiHOi0x7j5
A1: some folks that aren't sure how to infuse/integrate think DT is a "post-it" exercise w/out realizing it's much more.
I'm not afraid to be a provocateur and push a little.
Jumping into for a few mins. Matt-Curric Coord fr/
A1 Hesitations: where 2 start, not have an AtoZ roadmap, controlling process & outcomes, Blaaa “grading DT”
I absolutely LOVE the idea of "lead from behind" - exactly how I feel!
My type-A self struggled (and stuggleS) with that... But now I know it's worth it! https://t.co/yecJFSBvMB
A1: letting go of control
Hi Matt. Glad you could stop by
A1) that it's "one more thing"'to add onto already overflowing plates.
A1 from someone popping in& out tonight hesitation from assumption that dt has to take place of something else
Its tough if the language is not common for all involved https://t.co/sMfNWm7V6K
A1: I think many perceive the language/vocab of DT as an obstacle. I like using visible thinking stems to slowly intro Ss & Ts
omg, the grading. YEP. https://t.co/1rTg5XCxTx
A1 Hesitations: where 2 start, not have an AtoZ roadmap, controlling process & outcomes, Blaaa “grading DT”
A1: It can feel like it requires a big "project" to justify the heavy lifting, and specificity of a "process".
Whew! So much there! Big stuff! https://t.co/ceZPnuVpVB
A1 Hesitations: where 2 start, not have an AtoZ roadmap, controlling process & outcomes, Blaaa “grading DT”
Agree! Also why I think explicitly identifying parts of the underlying mindset to Ts is super helpful
A1: Some teachers and admins seem scared of anything that can't be put into an "I Can" or a "SWBAT"
A1 because they haven't realized that DT is used everyday in the lunch line
Hi to all friends in ! Happy Wednesday!
assessment and "grading" is a big one I see as an excuse not to use DT
A1 for many it takes them out of there comfort zone and not sure how to implement it.
Great point. https://t.co/Qajb20dWPU
A1 from someone popping in& out tonight hesitation from assumption that dt has to take place of something else
A1: Def the releasing of control and that it is non traditional.
Yes, I know so many teachers who feel this way! It's hard to build the plane as you fly it!
Joining late! Ashlea from SF Bay Area!!
A1 they don't realize that DT is how anything gets created
. Sometimes learning finds itself on a cliff and indeed of a push. In this scenario, we gotta cue the provocateur...
2nite's topic Naturally thought of you!!
Hey Chris in Atlanta. sorry I'm late
Right! So...HMW start building that common language? Thinking abt embedding it into math/ELA lang already used
A1: I think the idea of iterating can be intimidating when teachers are worried about making it through the curriculum.
yes - Ts need mentoring, support, coaching and co-teaching to systematically build shared language/culture
A1: Another part might be in the way we train teachers - so much focus on planning, planning, overplannning, and backup planning
For sure! https://t.co/cxACtSL3zh
A1 for many it takes them out of there comfort zone and not sure how to implement it.
Agreed! The sense that it's doing different things, rather than doing things differently (a "what", vs. a "how")
A1: Struggling with where to start. Not having time to get together with colleagues to talk through it.
Welcome! We're still on Q1. :)
Q2: HMW help teachers become more comfortable and confident using design thinking in the classroom? https://t.co/4JHHftawhl
A1) DT is also messy, unpredictable (at times) & time consuming. Hard to sell that process w/ limited Collab time.
Ive had experience w/ Curriculum Leaders who see Zero value in DT bc U cant assess it! Can’t see the skills Its sad!
Not sure if it's necessarily an excuse or a different way of looking at assessment. Process vs product?
Hey hey!! Glad you can hang!
I agree - definitely something I face. https://t.co/0fOy4a7rrm
A1: I think the idea of iterating can be intimidating when teachers are worried about making it through the curriculum.
I think sharing our work can help increase confidence.
Hey buddy! glad i could make it
HMW establish instructional coaches for
yes and that concept of "getting thru curriculum" needs to change IMO to
Yes, trusting that staff and students can be effective, efficient, and civil as they solve their own problems!
language of dt can be found in PBL work, reading & writers workshop, among others &yeshallfind
Great point! This is very true! https://t.co/jrflxTGAoX
A1) DT is also messy, unpredictable (at times) & time consuming. Hard to sell that process w/ limited Collab time.
love it!!!! Your always a go-to for that my friend
A1 people are naturally scared of the unknown at the beginning of class. They don't trust students
Hmm… something tells me had a hand in these graphics tonight… W2G
Agree! I think the releasing of some of the control/planning is hard for Ts. Especially w/younger Ss
I agree. The days of "sharing is bragging" need to END!
cool that u recognize that it's tough for you and do anyway!
One of the more challenging culture shifts.
Teachers need time, space, encouragement, & support to collaborate! https://t.co/s5JRHicrDe
A1) DT is also messy, unpredictable (at times) & time consuming. Hard to sell that process w/ limited Collab time.
A1: It will take away from content I have to teach.
A2) Intentionally and explicitly integrate, connect, and apply to existing initiatives, goals, practices, & frustrations.
A2: model it as a leader, build into school operations and PD, provide support, resources and training/coaching.
Trying to get tea made and onto computer. just 2 fast for cell phone!
Agreed. It is one of the best ways to hone our craft.
I call those people "morons" ohhh Nathan you are so provocative
A2: show how DT helps as a framework for shifts from passive to active learning and and how to assess growth.
I think its an excuse DT is filled w/ Assessment Opportunities Galore Teachers want 2 grade it Blaaaa!
Yes.. And I'd add getting out of our classroom bubbles and watching our colleagues work their magic!
Right on with passive to active learning! https://t.co/WuUi81hsk1
A2: show how DT helps as a framework for shifts from passive to active learning and and how to assess growth.
Have done it now in 2 schools - just takes admin commitment! https://t.co/vB7gH9QPWG
HMW establish instructional coaches for
A2: I think teachers need time, space, trust, and collaborative conversation to start the DT journey
A2 how discouraged do students get when the waste 40 mins and have nothing to show
great to "see" you. We will connect outside Twitter soon. ;)
This is so valuable! We don't even realize the talent in our own buildings https://t.co/GcO90iPNhp
Yes.. And I'd add getting out of our classroom bubbles and watching our colleagues work their magic!
Yes and... HMW transition traditional teacher roles to more of a coaches model in general. https://t.co/bqJyP2iNfl
HMW establish instructional coaches for
A2: Change to standard based system that focuses on growth & mastery of standards. Allow Ts freedom to try & succeed; try & fail.
A2: A lot of teachers really believe in the core ideas of DT. We can help them see what they're already doing, & nudge from there
A2 Sometimes torn b/t msg of "you already do it" & msg of "it's radically different" - both are true, teachers need to hear both!
A2: t's & p's need 2 practice DT & making & learning by doing, to feel what it's like to be in it, not just talking about it
A2: Collaboration, teamwork, reflection, iterating... TOGETHER! A strong teaching team with a culture of respect is imperative.
True! So perhaps the difference/excuse comes from idea of grading vs assessing?
Can you share more about how you created a culture of learning amongst staff?
A2 comfort comes from experience- use in faculty meetings and other regular faculty planning sessions
I think this is the key, right here! https://t.co/AvQIxYVSvC
A2 Sometimes torn b/t msg of "you already do it" & msg of "it's radically different" - both are true, teachers need to hear both!
I want to follow this one, too! :)
A2: Maybe lead them through learning (DEEPdt), sans labels. iD the DT parts after
A2 If U R a HOS or Admin Do a DT challenge w/ teachers. Sit on a team Walk the Talk i.e.
A2: Offering a simple way to use DT that connects to all they're doing, has natural language (you know what I'm thinking of ;*)
yes and for some they need a "recipe" and playbook like to her started!
DT can create comfort with giving + receiving feedback, which is assessment for learning.
yay Eric!! Loving that of principals you've been chatting with. ;)
Could you share more about what this might look like?
I think it's also helpful for Ts to experience the DT process themselves with their own learning/PD/dept mtgs etc
A2: We've also got to find some way to beat the fear of opportunity cost, and not get stuck at "but if I ___, I can't get to ___"
DT can show the class that, at moments, the teacher knows exactly as much as the students. A dangerous vulnerability.
Yes! Connecting w/ overtly is the secret sauce. https://t.co/TEMIpghry3
A2: Change to standard based system that focuses on growth & mastery of standards. Allow Ts freedom to try & succeed; try & fail.
A2: teachers need to experience it for themselves and then possibly coplan 1st experience with a coach
Did already show you Q3? ;-) https://t.co/LU6nPn0lTv
A2 If U R a HOS or Admin Do a DT challenge w/ teachers. Sit on a team Walk the Talk i.e.
We need a boomshakalaka but I don't know where is.
Yes! This would be so helpful in creating that initial spark https://t.co/J1VHRaGJCy
A2 If U R a HOS or Admin Do a DT challenge w/ teachers. Sit on a team Walk the Talk i.e.
It's a great group-lots of learning, empathy, sharing, and laughter to be had-Next call is on east coast time though!
A2 teacher need to see it in action, in there subject area and showcase the skills the DT gives students
A2 Give time to teachers to get their feet wet w/ doing a DT challenge, then Facilitating a Challenge Doing & Coaching needs time
gr8! . Kinda felt like spring here today. You?
Likewise! Looking forward to it!!!
A2: too often, DT is made separate from or extra than current practices. seems like too much to adopt
Used DT from Day 1, cr8 shared lang + have core class "integrated design lab" see https://t.co/y4S4mP6ioB
Can you share more about how you created a culture of learning amongst staff?
Reminds me of my NYC friends over at https://t.co/jF5xpUVLrn
Yes! Connecting w/ overtly is the secret sauce. https://t.co/TEMIpghry3
A2: Change to standard based system that focuses on growth & mastery of standards. Allow Ts freedom to try & succeed; try & fail.
I like that too ! Makes me smile every time :) https://t.co/AmOBoFpTdp
yay Eric!! Loving that of principals you've been chatting with. ;)
A1: teachers new to dt are often nervous that they don't already know the outcome
Agreed. I like how DT can be an assessment FOR learning...diff from assessment OF learning
yes and innovation grants, PD opportunities...
Wow, yes! Hate you have to "sit & get" as you hear about the opposite! https://t.co/7ecifUpRh5
No just something I was thinking abt HOS promoting/boasting DT yet not once doing a DT challenge w/ colleagues Bugs Me
I think school DT challenges led by admin or HOS is a place to start.
Being an active connector inside and outside the building. Asking people for opinions, ideas, etc. is the 1st step.
A3 by asking for it! How often do we as admin ask for Ts to collaborate w/ us? Giving time, space, & trust
Can there be a boomshakalaka without ? Seems sort of blasphemous!
A2: Firsthand experience is key. Generates enthusiasm & I-Can attitude https://t.co/z3AXGjTvNp
A2 Give time to teachers to get their feet wet w/ doing a DT challenge, then Facilitating a Challenge Doing & Coaching needs time
A3: create the space, time, resources and co-design the vision. Listen, learn and build together.
A3: create the space, time, resources and co-design the vision. Listen, learn and build together.
We have been using DT to help write more convincing grant applications. I think it is working.
A3: Admin might shift role from "ppl manager/boss/head honcho" to "teacher learning facilitator". Many are intimidated by admin.
Very spring-like for January in CO :)
A3 I definitely think we have to make time and space for collaboration-among Ts and admin
(I ran out of characters) https://t.co/VC8gWVrrFA
No just something I was thinking abt HOS promoting/boasting DT yet not once doing a DT challenge w/ colleagues Bugs Me
A3: Support ops for Ts to collaborate, push for ops for Ts to get into other rooms & schools, make PD personalized.
if he's not here the power must be delegated
I did some "intro to DT" with Ts yesterday & it went SO much better than my previous coaching attempts!
A3 talk to each other. Break down the silos.
A3: "de-siloing' is one idea we are starting to try . The world isn't naturally divided into subjects
I like your suggestion. Be mindful of the teachers; help grow their capacity to be curious.
1st time I've heard this. Can u explain a little more? In 140 characters? ;)
A3: as a leader trying and struggling to foster collaboration-I'm trying to create both space to and opportunity for-both hard!
Very true. Like predictability and control. https://t.co/M7Xi0ADHcH
A1: teachers new to dt are often nervous that they don't already know the outcome
A3: Allowing Ts TIME to do this important work. It takes TIME to do it well.
So true! https://t.co/AIRt8wa7Nu
A3: "de-siloing' is one idea we are starting to try . The world isn't naturally divided into subjects
+ Never experiencing being on a team & going through a DT challenge bugs me too! https://t.co/VC8gWVrrFA
No just something I was thinking abt HOS promoting/boasting DT yet not once doing a DT challenge w/ colleagues Bugs Me
Admin also need to know their staff & culture to do a DT challenge. May need to tread lightly.
I like the idea of using staff meetings for those learning conversations. Email information.
Way too much pressure: Not it!
Great idea. When you identify a problem through DT it really helps the grant proposal.
Take the classroom over for a certain time, so teachers can collaborate.
Just doesn't feel quite right w/o him.
Hi Ashley! Here are a few examples of teacher/student "compasses" from poster...to post-it:) https://t.co/dbORI9gfsa
Truth. Important teachers have positive 1st impressions & experiences so they don't give up b4 they begin https://t.co/UJmMBp3y03
Admin also need to know their staff & culture to do a DT challenge. May need to tread lightly.
thank you for liking my get smart reference. Everyone else must be too young
A3 see my answers from A2
where do you find all these crazy images (besides taking selfies ;)
A3: a focus on life worthy topics and problems to work on using dt will bring teams of teachers together
A4: It's hard to argue with results. I'm constantly shouting, "Come see this cool stuff we made!"
Excellent point. Might need to find ways for staff to lead.
! https://t.co/weCxvSEdTM
A2: t's & p's need 2 practice DT & making & learning by doing, to feel what it's like to be in it, not just talking about it
the Internet is full of these things. Plus I like get smart the tv show Is that my shoe phone ringing?
This is new for me. Thanks Mary.
A4: show how it "solves a problem" for them! Will be different in every school.
A4: show how it "solves a problem" for them! Will be different in every school.
What do you mean by social justice?
A4: help plan PD using dt
YESSSS! you've been missed!
Any syllabus or docs you can share for integrated design lab?
had a cool idea to designate 2 wks to . try something new perfect for a DT challenge or othr expermnt
A2: refreshing to focus on end result, solutions instead of being overwhelmed by problems in classroom
the is not force to be given, but rather a power to feel when you are so moved
what is that stuff on the wall? I am not familiar with it? So provocative Nathan or maybe
I am afraid that my 's will be quiet this eve, silenced by the impending storm that is 8 a.m. grade book closings
2/2 classrooms with our partner in an underserved community w vacant land to cr8 equity for kids
Worst admins are the ones who sit behind computer all day and answer emails. Hit the bricks
A4: Admin and Ts need open lines of communication, shared decision making. Admin should always be open to new ideas.
we would be happy to share!
Nice sentiment-still to much pressure-I'll stick with running an inner city HS
major days I don't look at email till 4 PM if folks need me immediate they know to text me
that is soon cool. I didn't know people still used paper
A4 dt teachers impact and influence me- & inspire me!- all the time. Important that I am visible & present for them
A5 DT requires empathy and understanding. This is powerful when you deeply understand what someone is good at.
A4 use the process and invite them to see the process in action
A4: embrace collaborative teams, model good communication & maybe a little private 1:1 help when needed
Good luck! Thanks for a quick entry :) https://t.co/o8VryUckgE
I am afraid that my 's will be quiet this eve, silenced by the impending storm that is 8 a.m. grade book closings
I like your focus on the process
A5: I know results of all staff and Ts - put DT action teams together to improve/grow school based on them.
A5: DT's so wonderfully democratic - people share their own insights and ideas and these play constructively together.
A5 Stop drawing on the few on the team (the in clique) Schools bench has depth, Branch out & uncover team members strengths
Good one, I think we don't give Ts a chance to play as much.
Sadly not all cut from same cloth. Lots of work to be done
Crowd sourcing at its best https://t.co/euhEvnPGJR
A5: DT's so wonderfully democratic - people share their own insights and ideas and these play constructively together.
Agreed. Next step help find ways to use their strengths. Make sure they have time each day to do what they are best at.
A5) A team with all 1st basemen is going to be a weak team. Good teams are diverse. DT builds & capitalizes on diversity.
exactly, ... and building on that more should be done to foster the discovery of hidden talents.
A5?: DT is grounded in empathy. So powerful in building upon and recognizing the strengths of team members/colleagues
Just landed in Chicago! What's the question at the moment?
Yes. Great way to scaffold for high quality work as well.
agree - have to be creative w time. Our Ts get 3 hour collaborative time/PD together while Ss out at partners
- That's the goal of getting Admin's and T's using DT together quickly on real stuff - they see the potential of T's+DT
Hi ! Kathryn from Los Angeles jumping in late!
A5: My Ss started w/ identifying the super power, krypton ute, & Oreo eating strategy of their team members...Ts could do it too
don't overload them - happy teachers is key!!!!
Hi We're on Q5: How might design thinking help school teams capitalize on team members’ strengths?
Ooo.. I like that. Too too many cliques/not just Ss/Ts Ps As also.
Collaborative autonomy I like to call it.
Wow,way to jump right in, I'm impressed! Q5 is How might DT help school teams capitalize on team members’ strengths?
A5 Blessed to work where dt is part of our DNA. Every leadership team meeting we use dt; use more in faculty mtgs
A5 dTEAMSs designed 2B intentionally diverse Its an opportunity 2 bring Outliers Go2s & QuietPeeps 2gether Just like N classroom
What's the right grain size? Always feel pressure to go through all the steps https://t.co/RHbZvCf8gW
don't overload them - happy teachers is key!!!!
Time to empathise is also important. It takes time to understand someone.
No such thing as late in ;-)
yes! Amazing the depth that is there when you take the opportunity to look for it
A5: I'm interested in how DT builds new strengths team members didn't even know they had, by prompting new behaviors.
action research isn't new..Many schools hire consultants. Let Ts identity/solve challenges. Then move out of the way.
A5: Through Radical Collaboration Ts can encourage diversity. Our differences become our strength.
Love this! So true! If we do it w/ our Ss why not w/ each other? Would love to yield committees this way https://t.co/z7YeGPGDRF
A5 dTEAMSs designed 2B intentionally diverse Its an opportunity 2 bring Outliers Go2s & QuietPeeps 2gether Just like N classroom
Different peo have different tolerance. When you sense constraint, allow T time to readjust.
say more about what you mean by grain size?
Yes and allow others to play too
it is a shame more teachers don't use their classroom for action research
Crowdsourcing: I'm keynoting w talk on leadership through design tmrw. What would you want 125 heads to know?
WoW! I think we were on the same wavelength.
Here you go How might DT help school leaders capitalize on team members strengths?
Just landed in Chicago! What's the question at the moment?
Agreed! just being ON team results you see new possibilities for growth - I learn so much from my team! https://t.co/ex4bUBrcYw
A5: I'm interested in how DT builds new strengths team members didn't even know they had, by prompting new behaviors.
the right bite-sized chunk to tackle
:) My latest attempt to make it feel 'pocket sized' :) Really four fundamental questions... https://t.co/NbNcafphJW
so true Lisa! I’ve seen DT “assigned” 2 Ts in some non-empathetic ways. Not win/win.
Agreed. Do you think that is more to do with time, know how, inclination, or other? https://t.co/RmLPv5qa0n
it is a shame more teachers don't use their classroom for action research
Excellent point. I wonder if we believe that the solution lies with the diversity of strength, how would that look?
Q6: How might leaders use DT to help change the current narrative about schools and education? https://t.co/O5fQj8n87M
You two don’t know each other? You both must share your perspective Summer PL experiences in June!
A5b: Diverse ways of teaching are favored over conformity. Each member is seen as a Dteam approaching a challenge in a diff way.
It is often an untapped competitive advantage.
don't push on all / make it relevant and authentic just like learning for Ss should be!
I think it's easy to collect data/evidence but it's hard to use it https://t.co/mz4f1hatv3
Agreed. Do you think that is more to do with time, know how, inclination, or other? https://t.co/RmLPv5qa0n
it is a shame more teachers don't use their classroom for action research
Indeed. requires us to move beyond what we bring to the table- living out empathy
I really think telling the story is the key to leadership. 99% leadership is communication to the masses.
Thinking abt today's PD & visible thinking/note-taking. Intentionally left all of mine on the table 1/2 https://t.co/saMxsKaW65
...or sense of "risk" in one form or another...?
A6: invite students and parents as co-creators of the future of edu.
people are scared of the word research. If asked if you want to do action fun more people would say yes
It is how forms their teams & Culture
Compulsion is not a great way to begin a deep dive.
Yes, very true. Powerful comes from the uniqueness.
2/2 HMW encourage Ts to share thinking in ways other than talking? Esp. for the introverts ;)
Sweet! I'm on the plains in Yuma. In a while heading west to the big city. Where are you?
A6: breaking silos of "departments" honoring all voices, celebrating incremental wins as a team!
As heads we move too quickly to the P in DEEP. Dt offers space (&freedom) to live in discovery, empathy, experiment
I love how you have brought parents into the process. It is a current focus of my research and an untapped resource.
1 way is encouraging Ts to approach curriculum in diverse ways, simultaneous iterations.
Mary, you KNOW how much I get this.
Im not sure 99% is totally accurate My experience is Leader can Talk & Talk but actions & Ethics speak/reveal
Yes! Do I have an opp for you?!?!
Yes and empowering others to build and tell the story! https://t.co/ET61C6Hwtj
I really think telling the story is the key to leadership. 99% leadership is communication to the masses.
No, the best way to do a deep dive is honor the time to research
Cross disciplinary work can be a great way to begin to reframe learning experiences.
A6: Could DT bridge the gap/silos that exist between public & independent schools?
My colleague had this great image of data versus information. Info requires u to make a connection/inference
Finding the insight to drive the story is sometimes difficult but well worth the empathy session.
a6- I value the 'DT' mindset as it encourages schools to think of students as architects of their own learning
What kinds of gaps are you thinking of?
Very well said! Time to reflect & learn from others
I used to hold parent design coffees and they were amazing! Power in diversity - helped build partnerships
I think they need to align. People sense insincerity and hesitate to follow.
A6 DT can be used as a starting pt to reshape school. consider End-user Ts, Ss, Parts create to identify & meet needs
Yes it is sad, especially when a school is not just the choosen few Its should always b
DT definitely breaks down the walls b/w disciplines. Makes for more authentic learning experiences
I am definitely going to set up a phone call to learn more about that.
perfect thx 4 your time and feedback. love the "take a risk" time idea
A6: Schools are dynamic and constantly changing. As students and challenges change, solutions change.... 1/2
YES, AND https://t.co/o8HYgOkntt
a6- I value the 'DT' mindset as it encourages schools to think of students as architects of their own learning
yes! My insight from 18 months being hos is how hard it is to live in that ambiguous space. I struggle as much as anyone
This is critical to reach potential.
can you post it here? https://t.co/9VkavOqhrS
My colleague had this great image of data versus information. Info requires u to make a connection/inference
A6: DT spans the aspirations of school subjects: learning to see past present & future in new ways thru inquiry & experimentation
Narrative of edu/goal of Ts in both settings similar yet they rarely (IMO) collaborate Could DT provide common lang?
Yes you are right. Understanding how to tell your story starts with your understanding your people!
Q7: How might design thinking challenges be used to blur the lines between disciplines/subject areas? https://t.co/tLo0aeVqAc
A6 2/2 What other profession deals w/ annual turnover of clientele? Challenge myth that schools are stuck in status quo
Reminder to follow folks you might not already be following on the chat.
A6: Branding & Design go hand in hand. Also, understanding the end-user & the needs of the community.
A6 Some have already said it, but it bears repeating - DT shifts ownership of learning to students
Yes And & AMEN Once you see the underbelly of a leader & its organization, You canNOT stop seeing it https://t.co/RkKYpLwDq7
I think they need to align. People sense insincerity and hesitate to follow.
been there! So the value of dt is to make that struggle the design challenge itself
HMW scale this for public schools? Seems to prevail in private.
Interesting- do they not collaborate bcause of language or bcause they are in separate spaces?
a7: diverse perspectives finding that sweet spot.. Meeting new people and forming new relationships spurs innovation
Agreed! Important work is happening in schools. How we share that to shift the current way people talk about k-12 ed?
Not too late to join ! Q7 coming up from !
If more people can embrace ambiguity, we would be less stressed about design constraints.
I think it's a combo of both.
I think for many branding is a new way to think about sharing a schools or districts story.
Asomething DT requires all subjects when used correctly
A7 Radical Collaboration deconstructs the silo mindset of education. DT encourages looking in all fields of learning.
Look at all folks doing great DT work https://t.co/SYjUasjJZe
HMW scale this for public schools? Seems to prevail in private.
Yes, branding is valuable! Begs for particular skill set though that some, me!, have to learn as they fly https://t.co/rxupblgCgo
I think for many branding is a new way to think about sharing a schools or districts story.
I think DT could help- but 1st, both need to be in a room together- doesn’t happen often enough
yes - and that's the real goal, one bigger than DT alone.
A7 R we abt Content or Skills? Coverage or Learning? Checklists or Experiences Breadth or Depth Surface orMeaning DT answers Qs
Amy, I think one way is to meaningfully engage with community partners.
just followed all of them!
bugging out a little early. way to represent & lead!
Excellent point! Finding real users and meeting real needs
This one is so hard for some Ts! Many are used to controlling everything in class
Couldn't agree more. Would love for more spaces to exist to facilitate farthest
A6: One thing we haven't touched on is identifying and celebrating diversity: educational, racial, ethnic, cultural
even harder for administrators. :)
It depends on how you define the problem.
awesome - Pittsburgh is serious about
Interesting idea : Branding DT in school as mark of culture! https://t.co/b9QHRVFjJY
Yes, branding is valuable! Begs for particular skill set though that some, me!, have to learn as they fly https://t.co/rxupblgCgo
I think for many branding is a new way to think about sharing a schools or districts story.
Theres more freedom & Opport 2 try DT N Indie schools WhyBig Brother not so big? Policies? Testing?
Me too! Let’s make it happen… https://t.co/BZ0ZQvxp1T
Couldn't agree more. Would love for more spaces to exist to facilitate farthest
Good point. Diversity in all forms is diversity of thought, values - powerful when strengths combined! https://t.co/fzNqLy7fJt
A6: One thing we haven't touched on is identifying and celebrating diversity: educational, racial, ethnic, cultural
Sometimes we tend to think in polarities. Process and outcome inform the other. Dt Qs shift that thinking.
Another leader making it happen,
Yes! DT mindset is all about cultural relevance and building empathy for folks that are underserved! https://t.co/3JDxHzIR7a
A6: One thing we haven't touched on is identifying and celebrating diversity: educational, racial, ethnic, cultural
hurray new friends to follow!
And which ? you bring to the table. What will motivate both groups to share w/ the other?
our Ss are complex and the ambiguity allows us to solve problems with diff peo in diff ways.
Very true IMO Process trumps Product Growth of Learning Trumps Test results https://t.co/tG0cLQs6L0
Sometimes we tend to think in polarities. Process and outcome inform the other. Dt Qs shift that thinking.
. Just so much need in publics too.
Great chat..I will be back next time!
Yes and yet DT could be common lang to bridge gap? All Ts want Ss to think/learn, no?
I wonder what Qs we can play around with which will bring groups together?
Thanks! Look forward to it!
Just adding this EX: is trying to bridge gap bt Public/ Private through partnerships
I couldn’t agree more :) And out of the chaos, comes enlightenment… https://t.co/pM78Ucsfbp
our Ss are complex and the ambiguity allows us to solve problems with diff peo in diff ways.
Great! See you next week. Thanks for making it tonight.
I think it's also important to empathize with public school Ts instead of critiquing
tell them it's ok if it fails as long as you don't give up.. Model what we tell Ss as adults!
Wish I could join U all. At w/ . Empathizing w/ parents' reality helps schools better serve kids.