"Welcome to EdTechAfterDark! Our community was born out of discussions for a rich EdChat type gathering for those of us who are thinking about the digital edu-landscape long after the sun has gone down. For us night owls, when the clock strikes 10PM EST, you’ll find us on Twitter over at #edtechafterdark. All are welcome! Our discussions range from our philosophies about EdTech, digital best practices, and simply sharing our stories." --www.edtechafterdark.com
Welcome to #edtechafterdark! Tonight we discuss the "undiscussables" of education... Please introduce yourself by name, role in education, and your favorite vegetable.
Hi my name is Morgan Prouty. I am a preservice teacher studying Early and Special Education at Grove City College. Favorite vegetable would have to say is broccoli #EdTechAfterDark
A1: I desperately wish that white privilege was treated as the FACT that it is. It exists and has a direct negative impact on the educational experience of our students and educators of color. #edtechafterdark
#truth. White privilege is learned by most of our students of color before they even learn to read. For us to deny it is the very definition of privilege itself. #edtechafterdark
A1: I desperately wish that white privilege was treated as the FACT that it is. It exists and has a direct negative impact on the educational experience of our students and educators of color. #edtechafterdark
A1: I desperately wish that white privilege was treated as the FACT that it is. It exists and has a direct negative impact on the educational experience of our students and educators of color. #edtechafterdark
A1: The fine line we have to walk when delivering rigorous instruction, accurately assessing student achievement, keeping failure rates low, and student/parent satisfaction. It’s tough balancing all of these in 2018. #edtechafterdark
A1: mental health discussions. The reality that we’re all vulnerable in some way. School, like it it not, can be the catalyst for so much anxiety for kids (and the adults who serve them). It needs to be ok to talk about. #edtechafterdark
Sadly, I think many hope it doesn’t exist because our legal system says so, ... we want to keep the faith ... yet we can see its existence when we take blinders off and law does not mean truth 🥺 #EdTechAfterDark
#truth. White privilege is learned by most of our students of color before they even learn to read. For us to deny it is the very definition of privilege itself. #edtechafterdark
Don’t know if it’s hush-hush but until I lived in a country where I’m not fluent in the language I never REALLY appreciated how hard that is. The idea that students can just “pick up” a language & not struggle academically is bs #edtechafterdark
What? Flipping a classroom with fidelity while knowing your “Why” with rigor while reaching all of Marano’s 43 elements is difficult?? 😁 #edtechafterdark.
So true. I had a panic attack at school once and begged my coworker just to tell my admin I came down with the flu. I was terrified they might find out I don’t have it all together 100% of the time. #edtechafterdark
A1: Religion is so hush-hush that many have incredibly poor and stereotyped views of people who are not like them. We should talk about religion clearly, without proselytizing for our own view
A2: Because they lack focus. Real focus. There are too many initiatives, too many things going on, nothing done well. There is an incoherence of purpose. #edtechafterdark
A2: Poor leadership and people who accept poor leadership as being OK.
Now sometimes, we can't do anything about it directly but then you just go underground ;-)
A2 IMO, we want change, yet we don’t want to change. We want to have high expectations for Ss, yet we are unwilling to see the changes in Ss lives compared to our own... to change or not to change ... that is the question #EdTechAfterDark
A2: Change can be fearful for many because it takes you from a comfortable place to a new place where you must decide how comfortable you wish to feel. It’s up to you. #edtechafterdark
A2: It’s so hard to swim upstream. At campuses that have this type@of environment, teachers who are reflective, innovative, and compassionate often find themselves ostracized and ridiculed for making others “look bad.” Been there. #edtechafterdark
A2: It is difficult to be an expert in all things, and without adequate training, people may revert to problem-solving strategies they already know, even if they are inadequate. #edtechafterdark
A2: Volume of mandates. I really think it’s that simple. When you are serving 10 different masters and never remove things but continue to pile them on, you’ll never reach excellence. You’ll stew in mediocrity. #edtechafterdark
A2: because we do about 100 more jobs than just teach. Data analysist, nurse, parent, curriculum writer, IT support, etc. if I did only one of those jobs, I could be excellent, but who can be excellent at all of them at once? #edtechafterdark
A2: Sometimes we can get lost in the test scores instead of also focusing how students need to grow personally. Need to focus and know about the students. #EdTechAfterDark.
A2: Tradition for tradition's sake leads to beuacracy for beuacracy's sake. We need to look at what we do through the lease of "will it help teachers teacher better and students learn better." If it won't, we should change it
A2: It’s so hard to swim upstream. At campuses that have this type@of environment, teachers who are reflective, innovative, and compassionate often find themselves ostracized and ridiculed for making others “look bad.” Been there. #edtechafterdark
A2: It’s so hard to swim upstream. At campuses that have this type@of environment, teachers who are reflective, innovative, and compassionate often find themselves ostracized and ridiculed for making others “look bad.” Been there. #edtechafterdark
A2 For some schools, it’s that they can’t get enough good people. Teachers don’t want to live on a reservation in North Dakota or drive 2 hours each way in rush hour to teach in an extremely poor school #edtechafterdark
A2: I think we sometimes get pulled into this acceptance of mediocrity because we know that the hard work of change requires us sticking our necks out and perhaps getting the proverbial ax. #EdTechAfterDark
A2. #edtechafterdark Issues of racism and lack of digital equity is something not discussed enough. Lot more continued and purposeful addressing required at all schools around the world.
A1. #edtechafterdark Issues of racism and lack of digital equity is something not discussed enough. Lot more continued and purposeful addressing required at all schools around the world.
I totally agree. I also think some feel so inundated with staying afloat that changing course seems nearly imposssible—lest they drown. #edtechafterdark
A2: I think we sometimes get pulled into this acceptance of mediocrity because we know that the hard work of change requires us sticking our necks out and perhaps getting the proverbial ax. #EdTechAfterDark
I gave up worrying about all those things .. my new (returned) focus is student learning - in class, on tests, through discussion - I don’t care how just that it happens each day. They are my priority. 😍 #EdTechAfterDark
A2: because we do about 100 more jobs than just teach. Data analysist, nurse, parent, curriculum writer, IT support, etc. if I did only one of those jobs, I could be excellent, but who can be excellent at all of them at once? #edtechafterdark
A2. #edtechafterdark Personality driven management is a big problem. When focus moves from process to person, these issues become chronic. Schools need to be careful not to let this happen.
A3: Tests, grades, lesson plan templates, observation models...anything considered status quo.
We're at the beginning of a shift in education. I don't know what it's going to look like on the other side but change is happening.
#EdTechAfterDark A1. In our culture ( India) wevare evolving into progressive Teaching and learning...but religion and politics is something we still shut are eyes in educational institutions
A3. #edtechafterdark Misinformed belief is a personal perspective. What I feel is Misinformed may not be what you or anyone else feels. If the purpose is to collectively identify these then the right platform and strategies need to be in place. Where free flow of povs happen.
A3 all Ss who don’t turn in work are lazy and unmotivated ... in #HackLearning slow chat we are talking about issues that need to reframe from me to we ... why do grades and work supports have to reflect MY way? 🥺 #EdTechAfterDark
A3: We don't need more technology, worksheets, isolated skills, grades, or short reading passages in education. We need more deep reading, writing, speaking, listening, and overall knowledge building. #edtechafterdark
Or if it can’t be measured, it’s inherently insignificant. In fact, the word “immeasurable” defined means that some things can be so important, so HUGE that they can’t possibly be measured. Don’t lose sight of what’s “immeasurably” important #EdTechAfterDark
Or if it can’t be measured, it’s inherently insignificant. In fact, the word “immeasurable” defined means that some things can be so important, so HUGE that they can’t possibly be measured. Don’t lose sight of what’s “immeasurably” important #EdTechAfterDark
A3: “One size fits all” needs to be challenged. Not all students need 4 English classes, 4 math classes, 3 Social Studies, and 3 Lab Sciences. All students need personal finance, some need welding, some agriculture, some veterinary technician training... #edtechafterdark
A3: multiple choice tests are not always the best way to measure mastery. Some students could change the world if we would simply let them out of our box. #edtechafterdark
Or if it can’t be measured, it’s inherently insignificant. In fact, the word “immeasurable” defined means that some things can be so important, so HUGE that they can’t possibly be measured. Don’t lose sight of what’s “immeasurably” important #EdTechAfterDark
A3: “One size fits all” needs to be challenged. Not all students need 4 English classes, 4 math classes, 3 Social Studies, and 3 Lab Sciences. All students need personal finance, some need welding, some agriculture, some veterinary technician training... #edtechafterdark
A3: The idea that memorization is bad must be challenged because memorization makes everything useful. Building knowledge (memorization) leads to making skills useful
I think this answers itself. As a system, what we measure shows what we value. And that system says what we value is tests, accountability for schools to prove they don’t suck.
A4: It's hard. The answer is I don't know, and I suspect a lot of folks don't - which is why these conversations are valuable, and rare. #edtechafterdark
A4 as a coach, I often support admin by asking Ts to consider all they have to balance ... and I 💜 admin so much that I’m willing to have productive conflict and provide feedback when needed ... I also accept feedback from both directions #EdTechAfterDark
A4: By making yourself accessible to your staff, able to receive feedback (all kinds), listen with empathy and intent, and follow up. I’m still learning these lessons from a great staff. #edtechafterdark
A4: I try my best to be open and vulnerable. We have a norm at our school that we use during meetings: “trust the process and the people”. Hard to follow but when you do it makes a huge difference! #edtechafterdark
I also think we measure growth through data scores ... if I need, I measure learning though quantity & quality of work ... but I do believe that not every thing must be measured ... practice does not need a score... no reward/penalty for the process of learning #EdTechAfterDark
I think this answers itself. As a system, what we measure shows what we value. And that system says what we value is tests, accountability for schools to prove they don’t suck.
A4: It's hard. The answer is I don't know, and I suspect a lot of folks don't - which is why these conversations are valuable, and rare. #edtechafterdark
I also think we measure growth through data scores ... if I need, I measure learning though quantity & quality of work ... but I do believe that not every thing must be measured ... practice does not need a score... no reward/penalty for the process of learning #EdTechAfterDark
I think this answers itself. As a system, what we measure shows what we value. And that system says what we value is tests, accountability for schools to prove they don’t suck.
#EdTechAfterDark A4. I'll first model and then expect. I'll push and goad gently with a patient &firm hand . authority and superiority does not work. If I project and highlight my teams work , it reflects on my leadership:-)
A5: I would like to discuss the amount of testing we have w/ district. Currently we are supposed to take three standardized tests every nine weeks in testing grades. My own daughter is in 2nd and fears going to 3rd for this very reason. #edtechafterdark
A5. Y'all. So sorry joining crazy late. Virtually every conversation I am currently/have historically avoided involved potential conflict and/or fear of being thought of as "mean." This @sherylsandberg quote is about women but I think it applies to all. #edtechafterdark
A5 interesting that #HackLearning discussed “Productive Conflict” this week ... for me, my daily conversation w/ myself reflects the earlier comment “trust the person & the process” ... reminding self that my new faculty is more kind ☺️ #EdTechAfterDark
A4 I need to have multiple convos as part of promoting an online class I'll be teaching on how to hear and synthesize feedback on writing. Promoting terrified me! #edtechafterdark
There was a discussion today about white privilege and I thought about those who "don't get it," but I can't help but think there are other ways to disrupt thinking than bemoaning ignorance. #EdTechAfterDark
A3: Learing happens in 4 walls.-myth Outdoor education and hands on learning are extremely valuable and necessary. I worked for a district that permitted one field trip a year. #EdTechAfterDark
A6 My colleague (reading coach) and I agreed to assume positive intent, to question before judging, & to maintain team approach — we work well & are not bowing to the flow of negative practices / thinking ... its working! #EdTechAfterDark
So agree. I love @brightmorningtm approach of bringing curiosity, humility, and compassion. As MLK said, it's tough to truly influence from a place of disdain. It is what makes our current polarized political climate so intractable. #EdTechAfterDark
In reply to
@JeremyDBond, @alexstubenbort, @brightmorningtm
As we wind down #edtechafterdark tonight, I’d like to thank the awesome @alexstubenbort for hosting and making us dig deep into our philosophical side!