#hpisdtech Archive
#hpisdtech chat is to encourage the teachers of Highland Park ISD in Dallas to connect and share technology tips, tools, lessons, and ideas. All are welcome to join in any of the discussions. Chats are held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 8-9PM Central Time.
Thursday October 6, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Welcome to . Introduce yourself, campus, grade and subject. Remember to end each tweet with https://t.co/jCy5ANlZTe
Welcome to . Introduce yourself, campus, grade and subject. Remember to end each tweet with https://t.co/jCy5ANlZTe
uses the Q# & A# format. Ex: respond to Q1 by starting your tweet with A1 - remember to include hashtag
thanks for hosting chat on excited to join Skip from
To save characters Ss=students, Ts= teachers, Ps=Parents, Ad=Admin
1st Twitter chat...here learn and try this out veeeeryy slowly. Here goes...Sylvia Bearden. HPMS. 7th grade. Science.
Love to help our Ts grow by tweeting with them! THX for joining us!
Vi An here, MIS, 6, Science
YAY! happy to have you join us! Just do your best the Qs are all 8-9 min apart.
A1: , so practical and useful at all grade levels
hey, happy to have you with us tonight!
can't have a lesson w/o something they've created!
A1 Pinterest, Shake Up Learning, Region 10 Digital Fluency Academy resources, Silvia Duckworth
I learn so much from their site. I'm a better parent to dig natives for it!
I ❤️ her sketchnotes are great and and the DF academy were wonderful!
A1b: The Tech Apps TEKS are always a great place to start if you are unsure of standards for your grade level!
Hey guys! A little late...HPHS CIT reporting in. A1:I love what my colleagues made for out district digital trng in August!
It was so fun and loved that all the Ts are starting the year with more skills
A1: Region 10 Digital Fluency, colleagues, CITs, Edutopia
I have some of her Google sketchnotes as well...she is SO good!
Several Ts, esp art Ts, planned to integrate some lessons.
I get the best tips from ! love that you are finding it useful as well
A2: I love the Brainpop Jr videos, plus the videos. Also student created videos.
Remember the TEKS app too...
I am working on quick for all of the 9 elements...I'll share when I'm done
A2: I need to explore graphics for HS level. Either my Ss will find some or I'll ask the design class to come up with something.
This is outside our office! Love it!
So want to do this! If only i still had my own class, guess i'll just have to get some Ts to do it instead!
I love it when you complete things on my to-do list... We plan to pkg mini-lessons by content to share w/Ts
I want to see what they come up with. I bet they will be beautiful and useful
Way to put the mtg where Ss will see it frequently!
A3: Worked on a for dig footprint this summer
it looks so clean...maybe we should do the LARK for our iPad screen too...
Cover digital law, digital search/ research, and plagiarism. Need lessons beyond my GO TOs BrainPOP videos
haha...i for got to add the link! It is in my other google account...ugh i'll have to post it later...oops
A3: Ss will reset passwords on DigCit Wk. Oct is cybersecurity month.
I've been looking for resources, and finding age appropriate resources is hard! I'll mine with you later
I like your new iPad LARKs better than this one
we are pairing them down just for you!!!😁😁
Plagarism. Just today a S asked if they could copy and paste from an article I assigned.
UGH! Copy/Paste a nightmare!
A3:Plagarism. Just today a S asked if they could copy and paste from an article I assigned.
A4: Think we Ts need to do a better job of covering/modeling digital rights & responsibilities
should have been all Ts...teachers not Rs...what is Rs?!
A4: Hard question... They all are.
A4 today digital etiquette and digital security, in their future digital commerce
A4: Digital etiquette is another that Ts need to model for Ss. Issues arise when netiquette is not used https://t.co/eROQqmF3KZ
even more so when you think of how much more digital the world our Ss will work in will be
A4: I agree with you; additionally, #4: etiquette/appropriate interactions is another that is pertinent to address.
I'd just like them to not use txt speech in their projects.
EXACTLY! I was shocked, but kinda glad he asked.
with MS Ss this is such a struggle...they just don't get public is permanent!
A4: Hard choice. I think Literacy and Law. Ssn know how to use tech, but not necessarily how to use it appropriately.
did you define paraphrase for him?
A4: Security has to be explicitly taught & discussed. Carry over from classroom-home reinforced.
A4: Digital Communication is one all Ss will need to know about and these lessons are great, https://t.co/xR8CkZ9kok
They're all so relevant! Will we ever do the topic-specific subject area lessons that we did a few years ago again?
just because they can teach us how to use the tech does not mean they have the life skills that age brings with it
I so want to! Let's figure out what, how and when!
A4: I think ALL are important to develop over Ss education, starting w communication, literacy and etiquette in K
Q5: Students need us to be DigCit role models. Do you have a story with a lesson you can share? https://t.co/haqDoAH9S6
I definitely stressed putting it in his OWN words. This can be challenging when Ss want to do it so quickly.
A5: I won't let my kids on social media until 13...follow the terms of service you agree to Ps & Ss!
so true! You have to make sure you start with positive uses to build the good habits early!
A5: Wished our Ps did that, too. Ss are all on Snapchat and Instagram.
A5: Have to get permission from my sister to post pictures of her kids...she is being resp for their dig footprint!
A5: Ss are allowed to tweet from our class account, but never listing their name. Has led to good convo about privacy
maybe it's something linked into the announcements on a given day each wk? CT was a concern.
my middle child turned 13 and couldn't wait for FB...still holding out on insta for now
yes! And developing the view of technology as a tool, rather than as a toy
A4: Ts are often poor role models for citations and copyright. It's easy w/ so many tools out there, like Google Research Tools.
Love that you all have them guest tweet! Learning good habits is so very important
A5: that phone is a cool tool, but is off limits in some areas...show Ss how to use them correctly! https://t.co/VDnrBb3Pe9
My BFF doesn't post pics of her baby son, only shared with people she trusts/knows.
Yes...i'm still very bad at that, but working on it!
A5: My BFF doesn't post pics of her baby son, only shared with people she trusts/knows.
A5: My Twitter account is for my learning...no matter how tempted, I don't get political or controversial in my PLN.
he has already started the requesting...too bad his mom is a stick in the mud
A5: all of my accounts are private and must be approved, so that only people I know are following me.
such a good habit...when Ps post it starts the childs dig footprint that much sooner!
so reading this tonight! Will have to make this a resource form now on! THX!
A6: Include daily minilesson on
Good 1; I've mixed a little in the past, but try to focus on this too. I started my Twitter account to est my PLN.
A6: Share info on newsletters, challenge Ss and Ps to Google themselves or take one of the quizzes listed...
I do that too in my personal acts...drives my husband crazy...how do you KNOW that many people!?
really wish that we could give the Ss HW for the PS on just to have them start a convo at home
done that! thank goodness the Mindy Woods Google finds first is a popular Australian chef!
A6: Present/have Ss present at a PTA mtg in Oct
LOVE that idea! Will do and pass to my teammates. Ps and Ss will be
Remember to follow people from the chat to keep the conversation going
I need to learn too, never seen any of the bad ones b4. 😳
Thank you for hosting this month's chat.
when I first saw this...I was all over my daughters phone! Scared me silly! 😮