The Breakfast Club – #BFC530 – is a 15 minute, 1 question Twitter chat every weekday. We chat in 4 timezones Mon-Fri – 5:30am Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Times. The mission of BFC is to empower participants to make a difference in education by engaging in consistent reflective practice in a supportive community that inspires and challenges one another.
Good Morning #bfc530 Kevin 7th grade history teacher from NW NJ. Just drove near area where bus accident happened on way to gym. Horrific. Hugged my daughters a bit tighter last night
Good morning! Ben here from Western NC...physics & math teacher in the last couple weeks of school. (Taking a break from a new morning exercise routine that has me out the door before 5:30) #bfc530
Good Morning friends! Just fyi, I started a Voxer for the chat after the chat..for things we don’t want to say publicly but need to talk about with other educators. It is called BFC Afterchat if you would like to join. #bfc530
It’s #FollowFriday#FF and I highly recommend that you connect with the ‘regulars’ at #bfc530 . These are outstanding educators and I am grateful to connect with all of them each early weekday morning! 😊
Good morning Mighty Team! Last ‘real’ class of the year today. So strange - how did it go by so fast? Printed out my end of year letters to write notes on, final project due today...busy weekend chores to plan around the wedding and my hubby’s first 1/2 Ironman! #bfc530
Kids need to know how to solve problems. They don’t need basic knowledge that a google search will provide. They need to figure things out. I love low floor high ceiling problems for this reason. #bfc530
A learner needs the same skills in any century, the tools that will assist those skills always change. Curiosity, if that is piqued they are ready to discover how to use new tools to achieve & display knowledge #bfc530
Critical thinking, self-reliance, and digital literacy. Our district-wide one-to-one initiative helps, but much of it is on the teacher to try and include. We could (and should) definitely be doing more. #BFC530
Imteracting appropriately online, being able to type quickly amd correctly, communicating and collaborating to work on projects, evaluating sources online.... I'm sure lots more too #bfc530
A learner needs the same skills in any century, the tools that will assist those skills always change. Curiosity, if that is piqued they are ready to discover how to use new tools to achieve & display knowledge #bfc530
A 21st century learner needs much more than just tech. skills. They need to be able to investigate thoroughly, collaborate with others, communicate clearly, and create innovative solutions to complex problems. #bfc530
Among all of the critically important skills that are being mentioned here this morning, I offer that compassion, empathy, respect and a sense of gratitude should be part of the ‘mix’...important in any century! 😊 #bfc530
Indeed! Oral & written communication - including being able to speak to a group of people they may not know. Vital skill that every student should have BEFORE college or career. #bfc530
Kids need to know how to solve problems. They don’t need basic knowledge that a google search will provide. They need to figure things out. I love low floor high ceiling problems for this reason. #bfc530
Commuication, critical thinking, collaboration, time managaement, organization, & more. We're integrating them into our content classes, asking Ss to set goals for themselves & having them self asess. #bfc530
We incorporate the 5cs into our curriculum through science and social studies PBL. Ss are evaluated using a rubric and emphasis is on the process not the product. #BFC530#LoveLiteracyLearning
A group from my school heard him ~8 years ago and used his book to redesign our school mission and create a graduate profile that aligns everything we do with students: #bfc530
In reply to
@kathyiwanicki, @BFC_530, @DrKnicki, @TCECHS, @DrTonyWagner
Each jurisdictions in Australia have their own way of expressing it, usually connected to the General Capabilities and Focus areas in the Australian Curriculum. For example Queensland @QCAA_edu perceive the 21stC Skills to be. #bfc530
I agree with curiosity us a skill that should be developed in students today. They enter with this skills but somehow lose it as they continue on k12. What are we doing that is causing this? #bfc530
Agree, @ChrisQuinn64 - Just had a great discussion with my 6th grade classes (after reading Number the Stars) about prejudice, identity, diversity - and compassion - all necessary skills and qualities for 21st century. #bfc530
Good morning #bfc530. A crucial skill our students need is self control with technology. The tech is amazing but the inability to control themselves, with for example cell phones, takes away for the learning potential.
One problem in education is that we try too hard to compartmentalize everything ... rank the importance of different items as if one item is superior ... reading is number one so let’s dump Art and PE for more “learning” ugh #BFC530
I believe students need soft skills as a 21st century learner. These should be non-negotiable as we prepared our students for life after school. #BFC530
IMO what deadens curiosity is that we as teachers focus so much on classroom management students are afraid to explore and think out loud enough n positive ways #bfc530
was talking about this with a parent of a 7th grdr. I shared some of the things I tried this year and am planning next-feeling out response-she’s a pretty high flying business person. She couldn’t say enough about critical thinking-“Life doesn’t give you a checklist!” #bfc530
Nice! And #PBL is the perfect way to integrate the development of these skills as students also increase their depth of curricular knowledge. Real-world learning at its best! #bfc530
Students need to be able to ask question—not just answer teacher given questions. They need to be able to give and receive feedback, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively in order to problem solve. #bfc530
I believe we need to make kids ready for high stakes testing, so they can sit for 2 hours and take a test.
Just is Friday and I am sassy #bfc530
IMO what deadens curiosity is that we as teachers focus so much on classroom management students are afraid to explore and think out loud enough n positive ways #bfc530
I never understand why we call them "soft" skills when we all know that they're at least equal to, if not very much more important, than "academics. #bfc530
was talking about this with a parent of a 7th grdr. I shared some of the things I tried this year and am planning next-feeling out response-she’s a pretty high flying business person. She couldn’t say enough about critical thinking-“Life doesn’t give you a checklist!” #bfc530
Good morning #bfc530 PLN! Josh from @RutgersGSE in NJ. Our focus is Equity and Excellence. People need to realize that 21st century skills is not limited to just tech. There are other components of these skills like problem solving, interdependence, innovation, global awareness.
That's my point. When they are on charge of their own learning, they are continually exploring. @DonWettrick has an innovation class that I believe all high schools should have. #bfc530
In reply to
@kathyiwanicki, @CoachKCullen, @DonWettrick
That could definitely be it! It takes MUCH more work to teach based in #pbl or student driven projects, than just teaching in a linear fashion. Ss need to be taught to question, struggle, overcome #bfc530
We need to consider the whole child, how they learn, their strengths and struggles, then help them develop them and grow with them! 😊 ❤️ and mind! #bfc530
(cont.) Therefore Ss and adults learning about different cultures, ethnicities and developing abilities to work with people of different backgrounds is a 21st century skill. That is my work @RutgersGSE of building and empowering educators to see this importance. #bfc530
Thanks, Bonnie! Not sure how way ahead we are, but we do have a formal relationship with a "Business Advisory Council" of outside organizations in our region and always ask them how we are doing & what we need to do better. #bfc530
In reply to
@biologygoddess, @kathyiwanicki, @BFC_530, @DrKnicki, @TCECHS, @DrTonyWagner
Happy Friday #bfc530 folks! Ss need transparency-level skills in : Problem solving. Reasoning. Reading for pleasure & depth. Creativity.Analytic thinking. Collaboration.Communication.
Ethics, action, & accountability.
So many 21st Century skills are any-century-skills... adaptability, creative problem-solving, resilience, and collaboration. Let’s throw in tolerance, understanding, and a good sense of humor. Then we can add in digital citizenship, and access to tons of tech tools. #bfc530
Love the mention of "global awareness".... Understanding what the earth looks like explains much about what is going on in the world. Young kids need to see how small our world is - we are all connected, and need to understand the politics. #bfc530
Good morning #bfc530 PLN! Josh from @RutgersGSE in NJ. Our focus is Equity and Excellence. People need to realize that 21st century skills is not limited to just tech. There are other components of these skills like problem solving, interdependence, innovation, global awareness.
Have a great weekend #bfc530!!
I'm joining the wife for a 5K walk outside of Boston in the rain tomorrow, followed by a family dinner at my favorite Providence restaurant for my daughter who leaves for her summer job in Vermont on Sunday :(
Our school has offered K-12 training of tchrs & ss in Design Thinking & #PBL. But that then requires tchrs that can allow for ?s, assertions, AND support & reminders of why it is impt., worth the challenge/struggle/time. #bfc530
Social emotional skills. Students need to know how to solve problems, interact and collaborate with one another, build community, and respect others opinions and perspective. I support our seminar classes and teams as an SEL Specialist and see the effect daily. #bfc530
Yes. Very few of these are unique to now, even though the need for many, like global awareness and flexibility are deeply enhanced from 19th or 20th centuries. #bfc530
I got into a conversation with an administrator the other day about how to assess the learning of these skills. It was an interesting as he was looking for numerical data and I was sharing the qualitative data that shows success. #bfc530
Our book, EMPOWER Your Students, has strategies for building these 21st century skills:
I do think that’s part of it. I think people struggle with how to assess the skill and therefore can’t say definitively if a student has learned it. #bfc530
Seeing more stressed out and anxious Ss. I try to help, but many often say they have no time to take care of themselves. How do we get mental health and emotional well-being to be a priority in schools? #bfc530#FridayFeeIing
'Bob / Wake Up & Live' tees
Lil Baby Trump National Doral #bfc530#MyLeastFavThingIn3Words Chapter 7 Good Friday Buckhead Boulevard Mall Batavia Harder Than Ever HPV and HIV Reagan-era Haverhill Bret Bearup Chris Cornell Where Were You In The
Had a great discussion w/my niece, the wonderful middle school teacher @Ms_KatieNieves on ways to implement a #geniushour concept in my classroom for next yr. Definitely an educator to follow on Twitter. She actually implements what she says she does. #njed#ff#bfc530
@kmurfitt1 1000% agree with what Kathy just said! If you’re a Teacher & you’re not on Twitter you are missing such a rich source of PD and build an amazing #pln#bfc530
Register for our Digital Learning Evolves to Meet the Future of Work webinar today (5/17) at 11 AM EDT! Special guests @JaimeDonally and @m_drez will lead the discussion!
@kmurfitt1 1000% agree with what Kathy just said! If you’re a Teacher & you’re not on Twitter you are missing such a rich source of PD and build an amazing #pln#bfc530#participatementors
This morning’s greeting from my 4-year-old: “Good morning, Sunshine! ☀️ Wakey wakey! Yawn your yawnies out!” 😎 Have an awesome Friday! #bfc530#momsasprincipals
Beware teachers!Keep RETROTONES off those little monsters iPhones,or they will be playing old timey dial tones.Out loud,like they just hung up on you.Ban RETROTONES.#bfc530#FridayFeeling
Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the ..
Genius Hour projects are an awesome way to finish the year strong with passion-based, student-directed learning!!
My updated collection of Genius Hour resources is here:
Had a great discussion w/my niece, the wonderful middle school teacher @Ms_KatieNieves on ways to implement a #geniushour concept in my classroom for next yr. Definitely an educator to follow on Twitter. She actually implements what she says she does. #njed#ff#bfc530