#caedchat is for California educators, by California educators. All are welcome as moderators and participants discuss issues that emerge in California education, which are generally applicable to other regions of the United States.
One more hour until #caedchat starts!
I'm moderating tonight about Project Based Learning.
Come join in on the conversation.
Here are the Qs: https://t.co/e6vST0Dcph
Welcome to #caedchat, where educators gather to share and collaborate! Let’s all take a moment to introduce ourselves. Where are you from? What do you teach? #caedchat
Hi #caedchat. I'm Jo-Ann, tonight's moderator. I am also an instructional coach @Quantum_Academy in Escondido, CA. Excited for tonight's chat as #PBL is a personal passion of mine.
New setup for tonight’s chat! From 8-8:40 we will have a traditional chat to begin the conversation, but stay for 8:40-9:00 for t#caedchat SHARES time where we SHARE RESOURCES! #caedchat
Welcome to #caedchat, where educators gather to share and collaborate! Let’s all take a moment to introduce ourselves. Where are you from? What do you teach? #caedchat
Rick Stevens from San Francisco area. 25 years teaching and admin. Now coaching, designing and consulting. I always learn so much from these sessions #caedchat
Hi #CAedchat I'm Rusty Walker from @hightechhigh in San Diego. This is my first ever twitter ed chat - @MrStrong3rd told me "be careful - these things can take over your life!" I'm down tho!!!
Welcome to #caedchat, where educators gather to share and collaborate! Let’s all take a moment to introduce ourselves. Where are you from? What do you teach? #caedchat
I tried to give a personal welcome to everyone but there are so many tonight! WELCOME everyone. Let's get this #caedchat party started.
Q1 coming soon.
A1 Projects are an add-on after the learning has taken place and often all look identical. PBL involves the learning itself and involves choice and deliverables should be unique to the learner. #caedchat
A1: #PBL is the curriculum. The dilemmas drive the questions & the questions drive the pursuit. Begin w/ the project not end with it. #CAedchat#sxswedu2018#SXSWEDU
Shanna Chakkalakel-San Diego: I am currently finishing up my multiple subject credential and master's degree at @uofsandiego. Just finished my full-time student teaching in a 5th grade classroom! #caedchat
A1 Projects seem to have a finished goal or a deadline. Project based learning seems to be about the process and accepting that you might not finish...ever It might look unfinished to others #caedchat
A1 For me it comes down to the point of the class. Is the point to make an awesome project with some authentic and badass purpose, were students are in the driver’s seat? Or is it to cover the same old content with a shiny project tacked on? #caedchat#PBL#SXSWEDU#SXSWEDU2018
Hi all! Got here a couple minutes late (food prep is my life on Sundays), but excited for tonight's #caedchat ! I'm a middle school assistant principal in Selma, CA (living in Fresno). Former high school Spanish teacher.
Welcome to #caedchat, where educators gather to share and collaborate! Let’s all take a moment to introduce ourselves. Where are you from? What do you teach? #caedchat
A1 Projects are designed by Ts with checklists & rubrics that don't allow for much creativity. With #PBL the student designs, develops and drives the project. #caedchat
A1 In #pbl projects there is sustained inquiry, real world problems to solve, collaboration, student choice/voice, and a public product/audience. #caedchat
#caedchat I have been excited to learn more about #PBL since attending the @BIEpbl training in Napa. What got me excited is the inquiry which drives the process, personalization of learning, which is what some "projects" have lost for many #Ss#caedchat
A1. I see projects all over my house like sewing a dress and organizing a closet. #PBL involves learning objectives, a rubric, reflection writing at checkpoints, an oral presentation, making a portfolio that students can be proud of #caedchat
Becca from SMUSD working as Instructional Coach at Tk-5 site. Here to creep and learn more about #PBL as we have @whispermode@abby_lyon taking this on and more Ts getting interested. #caedchat
A1: I just had this discussion with someone last week. PBL focuses on a product with less attention paid to the process. Project even less so - goal is to make something. #caedchat
A1) PBL - students are the drivers of their real world learning experiences with a purpose or goal in mind... Projects sometimes have no real purpose... usually teacher driven #caedchat
A1: Project based learning focuses on significant content. Engaging. Poses a "driving or essential question." Questions are open-ended inquiry with no single right answer. Learning is an integrative process. Projects are learning-by-doing. They can be short. #caedchat#PBL
A2: After each unit, our 6th graders present at a showcase. I love when our community gets a chance to head and experience our students' learning!
I feel I have shared this project before, but I do a project called the 20 hour project where kids decide what they want to learn in 20 hours. They have to use tech and other resources & dedicate the time, but they get to pick what they want to learn #caedchat
Thank you for your honesty. PBL does take some training and can be difficult to manage. My school has sent many teachers to @BIEpbl PBL World training in Napa. It was very helpful.
Q2) I know some Ts that have said that they have no more behavior issues due to increased student engagement and motivation. Learning now has purpose and that’s BIG #caedchat
A2: I haven’t implemented as much PBL as I would have liked this school year. I’m hoping that this last trimester allows me some more time (away from all the standardized testing and mandated assignments) to give students the opportunity to do this. #caedchat
A2 When I moved to @hightechhigh I came from a school (& my own education) that valued collecting knowledge, not applying it. The students most lost & frustrated before are the ones who excel most when we take the reins off & let them run wild #caedchat#PBL#SXSWEDU#SXSWEDU2018
A2 Our 5th graders @Quantum_Academy have learned about the Escondido Creek Watershed through #pbl and in collaboration with @escondidocreek raised and released trough. In addition, created advocacy videos about the trout that were posted on the ECC webpage. #caedchat
We did our first #PBL fall 2016. Our question was, “Can a president do whatever he/she wants to do?” Ss then learned about the branches of government. Great student engagement! #5thchat#caedchat
A2: Ss taking on authentic, wicked, real-world problems and making them textbook for the class. Integrate people, content & skills. #CAedchat#sxswedu2018#sxswedu
A2. when students have enough structure to figure out what a successful outcome looks like, and they engage in productive struggle getting there. #caedchat example from #CSUNhttps://t.co/BOWIvZYWwx
A2 I think the greatest success I can think is the Ss telling their peers what’s going on in class. I get a lot of kids asking, “is it true you do x in class?” That and the fact that Ss are becoming more willing to take academic risks. #caedchat
Absolutely! You can't have a PBL school without training. It just isn't really sustainable. Send people to training or send a coach to get trained and bring back the training. I support of a lot of #pbl unit building as a coach. #caedchat
A2: my senior year of high school students were encouraged to motivate themselves on research that would impact the community w/o this I might not want to be a teacher!!! #caedchat
Too often Educators know that it’s the correct thing to do but not enough guidance or support to get them through it. Thanks for your honesty! #caedchat
A2 My Ss made play-dough (math/science) and gave to kindergartners. I would do SO many things differently, but the kids enjoyed and learned from it. #CAedchat
A2: NOt sure if this is a success - I was out sick and my students continued learning and creating slide shows. My Ss will teach each other about natural disasters. Fingers crossed for amazing results. #caedchat
A2 My faves have involved students integrating story-telling and historical inquiry. https://t.co/E9a2VbHz7E I'm still evolving and improving. #caedchat
A2 The biggest success comes from students learning AND applying "soft skills" like collaboration, creativity, communication, and project management! #caedchat
A1: Project Based Learning takes thoughtful planning and flexibility to have moments of inquiry, engagement, and build upon 21st century skills. A takeaway for students to apply mostly in life and/or future projects. #CAedchat
We did our first #PBL fall 2016. Our question was, “Can a president do whatever he/she wants to do?” Ss then learned about the branches of government. Great student engagement! #5thchat#caedchat
A2 The biggest success comes from students learning AND applying "soft skills" like collaboration, creativity, communication, and project management! #caedchat
Yes! This is THE THING! The classroom becomes a community of inquiry and discourse. ?'s are good and answers are just conversation! #CAedchat#SXSWEDU#sxswedu2018
A2 The biggest success comes from students learning AND applying "soft skills" like collaboration, creativity, communication, and project management! #caedchat
A2: Had Ss create a full 20 min lesson for the class and they had to choose activities they thought would be good for teaching/learning, had to consider audience #caedchat
A2 I was fortunate being a Cal Poly grad where the philo was all about learning by knowing and then teaching Agriculture where PBL was the whole basis on my instruction #caedchat
A2: I had a blast doing a #PBL unit on creating an obstacle course at summer school least year alongside with an amazing co-teacher. It took entire 3 weeks of summer school. #caedchat
A2: our middle school CTE manufacturing class has the students go through the design process for every product they develop. Next level: seek to solve a problem, not just build something neat. #progress#PBL#CTE#caedchat
There are things about Buck that I don’t appreciate and things I do. I highly recommend folks look into EL formerly Expeditionary Learning. Awesome stuff
In reply to
@AppEducationFox, @alicekeeler, @BIEpbl
And don't forget (I can't believe I forgot this)... students understanding that their work goes beyond the classroom and CAN impact the community. #caedchat
That Sure does sound like success. The fact that you believe they can do it is big. You set them up for success by allowing them to be independent. Facilitating their learning experiences by the sounds of it (without even being there!) #caedchat
A2: Ss taking on authentic, wicked, real-world problems and making them textbook for the class. Integrate people, content & skills. #CAedchat#sxswedu2018#sxswedu
A2 Idk if this is a success story yet, because I just came up with this new PBL "project" for my students....They have to create a Board Game with a group and can use 3D printer, @OfficialCricut maker and software programs and cheap materials! (Foam board, cardboard etc #caedchat
A3: Ss taking the lead. @hightechhigh Ss setup experiences w/ professionals, organize fieldwork, engage in discourse & exhibit findings & new questions. #CAedchat#sxswedu2018#sxswedu
A2: I had a blast doing a #PBL unit on creating an obstacle course at summer school least year alongside with an amazing co-teacher. It took entire 3 weeks of summer school. #caedchat
A3 Students see the point of everything we do. No more justification of boring lessons w/ “it’s on the test” or “that’s what the standard says”. Authentic need to know & genuine curiosity are most powerful motivators for engagement & learning #caedchat#PBL#SXSWEDU#sxswedu2018
A3) oops I think I already answered this but I believe it provides them with a sense of purpose and is much more meaningful as it connects to the world they will eventually be working in which increases student engagement significantly because we’re providing the ‘Why’. #caedchat
A3: I helped some students realize they DO CARE about the bus system in Fresno (and how bad it was). Amazing how much research they did on how to fix the system. #caedchat
A3. Building interdisciplinary teams have led to students becoming more open-minded about the strengths others can bring. E.g. being a great coder or mathematician is fine but you may address the project more effectively if you consider marketing / storytelling also #caedchat
A3: students are excited about their work. They share/collaborate with each other. They help each other. They work even when tchr not present. #caedchat
A3 I think PBL allows Ss to feel safe to "mess up" (because we don't show them a sample of what it needs to look like) I feel they are willing to take more of a risk and we need more risk takers in this world! #caedchat
A2: PBL in my classroom ends with an end of the year exhibition, Ss are so excited because they can dress up in character & demonstrate everything they have learned w/o even knowing they’re applying everything they have learned. Love being sneaky. Best assessment ever. #caedchat
A3 Students see the point of everything we do. No more justification of boring lessons w/ “it’s on the test” or “that’s what the standard says”. Authentic need to know & genuine curiosity are most powerful motivators for engagement & learning #caedchat#PBL#SXSWEDU#sxswedu2018
A3 If you design PBL to impact the community in some way, students are up for the challenge. At @Quantum_Academy students raised trout for our watershed and created an interactive tourism map for the City of Escondido. #caedchat
A3: Student projects prepare each of the team for the real world. Plus, the opportunity now exists to teach the importance of each team member to understand each element of the project. #caedchat
A3: #PBL empowers our Ss and lets them know that they can make a difference. All of the sudden, the solution is attainable and they can help. #CAedchat
Agency. Voice. Courageous Confidence.
What I see is students who are capable of wrestling intelligently with controversial topics and they do so through dialogue with each other and collective bias toward action & iterative solutions. #caedchat
A2: One PBL unit at middle school involved extensive exploration on Suisun Marsh habitat. Student posed "What is a healthy environment?" They researched, then took field trips to Marsh. Used probes to measure temperature, salinity, Ph. Observed, learned, questioned. #caedchat
A3: PBL makes the content personal for students. I had my seniors use google sheet and statistical analysis to determine the primary cause of violent crimes in their city. They used the data to write policy proposals. Never seen them more engaged. #caedchat#STEM
A3: I seem to reach some of my students with autism spectrum differences when we move to hands on activity or coding. They made their strongest connections both with me & content. Patterns of participation emerged. #caedchat
A4: It’s a lot of work. #PBL is best when connected to Ts passions, personal endeavors. Design projects that YOU want to do. #CAedchat#sxswedu2018#SXSWEDU
A4 How do we balance on the tightrope between student creativity and unmanageable chaos? How do we push the envelope while staying true to our core values? How do we support everyone when the needs, goals, and work being done is so diverse? #caedchat#PBL#SXSWEDU#SXSWEDU2018
In our partnership with @teamkids, our elementary students have shown grit and determination when they had a say in which organizations in our community they got to assist!
A3 If you design PBL to impact the community in some way, students are up for the challenge. At @Quantum_Academy students raised trout for our watershed and created an interactive tourism map for the City of Escondido. #caedchat
A4: It’s a lot of work. #PBL is best when connected to Ts passions, personal endeavors. Design projects that YOU want to do. #CAedchat#sxswedu2018#SXSWEDU
A4 How do we balance on the tightrope between student creativity and unmanageable chaos? How do we push the envelope while staying true to our core values? How do we support everyone when the needs, goals, and work being done is so diverse? #caedchat#PBL#SXSWEDU#SXSWEDU2018
A4 I find motivating the unmotivated student is the hardest job of all. Even with PBL I might have caught the attention, but it's the follow through that I have trouble with. Sometimes it feels completely out my control, because they are struggling across the board #caedchat
A3 I cannot overstate its impact. When I suggest that some #PBL is available to those who master this or that standard, they're off and running. They cannot WAIT to engage the world around them and to answer the age-old question, "when will I ever need this for real?" #caedchat
A4 Although #pbl is student driven, there is a lot of planning that goes on behind the scenes. When we begin planning new units, we start at least a month in advance. You need a team to help build successful units, too. #caedchat
A4: The most formidable barrier was lack of sustained PD. When we started to build that in, with aid of grants, we began to move forward. Building a culture of inquiry. #caedchat
A4 Resources & time are always issues in public school. #PBL is not always aligned with curricular map & pacing, but the increased engagement is worth the tradeoff. #caedchat
A4: It’s a lot of work. #PBL is best when connected to Ts passions, personal endeavors. Design projects that YOU want to do. #CAedchat#sxswedu2018#SXSWEDU
#CAedchat One of the challenges is that not being in the classroom, yet as a #tosa with #history and the new #frameworkforHSS I am excited to encourage teachers to look at #PBL as a way to implement. Of course @NationalHistory is a great way to support #PBL
A4 convincing others that all students are still learning essential content knowledge and skills. They're wary of the idea that students can convert passion and relevance into "real-world" applications #caedchat
A4: In a math setting it can be challenging to construct quality projects that also meet the demands of our district pacing guides. Sometimes less standards results in more learning #caedchat
A4: Bridging the gap between the classroom and the real world is the challenge. Focusing creativity into project execution is the holy grail. #caedchat
A4 also getting Ss in the right mindset. Often this is a new way of learning and way outside of many comfort zones. It takes a long time to build that classroom culture. #caedchat
A4: #CAedchat One of the challenges is that not being in the classroom, yet as a #tosa with #history and the new #frameworkforHSS I am excited to encourage teachers to look at #PBL as a way to implement. Of course @NationalHistory is a great way to support #PBL
A4. In 100-level courses we have an overstuffed curriculum and I end up assigning #PBL as 'extra credit' without letting it be a cornerstone of the course #caedchat in 400-level courses we culminate in one project that students are required to do. Too little too late?
A4: Noise is huge - especially when Ss have adverse reactions to it. Interestingly they tolerate it better during build times vs a traditional math lesson. #caedchat
Pacing guides are a tool of the fearful.
Trust the teacher.
Trust the teacher.
Trust the teacher.
Trust the teacher.
Trust the teacher.
Trust the teacher.
Great questions. Have you had students reflect on what they learned from #PBL and asked them to describe their process? https://t.co/AdNBEeLRIn#caedchat
A4) Some Ts that are not used to being a facilitator of learning find this the most challenging. It’s all about letting go of the control, allowing Ss to be the drivers and supporting them along the way. It doesn’t make you any less of a Teacher! #caedchat
Ts are given authority to design projects that meet the expectations of the course they teach, integrate with the Ts they partner with, are Ss-centered and admin supported. #caedchat
I'm very curious. I've only watched the vids on your school. Is a year's learning planned? Are the projects somewhat defined to cover a certtain grade's learning strands? Thx
Sometimes, they feel the process is too unstructured and can take too long...they worry about wasting time...I tell them that this is when the BEST learning happens!
Q3: PBL brings confidence, engagement, the wanting of more, and the newest for me, Ss want to be part of creating PBLs. This is so powerful not only for them, but for me. #caedchat
A4: When Ss are challenged with executive functioning 'what do I do?', I have to scaffold a lot of support & be very aware & patient. Pointing & saying the tape is in that box isn't clear enough for some. #caedchat
Agree! (Great image. Makes me anxious just absorbing it.) Control is important issue where curriculum and is top down. Ts need time and opportunity to do \some experimenting with #PBL. #caedchat
You have to plan deliverables and due dates. Chunk the project into bite sizes. This also allows for multiple points for students give and get feedback. #caedchat
As admin, it is our responsibility to make sure our teachers diving into the PBL pool are supported: time, resources, PD, encouragement...
Yes, I completely agree. Many #Ts are not willing to let go of the content, when there are so many great resources to acquire the content, by being a facilitator of learning so much more learning and #innovation can happen. #CAedchat
A4: Challenges = being worried it will be considered going against the mission/vision of the school. Understanding how to approach with Ss/Ps. #CAedchat
A4: Challenges = being worried it will be considered going against the mission/vision of the school. Understanding how to approach with Ss/Ps. #CAedchat
A4: there will exists projects in life that do not get completed. understanding the value of collaboration, shared responsibility and respect for one another is important. #caedchat
I think moving in that direction will help students appreciate that science isn't about being a good test-taker or memorizing facts. #PBL is a way we can let students explore the grey areas and fuzzy edges of scientific knowledge #caedchat
A5: @BIEpbl has great stuff for starters. I’m trying to get my school to purchase government & economics #PBL units. But it has some free sample that I started with #caedchat
Twitter “PD” has been the best resource for me this past year. I get more authentic and creative ideas for the classroom than any PD I get elsewhere. #caedchat
Twitter “PD” has been the best resource for me this past year. I get more authentic and creative ideas for the classroom than any PD I get elsewhere. #caedchat
The world is organized around projects. What problems exist in your school, neighborhood, community, region, etc? Who else is already working on it? How can your students learn with them and contribute? #caedchat
Our challenges are not getting simpler!!
A1: #PBL is longitudinal and all encompassing. Ss live and breath project based learning - their work is authentic and touches more than their own class or school. Both are valuable, but significantly different. #caedchat
A5: Look to your local community members for help with #pbl; school board, city council, chamber of commerce, non-profits, county office of ed, parents. They can provide advice, mentoring, audience for S's work #caedchat
I’m here and I know I’m late to the party! I’ll try and read through everyone’s replies while I watch Francis McDormand give an awesome speech. #caedchat
A5 Honestly I look @Pinterest a lot plus @Seesaw PD in your PJS focused on it. I also connect with educators on Twitter to see how they are using PBL. Of course, there is also individual teacher and student creativity.... #caedchat
Thank you! I know all of his have individuals at their school settings that can identify those that have a difficult time letting go. It’s more about changing mindsets and helping the understand why it’s so important in this day and age. #caedchat
Precisely. It's definitely a journey and something we have to be intentional about. Letting go can be hard. But once we do, student become thinkers, problem solvers, and creators. I love to stand back and watch. #ProudTeacherMoment ❤️ #caedchat
A6 in our 1st grade ELA unit we learned about how technology helps us today. Then some SS made solar powered windmills and cars, others built sundials & compared them to clocks, others used Snap Circuit Jr. to make technology work & so much more! #caedchat
PBL Inspiration:
What are the 10 biggest global challenges? Where might opportunities exist for reading, writing, mathematics, arts and engineering integration?
How might we see learning as CREATING a better future? #caedchathttps://t.co/tNR5wgPyTm
A6 Last summer, I designed #pbl projects for the @CAStateParks PORTS program. They should be posted soon on the PORTS website. The projects are about protected MPAs (marine protected areas) along CA coast. One for Crystal Cove, Pyramid Point, Point Lobos, and Ano Nuevo #caedchat
A6: I have my 3rd grade students creating an abc slideshow for the American Revolution. I also have them creating a natural disaster slideshow for one kind of disaster that thy will present to class. #caedchat
A5: In HS probability and statistics my students developed google forms surveys on their favorite consumer product and shared the link with their community to gather data and analyze the results #caedchat
A6 I have had Ss run a restaurant for a weekend. They apply, interview, train and perform every job in the restaurant Manager, chef, server, bus, accountant (I do recruit P support and $ goes for a living history trip)#caedchat
A6)deviating slightly and answering this as an IC. Recently myself and my coworker @GMMoon learned about https://t.co/CumPl4fYkh and the PBL experiences they provide for Ss! If you haven’t checked it out,worth doing! Especially if you or your district like taking risks! #CAedchat
A2: Even the extended character count won’t give me enough space 🙃- From designing public gardens, to plastic pollution and intimate stories to connect our families, #pbl has given me the opportunity to let Ss express themselves in brilliant ways. #caedchat#rm222
Signing out now since it's a little later here in NM, but thanks for the chat and I'll be combing through tom for more resources! Thanks @AppEducationFox for moderating! #caedchat
A6 also after learning about transportation SS worked in partners to build a boat that would travel using sails. SS then tested their boats out in a pool & recorded the videos on @Seesawhttps://t.co/8rNi9wR4kc#caedchat
We also did a middle school @CAStateParks PORTS project in which we researched and video conferenced with Ranger at Ano Nuevo. Great way to integrate tech and science, The elephant seal are awe inspiring. The virtual filed trip was also cheaper than hiring buses #caedchat
In reply to
@AppEducationFox, @CAStateParks, @CAStateParks