The mission of #TynkerChat: Are we adequately preparing students for an unknown future? Can we, through community and sharing, make this unknown “known?” Let us lift up the conversation about making sure that when our students enter the workforce- they have the skills to thrive.
#TynkerChat will be held every Monday, starting March 13th.
We'll be using the typical Q & A format! Join the conversation! First question in 2 min! This week we're thinking about: #Coding in Every Class! Follow along on our @participate page here:
A1 Yes it absolutely should be. Knowing how to code opens up new doors. It is a skill that can be used no matter what career path a student takes. #tynkerchat
A1: Coding is becoming a skill even journalists these days must understand. What if Math isn't every kids cup of tea? Do they get to opt out there? #TynkerChat@MrsSandzy
That same argument could be used for any subject. What if writing isn't every students favorite or science or math - should they be electives? #tynkerchat
Q4 Final Question for #TynkerChat tonight: Do core subject teachers have to be expert coders for students to apply CS in their class? How do we approach this?
A4 Absolutely not. I use Hour of Code each year to get the topic out. Each year I find that one student who is a genious and then he/she takes over for me. #tynkerchat