#FLedchat is a virtual meeting place using Twitter. Educators across the state of Florida come together on Wednesdays at 8pm EST to discuss the topics of the week.
Chris Stephenson: Director of Academic Technology @StEdsVero Favorite resource right now...Equity Map for iPad - for Socratic seminar and #harknessmethod it’s invaluable #FLedChat
I'm Tammy from Suwannee Middle School in beautiful Suwannee County. Favorite resource? A district that provides us a full day each month for PD and time to collaborate with my team. #FLedChat
Doug for Martin County Schools. Coordinator of Digital Learning. My favorite district resources are our teachers and my Digital Learning Specialists! And @GoogleForEdu of course... #FLEdChat
Chris Stephenson: Director of Academic Technology @StEdsVero Favorite resource right now...Equity Map for iPad - for Socratic seminar and #harknessmethod it’s invaluable #FLedChat
I'm Tammy from Suwannee Middle School in beautiful Suwannee County. Favorite resource? A district that provides us a full day each month for PD and time to collaborate with my team. #FLedChat
Corey, Director of District Partnerships with @BrightBytes coming to you from @StPeteFL & when I was in the classroom last in 2012 @browardschools I loved using @Flocabulary with my 8th grade Social Studies classes to name 1 resource (anything else will be biased, lol) #Fledchat
I am super thankful that District personnel like @jfitzSCSD guards that time for our educators. I truly believe that dedicated PD day each month has made a difference. #FLedChat
A1: Our school coaches are really valuable, we also have resources for MTSS, Brainpop and Imagine Learning for ELL students, and 1:1 iPads or MacBook Airs for all students. #FLedChat
A1: I'm thinking you want to know products for this one. Other than personnel support (which are the best resources), we use @ImagineLearning specifically for our ELLs, but then differentiate our resources for all learners.
A1: There are dedicated educators for the ESE and Gifted Programs at my school. Most schools have at least one staff member working with our ELL program. We also have a program to support our homeless students. My school has a food pantry and a clothes pantry. #FLedChat
A1: Snap and Read has also been a HUGE help to our student who receive ESE or ELL services. @DonJohnstonInc has provided a great resource there. @vogeley_g has been leading the charge on training for us in @MCSDFlorida! #fledchat
A1: We've also got a LOT of dedicated people to help serve the most needy populations in our district, as well as a few parent resource centers in high need areas to help bridge the gap between home and school and provide resources for parents to take and use at home. #FLEdChat
A1: There are dedicated educators for the ESE and Gifted Programs at my school. Most schools have at least one staff member working with our ELL program. We also have a program to support our homeless students. My school has a food pantry and a clothes pantry. #FLedChat
A1: students and faculty have access to two edtech academic coaches, two librarians, academic learning assistance department of three multitude of tutors and a guidance counselor pre-K -12 #FLedChat
A1: There are dedicated educators for the ESE and Gifted Programs at my school. Most schools have at least one staff member working with our ELL program. We also have a program to support our homeless students. My school has a food pantry and a clothes pantry. #FLedChat
A1: There are dedicated educators for the ESE and Gifted Programs at my school. Most schools have at least one staff member working with our ELL program. We also have a program to support our homeless students. My school has a food pantry and a clothes pantry. #FLedChat
A1: students and faculty have access to two edtech academic coaches, two librarians, academic learning assistance department of three multitude of tutors and a guidance counselor pre-K -12 #FLedChat
A2: Some of them. I would gladly sacrifice a few programs to get some more specialists in the classroom to help guide our teachers and students in the learning. #FLEdChat
A2: Some do. I am concerned that there may be students that either just don't know or don't want to admit they need help. Also it is not always easy to self-advocate (at any age). #FLedChat
A2: Our two most utilized resources were put into place only AFTER a huge gap was identified and they were given time to ORGANICALLY grow as their value was seen. Our resources that are 'pushed on' people are never well-received or utilized to their potential. #FLEdChat
A2: Not always! Even today a student asked me to fix their keyboard...the confusion of learning isinvbtech and tech Mai ten was and troubleshooting is still high amongst students! Honestly, if I were to ask them what I do, they would not have a clear answer! 😉 #FLedChat
A2: We recently launched a WiFi HotSpot initiative that 300 high schoolers indicated they needed. Now struggling with getting them out to those in need. Sometimes the stigma attached to free resources causes some families not to take advantage of what is offered. #FLedChat
A2: Our two most utilized resources were put into place only AFTER a huge gap was identified and they were given time to ORGANICALLY grow as their value was seen. Our resources that are 'pushed on' people are never well-received or utilized to their potential. #FLEdChat
A2: on any given day here are lots of students in our library. But it’s because it’s the biggest space on campus and warm / cool...therefore more social than learning. The resource is not used well! #FLedChat
That's definitely a huge hurdle. I would say that almost ALL resources struggle in the first year especially without a well-built program surrounding it before the roll out and with all the stakeholders ready for them (not saying that's what happened for you). #FLEdChat
A2: We recently launched a WiFi HotSpot initiative that 300 high schoolers indicated they needed. Now struggling with getting them out to those in need. Sometimes the stigma attached to free resources causes some families not to take advantage of what is offered. #FLedChat
That's definitely a huge hurdle. I would say that almost ALL resources struggle in the first year especially without a well-built program surrounding it before the roll out and with all the stakeholders ready for them (not saying that's what happened for you). #FLEdChat
A2: We recently launched a WiFi HotSpot initiative that 300 high schoolers indicated they needed. Now struggling with getting them out to those in need. Sometimes the stigma attached to free resources causes some families not to take advantage of what is offered. #FLedChat
A2: Our two most utilized resources were put into place only AFTER a huge gap was identified and they were given time to ORGANICALLY grow as their value was seen. Our resources that are 'pushed on' people are never well-received or utilized to their potential. #FLEdChat
A3: I think part of it is communication. Students are notorious about having to hear the important stuff multiple time in multiple ways. Also, finding students to advocate resources would also help. #FLedChat
I could definitely see 3 years being reasonable. We are in year 3 of our HS 1:1 and are finally seeing high adoption rates by students and integration into curriculum by the teachers. Huge shift in teaching and learning. #FLEdChat
A3) definitely by not telling them they have to use it or how much money it cost the district, that is not going to move the needle they have to see value and a return on their investment of their time #fledchat
A2. Yes, our students do take advantage of the resources provided by @WeAreUnionSTEM. Fortunately, we also have a strong sense of community involvement and pay it forward as much as possible. #FLedChat
That sounds great. Maybe we can get @IMS_BeTheOne on board, they are our middle school IB program. A trifecta of collaborative learning and making? #FLEdChat
In reply to
@geographywee, @CraftBot3D, @ibmyp, @stanforddschool, @Clouisek, @IMS_BeTheOne
A3: it’s all about relationships! I could email them till the cows come home...still not going to work! Being in the library, visible, knowing names, going to games and in the halls and classrooms are the legwork of getting them to use me as a resource! #FLedChat
A3: it’s all about relationships! I could email them till the cows come home...still not going to work! Being in the library, visible, knowing names, going to games and in the halls and classrooms are the legwork of getting them to use me as a resource! #FLedChat
I agree. Pigeon holing resources sometimes means they sit on the shelf when other populations could use them is a side effect of our educational bureaucracy nationwide. #FLedChat
It's all the same... I think 3 years is what it takes to get used to any new resources, software, hardware, or actual new positions, etc. They're all resources and there's a lag for it all. I wrote a blog post a WHILE ago on this. https://t.co/iVYs3I3RLW#FLEdChat
I also think it would help if there were a central location for resources to be listed. I don't know all that IT provides, or all the services for our students. Not always easy to determine what is available. #FLedChat
I also think it would help if there were a central location for resources to be listed. I don't know all that IT provides, or all the services for our students. Not always easy to determine what is available. #FLedChat
A3. If it is resources like extra academic help, please make it as interactive and fun as you can. Not more workbook test prep stuff! If it’s other resources, just make it available—and make sure their families know. #fledchat
A4: I think any resource that helps build and maintain communication and positive learning relationships between teachers and students are ideal here. @ClassLink and @GoogleForEdu have been game changers for this relationship, less of a focus on getting to the tool! #FLEdChat
Yup, @caseyswift87 identified and shared a ton of those today to prep people for the UnPlugged Hour of Code! She's one of our absolute rock star media mavens!
Yup, @caseyswift87 identified and shared a ton of those today to prep people for the UnPlugged Hour of Code! She's one of our absolute rock star media mavens!
Yup, @caseyswift87 identified and shared a ton of those today to prep people for the UnPlugged Hour of Code! She's one of our absolute rock star media mavens!
A4. We have great resources in our teachers at school! That being said, we have district people that step in and help. And, I am really happy to note, quite a few of our teachers are active or are becoming active on Twitter and getting resources here. #fledchat
A5. I think the biggest thing that gets in the way is time. There is so much good stuff out there. Teachers can quickly become overwhelmed with it all. #fledchat
A6: okay, last one- I'll play... obviously mandate it through legislation and policies... everyone buys in to those items that are forced upon them with little or no voice and no time to implement! #FLEdChat#sorrynotsorry
Q6: I think giving teachers more choice...like a $100 a year stipend towards a subscription of their choice, rather than @Nearpod for everyone (Sorry @Nearpod...I would choose you though). #FLedChat
A6. Model, offer to assist or co-teach if at all possible, or maybe share what you or your students have done with the resource. Sometimes an idea is all it takes. #fledchat
Q6: I think giving teachers more choice...like a $100 a year stipend towards a subscription of their choice, rather than @Nearpod for everyone (Sorry @Nearpod...I would choose you though). #FLedChat
Q6: something has to give...when we add we have to weed out the redundancies! That’s not really popular and not a way to win friends easily! But can’t just keep adding! Something has to give! #FLedChat
A6b: Encouraging partnerships and mentor-ships. When educators have someone to learn with, we tend to learn better. (Just like our students). #FLedChat
Q6: something has to give...when we add we have to weed out the redundancies! That’s not really popular and not a way to win friends easily! But can’t just keep adding! Something has to give! #FLedChat
Q6: something has to give...when we add we have to weed out the redundancies! That’s not really popular and not a way to win friends easily! But can’t just keep adding! Something has to give! #FLedChat